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File: 25 KB, 800x800, F9D48615-6EC0-4159-8AF6-2F60CAC4A073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10621134 No.10621134 [Reply] [Original]

What is believed to be the cause of fetishes? I mean, some, like an attraction to pregnant women, seem to fit in fairly well to the biological drive to reproduce. But what about fetishes like bondage, which doesn’t fit in with that, and some seem completely opposed, like an attraction to robot girls. How does it even work? What causes fetishes to develop?

>> No.10621146
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people struggle for varying degrees of freedom.
bondage eliminates that freedom.
as an attempt at control, they sexualize the fear they cannot eliminate.

>> No.10621150
File: 176 KB, 780x800, 694f3a8800d9ca7221b28767cb07c272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most weird shit im into comes from early(ish) childhood

>> No.10621159

It's a feeling of longing. I've realized some of the things I'm into come from experiences I had in my formative years. In high school weights I was surrounded by pretty sports girls with ponytails sweating and chatting over female stuff. Now I get boners at the gym and can fap to Galko-chan's anime even during the non-lewd parts.

>> No.10621163

I'm a misogynist and I just like degrading women. That may be the source of sadism and all that kind of stuff.

>> No.10621172

>I'm a misogynist and I just like degrading women
Why do you think that is (just in your personal case)? Why did this develop in you?

>> No.10621180

Mental illness, in some mild form usually. It's not in getting some form of satisfaction from something weird or taboo, which can happen to anyone, it's the behaviour and thinking that follows. Where a mentally healthy person would go "huh, that excited me for some reason, anyways back to reality" the illness in some becomes addicted to that rush? or set of feelings and obsess over and "fetishize" the fetish in some cases. I believe this applies to anything sexual (traps, gay, feet, bdsm, interracial, cheating, grown men wearing diapers etc etc forever) but also to non-sexual trends and tendencies like the ASMR craze, stoner culture, girls calling guys "daddy", even the insane amount of oversharing about sexual identity and preferences in public settings are a form of this (eg: a gay person who acts normal vs a flamboyant gay who makes their entire identity essentially an extension of this fetish for all the world to see)

it's pretty common sense imo, yet if you say it in public you would be called a bigot or something. The brain is complicated and I don't get why some of the same people who fight for mental health awareness only add to the stigma by trying to deny obvious cases of illness. I'm not saying everyone should be "pure" or think a certain way, but to me there is an obvious line between knowing something not natural or logical felt good and moving on, or choosing to repeat a strange behavior or thinking pattern to indulge in those good feelings at the expense of likely having a "normal" thought process about that topic ever again.

>> No.10621185

>everything is a fetish
You're aren't as smart as you think you are

>> No.10621187

I did not say or imply that at all, but ok.

>> No.10621188

>Why do you think that is
I just think women are disgusting beings that should not have any rights. I may not be able to act on this politically but in the bedroom I can slap, smack, spit and piss on them and it's all good. I believe that if I was a middle ages noble my hobby would be to kidnap young women and kill them in my castles.

>Why did this develop in you?
Not completely sure but I think since childhood I've never had respect for women. I observed women for all of my youth and could only see trash. I remember that once when I was 6 I got in trouble for hitting a girl in my class but I didn't know that you were not supposed to hit women and stupid rules like that just make me angrier. Jokes on them because as an adult women will let you beat them much harder than just a little punch from a 6 year old.

>> No.10621222

What's your relationship with your mother like? (Not even memeing)

>> No.10621242

She is a good woman but being a good woman still makes you retarded.

>> No.10621246
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Interdasting. Thanks for sharing in ernest, anon.

>> No.10621336
File: 188 KB, 380x390, Colargol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it is virtually all to do with the early development of the brain. I have a ... slightly odd fetish, I suppose
I am sexually attracted to women who have every part of their bodies covered, except the face and torso, who have also had a masectomy. Its because when I was a kid my parents always made me watch this french cartoon, Colargal, which had the appearance that reminded me of this. I used to masturbate to the cartoon etc so I guess I absorbed this image in my mind, especially after my mother had breast cancer and lost both tits. It just got into my mind. Its kind of a hard fetish so I usually masturbate to teddy bears that I have attached fake breasts to made from flour, then cut the breasts off and smeared jam on the bear to replicate the surgery

>> No.10621348
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Classically conditioned perversions.
They are not innate.
People can be trained to be aroused at the site of a penny jar.

>> No.10621378

i like spankings and dominatrix

>> No.10621436
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It was the meme that wanted to reproduce using your orgasm.
>What are thoughts?

Adequately explains my own fetish for control and release, seeing as my whole life I've only ever been controlled or 'released'. Time to control myself beyond the hope of release, I'll be my own greatest submissive (Cindy).

>> No.10622779

Who is this?

>> No.10622984

Imagine what the latex wearing teenagers in Ladybug will cause of fetishism.

>> No.10622990

women like bondage because they like being dominated, it is their nature

>> No.10623011

And yet you can't live without women, which means you actually hate yourself.

>> No.10623083


A lot of fetishes work by combining the pleasure of sex with some negative or unexpected stimulus.

For example, in BDSM the pleasure of sex is paired by the dishing out or receiving of aggression and humiliation.

There are other fetishes that pair sex with transgression of social norms. For example, much older or younger partners, cheating/cuckoldry, schoolgirls, stepdaughters, nurses, etc

At its core it is us gaming the brain’s reward and stimulation systems to get more pleasure. The exact same reason we like horror movies and rollercoasters.

It is not a sign of mental illness or bad character, provided it is practiced in a legal and consensual way.

>> No.10623085

women like bondage because superior males forced them to like it

>> No.10623113

And latex works - how?

>> No.10623119


It works because it stimulates the brain by being something weird and novel.

You don’t see people wearing latex gimp suits in your everyday life.

So the weirdness of it combined with the fun of sex gives an extra kick.

>> No.10623178

Anecdotally I'd believe that it's mostly life experiences, perhaps most strongly formed in one's formative years. I identify bestiality as my core fetish (or sexual orientation, what's the diff anyway), and I came upon it by sheer curiosity. I was sitting in my dad's car and just had a spur of the moment dumb thought... fucking horses. It was weird, but an excitingly novel idea, has anybody seriously tried this beyond the jokes? I went on the internet later on that day and I ended up flustered red like a tomato, but one thing led to another and I slowly ended up discovering things that made my jaw come loose. To this day I'm attracted to human girls, but extremely shy about sex, yet I feel so much more open and free around nonhumans that it's not even comparable. I dream one day to discover a wholesome girl that's into the same thing as me, to form a love quadrangle with her and our pets like a family unit, in some remote shack in the middle of the woods.

>> No.10623226

>to form a love quadrangle with her and our pets like a family unit
You're mentally ill, please don't have children.

>> No.10623245

And the rest of this thread isn't?

>> No.10623268

It's like drug tolerance. They've watched so much porn that basic stuff no longer arouses them. They need something more extreme.

>> No.10623320


The idea of sexual fetishes pre-dates porn. It has been with us since we have records of art and language. It probably was a thing much earlier than that.

Weird sexual fantasies are a universal part of human nature.

The real question is what is and isn’t healthy to act out and practice in real life. I agree with religion that compulsively chasing sexual pleasure is not a recipe for happiness. I think the modern western legal system does a decent job of outlawing the truly amoral and harmful sexual activities.

>> No.10623335 [DELETED] 

I do think there's a big part of it that is from conditioning or impressioning by the environment, a lot more than mainstream science and society seems to be will to admit. A clear indicator of this is all the correlations between homosexuality and pedophilic acts.

>> No.10623347

No it doesn't.

I'm not the guy you replied to and I'm not misogynistic but that's idiotic logic that gays and feminist used to misdirect (you hate gays therefore you are gay!)

>I hate that I have to breath and can't swim under water indefinitely
>I need to breath to survive
>therefore I hate myself
See how dumb that train of thought is, and how there's no actual link between the last two statements.

>> No.10623357

Because there's a an association built between BDSM and latex that makes it a distinctively different culture.

It's like how for some people it's not enough to do drugs or like particular music, they have to embrace hippy or rock or whatever culture.

>> No.10623361

>Weird sexual fantasies
Sure but there's a distinction between a mere fantasy and an actual fetish.

>> No.10623374 [DELETED] 


If that were the case then Islamic countries would have lower rates of people taking an interest in taboo sexual acts.

This is clearly not the case. The top 5 consumers of gay porn are Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Pakistan and India. All these countries have very conservative and religious cultures.

>> No.10623412 [DELETED] 

What if porn consumption doesn't directly correlate with the actual rate of interest in the acts and rather correlates with the collective frustration of their practitioners in their conservative cultures?

>> No.10623413
File: 210 KB, 1920x1080, The Future Awaits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since no one has taken this approach to answering OPs question, I'll say it.

It's biological gambling.

Someone mentioned fetishes predate porn, and essentially art and language. Well, I'd say it's pretty fundamental to life itself and has been for the last 4 billion years or so of it's existence, to experiment.

Look at the diversity of life, not just on the biological scale, but the chemical scale. Atoms and molecules, mixing with each other, finding combinations that work, and many more that don't. And by work, I mean go on to produce chemicals that aid in their own reproduction.

Almost all of the elements on Earth can be found and used in some way or another, in every large organisms like humans, reptiles and fish. Most of what the crust of the Earth is composed of is found in similar quantities, in beings like us. This, balance, between the chemical abundance of the world around us and the chemical abundance within us, is something life has been working on reaching for billions of years. Now there is an abundance of things like silicon, iron and oxygen, found on and within the earth that life is working with and as human beings take up a larger and larger proportion of the biomass on the surface, I think it only logical to expect some of it to 'experiment' with the rest.

It's kind of like the way people find use for industrial waste, like sawdust from a lumbermill, or the byproducts of refining crude oil, which go on to become things like plastic. We are doing, and will continue to do that, in biological ways, whether we mean to or not.

Sexual fetishes might seem more like a subject to approach from a psychological perspective, but at it's roots, psychology is just a product of life, and life a product of chemistry and chemistry is the marriage of material, not just on Earth, but throughout the cosmos.

Which makes me wonder, why have I not seen porn of giant human beings sexually engaging black holes? Humans that eat world and blow loads into dead stars?

>> No.10623416 [DELETED] 

>The top 5 consumers of gay porn are Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Pakistan and India
Citation needed.

>> No.10623433 [DELETED] 

India makes sense considering the country's obsession with buttholes and poo.

>> No.10623442 [DELETED] 



Gay porn searching habits based on google searches.

>> No.10623470 [DELETED] 

Where is this clear correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia?

>> No.10623474 [DELETED] 

pedophilia involves a party that cant consent and will be permanently damaged by the act

>> No.10623479 [DELETED] 


That’s the point. If sexual kinks were the product of a decadent culture then in conservative cultures there shouldn’t be so many fetish practitioners to get frustrated and start browsing for weird porn.

>> No.10623497

This combined with the mainstream ideas in the thread

>> No.10623516 [DELETED] 

Actually I propose that in decadent cultures fewer fetish practitioners browse porn because they can get the real thing relatively easily. That doesn't run against the idea that there are fewer such people in conservative cultures.

>> No.10623985


I think most of my kinks have their origin in early exposure to porn when i was 8-11 from where it steadily grew to include fetishes and weird shit. I was a curious little cunt who just had to see, and who sometimes when encountering weird shit, popped a boner to said content, to which during puberty i downright said "fuck it" and began masturbating.

What made me 'tick' might have something to do with my childhood, or not. I really have no clue. All i know is that i developed most of my kinks during my sexual awakening, while browsing porn in the late 90s and early 2000s.

>> No.10624005 [DELETED] 

there is no evidence that non-violent pedophilia is harmful

>> No.10624123

When I was a little baby girl maybe 6/7 my family were watching IT in the next room. I could distinctly hear it and it scared the heck out of me, esp listening to the shower scene. Anyway 15 years later I end up getting tickled by the idea of getting freaky with clowns, I was obsessed with clown porn and brought clown paint and noses and things. It was absolutely retarded. Thankfully now I’ve grown out of this. So I think from my fear of the clown, I had suppressed it somewhere weird in my brain and it popped up a few year later in a sexual way for me to deal with it? Lol

>> No.10624132

>tfw I probably got a foot fetish from watching this as a kid

>> No.10624180
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>out of the millions of kids who see both Willy Wonka movies, some percent of a percent develops a blueberry fetish

What makes the difference?

>> No.10625517

Any other fetishes appeared along the way?

>> No.10625636

Nothing that has particularly stuck, more so just experimenting. Pretty normal now, just like the usual chocking, slapping etc

>> No.10625643

Most people who have weird fetishes don't show it, you only notice the crazies because they are so obvious

>> No.10627041
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Might want to check out pic. related.

>> No.10627100


>> No.10627105

Mulan was the first movie I saw in theaters and it gave me yellow fever + a cross dressing fetish so this checks out.

>> No.10628591 [DELETED] 


>> No.10628598

>Someone mentioned fetishes predate porn, and essentially art and language.
Who? Why? How?

>> No.10629222

In that case Totally Spies should have resulted in droves of fetishists of absolutely all kinds.

>> No.10629264

Checked and confirmpilled

>> No.10629564

>Totally Spies should have resulted in droves of fetishists of absolutely all kinds
You say this like it isn't true

>> No.10629591

See that's where you're wrong anon haha

>> No.10630061

What's the reason for cuckolding and being into blacked?

>> No.10631073


>> No.10631086


onions's by-products on the bloodstream

>> No.10631092

would be even she was your pet tho

>> No.10631498


>> No.10631546

I would be down if it didn’t involve the animals, I’d probably get jealous of the dog.

>> No.10631597

ASMR is just a tingly feeling you get from certain sounds and patterns of speech, but I get that a lot of people are just into it for gf simulation

>> No.10631606

Latex is just skin tight shiny clothing, of course it's attractive. The tightness also reveals the properties of flesh by showing how it reacts to forces, which is like a form of signalling.

>> No.10631629

can you describe yourself physically?

>> No.10631717

I've amazon/mini gts/femdom fetish, i think it's because when i was like 4-5 i had a fight with a girl 2 years older than me and almost 30% taller than me, barely touched her breast, she broke my nose kek.

But i'm still developing fetishes now at older age, the strongest ones are definitely the childhood ones tho.

>> No.10631738
File: 422 KB, 494x497, 103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctr + F "imprinting"
>0 results
Incel nerds know NOTHING of sexology, quelle surprise.

>> No.10631804

>I would be down with your fetish if it didn't involve the fetish
What did she mean by this

>> No.10631847
File: 48 KB, 387x420, 1346484437082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a crazy fetish, I like fucking women and that's it. You guys are mental.

>> No.10631871

Normies get out

>> No.10631969

Oh man Mulan is so fucking weird but I love that movie.

That part where Mulan kicks the dude (I forget his name) in the face and he looks up at Mulan with bedroom eyes. Fuck bro you still think she's a dude, you can't be in love with her yet you faggot

>> No.10631970

>I don't have a crazy fetish
>I like fucking women
Pick one

>> No.10633121

I would say all fetishes are innately programmed inside, just something has to trigger it

>> No.10633153

Why do people fetishize race?

>> No.10633767

Most likely a varying combination of biologically innate behaviour and environmental conditioning. Some being determined more by biological factors and others more by environmental factors.

A fetish for large breasts is a result of biological reproductive instinct preferring bigger breasts as they are an indicator of fertility. I'd even question if this counts as a fetish.

A foot fetish is likely a result of societal conditioning. Some people are aroused by seeing a persons foot in the same way they are aroused by seeing a persons breast because society conditioned us to wear clothes so we rarely see these exposed body parts.

Some BDSM such as spanking/strangling actually increases the pleasure felt during sex, so I think that's fairly self explanatory.

Some of them are probably mental health issues too - deriving pleasure from somebody stomping on your ball-sack with high heels is just bizarre.

>> No.10633781

>deriving pleasure from somebody stomping on your ball-sack with high heels is just bizarre.

go back to /pol/ you bigot antisemite

>> No.10633866

If being sexually aroused by causing yourself severe bodily harm is not considered a mental health issue, what would you say it is?

>> No.10633871

it was a joke dweeb
i also implied that jews are into that sort of thing
im a bad boy

>> No.10633888

A good night

>> No.10634213

Then that would bring up the question of whether or not fetishes are genetic, and also therefore inheritable.
A strange thought, no?

>> No.10634218 [DELETED] 

I just want a cute girl to stomp on my balls until they turn to mush.

>> No.10634336


I've had a bondage fetish since I was a kid, well before puberty and well before I had the kind of internet access that allowed me to watch any porn at all. Explain that one for me.

>> No.10634344 [DELETED] 

Bondage is a pretty tame fetish.

>> No.10634349

only idiots think you learn fetishes from your childhood. they're always turned on by it hence they look more into it

>> No.10634350
File: 61 KB, 960x720, ohh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw those inspector gadget where penny was caught

>> No.10634365

cucks get their kids in and human sexuality is incredibly diverse. just needs a survival bias and something like bondage would spread like wildfire given the right circumstance

>> No.10634384

look up fetishes in google scholar, there's lots of source material with varying theories on how this stuff works.

My theory is that our primitive brain has a vague notion pre-programmed in of what is attractive and the brain releases dopamine during pre-pubescence to condition the body into being sexually aroused by specific stimuli when it sees it. In most cases generally it does the job and doesn't fuck-up, but in some circumstances this neurochemical response may misfire and you may for a moment notice something that is not conventionally attractive as attractive in that circumstance. Your body will responde again when it sees that stimulus again, and this will compound until the minor urge you had for that stimulus becomes a major deviant attraction and thus a fetish. This is parly supported by the fact that normal functioning adults have sucessfully conditioned themselves into enjoying a fetish their partner does, and in other circumstances as successful therapy psychologists have encouraged pavlovian sexual conditioning (wherein you fap to fap material, but associate the nice feeling with something more normal, and then keep doing this until you can enjoy the more normal thing without the original content).

>> No.10634410

Is it really?

>> No.10634416 [DELETED] 

It's like a level above foot fetish.

>> No.10634418 [DELETED] 

It's like one level above foot fetish.

>> No.10634456


Not the way I enjoy it

>> No.10634471 [DELETED] 

If you're just talking about bondage, then yes it's very tame. Maybe you're thinking of bondage combined with something else?

>> No.10636128
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Someone has systematised this.. I never knew there were so many of them.

>> No.10636254
File: 136 KB, 1768x896, DkEcObdU0AEjjwQ.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my experience if anyone wants to psychoanalyze me. I'm a chubby chaser, but I especially like fat bellies. I've liked chubby/fat girls going as far back as preschool, I don't remember any "cartoon" or anything which got me into it then.

If I had to say WHY I like it, I think it stems from a couple factors. First off, they're big and squishy and soft and warm, they can practically be used as pillows, I imagine they feel great to cuddle with. A second reason is gluttony: it turns me on to think of a girl who eats a lot. I don't know why this is, but I just feel that way. Oddly enough, I have a general disdain for hedonism but if it's a girl going crazy with course after course on Thanksgiving, that gets me going. Again, I don't know why, it doesn't seem to be as "natural" as the first reason insofar as it is not a physical trait which appears as such a priori. People metabolize food differently depending on genetics from our current biological understanding, some people can eat constantly and remain skinny and others seem to put on weight as soon as they take a bite of cake. But anyway, a heavier physique is essentially a physical manifestation of gluttony: as one consumes more (especially without exercising), they gain weight in the form of fat.

This is just my experience, I don't claim to speak for anyone else, just my own feelings.

>> No.10636963

This is so incredibly specific. But weird unique ones like this are interesting to me

>> No.10637039
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>> No.10637044

>tfw conditioned by just having sex to start liking being put into terrifying, vulnerable, and uncomfortable positions

>> No.10637049 [DELETED] 

that's bold claims. do you have anything scientifical to back it up?

>> No.10637050 [DELETED] 

>Defending pedophiles

>> No.10637057

I think my fetish for lactation probably came from me being a sickly person and constantly reading about the "breast being best" I must have internalized this commentary as a panacea in my mind.

Girls sexuality seems to be set by whatever their first boyfriend liked.

>> No.10637174
File: 95 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>werewolves with link to macrophilia
this chart is pretty elaborate

>> No.10637176

>sometimes combined
improve your reading comprehension anon

>> No.10637178

that is what I meant though!

>> No.10637211

oh sorry, i might be retarded from the straigt liquor i just drank.

>> No.10638417

Agreed. Too bad it says nothing about causes or explain why the desire for danger as >>10637044 mentions. Especially teh latex crowd seems to enjoy "breathplay".

>> No.10639648 [DELETED] 
File: 2.87 MB, 1116x720, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why I fantasize about this? I get depressed just thinking about how I'll never get to experience it.

>> No.10639656 [DELETED] 
File: 2.87 MB, 1116x720, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why I fantasize about this? I get depressed just thinking about how I'll never get to experience it.

>> No.10639688 [DELETED] 
File: 2.87 MB, 1116x720, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why I fantasize about this? I get depressed just thinking about how I'll never get to experience it.

>> No.10639772

Can u never post again

>> No.10639781 [DELETED] 


>> No.10639787

Because I feel intensely uncomfortable looking at that webm and I'd prefer to not feel like that

>> No.10639790 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't let a cute girl stomp your balls?

>> No.10639791

Only if they paid me many millions or an equivalent deal.

>> No.10639798 [DELETED] 

But it's a cute girl. I would let her do anything to me

>> No.10639818

You need to free yourself from the chains of wamen

>> No.10639850 [DELETED] 
File: 2.38 MB, 1280x720, output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a girl to stomp my balls until they turn to mush. It's so depressing.

>> No.10639859

fat girls would be more effective for that

>> No.10639861

When I said girl, cute was implied

>> No.10639868

Source the first/second statements

>> No.10639869

well if having your balls minced into paste is the objective and all.
im jus sayin

>> No.10639883

The objective is to have a cute girl do it.

>> No.10639886

fat girls can be cute too. some people have fat fetish. you should combine the two and ascent to the next level.

>> No.10639887

>fat girls can be cute too

>> No.10640466


>> No.10640860

As someone who has struggled to manage his own submissive/masochistic desires it largely for me comes from the desire to be relieved of the burdensome task of being responsible for the consequences of ones life. It feels easier to be actively oppressed but both desired and not responsible for the decisions I have to make, than to be given a false paradigm of freedom where there are significant rules of engagement but they are obscured from view. It is relieving to come home from my job where I pretend to be in control for appearances but am actually beholden to continuously shifting codes of conduct and fickle and capricious enforcement of it, to a fantasy where I am directly out of control but subjected to direct consequences for clear (if intentionally impossible to follow) rule violations. In comparison to the panopticon that is social/political discourse in 2019, this world of direct submission feels liberating in a way.

>> No.10640876

I like legs. I don't know why. Been like that since puberty.

>> No.10640887
File: 1.43 MB, 1000x1581, Denzel Washington.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw scrolling this thread

>> No.10640892

I for one have a huge fetish for up skirts? And i know exactly where it comes from haha. I went to a catholic middle school , and i vividly remember this one girl literally telling me to look up her skirt as we were sitting in class. So yeah ever since then that's literally one of my biggest fetishes.

Now i have alllottt more due to my current girlfriend.

>> No.10640898

i feel like those wet t-shirt fight scenes in early 2000's action movies gave me a wetlook fetish.

>> No.10641093

Stop posting ashy bimbos. When will redditors learn that black people aren't memes?

>> No.10641448

and I'm supposed to be the degenerate for liking both sexes

>> No.10641987

yes, scientifically proven too

>> No.10642180

Because evolution literally had no idea what the fuck it was doing. Turns out the evolution of intelligence (reactions based not on instinct) gave us the freedom to choose when and why to breed, so evolution (our gene pool) has gone wild trying to figure out how to get us to keep breeding. We ALMOST have our own sort of life cycle almost.

>> No.10642540

Is there a link to a larger version?

>> No.10642730

Not that I know of. It is from 2002 so it was large by the standards of the time.

>> No.10642827

If you think fetishes arise from associations, you are a special kind of stupid.

>> No.10643622

Not him, but how does it arise then.

>> No.10643643

define mental illness

>> No.10643940

One thing I find puzzling, why do some women have fetishes similar to men, like they like girls who cosplay, girls with stocking/pantyhose, Anal sex, footjobs etc

They don't like these fetishes on themselves but other girls who engage in it. Are these women supposed to be lesbians or it is that fetishes aren't constraint to gender?

>> No.10644064

Sexual imprinting.

>> No.10644106

What does it mean if you like fucking girls with their clothes on ?

>> No.10645062

What about a pregnancy fetish?

>> No.10645088

can anyone explain my deeply overwhelming desire to witness women piss and soil themselves in public in front of strangers?

>> No.10645089

Did something similar happen to you in the past?

>> No.10645100

not at all. one day when is was 14 i came across an image on the internet of a woman who had wet her pants and i got hard as a diamond. i've been into that sort of thing ever since. its so bizarre.

>> No.10645181

help me get rid of my interracial cuck fetish /sci/, nofap and noporn doesn't help. Tried both together and seperately.

>> No.10645192

How did it start?

>> No.10645199

always been heavily submissive since my earliest sexual fantasies. I actually started fapping to cuckold scenarios before I'd heard of the term or knew the porn existed. The interracial part is probably some sort of racism. To me cuckolding is like the state of maximum entropy for a submissive.

>> No.10645200

but I want to be normal and dominant like most guys obviously, because this shit is humiliating.

>> No.10645203

I can relate to this desire, though in my case it's not really sexual and I believe more of a habit of dependence caused by helicopter parenting. In sex I have no problem taking the initiative, but I have to be led into it, I can't flirt or express sexual desire for my own dear life.

>> No.10645206

just embrace it bro
you definitely won't regret it at the end of your life if you do

>> No.10645209

>just embrace it bro
>you definitely won't regret it at the end of your life if you do
I can't tell if you're being sincere

>> No.10645210

i mean you can't fight your fetishes but you can fuck yourself by never embracing it
what exactly is there to regret about being a cuck?

>> No.10645211

if anyone finds out you are one you'll be mocked relentlessly and you'll lose all respect.

>> No.10645220

sounds like you go to /pol/ too often m8
nobody cares in the real world

>> No.10645221

I avoid /pol/ now but I'm pretty sure nobody respects a cuck in the real world either. Thanks for trying to reassure me anyway.

>> No.10645362
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girls with accents and long dark hair fucked with my head ever since


more genetic variation from an evolutionary pov.

on a simpler note, it's probably related to the reason some people like eating new foods while others don't. however,

>> No.10645582

Second statement: the Jewish people

>> No.10645641

o kurwa

>> No.10645678
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> Why did this develop in you?
Because anon is gay

>> No.10645686
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>She is a good woman but being a good woman still makes you retarded.

>> No.10645697
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>to form a love quadrangle with her and our pets like a family unit
>in some remote shack in the middle of the woods.
What the fuck

>> No.10645705

>im a bad boy
And pretty retarded.

>> No.10645725
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this is amazing.
I would love it be a little bit more detailed with more fetishes shit like muscle girls is popular today and I wonder how it would connect to the rest.

>> No.10646233

I can vividly remember the moment of imprinting at the age of 6 when I acquired a fixation on bondage

>> No.10647652

Gross pic.

>> No.10648756

What was it?

>> No.10649261


Early experiences & personality.

>> No.10650191

my mom had problems to give me milk, so obviously I developed a primordial taste for boobs and good nipples

>> No.10650959


>> No.10651866


>> No.10651910
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>explaining fetishes with evol psyche bs

>> No.10653132

Poor puppy...

>> No.10653575


>> No.10654680


>> No.10655273

We played Indians when we kidnapped and tied this girl to a tree. Her laughing was a huge positive reinforcement and I loved how she really couldn't get away

>> No.10656058


>> No.10657138


>> No.10657178

Porn can play huge role and make already existing minor fetishes way more extreme
for example you have a gentle femdom fetish, after watching years of femdom porn it gets boring and you look for more taboo stuff until you end up watching extreme stuff like knife play and toilet play

>> No.10657261

>notable high ratio of female fetishists
my online dating life has begun.

>> No.10657382

Yes. I feel like it's textbook imprinting

>> No.10657843

My attraction to vore exists since childhood (and from threads on /d/ seems to be the case for a lot of people with this fetish)
My futa fetish started when I was blackmailed into having sex with a guy

>> No.10657885

Humans naturally covet things they cannot have. I would think that fetishes are bits of the things the person having the fetish is unable to obtain. a lot of what i'm saying comes from Occam's razor.

>> No.10658005

Remove that lest sentence and you'll sound more intelligent. As that last sentence leads me to believe that was your goal. Maybe I'm wrong.
I like that idea tho, I've been thinking about that but with daydreaming. Maybe our daydreams are to compensate for something our subconscious feels we lack. Dream about saving the day? Maybe you're seeking to feel more valuable/admired. Stuff like that. Probably sounds obvious but I've only recently connected the dots for whatever reason

>> No.10658012

makes sense, even when i was young i would always get funny feelings when a giant woman shows up.

>> No.10658141

some are pretty obvious.

many women have fetish for black cock because black men have big dicks and can fuck better than other men

>> No.10658400

Is that even a fetish? That's more like religion.

>> No.10658485

Several of those are rather disturbing. You risk your dating life being cut short by strange enactments.

>> No.10658493

as a guy that likes BDSM i got it out of curiosity to see what is so good about beating someone up i was always bullied and thats how i got the question in the first place

>> No.10658589

That hasn't been my experience. I'll admit that I watch a lot of porn (probably too much), but I've never experienced the escalation you're talking about. If I get bored with maledom, I switch to lezdom. If I get bored with lezdom, I switch to predicament bondage.

The intensity doesn't change, only the specifics.

>> No.10659619

Scientifically speaking, I don't think fat girls can be cute. Sorry anon

>> No.10659677

More cute fat girls for me I suppose.

>> No.10660691

To each his own.

>> No.10661859

How would that turn someone into a latex fetishist? Exposure to a rubber band??

>> No.10662420

Plastic toy wrapping
Inflatable swimming wheels
Bubble foil

>> No.10663004

A lot of children are routinely exposed to all three things, and more. So there is more needed to turn someone into a fetishist.

>> No.10663804

Did she develop fetishisms too?

>> No.10663865

Something like a reverse phobia.

>> No.10664450

30% of my fetishes come from browsing /d/
30% from getting bored by regular porn
30% from my ex girlfriend (she led me into domination stuff, and I'm still growing it to this day)
10% from random stuff I experienced growing up

>> No.10665022

>30% of my fetishes come from browsing /d/
>30% from getting bored by regular porn

Do you mind expanding on these?

>> No.10665234

>attraction to pregnant women fits well with biological drive to reproduce

The opposite of that is the case. The reason it's a "fetish" at all is because most people find a pregnant chick, however gorgeous, to be unattractive. Reason being that you cannot impregnate pregnant chicks. Fat girls are unattractive because they look pregnant.

A lot of fetishes are explained by sexual imprinting. Weird ones like jerking off to paperclips are probably mostly due to that. But other ones like feet fetish are playing on nowadays less useful fertility cues.

>> No.10665907

I could use a similar argument and say pregnant women are more attractive because your brain could think it's your child, or, if they're pregnant you know for a fact they're fertile and that should be attractive.
Disclaimer: I'm not into pregnant women

>> No.10666007

I think some fetishes are strategic. E.g. pregnancy, bdsm, cuckolding (this word will be censored I'm sure) can in part be beta male strategies where either you get to sexually associate with an attractive other, even if you don't immediately get to put your dick in her, if at all, it's better than nothing; or rape-y fantasies where you're basically forced to put out.

That's not true for everyone, but for some it might be appealing. It's a seemingly plausible or acceptable scenario in which you get to engage sexually.

>> No.10666372
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I'm a racist in real life but in the bedroom I'm a black dick worshipping sissy

Yeah I know.

>> No.10667838

Why do I like bondage but hate being dominated socially then ? I am a man.

>> No.10667933

What will you life be like in 25 years?

>> No.10669428

What kind of sexual imprinting could cause what fetishes?

>> No.10669437

That embarassing. Like more embarrassing than being a closet faggot.

>> No.10669486

Mental illness is whatever you dislike that isn't normal, and the more you dislike it the mental illnesser it is.

>> No.10669627

We had a science class in middle school. The teacher wanted to demonstrate the effects of atmospheric pressure so he asked for a volunteer to go into a black garbage bag while he vacuumed all of the air out. My crush volunteered to do it, and she was basically vacuum wrapped in front of the class, you could see all of her curves and she had a hard time breathing. I had a latex and bondage fetish from then on

>> No.10670972

Wasn't that dangerous?

>> No.10671143
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Good to know my fetish isn't on here.

>> No.10671935
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>mom coddled me and didn't let my emotions make me stronger, instead let this garbage diaper fetish grow
t-thanks mommy, love you

>> No.10672896
File: 71 KB, 700x1050, 0d05f708f09563bcdcce38ab0204998d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are robot girls counter productive? I don't believe they are. A robot girl never gets tired or moody. It never gets drunk. It never forgets to feed its babies. It never turns down sex from its owner. It's the perfect spouse.

>> No.10673242
File: 409 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20190526-123300_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you explain this girls car tire fetish, she drops the bomb around 6:50 mark https://www.porntrex.com/video/635651/czechcasting-0072-monika definitely not staged the interviewer was shook by the whole thing the pre fuck interview with this chick qas pretty interesting

>> No.10673250

forgot to add that they eventually fufilled her dream and got her one old and one new tire for her to get fucked on, you can see her getting completely aroused by the smell of the new tire

>> No.10673264

Same reason I have a couch fetish. I like the idea of couches making people super comfy and relaxed. I can't sit on one without getting erect as I imagine it working its magic on me.

I probably got this fetish from some old couch commercials I watched as a kid.

>> No.10673313

if i remember, confessions of a mask got it down pretty well, at least in my experience.

>> No.10673351
File: 86 KB, 692x960, 1529194918397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexuality is significantly influenced during our formulative years
>all forms of heterosexual references are being pulled from content aimed at children, to be replaced with homosexual and transgender references.

>> No.10673939

Did you ever fuck a couch?

>> No.10675030

>But what about fetishes like bondage

I'd say there's a physical and a psychological part. Physically, restricting movement and inflicting pain in an aroused state release a lot of adrenaline, thus increasing the euphory. Psychologically, struggling is closely connected with the desire for sexual relief and being denied it. Desire for something is much stronger than the satisfaction we get from the stimulus itself.

Then there's the whole social power dynamic thing, a lot of gender role stuff, a whole life of social conditioning into certain behaviors, etc. that all build up a kind of pressure that can be released in such "games".

>> No.10675207

The real question is why did mental illnesses started to be called fetishes? Considering how low of a percentage they are, and considering how gay people are also an insignificant percent along with tons of those fetishes

>> No.10675235

A sexual disorder isn't a mental illness, just like Parkinson's isn't a mental illness

>> No.10675243

It ironically is his fetish

>> No.10675250

Gay is not a fetish. You just have a pussy fetish.
Sounds pretty dumb doesn't it

>> No.10675271

They're men who got humiliated and turned on by women cheating as a form of cope.
They're gay men who would rather not seem gay so it's alpha to lure men with the wife they aren't fucking, that wouldn't leave them for some reason. They get to see other naked men during sex.

>> No.10675276

If we take the argument, give it the benefit of the doubt, then map it syllogistically, we get something like:
B=breathing, L=life, H=hate.
Some B is H,
All L is B,
Therefore some L is H.
Which is invalid you can double check by drawing it in some Venn diagrams. There isn’t enough information to say that he hates his life even a little bit because of it, let alone hating his life completely.

>> No.10675893

I've read that the incidence of BDSM practice is 80% higher amongst engineers than the general populace. As a BDSM practitioner and an engineer, this makes sense. Designing a system or method of restraint(s) is mentally stimulating, as are the mind games present with BDSM. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that such things were equally common in the STEM community as a whole for the same reasons.

>> No.10676283

/sci/ - Couch fetishes

>> No.10676821

>tfw Robin Hood anthropomorphic disney movie activated my almonds when i was a child.

>> No.10676903

I don't have a bdsm fetish but my wife does and recently I've been having fun messing with her, smacking her and shit, and find it hilarious that she gets off to it.