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10612157 No.10612157 [Reply] [Original]

When are they going to have a computer where you can upload your consciousness onto there so you don’t have to suffer as a meatbag anymore?

>> No.10612173

>When are they going to have a computer where you can upload your consciousness onto there so you don’t have to suffer as a meatbag anymore?
define "consciousness"

>> No.10612186

You mean "copy".
> you don’t have to suffer as a meatbag
Just imagine how your copy would suffer as a digital entity.
The software running your copy would be produced by an imperfect, human software company.
He'd need patching every month or so, deal with licensing and compatibility issues, and if he slips up and opens that suspicious email file attach he could become the zombie slave of some chicken-boner's botnet.

>> No.10612300

Define 'define "consciousness"'

>> No.10612834
File: 36 KB, 540x720, DkML1eN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copies would also have to deal with knowing their memories are someone else's, and knowing they'll never _really_ eat steak, have sex, etc.
They'd have human desires, itches they'd never truly be able to scratch.

>> No.10612836

>trying to avoid sweet, sweet death

Gotta be a yikes from me bro

>> No.10612850

By our current scientific method you can't even prove that consciousness even exists so don't expect mind uploading anytime soon.