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10603139 No.10603139 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, how far away are we from immortality?

Which field of science is most likely to bring it about?

>> No.10603143
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>> No.10603169

i don't know but that shits gonna be too expensive for plebs anyway

>> No.10603174

Why not both?I think Jesus is leading us to the singularity

>> No.10603177
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Retard spotted.

>> No.10603277

Just think of the dumbest person you know; imagine them being uploaded to a computer, this stuff is eons away if even possible (I say no).

>> No.10603302

Biological immoratality, making it so we no longer age via genetic engineering. This is something that could happen relatively soon, but unfortunately will not happen in our life most likely. Though with the leaps and bounds being made in this field, who knows.

>> No.10603309

Realistically maybe like 150 to 200 years. Definitely biology to some extent.

To be able to confirm that you actually did upload yourself and not a shoddy, fuckable chatbot with similar personality, you would have to understand the brain. Understanding the brain = subset of biology.

>> No.10603356

Definitely biology and medical sciences to keep us alive longer. Gene manipulations, drugs and nano-machines to fix aging.

The whole digitizing the human conscious though is hundreds, possibly thousands of years away. Even creating a simulation of every neuron in a human brain and all their dynamic connections, a task that in itself is mind boggling in complexity, that may not generate conscious as biological or even quantum mechanical effects may be involved. We simply don't know at present.

>> No.10604914

Realistically possible in maybe like 50 years, however immensely expensive (you could build several rockets made for traveling to Mars with the amount of money it'd take, I presume)
If enough money and effort was put into it, I bet we could achieve immortality in that time frame but it wouldn't be developed enough to be available to the average person.

>> No.10604967

To elaborate on my point in >>10603177, anyone who knows basic finance realizes that a person who lives forever is worth a crapload of money, and could easily finance a huge initial investment if they were willing to go into debt. A person who get immortality financed through debt is essentially a living perpetuity, assuming they pay a set amount of money in return each year forever. The equation for this is

Present value = Dividend rate/discount rate

Let's assume a inflation rate of 3%. The median US income is 56,000. Let's say you are willing to pay 20,000 per year forever for immortality. That is an equivalent present value of 20,000/0.03 = 666,666. Hence giving your average American immortality would be at a present worth of 666,666 if they were kind of cheap about it.

Now let's be more generous. If someone is willing to pay 40,000 per year for immortality, the present value quickly rises to 40,000/.03 = 1,333,333. Note that the average American can afford this. Also note that the value of each yearly payment is decreasing. If a person's payments increased in proportion with inflation, an infinite lifespan (obviously) results in infinite potential to repay debt.

Assuming immortality is ever discovered, it would become the best financial instrument to invest in overnight, and trillions would be spent trying to make every last semi-able bodied human immortal.

>> No.10604982

Wont happen. Life extensions sure, but we’re already doing that. To make the human body immortal is equivalent to making a self-perpetuating machine or a system that never degrades or can keep functioning forever. This with the added difficulty that we can’t design it from scratch and instead have to work with an already existing system that tends to degrade, please.
Even the becoming robots option won’t make us immortal. One short circuit and you’re consciousness is fried.
Everything dies, living longer wont make life better.

>> No.10605016

But there already exist many biologically immortal organisms. What makes you think humans will never be able to do the same

>> No.10605042

>Which field of science is most likely to bring it about?
Biology already did. But you'll have to restart over everytime you die with no memories/knowledge.

>> No.10605048

>the Jews will fund immortality so we can pay them interest forever
Jesus Christ.

>> No.10605081

If you feel like it, you can always choose to just die.

Ironically, such high investment in immortality would drive the price and demand for immortality up so high that a poor person who chooses to sell their soul would easily afford immortality over someone making 200k to 400k a year.

>> No.10605085

you fail to take into account https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_discounting

>> No.10605134


>> No.10605141

Yes. Of course the market would be slightly shifted towards the favor of investors, to a degree.

>> No.10605150

Dude half of humanity lives in poverty today.

>> No.10605153

Refer to >>10604967

>> No.10606234

farther every year.

>> No.10607282

>uploading human consciousness


Stopped reading right there, this is /sci/ not /psuedosci/

>> No.10607305

Won't happen, too many uncontrollable stressors. The upload thing is a moot point as that would not be (You), and that's even assuming we manage to figure out how memories and the mind actually works in the first place, which by present date is not looking good.

>> No.10607331


Yeah, it's already happening in nature, what makes you think we wont be able to crack the secrets of the human cells and make it happen in humans to?

Living longer will mean stopping the human reproductive growth and getting rid of the 20-25 year wait time before being productive, and meaning that the smart people will be able to be smart longer thus making advantages in human development go leaps.

Imagine the world where Leonardo, Tesla, and Einstein were alive at the same time and had a lot of time to figure things out together.

The issue with race and birthrate would have to be solved before that thou... do not want china to have immortality and reproducing hundreds million of people a year.

>> No.10607378

yur gonna die, OP

>> No.10608714
