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10580334 No.10580334 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the biggest drawback of institutionalized suicide (in the same mold of institutionalized abortion)?

What percentage of the population would opt for this option if it existed, instead of resorting to dangerous, inhumane methods with high failure rates and that often put others at harm?

If every suicidal person in the world living right now was afforded this humane suicide option, would the net effect on society be positive or negative?

Please give me the most scientifically supported answer you can if possible.

>> No.10580388
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>> No.10580497


In some countries in Europe assisted dying laws are very relaxed and can be approved for mental suffering (i.e. depression).


>Requests from those who aren't terminally ill still represent a small share, but have been increasing, Van der Heide said.

>> No.10580509

>What would be the biggest drawback of institutionalized suicide (in the same mold of institutionalized abortion)?


>What percentage of the population would opt for this option if it existed, instead of resorting to dangerous, inhumane methods with high failure rates and that often put others at harm?

100% if it’s free or cheap.

>If every suicidal person in the world living right now was afforded this humane suicide option, would the net effect on society be positive or negative?

Obviously positive. The less people experiencing negative wellbeing, the higher net wellbeing of the population.

>> No.10580544

this shit sounds like homework...

>> No.10580577

Thank you.

It isn't.

>> No.10580612


>Obviously positive. The less people experiencing negative wellbeing, the higher net wellbeing of the population.

Is there a chance that some of the people that die this way were actually doing something relevant/useful, or are tied to a given area and would cause massive problems?

Artists and people working in degrading conditions (mines and shit) or high stress scenarios seem like a group that would suffer major casualties.

>> No.10580697

>Is there a chance that some of the people that die this way were actually doing something relevant/useful, or are tied to a given area and would cause massive problems?

Obviously. Just get someone else to do it.

>Artists and people working in degrading conditions (mines and shit) or high stress scenarios seem like a group that would suffer major casualties.

Oh gee we can’t consider improving working conditions. That’d be anti-capitalist.

>> No.10580705


You're welcome. If you are asking about this because you are feeling suicidal and are looking for an out, please seek help (genuinely). Assisted suicide tourism is a thing (i.e DIGNITAS) but when it comes down to it, you must do it yourself. Nobody is going to really help you kill yourself. Just provide you with a comfortable environment. Hope you'll be alright anon.

>> No.10580733

The effects of such a policy would destroy our people emotionally. It is well studied that after a suicide the people left behind are placed in a downed emotional state. Even if the people committing suicide are loners not connected to anyone, knowing of the policy will cause distress. I believe this emotional distress is far more dangerous than having a single person struggle with depression. This article below says on average 6 people feel that ripple effect of s suicide. So the choice is really do we value that 1 individual or the 6 individuals around her. I choose the 6 around because I'm a psychopath and have no issue pulling the lever to solve the trolley problem. That's just me tho.
