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File: 302 KB, 972x792, neuralink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10580645 No.10580645 [Reply] [Original]

This is real. "Ultra high bandwitdth" brain-computer interface. Coming soon.

1. What conditions would have to be met for you to personally use a brain-computer interface (BCI) like Neuralink?
2. What goals would you use a BCI to accomplish in your daily life? Would this ability open up new potential to you?


>> No.10580806

It should be safe and the procedure for installing it should be safe. In addition it should offer useful benefits.

>> No.10580872

I remember him saying his first priority was curing brain disease. Would any of you happen to have that?

>> No.10580886

Sort of how the Hyperloop will be coming soon? And how his trip to Mars will be coming soon?

>> No.10580891

There's already a link between computers and human brains, it's called a screen.

>> No.10581895

Very descriptive, anon. 1/10

That is inaccurate, it's not their first priority. The project is about data transfer and artificial intelligence that involves a lace version of a brain-computer interface.

Brilliant minds.

>> No.10581903

Bullshit. All implants cause brain damage and glial scarring, the latter of which fucks up your interface's electrical conductivity.

>> No.10581925

Massive implementation requires stepping stones in this case.

Much has already been accomplished on that front for now! Although interface is a major major component now it it needs to be reasonably acceptable and non invasive so the whole world can be hooked up!

Everyone, everywhere needs to be hooked up and this will not yet be useful it may even prove counterproductive. Publicly that is.

If we. Do not hook everyone up to participate online community no furthering of education at the speed required to affect good change while possible will be possible! We won't get to the place of real interface beyond even neurolink, research it yes, publicize it No!

>> No.10581961

Has anyone ever looked into creating artificial nerve endings that could interact with also artificial information inputs and outputs, instead of well, you know, stabbing our fucking brains?

>> No.10582008

Does ASD count?

>> No.10582055

I wonder if using gold plating or non-bioreactive elements will prevent scarring or complications.

>> No.10582073

silly fools, i already have my wireless organic implant in my head rather then your silly cyber data jack trash.

>> No.10582078

Give this man the Nobel

>> No.10583067
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>Coming soon.

>> No.10583161
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gold? best I can do is this reclaimed scrap stainless steel I found in the the hospital dumpster

>> No.10583260

ASD is good shit if its mild. Dont cure it.

>> No.10583309

I doubt they have a chip or anything, it's probably some kind of external device that manipulates magnetic fields in the brain at a guess maybe. Still interested to see what they have anyway.

>> No.10583319

>Elon Musk: Neuralink is "Coming Soon"
Just like Level 5 autonomy is coming "soon".

>> No.10583327

I just wish elon musk admitted he is retarded and he just gets technology from aliens

>> No.10583331

Can anyone do some detective work to figure out which PhDs he hired for this? A look at their publications should give a pretty good hint as to what this thing actually is.

>> No.10583337

It is Elon, so "soon" means several years late, but still years ahead of the competition

his entire mode of operation is aiming for the stars, failing, but landing the Moon

>> No.10583362

More like aiming for the stars, failing, and exploding on the launchpad, killing all the occupants, tanking the stock value, and shitposting on twitter.

>> No.10583363

Man you guys are getting really butthurt that your stock shorting effort isn't working, LOL.

>> No.10583394

So true guys. SpaceX+Tesla going bankrupt any day now xDDD. Just wait guys. Any day now! any day now! Any day now!

>> No.10583404

Thats just a cover story because you need to pitch something to the FDA to have any chance of getting this stuff approved.

>> No.10583473

>Elon: we are going to build 100,000 cars this year
>only builds 80,000
>haters: wow Tesla is finished. I knew he was a fraud all along. Tesla is finished, doubling down on my shorts

Elon haters are beyond me. The fact of the matter is a Tesla is still the best car on the market, bar none. And worst case scenario they get behind on their debt, and either the Saudis or the Chinese will scoop up some equity or a bridge loan or something.

>> No.10583480

not going bankrupt = success
thanks, /sci/

>> No.10583502
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ok fine. I use it for typing fast, especially with GNU emacs. We haven't had high bandwidth neural interfaces before, so we're really not sure what's possible
there are some indications that we can prevent this
What do you think a neural interface is numbskull?
Yiff in hell furfag!
Spoiler alert: it's a machine that lasers holes in your brain and then puts tiny electrodes in them with a needle once per second:

>> No.10583513

when you thought social media couldnt get any worse. anyone who gets this si an eternal zoomer manchild

>> No.10583523

We'll code circles around you grandpa. We'll automate your job while playing fortnite. You can't zoom if you don't accelerate.

>> No.10583528

Nah, if you look at their roster, it looks like they are are going for a "nano bot approach"

>> No.10583532

But what possible metrics are they not successful? When would you consider them successful?

>> No.10583537


>> No.10583542
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>Yiff in hell furfag!

>> No.10583543

Holy shit that's long.

>> No.10583548

give a direct fucking source faggot. I'm calling bullshit unless you're referring to neural dust. Neural dust ain't nanoscale. That paper was put out by neuralink.

>> No.10583549

You're right: names from neuralink team follows, this in April 2017.

>> No.10583554


Paul Merolla, who spent the last seven years as the lead chip designer at IBM on their SyNAPSE program, where he led the development of theTrueNorth chip—one of the largest CMOS devices ever designed by transistor count nbd. Paul told me his field was calledneuromorphic,where the goal is to design transistor circuits based on principles of brain architecture.

Vanessa Tolosa, Neuralink’s microfabrication expert and one of the world’s foremost researchers on biocompatible materials. Vanessa’s work involves designing biocompatible materials based on principles from the integrated circuits industry.

Max Hodak, who worked on the development of some groundbreaking BMI technology at Miguel Nicolelis’s lab at Duke while also commuting across the country twice a week in college to runTranscriptic, the “robotic cloud laboratory for the life sciences” he founded.

DJ Seo, who while at UC Berkeley in his mid-20s designed a cutting-edge new BMI concept calledneural dust—tiny ultrasound sensors that could provide a new way to record brain activity.

Tim Hanson, whom a colleague described as “one of the best all-around engineers on the planet” and who self-taught himself enough about materials science and microfabrication methods to develop some of the core technology that’ll be used at Neuralink.

Flip Sabes, a leading researcher whose lab at UCSFhas pioneered new ground in BMIs by combining “cortical physiology, computational and theoretical modeling, and human psychophysics and physiology.”

Tim Gardner, a leading researcher at BU, whose lab works on implanting BMIs inbirds, in order to study “how complex songs are assembled from elementary neural units” and learn about “the relationships between patterns of neural activity on different time-scales.” Both Tim and Flip have left tenured positions to join the Neuralink team—pretty good testament to the promise they believe this company has.

>> No.10583557

>Tesla is still the best car on the market
> >$90k POS with open diff(s)
>the company can SSH into the product whenever they want to

you fucking brainlet, kill yourself

>> No.10583570

Is this real life now? I feel like i'm living in a Sci-Fi movie.

>> No.10583574

They start at $35k.

>>the company can SSH into the product whenever they want to
Welcome to almost every product with a computer in it on sale in 2019

>> No.10583674
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>> No.10584046

>Both Tim and Flip have left tenured positions to join the Neuralink team—pretty good testament to the promise they believe this company has.
pretty damn serious if it can pry academics away from their tenure indeed. I'd take a serious look at this company if it issued stock

>> No.10584146

Kek'd, very true.

Seriously though, why would you want to take a (very high) chance of permanently damaging your brain just so you can attention whore on instagram at an advanced level? I'm pretty sure that idiots/Ledditers/futurists would be the vast majority of people who get an implant like that, as anyone smart would stay away given the risk.

>> No.10584160

>tfw chinese hackers take over your brain and force you to make sneakers and assemble cellphones

>> No.10584207

>tfw advertising networks now have direct access to your subconscious and attempts at rooting the software to block ads are tempered by a literal kill-switch

>> No.10584236
File: 19 KB, 596x508, mcdonalds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Say McDonalds to continue breathing"

>> No.10584239

I would just not have a TV anymore, that would be too much.

>> No.10584242

>any skillset or piece of knowledge will be downloadable straight into your brain within your lifetime
What a fucking waste of time this University degree has been.

>> No.10584280
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Yeah your University degree was a waste of time, but not because of "whoa, I know kung fu". It's because in 20 or 30 years your job will get taken by AI unless you were careful or lucky enough to get a degree that's unusually AI proof.
I truly pity people going into radiology or book keeping right now.

>> No.10584285

Something people really need to understand about Elon Musk: When he makes an announcement to the public, the purpose of this announcement is not to inform people, but to get them excited. Only a fool would expect Truth.

>> No.10584297

Mechanical Engineering, I'd wager I have enough prospects that won't be AI'd for the considerable future

>> No.10584796





>> No.10584799

I think I'll believe it when I see it. Elon Musk is his own hypeman.

>> No.10584805

Can I use this to pass my exams?

t. retarded CS undergrad who barely passed real analysis last term

>> No.10584816

1. independent is a reliable as buzzfeed. not.
2. elon musk is a conman
4. nothing significant has been showed
5. i am not implanting the NSA in my head

>> No.10584819

If this doesn't work or never happens, there is no future to look forward to.

>> No.10584834

fuck off, retard.

>> No.10584838

Is this happening before or after businessmen are flung across the globe in rockets?

>> No.10585069

Man why can't I be a cyberpunk operator getting paid to break into places like this and steal the hypertech.

>> No.10585073

>your dreams now contain unskippable ads

>> No.10585111

I know that's what a neural interface currently is, but why does something have to be jammed inside of our brain? Could we not find a way to relay a signal from our brain, to an artificial output somewhere else on our body, which would then interact with the computer we're trying to manipulate?
I just think that having things put inside your brain would cause more problems than it could ever solve.
I won't pretend to know anything though.

>> No.10585123

Because everything happening right now (and really, since the beginning of time) is trending toward greater convergence. This is what multicellular life is. We can't stop this trend from continuing. Except by letting climate change consume us.

>> No.10585128

I think my brain may be too smoll to understand why that information is relevant.

>> No.10585134




>> No.10585177

It needs to be inside the brain to get access to signals inside the brain. I guess you could use fiber optic cables if you can find a way to read from neurons optically. We can already write to neurons optically by genetically modifying them so they express photoreceptors.

>> No.10585199

Ah I see. I wonder how long something like that would take to develop.

>> No.10585216

>don't use FOSS OS
>connect brain to the machine
>get arrested in the middle of the night because I was sleepwalking and throwing molotovs at stuff owned by microsoft's direct competitors

>> No.10585277

Guaranteed that this will be proprietary, locked down and backdoored to shit.

>> No.10585318

It's probably already developed and that's what Elon is referencing by saying "soon".s

>> No.10585698

>a (very high) chance of permanently damaging your brain just so you can attention whore on instagram at an advanced level?
there'll be a redditor waiting list 100k deep

>> No.10586006

I've personally spoken with some members of the neuralink team and can confirm there is something expected "within the next two fiscal quarters"

I'm not on the team, but right now I'd guess they're working on rat implants, beefing chip security and isolating individual neurons. easy targets to hit for diseases would be parkinson's and chronic pain. Anyone down to wager against me being right?

>> No.10586017


he has nothing

just like the hyperloop and every other of his scams

he has nothing

>> No.10586049

the man taught cars to drive and rockets to land. what have you done?

>> No.10586050

>students at georgetown vote to pay for slavery reparations
lmao the cuckdom of america

>> No.10586054

>shilling the self driving meme in every thread

>> No.10586061

how is that not a monumental feat of humanity for centuries to come? that's as much of a paradigm shift as when we stopped riding horses everywhere you fat retard. wake up and observe the changing world

>> No.10586067

Yeah it's probably some new type of hearing implant or something

>> No.10586069

because you gullible dimwits take everything at face value without a ounce of skepticism

>> No.10586071

fucked youre mother

>> No.10586074

out of curiosity.. what would run through your head if tomorrow a fully functional brain implant were released? anything a computer can do, from google/translate/vidya immediately in your mind. would you buy it given that it's safe? whether it was made by neuralink or another company, doesn't matter

>> No.10586077

>years ahead of the competition
Ya know Tesla is bottom of the pack when it comes to autonomous cars. Their normal electrical cars haven't even reached scale yet. I think the only venture of his that's actually doing anything is Space X, but even that looks like it's margins are absolutely tiny.

>> No.10586087

name 3 viable competitors in automotive

>> No.10586102

>mhanz constructions
>zavizi cars
>penzavene automobiles

>> No.10586103

No it isn't.

>> No.10586111

those literally aren't real companies, just jewish sounding words next to some auto-related buzzwords. seek psychiatric evaluation immediately

>> No.10586131

In the autonomous car race?
(Primary source: https://www.navigantresearch.com/reports/navigant-research-leaderboard-automated-driving-vehicles
Secondary: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/tesla-apple-trail-self-driving-pack-study/))

According to that fucking [math] Uber [/math] are doing better than Tesla.

In the electric car space?
(Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-04-16/the-world-s-biggest-electric-vehicle-company-looks-nothing-like-tesla))

In market cap?

Tesla just doesn't compete, almost on every level. It's pure media and marketing hype.

>> No.10586239

Not him, but definitely NOT

>> No.10586251

It should be mentioned this is ONLY Human brain -> Computer interface.

It's a one way direction that is very useful but not what many people in the thread seem to think it is.

>> No.10586293

Will we ever be freed of FUDposters trying to enrich themselves with Jewish stock shorting techniques?

>> No.10586311
File: 192 KB, 960x684, chartoftheday_9245_tesla_revenue_and_net_profit_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people hate Elon so much? Just anal pain over someone else succeeding?

>> No.10586316

that depends on how good it is and if its upgradeable. Frankly what I really want is more 'ram.' Yes I know that humans don't actually have ram like computers do, but right now humans can hold about seven things in their head at the same time. If we add more ram, maybe we could hold 10 or more things.
no sweetie, with electrodes you can read and write to neurons.
Dude, neuralink ain't selling stock and brain surgery is still fucking risky.

>> No.10586323

Those things won't have two way feedback. Only complete madmen would allow that. Also need an easy physical way to shut down completely.

>> No.10586326

>muh Hyperloop

None of the Hyperloop companies are even related to him. Dude just mentioned it few times and people jumped on it.

>> No.10586328


>> No.10586334

i dont care about your alternative reality fantasy
shut up shill

>> No.10586338

It's really incredible how fast China moved from a joke of a country making everyone's underwear and shoes to a real competition in advanced tech.

Next decade is going to be a rude awakening for USA.

>> No.10586341
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Mostly because reddit likes him. Also the popularity of people known for being smart correlates inversely with how much /sci/ likes them due to contrarianism. >>10586311

>> No.10586348

and whats their biggest innovation?
literally all their shit were originally engineered in the west and japan

>> No.10586356

Helps to have a government that gets shit done without being a bipartisan joke that can only ever agree unanimously on sending more money to Israel.

>> No.10586368

>and whats their biggest innovation?

Making shit that is almost as good as western products while being much cheaper. They are Samsung on a larger scale.

>> No.10586393

cause the chinese work in all days of the week and are paid way less

>> No.10586466

sounds like some Q-anon hopeful bullshit, sorry

>> No.10586469

if you can afford the season pass for that DLC :^)

>> No.10586476

next job interview:
"so it says here on you social credit application that you don't have a television. Are you some kind of Unabomber-type? How are we supposed to know you're not up to something nefarious in your free time if don't participating in Screenbased Interactive Community Education Initiatives? Sorry I just don't think it'd be a good fit"

>> No.10586559

What would you recommend I do a PhD in if I want to work in the implants industry in the next 5-10 years?

>> No.10586581

Not true anymore. Chinese companies are moving their ultra cheap production lines to Africa while chinese companies are starting to compete with largest world brands. You don't see that much expansion abroad yet because their own market is more than enough at this point. China is producing more cars than anyone else and they are not even close to fulfilling their own demand yet.

>> No.10586611


>> No.10586622

Better to enhance the strong than cure the weak.

>> No.10586623

i cant wait to go on aliexpress and call the vendors niggers

>> No.10586625

I would sign up for version 10 of this but no way in hell would I be putting some first gen tech in my brain. I'd also need a physical USB Jack as well as Ethernet so I could actually use it for work and not just fucking around on 4channel at lightspeed.

>> No.10586627

It will be for whoever wants to pay for it.

>> No.10586674
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You have no idea how much I've been wanting this. I can finally be part of the greater good without the depression and hopelessness of being one single individual.

>> No.10586677

Your depression would poison the well, you would be sequestered to a lower tier network

>> No.10586683

No it wouldnt. Reaching enlightenment and sharing all of our experiences would complete the puzzles of this world. We each have a piece we just don't realize it, just think of how much has gone buried with no hope of recovery. It would give us all a meaning when we see just how much life has to offer through the eyes of everyone!

>> No.10587003

there are options depending on your current background. neuroscience or physio with an emphasis in electrophysiology from a bio standpoint.

electrical engineering or computer science if you've already got some legwork done on that end. a masters will land you a job

It's a field requiring a lot of high level multidisciplinary skills. I'm on the same track right now through the neuro route. a good starting place might be non-invasive brain stimulation like TMS or TDCS, which is something I'm working on now

>> No.10587064

>Elon Musk says stupid unrealistic shit.
>shares once again drop on account of reality.
If only I had money to short with.

>> No.10587488

Any books on neuro or electrophysiology? My school is only good for CS and chemical engineering.

>> No.10587513

data rate is quite low