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10623468 No.10623468 [Reply] [Original]

>A student who was found hanged was worried about being kicked off her course after receiving a lower than expected mark, an inquest heard.

>Natasha Abrahart, 20, who was studying physics at the University of Bristol, died on 30 April last year.


>> No.10623501

Free will doesn't exist - Her death was meant to happen.

>> No.10623517

The herd stays strong thanks to the predators killing the weak. The herd stays "sane" thanks to the mentally ill killing themselves. Nothing unusual to see here

>> No.10623519


>> No.10623521

So glad incels kill themselves off.

>> No.10623538

What's the point of committing suicide over a course? Just re-take it or talk with the professor

>> No.10623539

You're right, these exams are racist and misogynistic, they should be easier

>> No.10623598
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Why did she kill herself when she could have been my gf

>> No.10623616

>Just re-take it
retaking a course, in the USA anyway, is basically paying 50k to retake a course lol

>> No.10623632

Here at most it would cost a few hundred.

People have "blinkers on" to use the american term. They just focus in on the fact they might fail and what failure means to them as a person and in the future without being able to look around at solutions and other outcomes. Tbh the course might have just been the final straw amongst many more things.

>> No.10623633

Fpbp. Brainlets will cope

>> No.10623655

But Anon, she killed herself when she realized she could've been your GF.

>> No.10623662
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>He said the day before she died she had sent a text to her boyfriend saying "answer now", but he was asleep.
>After she died, her phone was examined and it was found she had searched the phrase "I wish I was dead" on the internet a week before she died.
The inquest continues.

>> No.10623699

>she had a boyfriend

well ...

>> No.10623716

Anyone who does that was already in big trouble well before, the exam failure is just the latest drop.

>> No.10623732


>> No.10623736

tfw no qt3.14 to 'pls respond' you

>> No.10623784

Why is literally everybody in Bristol killing themselves? It's a nice enough place, although admittedly full of insufferable hippies

>> No.10623787

The entire fucking first world is built around giving women free shit for being women, imagine actually pretending to be a victim

>> No.10623789

i lol'd

>> No.10624276

Fifty years ago she'd be happily married with one child and a second one on the way. Her main sorry would be which brand of instant coffee to serve when the other housewives come by for cake and refreshments.

>> No.10624284

It's cruel to convince the incompetent that their potential is beyond reality.

>> No.10624298
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She died for this post

>> No.10624411

have sex

>> No.10624453

That's for married couples.

>> No.10624454

Imagine how much trauma she has inflicted onto his life because of this

He'll likely never be able to have a normal relationship again

>> No.10624470

Do we need any more proof we live in a white male cishet patriarchy?

>> No.10624485

Fuckin' nerd.

>> No.10624489


>> No.10624549


Hopefully she stripped naked first. We need to make sure young female suicide hangers strip naked first then live stream suicide.

>> No.10624573

it's ok she's ugly

>> No.10624697

You need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.10624708

A reminder to clear your phone's browser history.

>> No.10624710
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have sex

>> No.10624715

Her university would've cost at least £9k debt a year

>> No.10624722

you first

>> No.10624952

Or build up a weird browser history to give some WTF moments to your investigator
Like an abundance of highly specific odd porn, maybe pointing a relation to an even bigger group of images normally not connected with sexuality

>> No.10625017
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Is that an offer?

>> No.10625026

clean my internet history after I die even if you have to hack my shit

>> No.10625231

Depends. Are you a cute girl (male)?

>> No.10625356

The term is "blinders on" and it's not really an American term given horse culture expands outside that country. It's also not really a fitting use of the term because it typically refers to being hyper focused on one thing and having all distractions out of view. It's not really about not noticing other paths available. The situation for suicidal people failing an exam is less an issue of hyper focus and more being hypo-focused such that they see every possible outcome and the overwhelming situation feeling hopeless. If they actually were focused on one path with "blinders on" they would be more able to reason it out and see things being easier to deal with in the moment instead of overthinking thousands of potential outcomes--many of which end badly, but were unlikely.

>> No.10625360

inb4 boyfriend is charged for not responding to a womyn in need

>> No.10625730

>and that boyfriend's name was Immanuel Kant

>> No.10625774

He's gonna live with constant regret over not having prevented someone's death even though he couldn't have done anything at the time. Shit's fucked.

>> No.10625777

Comitting suicide because other person doesnt instantly reply to text or some internet message is what is wrong with people today and it is also a problem that has amd will continue solving itself out

>> No.10625781

She had probably taken out a loan. A loan which would have never been repayed anyway. She could have probably borrowed another 9k easily.

>> No.10625868

>why don't people act completely logical 100% of the time?

>> No.10625874

Lmao dumbass roastie. Shouldve studied nursing or something more befitting of a woman

>> No.10625891

>unironically doing anything for women
No thanks

>> No.10625918

Probably more that she was extremely sheltered and not prepared for real world stress, and it got to her. Probably coupled with parents who want to sweep everything under the rug and not focus on actually raising their kid. I see this kind of thing happen to white girls a lot, daddy protects them, and they have a mental breakdown when they finally realize that life isn't fair.

>> No.10625953
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>school is in the news
>yet another suicide

>> No.10626050

>answer now
rude, glad she's gone

>> No.10626090

A real shame, I hope her family is able to work through it.

One thing stood out for me though:
>Mrs Abrahart told the hearing in Flax Bourton that her daughter was worried about being "kicked off her course" after receiving a lower than expected year-end mark and had begun self-harming.

If my inferences are correct, a 'lower than expected' mark does not mean she failed the class, so why would she be kicked off the course? You'd think that the difference between a B and a C shouldn't matter when considering her continuation of the course, though maybe some Brit here knows more about it?

This combined with >>10625953 makes it feel as though there is something fishy going on there at Bristol.

>> No.10626103

I might be slightly off, but iirc in STEM Bristol you cannot retake classes if you're in your last year. You can only retake at most 50 out of 120 worth of credits in courses a year (usually 10 credits per semester per course, hence 3-4 courses); if you fail the retake for at most 20 credits (2 single semester or 1 two-semester course), you can redo the year, just with those 1-2 courses (you'll pay for of course). If you fail more than 20, you're kicked out. Also you need a 50% average in your 2nd and 3rd year, otherwise you're not allowed to take the final 4th year.

>> No.10626110

Also I believe the 50% required average to do her 4th year might be the case. Usually about 60% is average, and people aim for 70% (equivalent of an "A").

>> No.10626120
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>> No.10626127

I can't answer about Bong universities, but I know at many American ones the program you're in requires you get above a certain grade in a class, otherwise it doesn't count for credit towards your major (often a C or better).

>> No.10626169
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Physics here at Edinburgh
>you can finish Y3 to get a Common Degree
>you have to get >40% overall and not fail more than 40/120 credits in Y3 to get to Y4 honors
>you have to get >50% overall and note fail more than 20/120 credits in Y3 to get to Y4 of integrated masters track
now you're over the hump
> >40% and not fail more than 40/120 for Y4 -> Y5 integrated masters
> >40% and not fail more than 40/120 for Y5 integrated masters graduate

The only real blindside here would be failing 30 credits in Y3 -> Y4 of the integrated masters track. This would be like failing something like a core course like Quantum and an aux. course like research methods in physics.

>> No.10626179
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I forgot to mention the human factor. I hung out with pretty smart people during my undergrad and thought everyone was like them for some time. With less fortitude this could get you down rather than push you to work harder. Combine that with the reality bending effects of depression and some ego destruction not validating youself as a smart gal™ and maybe that's an explanation.

Also Bristol. Burgers can't comprehend the complete soul crushing effect of the dismal gloomy climate here. Why did the British conquer the world? Maybe like superman leaving krypton, the sun gives us superpowers.

>> No.10626237

"blinders on" is absolutely an american term, every other country calls them 'blinkers'.

>> No.10626255

Sane post. Happens to the boys too, but a little less I guess. The craft of parenting has been neglected in the west since the Baby Boomers.

>> No.10626260

Good post.

>> No.10626334

>helping women

>> No.10626403

Is the climate really that depressing? How often is it sunny/rainy/cloudy?

>> No.10626454

I'm not sure a ratio gives a good description. Besides being overcast all the time, in the winter, the sun will set by about 3:30pm which is minimal sunlight hrs if you're going to lectures during the 'day'. Then in summer, it's just bright all the time. My flatmate broke his blinds during summer and ended up getting some weird sleep deprivation.

>> No.10626582

I doubt there's anything fishy there. Suicide is like dominos. One person does it and a bunch more who were close to the edge get the validation that it's an acceptable choice and do it themselves. Or they're trying to join them to make their life have meaning and romanticize it. Kind of the issue with reporting any suicide, you'll always have a copycat outbreak and it's a balancing game between details for the public vs mitigating how many people end up being swayed to follow. It can be extra effective in a university setting because word of mouth carries it regardless, and the constant mental illness awareness forces a talk with the community to "prevent" more, which inadvertently causes more in working to prevent them in the future.

Also, about school. Not sure if this adds much to the discussion, but if your total GPA drops below a certain threshold you can end up being kicked out, or put on probation for a year and if it doesn't pick back up then you're booted out. Around here it's basically a C requirement to graduate. Even if you pass everything, you might not have been doing well enough to move on. It gets even worse if you had grad school aspirations because minimums don't typically get you acceptance and your future suddenly slams shut.

>> No.10626604

Based and respectpilled

>> No.10626983

Ugh I cannot keep track of what happens in Europe, I thought all Europeans had free college?

>> No.10627000

In the UK, if you're from Scotland it's free, if you're from Wales you used to get a grant that covered half until last year they ended it, everyone else pays £9,250 a year.

>> No.10627064

instantly dropped

>> No.10627069

well thats racist

>> No.10627107
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i agree with that, there is a possibility to calculate our past and future.. and there is no randomness in the universe

>> No.10627112

First post enlightened post.

>> No.10627239
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>> No.10627248

Literally never happened

>> No.10627287

I moved in the region a couple years ago and concur.
Also, if you want fishy stuff in unis around Bristol, start looking into what happens at Bath University. Suspicious amount of suicides/depressions lately..

>> No.10627293
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>tfw you may cause a student to kill themselves by marking too harshly

>> No.10627552

I bet she didn't even post nudes first.

>> No.10627567

So when are you putting yourself out of our misery?

>> No.10627630

I had a really shitty time in a Bongistan uni and every few days there'd be an article about a student killing themselves and it always really brought me down temporarily for some reason. Before and after it wouldn't really affect my mood, of course I'd think it unfortunate, but when I was thinking I'd be a headline soon it did feel more personal.

Britain is a shithole vestige of an empire and they're working hard at making life as shitty as possible on this godforsaken island, especially for the young and the poor. It's quite amazing.

>> No.10628542

>had a boyfriend
just a melodramatic roastie who accidentally actually killed herself instead of being a "survivor" and getting attention and sympathy for her failures then

>> No.10628552

That's a bit more horrifying than any other possible explanation.

>> No.10628555
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>> No.10628575
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most likely. Females attempt suicide a lot too, but the fatality rate is extremely low compared to males.

>> No.10628607

> tfw too dumb to suicide
Why is it so hard to kill yourself? What's some EZ and reliable ways?

>> No.10628626

you just dont suicide. Stop it anon, you definitely won't regret living in 5-10 years. It may be more tho but my point stands.

>> No.10628648

Thank you for trying.

>> No.10628744

Hanging is easy, fast (unconsciousness happens in under a minute, the body twitches after but who cares) and reliable if done right (correct rope and strong enough point to hang from that a thrashing body won't break).

Alternatively helium or nitrogen work well, but may require some effort to procure.

>> No.10628777

Roll a frisbee nice and tight, butter it up and shove it all the way down the throat. Guarantee that works 9/11 times.

>> No.10628784


>> No.10628801

have sex

>> No.10628808

>The craft of parenting has been neglected in the west since the Baby Boomers.
I feel like every generation says this about the previous generation. Parenting is fucking hard, I don't think we've ever been that good at it.

>> No.10628811

No sympathy for people that kill themselves over college, sorry. Personal experience has just numbed me to where I can't possibly give a shit if some person, least of all the most supported demographic in the West, offs themselves over school anymore.


>> No.10628814

Assign the grade the student deserves. What they do with that is their choice, and not your responsibility.

>> No.10628881

>unconsciousness happens in under a minute
You're all doing it wrong you drooling retards
You're not supposed to suffocate too death, the force of your body falling a couple meters and getting stopped by the rope is supposed to rip your spinal cord apart and put you out of your misery faster
Of course, you don't want to do that in your flat as you don't have enough vertical space, you'll want a bridge or a tall tree

>> No.10628886

Almost all helium now being sold contains enough oxygen to keep you alive so that you won't an hero with it
If you literally can't handle failing you shouldn't be in academia
No compassion found here

>> No.10628898

>suicidal gril has a bf

why do suicidal boys do not have gfs?

>> No.10628979

Scotland also has taxes up the arse though, so swings and roundabouts

>> No.10628989

Too busy ruining the curve to worry about brainlets

>> No.10629392

those are different things lol

>> No.10629510


>> No.10629530

>1 course is 50k

Didn’t realize college costs 300k a year

>> No.10629535


only the ones where fresh graduates make 300k a year doing anything they like

>> No.10629718
