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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10615327 No.10615327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 112 IQ

>> No.10615336
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10615520

>another suicide thread

>> No.10616579

Bumping it just to make ya seethe

>> No.10616588
File: 42 KB, 656x755, 1yme5ma7bwk11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw habby sub 100 IQ
>tfw no smort bf
I just want a bf to do my math

>> No.10616631


>> No.10616640
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>tfw only 140iq

>> No.10616645

Wtf based

>> No.10616655
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IQ is fake

>> No.10616674

It's depressing knowing that I have a low iq, and that I'll never create any great theories or solve any difficult problems
Wendy's, actually

>> No.10616689

Based. Fuck ">another IQ thread"-frogposters

>> No.10617010

too smart for normies, too dumb for geniuses. damn

>> No.10617681

Fucking based

>> No.10618085

Holy basedoli

>> No.10618135

This. Existentially, the most dreadful IQ range appears to be the 80th-90th percentile. Indeed, it is in this range where one is intelligent enough to apprehend one's own 'cleverness', though it is him being merely 'clever' which simultaneously discloses the fact that he will never contribute anything of value outside of his own monkey sphere -- that is, assuming he plays a beneficial role in the latter category and his being eternally referred to as a "quite clever guy" does not instill in him the existential angst and desire to run for the hills.

>> No.10618158
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>tfw my iq is 74

>> No.10618164

my iq is 130-140 but i feel like i am more retarded than most of the people

>> No.10618688

Based tbqh

>> No.10618694

intelligence is overrated senpai

>> No.10618731

It's not. If it was, you would have difficulty tying your shoes. You're probably exceedingly average.

>> No.10618736

Underwater based

>> No.10618754

Taken where?

I swear IQ is more a test of patience than intelligence. I get bored after the first five questions.

>> No.10618825


>> No.10618828
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>tfw tested 82 IQ
>Tfw tried to major in Math, couldn't do it
>tfw tried to learn math at home and keep failing in introductory books

>> No.10618834

Very based. High IQ post.

>> No.10618836
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>At least 20% of gays commit suicide, and at least 40% of transsexuals commit suicide.
- Chef Tendy

>> No.10618883

above average but not exceptional is the loneliest place to be. at 118 iq, normies look at you as a genius but real geniuses look at you like a monkey. its terrible

>> No.10618964

Don't feel bad Anon. Average IQ in Equatorial Guinea is 59.

>> No.10619426
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>tfw 86 IQ
>spend 12 hours a day studying
>takes 2 weeks to learn what others learn in 2 minutes

>> No.10619431

I know that feel. consistently score 115 on iq tests. get similar results from my sat and gre scores. this score is basically where you're just smart enough to realize just how dumb you and everyone else around you actually is. neither hot or cold. neither healthy or unhealthy. this iq range is essentially the coca cola zero of intelligence. always straddling the grey zone between imposter syndrome and dunning Kruger. too smart for the reality TV watching unwashed masses, too dumb to fit in with the average graduate student social.

why even bother? it's genuine torture.

>> No.10619432

tfw i couldnt tie my shoes when i was a kid

>> No.10619435

this desu

>> No.10619617

You're still able to commune with the majority of society. Unlike geniuses who seem out of touch

>> No.10619637

big oof

>> No.10619656
File: 52 KB, 712x330, 4b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HR issue out the WAIS test
>mfw 134
>mfw friend got 126
Why even bother anymore? Anything sub-3SD is basically destined to be a specialized wagie fodder pleb forever.

>reddit frog

>> No.10619706

>>HR issue out the WAIS test
is that legal?

>> No.10619828

dude Wendy is hot

would bang 11/10

wait...how old is wendy...OH SHIT WENDY IS IN HER 50s bro.

>> No.10619908
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>Defending literal shitposts
>Then samefagging your own post to death
Pathetic. Kys thy ys.

>> No.10619969
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Actually kill yourself

>> No.10619991

I feel like people in this range can make it under very strict conditions; perhaps if you studied very diligently from a young age you could compensate (obviously there will be people better than you but that's not the point)

However in general I feel this to be the case as well. I don't want to be a wagecuck but it seems like there is no way out sans getting lucky on some sort of a business venture. I envy those in real academia who are able to successfully and consistently publish high-quality research.

>> No.10619998

It wasn't a mandatory thing. The HR rep girl is some tryhard psychology graduate and pushes random tests and questionnaires on people to (voluntarily) do. I basically wasted a hour to learn that I'm a fucking brainlet.

>> No.10620011

>tfw can never finish an IQ test because they are too boring

>> No.10620042

Damn. Sorry to hear that OP.

>> No.10620055

My IQ is also about 115, feels good to be at the bottom in the big league.

>> No.10620062

I was also going to say something along these lines :(
All my life I was barely able to break into the "gifted" category but once there, I realize I'm the worst. I'm above the average person but there are so many people at my level or better it doesn't even matter. It's like, you're on the edge of feeling special but you aren't really .

At times in my life I worked very hard to try and "prove" to myself I'm better than I thought. In many of these domains though I was eventually superseded by the people who were truly gifted. The times I earned recognition, it was mostly luck because nobody better happened to be around, when they easily could have been and usually were.

>> No.10620113

Literally me. I'd completely mangle everybody by a wide margin in my region (200k people with one 70k city) in the physics, maths and history tournaments, but once I'd reached national level year after year, everybody would suddenly become way better and more talanted and I'd become just another figure in the crowd. Some of the people I was "competing" against would usually go on to become top 20 in the fucking world maths olympiad- an entirely different skill and intellect tier than me. It made me scrap any plans for an academic career and I went to the codemonkey zoo where at least I wouldn't be constantly intellectually "emasculated" for being a genetic joke.

Based ADHD posters.

>> No.10620125

>tfw 131 iq
it's tough being at the bottom of the top. almost everyone I meet is dumber than me but it just means I'll make the big bucks and not need to try in life
I'll never change the world or anything though

>> No.10620129

big heckin upvote

>> No.10620146
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>tfw 99 iq

>> No.10620175
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>tfw IQ 145

>> No.10620323
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>tfw 75 iq

>> No.10620336

>tfw 116 IQ
can you suffer brain damage due to not being able to breathe during sleep. My limbs ache and i get the feeling that my head hurts nearly every time I wake up. I don't want to get dumber pls halp ;-;

>> No.10620351

Lose weight.

>> No.10620354

my BMI is within the healthy range and I never had problems with weight

>> No.10620358
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What's the IQ of the average memer ?

>> No.10620359


>> No.10620437

Your IQ?

>> No.10620550

>tfw 116 IQ
>can you suffer brain damage due to not being able to breathe during sleep
Trauma, inflammation, overheating, lack of oxygen are all things I know that can cause damage.

>My limbs ache and i get the feeling that my head hurts nearly every time I wake up.
See a doctor.
>I don't want to get dumber pls halp ;-;
Sometimes you don't have a choice.

>> No.10620638
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>tfw 156 IQ

>> No.10620643
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>tfw 900 IQ

>> No.10620647

this is true brainletism and it is the purest form of suffering

>> No.10620671

Having an IQ about 130-140 is suffering too, imagine that there are several millions who scored the same or higher so there could be a large city inhabited with these guys, sounds scary.

>> No.10620679

where can i test my iq? cant be fucked paying for a test

>> No.10620698

at least you can learn and understand science and math at a decent level

>> No.10620709

test.mensa.no site seems authentic.

>> No.10620719

It can't be, the scores are way too generous.

>> No.10620754

so use dis :d

I agree, the score they provide seems too high

>> No.10620755

tfw 139 iq and still retarded

>> No.10620763

I'm rather concerned how some serious threads about interesting problems often drown and this one gets lots of replies. I guess /fit/ has similar ""muscle growth threads" which nobody likes.

>> No.10620768

I got 138 with this (when I did it before) but 125 with Mensa

>> No.10620842

I know that feeling.
>Below 5 SDs
Why live?

>> No.10621118

I'll probably take the iqtest.com tomorrow. Scored 140 with Mensa so it must be like 9000 on the 1st test, implying the correlation.

>> No.10621136

tfw i'm an sd below you

>> No.10621212
File: 85 KB, 773x1441, screencapture-giqtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around the 130 (2 SD) probably. I consistently score in the 140 range on the more "legit"-ish online tests (and applying the -10 point memetest estimation penalty).

>> No.10621322

Yre you crazy? 1 SD is the best range you can have. Quite clearly superior to most, yet close enough to understand them, common enough to have plenty of friends on your level and enough of mentors above. Most people will be able to understand and appreciate what you contribute.

2-3SD beginns the mad scientist range. Tesla, Newtons, Fenymans... Too smart for your own good, extraordinary even in academia. People don't understand you and you dont¨really understand them either. Whatever you contribute will likely be understood and appreciated only by a tiny circle of in the knows, while your 'friends' will jsut politely nod.

Far mroe above that and you will most likely end up institutionalized, rather than anything else.

>> No.10621347
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>IQ only 103

>> No.10621416

I do have problem with tying my shoes though. I also have troubles with speaking and writing. Also, my memory is complete shitfuckery and I can barely remember anything more than a one digit number or my name..

>> No.10621430

I have trouble with that as well though my IQ is officially 103, however I might have a form of autism and I have a lot of head knowledge I've accumulated over the years regarding various things.

>> No.10621439

Chin up people. I had a neighbor who's IQ had to be no more than 35, as he had severe down syndrome and was mentally 3 at age 10. He wore diapers.

>> No.10621454
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>tfw 12 inch dick

>> No.10621461
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>tfw IQ 135

>> No.10621478

Based and redpilled.

>> No.10621858

that's nice and the fact that some high iq people are real assholes

>> No.10622576

Although I've met some actually strange persons in my uni (professors), most of them (we now assume they are >2SD) are more or less sociable and communicative and mostly look like normal people. I guess there is just a higher probability of becoming +-insane with a higher IQ but not the implication.

>> No.10622681
File: 33 KB, 356x390, nobrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 91IQ
>broke into a university math class once because i was bored (the reason we retards do things)
>tried to understand the lecture
>fucking broke down crying because it was so confusing
>weeping, sobbing in the middle of the room
>I LOOK like a brainlet as well, with a very small forehead, large jutting lower jaw, hairy nose and ears and tiny eyes
>hear someone say 'looks like the rainman dried up' and laughter
>have to get up and leave the class
>tfw will ALWAYS be a fucking failure, spent 3 weeks studying math books after this experience and still struggle to do my 11 times tables

>> No.10622688

Tfw cryptokike

>> No.10622704

did i fuck up its asking me to pay 15 bucks to see the result

>> No.10622708

Likewise... It hurts so much

>> No.10622710

You can start a computer, browse a site, can upload a picture and understand how greentext works.

I know it sounds kinda bland, but to be able to do all of that requires an IQ above 90. Most activities we see as "normal" require at least a average amount of intelligence, I dunno if you ever saw actual retards, but they are not even able to spell words in a pattern that makes sense, the whole "Works at McDonalds" meme doesn't work either since this job too complex for anyone below 90 IQ.

>> No.10622731
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>brown eyes
>curly hair

>> No.10622732

>tfw skull cavity so big because brain is stacked

>> No.10622799

Idk, I haven't tested it yet. I guess there are other tests out there similar to this one. Sorry for disinformation if it's true.

>> No.10622849

I am 99.95th percentile and still feel this way. The schizophrenia and depression dont help though, maybe I could do something useful otherwise

>> No.10622869
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Now stop being lazy

>> No.10622905

I've never taken a real IQ test.
The closest thing I took was the online Norwegian Mensa (or was it Danish?) IQ test but that one I think only test analytical ability.

I took the test twice with 1 year intervals and both times I got 115. Both times around the last 10 questions I got bored/ran out if time so had to do them quickly while rushing so not sure how it would be if I didn't get bored.

How accurate is that test? Should I assume my IQ is 115? Am I a brainlet?

>> No.10622926

I've never taken an IQ test but I was dumb as rocks as a kid, because my parents didn't think mental disorders are real so I lived with undiagnosed ADHD until I was 21.
As soon as I got medication since 21, my whole life just fucking changed. I went from being bad as first grade math to learning calculus level math in a 2 month span. I went from high school drop out to community college student with straight A's. I don't know what the fuck happened. I'm 22 and I'm doing great. College is the first time I ever passed any class at all, and when I mean pass, I mean actually get an A, because in grade school i never got anything higher than a D. I don't know what the fuck adderall did to my brain, but if I had to relate to any book about my experience, i'd say go read Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.10623234
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>> No.10623248


>> No.10623301


>> No.10623349

He is around 190 on a scale that uses an SD of 16. Although, that combined with a bench press of 500 lbs puts him at a very high power level overall.

>> No.10623355

At 150? May I inquire about the dimensions of your cranium?

>> No.10623388

hey bro that means you're better than 99/100 people that's actually pretty good!
>t. fellow 99 IQer

>> No.10623441

Not really. You need at least 140 to start appreciating algebra or topology. The only thing sub 140 can enjoy is analysis.

>> No.10623461
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Does he have the phenotype?

>> No.10623481

True, I had some troubles with algebra and algebraic geometry the freshman year. Maybe we weren't taught it the decent way, but now I know it's easy to conceive things by your own so it's probably your problem if you don't get something.

>> No.10623485


>> No.10623486

Haven't read the first article, but I guess there were smth about general cognitive training and/or physical exercise, not the n-back and such shit. Even being almost immalleable in the good way, intelligence may be somewhat increased by education (there were studies about this), so probably some intense brain training (equal to education lol) may be truly beneficial too.

>> No.10623495

No amount of conceiving/studying/whatever will improve your genetically predetermined ability to appreciate. It’s analogous to how a 6’5 guy with good genes can easily deadlift more weights than a midget.

>> No.10623509

Yes, obviously there are genetic limits and their influence is the strongest among other factors. But there's also some variation in how well your actual performance approximates your possible maximum, that's where the "other factors" come to play their (small) role, like exercise, intensity of education (like if you're being a lazy ass the hardworking colleagues can beat you even being dumber, just because they have the habit to work and to think and you don't). Obviously these are not as important as genetics or early childhood development, but, like, just to say.

>> No.10623510

this is actually what a brainlet looks like

>> No.10623520

I don't think this meta-analysis took the first one into account. It was a legit sudy and published in Intelligence, which is the go-to journal for Intelligence research.

You need cardio and brain training to increase fluid intelligence. It basically proved that it's your fault if you are stupid (to a degree) so socialists got BTFO.

>> No.10623544

Imo most people do try as hard as they’re genetically predisposed to, but their iq is just too low to compete. So I don’t say “it’s their problem” for being dealt a poor hand.

>> No.10623557


It is their fault
>muh genetic limit
Hi the treadmill, bucko

>> No.10623559

This is why I quit math. If you can't be as great as Tao, why even bother?

>> No.10623564

It's not your fault that you can't simulate like universes in your head but it often is if you can't grasp something just above your baseline level. Small uplifts are possible, though small.

>> No.10623569

Nice delusions retard

>> No.10623571

I have this fear too, but I guess there are not so many smart people in the world and even less want to pursue academic career so I'd benefit to the science even being a janitor in here. Self-esteem suffers, of course, but it wouldn't only if I were von Neumann himself.

>> No.10623575

Yup. Better to do something more appropriate for your abilities and let the geniuses do what they do best.

>> No.10623578

those topics stress different areas of intelligence. topology probably benefits more from spatial intelligence than algebra, for example.

>> No.10623579

Among the reasons why we don't have flying cars are that they aren't very useful and that some guys give up and say, like, I won't do math cuz some guy can do it better. According to my morals, it's something comparable to a sin, but even from the rationalist point of view giving up only makes you dumber, and falling from like 140-130 level would be painful, as can be figured out from this thread.

>> No.10623588

So you’ll encourage a midget to compete against Hafthor? Kys retard

>> No.10623590

>different areas of intelligence
Offtopic cope

>> No.10623592

I'd encourage a midget to compete against other midget who's slightly better than the first one.

>> No.10623596


>> No.10623619

138 IQ. Not hi but def higher than yours. Quit wasting my air and kys

>> No.10623627
File: 32 KB, 558x614, grayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>growth mindset
>stereotype threat
>transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
>fluid intelligence
>multiple intelligences
>socio-economic factors

>> No.10623638

IQ is a meme. I had a 3.9 in my Physics Major and barely studied like the Asian students. My tested IQ is only 105.

>> No.10623639

>word vomit by mass comm majors

>> No.10623640

HURR read the WAIS manual. That particular test breaks intelligence down into several areas. Broadly, they are performance IQ (PIQ), verbal IQ (VIQ), processing speed index (PSI), and working memory index (WMI). PIQ is spatial. Due to g, they are fairly correlated, but tend to deviate for highly intelligent people. For example, someone could have a VIQ of 150 and and a PIQ of 130. That will affect what subjects they do well in.

>> No.10623643

Looks like bait.

Haven't heard about a half of this shit,
neuroplasticity is very real and that's what you experience when you learn or remember something. You may read more on wikipedia, for example. It's not the same as neurogenesis which mostly occurs before and during early childhood and is almost nonexistent (although also very important) in adults.

>> No.10623645


>> No.10623652

*sorry, WAIS IV calls the first two perceptual reasoning index (PRI) and verbal comprehension index (VCI).

>> No.10623656

What country is he from, how do u think?

>> No.10623661

If this isn’t bullshit I would’ve heard about it from mathematicians by now, so yeah it’s bullshit and you’re retarded

>> No.10623668

did you fail stats class?

>> No.10623673

Kek got em

>> No.10623677

>rejects the most reliable iq test
i didn't know mathematicians talked about iq. how many do you think sat down and thought about their performance in different maths areas and how it correlated with their peers'?

>> No.10623692

Have you read the study? You do realize that Fluid Intelligence got increase, right?

It was a landmark study which was not included in the meta-analysis.

>> No.10623705

you're fucking retards for thinking that. Your total IQ score made of multiple subscores. This means you can be low average when it comes to say visuo-spatial ability, but way above average when it comes to verbal ability. I use this as an example cause that's the case with me.
It means I can usually sustain and stay on top of a general conversation with almost anyone, but when it comes to topics like orientation, geometry or physical engineering I struggle to hold my own.

>> No.10623713

youre a fucking retard for assuming a negligible probability

>> No.10623729

gaps in ability are too common to be called negligible though

>> No.10623730

i don't know how accurate the percentiles are, but it's a nice test. more varied than mensa.no

>> No.10623759

I guess the local guys mostly consider only the "science and math" subscores.

>> No.10623764

I love you.

>> No.10623779

Take adderall or move to the south, idk

>> No.10623782

Why the south?

>> No.10623827

that one is fucking impossible. So hard I just quit. i'm not gonna waste my time with that.

>> No.10623840

the mean is 19, max is 60..

>> No.10623852

if you get half of them right you're already near mensa level

>> No.10623940

get 36 and you're in the top 2%. it is really hard. i just about managed to get 36.

>> No.10623949

South U.S., if you're American. I suppose it's just an assupmtion that they are dumber, but I recall seeing some statistic to back it.

>> No.10623959

That's not how it works, like moving to the south doesn't kill everyone smarter than you (if it even were a solution).

>> No.10623965

I meant that you would be the smartest in your immediate population.

>> No.10623968

Yeah ofk I got it. I meant it was a dumb advice anyway.

>> No.10623995

27, eh. Could be better but it's pretty much right I suppose.

>> No.10623999

Yeah, you sure prove something and override all existing literature on a topic with a single study that found far transfer in only a p-hacked subgroup analysis at 2 sigma statistical significance and near transfer in some of the a priori groups that just so happened to do a cognitive training session right before their test. Psychology is free of statistical noise, the warm-up effect doesn't exist, and if it got published in a decent journal the results must be taken as fact and are methodologically flawless.

>> No.10624033

I remember that in one of such tests they found that a certain subgroup would always end up improving their scores even being in the control group. Kinda funny, I think.
If their theory were right, it should've been tested on people literally living in laboratory or smth like that.

>> No.10624039

Only now I realized that 60 questions x 60 seconds is not a minute but an hour.

>> No.10624053

I guess such mistakes are from the lack of some " ability to distinguish binarities", like the contra-covariant shit in maths if someone knows.
I've been always confused by the basis transformation rules, like, to change the basis of a vector space, we apply the transform matrix to one "side" of the basis matrix, but to move the vectors to the new basis we should use another side.
I've never seen IQ tests assessing this ability but I think it's very important (at least is science&math fields) as it shows up literally everywhere if you think about it.

>> No.10624058
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Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

>> No.10624071


>> No.10624147

It asked for $15. What would my score be at 13 minutes brehs?

>> No.10624152

It's probably > 100 if you didn't pay.

>> No.10624193

Perhaps you have a high non-verbal (like 140) and a low verbal IQ (like 70)?

>> No.10624207

Perhaps just high (like 250i) imaginary IQ

>> No.10624928

>be math major
>have ridiculously high verbal
>average spatial
Why live if I can’t go to MIT and be like Jim Simmons?

>> No.10624969

>tfw 130 IQ
>Born in Central America
>Studying in one the best institutions in the region
>Understanding physics and math well enough
>Being a total brainlet at chemistry
>Not being able to maintain an interesting conversation with strangers
>struggling to write English without fucking up
>lazy as hell

Help me.

>> No.10624973

You know where your problems are
Help yourself

>> No.10625251

130 IQ here. "Interesting Conversation" will generally be hard to find unless we're talking about areas where other high IQ congregate.

Though If it's just you being a sperg, just fucking ask questions and the occasionaly state your opinion or share an anecdote. I too had to figure this shit out.

>> No.10625975


>> No.10626024
File: 329 KB, 447x445, me, myself and I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 125 IQ
I will never be "at the top" but at least I'm not too much of a pseud

>> No.10626028

>attends random lecture without being remotely familiar with the subject at hand
>cries because he doesn’t understand

How is life as a shit-brain?

>> No.10626108

there are areas in maths where spatial reasoning is not so important

>> No.10626207

Sounds like sleep apnea. Go to a doctor and request a sleep study. If you have it don't worry, the doctor can prescribe you a machine (CPAP) that will keep you breathing when you are asleep.

>> No.10626219

you are the very definition of a pseud even more so than OP

>> No.10626446

>scrapping an academic career because you didn't compare with top 20 math olympiads
You deserved your fate, t-b-h.

>> No.10626456

Alright where is the best IQ test?

>> No.10626459

>You need at least 140 to start appreciating algebra or topology
That's bullshit.

>> No.10626518

I find it funny that this place treats IQ like /fit/ treats height

>> No.10626708

I know it’s 4chan so I shouldn’t take it too seriously, but it does make me nervous I’ll never amount to much. Average IQ of math researchers is 150. Maybe they somehow got smarter by studying math? But I doubt it.

>> No.10626725

You must have an iq of at least 140 to contribute to /sci. Otherwise, a board like /pol is more appropriate for treating your paralizing down-syndrome

>> No.10626857

Dawg this is hilarious I am laughing so hard at this

>> No.10626860

They probably did, but I doubt an uplift higher than like 5-10 points. It would anyway be very encouraging but I'm afraid the idea (the most of it) is just wrong.

>> No.10626866
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>> No.10626871
File: 25 KB, 540x472, 1549406302735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ 130 (according to Mensa)
>feel retarded when comparing myself to everyone else

Is this normal?

>> No.10626883

>Average IQ of math researchers is 150.
you know this how? the only data i found is that a group of math phd students from 1958 had an average iq of 128. source: http://www.religjournal.com/pdf/ijrr10001.pdf

>> No.10626888

physics students BTFO

>> No.10626895


>> No.10626909

I can never tell if these threads are real or if everyone is just making up ironic retarded caricatures.

>> No.10626945

130 isnt that much compared to what someone with 130 would compare themselves to

>> No.10626971

This board is full of autistics with hardline deterministic views.

>> No.10627066

Holy fuck based

>> No.10627139

So this means that phds in math at fucking Cambridge only have 130iq. I can still make it boys

>> No.10628084

sorta samezies

usually test 2-3 Sds above mean in various formats across the years

math is starting to make almost too much sense in my mid 20s

>> No.10628147

do you really think that or is it a joke?

>> No.10628148

Look at the ranges. Some people with as low as 110 IQ are Cambridge faculty.

It's also funny to see Engineering has the highest variance.

>> No.10628159

lol who gives a fuck about contributing things of "value" or measuring your dick against geniuses? By value, you must mean stuff that other people value like Google and academia, but you probably don't, as pursuing those things won't provide any meaning in your life.

>> No.10628271

cool chart frfr

>> No.10628390

Reminder that if you are taking your IQ score from an online test, it's not accurate at all.

>> No.10628464

Dont be so jelly just because you scored 103

>> No.10628572

Absolutely based

>> No.10628585

could be worse

>> No.10629039

Partially yes as giving people higher scores increases the profits from ads, yet at least relative scores can be useful as a complete dumbass would score 190 and a genius like 300

>> No.10629054

I took the mensa norway IQ test twice, first time i thought you could only read it sideways and got 120, but when i tried again and read the prompt that says you can look vertically i got 133
Did i magically raise my IQ, which score is more accurate?

>> No.10629062

Second obviously, otherwise every subsequent IQ test you take will have to be considered invalid lmao

>> No.10629072

The prompt you read is a mind-affecting message that makes you smarter, you know, the guys in intelligence agencies use the similar thing while training... u better not talk 'bout this

>> No.10629088

The first. Test-retest effects aren't g-loaded.

>> No.10629089

The example they give at the beginning i ignored first time, but when i read it, it mentions how you could see there is one of each shape in every row, or one type of shape in each column
I never bothered reading it first time and thought it was showing it was read across only

>> No.10629094

That doesn't make sense, that means every iq test he takes afterwards would be inaccurate because he reads it down as well also iq tests are statistically reliable

>> No.10629101


Wow my breakfast tastes pretty BASEDful

>> No.10629111


>> No.10629112

>That doesn't make sense
Your hurt feelings and/or ability to understand are irrelevant.

>that means every iq test he takes afterwards would be inaccurate because he reads it down as well
If you require multiple trials to figure out toddler level directions, you're cognitively impaired. Deal with it.

>iq tests are statistically reliable
Statistical reliability says nothing about test-retest reliability or the non-existence of practice effects.

>> No.10629119

So suppose next day he took a legit IQ test and if he was given pattern recognition questions, his answers would be invalid because the day before he learned to read them differently?

>> No.10629124

>Your hurt feelings and/or ability to understand are irrelevant.

It seems that your feelings are hurt, people are just asking questions about the dubious effects of "IQ testing".

>> No.10629125

The point is that IQ tests are not limited to Raven's matrices.
That's maybe 5-10% of a real test.

>> No.10629126

I also find contention with this, so because I had engineering/math classes where I had to rotate stuff in my head and do calculations to get my degree, an IQ test would thus be unreliable for me because I would then also apply rotations/arithmetic operations to the figures presented?

>> No.10629130

Do IQ testers have to put you isolation for a year so you don't have any knowledge?

>> No.10629141

The g-loading of gains from retesting is not positive.


This is why novel tests are used in repeated measures designs that look at intelligence.

>> No.10629144

Do the real tests include questions about language and/or general knowledge?

>> No.10629146

What does that mean
By the way I've taken these matrix tests before and looked at it both horizontally and vertically

>> No.10629147

The guy's probably doing this deliberately

>> No.10629148

Then obviously your first norway test was an outlier

>> No.10629153

I guess neither is accurate because reading of the prompt is implied as the starting conditions of the test and therefore the results without the vertical knowledge are potentially inaccurate.

>> No.10629158

Neither are accurate anyway because it's an online test restricted only to matrix pattern recognition

>> No.10629161

Again, what should a real test include?

>> No.10629165

I first scored like 80 IQ on the internet IQ test but I increased my IQ by taking the test again several more times. I now have about 125 IQ. Sure feels good to be superior, right my fellow geniuses?

>> No.10629168

IQ tests that measure intelligence also include:

Raven's Progressive Matrices
Cattell Culture Fair III
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
Thurstone's Primary Mental Abilities[44][45]
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test[46]
Multidimensional Aptitude Battery II
Das–Naglieri cognitive assessment system
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test

>> No.10629173

>80 on an internet test
Is that even possible lmao

>> No.10629192
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1475229888907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 128 IQ (SB5)
I just successfully finished my last term with a 2.9 gpa.

>> No.10629205

Do IQ tests correlate with grades? Can you estimate IQ based on nation-wide percentile academic achievement

>> No.10629208

As I know, yes, they do. I guess it's possible, but useless.

>> No.10629212

Someone answer me seriously please, I have an engineering degree and a certificate in 2 foreign languages.
I did a few online IQ tests for fun.

If I go to the psychologist testing center and ask for a RAPM IQ test, will the score accurately reflect my "g" or intelligence.

>> No.10629215

If i am in the 98th percentile for academic achievement on GCSE and A-Level results is it likely I'm above average intelligence and can therefore cope about all my NEET lifestyle shortcomings?

>> No.10629223

Why mention your degree?

>> No.10629229

It doesn't matter that it only includes matrices. The test correlates well with other intelligence tests. Somebody who gets a 130 on that pure matrices test isn't usually going to get a very different result on spatial, numerical, verbal, logical or any other type of intelligence test, except in rare cases. A lot of the tests on iqhaven.com are quite different but will yield similar results on average.

>> No.10629231
File: 117 KB, 1200x428, D5A42rcWAAImCdE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because IQ tests seem to test the kind of crap that university/school tests, so there is a danger of circularity being there.

The whole thing is dubious, I guess if you truly wanna know how smart someone is you have to test them when he is a toddler or something before the external world gives him skill-sets.

>> No.10629234

So my 145 result on a facebook IQ test 3 years ago is accurate?

>> No.10629237

Language yes, but not general knowledge.

>> No.10629239

Before taking a real IQ test, the psychologist forces you into a 3x3x3 metre empty cell for 5 years so that you forget everything and then they take your IQ

>> No.10629240

Yes, you're probably smarter than the majority of the population. I'm not sure about the shortcomings, because I couldn't understand the last phrase about NEET (I know what it means) and so on.

>> No.10629243

I just need a way to cope man, i got good grades, but i also have no friends, anxiety and demotivation

>> No.10629245

How would I know that? The Mensa Norway test is known to be quite accurate for a single test. That says nothing about Facebook IQ tests - which may or may not be accurate.

>> No.10629249

Is the denmark test accurate? If i take that now will it be mostly representative?

>> No.10629260

I'm afraid social skills and intelligence are not much correlated if you're kinda smart. I've had such problems (some of them remain even now), I can only say, like, "try talk mor".

But apart from social skills, you're more likely to find more interesting people if you're smart so once you fight the social anxiety you're gonna have more opportunities than a dumb person.

>> No.10629276

By the way I've never taken the denmark test

>> No.10629434

Try this one

>> No.10629487
File: 237 KB, 1080x1080, 1546040052455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-1 iq

>> No.10629494

How many of you faggots posting over 120 have done only one test? Practicing on different tests would obviously skew your results.

>> No.10629557

Scientissts Found IQ Tests Increase Fluid Intelligence P < O.o5

>> No.10629691

Who cares about IQ when you have knowledge and advanced tools?

>> No.10629708

Imagine being able neither to understand the knowledge nor to use the said advanced tools.

>> No.10629815

Legit IQ tests never tell you your exact score unless you're 1+ SD above the mean. So you're probably clinically retarded since you took an online test and scored that low.

>> No.10629883

John von Neumann was supposedly very intelligent to the point where his fellow observed that Neumann had the ability to tune down his intelligence to converse with a young child as his equal and wondered if Neumann applied this to him and his colleagues as well. Neumann was also very afraid of death. I believe ego is the shadow of our ability to see our own future and thus it is important to meditate so that one discovers it truly is just a shadow and that one does not exist. The Doors of Perception by Huxley is a very interesting work partially dealing with this subject from the words of a titan that Huxley definitely was.

I think it's great to learn to appreciate own intelligence in a positive manner, that is to be alone but not lonely. The opposite is devastating, and even more so for a consciousness that is a slave of his own mind.

>> No.10631608

how and where do i check my iq

>> No.10632133

>120 IQ
Feels pretty okay. I might be a mediocre researcher but at least I won't be weird as fuck and obsessed with shitty leftist ideologies.

>> No.10632185
File: 23 KB, 640x584, ed4564f4f0fc5fdb76459891ea2b300300e283e6d64fd47587540ca097fa3979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family full of people with PhDs/MDs
>most members of my family that are older than me have at least two MSs
>here I am, almost 25 fucking years old, working on a BS in computer science and barely scraping by
>should be graduating next year, but not exactly top of my class
>even though my IQ has been measured by legit tests to be over 140
at least I'm at a highly competitive university for compsci, hopefully my job prospects aren't too bad
it's also a state school, so debt is less than $10k
I just want to get out there and make enough money to have a comfy house and a fun project car to wrench on on the weekends

>> No.10632511

Smart enough to be an engineer

>> No.10632517
File: 76 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190510-121007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck is this?

>> No.10632553

literally laughed as you couldn't get this, one of the easiest I think. I won't even tell you. Think more and get your brain gears in motion, finally.

>> No.10632556

Option 2, brainlet. Black dots are all shifting to the right each frame and then wrap around

>> No.10632559
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw my iq is 103

At least Im higher than op so I cant be the dumbest person here.

>> No.10632563

genetic determinist here...

>> No.10632587
File: 93 KB, 750x486, 1557345041471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they all have to do with motion? That's the part that confused me.

>> No.10632609

Actually, I've understood the pics as a frame moving 1 pixel per picture over a pixelized pattern of a circle with a cross within. It's not the best explanation but one of the possible.

The thing is to notice the similarity between the first and the second patterns, to make a hypothesis - that all the pictures relate to one underlying shit - and to compare the conjectured shit to the third picture.

The test is noticeably filled with nearly-mathematical ideas such as finite groups and various types of "strict similarity". I guess I wouldn't do much of the questions without my (though not extensive) cs-mathematical background, and I guess those who study pure mathematics would obtain even a higher score with everything else being equal.

>> No.10632644

I know a guy with an IQ of 89.
His nose from middle to end is about the length of his forehead.

>> No.10632742

because that's how the pictures are related, by shifting/rotating. since it's all black/white dots in a matrix there are no other real ways to make a pattern without changing the numbers of white/black dots.

>> No.10632750

my forehead's an inch and a half long and I've got a 127

>> No.10632773

There are people with high neuron density and low neuron density afterall.

>> No.10632775

same, big brain and small forehead. Thank god too, giant foreheads are disgusting

>> No.10632834

Actually, having a small forehead points more toward having a dense brain, not a big one.
Having a dense brain and having a big brain are two sides of one coin, whereas big brains are less powerful in general but more efficient and dense brains are more powerful in general but less efficient.
Basically Einstein vs Edward Witten, whereas Einstein is the dense one and Witten is the efficient one.

>> No.10632861

>tfw 136 IQ
>still just a depressed, gender confused neet

>> No.10632904

didn't realize there was any difference between the actual brain size and effectiveness, so thanks for the info.
Meant big brain as in high iq/brainmore anyway.