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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 347 KB, 859x826, flandre_scarlet_koakuma_patchouli_knowledge_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10622979 No.10622979 [Reply] [Original]

How do we improve the American Education system, /sci/? While their Tertiary education remains top-tier throughout the world, their Primary and Secondary Educations is lackluster. How do we fix it? What are our options?

>> No.10623391

So we don't have a solution to this problem?

>> No.10623418

>sports and physical health are a must. No one gets out of phys ed.
>pass content faster, but review more often in physics and maths. Snowballing is an extremely serious problem, and reviewing is the only solution I can think of.

>> No.10623447

Childern need to start treating School more as a Job/Duty to society.

I feel that most slack off due to a lack of understandment in what "Going to school" really means.

>> No.10623477

>No one gets out of phys ed.

>> No.10623491
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>> No.10623507

Students should be given more choice to take classes they find interesting and have the option to shape talents or interests in school, assignments should be graded on the correct answer with work shown and not specific to only the teacher's method, a focus on tests should be abandoned since it encourages a "pump and dump" approach (problem sets would probably do better, but greatly depends on teacher follow-up and implementation), don't have kids take essentially the same courses for four years in a row, don't dumb down the class to try and guarantee each student passing and instead give tutoring for the kids who are struggling, etc.

There are a lot of things that should be changed.

>> No.10623511

Whites, asians and promising browns go to a different school than other students. Where this is allowed to happen naturally, the curriculum naturally improves to accommodate them.

>> No.10623533

Hey, I've seen this happen before!

>> No.10623597

>sixth grade

>> No.10623602

Your question is flawed
American education is shit at all levels
The only reason tertiary education looks good is because it is hiding behind wealthy research institutes
Education is not equal to Research

>> No.10624425

This will never work.

>> No.10624438

I don't know if I'd call myself a humanist but we'd absolutely benefit from a return to the values of renaissance humanism.
Just imagine if school were dedicated to the trivium, poetry, philosophy, fine art, etc. Mathematics should be taught from the ground up, no more "this just works, maybe you'll learn why later, alright moving on."
School should nurture a young soul, not just generate adequate, medicated, unexamined workers.

>> No.10624499


>> No.10624544

Many high schools in the U.S. place a greater priority on athletics and sports rather than education. We just need to cut out all athletic programs and let the cheerleaders and football players drop out of school

>> No.10624548

>t. butthurt brainlet

>> No.10624554

>Hurr durr this cirriculum so easy, I could do it ezpz, look how smart I am
Half of people in their first year of college calculus have a hard time. Source: basic knowledge.

>> No.10624626
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Cause mass infertility across the globe for next 10 years.

>> No.10624822

Not unless they start early.

>> No.10624881

Unify middle and high school. Mandatory Phys. Ed.

Cut core curriculum down to only the most essential numeracy and literacy. Administer these in the traditional manner by, roughly, age cohort. The aim here is moderately competent citizens - so the two most important outcomes are basic skills in statistics and argument. This will mean sacrificing certain "normal" topics like calculus and shakespere. That's fine because the second half is.

Streamed classes that actually allow kids to fail. Build out more demanding academic offerings from the literacy/numeracy spine separated by subject instead of age cohort. Graduation from courses is based on proof of work and performance with as little or as much time needed per student. Some minimum number of credits must be acquired by the end of the 5 years to qualify for a certificate. It's worth the risk and will make highschool mean something again.

>> No.10625257

This is so retarded, that I can't even.

>> No.10625290

>oh yeah just ask the disabled children to do phys ed

>> No.10625298

>he wants to neglect the disabled instead of helping them stay involved in the capacity to which they are able
>he probably thinks he's left wing
>he probably thinks he's compassionate

You people are vile.

>> No.10625299

ask William James Sidis' dad

>> No.10625333

based answer

>> No.10625341

Eliminate the idea of regular classes, from now on, everything is Honors or AP.
Accelerate the general curriculum for 1 year (now you see PreCalc in 11th and Calc in 12th, for example). The US is the only fucking country where you can graduate from 12th without knowing how to derivate. I'm from a fucking third world country and even though people struggle, they manage to pass.
Find ways to relieve general stress about college application, which now seems to be a public health problem. Basically find a way to make competition not toxic.

The flexible education (choose electives and that shit) is not allowed for regular class people, only for people in magnets or advanced programs. Everyone else is obligated to take a standard program similar to any other country. Something like "if you don't get a 3.0, you won't be able to choose your own classes."

Solved I guess, American education, as bad as it is, produces a lot of geniuses because of the hierarchy it naturally has with the bunch of magnet schools, advanced classes and whatever. The issues are more in root in how the average american seems to be more inept than in every other place on Earth.

>> No.10625351

I'm neither a left winger nor am I making other claims. I'm actually disabled and no amount of physical ed is going to cure my hemiparesis and make me "able". Trust me, I've tried.

>> No.10626118

How about now?

>> No.10626225

Do what the Soviets did. The gifted get their own school. Those that show special interest in certain subjects get their own specialize school that further their education. The rest of them go to play school.

>> No.10626387

Won't that make it worst? And ain't that illegal in the U.S.A?

>> No.10626399

That already exists in the U.S.
Stuyvesant, Exeter, Bronx Science, etc.
And it doesn't work as good as you think it does, at least not in a country with so much competition over the T20.

>> No.10626408

No. We drag gifted students down by putting them in with disruptive and mentally deficient students, and fudge the deficient students grades. We should let the unacademic students drop and and put them in trade schools, most of those kids excel in hands on work. Send the smart kids to more advanced classes. Public schools have a hard-on for sending every student to college, even ones who aren't cut out for it.

>> No.10626942

Believe it or not, I learned about the impossibility of quintics in middle school. I was homeschooled at the time though.

>> No.10627762
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Koakuma kunny

>> No.10627766

Based /jp/ crossboarder.

>> No.10627767

Tear down the system entirely and replace it with something adaptive. We won't need to worry about universities drying up because of the reasons you cited, and the rest of it is just not worth preserving in the first place.

>> No.10627778

Not even China has an education system like this

>> No.10628029

Yeah but this already happens in America. It's just in any metropolitan area (academies/private schools with financial aid) and wealthy/highly educated suburbs, esp. with gifted/talented programs and AP courses.

You are looking at the wrong statistics. The top American primary and secondary school systems are likewise, some of the best in the world. If you compare massachusetts and connecticut to the rest of the world, they rank top 10 in some tests.

>> No.10628936

>We drag gifted students down by putting them in with disruptive and mentally deficient students, and fudge the deficient students grades
This, we need to put an end to this.

>> No.10628944

quintics five years before American history

this is one of the most autistic posts I've ever seen on this site and that's pretty hard to pull off

>> No.10629391

How about you form an argument?

>> No.10629562

>If you compare massachusetts and connecticut to the rest of the world, they rank top 10 in some tests.
So why is the rest of the states so shot then?

>> No.10629761

White Americans perform about as well as Euros
Asian Americans perform about as well as MingLees
Blacks and Hispanics are on the bottom, and they disrupt classes for everyone else, even the smartest. I know a bunch of white kids who are mediocre at anything school related but are enrolled in all AP classes because the regular classes are just babysitting.

This is stupid. The reason US education has been getting easier is to provide dumbasses with high school diplomas. Requiring calculus would make large numbers of students drop out

>> No.10629769

it's going to suck forever until someone somewhere actually cares about education. i say convert the entire education system into an income-sharing agreement that you're allowed to default on by declaring bankruptcy and then watch them fix up themselves.

>> No.10629774

physical education is so terrible that it serves no purpose. Throughout high school I played hockey daily, but my school didnt count anything but gym classes. So I had to take "walking for fitness" and similar bullshit, which was a complete waste of time

A general nutrition course would be much more helpful, but i dont trust our public schools to not fuck it up.

>> No.10629800

America has some of the worst obesity in the world. Once video games take over from sports completely, and football and lacrosse players are no longer cool, then there won’t be a skinny kid in the whole country

>> No.10630894

That's great Britain now.

>> No.10630898

Well, do we NEED to fix it?

>> No.10630904

Not white/asian/jewish/wealthy enough.

>> No.10631120

But wouldn't you argue students benefit from having access to the pioneers of their respective fields? I don't understand why foreigners act like this. They shout from the highest peaks that American education is shit and that their country does it better, yet their parents fund them to come here and get BTFO in class. Sure, they might be good at quickly doing some mental math, but ask them to think about something theoretically or come up with something research worthy and their advisors are snickering about them during department meetings.

>> No.10631126

I wouldn't necessarily say education is lackluster. The problem is inequality. Go to a school in Engelwood (poor neighborhood in Chicago) and then to Walter Payton (Magnet school in Chicago) or to Naperville North. Internationals would be absolutely shocked at how these schools differ in demographics, ECs, and academics. You also have a division of curricula. In the same school, you can have regulars courses, honors courses, and AP/IB. American secondary education is all over the place. The problem won't be fixed until the federal government alone is in charge of education and until there is a standardized set of outcomes.

Until then, you'll have some kids that grow up taking AP Calculus their sophomore year and those taking basic geometry their junior year with a teacher sleeping in the back of class and "do chapter 2 " written on the board.

>> No.10631593
File: 194 KB, 528x668, Common Core Question and Answer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standardized set of outcomes.
They did that already. It failed.

>> No.10631603

>tfw marker and taker are the same person

>> No.10631604

the public education system and its consequences have been a disaster for the American republic

>> No.10631607

desu I was the spawn of new england boarding school world.

the real recipe for a good education is "teachers need to be sufficiently tied into students' social lives that any given school will have a sex scandal about every two decades or so"

(there was the school that I know about that had a DRUG scandal, in which a student found one of the dorm parents flailing about in her bathtub on LSD thinking she was a turtle. usually it's just "teacher fucks student".)

in fact, there was a scandal recently at a school in new england where it turned out a teacher had kissed a student. came out on thursday, teach was off campus by monday.

the kicker? the kiss happened in 1978. a lot of his colleagues were rather disturbed by the unpersoning given everything ELSE that had been going on in the '70s

>> No.10632284

>student found one of the dorm parents flailing about in her bathtub on LSD thinking she was a turtle
Did the student fuck the teacher?

>> No.10632333
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Bet you the person who wrote thlid, is an extreme autismal, the kind that trips over his own words and froths at the mouth and naruto runs places when in a hurry.

>> No.10632357

The second is an issue of convention. While arbitrary, having consistent conventions helps avoid confusion and streamlines symbol communication. If you are told a specific way to do things and ignore it, expect to lose some points. Source, any physics or math text book.

>> No.10632569
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US Physical education needs to go back to what it was in the 1960s. It needs to be part of the curriculum to solve the US obesity epidemic. Its time to get the parents out of the classrooms and have teachers teach according to their own rules, even if it means capital punishment.

The US will turn to the fat fucks of the movie Wall-E if things keep going the way they are.

>> No.10632884

Honestly, just take the libertarian solution and get rid of it entirely. People who can and want to will pay for private education. Others can just be taught by their parents (or really the internet). Compulsory co-education is a new and awkward social development. Most of the great geniuses did not come up in this environment.
>But muh poor people
The idea that school is helping people get out of poverty is ridiculous. In impoverish areas schools function more as de facto jails than education facilities. The kids who make it could easily have done so without the public school system (in fact, they probably would have had a much easier time).

>> No.10633772

Europe is getting more fatter than America.

>> No.10633780

Do we have to?

Smug girl.jpg

>> No.10633792

>tfw tetrachromat
Hell yeah, nigger.

>> No.10634857

>Do we have to?
Yes, we have to. This is a serious issue.

>> No.10634892

>tfw color blind

>> No.10634930

I know I'm days late on this, but what good would this do?
>Hey this fat ass can't run a mile
>oh good, fail him
>Now he's fat and can't get a high school diploma
Yeah, that'll solve our education problem.

>> No.10634933

The Weak perish, while the Strong survive, anon. Simple Darwinism.

>> No.10634936

I just don't think that idea will hold up in today's society. You're completely allowed to hold that belief, but I don't believe most people think you should die simply because you're overweight.

>> No.10634958

Make school fully voluntary, even at the primary level. It will still be publicly funded, but participation will not be mandatory

>inb4 school is important and people don't know any better
Food is more important than school, but we don't force people to eat. At most, we give them food stamps and trust them to figure out the rest. If a kid refuses to eat, we don't have the government force them, we let the parents handle that.

Similarly, we should pay for the education of those who want it, but if a student refuses to go, then that's on their parents. Money is wasted to educate people that don't even want it in the first place. An unwilling student is not a student at all, only a distraction to the actual students (and to their teachers).

>> No.10635103

>11, maybe 12 if I squint at pink.
Ouch, so this is what subhuman feels like. Should I kill myself?

>> No.10635111

The solution to fat people is more about diet and nutrition than the kind of exercise you get in a highschool gym class.
Proper diet alone has a bigger impact.

>> No.10635113

Fat people should die

>> No.10635116

You can teach the fundamentals of calculus to children. There's nothing inherently inaccessible about it.

>> No.10635126

>flailing about in her bathtub on LSD thinking she was a turtle
That's not how LSD works

>> No.10635170

And who decides that.

>> No.10635209

idk, it was some hallucinogen. I got this at like fourth hand

>> No.10635599

No they didn't. Common core wasn't implemented across all states, and many districts continued to either ignore it or half-ass it. The answer is simple. Don't let localities determine educational outcomes and set standards. Even the standards for a teaching licensure vary from state to state.

You also have the issue of culture. We've created a materialistic culture where students are encouraged to express themselves. Students are imbued with the idea that a singular self exists, and thus they have no conception of contextual behavior. The new generation must not be raised with these ideals, even if it means harsh corporal punishment be re-introduced for poor behavior.

>> No.10635887

>American secondary education is all over the place
That's because American secondary students are all over the place. There are high schools where the AVERAGE freshman comes in with a 5th grade reading level (meaning half of them are below that). Why standardize curriculum when there is a wide deviation of student ability? I would argue that there should be more individual tracking of students, rather than lumping them all into the same paths. I would also argue that this kind of tracking is more common in e.g. European countries, not less.

>> No.10636772

Japanese schools are better.

>> No.10636785

kek this is a ruse, right?

>> No.10636787

can't even tell if this is a meme anymore, or sincerely posted by netouyo's over and over.

>> No.10637875

How is That a meme? Japanese schools are bests.

>> No.10637886
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>> No.10638544

How will that help?

>> No.10639453

Privatizing will weed out the dumb from the smart.

>> No.10639474

A brilliant professor is always better than one who can teach well. Learn how researchers actually think; most of your education should be based on primary sources and a critical mind.

>> No.10639933


>> No.10639955

>The only reason tertiary education looks good is because it is hiding behind wealthy research institutes
Nah. The reason tertiary is good in America is exclusively because of the foreign teachers. Wherever there is an american professor, the quality of that school drops dramatically. Everybody else in the world knows that Americans are incredibly retarded, and this shows on every single level of your society. There's no amount of education that would fix fundamentally stupid genes and culture.

>> No.10640389


>> No.10640708


paint.net says its 12

>> No.10640715
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>> No.10640719

A big problem in many states is that Black majority schools are funding blackholes. Black students do poorly, throw money at them because racism is making them do poorly, oh look that didn't change anything because racism so we need to throw money at them, oh look...

It's a stopgap measure that doesn't actually fix anything and just tries to stop them from getting worse. It's also never going to happen because the people running the show have either drunk enough of their own koolaid that they are legitimately blind to the problems Black Americans face or they're intelligent enough to know that
>intellectual segregation
is code for
>I want to take Blacks out of schools so you can't have power over my kids
which they damn well don't want.

>> No.10640880

Racist anon

>> No.10642114

How is he racist?

>> No.10642734

What would be the point? Nothing matters in the end.

>> No.10642764

Doesn't California have shit education.

>> No.10642868

Stop making schools that look feel and act like state prisons

>> No.10642903

I was thinking about this as well, the problem is that it requires truly good teachers. I think the most common reason a student will ever dislike a subject is because they had a poor teacher, and if they average or above intelligence, will only have a poor understanding of the subject because of their teacher.

>> No.10642928
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You retards all forget that it does not matter what type of curriculum the state says should be taught when it's being taught by actual retards.

None of this fixes the old saying,
>if you can't do, teach

I was taught PEMDAS, in elementary school and the teacher insisted that yes, you do * before / and + before - regardless of the position.

I had a high school math teacher who also said that was true and graded accordingly. (this was pre-internet days)

All your talk about teaching psychics this way or reading Euclid in class falls out the window when you realize that the people who will be teaching this are not smart enough to cut it in the fast food industry..

>> No.10643690

Christ how horrifying.

>> No.10644545

It's the ,as norm, anon. Get used to it.

>> No.10644558

Have you read Foucault by chance?

>> No.10644582

what state are you from?

>> No.10645096

Does it matter?

>> No.10646148

How will that help?

>> No.10646348
File: 137 KB, 750x563, 560966539dd7cc1b008bd9d1-750-563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're dying out and that's a good thing

>> No.10647358

How horrifying.

>> No.10647364

>Childern need to start treating School more as a Job/Duty to society.
Should we pay the children then?
If we reduce the military budget, I think it would kinda be feasible.

>> No.10648041


>> No.10648185

>If we reduce the military budget
That will never happen.

>> No.10648731

came here for this

post the /mg/ curriculum too lmao

>> No.10649932

>post the /mg/ curriculum too lmao

>> No.10649941

>draws an array wrong
>gets marked wrong
whats the issue?

>> No.10649974

>How do we improve the American Education system, /sci/?

If we're talking about better test marks China and South Korea already solved it. It's called having kids stay in school for longer preferably 10-12 hrs. The longer kids stay in school learning the better they do on classwork, homework and testing.

If we're talking overall "quality" then custom education for each child is the answer.

The problem is Americans are too much of cowards to do longer hours. And Americans (despite the money spend on defense) are too cheap to do custom education.

>> No.10650468

Why sound custom education be better.

>> No.10650769

ah lol pink

>> No.10650774

paint.net is dichromat :P

>> No.10650782

Because brainlet parents who don't even know what an array is nevermind it's importance complained about it.

>> No.10650785

>Real Analysis in 11th grade

>> No.10650848

This is probably doable only in Singapore.
But it might stress the kids unless they're persuaded enough to enjoy mathematics as one enjoys music and films.

>> No.10651027


Because no kid is the same and custom education tailors to each kid's strengths and weaknesses. Providing teaching methods that benefits their needs and thought processes without impeding on other children. The need to conform to one generalized curriculum would be discarded and teachers would actually be able to research and apply various methods to teach "individuals" not a student body.

It's the obvious answer to a system that depends on a mostly generalized single threaded education system due to budget constraints/ property taxes. It's the obvious answer to a system with people in this very thread talking about dumping or segregating kids because they be can't be bothered with helping everyone out. It's the obvious answer to addressing quality of life for the student because it's concerned with the individual's desires and abilities. Not pushing them to one solution goals like college but putting all possiblities on the table without insulting their taste or intelligence.

People might say that the "real world" we don't have the money for such a proposal but I will remind them that said "real world" has countries and citizens who have already gone into trillions of dollars worth of debt over war, bailouts and various loans. What harm is there in at least trying?

>> No.10651036

Rich people corrupt the system and turn it into a pay-to-play, because they know that will get their kid the best chances.
You cannot really fix this problem as long as you have lots of rich people in your country, desu.

The closest you can come to solving it is having free state universities, but you only get in after tough entrance exams. This is what they do in 3rd world countries and it works. The universities will quickly become prestigious just because the students will all be smart as fuck.

But rich people will oppose this because that means their precious kid will not be able to attend the smart people school.

Ivy Leagues are no good, because essentially they are a way for rich people to poach the smart kids out of the system into their private rich people club. That perpetuates the problem.

>> No.10651730


1. Acknowledge & address overcrowding
2. Make funding schools a priority
3. Address the school-to-prison pipeline#
4. Raise standards for teachers

>> No.10652714

>Raise standards for teachers
No, anything but this.

>> No.10652733

>4. Raise standards for teachers
Nice way of getting destroyed by teacher's unions WHOOPS sorry I forgot you are not supposed to say this haha

Me me big boy

>> No.10652738


Privatise everything and pay parents an 'education benefit' which must be spent on schooling/tutoring/homeschooling for their children. Get rid of the autistic catchment area system, anyone can go to anywhere they like. Good citizens can elect to pay more of their own money for education.

Shitty schools in the inner city will have to clean up their act, because nobody will pay to be beaten up and learn nothing.

Education should be like food and furniture, free from state intervention. Entrepeneurship becomes possible and desirable. If there are no good schools nearby, you can set up an educational facility yourself in officespace and compete.

>> No.10653061

Oy vey goyim you are talking too much sense here. Tone it down or you may just get a knock on the door.

>> No.10653158

This would be doable if we kicked out all the niggers out of america

>> No.10653374

No, don't do that.

>> No.10653376

When's the last time you have actually spoken to a 6th grader?

>> No.10653632

Yes, do that

>> No.10654789

The blacks aren't the problem.

>> No.10655365

I hope you liberals enjoy a Totalitarian China being the preeminent superpower, because a brazilified America certainly won't.

>> No.10655422

>more fatter
Burgers gentlemen

>> No.10655431

It's inevitable if you wanted to stop it you needed to secure power before the civil rights movement. This is our nations future and if you want to compete with china you'd better figure out how to make non whites successful.

>> No.10655567

If China is so bad, tell me about 3 countries which have had Chinese interventions, whether they be political, economical and military.

>> No.10655833

Soon the Chinese will overtake them.

>> No.10655859

the US and Canada
Chinese are funding the left social terrorists and chapotraphouse and some canadian forums.
Used deep data analysis and found matching signatures with Chinese bots.

>> No.10655873

all of their neighbors.

>> No.10656198

>Let me ass-pull the latest in /pol/praganda
>While ignoring decades of research showing the benefits of desegrated communities in racial minorities
Fragile snowflake whitemale syndrome I see.

>> No.10657071


>> No.10657679

I didn't say China was technologically weak/irrelevent, I'm saying they're totalitarian. The implication being that the west that liberals presently control is going to be outmatched far worse than if the west was making the right moves, rather than immolating itself on the diversity cult pyre.

>> No.10658134

So every single high school student graduates with a BS in math and computer science?

>> No.10658219

Elaborate. Saying “just do it over again” isn’t specific or contributive.

>> No.10658233

Strong troll image.

>> No.10658240

So a significant portion of society will be illiterate and functionally retarded? You know people just won’t go. I think you underestimate how many shitty parents there are. What will the uneducated contribute? If you say “well idk they have to figure it out”, that’s not a practical solution.

>> No.10658328

>graph of races
>white people are brown
>black people are beige

>> No.10658335

>It's called having kids stay in school for longer preferably 10-12 hrs
No, they need to start later so kids can actually sleep properly.

Custom education is the future, though. Then you can actually have "no child left behind" without punishing the students who want to go ahead. IIRC, there was a trial of it somewhere in NY, but the cost was in the way.

>> No.10658351

grades 1-5 are used as a base line. home work is not required and does not affect grade. from there ab students go to 1 of 3 different tiers of schools. alpha a only beta ab and any one that is b only goes to omega. every one else goes to normal public schools. your kid isnt smart enough to go to the nice schools which may have class rooms as small as 10 students some years

come highschool students who cannot go to a accelerated school are given classes like how to work at customer support and what not to do as a trash man (fun fact its do not fuck up some ones mail box yea dont do that shit). things like english and math do not exist in the new standard public schools for highschool. mandatory to gradutae from normal public schools would be how to fill out your taxes and how people jew you with low introductory interest rates that sky rocket after the grace period

>> No.10658411

Custom education is the last.

>> No.10658726

>Requiring calculus would make large numbers of students drop out
Why is that bad? The whole problem is too many people get h.s degrees so the only way the business fields have now to filter 10,000 apps is to look for college degrees. If there were less college degrees they would have to hire h.s. Grads again and train on the job like they used it.
One nice thing about japanese schools is the teachers have salryed training hours, and they do things like cross train with other teachers during that time like "hey I found this example of this math problem this way works really well" but I am pretty sure the biggest difference is cultural and parents aren’t about to get mad at the teachers if thier dumbshits fail from slacking off.
This is true. Ivy leagues are mostly for rich kids, maybe 92% come from either high schools too expensive for everyone else to afford or legacy admissions and the like, people who think we do not have a class system in America are blind.
Custom education is basically how the elites are taught, and were taught for 1000s of years. Tudors can drill down to the exact part you are stuck on or realize what part of the fundamentals you forgot from 2 years ago. Also elites that go to schools with 12 students per class come pretty close to this, enough time for real individual attention. There is a huge difference between ~12 students and ~20 students you might not understand unless you have experienced it. And of course I went to high school with fucking 41 students in a class, which was no better than watching YouTube leatures.
This ignores a lot of your brain does not turn on till about 6th grade. It has been shown you can teach almost all of 1st-5th grade math in one year becuase that is the year you can grasp it intuitively instead of by rote.

>> No.10658885

>Half of people in their first year of college calculus have a hard time.
Yet there are many 10 year olds in the world today that can easily outcompete 99% if not 100% of that calculus class. Children are far greater learners than adults are. The only children who have difficulty with American curriculum either have trouble paying attention or just don't care about education.

>> No.10658887

Anyway, find time to teach your children yourself. Don't leave them in the hands of teachers you don't know, most of which are garbage or mediocre at best.

>> No.10658889

Lol Idgaf about american education. There worse it is it's better for me so I can take your jobs and cuck you easily as a foreigner

>> No.10660069

>average means half is above/ below
Check out the Anon with a 5th grade education.

>> No.10660089

'We' don't do anything. 'We' doing it together is what caused the problem in the first place. Allowing systems to collapse is a purely rational action.

>> No.10660411

It’s only bad in nigger neighborhoods and redneck states. So who cares?

>> No.10660795

I care.

>> No.10661015

This is the purest autism on /sci/ right now.
Kek, brainlets commiting suicide en masse.

>> No.10661532

>Allowing systems to collapse is a purely rational action.
Think of the consequences.

>> No.10661562

Are a lot of your decisions based on fear of change and the unknown?

>> No.10662279

Tell me, after the system collapses then what?

>> No.10663074

Chaos is a ladder, anon.

>> No.10663737

The fuck are you talking about.

>> No.10664739

Game of thrones.

>> No.10664805

school is not designed to teach you anything. it's literally just busy work for retards.

i am taking honors classes and i am doing math above my grade level. you would not believe how many times i have had to use scissors and glue throughout my time in high school. it genuinely feels like i'm in classes for mentally disabled retards, but these are the classes for the smart kids. i can only imagine how awful other classes must be.

they should just teach you, give you a test, move on. none of this stupid shit.

>> No.10665263

What school you go too?

>> No.10666031

We can't.

>> No.10666087

epic and based

>> No.10667794


>> No.10668048
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Then why are you still here ?

>> No.10668452

Or laugh at you, autists.

>> No.10669771

>school is not designed to teach you anything. it's literally just busy work for retards

>> No.10669871

just workout your good side

>> No.10669971

Yeah because if anything is wrong with North American education, it's that we don't value jocks enough, right? Fuck off with your sportsball dude.

>> No.10669993

>just teach everyone a math degree
No thanks, autismo.

>> No.10670022

I think that the earlier grades need to do better at providing a baseline of reading, arithmetic, writing, and build good character in the kids. A shorter school day with extra curriculars like sports and the arts on offer would also be a good way to get people to diversify early and build good habits to make the population more healthy and cultured.

Middle school needs to really hammer down the fundamentals for the weaker students and allow students to test into a more fluid curriculum.

High school needs to be split into paired schools. The lower high school would focus on trade skills, behavior, and refreshing the fundamentals. It would be much shorter so kids have time to go to work. There should be a biannual test one can take to promote to the upper high school.

The upper high school would be accessed by an application with a resume and a test. It would function a lot like college with fluid class choice, and would have reduced loads available to talented athletes and artists. Unlike college I believe it should still have graded homework and the like. Work ethic should be enough to earn a diploma IMO. Right now its worthless because you dont even need that.

>> No.10671008

Sounds like a good system.

>> No.10671118
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>> No.10671139

yeah it is called: nOt gOiNg tO pUbLiC sChOoL

even then why even bother going to school?
I stopped going to high school when I was 16 and started going to college that day. They make you take a really easy test to place you math and english, and that's it.

I literally learned nothing in high school, I spent most of my time watching anime and jerking off to hentai, while spending maybe a few hours a week studying interesting maths.

American education is the most retarded shit. my advice: get a GED, do head start program, or go to private school. Either way you wont be smart if you dont invest your own time.

Also the college system isn't that good either. I mean this shit is in books I can basically read a text book in a few days and learn more faster since lazy fuck profs like to abridge their shit fest they call lectures.

"yeah so here's an example directly from the textbook, and here is the explanation that was directly from the textbook, do this trivial calculation"

"OH you did a sign error but clearly showed you understand the concept perfectly in your work?? well sorry bud but i'm going to have to fuck you in the ass for that"

>> No.10671142

here's my book it is part of the lesson

and leave an amazon review.

>> No.10671147

american edu system is just doing fine you moron.
why don't you american pighead realise that when you see we chinks and desis so eager to study there?

>> No.10671385

Thats the american tertiary education system though. This thread is about the primary/secondary (K-12) system, which shits out a bunch of useless nigs who aren't even qualified to wageslave at mcdonalds.

>> No.10671392

>just get a GED and go to some shitty community college

>> No.10671472

Shorten high school by two years, have civics classes, offer vocational training.

>> No.10671533
File: 42 KB, 515x348, Paul_Erdos_with_Terence_Tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send the excess PhD graduates around the country to conduct "master classes" with above-average students and give them olympiad/putnam training. USA superpower by 2035

>> No.10671655

Isolation chambers. It's ethically ambiguous and expensive, but it is a natural way to shut off distraction. If you were locked in isolation with nothing but a textbook every day, three hours per day until you mastered the material, you would do it.

>> No.10671671
File: 56 KB, 474x460, Clownpiece V-V (Honk Honk).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fine hehehe


> Paul_Erdos_with_Terence_Tao
>PhD to teach above-average students. USA superpower by 2035
Based & Math pilled

>> No.10671675
File: 67 KB, 666x463, RemiliaMath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD to teach above-average students.
>Superpower by 2035
Based & Math pilled

>> No.10671681

what if im in Canada? I dropped out, planning to get my ged. There are no community colleges here

>> No.10671785

Get rid of lazy teachers who assign stuff like crossword puzzles or copying notes verbatim from a powerpoint. Get rid of mandatory art, phys ed, home ec, and standardized testing prep classes. Make tests where the person who knows the subject matter well does better than the person who looked at a study guide for 3 hours (as in don't allow kids who didn't read a book in over 4 years to get near perfect scores in a literature course)

>> No.10672890

>Isolation chambers. It's ethically ambiguous and expensive, but it is a natural way to shut off distraction. If you were locked in isolation with nothing but a textbook every day, three hours per day until you mastered the material, you would do it.
No they wouldn't

>> No.10673113

Here in Toronto there are a number of adult high schools where you can get your high school diploma. They are at an accelerated pace so you can go through the whole high school curriculum in about a year or two depending on how many courses you need and how many classes you want to take at a time. There's also ILC which is a distance school where you basically get some PDFs to read and some assignments to do. When you finish the coursework the final exam takes place at the ILC facility. Finally, you can enroll in night school courses but the downside is that there will be annoying 16 year old shits there. Ontario universities look at these grades like any other so you can apply wherever you want to study with them.

>> No.10673138

Your school must be shit if that qualifies for a BS in math or computer science

>> No.10673335

No, strengthen teacher's union

>> No.10673897

God no. Anything but that.

>> No.10673920


>> No.10673925

Make all the surplus PhDs teach in schools. It's insane that there's passionate PhDs working minimum wage because they can't find a job in an university.

This both starts employing the otherwise wasted PhDs and lifts the standards for teachers.
And on that issue: Fund schools equally and make teaching a competitive, high-paid career.

>> No.10675185

Sound like a start, anon.

>> No.10675496

Nice idea but most of those PhDs might want to teach in a community college instead before the implementation of those higher standards for high school teachers. Given how easy it is for someone with a PhD to have tenure in less than 5 years in those colleges and have at least 70k starting than just 58k as a teacher.

>> No.10676122

The correct answer is make enough money to hire tutors.

>> No.10676686

Technical colleges are better.

>> No.10677761
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>mfw went to naperville north but was too busy thinking about killing myself to take AP classes
>Getting my bs in three weeks summa cum laude anyway
>mfw it’s biology

>> No.10678769

How sad.

>> No.10679259

Mexico did that and it went awful.

>> No.10680400

Tell them not to be retarded. There you go

>> No.10681527

How will that help?

>> No.10681737

Decouple the retarded system of schools being funded through local taxes, and make it state or federal level. This will create uproar among NIMBYs but it will be worth it.

It's insane that the areas that need money the least are swimming in money for horse sports while the areas that need it the most can't even afford to pay teachers.

>> No.10681802

>It's insane that the areas that need money the least are swimming in money for horse sports while the areas that need it the most can't even afford to pay teachers
Inner-city schools are horrid.

>> No.10682902

Blame democrats.

>> No.10682970

learn to code, bitch

>> No.10682979

capital or corporal

>> No.10682980

the first problem I think is cultural where success in school isn't what most teenagers perceive as success. look at east Asia for example, their school and grades are hugely tied to their sense of self and social status and the results are clear.
secondly tutors need to be available not only for the dumb kids but also for the smart kids who have trouble paying attention.
lastly as was mentioned schools need to be funded by the state government so there isn't such a huge difference in the poor areas.

>> No.10684326

>lastly as was mentioned schools need to be funded by the state government so there isn't such a huge difference in the poor areas.
Sorry, anon. But I don't want socialism.

>> No.10684416
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The primary point of school is economic.
It is designed to be a baby sitting program so both parents can work full time, doubling the work force (vs one parent working). Any other consideration is secondary in our system.
The new generation of ruling classes comes from private high schools that cost $30,000 or more a year to attend.
Public high schools in the United States are under immense pressure to keep ALL students till they are at least 18 to fulfill the primary goal stated above. This means violent students are intermixed with normals in the halls, draining resources on security and stressing everyone else out because you might have to walk by everyday someone who beat someone to a plup on a lunch table two years ago. Only the most continuously violent get sent to "continuation school" which is just a separate highschool for violents, which also costs tons of money that could be spend on other students.
The dumb students are given alternative b.s. math classes for credit such as "business math" to keep them in school till they are 18 and get them a degree.
The smart students in public highschool are trained to be the next generation of servants. They are taught just enough to know how to file taxes, and maybe fill out lab reports and use a x-ray machine (but not how to build the machine).

>> No.10684691

>implying knowing how to build the machine is not absolute servant tier
you engineering mongrels are hilarious

>> No.10685090

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the American HS educational system. Of course, it sucks for brainlets, but who cares about brainlets, anyway? The only problem with it is that selection in higher education lacks isonomy, but no way anyone can fix that in today's political climate.

>> No.10686416

By build I was implying design, not sure if that is what you were getting at, or if you are implying other the noble born who don’t have to work are not servevent, which seems a little off topic. Or only those that deal in apsoluste apstractions are not serving tier which is just stroking

>> No.10686494

Make it fair, which seems impossible for today standards.
I wish good luck to the next generation of kids who would be smarter but would have to give their opportunities to some Ching Chong or Pajeet overstressed soulless drone of Bronx Science High.

>> No.10687100

Students are being taught in a drone function right now if you go back to having people learn family trades or more unused jobs I think it will help people. Sorry for the run on sentence.

>> No.10687150

>from the ground up
It takes YEARS to get shit like that across it’ll ruin so many kids because they won’t get it