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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10578445 No.10578445 [Reply] [Original]

what computer games do you play, /sci/?

>> No.10578452
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>> No.10578453


>> No.10578457

skyrim with porn mods

>> No.10578464
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Not really a "game" per se, but space Engine

>> No.10578466
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>> No.10578468
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>> No.10578471
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play counterstrike with me

>> No.10578475

unironic agree

>> No.10578485
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>> No.10578505
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The official servers are down, but you can still play over remote LAN with the Warhawk Reborn app.

>> No.10578508

I exclusively play games mentioned on /d/

>> No.10578513

I miss that game so much. Used to play for hours with my dad via split screen. I've played other big multiplayer, large map, vehicles games but they've never captured the feel of Warhawk to me. Just something about it felt so smooth and easy to play while still allowing for advanced tactics and strategies.

>> No.10578557
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>> No.10578560


>what computer games do you play, /sci/?

I sometimes try to create the illusion that I’m not *completely* wasting my time by playing a video game with a sufficiently “competitive” scene (like StarCraft II) that makes me want to improve so that I may be able to participate in competitions and maybe earn some money.

I also sometimes like to play “educational” video games like SimCity 4, Civilization 3, or Age of Empires to help me create the illusion that I’m “learning”.

>> No.10578623

fighting games

>> No.10578635

fighting games
online poker
rts games (war3, sc2)
used to fuck around with dota some but the games just take way too long / you can't quit anytime, so it's not compatible with life

any game which is not a competitive game is fundamentally uninteresting

>> No.10578652

Stellaris. I mostly listen to the soundtrack while I watch my species getting eradicated.
There is always a certain point where the economic structure collapses and it is only a downward spiral of invasions and assrape by the stupid computer

>> No.10578654
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Touhou. It can be easily picked up and put down at will. It does not lead to long hours spent binging. Nice music. Does not require unreasonable amounts of CPU, allowing you to carry out calculations whilst playing. Nice music.

>> No.10578684

Smash Bros. Melee and Tetris. Only two games worth a damn.

>> No.10578695

smash ultimate
mario kart
kerbal space program

>> No.10578717
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It's also leads to severe autism, which enhances your STEM lord abilities.

>> No.10578737

I've been playing VR chat and analyzing social groups

>> No.10578784

Are Kerbal Space Program and Universe Sandbox any good?

>> No.10578857

KSP is botnet, stay away

>> No.10578870

Me too

>> No.10578879

Dorf fotress

>> No.10578882
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Dwarf Fortress, Space Station 13, Minecraft, Roblox, Arma 3, CMANO (really autistic military simulator, navy used it, not a game really)

>> No.10578930


>> No.10578934

>Dwarf Fortress
How exactly do you actually get into that game?
The learning curve just appears so awfully steep.

>> No.10578937

Just watch like 2 tutorial videos on youtube in full. Once you get the rhythm of it, it becomes much easier to understand. The learning process itself also quickly becomes fun.

>> No.10578939

The ones I play most frequently right now are From The Depths, Helium Rain, some KSP but the files are borked right now and I'm too lazy to figure out what needs fixing, Probability of Precipitation 2, used to play a lot of Planetside 2 but it got too shit. Used to play Children of a Dead Earth as well but there have been no updates for months, the forum is about as slow as geological activity, and the discord mod is a fucker who banned me for petty personal reasons so I haven't touched the game for like half a year.

>> No.10578946

>used to play a lot of Planetside 2 but it got too shit.
This. Also raged every time I got smoked by fighter pilots. A truly skilled fighter pilot is just so OP in that game because they can hit everyone and avoid being hit by anyone.

>> No.10578970

I mostly "play" my work in progress games, too often these days when a game wants me to invest more than 30-50 minutes in a session/match/ grinding levels etc. I get bored. When I point out my frustrations to my online friends they jokingly said "Well make your own then!" so that's what I started doing. It's both frustrating and fun applying vector math and the logic in designing systems of different game elements interacting with each other.

Other than that, I play Cookie Clicker.

>> No.10579030

I don't really play computer games anymore, but when I was a tiny autismo I played flight simulators and RC flight simulators. I also had a friend that forced me to play Starcraft II with him for a couple of years. Greatest normal game I have ever played.

>> No.10579041

KSP is fun as hell. Also check out Space Engine for when you get that itch to explore the whole Universe

>> No.10579051


>> No.10579073

Only Sim City 3000

>> No.10579118
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Touhou, platformers, factorio, zachtronics games, terraria

>> No.10579124


>> No.10579220
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I have over 900 hours on this, not even joking.

>> No.10579233
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It was perfectly balanced.

T.Reaver pilot.

>> No.10579249

Yeah, just got back into it myself

>> No.10579253


>> No.10579325

Mainly CSGO and osu!.

>> No.10579343

first mexican scam artists and now the botnet? Just how bad can KSP get?

>> No.10579377

5 min of tetris, once every two years

>> No.10579381

What is this?

>> No.10579382

I just keep replaying The 4th Survivor over and over. I can do 7:12 now.

>> No.10579383

I mostly like strategy and simulation games where I am in charge of something. Such as Tropico, Stellaris, Startup Company, and Hearts of Iron.

>> No.10579388

Sim City. Building green high tech, high wealth cities with efficient public transportation and plenty of green spaces among high rises is the patricians hobby.

>> No.10579398

harvest moon
victoria ii

>> No.10579402

These. Plus elder scrolls 3,4 and 5. Plus Diablo 1, and 2

>> No.10579409

Looks like Unturned. Pretty based.

>> No.10579814

osu!. Surprisingly analyzing the game and the maps in general is VERY hard and huge brain level

Also terraria is cool

>> No.10579819

>space station 13
How do you get into this game? Everything you read online is confusing to an outsider, you can't even tell how much of the game is traditional/automatic, how much is roleplay, and how much "honor system" is involved

Also it seems like you have to install some weird software with a bunch of busted dependencies just to get on a server, I never managed to get it up and running and gave up

>> No.10579821

games? GAMES? what are you fucking children?

>> No.10579829

Sekiro, DMC 5, RDR 2 and Zelda BOTW because it's chill

>> No.10579835

Been play space engineers. It finally runs without crashing and I can build all kinds of wacky contraptions.

>> No.10579860

Some sc2 and chess because I have a shit computer

>> No.10579866

stellaris is nice to kill some spare time.

>> No.10579879

Wasted my life on dota but 80th percentile at least. Kind of cool to think I have played with over 10000 different teammates over the years.

>> No.10579913
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I lost almost all the will to play video games. I play one to two games a year nowadays, and the occasional 30 minutes Dead Cells run.

>> No.10579926


>> No.10579939

So used to be playing tf2, can't throw it, also like playing enter the gungeone, since there was an update

>> No.10580798

okay so play counterstrike with me

>> No.10580810

>KSP botnet
any particular versions, cause i have one installed from five years ago

>> No.10580815

Playing Watchdogs 1 and 2 to learn hacking.

>> No.10580823

Online 4-Dimensional Chess

>> No.10580825

Any version beyond 1.3 belongs to thou botnet.

>> No.10580849

Come fly with us, anon.

>> No.10580904


>> No.10580950

/vg/ has a general with a really in depth beginner guide. The game is difficult because:
>engine is trash and ancient
>controls are incredibly unintuitive and obtuse
>takes forever to learn a role because everything is so in depth
Only way to really learn is to just sink in tons of hours. And yeah setting it up to work on modern rigs is horrible.

>> No.10581178

Anything that gets posted on /f/

>> No.10581186

Your post smells like bong water dude. Put on some deodorant and play Tekken

>> No.10581343

>tfw I had a friend who convinced himself he had learned martial arts by studying tekken

>> No.10581350

Dominions is pretty fun.

>> No.10581353

It's the most skill intensive multiplayer FPS. You need to have a good grasp on the movement mechanics, aim, map layout, weapon selection, and the ability to accurately track multiple respawn timers in your head.

>> No.10581367

Thanks for putting me onto this, it pleases my autism.

>> No.10581405

Pic source?

>> No.10581409

>It's the most skill intensive multiplayer FPS.
I don't know about all that, but it was as rock solid a multiplayer fps as you can get.
Half my class would go after school to the internet cafe down the road and we'd just play quake and SC for hours. Eventually it got replaced by halflife and then counter strike.

>> No.10581418

only if you play counterstrike with me

>> No.10581422

Big brained game.

>> No.10581452

>people are unironically playing Zoomercraft now
Just end it

>> No.10581455

We all had one. Top kek.

>> No.10581474

I call it The Internet and I'm winning by the standard of "things capable of accurately mapping global intellectual output."

>> No.10581500
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>I'm winning
Not anymore, asshole.

>> No.10581556

cs:go, gmod, zoomercraft, fo:nv ... Anyone played spacechem?

>> No.10581597

Literally was thinking about how saying that might change the game.

I am underwhelmed by my null expectation.

>> No.10581637
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You just have to download BYOND and off you go. BYOND is like an open engine that anybody can make games on, see Roblox, but SS13 is the only good game on BYOND really, and the only reason to download it.

Now, the original game branched off long ago. You got SS13 Fallout spinoffs that have little to do with the original SS13 and have rape mechanics in them, some really obscure servers that you have to pay or invited to play on (Lifeweb) and are hosted by shady russian guys, I play there often, and shit loads of them.

If I was you I'd start at tgstation, is a pretty vanilla experience but extremely fun. Real vanilla SS13 doesn't exist and every "spinoff" is different, the most popular one is Colonial Marines for some reason. You'll find tons of new players now because a video of some famous youtuber faggot got really popular.

>> No.10582434

underrated post

>> No.10582837

They got rid of red shell like a year ago

>> No.10582841

Unironically based.
Only high IQs can appreciate the beauty of Minecraft.
What's your favourite version, Anon?

>> No.10582895

I play Runescape 3 but I'm a total brainlet.

>> No.10583378

I'm desperate for more updates to Subnautica: Below Zero. The first game was easily one of my favourite gaming experiences of the last five years.

>> No.10583573
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>> No.10583618

this but with hundreds of highly autistic mods

>> No.10583683
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Soldat - polish, fast-paced 2d shooter

>> No.10583686

>What's your favourite version, Anon?
I prefer vanilla although I used to play Tekkit with a friend. However, some bad experiences with modding and it left a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.10583708

Dwarf Fortress
Kerbal Space Program
Doom II
Star Craft II
Civilization IV

>> No.10583716

Baba is you
Brain is huge

>> No.10583800

Ok. what's you're steam name?

>> No.10583806

wont be on today, but l8er https://steamcommunity.com/id/beer_can/

>> No.10585118

Pubg right now is my go to
Others in the past starting with most recent

>> No.10585285

Try 4. Its really good.

>> No.10585297

Sent you an invite

>> No.10585305

absolutely based

>> No.10585362

Monster Hunter
Elite Dangerous

>> No.10585371

Hollow Knight
The Witness

>> No.10585518
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Also Chess, but I suck at that because I am a brainlet.

>> No.10585928

Gregtech New Horizons

>> No.10585930

tetris online my dude

>> No.10585942

Love unturned

>> No.10585943

also EVE online, and PoE

>> No.10585948
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Fistful of Frags. The bow and arrow is my weapon of choice.

>> No.10585949

4 is better

>> No.10585951

The only game I have played a fair bit is Spelunky. I might try out the sequel this year, but I play the original a fair bit still.

>> No.10585955

>analyzing maps
What is there to analyze. Just play the game. I was under 30k in ranks once. Stop playingbecause it just became a grindfest and everything under 99% accuracy was trash.

>> No.10585957

that game still exists?

>> No.10586076

I really want to get rich someday so I've been trying Capitalism 2
Apparently some business professors use it as a teaching tool
Also used to play Nintendo shit like Pokémon and shit and sometimes still active on Showdown but I lost interest in the main game after the first gym of gen 5

>> No.10586089
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Arena fps are big brained and very skilled based games with a high skill ceiling. Pic related is one of my favourites

>> No.10586099

A man of refinement, indeed.

>> No.10586134

5 is better.

>> No.10586265
