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10584811 No.10584811 [Reply] [Original]

What's the evolutionary purpose of transgenderism? It seems to seriously inhibit fertility of the person yet it's so pervasive in all known societies.

>> No.10584814

evolution doesn't have a purpose
the ultimate implication of Darwinian selection is: life is meaningless

>> No.10584823


We are a just huge pit of million-year-old bugs and glitches.

>> No.10584831

it's a mental illness
it's got the same purpose as a disease

>> No.10584908

well “transgender” people were just “transvestites” for thousands of years until the last ~50 years. i could imagine that transvestites could better their position in life by e.g. latching onto socially dominant gay chads who like “women” with dicks and no tits

>> No.10584912

not everything that people do has a positive evolutionary purpose.

>> No.10584984

Nature also spits out unfavourable traits and disorders

>> No.10585025

To harden the strong and take the weak?

>> No.10585124

>It seems to seriously inhibit fertility of the person
Not really, gender identity and sexual attraction are two different things

If you want to bitch about the T don't use arguments that only really apply to the L and G.

>> No.10585254

It's a result of sin. This is a human trait thus found in many cultures throughout history.
There is no such thing as mental illness, just the degradation of the mind and body from sin.
The less sinful a society is, the less you'll see the LGBT.

>> No.10585319

Based and god pilled

>> No.10585332

> i could imagine that transvestites could better their position in life by e.g. latching onto socially dominant gay chads who like “women” with dicks and no tits
What would the fitness payoff be though? Transvestites probably reproduce at way lower rates than normal people.

>> No.10585369

Hormones and plastic surgery haven't been around for very long. Less than a century, at best. Our evolution won't change just in that time. We still have the genes of our habits from the last 100,000 years. It doesn't just go away because the suicide rate starts to spike after it goes mainstream as a concept.

Since it has no effect on fertility in our past, it's just an artifact of randomized sexuality. We're an animal, after all, and we have a life cycle. This is just how our species *is*.

>> No.10585402

Assuming the trannies are legit and not trenders, it's an individual loss for group level benefits.
Trannies can afford to spend extra resources on their siblings' children and copulate freely with low status males to regulate infighting and keep the tribe working together.

These sorts of "derangements" are actually parts of group level mechanisms. Schizos and psycho killers were(are?) probably adaptive in some way too.

>> No.10585413

Personality is a learned behavior. Any belief in an aspect of personality which is not learned is a delusion. Now leave this board.

>> No.10585426

it is only triggered by modern societal conditions
transgender people didnt exist for most of human history except for ruling classes which had access to an overabundance of resources

>> No.10585428

Ah, so you're saying trannies should be appointed rulers and that science supports that fact!

>> No.10585445

Bait sage this thread sage sage sage

>> No.10585486

Retard, evolution has the purpose of ensuring reproduction

>> No.10585559

evolution isn't perfect

>> No.10585563

>It seems to seriously inhibit fertility of the person

not true


Its a consequence of plasticity in the sexual response. A robust, variable response is evolutionarily favored for obvious reasons

>> No.10585578

it doesn't though, its just random shit that happens, there's no guiding force. it only seems that way because reproducing organisms by definition multiply, while non-reproducing things die out

>> No.10585584

Transgenerism is just a side effect of an unnatural social construct (gender). It's like asking what the evolutionary benefit of being poor is.

>> No.10585611

sort of obscuring more than you're revealing there, homosexuals probably increase the fitness of the women in their families and act as a balancing mechanism for depressed or precocious fecundity in a population. Other than that they may just be tolerable deleterious mutations that occasionally produce half-functional nonreproducing individuals.

>> No.10585627

Why do homosexuals exist, then? The same reason why baby ducks will recognize the first creatre they see as their mother regardless of circumstances:
Evolution does not produce "excellence", it produces "good enough" products. A few kinks here and there are overall insignificant.

This is assuming of course that trasgenderism is strictly tied to genetics, which is not, but even if that was the case, there is no need to declare it a mental illness, as many here want it to be.

>> No.10585631
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>> No.10585634

>what is genetic drift

>> No.10585903

no im not saying that

>> No.10585925
File: 80 KB, 766x960, 1473190915073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything in biology requires an evolutionary purpose
When will this myth and endless source of shit /sci/ threads end?

>> No.10585932

>imagine believing this garbage

>> No.10585945

It could just be a random error that occurs rarely enough to not be eradicated but natural selection

>> No.10585947
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>evolutionary purpose

>> No.10585989

not OP but i think what he means is why transgenderism as a trait though disadvantageous to fertility, is still prevalent in the species, which makes it seem as if it serves an 'evolutionary purpose' of some kind
a dumb mistake if you will

>> No.10585997

And the purpose of reproduction is...?

>> No.10586004

>What's the evolutionary purpose of transgenderism?
To kneel down like a good bitch and beg for my cum

>> No.10586005

read a book on genral biology before call someone a retard, retard

>> No.10586009

found the ugly faggot

>> No.10586014

What's the problem anon, are you gay?

>> No.10586043

none, all LGBT stuff occur at fixed rates in every population similar to all other birth defects

though there is a 23andme paper that correlates genes linked to faggotry with straight people being more promiscuous as one being a byproduct of the other (which=+babies)

>> No.10586116

>What's the evolutionary purpose of ______
is just retarded. It implies, everything happens for a reason. That reason is not god anymore, but evolution.

>> No.10586399

There is no evolutionary purpose, just like all other LGBT stuff, it is distributed in a way similar to birth defects.
So basically, no evolutionary purpose, it is a defect.

>> No.10586568

Why don't women die immedately upon menopause or stay fertile for their entire lives? Because having people who don't reproduce sticking around can be useful.

>> No.10586586

Transgenderism is a species of homosexuality. Homosexuality is a psychiatric "virus" spread by child molestation. All transgenders were molested as children, and most transgenders go on to molest as adults.

What is the purpose of a virus? There is more than one sensible answer, but "for the good of the host" is not one of them.

>> No.10586607

Top b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.10586629

is it a genetic? promiscuity might be a genetic trait but isnt transgenderism a cultural thing? doesnt it vary from society to society

>> No.10586640

Can be either, most of the time it's just a retard deciding they want attention.
Very rarely is it actually due to a hormonal issue, that results in the same as above anyway.

>> No.10586648

there is that, but that is different from the white western cuck who chops its dick on purpose

when it is cultural you're born in a context where you are forced to do that, you don't choose anything, a segment of society will enforce that on you

>> No.10586655

None. It's just societal disgruntlement and reaction to gender normativity. Kinda embarrassing

>> No.10586670

even if it was hormonal, wouldnt the process of actually becoming transgender be dependent on what is considered as 'gender' in that culture or society
are you implying that transgenderism in the west is genetic? isn't this more true in countries like india and pakistan where a higher percentage of the population identify as

>> No.10586688

Gender is biological, fully.
People who claim it is a social thing are misusing the definition of the word.
People who dress up like the other gender because muh social construct are retarded, and more so are the people who cut their dicks off.
Gender is a biological thing whether your society things that is true or false.
Remember when France decided men should be feminine? That didn't work.

>> No.10586702

"Sex" is the word you are looking for. The notion that "gender" is a synonym for sex or that a person can "have a gender" or "be a gender" is a very recent development deriving from anti-feminist cultural developments.

>> No.10586706

No, because the word gender never has been a description of what a person is or wants to be.
It's just a misunderstood word, as gender is actually meant to describe societal differences and regulations for genders, while also describing biological gender.

>> No.10586716
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GF's for the bottom 80% of males so that they don't reproduce or revolt.

>> No.10586718

no i am implying that in the west you won't find retarded caste systems and ambiguous gender classifications like the ones found in india

if youre born in the west, society expects you to see men as men and women as women, and people will also assign you to one of those two categories, call it christian values but that's how it is and that's why you can't compare the west to other parts of the world, it is just not the same thing, there is just no one going around chopping peoples dick in the name of their culture (yet)

>> No.10586720

Not every feature of our species evolved with 100% efficiency. Just look at our shitty tonsils/appendixes/any genetic mutation. The state of being transgender doesn't act as a benefit to anybody, but the same can be said of a lot of other features of humans.

>> No.10586785

anon from >>10586670, now i cannot deny that biological sex heavily influences gender but for the purpose of this topic and clarity let us assume that sex and gender refer to two distinct things
even if there was a genetic basis for transgenderism, wouldnt the manifestation depend on gender divides in society- overtly flamboyant drag queens where there gap is greater; minor cross-dressing in where the difference is less
ok how exactly different is it in the case of the white man who cuts off his dick

>> No.10586928

Good question. Notice the parallel with cuttlefish: we are dealing with unorthodox procreation strategies here. You should also note that practically all male-to-female transgenders are sexually attracted to women (transbians) and that most of them are failed males (incels).
>Cuttlefish are indeterminate growers, so smaller cuttlefish always have a chance at finding a mate the next year when they are bigger.[28] Additionally, cuttlefish unable to win in a direct confrontation with a guard male have been observed employing several other tactics to acquire a mate. The most successful of these methods is camouflage; smaller cuttlefish use their camouflage abilities to disguise themselves as a female cuttlefish. Changing their body color, and even pretending to be holding an egg sack, disguised males are able to swim past the larger guard male and mate with the female

>> No.10587122

Humans use a sort of creative/inventive sexual dimorphism to attract mates. This is probably why sexual divergence from the norm happens rapidly in more socially progressive countries.

>> No.10587816

its people with mixed sex genes and traits trying to express themselves and be heard

>> No.10587818

More reproduction.

>> No.10588055

>more representation*


>> No.10588061

Gender dysphoria doesn't exist. Nearly all "transgender" people had traumatic experiences in childhood or are diagnosed with other, more severe mental illnesses. It's just some weird coping method.

>> No.10588103

>Let me explain the gender bullshit
Here we go again.

>> No.10589671

>evolution doesn't have a purpose
Yea it does, we're just transfering energy through life. Everything is just expending energy til nothing but dust is left.

>> No.10589690

What is the purpose of a stone rolling down a hill?

>> No.10589768

reaching the bottom

>> No.10589778

unironically kys

>> No.10589831

Stuff like Gay/Transgender makes sense evolutionarily if you think in terms of species. These people are easier to specialize for certain tasks in the group due to not being fertile child beaterers. It's like how bug hives have worker ants/bees.

>> No.10589897

>These people are easier to specialize for certain tasks in the group
Like what?

>> No.10589909

There is no "evolutionary purpose", they are simply humans bent solely on their death drive

>> No.10589932

Jewish divide and conquer, create oppressed group to rebel against and weaken the enemy or the white patriarchy.

>> No.10589965

Child rearing of orphaned kids, mine sweeping, programming, nun/priest. It really depends on the culture as we assign purpose to ourselves through civilization.

>> No.10589983

Mental illness and Jewish subversion.

>> No.10590062

So why don't stones spontaneously form at the tops of hills?

>> No.10590089

hills' purpose is to keep stones down

>> No.10590098

Doesn’t inhibit fertility. Shit thread

>> No.10590104

Wrong. Multiple cultures have had transgender people in Africa and north america

>> No.10590113



>> No.10590117

>Transgenderism is a species of homosexuality.


>Homosexuality is a psychiatric "virus" spread by child molestation

Prove it

>All transgenders were molested as children

Prove it.

>and most transgenders go on to molest as adults.

Prove it

>> No.10590182
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>multiple cultures
>all got wiped out by BWC

>> No.10590193

Wrong. They still exist. Nice /pol/ racism. Careful. It’s a bannable rule violation outside of your hugbox.

>> No.10590214

>threatening anons with banhammer
Why don't you just downvote him?

>> No.10590222
File: 449 KB, 600x600, 600x600bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is homosexuality genetic? Most homos argue, yes, because they want to believe that it is not a choice or due to family issues. But obviously this cannot be a genetic trait or else it would get weeded out faster than a stillborn.
Just imagine the typical flamboyant homosexual who claims they were "born this way"... less than 200 years ago they would either get killed for "sodomy", live their entire lives as someone's bitch, die in battle or a public duel due to their feeble feminine brains, or get hung for treason for refusing to go to battle because they are too scared
The ONLY explanation is that it's a sexual fetish and ALL gay men are non-exclusively gay. This is the ONLY sensible way this disease could spread through society in secret. But this is not the politically correct position because we let homosexuals hijack our politics and they reinstated themselves as a protected class i.e. "SEXUAL ORIENTATION"... a load of bullshit

>> No.10590236

>To date, all studies of the genetic basis of sexual orientation of men and women have failed to meet one or more or any of the above criteria.

This is what homos don't want you to see.

>> No.10590237 [DELETED] 

>die in battle or a public duel due to their feeble feminine brains
This is an amazing point. When you take into account just how bitchy, catty or downright [math]\mathit{combative}[/math] the average "pride" homosexual tends to be, it would be a wonder if they lived past age 20 in the age of duels.

>> No.10590238

>is homosexuality genetic? Most homos argue, yes


>because they want to believe that it is not a choice or due to family issues

Wrong. This justification would only be relevant if it was a bad thing, and it isn’t.

>But obviously this cannot be a genetic trait or else it would get weeded out faster than a stillborn.

Wrong. Female siblings of homosexual males have above-average fertility, so this would actually be selected for.

>Just imagine the typical flamboyant homosexual who claims they were "born this way"... less than 200 years ago they would either get killed for "sodomy", live their entire lives as someone's bitch, die in battle or a public duel due to their feeble feminine brains, or get hung for treason for refusing to go to battle because they are too scared

Wrong. Multiple societies contemporary and historical were accepting of homosexuality and bisexuality in various forms.

>This is the ONLY sensible way this disease could spread through society in secret.

Not a disease.

>The ONLY explanation is that it's a sexual fetish and ALL gay men are non-exclusively gay.


>But this is not the politically correct position because we let homosexuals hijack our politics and they reinstated themselves as a protected class

Fascinating boomer conspiracy theory

>> No.10590240

>Hur dur ive never heard of the Sacred Band

Please go back to your containment board.

>> No.10590241
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>die in battle or a public duel due to their feeble feminine brains
This is an amazing point. When you take into account just how bitchy, catty or downright [math]\mathit{combative}[/math] the average "pride" homosexual tends to be, it would be a wonder if they lived past age 20 in an age of duels.

>> No.10590245

t. faget

>> No.10590246

Not an argument. Try again.

>> No.10590247
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>having anything to do with science
>let alone evolutionism

Oh, I'm laughing at you brainlets

>> No.10590251

Oh look it’s a creationist bait post. You’re not actually a creationist, so why do you pretend to be?

>> No.10590258

my faget stands on as much evidence as your wrooong

>> No.10590269

I’m happy to explain further anything you’d like, Mr. Homophobic Teenager.

>> No.10590277

explain why suck cocks in public restrooms mr bad boy

>> No.10590280

And hidden. Really poor showing from /pol/ today.

>> No.10590285

I'm not a creationist nor I claimed to be one. It's just funny to see you talk about science with a big mouth despite being clueless about the scientific method and science on a philosophical level.

Get back to solving calculus problems, mechanical minds can't get a grasp on deeper problems.

>> No.10590289

no el sinor bad chico do not hide my posts

>> No.10590293
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Explain to me how you're not all dead due to AIDS, faggot
Homosexuality was always a fetish historically because desert warlords liked fucking little boys i.e. rampant pedophilia evident in today's Afghanistan and the catholic church... NOT the man-on-bearded-man-love you sick fucks promote.

Gay was always considered WRONG... Like I said a true homosexual would get killed, abstain from sex, turn into a priest, kill themselves, or go through life not reproducing at all. There is no evolutionary way for this disease to propagate.

Gays only became "cool" and socially acceptable after the vietnam war... a truly disgusting time of drug use, hippies who never showered, post modernism, and worst of all: gay musicians who pretended be gay just for the shock value e.g. David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, et al. who were all coked-up out of their minds and it was likely the coke and amphetamines that made them do it

And once this happened, mother nature responded pretty fucking fast killing gays left and right with HIV... Explain to me how your entire family lineage is not carrying AIDS you faggot?

>> No.10590297

[math]\cdots\mathrm{\ trolling\ trolls\ trolling\ trolls\ trolling\ trolls\ }\cdots[/math]

>> No.10590324

Not an argument, drooling brainlet.

>> No.10590336

The evolutionary purpose of it is to weed all the retards who engage in it out of the gene pool. It's just a fad.

>> No.10590339

>I'm not a creationist nor I claimed to be one. It's just funny to see you talk about science with a big mouth despite being clueless about the scientific method and science on a philosophical level.

Prove it

>Explain to me how you're not all dead due to AIDS, faggot

AIDS affects everyone, not just homosexuals, and modern antivirals can render it harmless.

>Homosexuality was always a fetish historically because desert warlords liked fucking little boys i.e. rampant pedophilia evident in today's Afghanistan and the catholic church... NOT the man-on-bearded-man-love you sick fucks promote.

>I still don’t know what the Sacred Band was

>Gay was always considered WRONG.

Nope. Multiple cultures globally have accepted homosexuality at various periods in time.

>Like I said a true homosexual would get killed, abstain from sex, turn into a priest, kill themselves, or go through life not reproducing at all

Nope. Multiple cultures globally have accepted homosexuality at various points in time.

>There is no evolutionary way for this disease to propagate.

You continue to believe it’s purely genetic, so here’s a possible reason.

>Gays only became "cool" and socially acceptable after the vietnam war

Wrong. Multiple cultures globally have accepted homosexuality at various points in time. You are only considering Europe, which was less homophobic prior to the spread of Christianity.

>And once this happened, mother nature responded pretty fucking fast killing gays left and right with HIV

Mother Nature doesnt exist, and AIDS isn’t a gay disease.

>Explain to me how your entire family lineage is not carrying AIDS you faggot?

Not an argument.

Loving your trolling, dude. Top notch. Reminds me of elementary school.

>> No.10590345

Not everything has to be an argument, drooling brainlet.

>> No.10590393


The one thing that I'd be interested in seeing is if homosexuality was based in epigenetics.

There was that AI that had a higher than 50% rate at guessing the orientation of someone, with like an 80% rate of guessing if they gave the AI more pictures of the same person. Surely thats not insignificant?

>> No.10590405
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Not gonna bother with this NPC tier response... you haven't even read that piece of garbage article you posted... look at their methods it's TRASH... anonymous survey of homosexuals recruited from the fucking disco
Self-reported data from clubbers petitioning information about their family WHAT THE FUCK... look here:
>Subjects were recruited from three associations forhomosexual men and two discotheques. For comparison, the het-erosexual control group was sampled from two after-work clubsand two discotheques, located in the same geographical region
>The questionnaire was designed to yield the following infor-mation: size of the aforementioned relative classes, birth order andsex of siblings, and sexual orientation of all male relatives
>Sexual orientation was self-reported, and con-firmed by answers to five questions from the seven-point Kinseyscale on sexual self-identification, fantasy, attraction, imaginationand personal behaviour (Kinseyet al.1948).
I bet the question was posed in the following manner: are u a fag? circle yes/no/maybe
But oh look
>It should also be noted that we did not compare homo-sexuals’ and heterosexuals’ estimates, since homosexualsmay have reported a higher frequency of homosexualityamong their relatives (Baileyet al.1999). It is unknownwhether homosexuals over-estimate, heterosexuals under-estimate, or both biases occur.
WTF... Then it tells you in the discussion that their model doesn't even work... because it predicts that homosexuality would be widespread
>The modelwould, thus, predict that the allele is very common (Rice1998), whereas homosexuality is uncommon (Kinseyet al.1948; Whitamet al.1993; Hamer & Copeland 1995;Barbaglio & Colombo 2001).
kill yourself

>> No.10590412

So why don't hills spontaneously form wherever stones are found?

>> No.10590418

>want to be right
>Not everything has to be an argument

Bravo, dumbass.

>> No.10590431

Silly, I don’t think it’s genetic.

>> No.10590435

stones are already down at such location, also it might be a very long process and finally occasionally there might be a failure

>> No.10590453

I don't think so either... that was my entire point... that homosexuality is not genetic.. it's more likely to be a sexual fetish or due to environmental factors... stress and family....
But gays don't want to admit that because it has become their identity and sense of self-worth in clown world

>> No.10590461

>Sexual fetish

Therefore, being straight is a sexual fetish.

>> No.10590470

that would be the norm not a fetish

>> No.10590479

Norms can be fetishes.

>> No.10590486

What is the purpose of purpose?

>> No.10590495


>> No.10590500

purpose is the mover of the universe