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File: 86 KB, 800x450, german nuclear autism reactor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10626648 No.10626648 [Reply] [Original]

Is nuclear fusion as a method of producing electricity ever gonna be a thing?

>> No.10626692

yes eventually

>> No.10626694

It already is anon, skunk works are just keeping it quiet until they can get it working in jet fighters, at that point they will announce it as "an early working prototype" for mains scale power.

>> No.10626714

high technology research will collapse due to climate apocalypse long before we get it working and deployed

>> No.10626783


>> No.10626793

nah... the techno-cornucopia infinite growth Consumers need something to believe in - an excuse for their Earth destroying activities.

So they essentially have to believe in shit like this as some sort of fucked up religion to rationalize their gluttony.

>> No.10626799

Not soon because "wah Nuclear bad". How do we fix the nuclear pr problem is the real question.

>> No.10626805
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easy, advertise it with something cool like pic related.

>> No.10626815

This keeps me up at night. All the easily exploitable resources are gone, were already backsliding on tech, first it's nuclear, then other things will be lost, once the ecological collapse ramps all the way up starvation and war will cause nations to eliminate one another over dwindling resources, once the dust settles it will be physically impossible to bootstrap back to a modern economy with the energy levels needed to produce technology higher than what we had in the late 1800s, and we will slowly starve... Good night anons

>> No.10626820

stop being so defeatistic, future's bleak, but it's worth a try to prevent it somehow, how it's supposed to be done i do not know at all, vegan is good, it's fairly to live on done it for 1 year, using public transport, not flying and such, wont do much in the grand scale of things, but hey at least we tried.

>> No.10626824

nuclear energy is uninteresting for politicians because it's zero return for them
you sign a contract for a nuclear reactor and by the time its built you're out of office
even if projects like ITER actually work as advertised you are looking at decades without any commercial reactors.

>> No.10626839

humanity fucked up. how a supposedly intelligent species could rationalize exponentially increasing consumption of energy for centuries and even to this day with the internet is beyond me.

>> No.10626845

Which one, the heat up or ice age our descendants are gonna experience down the line?

>> No.10626846
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>how a supposedly intelligent species could rationalize exponentially increasing consumption of energy

>> No.10626856

Bro I'm not sure you really comprehend how much fuel is in this planet. Must I point out that this planet had a lot of organic matter before there was life here?

That said, we really should find a superior energy methods. Personally, the energy efficiency ratios on a lot of organic fueled machines are just so bad.

>> No.10626858

its written in english you fucking twat. you know.... the language. can you even read?

>> No.10626861

You can't even put together coherent sentences. You don't get to ask people whether they can read, nigger.

>> No.10626868

You must not be very smart then.

>> No.10626869

Its coherent. I can see how a fucking retard might think otherwise though.

Why are you on this board?

>> No.10626873

It works with the "is beyond me" part that you missed out. Although commas would helped the sentence.

>> No.10626917

his sentence is perfectly clear. control your autism

>> No.10626919

unfortunately we are individually intelligent but collectively stupid. strong evidence for group selection?

>> No.10626928

I won't give up but it's gonna brutal

>> No.10626935

>strong evidence for group selection?
Im not a biologist so I dont really know what that means. I think on average people aren't really strong enough to consider long term stuff carefully and balance their lives so they live for the moment.

>> No.10626943

the group selection thing was a joke
but yes, I agree that individuals aren't great at long-term planning either. intelligence really is the exception rather than the rule, and the motivating force is natural selection

>> No.10626944

but why should I care about the stuff that happens when i‘m dead?

>> No.10626948


>> No.10626952

tRy AgAiN

>> No.10626962


>> No.10626963

It's not coherent. You are shitting with your head and dressing it up as deep thoughts.
There is nothing to rationalize. Since the dawn of fucking time, people were striving to do one thing and one thing only. Make their lives easier. Industrial revolution kicked off an era of unprecedented prosperity and comfort, which spawned billions of faggots like you, who sit inside climate controlled buildings eating and drinking stuff from other continents, that used to cost its fucking weight in gold and now cost basically nothing. They drive and ride and fly to and from anywhere and everywhere, because once upon a time, there was only sunrise, noon, sunset and night, and now there at the very least 1440 minutes, and you better fucking be on time because you're no longer doing it just for yourself or your immediate family. You might be doing it for someone on another continent. And then they come back home and sit behind magic boxes which let them shittalk strangers half the world over and complain about non-issues.
All of that shit needs power. More people need more power. Nearly 8 billion people need a fuckton of power. There. I solved your fucking mystery.
Now proceed to turn off your device, go outside and walk towards the nearest body of trees, so you can be one with nature there, you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.10626969

>the motivating force is natural selection
True. Its all about competition. In order to win over the short term its necessary to completely compromise the long term. It's a bit of a paradox.

>> No.10626975

>to win over the short term
speak of the devil

>> No.10626981

Probably? Last I checked "they" have determined the technology is understood to produce a net gain in power, they just need a bigger reactor to go energy positive, which is what ITER is supposed to be. Once (if) ITER proves that it's just a matter of going bigger and bigger while refining the technology to retain the plasma longer. And then the real hurdle of political adoption begins, which is where it'll fail. The cost of carbon won't be enough to justify the price of fusion reactors.
TL;DR: We will produce net power with fusion soon™ and scale it in the coming decades, but humanity will reject it for being too expensive.

>> No.10626982

Saved to my pasta collection :^)

>> No.10626989

Its like being called a hypocrite for having to eat by some immensely fat bozo who literally ate all of your food.

>> No.10626991

it's already real.

>> No.10626995

And the reason people behave in the same way as bacterial colonies if you zoom far enough out is it's optimal behavior below carrying capacity

>> No.10626996

not a chance

>> No.10627004

The commies completely and totally ruined nuclear power forever when they made one of their reactors literally explode just weeks after the based and glorious USA successfully demonstrated a passively safe reactor. There's no coming back from that. It's really unbelievable just how badly the Soviet Union fucked up, and how they managed to do it right after the US had an amazing breakthough in nuclear safety so as to completely overshadow it and taint nuclear power forever.
> In April 1986, two special tests were performed on the EBR-II, in which the main primary cooling pumps were shut off with the reactor at full power (62.5 megawatts, thermal). By not allowing the normal shutdown systems to interfere, the reactor power dropped to near zero within about 300 seconds. No damage to the fuel or the reactor resulted. The same day, this demonstration was followed by another important test. With the reactor again at full power, flow in the secondary cooling system was stopped. This test caused the temperature to increase, since there was nowhere for the reactor heat to go. As the primary (reactor) cooling system became hotter, the fuel, sodium coolant, and structure expanded, and the reactor shut down. This test showed that it will shut down using inherent features such as thermal expansion, even if the ability to remove heat from the primary cooling system is lost.
>April 1986
>a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 25–26 April 1986
>fuck communism

>> No.10627030

so why not just go with nuclear fission then? it works and it is proven

>> No.10627036

We already do. We reap the benefit of fusion in the sun in solar panels and plants on Earth.

>> No.10627052

Because nuclear is bad anon, haven't you heard? It's gonna kill your children and start a nuclear winter and terrorists can crash planes into the reactors to set off nuclear explosions in your backyard!
>inb4 "people aren't actually that stupid"

>> No.10627056

If the general public even hears that someone even thought of this nuclear anything will be banned forever.

The universe will fall apart.

>> No.10627169

lol, I live very near to this power plant, its fucking weird to see somewhere so local appear on 4chan.
anyway, despite being in the danger zone of any accident that could occur, I never ,ever think about it. I bet the hippies that made this live in central london far away from any power station, but are for some reason terrified of it?

>> No.10627294

>USSR tainted nuclear power forever
>ROSATOM literally owns three quarters of global nuclear power plant construction market today
funny how that works

>> No.10627505
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>> No.10627511
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not if they figure out free laser energy first

>> No.10627553


it probably already is. the military keeps most scientific breakthroughs and technology top secret ever since world war 2 because of the extreme value it presents in war scenarios.

>> No.10627883
File: 191 KB, 600x850, 1545383182459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them of MIT/CFS/SPARC, Kitty Hawk of Fusion.

Want to jump from Less-Then Type 1 to Type 2 civilization in a single century?

>Group of professors and students at MIT design a plus-gain fusion tokamac in their spare time.
>Using High Temperature Superconductors (HTS), the main compression magnets do not require -200 degree coolant to work, and at higher magnetic field strength. Also cheaper and smaller then conventional superconductors.
>Additive-manufactured Inconel blanket contains liquid Lithium, both as a coolant and as a breeder for Tritium (makes its own fuel on site, without outside nuclear fission reactors).
>HTS can bend and fold, allowing the reactor to come apart without destruction for repairs and upkeep (unfolds like a flower, pull out blanket, put in fresh one).
>Original design for Advanced Robust Compact (ARC) reactor showed it could easily give 100x energy gain, but plans are now to build Soon-as-Possible (SPARC) demo unit, small enough to fit in a college lab but still produce 10x gain in single shots
>Already has full funding from the US gov, as well as Bil Gates, even Italian energy giant Eni added $50m.

Demo compression rings to be tested 2019, SPARC online by 2030, ARC plants by 2050. Combine with Thermal Transfer (Malta), Dry Electrode/UltraCap (Tesla), and Solid State batteries, we will have the power to teraform the entire planet a thousand times over. Space colonization and cylinder swarms a centery to follow. GGEZ.


>> No.10627907
File: 67 KB, 960x643, https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Farielcohen%2Ffiles%2F2018%2F08%2FCFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is LockMart's Compact Fusion Reactor a meme?

>> No.10627927

Fucking of course not


>> No.10627934

>imagine being terrified of a perfectly safe nuclear reactor thousands of km away but ignoring the coal powerplant smokestacks and ash mountains on the other side of the hill that are actively poisoning you with airborne particulates and heavy metals

>> No.10627951

Yes it's impossible with modern magnets and materials
Anyone can come up with a theoretically functioning fusion reactor so long as they handwave away every plasma instability problem and shade every magnet in with grey and label it 'future superconductor technology', because then you can use whatthefuckever magnetic flux density makes the thing work and you can ignore the fact that the plasma would just not stay in place.

>> No.10628602

so why does this not have more funding?

>> No.10628727

because I watch Rick and Morty, pseud

>> No.10628739

Dude ITER will have first light and Q>1 (More energy put out than put in) literally in 2025.

This is only 6 years away.

I hate how people act like fusion is just some theoretical power source when we literally finished the engineering and calculations that proof ITER will produce net gain energy and it's already being build right now and finished in 2025.

It would literally break the laws of physics if ITER doesn't produce net gain energy.

By 2035 ITER will produce Q>5 which means 5x the amount of energy it gets put into and this means that the amount of electricy will be higher than power put into it (Only about 20% efficiency).

After 2035 we will build DEMO which is the first commercial Fusion power plant which will have first light in 2050 and is expected to produce Q>50 and thus provide 10x the amount of electricity as the energy put into it. It will produce Q>500 in 2060 and we expect fusion to slowly replace all power sources by then as Q>600 means that the amount of energy fusion generates will be enough to make electricity effectively free.

Currently Hydro power is the cheapest energy with a cost of $40 for 1 MWh

At Q>600 the price of energy generation would be $0.0001 for 1 MWh. (If you exclude R&D and building cost).

Which probably means energy will be like how the internet is right now. You'll get unlimited power usage for just 1 monthly subscription fixed price which will cover the building of the fusion power plant.


One of the downsides is that the EU controls most of the mines for fusion materials as well as most of the Fusion patents. So it's very likely the EU is going to absolutely dominate in this era to the point where economists are already calling the 21st century the "European century/European renaissance "

>> No.10628740
File: 314 KB, 1024x1001, ITER-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10628763

>european century
hasn't every century been european century? why cant it be an south american or asian century someday to change up things a bit?

>> No.10628796

/pol/ here: because they are not white
also fuck the joos

>> No.10628799

nuclear fusion is only 20-30 years away?

>> No.10628809

>all naturally occuring fusion does the containment for free
>instead try to force it by reusing most of your gained energy

It's never going to work, is it?

>> No.10628816

SPARC you dipshits
their magnets are superior in terms of maximum field
shITER and the EU are going to get rekt big time

>> No.10628831


>> No.10628833


>> No.10628870


I distinctly remember the nice lady coming in to tell us all about how bad nuclear power was back in primary school

>when your crusade is so steeped in misinformation and emotion that you resort to attempting to influence 8 year olds as anyone older will pick it to bits

>> No.10628876


When you're in the trough as deep as L-M you don't need to produce actual results to keep the dollars pouring in

>> No.10628885

why wouldn't they just shoot it down?

>> No.10628890

>as well as most of the Fusion patents
oh yes I'm sure China will honour those patents lmao

>> No.10628899

>oh yes I'm sure China will honour those patents lmao

honestly China can go right ahead and steal all of the fusion tech they want, we're all going to choke to death if they keep burning as much fossil fuel as they do

>> No.10628915

Bro, I hope you're right for humanities sake. We NEED fusion if things are going to continue.

>> No.10629116

So it's very likely the EU is going to absolutely dominate in this era to the point where economists are already calling the 21st century the "European century/European renaissance "

Jesus Christ. The Muslims are going to own the energy sources for the coming century too?

>> No.10630044

People with delusions of grandeur and other types of megalomaniacs will always pursue temporarily increasing carrying capacity over happy equilibrium well below carrying capacity. It's just too bad we won't be able to stop them carrying the rest of us over the cliff.

>> No.10630097

This, China needs to replace all the carbon burning shitty plants they have for fusion.

>> No.10630157

they should replace it with quantum fusion

>> No.10630179

>At Q>600 the price of energy generation would be $0.0001 for 1 MWh. (If you exclude R&D and building cost).

What is the most fucked up, funny, or creative thing you can think of doing at otherwise modern tech level with all that (basically) free electricity?

>> No.10630183

As soon as they do something noteworthy, it can be.

>> No.10630185

transitioning humanity into a post scarcity society
it will thoroughly fuck us up in the most creative ways, and I will be laughing the whole time

>> No.10630190

Mine bitcoin.

>> No.10630203

they would now. But back when it was built it could fly low to the ground and the radar of the time couldn't detect it fast enough to shoot it down. the advance in radar tech was listed as one of the primary reasons it was cancelled

>> No.10630206


Not really, no. For most of its history, Europe was a rainy, overpopulated, backwards, tin pot peninsula at the edge of Asia.

>> No.10630216


Making hydrocarbons from directly cramming water and carbon dioxide together back together and don't care about the inefficiency.

>> No.10630314


If you fusion, then you've got an unlimited supply of cheap hydrocarbon fuel and carbon neutral fuel because you make it by just sucking the carbon and water right back out of the atmosphere air.

You've also got cheap fertiliser. The nitrogen we use as our main fertiliser is mostly produced from ammonia produced by the Baber-Bosch process. With cheap electricity you can electrolyze water for its hydrogen and suck nitrogen from the air to produce ammonia.

Ditto for phosphorus, our other main fertiliser, you can get cheaper supplies of it. Phosphorus doesn't occur naturally in dense and easily mined chuncks in many places so it's expensive and scarce. But if you you've got cheap energy, you can seprate it from low-density suppies in a number of energy-expensive but simple methods, even something as low tech as a centrifuge. And that applies to any mineral, even if you ignore that you could mine asteroids economically if you've got fusion.

Recycling of almost anything becomes way cheaper and easier as well. Ditto water. We always have water shortages on a planet whose surface is more water than land because it's all undrinkable salt-water. But with cheap power you can desalinate water cheap enough for agricultural purposes. You can't have a drought because you never run out of water and you've got cheap power to irrigate fields with.

>> No.10630319

Hi, Isaac. I luw you.

>> No.10630330
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You've got cheap, carbon-neutral plastics or polycarbon sheets to make greenhouses, which seriously cut water usage and keep warmer temperatures, but you can also heat them since you have cheap power. So you gain all the deserts and tundras as growing space and more efficient growing space since greenhouses loaded up with warm temps and cheap fertilisers produce orders of magnitude more food than old fashioned pre-industrial farming.

But it doesn't end there. You've probably heard of vertical farming, the notion of growing food in multiple layers. Now this idea, outside of over-hyped popsci articles, normally only calls for a couple of layers because while plants don't use mos the sunlight that hits their area, they don't use so little of it you can stack layers of growth dozen high, and skycrappers are way more expensive per square foot than normal buildings which are vastly more expensive than cheap greenhouses which are more expensive than normal land. But someone inevitably points out you could light your skyscrapper vertical farms, especially with modern super-efficient LEDs. That's true except that the energy needed for that is hugely expensive compared to other routes of getting more calories per energy and effort put in. Of course, if you've got cheap fusion, that's no longer true.

>> No.10630341

what a blessed future

>> No.10630351
File: 29 KB, 480x240, landscape-1478808702-fusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One measly kilogram of the most abundant material in the Universe would keep a person in a luxurious lifestyle for its entire lifespan with room to spare.

>> No.10630355

Do you have an actual transcript of that video or are you typing that shit out word for word?

>> No.10630444

Imagine if the turbine for nuclear fusion heat-electricity convertion does not use water. but FUCKING SUPERCRITICAL CO2. PORTABLE LIMITLESS FUCKING POWERSOURCE

>> No.10630471

Server rooms will be filled with searing hot 200W TDP cpus with massive refrigeration units.

Say goodbye to "high-efficiency" anything. We're going back to incandescents.

Perpetual climate control. Air conditioning will no longer have a toggle switch, only a temperature selection dial. Everyone will drive with their windows down without fear of reducing mpg.

Travel will become very cheap. Tesla/panasonic will be operating several hundred gigafactory camps around the world to supply all the batteries needed.

Some eccentric people may very well live in perpetually moving house-cars that only slow down to help delivery drones made AI-coordinated package swaps.

Same with flight - we'll have airships fueled by automated battery exchanges delivered by drones.

Eventually, we'll make it efficient to perform maintenance during operation, and future aircraft will not have any landing gear, only a handful escape lifedrones, much like the ships of old.

>> No.10630606
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>> No.10630714

Electricity will never be free, it will just generate enormous profit for the few companies who own the reactors

>> No.10630721

Only if they succeed in keeping people from building their own reactors. Which would become harder over time unless we fully transition to orwellian or brave new world tier societies first.

>> No.10630726

I don't think profit matters anymore when you have the closest we can to almost unlimited source of power

>> No.10630760

I would only buy that if we didn't already have the biggest hardest boner possible for capitalism

>> No.10630794

The left wing will shut this technology down like they did regular nuclear power. Nice to dream though, but if the left doesn't have muh climate change, they have nothing.

>> No.10630866
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What is this left wing you speak of and how did they manage to shut down nuclear power when there is like 60 nuclear reactors being built at this very moment?

>> No.10630927

Iter will not begin dt experiments until 2035 at the earliest, ur post is absurdly optimistic and i say that as a very pronuke person.

>> No.10630952
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>in 2060 and we expect fusion to slowly replace all power sources by then as Q>600 means that the amount of energy fusion generates will be enough to make electricity effectively free.
>even if you manage to survive this long, you will be a fucking geriatric
this makes me legit sad, but still happy for the next generation

>> No.10631401
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Fusion power sounds like the stuff of state-owned monopolies given how enormous any of fusion reactors is going to be.

>> No.10631456

excellent and creative answer

>> No.10631476
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Heat management, rather than energy production, is the real cap of a civilisation running on fusion economy.

>> No.10631504

>people aren't really strong enough to consider long term
I think this has to do with the nature of democracy and not people

>> No.10631626

It's kinda when the first genuine electricity experiments were being done in ~1790. They already knew about the potential the technology had but it still needed lots of testing and a good power source (wasn't reached until industrial revolution). So most of those people never saw the true electric revolution.

Fusion is like that. Most scientists for Fusion were between 1930-1960 and most of what we've done since then is computer simulations and optimizing the designs.

Also there is a chance that due to climate change and other factors such as Fusion impressing the world between 2025-2035 that it'll get significantly more funding by the global community to fast track its development.

>> No.10631673

It genuinely makes me angry, literally everything about it checks out and it's going to cost a fraction of the ITER clusterfuck abortion.

>> No.10631676

>Fusion will make electricity free






>> No.10631684

How long before we desalinate the entire ocean, couple hundred years? Wouldn't it be interesting if the ocean was drinkable everywhere? Forests ringing every landmass?

>> No.10631687

>Desalinating the entire ocean
>Kill the entire saltwater ecosystem

Kill yourself instead

>> No.10631689

Fuck salted organisms.

>> No.10631692

>still not getting how superconductors work
>still not getting how to super compress matter till it breaks up into electrons and quarks for energy
fucking monkies

>> No.10631694

Fuck you

>> No.10631695

If you had an entire planet to build would you choose the main water body to be salty if you had a choice?
Animals would probably adapt anyway.

>> No.10631706
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From pros for pros

>> No.10631716

Animals would not fucking adapt, you can't take billions of years of saltwater evolution and just handwave it away it a few generations, are you retarded? Obviously freshwater would be ideal if you were starting from a dead rock like Mars or whatever but that is just not the fucking case.

>> No.10631725

based truthposter

>> No.10631726

t. seething salty sea critter

>> No.10631728

Calm down, lad, its only some fish. Ocean desalination must be a real problem though right? Are countries like China or India going to put the salt back or use it else where because it can be used to make money rather than maintaining a balance in the ocean?

>> No.10631735

i think something nuclear will dominate after the wind and solar phase that seems reasonable to me as a peasant

>> No.10632130

The cost to produce electricity at Q more than 500 pales in comparison to the raw energy it produce, it'll be almost be like bottled water, or on the most extreme like air.

>> No.10632239

There were murmurs that Lockheed's reactor was related to the USAF LRS-B project as a means for powering flying directed energy weapons and such.

>> No.10632256

>Commercial fusion in 2060

Just like in SimCity 2000!

>> No.10632287


>> No.10632431

Unlikely. Investment costs are prohibitive, neccessitating long service life to break even. This means higher risk as is requires certains assumptions regarding demand and energy price to hold true for decades. Less and less investors are willing to do that.
In contrast to that renewables are cheap due to small size, have marginal costs close to zero and break even within a few years or even months. This means in the long run they will beat any other energy source.

>> No.10632439

you’re fucking retarded

>> No.10632519

You think way too small.

Build huge underground farms. All conditions for plant growth are optimized (100% organic, no pesticides, no herbicides), soil is continuously monitored and enriched.

Take ALL the energy use mankind has divide by 3 and that is the size of the Fusion plants you build, build 10 of them. That is the FIRST generation super fusion plants, each generation is 100 times the power of the previous generation.

Mankind has the power to build city in the oceans on on them. Antarctica is open for growth.

With basically unlimited environmentally safe power even the poorest person in this economy will live better than the richest person alive today.

>> No.10632522

>With basically unlimited environmentally safe power even the poorest person in this economy will live better than the richest person alive today.

that is the truth. and the truth is feared.

>> No.10632541

feel free to contribute to the discussion or to leave /sci/ if you don't

>> No.10632546

Unlimited water from high energy requirements to run salt water desalination plants.
We can begin trying to reverse climate change by performing reactions to trap CO2 back into a solid form and depositing it somewhere.
We can remove all wind power plants to allow the environment to have continuous natural air currents again.
We can focus more onto high energy electronics and even theoretically build an even larger particle accelerator that actually would fucking end this planet instead of the dumb may-mays coming from the LHC.

>> No.10632557

nuclear fusion isn't like "the law of conservation of mass-energy" or some shit. there's nothing saying we can't do it.

the issue is that it requires us to create temperatures far hotter than the surface of the sun (which we can already do), but in a ***controlled*** fashion (which we can't do).

eventually it should be possible

>> No.10632558

Finally a fucking anon that isnt retarded. You know just as well as I that heat is what will destroy this planet. If we lose all of our ice caps (thermodynamic batteries if you well) then we are fucked when it comes to ever solving the issue of heat. Wed have to place perfect reflectors as an artificial arctic to deflect heat from the sun to keep the earth cooling itself enough.

>> No.10632578

>even the poorest person in this economy will live better than the richest person alive today.
kek, and they'll still bitch about it because the richer have cooler stuff. as ever

>> No.10632600

I'm old enough to remember when people made fun of internet becoming free once the price of data dropped low enough.

Now almost everyone expects internet to be unlimited.

>> No.10632647

>thinking intellectual property is gonna do fuck all in preventing people from using it

>> No.10632653


>> No.10632666
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These are the countries participating in ITER.

>> No.10632668

No but it means the EU will get commissions from every fusion power plant.

>> No.10632679

that's practically everyone, but why in the world aren't australia and canada there? i can understand norway being out, since they have their oil which covers their energy needs

>> No.10632695

It's pretty much countries with large economies + EU.
Australia and Canada have tons of fossil fuels and both are probably more backwards than USA when it comes to energy production.

>> No.10632706

that is a good point

>> No.10632819

Its called a great filter for a reason, eventually another intelligent species will succeed after we joined the other 99,9999999999% of the intelligent species who failed. shit happens

>> No.10632828

no, more horrible still; not the rich, but the talented will have more- because they make it and without any need to sell what they make they will retain their own toys. a new class of artists and musicians, writers and directors will become the new 1%, and there will be no mitigation, no claim at unfairness from the 99% of untalented drones. it will be terrifying.

>> No.10632843

Even if we got fusion in 50 years, the political/economic climate would be hell from the effects of climate change and biodiversity collapse. (agricultural collapse)

>> No.10632851

>we're going to starve!!
>countries will turn on each other!!
>the end, the end, the end is nigh!!

this is the closest in the thread to a proper reply
1) we're not running out of anything anytime soon. anyone who tries to tell you different is looking to scam you by making an emotional argument to take advantage of a high-stakes emotional state.
1b) just because we wont run out doesn't mean we should rest on our laurels; nor are we. we endlessly search for cheaper and more effective energy sources
2) our intellectual capital is far higher than the supplies of concrete resources, and will never run out, only expand. it's actually a function of basic mathematics
you're as dumb as bricks. we start our algorithm at the beginning. a couple hundred thousand humans. .001% of the population innovates (understated exponentially, but whatever). as we grow our intellectual space (technology) we increase our numbers, working better with our resources and discovering new ones. now we have a couple billion humans. when we have a couple hundred billion, nothing will change, because our .001% will still be expanded equally, and fundamentally any increase in that .001% is exponentially beneficial to the core group.
2b) just because we know mathematically we will be able to invent new ways to exploit our universe doesn't mean we should forget to encourage the .001%

want to know why we haven't run into other intelligent life? it's simple. society expands under the same guidelines as the tech algorithm. to reach space colonization we have to pass certain breakpoints both in technology and socially. once be become a space faring species we will by design have reached a point where we understand that the only fair god is a god who does not interfere. the universe is unfair, and just because you can feed every human being on the planet presently doesn't mean simply handing out food will ever accomplish it. this is a bit complex

>> No.10632871

you have absolutely no right to use the word "exponential". its beyond you.
just shut the fuck up

>> No.10633367

How do you extract the energy without disrupting the reaction? Steam? That's so disappointing even if it is the only realistic solution.