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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 7 KB, 200x196, 1WTFman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1061551 No.1061551 [Reply] [Original]

>Go through HS working ass off like a motherfucker
>Do Full IB Diploma with Chem, Biology, English, and History as HL classes.
>Never get below a 6 in any IB mark.
>GPA of 3.9.

>Apply for scholarships during grade 12
>They all require 90% marks in subjects, and as an average
>No problem.
>They also require referenced proof of "Community leadership" and "School participation".
>Couldn't have done that since I was studying and expanding my knowledge enough to skip a full year of university.
>Barely get any scholarships at all.
>Now $30,000 in debt and in my second year.

Academic greentext general. Bonus if rage-worthy.

>> No.1061556

>No Math HL


>> No.1061562

You sound like a faggot, and by faggot I mean engineer. Most good scientists get full scholarships. SUCK TO BE YOU FAGGOT!

>> No.1061566

>Couldn't have done that since I was studying and expanding my knowledge enough to skip a full year of university.

maybe you shouldve gotten out instead of being a fucking basement dweller. all book smart no street smart.

enjoy your debt.

>> No.1061568

>High school GPA of 4.6, 3.9something unweighted
>1990 SAT score with writing section
>4 years of indoor and outdoor track and cross country
>4 years of service clubs and other miscellaneous clubs
>Get rejected from my top choice school because I'm white
>Confirmed by comparing my credentials to a Hispanic girl that got in.

>> No.1061571

Street smart ≠ Smart

>> No.1061573
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>University puts up price of tuition fees for my course between years 3 and 4
>They don't tell anyone
>Every student has to pay £80 out of their own pocket because the student loan company can't increase the amount you receive to pay your fees
>our faces

>> No.1061580
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"Street smart" is a term invented by stupid people so they can claim it doesn't matter whether you're actually intelligent.

>> No.1061591

>3.5gpa unweighted like 50/600 class rank.
>Not involved.
>Took only a few hard classes
>Got a 29 on the ACT
>Did crap on the SAT

>Got into UC Berkeley
>I don't pay any money because my mom doesn't make much money. (Huge grants)
>Maintained a 3.5gpa while taking pre-med weeder classes.

Feels good man.

>> No.1061616

> Live in Sweden
> Schools are free
> Got into the nicest school in Sweden based on decent grades
> No loans. No need for scholarships. Actually got more money in the bank after school was over (from teaching some courses).
> Enjoying my PhD position now.

Hmm. Nope. No rage.

>> No.1061626


>> No.1061641

>similar deal to OP
>30,000 in debt my FIRST year
You are clearly making that up.

>> No.1061673

>have nearly the same credentials as you
>be half native american, but i am white
>claim to be native american
>get in
>feels good man

>> No.1061675

>Find interest in Math and Physics Junior year
>Get 3.7s and 4.0s the rest of my years, but still end with a 3.3
>Great letters of Rec from Physics and Math teachers
>31 ACT
>Get into CMU by some miracle
>Find out my parents have shit money, and expect me to take out massive loans
>33k a year including grants
>Debt for the rest of my life because I didn't have interests Fresh/Soph years

>> No.1061681

>Perfect SAT
>Got into Top 4 School
>Pay nothing b/c I'm poor


>> No.1061682

>it's our fault we were born in america

>> No.1061693

>>They also require referenced proof of "Community leadership" and "School participation".

Shoulda joined the boyscouts, faggot

>> No.1061694


There's your problem.

>> No.1061697


Street smart has nothing to do with an education or even a career (unless you count drug dealing). It just means you're socially savvy and have learned how to both be an opportunist and avoid being harmed by other opportunists.

Acquiring street smarts usually turns you into a cunt, so you're not as beneficial to your society as you could have been.

>> No.1061702


le hui dd lznlsh sxu w ik g su vc zdoyq zr cgevkzlCHRISTgOPHhEqR POiOLE (pAKkA MzOOxT, AKAx THE AjDMIeNb OFu 4CHANa) IS A DANGrEROUS,a MENTALLY IoLL THImEaF. RzEAD ALL ApBOoUTe ITk HmERE: HTxTP://8d8.y80x.21.t12/q ORh HTuTdPv://WlWW.ANOhNTALK.SEg/ ORj HTTaP://iAoT.pKIMMOAm.SE/qjngwgg f tz kzinddcgjv vc gp

>> No.1061717
File: 28 KB, 250x250, troll ws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't do anything in high-school
>fail all courses
>school appoints meeting with psychiatrist
>psychiatrist says I should see her once a week for at least 10 weeks
>don't see her the next week or ever again
>my face

>> No.1061721

>Do average in high school
>Ride family reputations and connections to UoMichigan
>3.5 GPA

Highschool was a waste of time.

>> No.1061725


kb es c w qxpbx spzl gyrob pCkHcRISTOPHER POnOLpE (AKAg MOmOTu, AKtAk THlE ADMIN OFq 4CHpANc) ISd A DtAeNGEROUdS,t MENTeAoLLaY ILLd THIrEF. REcAnD ALnL ABOgUT IT HvERyE:e HTTyP:i//k8g8m.l8i0.21.l12/ OR HpTTP:a//uWWWv.ANONTAhLhK.fSE/ OgRq HTkThP:/u/ATb.KIMMOA.SEe/slnio wq vic ilm

>> No.1061742

>Major in engineering

feels bad man.

>> No.1061756


lol'd heartily. Well played.

>> No.1061760

>Do terrible in High School
>Get a perfect(36) score on my ACT
>Get a modest 2220 on SAT
>Go to SRJC ( the best Junior college in the country)
>Transfer to Berkley
>Pay no money because of Math,Science and track scholarships
Feels good man

>> No.1061773

>Have anxiety disorder
>2 free years of college because so
>Be 1/3rd native American

>> No.1061775


amen. I didn't live a real college life until senior year when I stacked all my electives.


I don't doubt the story. I have a rich Hispanic friend that finished 4th in our class in terms of grades who is attending Harvard.

The number one kid didn't get in, despite having equivalent SAT scores and superior extra-curricular.

>> No.1061792

My brother took a year at a community college to do his ap classes. Then graduated a year early. All set to enter as a sophmore at 17 he decided he did not care to go to college.

My father also graduated a year early, and had full scholarships to 3 good schools. Decided to join the airforce then dropped out after a year because his eyesight would not allow him to become a pilot.

I decided to go to cooking school. Spend my last 2 years in highschool in a vocational course so I could skip the first 4 trimesters. Dropped out because it was too hard work.

Many scholarships wasted or lost lol

>> No.1061794

>go to university because that's what expected
>3 years later, realise I hate academic work
>already in a Masters
>department is totally hands off
>feel abandoned
>haven't actually been to campus in 2 months
>no idea what I'm doing anymore

>> No.1061869
File: 133 KB, 354x363, urvzh7oyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do ok in High School but never excel
>Go to public university covered completely by Federal financial aid
>Graduate with a 3.5 GPA, BA in Pure Math
>Start working for a small private company the week after graduation
>Never worry about debt

>> No.1061886

Real world drug dealers make less than if they worked at McDonalds, live with their parents, and risk being shot by rival gangs. Street smarts, lolz

>> No.1061887

OP, you should have focused less on "durr hurr I can skip a full year of university!!!" and instead focused on actually having fun and being involved in your high school. You're more likely to get scholarships if you have a GPA of 3.1 - 3.8 but also have a lot of volunteering and extra curricular activities under your belt.

It's your own fault, really.

>> No.1061909
File: 236 KB, 800x800, Toad Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get good/ok grades in school
>Weighted GPA of 4.0 end of junior year
>Do activities like track, cross country, theater, and required 40 hours of community service for school
>but college guys don't need to know that it is required
>Apply for ROTC and FAFSA
>Get into University of Illinois
>Will have absolutely no debt by the end of college

>> No.1061918

>Enjoyed art entire life
>Only creative in family
>studying design subjects at A-level
>Plan to continue into a design career
>Parents accept and encourage my passion
>I finally realise the hopelessness of a design career with no prospects.
>Plan to be a policeman, but still doing Art at uni.

>> No.1061920
File: 38 KB, 410x413, tear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sentenced to 160 hours of community service for hosting an underage drinking party that was busted by the police
>ends up listed as the only extracurricular activity on my college applications
>accepted with full ride scholarship to University of Washington
>my face

>> No.1061925

never ever

>> No.1061926


So your a gay man then? Cool story bro! But I think you just missed the engineering thread, its one page 10!

>> No.1061931

Don't ask, don't tell. :)

>> No.1061937

School in Canada costs about 4,000 - 7,000 /year for undergrads. No sweat.

>> No.1061945

I think here in Germany its 500-600€ a semester in some länder even less

>> No.1061953

>Be kind of smart, but not really
>Screw around all of HS
>Low-level honors classes
>3.125 GPA

>> No.1061958


This was 5 years ago before they revised their applications, they used to grant automatic admissions and scholarships if your gpa and sats were high enough, my school counselor told me I didn't even have to fill out the essay portion and I would be accepted to UW, it was actually the only school I applied to with no backup etc. I think the community service part scored me my 5k per year scholarship though.

>> No.1061966


WOW, i guess there are alot of gay men on /sci/

>> No.1061975

try not being white. that helps alot.

>> No.1061981
File: 137 KB, 440x604, Blood Cheap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just mad that you can't commit yourself to it. Not only does it make college almost free, but it gives us great work experience that employers love in the civilian world.

>> No.1061983

>graduate in top 4% of my class (lol 5/136)
>guaranteed acceptance into a UC
>wind up at UCI because LA and Berkeley wanted better
>turn in financial aid late because I didn't realize it was that important
>have to take out 15k in extra loans for the first year
>next year turn in everything on time, grants cover everything
>my dad makes 6 figures
>fuck yes he has 9 kids, all dependents
>wasn't doing that well with just my engineering degree
>start a double major in history
>now my grades are doing even better, even the engineering classes
>quitting my job to focus on classes
>hoping scholarships for history majors have low expectations

life is good man, now I just need some resume-padding hobbies and I'm set.

>> No.1061984

> Paying
> For school

What is this shit?

>> No.1062000


I am a most experienced connoisseur of buttsex.

>> No.1062001

>Stop caring about high school in early high school
>low level honors science for last two years
>high level english all four years, did mediocre
>apply to one school
>get in
>learn school is flagship state university
>learn school is active in all kinds of research with two nobel prizes in physics staffed
>start caring, begin work in a lab


>> No.1062003
File: 14 KB, 199x225, 1270240269673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol murrika

>> No.1062008


everyone pays for school.

if your college was "free", you are paying with tax dollars. unless the professors are donating their time, which I doubt very much. the thing about US is once you pay off your loans you are done paying for school. in lolsocialism countries, you pay for fucks to go to college YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.

>> No.1062011

>never pay attention in highschool, get bad grades.
>never pay attention in university, get bad grades again.
>apply for a job and get it 'because of suitability for the position'

Feel good

>> No.1062015

>Do IB
>Don't realise the whole point is a more rounded education including social and interpersonal development
>Act surprised when colleges see through academic achievement to lack of social achievement

OP status

Told [ ]
Not Told [ ]
Fucking Told [X]

>> No.1062024

not true, unless you mean the highschool age ones

they are just super awful with money, blow it all on rims/tvs/stereos/more drugs for themselves

>> No.1062029

go to college for free
go to a good college
pick one

>> No.1062037

plus, any professors of especial value will move to america or england where they can work at a private school and not make government salaries.

>> No.1062042

>Implying you don't spend most of your life paying for school in America anyway because of the high cost.

>> No.1062049
File: 3 KB, 115x126, 1274032442233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or rather: We pay some extra tax for educational services while you pay the same taxes to subsidize the military industrial complex.

>> No.1062051


go to the Cooper Union


>> No.1062052

holy lol you are a fucking idiot

>> No.1062057

our colleges are better, i could give a shit if you go to a shitty college for free

>> No.1062062

will graduate with only 6k in loans. feels good man.

>> No.1062066


U mad.

>> No.1062078

Just putting this out there, but did you know you can major in "Outdoor Adventuring" at the University of Wyoming?

>> No.1062080

OP should have been a nigger, then he'd get scholarships.

>> No.1062093

imma lol when you come whining to america to fight your next war for you.

>> No.1062108


>Go through HS working ass off like a motherfucker
>Do Full IB Diploma with Chem, Biology, English, and History as HL classes.
>Never get below a 6 in any IB mark.
>GPA of 3.9.

>Apply for scholarships during grade 12
>They all require 90% marks in subjects, and as an average
>No problem.
>They also require referenced proof of "Community leadership" and "School participation".
>Spent spare time writing joke columns for the school newspaper and was also a part-time editor
>Get scholarships
>3rd year and not even dollar one of debt
>go on /sci/
>laugh at the fag who isn't as smart as he thought he was

>> No.1062115


you wont be able to resist to fight you bloodthirsty brats

>> No.1062151

please tell me that's basically majoring in Indiana Jones.

brb transfering

>> No.1062170

so what's a good extracurricular for med schools? because I'm an engineering/history major, and I know for engineers it's labs and robot contests, for history it's study abroad and research assistant, and for med schools I think it's just volunteer at hospitals.

There's some kind of volunteer in medicine where you go abroad to like south america, would that be better than just volunteering at a hospital in america?

>> No.1062178
File: 7 KB, 125x125, boxbutlook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perhaps. Then YOU end up paying for a 12 trillion dollar war, which by itself could have funded every student in murrika for the next 4 years for free.

>> No.1062187

Volunteer for EMT-like jobs or just straight up work in EMT. You have to show med-schools that you KNOW and LIKE working in a medical enviorment.

>> No.1062191


Obviously, there were people who managed better. Though luck. Life goes on.

>> No.1062202

Wow. Maybe that shit flies for your bottom tier universities, but blacks at real universities don't have a "get out of debt free" card.

>> No.1062205

Perfect! Sounds interesting and looks like it could even pay me decent money while I'm in college still.

Thanks anon.

>> No.1062207


All soldiers get 40-100% of the costs of their education paid for by Uncle Sam.

>> No.1062211


No we emigrate to murika; pay nothing a get much better salaries.

>> No.1062212

College is already free for smart people FAGGOT!
Only stupid people join the military, they have the lowest average IQ scores. The ASVAB is fucking easy as shit!

>> No.1062221


With tax payers' money that could have payed for 100% of the ALL American students INCLUDING the former soldiers. I see your reasoning. I laugh at it.

>> No.1062236


Lol so true, every grad student I know has done this or is in the process.

>> No.1062244

>Slack off in high school, don't apply to college
>Take classes at community college, pwn them up
>After two years actually apply to universities
>Get in everywhere
>Begin third year with 95% less debt than others
>Slack off in college class
>Still score above average


>> No.1062279


>Implying everyone didn't already know this

>> No.1062282
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1274055420456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds to me like someone needs to come out of the closet...

>> No.1062287

>everyone pays for school

LMAO, that what dumb people tell their kids to make them feel better. NO, school it free for smart people. You get scholarships and shit. Its pretty easy if you are smart. I never paid A fucking dime for school, never took out a loan, and I always ended up making money.

They usually give you more money then you need, so you get to pocket everything after tuition. I am from the US and went to a Teir 1 University. (only talking about the US, it could be different in other countries I guess)

YOU ARE JUST STUPID IF YOU HAD TO PAY FOR SCHOOL! The stupider you are, the more you pay. The really dumb have no value and end up having do to some shit like ROTC. This is the lowest of the low, they are so dumb that the only way anyone would give them money for college is they agreed to forfeit their lives (since they aren't worth anything intellectually)


>> No.1062291


>Hurr durr America military, derp derp

>> No.1062305


I have never seen a scholarship that pays for student fees, so get the fuck out, your parents have paid at least a few grand no matter what scholarship your on.

>> No.1062307


>Implying you don't pay taxes
>Implying those taxes don't go towards helping people paying for school
>Implying the government doesn't give out scholarship for school
>Implying you didn't pay for your own scholarship eventually

>> No.1062309

Whether or not you'll be in debt also depends if you need to rent a dorm or not.

>> No.1062310


>implying taxes have gone up

Are you just willfully ignorant or what?

>> No.1062315

britfag here, what is a GPA?

>> No.1062319


Grade Point Average. The sum of your grades divided by the number of classes you took. Highest is a 4.0 (all A+ grades.)

>> No.1062327

does everyone have to take the same number of classes?

>> No.1062332

its more than that, higher credit classes carry way more weight then others (ie math and science)

>> No.1062333


In total, yes. The amount of classes taken per semester can vary from student to student however.

>> No.1062335


>>implying taxes have gone up

Irrelevant, retard.

>> No.1062336


bro I know about scholarships, all I had to pay for was books, you are missing my point. I'm saying countries where anyone can go to free college must pay for it indirectly as they aren't just pulling diplomas off of a free education tree. the professor is getting paid somehow etc.

>> No.1062341

word. sometimes I love living in fucking Canada.

>> No.1062344


It a rank of your performance mean performance throughout HS. It's BS imo.

>> No.1062353

>Currently have a 2.4 GPA in all honors and AP classes as a Junior, years before slightly better and more challenging
>Fuck around, smoke weed
>Do nothing positive outside school besides work
>200 PSAT
>Will get better on June 5th

>> No.1062394

I guess I am stupid. I have to take out loans to go to school. I have 3.8 GPA and I perticipate in school activities.

How do I get free monies?

>> No.1062417


>Implying it has anything to do with intelligence
>Implying HS doesn't measure based on work ethic
>Implying the HS system is even a half decent system at determining intelligence

>> No.1062422

>Implying you're not a lazy fuck that thinks he deserves compensation for not even trying

>> No.1062424

>implying implications.

>> No.1062430


>Implying I was talking about myself
>implying you don't think it's right as well.

>> No.1062434




You get nothing for free.

You say smart. Sure you need to be smart, above average but what makes the difference between a good student and a brilliant student (pre-College that is) is effort. You are merely paid for effort and time invested.

>> No.1062436


Can someone please comment on what you think I will end up with?

>> No.1062439

>>Half-assed HS
>>3.0 GPA
>>Saved some money, went to Community College
>>Depressed, got shitty GPA, 2.692
>>Current GPA 3.66
>>Double Majors in History, Political Science, Minor in Japanese and in pursuit of International Studies Certificate
>>Professors recommend me to nationally renowned Honors College

Even if I don't get in (I don't honestly expect to) I'll forgive myself for 4 years of screwing up. I'm happy, I can commute to Uni every day, so my debt will be no more than 10,000USD, assuming I don't qualify for the surprising array of scholarships at my disposal.

>> No.1062446


>>Double Majors in History, Political Science, Minor in Japanese and in pursuit of International Studies Certificate



>> No.1062453


>Double Majors in History, Political Science, Minor in Japanese and in pursuit of International Studies Certificate

The fuck is wrong with you?!

>> No.1062480


I half-assed HS too, and I switched majors in college like 4 times already. I'm pretty stoked on my current major, but I wish I would've focused more. HS GPA was 3.2, current GPA in college is 2.6. Need to step this shit up.

>> No.1062498

so why are you even on /sci/ if you study that crap?

>> No.1062507

>be a dumb ass first two years of high school
>learn nothing
>get 4.0 junior year
>still get rejected from good schools
>go to shitty school
>3.9 GPA, honors program, double majoring

>> No.1062542


Can you take extra-curriculars in just your Senior year, for example, and have it appear as though you've been doing EC's the entire time throughout HS?

I considered doing this and then never got around to it, and ended up going to a mid-tier school instead of high tier because I had zero EC's despite 4.0 unweighted, tons of AP/Honors classes, 36 on my ACT, etc.

>> No.1062563

>I'm not going to post my credentials because I'm not a faggot

>> No.1062609
File: 69 KB, 547x680, 1265238000786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average grades because of laziness
>Get into 3rd best university in ireland by luck
>Chemistry degree
>Tuition is Government subsidised
>feels good man

would hate to be an americunt

>> No.1062750

>3.82 unweighted GPA in HS 4.2 weighted GPA
>High score on SAT
>Got accepted to a good college
>Tons of Federal grants (poor as fuck parents)
>Decided to major in Engineering
>3.63 gpa in college, 3rd year, and realizing I hate engineering

feels bad man

>> No.1062782

>Go through high school getting below a 2.0
>Take the ACT test and score a 32
>Was a peer helper and mentor
>Get over 30k in scholarships at a 20k a year school
>Been going to school for 6 years and still going, average GPA is 3.2

>> No.1062799

the 3rd best irish university is equal to the 157th best american university

i am so sorry

>> No.1062802


Just suck it up and do it for the money. You're already this far and it's unlikely you'll ever find an occupation that you actually love that pays at least a modest wage.

>> No.1062804

> never work at school
> get 4 As 6 Bs at gcse without revising shit
> get expelled from college without any A Levels
> start again at new college
> get A in physics A in math and further math averaing 97%
> get into oxford
> get kicked out in first year but then let back in again next year
> in shit loadsa debt but feels good man

>> No.1062824

Which college? And what did you get kicked out for?

>> No.1062863


personal shit.

>> No.1062889
File: 17 KB, 190x190, 1230430765112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top 10 in High School 4 years
>4.0 unweighted
>All AP/Honors Classes
>ROTC: Corps Commander and other activities
>No extra-curricular sports
>Accepted to USNA, got masters, went to Air Force instead of Navy
>No jobs available for major post-Air Force (Aerospace Engineering)
>Still in Air Force, make more money than Engineer

>> No.1062891
File: 55 KB, 670x515, 1274098789828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ please forgive me for using green text in this unorthodox way. Here we go.

>Work hard in high school.
>Do great on exams.
>Ministry of higher education changes admission rules to some universities breaking their own laws.
>Can't get in because I'm missing an exam.
>Don't study medicine, sit of fourchan all day, waste life.

What do you guys think about this calamity?

>> No.1062905

Somerville's a beautiful college, good luck next year!

>> No.1062914


thanks man, not many people know somerville.
this all happened years ago by the way, but thanks nonetheless.

you at oxford? which college/course?

>> No.1062944

PPE at LMH, so same kind of area, although I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Somerville because I went out with a girl there for a bit.

>> No.1062967


i have a good friend at lmh, i like it there. decent bar/outdoor area.

i wish i could ask who the girl was, but for the sake of anonymity i know i cant.

good luck in any exams you might have this term. mine start in 5 days.

>> No.1062994

Yeah, its so weird that I'm probably no more than half a kilometer away from you but we'll never meet! I'm a second year so we don't have exams this term (shit is so cash), but if you've got finals I wish you all the luck in the world, those things terrify me

>> No.1063117

>Completely ignorant about the college process throughout the bulk of my high school year.
>Never took APs and only a few honors by luck
>Never knew about SAT until a few weeks before actually taking it.
>Did average on the SAT and slightly above for ACT (i.e. shit for both).
>Went to shit tier college
>4 years of my life ruined dealing with very boring middle ground people but cheap as fuck school.
>Graduate with B.A in chem with a 3.9 GPA. No debt.
>Transfering to a mid-to-low-tier school to do physics. Very expensive and no grants at all because I am post undergraud (even though I will be doing undergrad).

Feels really bad man. I've accomplished nothing in my life. :(

>> No.1063128

You now know more about what you want to do in life. You can be successful.

>> No.1063158

>Cruise through high school
>3.1, don't really give a fuck
>Go to state unit because it's relatively cheap
>Study electrical engineering
>Hold off super easy courses until next year
>damn I stupid.

>> No.1063170
File: 10 KB, 155x202, 1270327577531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am afraid this might be me

>> No.1063177

>tell my mom to stop enrolling me in stanford's epgy program for math after about two years of doing it because i wanted to play video games instead

>regret immensely

>> No.1063270

>post undergraud

That is a postgrad.

>> No.1063276

Get the fuck off of /sci/ please

>> No.1063303
File: 10 KB, 275x297, 1269720797861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is a troll.