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10600081 No.10600081 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most "rare" engineering field?
The rarest I've seen is fire protection engineering at my uni

>> No.10600088

sales engineer

>> No.10600098

How is that rare? I thought there was a lot of females in STEM nowadays

>> No.10601341


>> No.10602405

Material sciences. Our class from 2015 consisted of 7 people and shrunk down to 2 for graduation

>> No.10602434

Why it shrink

>> No.10602463

Sanitation Engineers

>> No.10602524

women engineers

>> No.10602804

one didn't care, zoomer brainlet
one girl went on maternity leave
one went on a medical leave, but I think she mostly don't care about finishing
two has some courses to finish from 3rd and 4th semesters, one of them took a semester off so not to get conflicting schedules, she will finish next year
there was one ghost classmate who always registered but we never saw him
me and classmate are the only ones to actually finish this semester, though he is lacking motivation to finish his thesis, (on HEA as well, snatched it from right under my nose)

Only have 2 weeks left until BSc thesis deadline, I am furiously writing the last 10 pages (40-50 pages recommended), hadn't even started on the case study part but hopefully very few will understand my field and will likely start a course based on my thesis. I have 2 days left to send a finished paper to my supervisor to edit and correct stuff, then print 3 copies get them binded and place them on the institute leader's desk until the 10th of May.
In mild panic, increasing.

>> No.10602915

Why would anyone major in materials engineering instead of mechanical engineering?

>> No.10602924

I had 20 pages for my bsc. Got top grade too. Quality over quantity br0t.
Just purely based on intuition, I'd wager it's less gay than mechanical engineering.

>> No.10603092

We have 40 pages set as bare minimum. Legends say sometimes 30 pages is enough, but it is very rare and usually for a pre-done study used as thesis.
This is why I wrote fucking 12 pages on the history of analytical chemistry and spectrometry.

You are correct, mech engineers literally unable to comprehend any single basic stuff we matsci engies do, yet they always come crying when their retarded design broke because they don't understand that the ideal model is very different from the real world behavior of metals.
We are also chemists as well, without the fumes that would make you stupid.

>> No.10603182

you sound incredibly insecure.

>> No.10603435

Because they don't want a job in HVAC.

>> No.10603449
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based HVAC poster. tell those shitters whats up.

>> No.10603454

did I fall for a meme?
t. chemical engineering major

>> No.10603467

Fire protection engineering is commonplace, it's a subgenre of thermal engineering and their expertise is required in power plants and so forth.

Anyway, true boilermakers are pretty rare since boiler engineering is boring, unrewarding, and demands lots of support skills (welding, machining, chemistry, physics) to do properly.

>> No.10603474


no, even if you find yourself inadequate compared to EEs, EEs will need you because you're the person designing and manufacturing coolant for power transformers. This is where all that recent Arpa-E stuff about liqoud batteries comes from. Ditto for lightweight ceramics used in insulation, there's plenty of jobs in that if you're willing to commit to it.

>> No.10603481

that's what i figured. Could go down several different paths. thanks anon

>> No.10603498
File: 1.51 MB, 7500x1972, reeeeeee Engineers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that even the most inquiring of individuals shan't circumlocute the lexiconic amalgamations of symbols that doth compose "science" nor "maths" in that aforementioned phrase.

Petty low-IQ-ed imbecile, I highly doubt you understand the complexities of algebraic gymnastic combinatorics theory et masturbationem.

>> No.10603831

The lightweight ceramics is our job, thank you.

t. matsci major

>> No.10603885
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Tourist here.
I have no idea what goes into this field but I used to look after a long since retired professor in this topic and it seemed to me he contributed a lot to the human race, so consider this post words of encouragement.

>> No.10603908


>> No.10604013

The civil department at my university just started offering fire engineering as a postgraduate course

>> No.10604023

There's some arctic technology here. I don't know what it is, desu, seems like some generic civil engineering specialized for super cold temperatures.

>> No.10604147

>water engineering

>> No.10604148

This actually belongs under physics, and that's where it's mostly found in universities.

>> No.10604193

op here, not sure how it works in other unis but at mine its a how fire works + different fire suppression/simulation/analysis courses
i thought the fire engineering in chem was more about combustion reactions and not about supression and was less civil eng focus

>> No.10604202

We have an entire separate MatSci institue at my university. Thing is Matsci has to be mechE, chemE, physics, energyE all at once while also being its own science, especially in metals and nanotech
It's fun and gives you a lot of tools to play with.

>> No.10604273

I'm E&E so I'm far from the civil department but as far as I understand they focus on designing fire resistant structures and fire suppression and detection systems

>> No.10604367

Sex toy engineer

>> No.10604445

In Sweden a fire egineer typicaly works as head of a municipal fire department as i understood it. There is even an option to get fire fighter training in the program to get the full qualifications

>> No.10606006

Slaughter house engineer.

>> No.10606055

Is it challenging? What kind of problems would a material scientist solve?

>> No.10606677

It is challenging, not really in the "able to learn so much stuff" sense. It does require to learn a lot, but it makes sense early on so it is easy.
Problems are very broad. We deal with materials, materials we need to be able to do something, sometimes very contradicting stuff. We always go down to phys-chem depths on how and why did that lump of metal or ceramics behave how it did and what we need to adjust in the production technology to address it. It goes from atomic level stuff to macro level of adjusting temperature and heating/cooling speeds, different additives etc...
I find it very satisfying to see atomic level and phys-chem theoretical level stuff actually work in front of my eyes in a touchable lump of material. Just look up high entropy alloys and see how an arbitrary theory like entropy applied to production makes the material behave.