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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 217 KB, 1280x1100, garys_sheets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10563635 No.10563635 [Reply] [Original]

Optimum Theory Episode IV: 52 state 3D cell neighborhood edition

Old threads:

>> No.10563779

Well memed!

Here is address for particle life,


Positive and negative particles optimize into "cells" that "hunt" and avoid eachother, also immediately. Implication is... perhaps the entire soup of reality is "organic" in fundamental quantum level? Idk... but its very cool

>> No.10563786
File: 2.98 MB, 1000x500, opt_life.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody answered my question about discrete Fourier transforms :(

>> No.10563794


>> No.10563801
File: 748 KB, 2518x1024, optimum theory chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it legit, or is Jerry right about it being a scam?

>> No.10563802

not all heroes wear fedoras

>> No.10563811

It certainly has little to do with reality, the only real system it aligns with is heat dissapation which is literally just diffusion

Its literally just diffusion

>> No.10563816

why is there an "implication?" y'all are just assuming this random CA has a correlation with reality for no reason.

>> No.10563817

great image

>> No.10563901

Particle life violates conservation laws and arbitrarily removes energy from the system to compensate.

>> No.10564027
File: 47 KB, 800x450, honklhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka entropy aka everything

>> No.10564038
File: 40 KB, 530x298, 104976311-GettyImages-452509300.530x298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDouble® Meal
Start with the McDouble®: a slice of melted processed cheddar cheese sandwiched between two 100% Canadian all-beef patties, topped with pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard. Then add medium fries and a medium fountain drink. Boom!

>> No.10564154

Exactly. Diffusion is everything. Also, this is not heat. Heat does not have negative values. This is fluid-like pressure. It can expand (positive) or contract (negative). Huge difference. Without contraction AND expansion there is no complexity. That said, yes, the Universe is "only" an infinite, continuous energy-pressure diffusion system; and clearly that is enough.

>> No.10564162


Sort of. Our automaton does not model heat. It models energy-pressure. The distinction is everything because heat is on an absolute value scale, but energy-pressure (like fluid) is continuous in a negative and positive direction. Without positive AND negative values, there is no complexity in our model, and the complexity that our model has already shown is enough to simulate all aspects of reality

>> No.10564167

Some of us have already proven that this CA can simulate: wave forms, currents, attraction, repulsion, dissipation, condensation. Aka all that is necessary to model reality. Furthermore, attraction and repulsion is all that is necessary to simulate biological models on a fundamental level, aka abiogenesis.

>> No.10564171

I wish I could Based Gary. Maybe you could re-ask the question? I'm not an expert on technical matters. Big picture is my specially. Cheers. ~Gary Lee

>> No.10564197

sorry but that's not all that is necessary. and you say "proven" when you mean "baselessly bragged".

>> No.10564202


No potential for music visualization? I doubt that. I am even working on a music video with the automaton. ~OptimistPrimeGary

>> No.10564216

>entropy = diffusion
fuck off zoomer

>> No.10564222

The reason why Optimum Theory is Optimum Theory is because it is extraordinarily far ahead of the curve. That is my specialty. That is what I bring to the table. You are not seeing the big picture like I am. Yes, attraction and repulsion (along with this CA's other core funtions) are all that is needed to simulate biological system, up to and including abiogenesis. I explain further in the 1.5 hour video "Optimum Theory: the Meaning & Purpose of Life" available on our website. If you want to watch it, login at www.optimuminstitute.org.

>> No.10564226

Correction, video title is "Origin & Purpose of Life" not meaning. And fyi, the "purpose" of life is described in terms of abstractions of computation. This is not some mystical hoo ha cult despite what low IQ, glue eating losers might think. Yes, quantifiably, life actually does have an optimized / evolved purpose.

>> No.10564229

My question was whether discrete Fourier transforms were typically learned alongside their continuous counterparts or not. It wasn't directed at anyone in particular.

Take a look for yourself:
Apologies if you don't like electronic music. the only time it does anything interesting is with low frequency synthesizers.

>> No.10564234

you said you are doing physics, not biology. but you have zero quantum mechanics here, so you have failed at physics. you simply can't do anything quantum with a real-valued CA.

you aren't seeing the big picture of anything, you are just a victim of the dunning kruger effect with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.10564236
File: 53 KB, 220x165, GaussianUpwind2D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really interesting stuff you've got here, a real case of an emerging process
for thoose who develop the thing, does this model support advection ?

>> No.10564238

musician here. i can throw together some original tracks if you'd like. call them optimum hymns if you like.

>> No.10564247

Schroedinger equation is a diffusion equation

>> No.10564259


I disagree. We have already simulated double slit, and that sim will improve over time but is already impressive. I am not interested in simulating uncertainty principle because, frankly, I think its nonsense that is better explained quantitatively by pilot wave theory. As Einstein said, "God does not play dice".

>> No.10564267

Optimum Theory has always included biology. Go watch the oldest public videos on the Optimum Theory youtube. Our goal is much more than just unifying physics. The Optimum Institute goal is simulation up to and including the organic form / consciousness and then upload for eternal life for anyone who wishes to live forever. These are huge goals but history happens fast. Time between first Wright Brothers flight and the moon landing was half-a-lifetime and things are happening WAY faster now than then.

>> No.10564271

They let you into the discord, Gary, you can talk in all rooms now. Have you messaged Rem and set up a time for the stream yet?

>> No.10564274

Sorry but pilot wave theory is wrong. I wanted to believe it too :(

~~ L. De Broglie

>> No.10564282

you didn't simulate the double slit. you didn't get anything close to the correct amplitudes. there is a lot more to the double slit than just a blob going through a hole.

and the real measure of a quantum model is if it can show entanglement, not the double slit

and if you like the pilot wave interpretation (which still respects the uncertainty principle btw), your so called double slit CA looks NOTHING like Bohmian/pilot wave trajectories

there is just so much you don't realize you don't know. pathetic really

>> No.10564290

Not quite. It models actual waves. There are absolutely no such waves here. You can see slight wave like behavior but they average together instead of cancelling out

Double slit has not been replicated as the "waves" from this diffusion are not really waves like those on water or gravity or anything that you think of when thinking of waves.

No, no advection occurs. If anyone claims it does, ask them to actually explain it. Its diffusion via 3x3 box blur with the corners weighted very low

These are just labels
Guess what, if you measure what the lowest negative number is, and add that as an offset in visualization, you'll have the exact same system, exact same dynamics, but with no negative numbers. There is no contraction or expansion, both the negative and positives behave exactly the same. In fact it has nothing to do with positive or negative, only relation to what surrounds it. So zero surrounded by 10 is exactly the same as -5 surrounded by 5, or -200 surrounded by -190, or 320 surrounded by 330. All exactly the same behavior wise.

But no, literally any model of anything that has any complexity at all will model entropy.

Its just a 3x3 box blur

That said Im still working on it because there still are a lot of interesting processes going on with a 3x3 box blur at large scales with added noise. Im just not pretending this has anything at all to do with physics though

>> No.10564359
File: 2.09 MB, 400x400, twoslit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it looks different it is WRONG.

>> No.10564382

i forced into your moms double slit

one in the pink one in the stink buddy

>> No.10564391

The Rig Vedas agree with optimum theory, holy shit

>> No.10564397

"Guess what, if you measure what the lowest negative number is, and add that as an offset in visualization, you'll have the exact same system"

This is incorrect and has already been tested. Negative numbers have a distinct effect on the calculations relative to positive numbers. I could stop reading your comment there but I will read the rest anyway when I have the time. Cheers.

>> No.10564419

"You can see slight wave like behavior but they average together instead of cancelling out"

100% incorrect. I dont even know why I still bother with you people.

Based Gary, Jerry, spaghetti sim guy and the rest who can actually contribute to this project. Please register at www.optimuminstitute.org it does not cost money, but it does have a wall, and users will need to wait for me to approve them after registering. You can remain anonymous. The board at that The Optimum Institute is great, and we can still have fun here at 4chan, but I think actual work will be better done behind our castle walls, because the amount of energy needed to explain why these people are wrong is not worth it, "the amount of energy needed to sweep up bullshit is exponentially more than the amount of energy the cow spent creating it". Cheers, Gary Lee

>> No.10564425

I would love to hear about this. Can you explain how so?

>> No.10564497

gary crumbles under any substantive criticism and will ban from his silly little website anyone who says he obviously hasnt unified physics with microsoft excel

>> No.10564498

Ill make an example proving you wrong in a few hours. There is only relation between the numbers. The only thing tying it to a particular location on the number line (0), is the random noise.
If you offset the random noise by some amount, and offset the visualization by that exact same amount, it will look the same

Im Jerry btw, forgot to namepost before

>> No.10564509

Look at any wave system. Google webgl wave toy, there's hundreds of implementations of that basic system. This isnt it.

>> No.10564556 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 468x474, wtf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gary I left this on overnight and HOLY FUCK you will not believe what emerged. WTF.

>> No.10564583
File: 2.41 MB, 468x474, file (01).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gary I left this on overnight and you will NOT believe what came out of it. WTF!!!

>> No.10564635


Well memed!


>> No.10565048

>Really interesting stuff you've got here, a real case of an emerging process
>for thoose who develop the thing, does this model support advection ?

How do you mean? Maybe, depending on what you mean. This CA does support bulk movement of energy - that's why it forms particles. (fyi, don't listen to Jerry. He abandoned us because he had little faith in what we were doing - because he does not understand why the automaton works, he only understands the how; and then when people started reproducing the results that Gary said they would, and Jerry said they wouldn't (waves, particle attract, 3d matter / antimatter particles, etc...) Jerry came crawling back and is now trying to pretend like he understand wtf we are doing, when he really doesn't. He said it himself a while back, he only cares about how the automaton works; he has no interest at all in WHY it works; for example, he never believed that waves were possible in it (they are as we have shown) because he cannot wrap his brain around anything other then the rules of the automaton, not the BIGGER PICTURE of how those rules manifest into the simulated environment.

>> No.10565054

What kind of music? ~Gary

>> No.10565057


This! Is! Awesome! Work as always BG! You are definitely the #1 Optimist! And the music selection is great as well! I love it! ~G

>> No.10565065

When Optimum Institute eventually opens brick & mortar schools, I hope every student comes out even a fraction as badass as BG!

>> No.10565074

How many people have joined Optimum Institute by now? Something happening there?

>> No.10565094
File: 88 KB, 1920x951, screencapture-optimuminstitute-org-forum-2019-04-16-20_20_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something happening there?

>> No.10565100


>> No.10565120

Around 20 so far. The board will probably be low volume, high quality, and you can set it so it emails you when there are new posts. I will be promoting the site soon, and when I do it will probably be a paid site, like I originally planned... maybe around $19 monthly? But the members who get in before then will always be free. The idea is to pool resources and ideas and basically just be a gang of cybernetic hippies trying to save the world.

>> No.10565123

can you guys(gary) move this thread to /x/? you guys find way more people interested into this thing and definitely more followers interested in learning. I'm getting kind of sick of seeing this thread, its a pythagorean number cult that prefers organization and order for logic of reality instead of facts. This is unrelated to /sci/ you can't even relate it to mathematical computation if your whole discussion is based on a single equation that has yet come of anything but assumptions. Your all(gary) in a theoretical world of a single equation that if turns out to be nonsense your whole thin is nonsense. This thread sucks and will flourish on /x/ not here

>> No.10565126

Looks like I have to kick out the narcs who got in before the approval wall. But correct, it is a new forum. I could have told you that.

>> No.10565127

not even 20 posters on this thread and 80% of the people are trolling anyway. 20 my fucking ass lol

>> No.10565162

I told you before that attempting to gate the discussion would kill it. And it you can see that in action by the fact the there has been absolutely no discussion within that gate. All of your support base is on 4chan. You are the only one calling for "building a wall". This going to end up like your previous efforts with the patreon.

>> No.10565166


>> No.10565186

woah woah woah
Lets not move this to /x/
I mean a duplicate at /x/ is fine, but this thread is /sci/ worthy, you just have to look at it as a study of 3x3 box blur and data visualization, instead of some wacky claim of unifying physics.

>> No.10565210

>study of something
>worthy of /sci/
/x/ is the actual board for researching anything.

>> No.10565214

just filter it bro

>> No.10565233

/x/ is for magical thinking bullshit, so Gary's UTOE claims fit there, but the actual math study fits here

>> No.10565238
File: 2.72 MB, 2964x1896, a33iviruiun01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings, 3 dimensional, mentally crippled, sub-life, spineless, monkey-ass lickers. I am here to compute my 4 dimensional wrath upon your miserable planet, attain your knowledge and depart without remorse, regardless of human extinction.

>> No.10565263

>I will be promoting the site soon, and when I do it will probably be a paid site, like I originally planned... maybe around $19 monthly
Remaining optimistic! I am glad for you, Gary! I think its clear from these threads that you are not a conman. I don't believe you have unified physics, but it doesn't matter. Of all the people I have seen wanting to take down a paradigm without enough knowledge and skill in current paradigm to convincingly do so, you are definitely the most respectful, likable and positive! Keep learning and optimizing! Godspeed!

>> No.10565268

Gary is such a prosocial lad. How is this possible?


>> No.10565297

Incorrect. I don't care if people think I really unified physics or not, as long as they are smart / honest enough to understand the logic of the theory. It is a THEORY. But, correct, if you do not accept it as a theory I will probably kick you out. I'm not interested in people who cannot move the theory forward, and the theory operates in all domains so I am not just interested in physicists / engineers; rather anyone who can help make the community vibrant, wholesome, happy / healthy / successful

>> No.10565302

Optimum Theory is the most logical and materialist theory in the history of our species. Move Harvard, Stanford and their string theory 11dimentional hologram theories to /x/

>> No.10565307
File: 635 KB, 6400x4800, 90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Optimum Theory is beautiful

>> No.10565313

>you can't even relate it to mathematical computation if your whole discussion is based on a single equation that has yet come of anything but assumptions.

This is exactly why we need to build a wall around what we are building. The "world" is too blind, corrupt and dishonest to see the truth; they filter everything through layers of lies that have been programmed with since they were a child. We have shown you losers every real force of physics with the automaton - we cannot help liars who lie about what their own eyes have seen, or the intellectually blinded.

>> No.10565315


Here's a protip. I literally do not care how many people are on the board. I accomplished more SINGLE HANDEDLY than all of physics has in the past 100 years.

>> No.10565320


I single handedly accomplished more than all of physics has in the past 100 years. I don't really care how many people are on the board. The board just started. It's new. If 1 other person is active other than me, cool! We will accomplish a lot. But even if it's just me I will still accomplish more than anywhere else.

>> No.10565322


I never even made the Patreon live, and if ANON hadn't promised to improve the sim then I never would have made it free

>> No.10565323

>Of all the people I have seen wanting to take down a paradigm without enough knowledge and skill in current paradigm to convincingly do so, you are definitely the most respectful, likable and positive! Keep learning and optimizing! Godspeed!

Backhanded but respectful. Cheers!

>> No.10565325

>I never even made the Patreon live
yes you did? it's still live.

>> No.10565332


It really is. It's extraordinarily elegant.

>> No.10565333
File: 64 KB, 500x750, 1540059187488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70 posts to 20 posters and 17 of these people are just telling you 3 to fuck off. You guys are on track to make this thread worse than the last one in terms of posts to posters.

>You guys need to make a forum on that guys website or go somewhere else. No one cares, no one is showing interest, and the only people your gaining from making more threads are trolls. fuck off

>> No.10565349

>I accomplished more SINGLE HANDEDLY than all of physics has in the past 100 years.

just incredible delusions of grandeur. imagine thinking you are better than einstein because you color filled some squares on a spreadsheet

>> No.10565360
File: 15 KB, 261x243, 1286765740753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it, faggot.

>> No.10565366

This shit's more interesting than the ten IQ threads on the catalogue. Don't like it? Fucking hide it, dummy.

>> No.10565371

I just got done chatting with the livestreamer someone suggested so maybe that will go down. We will see! ~G

>> No.10565380

You all are getting to see the suppressive forces that I have already witnessed first hand.

*Produces matter and antimatter and wave forms from a single equation*


>> No.10565395

>*Produces matter and antimatter and wave forms from a single equation*

you haven't. this isn't true just because it seems like it is to your broken brain. nobody else remotely believes this claim

>> No.10565408

Cool story u/starkeffect. Why are you always stalking Gary? You know that he never thinks about you, right?

>> No.10565423


"Optimum Institute" is not findable through a Patreon search which is how I was telling everyone to find it until I realized that their search bar is broken, so I called it off and told everyone to simply wait until I made a website. Then ANON promised to improve the CA for free, so I took down the paywall. And now I'm just really sick of dealing with haters and would rather just do this from behind our walls. I know the term "hater" is clique, but it's appropriate. I don't think I have ever in my life trashed someone just because I thought they were better than me, but that seems to be a common tactic. Makes sense. Destruction is arguably as effective as construction in dealing with jealousy. But destruction just isn't my style.

>> No.10565429

based and funpilled

>> No.10565437
File: 3.29 MB, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but its not antimatter/matter, its just hot/cold
its literally just a hot/cold section of a room
thats it
plus some random noise


>> No.10565444
File: 2.14 MB, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10565445
File: 327 KB, 500x562, Stark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565450

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10565452
File: 1.41 MB, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10565456
File: 2.40 MB, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565458
File: 947 KB, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Inb4 my GPU is dying right now

idk why it would, I just wanted to help unify physics, and this is what I get?

>> No.10565461

Is that Arnold’s cat map?

>> No.10565464

NO ITs my fucking hardware being fucking eaten alive by gary's algorithm

>> No.10565465


Fuck yeah Jerry, now we are talking! Great CA!

>> No.10565466

>Cool story u/starkeffect. Why are you always stalking Gary? You know that he never thinks about you, right?

the unbearable sadness of having to pretend to be your own fan. i pity you gary, and for the record im not your reddit bro

>> No.10565468

Looks like you accidentally simulated grey goo. Can we get an F in chat for our lad Jerry?

>> No.10565473


"You only cross my mind when I am googling myself and see you walking in my footsteps. You can mire from afar your whole life, or accept Optimum theory, and I will forgive you immediately as if you never doubted me at all."



>> No.10565476



>> No.10565478


idk, maybe someone can simulate OPs mom for us

>> No.10565482
File: 849 B, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I seem to have gotten it to settle down after waiting a bit, it reached a single singularity line

Occasionally theres a few blips here and there, which honestly don't fit according to my understanding of the math

either this algorithm is a bit more than we thought, or my gpu just died. I don't see any ill effects on my computer otherwise, the only evidence of potential gpu death is this odd behavior (which occurred after having the scale factor modified live while I also played with visual scaling)

>> No.10565487




>> No.10565489


Cool story u/starkeffect

>> No.10565491

Jesus that guy is absolutely S E E T H I N G. Just look at his post history.

>> No.10565493

Wow that is a beautiful exchange

based gary

I am honestly afraid to stop the simulation now that it settled at a singularity.

What if life is developing in it...it would be murder and destruction of history if I were to stop it now

>> No.10565504


Agreed. If you stopped now you would literally be worse than Hitler

>> No.10565536

I saw realized that Based Gary apparently knows how to make an automaton with continuous vector lines??? This was from days ago. Based Gary, can you confirm?

>> No.10565543

I downloaded all the CA media you guys have made.and will put something cool together, asap! You all have a day or two to post to make the next video cutoff. Something that would be huge related to our theory is a simulation of thousands of particles (positive and negative) packed close enough to be gaseous but not fluid, so we can observe its emergent properties. We now know that the OTA (Optimum Theory Automaton) fundamentally produces matter and antimatter particles, so instead of simulating those from source (which takes huge processing) we can simplify, and isolate it as a particle system of attraction and repulsion. Perhaps someone is smart enough to modify the "particle life" code to do this? https://github.com/HackerPoet/Particle-Life

>> No.10565594
File: 160 KB, 680x680, vector field.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you referring to this image? This is just an illustration of a simple 2D vector field.

>> No.10565605
File: 3.66 MB, 640x480, s65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565611

I need to goto sleep but I can make a visual of continous vector lines. Right now they're discrete so there's 8 colors for positive and 8 for negative. This is because Im checking for how to color by a few if statements. As in, if up is greater than down, if upright is greater than downleft, etc.

What I could do though is make it so the color hue is directly controlled by the difference in change, basically so a positive blob registers as a color wheel. I could cut the wheel in half, so positive blobs are warm colors, and negative blobs are cooler colors.

This is the sort of visualization work that I came here for.

>> No.10565613

Nice man, are you checking against the center or only the sides?

I find it works best ignoring the center entirely, and only looking at how neighbors compare.

>> No.10565619
File: 62 KB, 640x320, hsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSV color space would work best for this.

>> No.10565632

Yea thats what I said you shithead

>> No.10565647
File: 946 KB, 640x480, s68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Only averaging full value of corner cells with scale=4.

>> No.10565680

Huh, ok

Is that an attempt at making advection in this thing?

>> No.10565697
File: 19 KB, 388x222, 1308201247037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gary, honey, you need to grow a thicker skin. Stop giving a shit about what anyone thinks. Accept positivity, reject negativity, ignore everything unimportant.

Improve your philosophy.

>> No.10565699
File: 1.65 MB, 500x500, 4sum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565717

>Is that an attempt at making advection in this thing?
No, just fucking around.
Yeah, I know ...

>> No.10565743
File: 2.56 MB, 500x500, collapse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what the fuck?

>> No.10565758
File: 26 KB, 340x230, 1528524661472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Optimal hypothalamus pathing instantiated.

Particle linguistic grammar structure applied.

Bonding to known memory subscribers (Read: Readers) from source of presentation of abstraction (Read: Truth).

>the cake is a lie

>> No.10565781

Hm, strange!

>> No.10565943

Bro I'm doin 2nd year hons can you fill me in with what this is in terms of topics I'm familiar with(is electrostatics, mechanics and thermal physics)

>> No.10566047

Not too much. But it's nice to look at.

>> No.10566135


Earlier someone posted why we should not be averaging corner cells, only top bottom left right and center, and he is probably right. At least until we begin averaging with unit circles from each space-density point. It's possible this weird shape comes from using the wrong geometry (I have noticed it to in my own sim).


>> No.10566142


It's a continuous cellular automaton that models positive and negative energy-pressure moving through a system. Turns out this automaton can be used to model waves, particles, particle attraction, diffusion, condensation, fluid motion, matter / antimatter... all from a single equation. Key word is SIMULATE.

>> No.10566149

That's a great idea!

>> No.10566160


That's the one! Hmm

>> No.10566170

Even if you make a gif that arbitrarily looks similar to some abstract representation of a phenomenon that's difficult to replicate, nothing about it is rigorous or based in fact if it doesn't involve maths, you fucking egomanic crackpot.

>> No.10566199

Based Gary has already proven that the basic unit of the OTA is matter / antimatter pair production. Matter attracts and repels antimatter and vice versa, and they cancel each other when they touch. Attracting and repelling particles are all that is needed to simulated abiogenesis (biological) systems) see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=makaJpLvbow&t=691s

>> No.10566204

As others have pointed out, the OPA is too resource intensive to generate things like complete atoms from source code. We need to simplify the model to achieve greater scales. Next scale is to model positive and negative particle systems similar to "particle life" (see video) who is able to program a sim of positive and negative dots? Red dots and blue dots. Red should attract red and repel blue and vice versa?

>> No.10566206

Particle life video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr28DwXeyu0

>> No.10566618
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, 20190417_095237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking that we need to model each cell as the average of a unit circle to make the next Optimum Theory breakthrough. See image.

>> No.10566633
File: 3.61 MB, 4032x3024, 20190417_095610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Particle Life optimizes into cells that hunt, avoid, and consumer each other, and even reproduce - almost immediately after clicking "Run", entirely from simple particle rules of attraction and repulsion that the Optimum Theory Automaton (OTA) has been proven to have. Our only barrier in getting the results (and better!) seen in Particle Life, is processing power.

>> No.10566881

OK ill get on it later tonight

>> No.10568398
File: 3.61 MB, 640x480, s106.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing with the basic rule a little and got it optimize much faster.

>> No.10568411

That's 176 iterations. Gif shows iteration nr 5n < 176

>> No.10568446

I wonder if any sort of compression techniques can be used on it to speed up as there is less entropy in the description of the blobs state

>> No.10568497

Interesting! Assuming it speeds it up, I wonder if the time gained is offset by time it takes to compress. It might be that its an desirable effect in itself though. I have no idea.

center_next = sum(Moore Neighborhood)/7 + randomInteger(center-noise,center+noise)

>> No.10568568

Ive been doing

center_next = (sum(Moore Neighborhood) + randomInteger(center-noise,center+noise))/7

>> No.10568586

Nice. I think that form is better. I find that dividing with numbers lower than 7 kind of does the same thing. I am trying to redefine that scale value (S) to work with any rules using Moore Neighborhoods.

Let S and a_i for i=1,2,...,9 be real numbers. Let N be a natural number.

a1 a2 a3
a4 a5 a6
a7 a8 a9

Cell values in Moore Neighborhood
c1 c2 c3
c4 c5 c6
c7 c8 c9

R = RandomInteger(c5-N,c5+N)

c5_next = (sum(a_i*c_i)+R)/(sum(a_i)+S)

for i=1,2,..,9

To generalize even further within Moore Neighborhood we need another variable Z.

c5_next = (sum(a_i*c_i))/(sum(a_i)+S) + RZ

>> No.10568601

Seems to be some L for which it stops optimizing when abs(S) > L . Hence it optimizes for all S s.t. abs(S) < L. It seems 10 < L < 15. It might be different for postive and negative values of S.

>> No.10568707
File: 27 KB, 570x540, hexagon-grid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to make this automaton for hexagon grid

>> No.10568712

>Based Gary has already proven that the basic unit of the OTA is matter / antimatter pair production.
Okay, so show evidence. Show evidence of any kind of quantitative result. Show evidence that the "matter" and "antimatter" both have the same properties of real matter and antimatter, in that polar matter has the opposite polarity to polar antimatter, that they both behave the exact same on their own, that they're both inherently made of different stuff, that the matter and antimatter both have mass, gravitation, and are made of electromagnetic particles. Determine what scale the matter/antimatter pairs are on. Are they protons and antiprotons? Are they quarks and antiquarks? Are they electrons and positrons? Are they atoms of hydrogen and antihydrogen? Nothing you're doing has any relation to reality.

>> No.10568755

still no paper right?


>> No.10568759

omfg go back to school

or at least wiki Cellular Automatons

this thread is a joke and most people in here feel like geniuses orthough they are not even at uni level


>> No.10568800

we are beyond paper

>> No.10568808

Hell yeah brother

>> No.10568830


>> No.10568848

and beyond reason


>> No.10569237
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>> No.10569250

Agreed. Hexagon grid would be better.

>> No.10569251

Originally Gary was charging 99$ for his 200 page paper, which turned out to be the script for his videos, but after a few days of being called a jew he gave people access to his site for free.

>> No.10569274


You are low class, low knowledge, and low IQ.

1) nonprofits still need money for research. E.x. Cancer nonprofits make billions. I have a friend on the board of a nonprofit and his lives in one of the most expensive apartments in New York. Not saying that is what Gary is trying to do, just proving how low class and low intelligence you are.

2) you missed the part where Gary made all the research free, and the Patreon is just vestigial now.

3) you are low class, low IQ and low intelligence.

>> No.10569292
File: 65 KB, 1787x45, nonp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10569424

Oh, I missed that you underlined nonprofit.

>> No.10569985

>this thread is a joke and most people in here feel like geniuses orthough they are not even at uni level
Nah, its clearly at undergraduate level. And most people in thead are undergraduates I guess, which I assume is largest demographic on /sci/.

>> No.10570059
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x2260, Screenshot_20190418-122130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff claim "microtubules" can explain conciousness.

Pic comes from the paper, "orchestrated objective reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules" aka

>> No.10570144

this is a good point.

i still maintain that optimum theory is useful. like i said in another thread, at the very least it can teach kids and laymen about entropy, energy density, CMBR, to name a few. if any of you autists wanted to make this into a sandbox physics simulator with gary marketing it, you'd have a pretty decent product.

>> No.10570271
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, 1555389984909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonjour, Anon.

>> No.10570754

Yep, which is the most woowoo-horseshit explanation for consciousness imaginable, even though I respect those guys. The fact that people mock Optimum Thoery when horseshit like microtubial consciousness and 11 dimentional hologram bubble theories are actually considered is the hardest eyeroll ever.

>> No.10570764

Thats the plan. Stan. Gary already has a patent pending on that idea. How about you? You program? Email the Optimum Institute at their site, Www.optimuminstitute.org.

>> No.10570805

Why put the word microtubules in quotes?

>> No.10570868
File: 1.37 MB, 468x474, lsd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10570899

What is this thread about and what am I looking at? I'm a new comer.

>> No.10570903

Well Gary here basically unified physics in excel, and we're here to peer review his work.

>> No.10570918

"Unified physics" sounds too buzzy. Elaborate please.

>> No.10570927

They can't elaborate, because there's no quantifiable results they get. They just do cellular automata, and tell themselves "hey this one kinda looks a little similar to this natural phenomenon" and now they think that they know all of physics and the entire world is wrong.

>> No.10570942
File: 669 KB, 1147x1462, dont_believe_garrys_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He claims to have a mathematical model from which the 4 fundamental forces emerge. A theory of everything as far as physics is concerned. He claims it to be Energy / Space.

The model is expressed in something called a cellular automata, as in >>10570868

Not that he has substantiated any of this, but we're here for the memes and because cellular automatas are cool to mess around with.

>> No.10571018


So this guy made an automaton that runs on an equation e / s, and for whatever reason (probably magic) that automaton generates "particles" that attract, repel, give off waves and radiation, produce in "matter / antimatter" pairs, and generate currents and vortices. And then around 20 4channers reproduced his results. Probably nothing really. People discover 2 variable equations that simulate all the fundamental forces of physics all the time, really. Nothing to see here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aI8Jwxc3F8&t=1604s

>> No.10571019

The modeling and CA does look cool, I'd be interested in learning/helping with it. The "intellectual" circle jerk I'm gleaming from some of these posts is sad to see though.

Also...Excel? My sides shot into orbit.

>> No.10571025

Don't watch the whole video. It's an hour, and there is nothing important to see. He just goes on to show how the equation generates particles, waves, attraction, repulsion, matter / antimatter pair production, diffusion, condensation, ripples, vortices, currents, etc.. https://youtu.be/1aI8Jwxc3F8?t=3347..

>> No.10571026

it doesn't simulate physics, its just a mish mosh of colors.

>> No.10571033


Prepare your sides to leave orbit.

>> No.10571041


Exactly. It's such bullshit. Can you imagine the laughingstock that Einstein would have been if he had used Excel instead of the advanced programs he used? The idea that you can do computation and modeling in a childrens toy like Excel is laughable. The video this guy made is seriously a joke, so watch it if you want a good laugh. It's a hour and he shows how his stupid "automaton" simulates the 4 forces of physics from one equation, e/s, and then a bunch of loser 4channers (around 20 of these losers) went and wasted their time reproducing this guys work and getting the same results. https://youtu.be/1aI8Jwxc3F8?t=3347

>> No.10571045


I 110% agree. Like you I also didn't watch the whole video my first time, so I didn't see that each layer builds in complexity, but I wouldn't even worry about watching the whole think desu. There is nothing to see in that video except an utter joke of a man simulate the 4 forces of physics from 1 equation, which was reproduced by around 20 4channers

>> No.10571062

Your reverse psychology tactics need to be better disguised.

I'm going to go through these videos just to see what the fuss is about. My suspicion is that these findings are just elementary FEA simulations. The fact that they can be replicated by other users doesn't attribute any meaning to the system other than it is able to be replicated (which is good). I applied for the website, because I'm genuinely curious to poke around in this person's brain to see what the idea around this all is.

>> No.10571066

he didn't simulate the 4 forces.

at 5:30 his definition of the weak force isn't even correct. and his definition as given involves particles disappearing, which would violate various conservation laws.

at 6:00 he says the strong force is holding particles together, but that should only be true of (non-fundamental) hadrons. electrons do not couple to the strong force at all. and there's nothing that looks like the quarks inside these supposed strong-force bound particles.

at 10:30 he says all the particles here are radiating electromagnetically, but that leaves no room for neutrinos.

also, its a classical CA, which can't do any quantum physics.

>> No.10571072

these timestamps are for the 20 min video btw

>> No.10571074

>FEA simulations

One of the most laughable things about this joke of a theory is that these losers automatons don't even work unless they simulate infinity in largeness and in smallness, so they figured out ways to trick their computers into thinking they are infinite systems. How ridicuous is that! The universe is infinite?!?! YEAH RIGHT! What a bunch of crackpots

>> No.10571079


I know, right? If this loser really found the theory of everything then why would be spend 21 billion on a new collider? Um, we wouldn't ergo, this loser didn't really find the UTOE. It's fucking logic

>> No.10571080

>and his definition as given involves particles disappearing, which would violate various conservation laws
which ones

>> No.10571086

>>and his definition as given involves particles disappearing, which would violate various conservation laws
>which ones

No, let's make sure we get these crack pots' automatons straight. If anything, these automatons do perfectly conserve energy (as if that proves anything) And the particles attracting also conform to the gravity equation F = Gm1m2/r2, BUT BIG FUCKING WHOOP! It's just a fucking automaton!!! Computation literally proves nothing, it's just fucking numbers. You cannot prove anything with that.

>> No.10571088

even if someone found a TOE it would still have to be tested in reality, including at high collider energies. cant just take someone's word. so that's an irrelevant factor.

>> No.10571092

not just talking about energy conservation. there are other quantum numbers that have to be conserved. at like 5:20 he says a particle disappears via the weak force but this is not the role of the weak force and simply not physically possible. so that alone invalidates any claim of unified physics, if the weak force is wrong

>> No.10571093

I'll say it again because it's fucking logic. Who gives a fuck that these automaton's conserve energy and conform to F = Gm1m2/r2, while producing "simulated gravitational waves" etc... IF THIS AUTOMATON WAS REAL THEN WE WOULD NOT BE SPENDING 21 BILLION ON A NEW COLLDER. It's basic fucking logic. That 21 billion is going to be spread between 10s of thousands of people, and if someone discovered the UTOE then those 10s of thousands of people would be congratulating him and his 4chan fiends because it would save them the trouble of building the collider. It's fucking the most simple logic

>> No.10571099


I 169% agree with you!!! Why are you acting like I don't agree with you?!?! My uncle works at a lab where they have a microscope that can see what happens at the planck scale and he told me that what happens in these 4chan losers automaton is not what it looks like in his microscope

>> No.10571104

My uncle works at the factory where they are making the new 21 billion dollar collider and I just asked him and he said, "If someone found the UTOE I would stop building the collider and return the 21 billion dollars" so I know for a fact that this is not the UTOE

>> No.10571108

im just explaining for everyone in the thread some specific flaws in the video. the guy in the video comments here too, so this way he can also see some specific problems being pointed out, and if he is open to concrete critiques like this, then he can learn and maybd start moving closer to a proper quantum CA

>> No.10571110


>> No.10571134 [DELETED] 

Wtf is going on, you discussing with yourself again, Gary?

>> No.10572549
File: 7 KB, 220x229, phd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... what's the equation? I want to make the excel version for the lulz

>> No.10572557

It's in here somewhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aI8Jwxc3F8

>> No.10572626

yeah i program but i've been too busy lately to play around with this. might get it implemented sometime

>> No.10572631

󠛡 󠛡 ▲
▲ ▲

>> No.10572658

i dont care what this is, these threads are 10000000x better than the IQ racebaiting, Nuclear vs Solar, cs vs engi threads

a bunch of anons changing the equations to match reality this will eventually turn into real einstein hours

>> No.10572671

This is all Gary. Don't believe his lies.

>> No.10572701

Sublte Gary rehashing a comment that resonated in one of the other threads. Optimum theory isn't useless, but Gary is a manipulative bastard.

>> No.10572723

Press F if you think Gary should go pick up some undergraduate text books on math, physics and programming. Do you even know calculus, Gary?

>> No.10572724
File: 329 KB, 831x799, 1554843298085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not gary you dumb fucking paranoid retard i just enjoy these threads with gary the loveable schizo over threads with alex the annoying cs-to-business-to-drop out pol pseud making racebaiting threads

>> No.10572737

Oh ok sry. -G

>> No.10572792

what happened to Mr. Mmkay? I liked him better.

>> No.10572847 [DELETED] 

we know who gary is here. and i agree with >>10572701 in that these threads are cool and thanks to gary + based gary + jerry and whoever else there's a lot of interesting stuff coming out of it.

it's basically a cellular automata general at this point. i'm okay with that and should be too.

>> No.10572853

we know who gary is here. and i agree with >>10572658 in that these threads are cool and thanks to gary + based gary + jerry and whoever else there's a lot of interesting stuff coming out of it.

it's basically a cellular automata general at this point. i'm okay with that and you should be too.

>> No.10572872

I am almost ok with it. I am one of those that have coded optimum theory, posted pics, gifs and comments from way back in thread 2.

>> No.10572953

oh i see. well i hope you don't decide to stop posting because i know we're all enjoying the discussion and cool visuals

>> No.10573418


>> No.10573470
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Nope :)

>> No.10573478
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>> No.10573481
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>> No.10573756

Seriously, this shit again? Gary was trying to raise money for better simulations. 4chan promised to do the work for free if he removed the paywall, and he did and 4chan did. And i dont think the patreon is even up anymore

>> No.10573808

Universe = Energy/Space

There you go. Now you have become Master of the Universe.

>> No.10573831

You have any specific simulation you want to run, Gary?

>> No.10573838

it's something he's been apparently working on for a long time. it's not like real academia is entirely free from ""profit motive"" i.e. wanting money to be able to spent more time working on something

>> No.10573966

Universe * Space - Energy = 0

>> No.10573996
File: 431 KB, 960x665, mr-neighbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post in particular was not Gary, sorry anon. I actually haven't watch the videos yet, but the tabs are open. I was going to wait until I do dishes tomorrow to ensure my time isn't potentially completely wasted. lol

>> No.10574005

shut up you guys are all spreadsheet cultist and by you guys I mean gary and maybe like one or two autist he managed to convince

this threads ratio
211 posts to 40 posters

>> No.10574007

this wasn't gary either

>> No.10574011

Sorry, I guess I am turning into an unfriendly schizo from staying in this thread too long. If only I was a telephone without the stress.

>> No.10574020


>> No.10574036

I might post some code later. I need to clean it up first. I am a shitty coder, it is kinda slow and written in python, but it has good features.

>> No.10574041

I got an idea. If we posted grid values instead of pictures, we could replicate each others pictures in any resolution or color scheme. We could even continue each others simulation runs, working cumulatively.

>> No.10574050

In this post >>10568586 I standardized a way to notate parameters for every simulation using any rule using Moore Neighborhoods. This includes Von Neumann Neighborhoods.

>> No.10574057
File: 3.66 MB, 1280x720, fd4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10574062

Very nice! What dimensions and how many iterations?

>> No.10574068

I put a link to this thread on the Optimum Theory website https://www.optimuminstitute.org/forum

>> No.10574082

1080 but the gif is too big at that res

and only like 30 or less iterations in that I think

>> No.10574083

"Optimum Theory has an anonymous, "unmoderated" & unaffiliated think-tank on 4chan. Must be 18-years or older & a fierce defenders of the 1st amendment: no exceptions."

And that's why we call him Based Gary

>> No.10574194

This video shows the kind of shit that the U = E / S equation will do when scaled WAY THE FUCK up. Yes, you are essentially looking at abiogenesis. All it takes is particles that attract and repel, which U = E / S has already proven to generate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glOIO7EFag0

>> No.10574509

nice try gary

>> No.10575338


>> No.10575390

Don't say no without offering an alternative or explaining why, so please enlighten us. You have now seen a video simulating complex cell like behavior from simple particles rules of attraction and repulsion - which U = E / S has proven to have - and if you had done research (you haven't) you would also see that cellular reproduction has also been proven with this model. So what is your alternative, you hating ass loser?

>> No.10575400 [DELETED] 


U r so stupid!!!!!!!!! NO BODY can no the asnwer to how life started1!!!!! My dad said I cannot no that because no one can no that so SHUT UP!!!!!!!!

>> No.10575414

My dad said that life come from a stork!!!! 500 years ago the magical stork brought the first life to Earth. Me though everybody no that?!?!

>> No.10575447

It just occurred to me why gravity is not more noticeable in the optimum automaton, even though U = E / S is compatible with Newton's gravity equation (and gravity can still be seen in the automaton). It's because our automatons are so small then when the gravity waves wrap around the automaton they wrap around and lock the particles into their own places. Gravity will be more noticeable in a bigger automaton where this "locking" effect does not occur.

Here I'll save losers the trouble, "NO!!!111!!!!! DAT IZ NOT TRUEEEEE"

I don't really care what losers and haters have to say so explain clearly why I am wrong AND offer a detailed alternative alternative or... STFU!!!!!

>> No.10575519

E / S (the unified equation) converts directly into M/r^2, the gravity equation when applied to two particles, with E = M, as Einstein proved.

>> No.10575524

The gravitational constant is simply the friction effect, as we can also see in the Optimum Automaton. Particles move sloooooooooowly.

>> No.10575529

What other equations should we prove that U = E / S is compatible with, now that we have proven that gravity comes out of it?

>> No.10575557

Obviously we have to show compatibility with E = MC^2 that's what the people want to see. I am working on that now... But what else... Hmmm

>> No.10575845
File: 37 KB, 554x554, images - 2019-04-21T092039.068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compatibility with inclusive consciousness

>> No.10575848


>> No.10575865

gary's move is to reject any criticism of his ideas by assuming people just find them unbearably threatening to their pre-existing beliefs. but any idiot can always tell themselves this is what is happening, to avoid accepting they are just wrong and unspecial.

>> No.10575873

standard model lagrangian

>> No.10575880

If I am continue, what gary really needs to do when someone says "no" is just to just shut up because that is how science works. Gary just needs to understand that in science, when someone says "no, your theory is wrong" that is absolute, 100% and irrefutable proof that the theory is wrong. "no" is the BFG when arguing about science. It's the atom bomb. If someone spends 20 years on a theory that is mathematically compatible with the 10 most important equations in physics, then here is what you do, you say "no, your theory is wrong" and then you win. I wish Gary could understand this. Gary lost because an anonymous person on the internet said no. now suckmadick

>> No.10575882

I was adding on to my post linked here, where I said that gary thinks everything is threatening to preconceived beliefs. gary also needs to know that if anyone tells him "no your theory is wrong" that is the only argument they need. ungabunga

>> No.10575892

So the optimal path is one of least recorded resistance?

>> No.10575901


Exactly! See, that's why Optimum Theory is wrong! If people say that Optimum Theory is wrong then it MUST be wrong, and that's the only proof they need! That's how science works! Science is democratic DERRRR!

>> No.10575909

So the optimal theory is to always be vacuum\void? Negative pressure and energy density was covered.

>> No.10575935

You are Gary.

We aren't just saying "no." For example, above, someone explained that you are wrong because you admit your CA allows particles to "disappear via the weak force" which is impossible and inconsistent with known physics. But you ignore any substantive criticisms like this.

>> No.10575978

I am on your side! Gary is wrong because we democratically say so! Energy is conserved in the optimum automatons, and so nothing "disappears" BUT SO WHAT!!! Also, particle decay is absolutely a real thing, BUT WHO CARES!!!!! My uncle saw the planck scale with his mcroscope and he told me that optimum theory is wrong and that is all I need to know about that! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_decay

>> No.10575987

omg you linked to wikipedia!!!! I AM TRIGGERRRRREEED!!!!!! UNGA BUNGA BUNGA BUNGAAAAAAAA!!!! *unintelligible chimp noises* I HATE GARY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

>> No.10575993

Um, guys... I am the real Gary Lee and I have never even been to 4chan except for right this moment. I have not been the one posting here.

Gary Lee

>> No.10575995

particles decay to other particles, not to nothing as in your CA.

gary, here is the bottom line: nobody will take you seriously with this immature attitude, and it is your own closed mindedness, not the world's, which is to blame

>> No.10576006

Gary, I don't know if you're here right now, but my good friend Badbunny is live on twitch right now, she used to be a scientist and talks about this stuff all the time. I mentioned your stuff to her yesterday and she was very interested. Stop by her twitch stream and tell her cg sent you.


>> No.10576008

I, too, am the real Gary Lee- and I can assure you all that, until this very moment, I have never in my life been to 4chan. Yet somehow each morning I awaken with a new strength, as if I were the vessel through which Yang himself spoke to the world. It is strange, is it not? I will optimize my life for Andrew Yang and his chinky, baby-eyed promise of a better tomorrow.

Absolutely the Real Gary Lee

>> No.10576009

I don't even know who Gary Lee is and I am on YOUR side! The Optimum Theory automaton is infinite in space-density so even the concept of a particle is blurry AKA Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Like you, I am also a moron, and so I did not realize this either. If I were Gary I am sure I would be producing a "paper" proving Optimum Theory's compatibility with every major equation in physics, but I'm not. I'm just an anonymous nobody and I. HATE. GARY!!!! REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

>> No.10576022


I am watching it now. I cannot imagine this is a good format for me. But If I could actually talk and not just post comments that she might or might not read, then yeah, I'm in.


>> No.10576034

Best format for me is a conversational format. If anyone wants to have a conversation with me, a handsome, charming, smart and funny spacemonkey fuckhead who unified physics then message me through the Optimum Institute www.optimuminstitute.org


>> No.10576045

We can do the podcast based on your rules, and as you can see, we will get people talking, guaranteed. Massage me at the Optimum Institute to book me. www.optimuminstitute.org



>> No.10576053

It's not that hard to get her attention. Just type @Badbunny and after that an explanation of who you are and what your theory of everything is, she might encourage a conversation.

>> No.10576064

On voice I mean, she has a discord too and sometimes pulls viewers into voice chat.

>> No.10576447

I am the real creator of optimum theory, Gary Lee. I received a message to take a look at 4chan, as my theory grew some popularity there. This is my first time posting here, and I don't know why there are imposters claiming to be me. Join my chatroom at optimumtheory.org, and give me money you miserable, doomed, troglodyte, mongoloid, spineless, sub human, Brain let, monkey-shit steam, mental midget, dysgenic moose plagued with paralizing down-syndrome.

Sincerely and with love,
Gary Lee

>> No.10576582


>> No.10576743

Did he delete all of his vids on youtube?

>> No.10576749

Seems so. Several of which he talks about these threads.

>> No.10576992

He also removed the reference to 4chan on his forums and put the videos behind a 20$ paywall.
I don't get why you're so bipolar about whether you want to acknowledge these threads or not. And I think the 20$ subscription is the wrong way to go about raising money for super computer time, assuming that's still what the money would be going towards.
If I were you I'd be more focused on the long term. Making everything free and open in order to get as many eyes on this as possible. And only start raising money once you've got a decent community going, and when the time comes I'd use crowdfunding.
And if you're deleting the youtube videos will the documentary be uploaded on your website then? Or is that cancelled.

>> No.10577399

It really depends on the context in which you are learning Fourier transforms. If you're learning them in a signal processing class, more than likely you learn the continuous form first and then discrete/FFT when you get to sampling of continuous frequency domain signals.

If you're learning them in the context of a functions of complex variables math class, more than likely you won't do very much with the discrete portion. If you're learning them in a discrete mathematics class, you're likely to learn the discrete one on its own, and if you do the continuous Fourier transform at all it's likely primarily a conceptual exercise.

If you're learning them in a differential equations class as a means of manipulating differential equations with purely imaginary inputs rather than complex (as you'd use Laplace for that), you probably won't be dealing much with the discrete transform aside from concept, and will primarily learn the continuous form.

>> No.10577791
File: 4 KB, 32x32, 720b62_ddf3d8ab09084dada7a2d78dfacb21da~mv2_d_1500_1278_s_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Gary here, I've taken down all the videos from youtube, because I realised I got a bunch of physics stuff wrong in my automaton and I also misclicked a few cells and can't get it to work again. Take care buds ~G

>> No.10577811

I'm free now and am investigating this scheme to defraud.


>> No.10577828

Go get 'em Bobby Three-Sticks!

>> No.10577846

I hope I have your loyalty, Jimbo

>> No.10577861

It has come to our attention that the website optimuminstitute.org is misusing our registered trademark Optimum(TM). Our lawyers have been notified and will take immediate action against this website and the individual running it (as we understand this is Garrett Lee, Seattle WA, USA).

>> No.10577936

This is just Gary trying to get us to send him code :p We should send him code though. He deserves it.

>> No.10578085
File: 34 KB, 269x200, 1407716350130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also misclicked a few cells and can't get it to work again

>> No.10578537

So over at youtube

>The Optimum Institute

>This channel doesn't have any content

Sorry but you didn't need to delete all the videos to make it obvious that the channel has no content. That was clear beforehand.

>> No.10579498

>4chan link removed from site.
>YouTube videos gone
>website videos have paywall
>4 days since upcoming 4chan automata video mentioned
>pretending not to be himself
I'm worried Gary's trying to cut ties with us bros.

>> No.10579697

I kinda feel bad for him. Can we get him on Joe Rogan?

>> No.10579859
File: 152 KB, 660x402, Screen-Shot-2018-10-30-at-11.59.38-AM-660x402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is such a great idea! Joe Rogan would fit perfectly well and I would find it hard to imagine that he wouldn't be interested. JR is the perfect stage for this. He's had Penrose on before who is also working on this. JR iss immune to academic elitism and provides the right kind of open-mindedness for a young and bright individual who may not have the billion dollar backing of the academic swamp but has done serious efforts to unify physics. Plus I think Gary is quite an eloquent speaker, and would flourish in a 1-on-1 situation.

>> No.10580496


>> No.10580508

Thanks Ronald! Great post.

>> No.10580511

I think you've been memed kiddo

>> No.10580903

this is gary talking about gary as if he isnt gary. nobody else but gary likes and respects gary this much

>> No.10580934


Go away you mainstream sheep. Joe Rogan is right, when he says don't listen to these trolls. You know he's looked down on by arrogant ivory tower people, but the guy knows everything about human human interaction. His social intelligence is unmatched. He would never be so dismissive.

>> No.10581074
File: 403 KB, 651x826, joseph.w.weinberg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes- Well memed. But raises questions.
1. you obviously applied some 2-d ca to the final picture, then reversed T so it looks like like the CA constructed the image. WHat was the original CA you applied to the image?
2. Its very difficult to find reversible image operators, if there are any. Even harder to find periodic image operators take an image - create noise - then create the image again, in an endless loop.
3. The fact is that image operators reduce information at each step, so after N iteration on the image you have reduce the image information considerably. So the reconstruct the image - you have to ADD information to the CA at each iteration.

>> No.10581166

>image operators reduce information at each step
No, they transform it. What it has been transformed into is often considered AB artifact and thrown out and so "reduced" but its still there

>> No.10581177

gonna probably get this coded up, thinking about something like adding random walks to simulate brownian motion. ideas?

>> No.10581400

Wtf is this meme

>> No.10581567

I'm sorry, pardon, but Gary is a stealer. Superfluid spacetime isn't his theory, he's stealed it from these physicians:


>> No.10581573

i would be more worried if his theory hadnt been substantiated elsewhere

>> No.10581653


physicians are medical doctors who can give you drugs. Physicists just take drugs.

>> No.10582313
File: 568 KB, 534x590, F5BB82AD-38E4-4625-B11B-4BE9239D774D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the HELL is the link to the paper?

>> No.10582415

thats what he said; physicians

>> No.10582574

The "paper" was actually the script to his videos, 2.5 hours wherein he doesn't actually explain how the automaton works. You have to watch the 1 hour unscripted video for that.
If Gary doesn't make a new video or start posting again I might transcribe them to a pastebin for people.

>> No.10583052


In the present world it is no wonder that physicians unify physics before physicists. But in any case, it does seem to be true that it wasn't Gary. The nature link is proof of that. I wonder what Gary has to say in his defense.

>> No.10583921

So is anyone still trying to get Gary on a stream? It's apparent he won't set it up himself.
He's gone back to posting on reddit. I don't know why he's suddenly against 4chan. I'm considering emailing him to ask about it, and possibly setting up a stream myself.

>> No.10584080

It's sad that after the love 4chan has given gary he has turned his back and gone to the /r/etards.... disappointing.

>> No.10584109

Gary is playing us my dudes. He wants us to miss him such that we will do something to win him over. Especially he wants us to sign up for his site and help him develop the Optimum Institute. Gary wants to be an inspirational figure and leader of sorts that pitches vague ideas that makes spergs do whatever. Some sperg is bound to come up with something good at some point, and then Gary can claim his part, or at least draw attention to his organization.

>> No.10584125

If his plan is to wait us out then he must not realize the thread will just expire and he'll be back at square one.
I'm gonna email him to see if anythings going on.

>> No.10584201

I don't like this payment model, it's against Gary's spirit and virtues of unifying physics together, I don't know if it was gary himself proposing it or some fake account, I don't think he would ever do it. .. but if it was him he should at least award scholarships.

>> No.10584329

Gary I set you a message on reddit. -Real Gary

>> No.10584386
File: 24 KB, 240x240, 1555503160123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does Based Gary mind sharing his codes? I've kept faith that patience alone would reward me, so that I wouldn't have to reverse engineer this shit from G's rambling videos.
based gary... c'mon man I need my fix lemme in on that optimum codex

>> No.10584449

My code is slow as shit and only looks good because I render it at a constant frame rate; I'm not a trained programmer so I just do whatever works. Trust me, you're better off programming it yourself, especially if you can do it in a language faster than python. I might clean it up and release some of it later this week, but I have exams so don't count on it.

>> No.10584543
File: 44 KB, 567x437, 1506329719574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-gary please... don't bring me into this world of pain...

>> No.10584604

I think there is at least 4 people in these threads that have produced runnable code. Two of these posted the code in previous threads (don't remember which), one of which the pastebin had a clock that ran out. Many people have posted small snippets of (pseudo)code or explanations which might clarify certain things. See for example


>> No.10584634

I dug up the C++ link from thread >>10534146

>> No.10585112


Nah.. lol. I just didn't realize this thread was still up and running since the past threads were deleted and figured the mods shut us down. I barely understand how 4chan works for real. Someone just message me through my website and told me this was still going on. Videos are not deleted... Some are just made private... This is going to sound so paranoid except it's true... There are legit people stalking me through these online posts who have made it clear that they have bad intentions for whatever reason, and it weirds me out... Still getting use to that and how much of myself I want to tell people, at least until I am big enough not to be fucked with my internet randos who take physics way too seriously. Cheers, Gary

>> No.10585122

>It has come to our attention that the website optimuminstitute.org is misusing our registered trademark Optimum(TM). Our lawyers have been notified and will take immediate action against this website and the individual running it (as we understand this is Garrett Lee, Seattle WA, USA).

Case in point. See, this is just not what I am about senpai. This stalker shit is lame. And they all seem to be from Germany. Germans take their physics waaay too seriously. They need to chill out and accept hat physics was unified by a Jew / Aryan blood America. Sorry haters.


>> No.10585127

Fucking ass stupid small window bullshit making it look like I don't know how to spell. Lol


>> No.10585130


BROOO! I fucking LOVE JRE! Though It think my profile is too small for that at the moment I would be SO DOWN!


>> No.10585133


LOLOLO!!!! You are so right!!! I said the same thing about Rogan just a few days again! lol. Rogan always says not to even read the comments and he was right!!


>> No.10585146

>Its very difficult to find reversible image operators

The optimum theory equation is not reversible. Everyone always assumes I must be making a mistake (physics works the same forward and back! they say) but nah. The equation only works forward. It's like the inward curved teeth of a shark; once in never out. You cannot reverse from the equation, ergo time only has one direction.


>> No.10585163

>3. The fact is that image operators reduce information at each step, so after N iteration on the image you have reduce the image information considerably. So the reconstruct the image - you have to ADD information to the CA at each iteration.

The Optimum Theory automaton is not reversible because there is no way to tell where the information came from even one time step previous. Did a number come from up, down, left, right? There is no way to deduce this. Time is not reversible according to this model.

>> No.10585182


Allow me to explain since it was directed at me. Sabine Hossenfelder is a contemporary physicist who inspired parts of Optimum Theory. She is also well known for interacting with people on the internet, and she is a redditor. The day after my "double slit"automaton first went viral on reddit I received a nice PM from a clearly educated individual claiming to be Sabine Hossenfelder from the Frankfurt institute and if I could explain the automatons implications as they related to quantum gravity, her field of study. I had not reason to believe this was a fake message. Well, one of the people she works with at Frankfurt, also a redditor, is obsessed with me, has been for years. He literally stalks me. his reddit is r/starkeffect, and he has been trying to cause trouble so he started message bombing Sabine about communicating with me until she basically said that she would get lawyers involved unless it stopped. And you can still find this loser stalking the ghost of me on this thread even though I haven't posted for days. He's the guys saying he is going to file a lawsuit against me, and who is attempting to dox me, just a few posts up. Cheers!

>> No.10585202


I have never denied that a handful of people pieced some of this together before I did. That said, my theory that space is a fluid was entirely independent. I did not learn about articles like the one you posted until after the fact. This is more common than you might realize. Ideas are "in the air", and if you are optimizing for pure logic then it should be expected that others will be on the same path, since pure logic only has one path.

>> No.10585207


I already replied to this a few minutes ago. I came to my theory independently. I have no problem crediting anyone who I know inspired me. As I learned later, a few people had figured out a few of the pieces before I did. However I know of no one who has put them all together like I have, and the automaton in particular is my invention.


>> No.10585210

I'll setup a livestream! That would be awesome! ~Gary Lee

>> No.10585215

Dude. Optimum Theory and my equation / automaton is not some "vague idea". It's fleshed out. I spent an absurd amount of time on it. It's embarrassing and unhealthy how much time I spent on it.


>> No.10585220


Most physicists seem like they are giving out their work for "free" because they are actually living well on public funding. I made Optimum Theory while living in a fucking shack and eating ramen noodles. I don't have public funding to make everything "free"

>> No.10585222

Thanks I received it.

Real Gary^2

>> No.10585282

"Viral"? So far everything of your work posted on reddit gets like 7 upvotes and 3 comments calling you a retard. what post are you referring to?

>> No.10585292

*yawn* I am "f-list" viral. I already made that joke in a video. I am as viral as an automaton gets, which is not very. And I am very limited on Reddit since they delete my posts whenever they see them. Bunch of haters. I'm the fucking Jake Paul of physics. People cannot stand that an unapologetic white, straight young male unified physics. It drives them crazy. my friend actually joked to me that I should hire a gay black, female to read to the Optimum Theory script, and act like it was all her idea and watch as MSM picked up the story and human knowledge would finally be elevated past our current dark ages, AND HE WAS PROBABLY RIGHT!!

>> No.10585309

We hit bump limit, new thread >>10585306

based Gary BTFOing redditors

>> No.10585552

Hes right
Just a black girl will be enough probably, but major extra points if she's gay

Please do it

>> No.10586260
File: 12 KB, 228x221, roy dale trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in memoryless systems. Chad systems have memory.

>> No.10586267
File: 74 KB, 640x640, fat tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schrodingers eqn is 2d. Therefore it have an advanced and retarded solution. This means that an energy transaction occurs when retarded and advanced reinforce rather then cancel. Fact.

>> No.10586289
File: 7 KB, 205x246, TempleOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sabine Hossenfelder
You still have a lot of work to do if you want to achieve the status of TempleOS, You have to show us your sourcecode.

>> No.10586314
File: 97 KB, 1144x685, dft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a browser app I made for DFTs. Hope it helps.

>> No.10586577


hm that's disappointing and taints your legacy desu. it takes away from the once noble motives