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File: 177 KB, 1140x760, 2018-05-30-_UniversityCollegeSummer-resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10588351 No.10588351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I'm 18, fresh out of high school and just got accepted to a local college. I wanted to know your opinion on the most redpilled major. I originally wanted to go into engineering since faggot couldnt make stand it and blacks probably wouldn't be smart enough for it. STEM students seems pretty redpilled compared to other majors so I felt I could stand it the most and still make very good money. But my friend have been making fun of me because our local colleges engineering department has like 50% and they say I'm going to be a soiboy by the time I get my degree. So now I'm thinking engi isnt actually as based as I thought. What do you guys think I should do to get away from your typical college faggots

>> No.10588353

>...our local colleges engineering department has like 50% and they say...
The Queen's English - do you speak it, lad?

>> No.10588356

50% women sorry

>> No.10588357

Physics, but you have to work in groups still and your autism will prevent you from doing that. If you want the most "redpilled" education, drop college now and visit /pol/, stay uneducated and hope that Yang wins so you can win your NEET bux

>> No.10588360

first you should drop the meme terminology

>> No.10588365

What fucking high school has graduation in April?

All the redpill crap smells like /pol/

All college products are soiboi memes in 2019 and beyond. If you want to be a real man go degreeless, start with a construction job or go into welding and network your way into some engineering position getting the company to pay for essential night classes.

Real man mode would take the underwater welding route

>> No.10588378

Anecdotal, but I actually know more women underwater welders than I do men underwater welders.

>> No.10588384

My school starts mid-July
also >muh /pol/ reeee
I dont want to be a poor tradecuck either that'll have to sell his wife to be fuckd by robots to get by in 20 years

>> No.10588392
File: 78 KB, 720x720, MFW hifan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wut? Proximity to women is going to make you soi?
That's just dumb.
Just be yourself (as opposed to trying to be what you think women want in a man) and you'll might just end up with a keeper gf.

>> No.10588474

>this is your average zoomer's brain on /pol/eddit.
Just neck yourself

>> No.10588525

>But my friend have been making fun of me because our local colleges engineering department has like 50% and they say I'm going to be a soiboy by the time I get my degree. So now I'm thinking engi isnt actually as based as I thought
You're either severely retarded, or just an underage faggot. Fuck off to /pol/ and join a conservative think tank or something, just stay away from STEM. We're already full of idiots, and we don't need another one

>> No.10588538

Would it be fair to say the electrical engineering is the most based engineering discipline. I would want to do applied math, math or physics but my parents say that they have bad job outlooks.
>I am not op

>> No.10588551

Are you asking a question? If so, EE is cool as long as you like it. As for your parents telling you about bad job outlooks, engineering isn't that great either. Engineering is easily one of the most overrated carreers, it's not like every engineers graduates with a job making 75k.
If you feel like doing one of your preferred courses, you could always make a carreer on academia (you'll actually have it better than lots of engineers).
And also, there isn't an objectively best engineering discipline. I love EE for its versatility, and I'm big into electronics, automation and electrical motors, but not everyone is like that. Mechanical, ChemE and Materials are also really cool disciplines, it really depends on what kinds of stuff you are into

>> No.10588625

Don't be a fucking idiot, major in computer science and get in minor in something you like or are interested in, or double major in computer science and accounting. If i knew what i knew back then now i would have double majored in computer science and physics, instead of majoring only in geophysics (hint: its hard as fuck to get a job in geophysics when the industry minimum is a masters and you get laid off constantly!!) Bonus: my sister majored in CS and now she already has a job lined up after she graduates making 70k flat, CS is the way to go

>> No.10588638


>> No.10588652
File: 247 KB, 540x676, 1555323250514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major in pure mathematics if you're a real man with actual testicles, not those pathetic cherries you faggot zoomers call balls.

>> No.10588708

Gave this advice in another thread lol. Cs and an already solid business degree is unironically the best combo someone could get imo.

>> No.10589325
File: 750 KB, 972x1224, Vladimir Orlovsky (1842-1914) Ukrainian Landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, I am deciding between going to study Informatics or rather a bioinformatics. I have an intermediate knowledge of informatics, but am also passionate about biology in general, regardless the last time I got into a contact with biology was on high school.
Have you got any experience with bioinformatics or is it just a made up meme field and I should rather go to study Informatics? Thanks for help

>> No.10589352

>drop the meme terminology
he is a teenager it's not possible

>> No.10589354
File: 538 KB, 1374x944, Capture+_2019-04-25-09-25-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real man mode would take the underwater welding route
Wtf, that shit is so difficult and dangerous, and they only make $54k on average.

>> No.10589355

OP you've got general ed courses to get through, you've got some time to figure it out.
Go talk to teachers and your counselor.

>> No.10589360

definitely go back to /pol/.
Really as long as you don't go into CS you'll be fine.

>> No.10589363

applied math probably has better outlook than engineering TBQH
(I'm assuming you're in Europe) do informatics as an undergrad but talk with professors in the bio department who do bioinformatics about your predicament. Take bio courses (specifically genetics, micro, and cell biology) if you can.

>> No.10589366
File: 43 KB, 666x666, 1497247521138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to make fun of you since you are obviously young and I think you'll learn with age but honestly forget everything you've read on 4chan about "Niggers/Roasties/Normies/Redpill" All that shit is just shitposting and jests but young impressionable kids actually took it seriously. Please realize it's all just memes so you can move on with your life.

Try to find out what you actually like in life. Since you will most likely work in that area for the rest of your life and just picking something for dumb reasons like "They make 10% more salary on average" isn't truly worth it.

I'm a "aeronautics and rocketry" Engineer and I work for a contractor that makes rocket designs for ESA and some military projects. I make "good money" But please throw away any delusions of "$300.000 starting" or any other dumb lies you've heard online. I am working for almost 5 years now but I don't really enjoy the actual work.

I've started to settle with a mortgage, my girlfriend living with me and suddenly money isn't that important anymore. I spend a lot of time away from home and it starts to dawn on me that I will do this forever which isn't something I particularly enjoy. I kinda wish that I would have become a teacher instead which would only pay me about 30-40% of my current income but I would actually interact with people more and feel a lot more satisfying for me. Now with my mortgage and getting used to this income I probably won't be able to switch career anymore.

It's time for you to find yourself. You probably think you know who you are, but really you absolutely don't. Try to have as much experiences in life. Say yes to every social experience that comes on your path. Go on holidays. If you have to choose between partying some more or finishing your study a little bit faster, please for the love of god pick the social option. My biggest regrets are not partying more during my 20s and being very serious and career oriented at that time.

>> No.10589367

There is no most redpilled major really. Think about your future life and what you want to be doing or what enables you to do what you want to do. Its all well in good to feel superior and enlightened in undergrad but if it means suffering the rest of your life because you work a job you detest why bother?

>> No.10589369

This is based advice.

Except for roasties. They definitely exist.

>> No.10589372

>(I'm assuming you're in Europe) do informatics as..
seems like a rational move, thank you anon

>> No.10589376

Too dumb for college, consider kys'ing instead.

>> No.10589400

absolutely based

>> No.10589438

have sex

>> No.10589440

>and they only make $54k on average.
I've got some bad news for you anon. Most people actually make between $30.000-$50.000. This includes people with master degrees in mathematics and physics.

People have completely overinflated expectations of what they are going to make after graduation. Usually if you make more you also have to live in a place with a far higher cost of living making the gains moot.

>> No.10589441


>> No.10589591

I'm a college dropout and I make about 40k a year.
If you've got a degree you should be doing much better than my underachieving ass.
Hell McDonalds in my area will pay you ~30k annually.

>> No.10589598

Partying is really the most overrated thing in the universe. You shouldn't regret that you chose a good life over it.

>> No.10589601

What's stopping you from returning to college

>> No.10589615

both should work. WIthin bioinformatics you will find enough CS, probably.