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10622935 No.10622935 [Reply] [Original]

Do we live during the best or the worst time in history to be on the autistic spectrum?

>> No.10622936
File: 117 KB, 600x531, dees-mandatory-vaccine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both. "Autism" didn't exist 100 years ago.

>> No.10622942

Is this simply due to a lack of late births creating mental defects? Does the modern diet have something to do an increase in autism?

>> No.10622944

yes because this is the best time in history autistic or not for your life

>> No.10622995

Stimulus, good and bad. Mostly its ok I think, people know. If people don't understand sometimes they give you that look because you said something wrong and you have to adjust or sometimes they surround you and scream that you're a nazi, it goes both ways. It depends.

>> No.10623073
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>ywn live to see the Golden Age of slice-of-life anime
Weebs of the future will look back on he 21st century with a mixture of pity and derision.

>> No.10623086
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Best, for now. Eventually however, I assume that after the autists are surmised and accounted for, they will be marked for extermination for mental disorders on The Day of The Rope. That is of course, after they have served their usefulness.

>> No.10623098

>tfw they have to force 300 pound autists to leave their room


>> No.10623103
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>> No.10623104

Women having children later in life does.

>> No.10623118
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>mfw everyone is being nice to you because you were a mistake.
Why is autism? Why is me?

>> No.10623167
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It's alright anon, the NEETS will probably be the first to go, they'll be happier for it. Like a summer camp.

>> No.10623174
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>> No.10623186
File: 14 KB, 225x225, nohope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon... There's nothing we can do.


>> No.10623239
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It's the only time frame when "autistic" has any meaning. The "creepy" dolls strongly indicate that everybody was autistic as recently as during the Victiorian age and most places on Earth except the west still are. There is nothig wrong with autistic people, it's all the others who are ill.

>> No.10623258

>there's nothing wrong with autistic people
>autistic people

>> No.10623261

What the hell do you mean?

>> No.10623265
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No bulli....

>> No.10623274

This and this too >>10623239

All people both are and are not autistic. It's the same as OCD and depression and ADHD. These are just channels the mind can enter. When you put a name on them and focus on them in popular culture/language you incentivize them to come to the fore. When you allow for then to be permissible, ie attach a "victimhood" narrative to them then they're presence is made sacred to such a way, normalized, that there is no reason for someone not to be "autistic."
This is in regards to mid to high functioning artists. Full blown aspergers where the person cant write their own name and smears faces on the wall to express displeasure seems undeniable but I am open to counter argument in certain cases.

>> No.10623281


>> No.10623282

I think it's some kind of virus that makes the non carriers look like zombies to those who carry it, which is an amatinh evolutionary quirk, as those who happen to be resistant get killed by those who are not. I suppose the epidemy of smallpox accidentally pushed people to evolve resistance to the other virus as well, since smallpox is a dsDNA virus (it has the DNA double helix like us) yet, it carries all the machinery for is replication within itself, so it doesn't have to fight its way into the cell core, meaning that the majority of defenses agianst it will fail.

I suppose the first wave came with the black death, which triggered the renaissance and the modern smallpox epidemics which triggered the industrial revolution, as more and more brain dead people got elliminated and only those immune remianed. (smallpox causes hemorrhagic fever in those with no imunity to it whatsoever)

So I suppose we could use it to clean people up. Neurotypical people have no consciousness, so objectively the damage experienced would be minimal.

>> No.10623302
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>Neurotypical people have no consciousness

>> No.10623303

me as the cat

>> No.10623307

does autism even having meaning at this point? i think you guys all mean antisocial, awkward or quirky. autism straight up would imply you'd be unable to type in this thread due to the various bombardments of stimuli.

>> No.10623401

Primarily, the lack of the perception of "creepiness", and the resulting inability to learn not to look or behave creepy yourself, lack of seeing hidden meanings in other random things, ideas of reference and other pseudo-subtext, while retaining the capcacity for logical thought and consciousness.

>> No.10623432

Just a bunch of dorks desperate for any external validation that their lack of agency in life is anyone's fault but their own.

>> No.10623438

Oh yes, and having concern for others and emotions other than as a tool to inluence other people.

>> No.10623444

Neurotypical people usually describe some kind of sense of being disconnected, or separated from the world and the inability to see directly, more like they knwo something is over there, instead fo actually seing the picture of it. I think it comes from the lack of cosciousness and the inability to normally process sensory inputs.

>> No.10623492

Like if they were sort of like artificial NN, whcih can thell you that "a monkey is here", but the conscious perception of what is seen or heard is lacking.

>> No.10623496

Im currently reading an anthropology book based somewhat around the historical mating patterns of humans and the domain of attributes surrounding incentives and attractiveness. Reading your description instantly makes me think that autism is just a natural response to over-population and modern industrial societies elimination of real mortal threat to the individual. Basically, since "society takes care of everything" and no one human has any true crucial value, those social cues that autists cant read seem to simply not be relevant or necessary for survival anymore. It suggests to me that this is just natural selection helping to unburden us from unnecessary psychological burden.

>> No.10623524

autism is a product of mutational load and severe evolutionary mismatch its not an adaptive response to anything at all

>> No.10623547

I don't think that other cultures recognize creepiness the way western people do. Why would it be one of the safest places on Earth where people woud evolve such a rabidly paranoid behavior, and not something like the Congo jungle?

>> No.10623548

Prove it

>> No.10623613

I'm having a hard time following what you are saying in regards to creepiness and paranoia.

Is it that creepy people seem paranoid or that western non-creepy people are paranoid about creepy people? And how does general safety of the society factor in?

"Creepiness" has a wide value spectrum. Things can be innocuously creepy, ie joe Biden putting his face up to another womans face in public, or real life mortal threat creepy like a man standing in front of a doorway when is alone in a room with a woman. One is unconscious and the other deliberate. Creepy is problematic because so much of it is in the eyes of the beholder and is open to interpretation even amongst people of the exact same cultural heritage.

>> No.10623696 [DELETED] 

Dude, that's outright psychosis. There is no reason why you should fear things like that.

>> No.10623743 [DELETED] 

Anybody who perceives this "creepiness" at random moments is paranoid. What you describe is outright psychosis, I think you might be a danger go others if you feel like that.

>> No.10623766

You must not live in America.
Any small gesture a man makes towards a woman is litigated in the media now.

>> No.10623794

I mean, we have anime and video games to distract autists from the real world, but maybe in the past, that obsession could've gone somewhere more productive. Language has gotten less precise and more ironic, which makes it harder for spergs to understand what is being said, and the social media has made everything into a contest to have the most friends.

>> No.10623815

Someone who is just socially awkward is going to have a lot easier time becoming more social than someone who has high functioning autism that has to actually study social cues and unspoken rules and constantly remind themselves to make eye contact.

>> No.10623829

That seems to be the right word for it.
No, it's the majority of people losing the ability to speak. It isn't some incomprehensible, yet conscious choice to speak like that, people can't help it.

>> No.10625497

And the genetic component...?

>> No.10625557

We live in the best time in history period. Being autistic or not makes no difference. Enjoy it.

>> No.10625600
File: 74 KB, 636x497, 1970's awesome flying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1970's were probably the best time, autistic or not

>> No.10627228

The adults of that era were only thinking of the Vietnam War and racial conflicts.
The children of that era remember the Jetsons and the moon landings. So there is a huge disconnect between what happened and the rosy red nostalgia.