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10584683 No.10584683 [Reply] [Original]

How do you focus on your studies with all the porn, vydia and entertainment clouding your head? Do you just take drugs?

>> No.10584702

I take nsi-189

>> No.10584708

Engage in those things less and you'll want to do them less. It's like eating. If you're a glutton and you eat more, you'll want to eat more. Eat less and your apetite will diminish. Same sort of mechanism will all those dopamine releasing things.

Take a break from 4chan, do a lot of productive work and come back here and the inanity of comments will be kind of jarring.

>> No.10584721
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I know deep down inside if I don't study, there will never be time ever again for anything remotely as enjoyable as those things.

I've found it to be a general philosophical truth in life. There's no point in recreational activity, I can't enjoy recreational activity, if I know I can't sustain that lifestyle through my hard work.

I suppose it has to do with foresight. Its true, ya gotta plan ahead. If I dont see my cards lined up right for the future, I can't enjoy like, a good videogame or whatever, because I know to sustain that lifestyle of enjoying such a thing is in question. Ya always gotta plan ahead.

>> No.10584736

I dont study
I'm just naturally intelligent

>> No.10584913

I wish I was dumb enough to think this way. Believing that the future will be worth living in at all, let alone planning for it. And there’s no such thing as hard work. The mindless people who do it want to do it.

>> No.10584933

Wow anon you're so smart and big brained
>tfw too smart to work hard or be happy

>> No.10584939

If “hard work” makes you happy then you are retarded

>> No.10585058
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What makes someone happy is subjective from person to person. Also
>implying happiness isn't a false God
>implying that the fact that you're even alive in spite of insurmountable odds shouldn't be enough to fill your soul with content and joy.

>> No.10585061


Not real

>> No.10585076

The definition of what a soul is/could be is also a subjective thing.
By soul, I meant the innermost awareness that exists within your skull.

>> No.10586409

“hard work” and accomplishing things make people content with their lives. Spending all day jerking off and doing yet another playthrough of their favorite game doesn't. Why is this controversial in any way?

>> No.10586434
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I just focus on the fact that the world needs more polluting chemistries and materials for all new selections of energy intensive consumer goods, and my life purpose is to serve the prerogatives of this consumer economy at the expense of future generations so I can compete successfully for exclusive and temporary access to the genital(s) of a member of the opposite sex before I am deemed a burden to the economy and recycled in middle age.

>> No.10586942

porn is boring after 2-3 minutes and most videogames suck. The few that don't get boring after a few hours.

>> No.10586987

>he hasn't blocked all porn websites
>he hasn't trown out his gaming console and computer
>he hasn't unsubscribed from netflix
anon, you're just a consumeristic retard, no pills will ever fix that

>> No.10586997

>le future is bleack :((((( why try :(((((((
lmao literal kek mindset

>> No.10587158

Wtf man. Make time for some activities. Plan that shit. I take a lot of drugs but just for fun not for performance. You should stay out of drugs and focus on your focus. Do important things first. Reward yourself once a week wil vidya and porn.

>> No.10587186


>> No.10587238
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Well you know what the problem is that in general society is tilted towards psychologically conditioning individuals to be efficient consumers because people want to make money. You can either be a stronger person then the Jedi Mind Tricks of advertisement and consumerist western society, or you can give in and be a bug boy who likely conditions themselves with mental/physical garbage, and the problem takes care of itself. You entirely have the choice of freedom and liberty distinctive of Western society.

Dollars are democracy in Western society. You voting for something that you support, therefore it should provide something of great value in return. If it does not, if it produces more negative externalities, then its true you are a empty headed consumerist. One must evaluate all purchases, acts of transaction to evaluate the return on value at the physical, mental, even spiritual level, in my opinion.

>> No.10587470

Cut out pornography and habitual masturbation. They're terrible influences and make you mediocre. All sexual excesses are detrimental.

>> No.10588853

I enjoy studying

>> No.10589124

Literally nofap and good sleep

>> No.10589128

Bluffing as much as possible.

>> No.10589131

I work hard. I sit down, turn off the TV, close my 16 tabs of 4chan and porn, and I take care of my shit. The first week is hard, because you will be soft and lazy, and want to fuck off. After the first week, you'll get into the habit and it becomes easy. Everything else is a gimmick, just push through it and work harder.

>> No.10589139

Try listening to dark ambient, helps me focus.

>> No.10589145 [DELETED] 

What’s the motivation though? Some boring ordinary age job?

>> No.10589153

Exactly. I’m envious of stupid people like you. Must be nice to be so mindless that you can’t see how mediocre and pointless the future is and how pathetic and worthless all of your goals are.

>> No.10589165

Maybe you should try expanding your goals to make the future 1% less bleak instead of rolling over like a cowed dog. Anti-humans like you make me sick.

>> No.10589180

>make the future 1% less bleak
what a motivating prospect. positive people are repulsive creatures

>> No.10589210

What do u mean?
Are u not mediocre? I like the idea of wanting to be exceptionaly good person but how does it connect to what u just wrote?

>> No.10589215

Cultivate discipline instead of being a weak-willed piece of shit manchild. Not something everyone is capable of, apparently.

>> No.10589221

There’s no such thing as discipline, and people who are disciplined aren’t “strong-willed.” Mostly they are just morons with unchallenged robot views. They would stop being disciplined if they were smarter.

>> No.10589223

This. Every historical genius was a man of leisure, were they alive today they would all have been internet forum shitposters and jerked off to anime tiddies.

>> No.10589435

>I am smart because I let my life deteriorate until the day I die
No, you're just deluded.

>> No.10589455

Pornography is nothing but visual stimulation. It's conditioning the individual to avoid making any effort to obtain sexual stimulation, thus when the time comes where effort is required, the individual will take the easier path and resort to pornography instead. In other words, it turns into a habit of risk and effort avoidance. And this is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Regular masturbation is even physically straining on the body, since it's robbing a male of important nutrients at every ejaculation. And this in turn leads to all sorts of other psychological consequences if not kept under good control.

All in all, the other anon is right. The mediocre will succumb to such unrewarding habits, while the strong will overcome these dangers and hopefully get closer to their goals.

>> No.10589468

tricks. Just know that a trick has a small effect. Like a 2% effect, not a huge solution.

Sleep well. See if helps.

Change diet, see if helps.

Work on some interesting problem for 10 mins, see if helps.

Unplug your videogame cables, see if helps. (sure you can plug it back in, but your lazyness might help you)

Add sites you dont want to visit to a blocker, see if helps (same as above: make it a little harder to fuck up, not impossible)

Keep collecting hacks, keep the graph going up, dont try to solve everything at once. See if helps :P

>> No.10589479

I follow the philosophy of hedonism. I believe it is more important to maximize my pleasure than to study.

>> No.10589484

Life deteriorates regardless. It stops having any value by age 40 at the very latest. Unless of course you’re some brainless NPC who lives for their pathetic job and “goals” that mean nothing.

>> No.10589496
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>It stops having value by age 40 at the very latest
O enlightened being that thou art, what exactly gives it value before the age 40 (at the very latest)?

>> No.10589519

Being athletic, handsome, free, dating, having good years ahead. You know, everything. Literally every single good thing about this horrible nightmare disappears within a few decades. So why pursue goals that are irrelevant to that time frame unless you’re an NPC who likes work?

>> No.10589536
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>lists subjective preferences to demonstrate value in early life
>if you pursue goals (that aren't in line with these preferences and thus) that are irrelevant to that time frame (that I personally put subjective value into) you're a brainlet NPC lol
>btw I am smart
Wanna know how I knew that you were deluded?

>> No.10589547

There is no escape isn't there

>> No.10589629

is it anything like nzt 48?

>> No.10591666

have fun wallowing in self-pity and having bouts of depression until you off yourself.

Go and do something. You clearly appreciate science, go and use it

>> No.10591672


>> No.10591770

This is the truth.

Hitting rock bottom can help in its own way too.

t. former drug addict

>> No.10591774
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Good post.

>> No.10591870
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>> No.10591874

Masturbation/Porn/Sex habit is harder for most people to kick than hard drugs.

>> No.10591893

Ok i will follow indian philosophy & become master. How old are you?

>> No.10591900

you're going to live such a short amount of time that your life will be negligible to the entirety of the universe, nothing matters. That being said you have been placed and gifted with experiencing consciousness, and being the only known thing to experience consciousness, Why let your shitty nihilism get in the way of enjoying that anon, why not do the most to improve your time in this short little blub of existence?

>> No.10591916

the two parties are not at all mutually exclusive

>> No.10592024

The future is going to be cool as fuck after the singularity happens. We will live in an automated, post-scarcity, technological utopia. I don't see how anyone could have a negative mindset about the future. Even if you are a hopeless retard with no prospects, it won't matter. You can just get free shit from all the automated manufacturers. (Either that, or ASI will try to kill us. But, in that case, all the hopeless retards can live like jungle savages along with the rest of us. There really is no loosing.)

>> No.10592027

good book actually

>> No.10592253

I just realized I'm this person. I need to change my ways now. Thanks anon.

>> No.10592270

Not exactly sure if you're trying to ridicule my post by equating it to pajeet philosophy, but in either case, I am 22 years old.

>> No.10592291

I smoke weed after work as a reward if that counts.

Also studying and working is more entertaining for me than watching porn and playing Vidya(except rare cases of 10/10 games which I finish ASAP).

>being such a faggot with no self control that you have to throw away things you like
So how do you relax? Watch TV? Drink alcohol?

You can say the same about movies, books, games, they all are just a stimulation that it's conditioning the individual to avoid traveling, going on epic adventures, becoming strategists etc. But that's just how any entertainment works. Also nearly everyone watches porn and masturbate, yet people keep making relationships.
Porn might be dangerous to some, but so can anything else. You are making too much deal out of it.

>> No.10592307

>You can say the same about movies, books, games, they all are just a stimulation that it's conditioning the individual to avoid traveling, going on epic adventures, becoming strategists etc.
Well, there's a significant difference between consuming pornography to cum from masturbation and watching a tv-show on traveling that may even incite you to travel yourself. The key difference is that after each ejaculation, dopamine is released. Not only that, it's even released in anticipation of said ejaculation. It's the hormone responsible for us learning winning patterns of behaviour. In this case, your brain, in a simplified manner, learns that masturbating to porn is the winning pattern. This is incredibly dangerous and doesn't really occur to comparable extents when reading a simple book.

That's partly why there's a much greater danger in watching porn. However, I still do agree to your comparison because I unironically do think that consuming entertainment in general isn't too desirable and should be kept in minimal amounts.

>> No.10592331

Reading a book is pleasurable except for brainlets.
And tipically straight up large dopamine releases aren't evolutionary favorable. That's why you have a refractory period (for sex) and your brain develops tolerance for other things.

It just seems brainlet cope to me

>> No.10592343

Of course reading a book can be pleasurable, but it most certainly won't have the same physiological effects as jerking off to porn.

And despite of the large dopamine release not being evolutionare favorable, mankind has never had to face such easy access to all sorts of titties before. There's losers on /r9k/ right now, beating their meat to some weird fetish for the 5th time today, right as we speak.

The actual brainlet cope is deluding yourself into the belief that you're somehow unaffected by the sheer accessibility and quantity of modernday porn, looking for pitiful excuses to further indulge in this downwardspiraling habit.

>> No.10592357

Then what about protected sex? It releases similar hormones and should be as dangerous. Yet people do not become sexoholic and ruin their life from having a lot of sex with their gf.
I think it depends on the person, people with addictive tendency, weak willed, can fall for that trap. But someone who want to have shit done, who can stop when things get out of his hands will not be in danger.
I disagree with you. I think people should enjoy their life as much as they can. But not at a moment, but in global goal in mind. Fapping all the time instead of working might be fun, but it will lead to your doom. Helping others and charity can also be enjoying your life if you are this kind of person. Work to the fullest, relax to the fullest, live to the fullest. But I respect your approach too.

>> No.10592363

This. Asceticism in the pursuit of power is the way to go.

>> No.10592368

I don't see what the problem is. If the access is easy it means society is working and all is good and well. Over large periods of time, if in fact makes people weaker it will correct itself.

If that gets in the way of achieving your goals as a person it's a bit different. A lot of people ruined their lives with drugs and I don't see things like porn being different and I agree with you there.
But I believe the solution is just to try to get pleasure from those things that are good for you until you develop an habit. I brush my teeth everyday and I don't even notice it, if I don't do it before going to bed something feels off, and I don't get a good amount of dopamine to do it. I would say you have to use your brain to figure out your best routine

>> No.10592371

And about the easy access of pleasure, people probably said the same about easy access to food thousands of years ago

>> No.10592379

>Then what about protected sex? It releases similar hormones and should be as dangerous.
The difference here is that getting into a situation where you can fuck around all the time takes a lot more effort than opening a browser and looking at porn. Fucking your gf a lot or fucking a lot of different women a lot are both rewards for effort/work. Reap the fruits. Nothing wrong with that.

>I disagree with you.
>But not at a moment, but in global goal in mind. Fapping all the time instead of working might be fun, but it will lead to your doom. Helping others and charity can also be enjoying your life if you are this kind of person. Work to the fullest, relax to the fullest, live to the fullest.
But anon, I agree to this 100%. I don't see the disagreement.

>But I believe the solution is just to try to get pleasure from those things that are good for you until you develop an habit.
Absolutely. Masturbation to pornography is not something I consider "good for you" or worthy of becoming a habit.

>> No.10592381

I just go outside in nature/practice a hobby or sit down meditating or thinking about shit. Are you such a passive sissy that you need to be fed soulless entertainment from a light box or chemically modify your perception? What a fucking cuck throw that garbage away and start living

>> No.10592469

Yeah it takes more work, but just because it's easier doesn't mean it's inherently bad. It's only bad if it becomes a problem. Considering how popular it is and that people still form relationships just fine, means it's not that much of a deal for majority.
>But anon, I agree to this 100%. I don't see the disagreement.
I disagree that you should keep entertainment to minimum. I think you should keep it to maximum, just make sure it won't get in the way of getting entertainment later on.

>start living
>ie. sit down and think about shit
Yea, thanks. I prefer my soulless entertainment from light box, it's my hobby. I enjoy programming and solving problems, so when I go back home I spent time doing my projects and playing games like Baba is you. And I'm pretty sure that is way more beneficial than going outside to meditate or doing some hobby not related to my interests. And yeah, o have never had better time in my life than walking in parks and having fun with friends on LSD or partying on MDMA. This is when I feel like I'm living. If you avoid drugs for no real reason, you only miss a lot of experiences you will never be able to get.

>> No.10592496

>Yeah it takes more work, but just because it's easier doesn't mean it's inherently bad.
Inherently bad? Of course not. However, when something is easier, it risks becoming an immediate gratification rather than a delayed one. And when one turns the pursuit of any immediate gratification into a habit, countless of negative consequences follow. This outcome seems undesirable to any reasonable person, making said course of action "bad".

The intelligent individual will pursue delayed gratification and avoid immediate gratification in almost any circumstance. Does this mean intelligent people know no fun? Nope, it means: work hard, play harder. The reward needs to be maximised, but locked behind conditions and requirements to motivate oneself to remain productive.

That's why fucking your girlfriend a lot is fine, since you already put in the effort to get a girlfriend and maintain the relationship, but masturbating to porn usually isn't, since it rarely ever requires any effort and thus becomes immediate gratification.

>> No.10592514

Yeah lol junkie, I'm not falling for your bait. Keep living your shitty life on drugs or directly kill yourself. If that's the only retarded argument you've got why don't you go to Disneyland every weekend? everyone says it's lots of fun and one of the best experiences in life

>> No.10592556

>The reward needs to be maximised, but locked behind conditions and requirements to motivate oneself to remain productive.
I agree, but I also think that doing things so you can still get entertainment and live comfortable life is enough of a condition. Ie. if you want to relax and watch some traveling movie, go do it. If you are horny, go jerk off. Don't limit yourself from these things purely because it's instant gratification, and stress yourself that you should rather go and travel for real/go find a gf instead. If you want to travel or get a gf, go make a plan and keep working on it, but there is no need to abandon things you like if they do not get in the way of your plans.

Oh, I enjoy my shitty life on drugs a lot, thanks.
>If that's the only retarded argument you've got why don't you go to Disneyland every weekend?
You didn't read my post carefully. Going to Disneyland every weekend would be really bad for my money, career, health and hobbies. It would prevent me from all other entertainment I like.

>> No.10592572

>purchasing drugs is not bad for the money
>using psychedelics isn't bad for the (mental) health
>the only important thing is entertainment, I do these drugs because then I can have EVEN MORE entertainment
Jesus Christ don't you see how much of a parody are you becoming?

>> No.10592590

>but I also think that doing things so you can still get entertainment and live comfortable life is enough of a condition.
Therein lies the problem: every action, no matter how minor, contributes to the formation of habits, whether those are beneficial or not.

That's why mentalities such as:
>Ie. if you want to relax and watch some traveling movie, go do it. If you are horny, go jerk off.
are detrimental to the well-being of the individual on long-term because they are gradually conditioning their brain to pursue immediate gratification. The more often you go down this path, the more likely you are to repeat the mentality once the opportunity is there again. Habits are like mountains built stone by stone. And the greater this mountain is, the less likely you are to overcome it easily as you described it here:
>If you want to travel or get a gf, go make a plan and keep working on it
which seems rather naive to me to believe that a person who regularly engages in immediate gratification out of nowhere pulls out the necessary discipline to follow through with their plans. This is idealist dreaming, not reality.

>> No.10592894


>> No.10592920

lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.10592930

i get pleasure from learning cool (curiosity) shit and being better than before, as well as making things and/or learning to make things.


>> No.10593025

>purchasing drugs is not bad for the money
One dose of LSD costs about 10$ and you'll not want to take it more than every few months.
MDMA for a party costs 10$-20$ and you should not take it more often than once per year.
This costs close to nothing.
>using psychedelics isn't bad for the (mental) health
Is it? I'd say even say it's the opposite for fully developed brain.
Got any source on it? I'm interested.
>the only important thing is entertainment, I do these drugs because then I can have EVEN MORE entertainment
You missed my point. If you are content with doing charity or talking to people instead of entertainment, go do that instead. It's living your life to the fullest what is most important.

>Therein lies the problem: every action, no matter how minor, contributes to the formation of habits, whether those are beneficial or not.
That's why it's important to put up goals. As long as you pursue them and keep going, everything is fine. It doesn't matter if something potentially contribute to forming some habits, if you can detect and solve them, Immediate benefits might be more important.

>which seems rather naive to me to believe that a person who regularly engages in immediate gratification out of nowhere pulls out the necessary discipline to follow through with their plans. This is idealist dreaming, not reality.
Well, it works for me. I have plans and I keep doing them, this is the only way to get things done. I'm not kind of person who would get high before work or come up with countless excuses for own laziness, but I personally know people like that.

>> No.10593532

I focus on my studies because I actually enjoy the shit I work with. Big surprise.

>> No.10593577

I quit it since November and have noticed my life getting significantly more productive and purposeful.
I play 1-2 times a week
music, bars, social time with friends, art/poetry, exercise

I think those 3 things you mentioned are not as important as you think and you can reduce their influence over your life significantly with perseverance in forming new habits.

>> No.10593586
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>> No.10595273

>cherry picking

>> No.10596218

This desu, I study like one would play WoW 16 hours straight, it just doesn't feel like working

>> No.10596293

Yes, I agree. It does not feel like working.
More often than not, studying feels like a bit of a game to me, finding out and/or learning a solution to a certain type of problem and being to apply that to other areas aswell with previous knowledge is great.
Tip to people having problems with studying is to just try to get passion for it, makes it really easy and fun.

>> No.10596335

But the Greeks fucked boys a lot. I don't think it's nofap itself, it's just having nothing else to do or preferring to do your work instead of dumb shit like masturbating and fucking a lot..

>> No.10596608
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>a novelist and two poets

>> No.10596948

That doesn't sound reasonably to me at all.
At worst, it's a variant of the just world fallacy.

>> No.10598600


truer words have never been spoken

>> No.10599620

I use emacs org mode to track my time spent on
productivity. The shame I feel when I review the statistics is what drives me.

>> No.10599672
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I have job.