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File: 119 KB, 1420x1035, 31-gaetan-dugas-ny-post-1987-crop.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10599815 No.10599815 [Reply] [Original]

How come AIDS was primarily correlated with gays in the 80s more so than straight people?

>> No.10599822

You want the scientific answer?
Gods plan.

>> No.10599825


>> No.10599829

Because anal sex plus promiscuity.

>> No.10599833

Yes, homophobia is why the majority of AIDS cases are in gays.

It is much easier to get AIDS fr

>> No.10599839

Gay men are extremely promiscuous and fuck each other in the ass. It's much harder to get AIDS from vaginal sex.

>> No.10599846

Several reasons
Firstly, gays are A LOT more promiscuous than heterosexuals, having like 5 times the lifetime partners (don't cite me on the number, I'm sure you can find the exact amount by Google)
Secondly, the nature of the intercourse means there's no pregnancy risk, so despite the potential diseases, there were more people who opted out of using condoms
Thirdly, anal sex often causes hemorrhage, and diseases like aids can travel easier if there is no mucous membrane barrier (straight from semen to blood)

>>10599822 said

>> No.10599852

From a man than a woman, especially when there is a higher chance for an open wound in the mucus membrane getting jizzed on. Aka anal.

>> No.10599870

Did anyone find AIDS patient zero AKA guy who fucked the monkeys?

>> No.10599971

Spelling out the in hole/out hole thing. Accept jiz of death into where nutrients are absorbed into bloodstream vs bang a chick.

>> No.10600078

It's easier to get it if you're having frequent anal sex. It spread so rapidly because nobody likes wearing a condom.

>> No.10600092

promiscuity? boomers detected

>> No.10600099

There was a study in 80s or 90s that found older gay man had average of 300 lifetime sexual partners. That's 50x more than straight men

>> No.10600112

it was most likely a native african

>> No.10600121

seething boomer

>> No.10600137

There were and probably still are bathhouses in SF that are basically 24 hour gay orgies.

>> No.10600143

>t. never heard of a whorehouse

>> No.10600259

Look up AIDS patient zero. He knew he had it and spread it all over the world.

>> No.10600263

1. HIV orginated in Central Africa.
2. Infected Africans fled political instability to the Caribbean, mostly Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
3. In the 80s, Haiti was actively attracting gay tourism. Vacationing gay men came into contact with gay African refugees, and spread HIV back to the States.

There was also greater condom use among straight people. A straight man might wear a condom to prevent pregnancy even before the disease was known. Two gay men would not have that concern.

Also, anal sex is much more damaging to the rectal linings than vaginal sex. Vaginas tend to self-lube: your butt does not.

>> No.10600297

But how did the Africans get it? Bushmeat?

>> No.10600311

t. faggot

>> No.10600325

guy had sex with a monkey

>> No.10600383

HIV most likely jumped to humans because of eating bushmeat, not fucking monkeys

>> No.10600393

>a book in the 70s villified one guy to boost book sales and scientists have since determined that he wasn't actually AIDS patient zero
Thanks google

>> No.10600449

AIDS Patient Zero wanted to channel his inner homosexuality that he was suppressing since birth since his tribe did not condone such things so he took it out on some random monkey far from any village and walked back feeling good but not quite satisfied. Then he cut himself on accident one day and some other villagers helped him out, getting blood into their systems in the process. Now several villagers were infected with HIV. Some of these villagers traveled to the local city where they fucked some local prostitutes and infected them with HIV. A few months later the nearby sub Saharan city is teeming with HIV infected persons and after political instability a lot fled to the west, mostly to poor island nations in the Caribbean where they fucked many there and spread HIV. At last, American men, tourists who happened to be gay, came upon these closet gays and they had sexual intercourse many times over, savoring the time they had before they had to head back to mainland America specifically and pretend to be straight as to avoid homophobic persecution and discrimination and eventually moved to San Francisco, America's haven for gays and congregated there in open bath houses where many orgies happened day and night. At this point a few years have passed and Patient Zero has long since died, whether from AIDS or other diseases, who knows. Now in the mid 1980's the AIDS crisis has been realized and has caused an uproar in the states and created more cause for homophobia while thousands of men were walking around with this new, unknown and scary virus. This is the origin of AIDS.

>> No.10600454


>> No.10600460

Googling "aids bushmeat" turns up numerous academic sources

>> No.10600474

Reputable sources please

>> No.10600697

Bathhouses are legit, go to San Francisco

>> No.10600719

it was made in a lab and tested on prisoners first

>> No.10600749

Anal sex = bloody rectum

>> No.10600882
File: 590 KB, 1000x667, How-to-Talk-to-Your-Kids-About-Homosexuality[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also theres a very high correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia:
"A Church-commissioned report in 2004 said more than 4,000 US Roman Catholic priests had faced sexual abuse allegations in the last 50 years, in cases involving more than 10,000 children - MOSTLY BOYS."


McCarrick, who retired as archbishop of Washington DC in 2006, was forced to resign as a cardinal last July after a man publicly alleged that he had been sexually abused by the cleric from 1971, when he was a 16-year-old altar boy in New York.


Cardinal George Pell was convicted of abusing two choir boys in Melbourne in 1996.


All of Chile's 34 Roman Catholic bishops have offered Pope Francis their resignations in the wake of a child sex scandal and cover-up.

"This will change things forever," tweeted Juan Carlos Cruz, who was abused by Fr Karadima in the 1980s.

José Andrés Murillo, another victim, said Pope Francis should accept the mass resignation offer.


>> No.10600902

Anal sex is more conducive to transmission because it results in micro-tears that make it easier for the virus to enter the blood stream.

They also weren't wearing condoms as much because pregnancy wasn't an issue.

fuck off ronald reagan

>> No.10600976

>Complaining about promiscuity is a boomer thing
>Boomers have on average more sexual partners, and lost their virginity at a younger age, than all generations after them
How does this logic work?

>> No.10600996

Boomers are hypocrites. They're the ultimate sellouts.

>> No.10601033


Let me make you understand somthing. You do not tell Ronald Reagan to fuck off.


>> No.10601037

holy shit op how old are you? It's because all the AIDS epidemics came out of gay clubs. Seriously how old are you? I'm class of '09 and know this.

>> No.10601047


>> No.10601055

If Reagan wasn't buried at an extremely high-trafficked presidential library, I would make a roadtrip to piss on his grave

Authentically the worst president in US history - much smarter than Donald Trump but still the worst

>> No.10601064

Woodrow Wilson is the worst President we've ever had. Stupid bullshit asshole taking us off the gold standard. Another down the line would have done it but they didn't have to because HE did it.

>> No.10601067

Gold standard is pretty shitty though - world economies have been much more stable when based on credit.

Also FDR (and later Nixon) killed the gold standard, not Wilson.

>> No.10601074

Cope harder faggot.

>> No.10601075


1) in the 80s gay people were more likely to be poor and kicked out of home than straight people, so they were often in less than ideal environments

2) Because there's no risk of pregnancy and in the 80s STD education was minimal, condoms weren't v common in gay communities

3) Anal sex is more likely to cause microtears that act as vectors for the virus

Sorry to say, I dont think an 80s study during the height of the AIDs scare when people were many times more homophobic is an unbiased view of gay people. Also, if this is the same study I've seen used elsewhere, the data was, like, literal manwhores.

>> No.10601081

did you guys know that Cuba managed to eradicate AIDS by putting all degenerates in concentration camps? and now that they are becoming more open the AIDS is starting to come back kek?

first is that AIDS is hard as fuck to contract and the anus makes that task incredibly easier when compared to a vagina, so really who is at risk is the bottom and he needs to take a load in the ass, women are also vulnerable definitely not this much

second is taking the redpill that all faggots are degenerate, they don't understand monogamy, they don't know why that is important, living under the same roof as someone else and building a life isn't good enough for them, which makes me wonder how did the media manage to brainwash western faggots into wanting "marriage" equality when they don't actually want it, they must think it is state subversion or some shit, these are some really freakish people, they will fuck anything with a penis

>> No.10601090

> prevent a group of people from openly having partners or getting legally married for centuries
> Hurr durr why do they not want to settle down


>> No.10601099
File: 44 KB, 401x765, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. And I'd shit continues were going to see another aids explosion in the next decade.

>> No.10601104
File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, 22499875_211740642698469_4098762246342049792_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legalize their perversion
>give them free drugs and therapies
>let them conduct perverse, disruptive parades and other events unhindered in public
>pass laws forbidding slights towards them
>disrespecting them on twitter is now punishable by jail time
>give them unlimited access to young children
>give them every right they ask for, and more, debasing multiple institutions in the process
>they can now get married, hooray
>almost none of them do
YOU did this to them, white man. The only way to atone is by offering up your firstborn.

>> No.10601114

"gay" didn't even exist "for centuries", there was no "grindr" back then, most people who were a little "weird" would just go on to live isolated until they die, this is a city phenomena, as society became more modernized and connected, that was when it started appearing

and it is now been many years since marriage was legalized in several countries and nothing has changed apart from some faggots becoming even more promiscuous as a result because there is just no push back anymore, people everywhere stopped to witch hunt faggots and that is the perfect ambient for their true behavior to flourish

>> No.10601167

Was this country of isolated gays called Greece by any chance

>> No.10601174

>muh greece
so according to you the MODERN definition of "gay" is the same as fucking young boys? to teach them how it is done? that's what gay is? a old man fucking a young kid?

we don't live in greece ok, the west was built on top of christian values, we don't fuck kids as adults

>> No.10601233

Based and fact-checked.

>> No.10601284

There is literally nothing scientifically wrong with homosexuality

>> No.10601303

Fuck off ronald reagan

>> No.10601545


>> No.10601548

You're retarded. Provide evidence behind your claims

>> No.10601565

The penis was made for the vagina though, so you are wrong. People trying to stick their dicks in their anuses where their SHIT comes out isn't exactly a sign of great mental stability. A lot of young gay men now are not exactly stable people. They are prone to lash out and are super sensitive because of all the homophobia.

>> No.10601583


>> No.10601596

Yes there is, and OP called it. It's AIDS

>> No.10601612

>old people bad
Fuck off to Reddit or justify your claims

>> No.10601620

There's an old interesting theory that the most likely source is monkey blood used to treat malaria.

>The researcher, Dr. Charles Gilks of Oxford University and the Kenya Medical Research Institute, has discovered reports of a series of little-known malaria experiments in which people were inoculated with fresh blood from monkeys and chimpanzees.
>In his paper, Dr. Gilks described published studies, dating to 1922 and continuing into the 1950's, in which researchers inoculated themselves or others, including prisoners, with fresh blood from chimpanzees or mangabeys.
>They did this, in most cases, to see whether malaria parasites that are transmitted to primates by mosquitoes can also infect people.
>These studies involved 34 people who were given injections of blood from 17 chimpanzees and an additional 33 who were given blood from people who received chimpanzee blood. In addition, two people were inoculated with blood from mangabeys and three others were injected with blood from macaques that had been injected with blood from mangabeys.
>These experiments, which continued into the 1950's, were the only way scientists knew to learn whether the malaria parasite could be transmitted from monkeys or chimpanzees to humans.


it makes much more sense than the bush meat or monkey sex theory. It's also easy to see how researchers have a reason to ignore it. Africa is already a basket case of resistance to medicine, telling them hiv infected humans because of white doctors' experiments would fuck things up even more

>> No.10601672

>Being part of the issue

>> No.10601684

t. discord tranny

>> No.10601686

>provides a fact
>is somehow seething
fags are mentally ill
what is the point of settling down if you're gay?

>> No.10601767

>what is the point of settling down if you're gay?
the same as straight people minus having biological children

before marriage being legalized there were some fringe cases of couples who built an entire life together and then suddenly one of them passed away, and the state'd give all their inheritance to people who actually had a legal binding to them (parents) but didn't contribute to shit, with the aggravating that most people disapproved of these relationships, so imagine you spent years building something under scorn that isn't recognized by anyone on earth, only to then have all of that stripped away by people you don't even know. it is a huge problem

but settling down, is, before anything, a decision that comes from two consenting adults, so i don't know what these people are smoking when they say that it needs to be state backed because the state isn't an actual person that consents to anything

>> No.10601774

Another cover up. Some visiting scientists just wanted to fuck monkeys to unleash their repressed faggotry and frustration.

>> No.10601891

Monkey sex theory is the least complicated. Humans are inherently savage, fucking animals especially monkeys who are very related to us, is not far from reality.

>> No.10601915

bump desu

>> No.10601917

I looked it up, and I admit. I was wrong, I actualy though boomers were younger than they were, turns out they are now 80 years old, it's generation X that was the most promiscuous, people who are now around 50.

>> No.10601929

It's good to admit you're wrong sometimes. Good job anon. You rarely see that anywhere.

>> No.10601949

Data you find on the internet is not always accurate and up to date. I'm sure by now zoomers and anyone younger than zoomers have far surpassed the promiscuous rates of previous generations, if we take into account all the dating apps, and all the unaccounted for promiscuous kids having sex every day. Some data samples can only tell you so much, there are many variables scientists haven't looked at.

>> No.10601968

You see articles all the time about melenials and gen Z not having enough sex and it's killing old family condom farms or something.

>> No.10601970

Monkeys are so tempting to fuck.. In africa where no law enforcers or terrorist animal rights groups will cut your balls off.

>> No.10601976

Articles that don't have the full data on everyone in those generations.

>> No.10602025


>> No.10602046

Severely mentally ill fags actually insulting Ronald Reagan. The state of our society in 2019

>> No.10602106


>> No.10602117
File: 73 KB, 1213x809, FAGGOT = AIDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10602237

I regularely stick my peepee in my wife's poopoo. feelsgoodman.jpg for the both of us. Where is your god now?

>> No.10602243
File: 6 KB, 175x180, 1363744583053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10602252

Uh, it's an interesting theory, but since you can't even donate human AB+ blood to a human O-neg receiver, well, not without killing the receiver anyway, I'd think that all of those monkey blood receivers would have died faster than you can spell HIV.

>> No.10602254

>gay dudes give aids to bi dudes who give aids to straight women who give aids to straight men

>> No.10602369

Good luck with your STD then. See you in five years

>> No.10602552
File: 2.28 MB, 4255x2393, orangutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monkeys are so tempting to fuck
I've read about too many chimp attacks to ever get my donger near one.
Lady orangutans have been known to have sex with people lost in the jungle.

>> No.10602563
File: 175 KB, 583x1036, CIS LES MILKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are lesbians the least likely to develop STDs? Are they the purest?

>> No.10602575

maybe cause they don't mess with each other's assholes

>> No.10602576

Mucus - mucus transfer is pretty low for anything.

>> No.10602577

The ones I know do
That makes sense

>> No.10602589

B-b-but the scientists said that it was a coincidence !

>> No.10602594

Because they're trannies too busy dyeing their hair and posting on tumblr

>> No.10602602

You gotta seduce them first.

>> No.10602613

Wouldn’t Bonobos be interested in fucking humans? They’re total hedonists.

>> No.10602615

do you have to do the mating dance? I think I can

>> No.10602616

>STD magically appearing in a monogamous couple

You’re a retard

They do tho

>> No.10602681

Whatever. Dont come crying when your dick is oozing green pus. You don't need to have sex to get some STDs anyways.

>> No.10602697

AIDS has been genetically dated to have started as far back as the 1920s, and yes from butchering bushmeat. It came to Haiti bc the Congo had kicked out most Belgian first world doctors and Haitian doctors came to Africa since they spoke French and it most likely came there that way. Also, that "patient zero" wasn't the first instance of HIV in America, they were able to phylogenetically show that it had been here for a while b4 him. It was noticed in the gay communities first bc of clusters of opportunistic infections that only immunodeficient ppl would get. And, yes, it spreads easier thru butt sex so lesbians don't get it that way.

>> No.10602713

>Whatever. Dont come crying when your dick is oozing green pus. You don't need to have sex to get some STDs anyways.

Haven’t gotten some magical spontaneously generating ass STD for over ten years of fucking them so I feel pretty confident it’s never happening.

>You don't need to have sex to get some STDs anyways.

Then you’d get them regardless of whether or not you’re fucking someone in the ass, dumbass.

>> No.10602744

Retard. Statistically you are more likely to get STDs from ass fucking.

>> No.10602777

>Retard. Statistically you are more likely to get STDs from ass fucking.

You can’t get STDs from having sex with someone in any way unless they are already infected with an STD, “retard”. STDs do not spontaneously generate.

>> No.10602803

Why can't we all accept that it came from monkey sex? Bushmeat came after.

>> No.10602891

Bump desu xd

>> No.10603217


>> No.10603221

I've seen it happen like 3 times on /sci/

>> No.10603274


>> No.10603284

>ITT zoomers getting all worked up over boomer meme

just chill out guys; HIV is basically cured. magic johnson

>> No.10603338

Fuck off. HIV/AIDS isnt fully cured yet. Only held at bay. And what about all the people who can't afford the medication and aren't famous basketball players?

>> No.10603345

underage detected. Reported.

>> No.10603358

Bushmeat is still the simplest and most plausible explanation

>> No.10603359

No, monkey sex is.

>> No.10603361

The monkey or ape you attempt to have sex with will fuck you up. How would you restrain it?

>> No.10603368
File: 176 KB, 433x363, black boys ride our young girls but virgins go without.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youve seen his work in hospitals and free clinics across the nation
>from the man that brought you infectious diseases such as the clap and small pox comes a award winning STD thats taking over broadway
those feels when you knew all along glowies made aids in government building bathrooms

>> No.10603463

Sedatives of course. Along with some rope in case it wakes up while I fuck it. All I need to do is get a job at a zoo.

>> No.10603479

This is why I carry ninja stars....right to their gay fucking balls! You get 3000 pts if you hit a gay rapist in the balls across the parking lot

>> No.10603521

Homophobic bigot.

>> No.10603602

seething tumblr user

>> No.10603606

>the worst president in US history

>> No.10603614

>spontaneous generation
Literal retard.

>> No.10603624
File: 289 KB, 2235x932, fagfacts5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fags spread disease like rodents.

>> No.10603703

There's an underground documentary I forget the name of, but it includes a sequence of interviews with homosexuals who were alive in the late seventies, immediately before this period. Penicillin was still kind of new and people interpreted it to mean they could do whatever they wanted without consequences. Heteros were just as bad but were limited by women. Homos would bang all night at bathhouses, deliberately contract diseases, and proudly show off scars from infections.
AIDS or no AIDS, if you just make yourself sick all the time, your immune system can collapse, which just happens to be what AIDS looks like.

>> No.10603709

Plus, after all those "education" campaigns about condoms, it turns out that gays never wear them, and you have porn stars committing suicide because they're effectively forced to sleep with known risktakers, and called "homophobic" if they refuse.

>> No.10603714

Because women have no sexuality. Lesbian bed death is a thing. Homo bed death just means they never make it to the bed.

>> No.10603763


>> No.10603767

Nobody "made" the penis. Who says humans haven't evolved to have anal sex, since it's very possible? (and very enjoyable too, I fuck my gf up the ass several times a week).

>> No.10603886

Unironically this.

>> No.10604044
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1512287036894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, anal sex is much more damaging to the rectal linings than vaginal sex
obviously buttsex is more damaging to the butt parts than non-buttsex

>> No.10604120

is it okay for someone to eat another human if they both consent with that logic?

>> No.10604123
File: 19 KB, 264x600, HIfVyDz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because receptive anal transmission rates are a lot higher than receptive vaginal transmission rates.

Homosexuals engage in anal sex a lot more than heterosexuals meaning the rate of transmission among gay people is a lot higher. And before we knew what caused it it seems like only gay people died of it.

Another factor is that the sickness was handwaved away when women had it while when a man had it it was automatically assumed he had a gay relationship.

Last but not least a lot of it was spread through blood transfusions such as for the writer Isaac Asimov. And they had to kept their disease secret for fear of being labeled homosexual. This led to the only people being pubicly known to have aids being homosexuals or presumed homosexuals as normal people kept silent and doctors blamed other causes for females with HIV.

It's a great example of selection bias and how that can change the entire mainstream perception of a disease or event.

Let it be a warning that you shouldn't have quick assumptions and wait for the actual numbers involved to be known before forming a firm believe about something.

>> No.10604126


btw the burden on marriage being passed so rapidly everywhere is on jokesters like you keek, if i had never heard this one before i'd assume you're trolling me

>> No.10604129

It is as far as I’m concerned. Believing otherwise is dumb.

>> No.10604145

If you can read above a third grade level, it's obvious that he meant anal sex is more damaging to anal linings than vaginal sex is to vaginal linings

>> No.10604156

Who cares? It’s fun

>> No.10604165

Retard. The anus was made for POOP. Not your faggot dick

>> No.10604170

Objective data making fags seeth. You're doing god's work anon

>> No.10604171


>> No.10604172

How can fags be so out of touch with reality that they would deny facts and data and their own promiscuity?

>> No.10604253

Bigot. Reported.

>> No.10604283
File: 38 KB, 1835x678, HIV-us-vs-other-2017-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it seems this board has already thrown fags under the bus while insistingly defending niggers might as well post this.

>> No.10604359

Fake data. Clearly an agenda behind it.

>> No.10604386


T. Gondii

It's your answer, in a roundabout way.


We can see that researchers are already acknowledging that T. Gondii affects the behavior of its host after infection. What behavioral modifications it makes exactly warrants further study. It is known to cause mice to act suicidal.

tldr; we're all infected with something that has the potential to turn us into violent and/or sexual deviant psychopaths.

>> No.10604388

based and telos pilled

>> No.10604393

The rate is still higher in homosexuals though. Making a moral judgement out of that is retarded as the reason most people use condoms is to prevent pregancy, something homosexuals don't have to care about. Plenty of kids fuck rubberless if the girl is on the pill or her period or whatever.

>> No.10604405


Perhaps but it's still a scientifically valid point. Gay men have more partners on average, and anal sex is more likely to transmit AIDS on average. To say otherwise is to ignore science in the name of SJW propaganda.

>> No.10604433

Kids are retarded.

>> No.10604474

So Gondii is the cause of monkey fucking?

>> No.10604477

Straight people and their spouses didn't want it known they'd caught 'gay cancer'.

>> No.10604480

The idea is that it probably causes a tremendous amount of sexual dysfunction both in humans and in other animals.
I say probably because you know science and stuff but it's got a lot of evidence to back it up.

>> No.10604505

to add bringing it up (IE "Homosexuality linked to toxoplasmosis") or anything else of a similar nature which might otherwise harm the status quo (like the fact that pedophilia is also probably linked to t. gondii--the virus is trying to transmit itself to youthful healthy hosts).
It all effectively comes down to transmission of t. gondii from one host to another. The life cycle is far more complex than I'm letting on but that's the gist of it. The virus is actively forcing the animal to act, even against its own interests, to further its spread.

>> No.10604508

also it's not a virus it's a eukaryote
correcting myself because I had a brain fart

if you question any of this the information is there I promise you, I linked a few of them

>> No.10604509

kek is it accounting for the differences in population
minorities are also more likely to be gay

>> No.10604552

t. racist bigot asshole

>> No.10604581


>> No.10604584


>> No.10604586
File: 68 KB, 1225x473, huffpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i searched for an assblasted source just for you

is huffpo too wayciss for you ?

>> No.10604590

The CIA engineered it to take out the Gays and lower the Black population explosion in Africa.

Not accounting for bisexuality and people fucking Africans.

>> No.10604600

It was a counter weapon against Russian LGBT brainwashing. During the cold war.


>> No.10604613

Russia has been making a clown out of America since the cold war. Pathetic.

>> No.10604617

No, these have been paid by conservative men. Not factual evidence.

>> No.10604618

is akin to career suicide*
Christ, my shit brain is all over the place this morning. Sleep deprivation is a bitch.

>> No.10604622

This thread has unveiled all the bigots of 4chan.

>> No.10604624

No, it hasn't. FACTS > your lbgtq+++++++++++++++++++++++ feelings

>> No.10604640

Why do most gay men always seem mentally unstable? And why is it always an asian and a ginger white man.

>> No.10604642


>> No.10604644

JK I love Huffpost. They support LBGTQ rights

>> No.10604651
File: 86 KB, 968x681, Steve-Luetchford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is off....

>> No.10604659

40 KEKs

>> No.10604666

sorse ?

>> No.10604667

so was it the CIA niggers or rusha ?

any sorses ?

>> No.10604671

what is thus the solution to gays or being gay

>> No.10604676

Modern scientists and historians will deny the correlation between homosexuality and HIV/AIDS because it is homophobic. This is what is known as ignorance and misinformation.

>> No.10604696

Both. They both work to undermine the American way

>> No.10604705

This thread has become a magnet for low intelligence, false data (and bigotry).

>> No.10604712

Any gay anons here (preferably with an STD) that can confirm that gays are more promiscuous?

>> No.10604719


>> No.10604735

so what is your solution bro, i say enforce rehab and send all gays who cant change to a gay country made away from the rest.

>> No.10604738

He orchestrated the Iran-Contra affair, which was a completely-impeachable offense that puts the scandals of Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Hillary to absolute shame. The guy sold missiles to Iran (read: only years after the hostage crisis) in order to fund an illegal, undeclared war in Nicaragua that Congress refused to authorize.

He ramped up Nixon's War on Drugs to 11, with special penalties applied to drugs most popular among blacks, latinos, and hippies. This gave an absurd number of Black Americans a criminal record and created a generations-long prison pipeline that has prevented millions from elevating out of the ghetto. Reagan's drug laws were especially harsh to users of crack cocaine, which is produced from bricks of cocaine that were trafficked into the US by the same Contra militants that Reagan illegally supported.

He mismanaged and ignored the AIDS crisis to an absolutely absurd degree (this is why I brought him up to begin with). The POTUS, in response to the greatest American public health crisis in history, refused to mention the word 'AIDS' in public until four years after the epidemic was identified. He did effectively nothing to contain it until eventually appointing a special commission in 1987 (six years after it started). Millions of American citizens died because he didn't give a shit.

He ordered the deregulation of mental institutions and the immediate release of a majority of people indefinitely institutionalized for mental illness in the US. These people subsequently became the homeless population of cities like US and San Francisco and still exist there today in some capacity.

Reagan was objectively the most malicious, ineffective, and incompetent president in history and he deserved to have his brains rot out. At least Trump has had the good fortune of presiding over a good phase of the business cycle with no wars or national security crises. Reagan faced actual problems and addressed them in the worst possible way.

>> No.10604754

It's probably true, and I'd wager the reason isn't actually because minority groups have a true higher proportion of LGBT individuals.

It's just that white communities have a monopoly on WASP culture that tells their children they'll be homeless if they come out as gay, bi, or trans.

>> No.10604756

Dang if these claims are true. Why is he so popular a president then compared to Trump?

>> No.10604776

> the west was built on top of christian values

>> No.10604786

Conservatives have a lot of nostalgia for Reagan because he basically pioneered the economic policy that they believe in today.

Before the Reagan era, there was a political consensus that taxing corporations and super-rich individuals 0% is fucking stupid. Ronnie mixed up the status-quo by popularizing something called supply-side economics, which basically argues that by making the super-rich even richer, they'll offer jobs and bonuses to their employees, which trickles down wealth into the lower and middle class without slowing the growth of the economy like social programs and entitlements do. All economic evidence suggests that this didn't work - there was below-average growth in the lower and middle class during his presidency. However, wealth inequality in the US ballooned during this time (along with the national debt, since tax revenue plummeted).

He was also objectively good at fighting the Cold War - he ramped up military spending and deterrence and effectively helped coerce the USSR into overexpanding and eventually going bankrupt. This probably would have happened anyway, but he definitely expedited the process. Note that the USSR didn't actually collapse until three years into his successor's presidency.

In defense of most conservatives that blindly idolize Reagan, they usually aren't aware of the full scope of bad shit that went on during his administration. Reagan occupies such an idol-like position in their political ideology that most of them haven't bothered to learn what he was actually like. Especially younger conservatives.

>> No.10604816

yes, they absolutely are. i am a bisexual, i know both worlds. and i don't have any STDs but once a fag tried to poz me, i feel SO lucky that nothing bad happened to me! no woman on earth could have caused me that much distress

the issue is glaring just by looking at who those people are, i know a lot of them. but i've also had multiple faggots personally trying to "lecture" me on how to be a "true" faggot. there were times when i'd just be friendly warned by another dude about how all men just wanted to fuck and move on, and that i'd inevitably be treated the same way, this is just someone exposing his opinion, nothing too shocking, but there were also fags who would talk to me in a really hostile way, they would say that i first need to fuck people to see if i "like it", and ONLY after that i should even consider going after that same person, but that ultimately, fucking several different people is the way to live, and that monogamy is the same as having someone holding you hostage

this same shit is happening to women right now. i am pretty sure there are plenty of women still who want to have a family, but they seem to be devolving into something similar. it is disgusting

>> No.10604863

Nasty. The state of people in 2019. Glad you shared this OP, thanks. I always hear that fags are super friendly and kind. Turns out they act like women on a cock carousal.

>> No.10604879

Ah so his economics and fighting the cold war effectively is why he is beloved so much. Is it also because the presidents prior to him were so incompetent it made him look good?

>> No.10604894

It wasn't Reagan's responsibility to help fight AIDS. It was the job of doctors and scientists to do so, and the fault of the fags who went to bathhouse orges.

>> No.10604918
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Exposing their evil is a fun hobby

>> No.10604922
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>> No.10604926
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>> No.10604929

>I just chat with gays for research purposes
The transmission rates to tops are statistically low btw

>> No.10604936

It is hands on research unlike you LBGTQ scientists pulling data out of your ass.

>> No.10604937

Maybe. I don't actually consider Carter to be that incompetent, just unfortunate enough to preside over the Iran hostage crisis. Operation Eagle Claw is what people really wanted - 'real action' to rescue the hostages, and it's pretty much the biggest stain on his presidency.

That being said, both Nixon and Carter were extremely unpopular, so that probably does play a factor in Reagan's legacy. Reagan was also very charismatic and people liked his personality a lot - a lot of conservatives call him the 'Great Communicator'. He'd give public, visual explanations for his policies, which was actually a really good idea and something that a lot of modern presidents don't do enough.

That's dumb. The president presides over all federal agencies, including the CDC, NIH, and FDA.

Note that the AIDS crisis wasn't just homosexuals - absurd numbers of hemophiliacs died along with straight adults, children, and unlucky blood transfusion recipients. The risk of getting a fatal infectious disease from a blood transfusion is something that would threaten literally any living American, since you don't know when you'll need one.

>> No.10604941

Ronald Reagan made this post

>> No.10604946

I believe you

>> No.10604949

>he thinks finding weirdos on grindr is an achievement
>I'm not gay I swear, I just spend energy and time over people that don't affect me in any way by downloading gay dating apps haha

>> No.10604950
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Hands-on research

>> No.10604953

Nice non argument. Gay apps give great sample groups for research on homosexuals.

>> No.10604958

Yes, horrible gay people exists and they are universally hated by other gays.
I don't understand what you are trying to prove here. I could find horrible straight people too if I looked for them doesn't prove anything about straights does it?

>> No.10604969

Gay men are like women, they never stop thinking about other men and what they have in their pants. Knew this fag who always flirted with and rated every man he saw. Knew this other fag back in high school who definitely was rating every boy in the class, treated the sexy men better. Do not understand why people say gay men are nicer than everyone else.

>> No.10604975

You aren't going to get a good sample from an app made for the express purpose of anonymous sex. Obviously they're all going to be promiscuous.
And as it appears, is filled with people who aren't even gay.
I just wish girls didn't ignore me at school.
Men do the same thing anon

>> No.10604977
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Straight men, I mean

>> No.10604989

Aw damn. Poor anon.

>> No.10604999

Admitting you had AIDS back then was admitting you were gay.

>> No.10605010


>> No.10605012

My ex became a drug addicted prostitute.

>> No.10605026

Probably has AIDS

>> No.10605049

Do gays realize their mode of sex and constant anal fucking make good vectors for AIDS?

>> No.10605057

Only relevant if you have sex with people that have AIDS. Antiviral treatment can make it impossible to infect others anyway

>> No.10605093

You act as if technology is that advanced.

>> No.10605140

So to clarify, the AIDS association with gays was nothing but homophobic propaganda?

>> No.10605195


>> No.10605198


>> No.10605232

All non bigot evidence points to the contrary, friend.

>> No.10605242

>non bigot evidence
i only care about evidence
if it is bigoted or non bigoted it doesn't matter

>> No.10605285

If it is bigoted, it is biased.

>> No.10605288

Isn't it obvious that straight people would be just as promiscuous as fags if women would spread their legs for any pasty skinny loser? Men will fuck everything, as it's reflected by inflated sense of self worth of women and average guys fucking fat bitches (calling them thicc). Homos are filled with incels without the denial, they get fucked in the ass all the time.

>> No.10605299

If it is non bigoted, it is biased.

>> No.10605304
File: 3.06 MB, 275x206, ohshitniggawhatareyoudoin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they get fucked in the ass
>involuntary celibates
>they get fucked

>> No.10605309

Being gay is cheating.
They cheated not only the game, but themselves. The homo didn't grow. The fag didn't improve. The gay took a shortcut and gained nothing. The poofter experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that candy asses don't know the difference.

>> No.10605311

>forget to take dose
>infect people
Here’s the kicker:
>fags on prep now
>spread around other STDs like fucking wildfire (major syphilis problem in Chelsea NYC)
>fucking multidrug resistant gonorrhea is a thing in 2019 because fags are too rearded to continue taking a penicillin tablet for a couple of days after symptom clearing and get right back to fucking

I always wondered why Lot got it so rough, now I was it was to clear the fucking diseases they were spreading around.
And before you literal faggots start with le low rates of transmission non sense (as if HIV was the only virus or bacteria culling you)
Let’s do some basic math
Transmission rates are around 1.4% for fags taking loads up their ass.
Meaning that it’s 1 transmission ever 70 exposures.
You honestly think mentally ill faggot bottoms don’t make that number in a year, let alone a lifetime?
Combine that with the fact that there are multiple populations of these subhumans who refuse to get tested or don’t fucking understand what test to use and when to take it
>bug spreaders and chasers
>“Straight” faggots who “only top” or only fuck trannies and think they’re immune somehow
>absolute mongoloids who can’t do a simple google search on what tests are available and the testing timeframe. They’ll take a load up the ass, get a cheek swab test a week later and put HIV negative on their Grindr profile
>literal subhumans in big cities that think there’s a kind of herd immunity to HIV dude to relatively high prep use and don’t take it themselves/ lie about being on it if the other person is taking it ( they WILL spread around a 3rd strain of HIV eventually)
If it were up to me I’d line you all up against a wall, and the “allies”, especially white women, that enable your faggotry.

>> No.10605318

Good to know that even on /sci/ redefining meaning of words is a-okay as long as it suits you.

>> No.10605327

No, it's just shitposting by using a word that in this context obviously means "homosexual who would be an incel if he was straight" (majority of incels are straight)

>> No.10605539

Men are much less picky which is why women are a lot more picky with inflated self worth. Simple. Now put two and two together and men who like each other would fuck each other more which spreads AIDS faster especially in the way they have sex. A lot of gay men you see today, not the super models, look like pasty losers ones who babble about LBGTQ and if they ever were straight they'd kill themselves because no one would want their autistic cringe ass which is why they chose to be gay in the first place I reckon because no girls liked them growing up but they deny deep down and decided to join the fag trend.

>> No.10605547

Homophobic asshole. What do you mean fag improve?

>> No.10605577
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Fags circa 2019. They become gay or trannys because they are mentally unstable. Not all gays are like this though.

>> No.10605579

There isn't, but it literally does not exist in nature. The only other species that has homosexuality is domestic sheep. Bisexuality (really heterosexuality) is natural. Homosexuality is not genetic or a choice so who the fuck knows what really causes it.

>> No.10605587

Could have come from a vaccine too perhaps. That has extra reasons to be ignored. And there have been viruses transmitted through vaccines.

>> No.10605589

Mental illness. Reason why gays are more common now is because at a young age they look at all the LBGTQ shit and think wow I might be gay! And they feel left out by everyone else. I feel left out too but I didnt become a fag, I guess it's sort of a permanent cope with life, to become gay. Usually it is the most bullied or people low on the social ladder. That's why you rarely see football players in your high school be fags while the theater kids are full of em.

>> No.10605593

completely degenerate

>> No.10605597

And most of the time it's the need to belong. By becoming gay, they are guaranteed some form of acceptance, validation and community. Maybe there are cases where being gay is genetic but that is not researched enough.

>> No.10605605

Cant get an STD tard. Why not say you could get lots of infections from poo, that is a stronger argument.

>> No.10605616

Wow 4chan despite being taken over by normies, is really homophobic.

>> No.10605621

Is it the big ole cock?

>> No.10605640


>> No.10605646
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>> No.10605648

I dunno man, its not like the other races like it very much either. At least WASPS can be understanding, at least these days

>> No.10605660

Well so "at least these days" means there'll be a time delay before we know that's true. Gotta wait for data 10 years from now.

>> No.10605664

You are correct. They just dont want people to have a true reason to not like their activities. Which i do not blame them for really. My brother is gay, he can do whatever he wants in my opinion

>> No.10605667

he means they would be incels if they were straight

>> No.10605671

I really don't believe its a choice. Why wouldnt incels just become gay? People are attracted to what they are attracted to.

>> No.10605679

I think your social argument has more to do with hormones then choice. I really truly do not think that being gay is a choice. Its not a choice for the sheep, is it? The answer is elsewhere

>> No.10605681

This guy >>10600263 already told us that

>> No.10605683

Bushmeat + Cutting the hand while butchering. I believe the CDC actually tracked down a likely butcher as patient 0.

>> No.10605691
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Cats have aids too, but they contract it through bloody combat.

>> No.10605708

Because being gay is a whole new world that people cant be bothered with, you have to consider the social ramifications and gays take years to build up their attraction towards men. Doesn't happen over night. https://medicalcitychildrenshospital.com/hl/?/14547/Gay-or-Straight--Can-You-Really-Change-

>> No.10605712

Social along with genetic and hormone factors cause gayness. It's a choice for humans, sheeps arent self aware enough to make a choice.

>> No.10605715

Badass while faggot humans just have gay sex in bathhouses. Embarrassing.

>> No.10605718

>take years to build up their attraction towards men
i've had that from the moment i came in contact with other boys

>> No.10605744

I doubt it.

>> No.10605765

"Accumulating studies from the United States over the past decade suggest that the development of sexual attraction may commence in middle childhood and achieve individual subjective recognition sometime around the age of 10. As these studies have shown, first same-sex attraction for males and females typically occurs at the mean age of 9.6 for boys and between the ages of 10 and 10.5 for girls."

i started "liking" boys around the age of 5, then around 8 nearing 9 it got really spicy

it really sucked though, i specifically remember of one dude, he was maybe 1 or 2 years older than me, he was changing clothes and i was scared thinking he would hit me

>> No.10605821

reasons why gays are more liekly to get stds and aids
1. gays are more promiscious.
2. Anal tearing, if its small or big tears, provides a direct passage way from bodily fluids infected with the std to enter blood stream
3. Cuz theyre gay

>> No.10606021

Can't gays use condoms to prevent STDs?

>> No.10606080

Yes, but they often don't, because butt babies aren't a thing they worry about.

>> No.10606092

But mild to life threatening STDs are things to worry about

>> No.10606124


>> No.10606142
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>>10599822 (checked)
based fag-basher

>> No.10606222

For a rational person, yes. For a faggot, no.

>> No.10606318

Fags are gay

>> No.10606329

Bigotus Dickus

>> No.10606988


>> No.10607257

They weren't. It was tabloid shit.

>> No.10607296

God why are faggots so gay?

>> No.10607320

>Regan caused AIDS
>Trump will summon 'AIDS II: Revenge of YHVH' into existence purely by being mean

>> No.10607339

AIDS II: RoY will specifically target only the cells of a gay

>> No.10607369

Reagan had AIDS.

>> No.10607403

It's from when he co-starred with a monkey, isn't it?

>> No.10607408

What about blood compatibility

>> No.10607521

Don't worry, they're compatible.

>> No.10607546

It was a government cover up, they didn't want people to think Reagan was a fag during the AIDS crisis

>> No.10607556
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A fresh conspiracy is calling, I'm off to >>>/x/!

>> No.10607661

Reagan was our first homosexual president.

>> No.10607706

Hiv is far more likely to be transmitted via anal than any other intercourse. This is why gay men are still limited for blood donation.

>> No.10607718

There’s zero reason for that to be so. They scan donations for HIV and destroy and then notify the donor if detected.

>> No.10607763
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None of that establishes homosexuals find younger more attractive then heterosexuals. Neotenic features are more attractive to heterosexual men.
Also most of the "victims" going after the Catholic church are using "recovered memories" therapy (i.e. bullshit) so it's mostly just an economic shake down.

>> No.10607772

I don't know about how blood is specifically screened, but Western Blot and RT-PCR both have a definite lower-bound for detection that could conceivably be higher than the viral load of a person very newly-infected.

Of course you have to balance that with whether it's worthwhile to throw out tons of perfectly good gay-blood if it means avoiding a risk that isn't avoidable in straight-blood either.

>> No.10607791

No "They" don't. It would be expencive to "scan" the blood of every single donor.

>> No.10607939


>> No.10608162

That still wouldn't matter. If AIDs is sexually transmitted and people are having multiple partners the spread would be rapid among populations. There are fewer gays, so they would just be passing the bug back and forth after a while, but the rates of infection would be similar among both populations. Bottom line AIDs and HIV are bullshit.

>> No.10608186

Diddled kids skewing male would imply that diddlers skew towards a preference for males.
>inb4 all inconvenient data is forged by nebulous social factors whenever we're not looking

>> No.10608192

>If AIDs is sexually transmitted and people are having multiple partners the spread would be rapid among populations
And it *was* rapidly spread, specifically among the population just mentioned as having lots of partners. Hmmmmmmm.......

>> No.10608388

because it's primarily contracted via buttsex, faggot

>> No.10608394

Quit projection your faggotry. We know you like buttsex

>> No.10608550
File: 31 KB, 400x269, ota-benga_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been known for a long time that the AIDS epidemic started in areas of Apefrica that had heavy occurrences of Chimpanzee-Nigger sex. It's claimed that it was transmitted from Chimps to Niggers but I think it well might have been the other way.

What is not known is what type of Chimp-Nigger sex was involved. I think that most likely it involved Chimp-Nigger anal sex, whereby a poor unsuspecting Chimp was forced to anally screw a down-low Buck or a Buckette. Of course any Buck alive would have immediately boffed a Chimp in the Caboose if he could have. But Chimps have more sense and pride than that, and would have resisted mightily. So generally, more Nigger Bucks took the Chimp in their caboose, rather than screw the Chimp in theirs.

There is also normal sex of course, whereby down-low Bucks were screwed by Chimps, as were Sow Buckettes. It's very hard for a Chimp to get hard, for a filthy Nigger, so this is not as easy as it seems. Of course, any Nigger Buck with a chance to screw a Chimp Male or female , would immediately jump at the chance.

That leaves oral sex. Again, any Buck or Buckette would immediately go down on any Chimp they can, but Chimps can't take the stank, and they resist. And, though admittedly very rare, there are cases of Chimps going down on Bucks.

So, while we know that AIDS was sexually transmitted from Chimps to Niggers, we don't know specifically what kind of sex was involved.
Anyone have any ideas?

Here are 2 lovers preparing to transmit the AIDS virus

>> No.10608557

I like your bold and soulful capitalization style.

>> No.10608562


>> No.10608584

You're missing the point.

>> No.10608587

It's a copy pasta dumbass.

>> No.10608608

/sci/ vs chimpmania.com
pseudoscience vs real science

>> No.10608656

i'd take that over sci desu

>> No.10608689

You don't pay at bathhouses

>> No.10608765

aperica jungle disease in america jewest and gayest cities
not hard to know what will happen

>> No.10608903

Chimpmania is true science and not the political autistic undergraduate shit discussed on here.

>> No.10608987

What? AIDS spread to non gay and non jewish cities too, you racist homophobic conservative.

>> No.10609204

its 1987 ny post
the jew hide the cause while sf fags amplify the effect
nothing racist nor pedo just sucking baby dicks as usual

>> No.10609214
File: 61 KB, 400x400, TRINITY___buddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...somewhere in memeland...
History will show that I'm rubber and he's glue
Whatever AIDS he tried to give me fucked his own shit up
fucked it up bad

>> No.10609300


>> No.10609316

Welp. That was a fast thread

>> No.10609396

definitely not just herpes

>> No.10609456

This, the raw meat is processed bare handed so blood can enter through cuts in the skin. It's also smoked and eaten very rare.

>> No.10609457

And gloryholes. Every public restroom in SF is a gay hookup spot.

>> No.10609465

San Francisco is the number worst city in America.

>> No.10609473

don't forget the baby sucking rabbis and down low niggers
the "party" just can't go on without them

>> No.10609476

I will say detroit but close enough

>> No.10609506

Detroit may be a hell hole mess of a city, but at least it didn't start an AIDS epidemic.

>> No.10609539

SF did not start the AIDS epidemic.

>> No.10609557

lol are u mental anon ?
first detroit is the down low nigger captial of murica just as gay as sf
second the AIDS epidemic didn't start in the US it started in the muhdikland in the jungle of aperica and spread to eu and us and all over the world
stupid jew programmed anon act like sock puppet
get your facts straight stupid pajeet

>> No.10609569

R you retarded you edgy racist as fuck anon? SF wasn't the beginning of AIDS I didnt say that. I said EPIDEMIC, which means local, not global. And SF was a huge nesting ground for AIDS, it basically started its own epidemic within the SF limits because of how big and rampant the gay community was with glory holes, hook ups and bathhouse orgies. It didn't start an epidemic technically but San Francisco sure provided the means and vectors of spreading HIV/AIDS everywhere.

>> No.10609631


>> No.10609635

SF and New York started the American AIDS epidemic, if you had nuked both cities or extirpated all their gays there would be no AIDS in America outside of black and immigrant communities.

>> No.10609678

retarded anon with broken english now twisted lie like a jew
detroit sf both shitholes
sf gay detroit gay+nigger
not hard to see which one is biggest shithole
and don't forget who's behind promotion of these two - the jews of course
u stupid anon can't see it cuz of jew programming always sucking jew cocks true fag indeed cuck for life

>> No.10609724

you think the jews will nuke their own city ?
don't be stupid anon
their will burn down their own synagogues yes but not jew york city
where else can they enjoy their baby dick sucking life beside jew york
isl is a slave colony for the small jews
the big jews are spread all over the world and its capital is jew york

>> No.10609732

Retarded underaged who can't even spell, quit spouting severely retarded shit

>> No.10609744

retarded anon jew slave pajeet npc can't take the heat
is real jew shit too hot for u stupid anon pajeet
live with it stupid pajeet npc

>> No.10609746

you're reading it, faggot

>> No.10609766

anal sex where chimp1->0buck with oral handjob forerplay

>> No.10609928

Uh, yeah, sure, ok, hmm.
Except there is documented proof that Ebola was spread from butchering bushmeat....
Lol! And there'd be no blood transfer from the chimp ripping ur face off when u tried to fuck it, yeah, whatever.
The truth is nature is more savage than either white ppl or black ppl.
It's not man-made or caused, get over it and learn ur virology

>> No.10610405


>> No.10610944

This thread is full of bigots

>> No.10611129

and npc nigger fags

>> No.10611197


>> No.10611351

retard robot npc