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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10586591 No.10586591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Earth is flat wether you like it or not. You can deny it like the little bitch you are, or you can look it up for yourself. Earth is flat. You can keep believing what your TV "scientists" say, but people like me study these things for ourselves. You think you evolved from a monkey. You think you're on a ball spinning a thousand miles per hour while shooting through the galaxy. You think space is real. You eat nothing but genetically engineered foods and eat pesticide ridden crops. You breathe in chemtrails every day and you question absolutely nothing. At this point, if you still think you are not on a flat plain, then son, where in the holy fuck have you been. This information and evidence for flat earth is so abundant it's as if you are a walking zombie and give zero fucks about the truth. You don't care where you are, or who you are, or why you're here, you're too busy trying to do shit that doesn't even fucking matter, like going to the mall. The exit to this place called earth is literally right over there at the north pole. You don't have to beleive it, because you are literally fucking retarded. You don't think this is hell? What about all those people being tortured and raped by our world leaders. What about 9/11 being an inside job? What about anything about anything? Why do you not question these things like I do? What the fuck is wrong with you? I make videos on youtube spreading the truth. But you don't because you're a pussy. But that's fine, because I'm gaining subscribers daily, so you can kindly live in your perfect little illusion. It's funny. Lmfao you think you're on a ball flying through space, so how could I possibly put this together for you?

>> No.10586734

is it like a pancake ?
kek stuf you kike

>> No.10586738

Sage thread and move on. Nothing of value to be gained here

>> No.10586739

we were in a dyson sphere the entire time and didn't even know it. waaaaaah!!!

>> No.10586777

OPs Brain is Flat

>> No.10586794

Orbulon is hijacking this thread. Thou thread shall now be used for discussing the great Orbulon.

>> No.10586817

The universe is flat. Don't believe the hypersphere meme!!

>> No.10586821


>> No.10586825 [DELETED] 


>> No.10586834

This is /sci/
Chimps like you belong on reddit, with the other chimps.
Get thee hence

>> No.10586838

Based flat earth false flagger. Fuck off shill, it's obvious you're trying to discredit the real conspiracies by lumping schizo flat earth shit in with the rest of them.

>> No.10586840


>> No.10587145
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