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10578530 No.10578530 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ways that the future is fucked other than climate change?

>ocean acidfication
>bees are dying
>antibiotic resistance
>return of preventable diseases
There must be more

>> No.10578531

I don't understand why the good news about the bees recovering so nicely gets set aside in favor of clinging to the gloom of "the bees are dying out." I'd think that a bit of good news would be welcome on the environment front.

>> No.10578533

I just hadn't heard that, if so cross that off the lsit

>> No.10578539

Women, blacks and Muslims becoming increasingly powerful

>> No.10578709

Pedovore, godless, elitist leaders

>> No.10578728 [DELETED] 

>ocean acidfication
Add iron and stir
>bees are dying
>antibiotic resistance
CRISPR and shit
>return of preventable diseases
See above

>> No.10578740

Prions will exponentially become a problem once they adapt out of their zoonotic reservoir, and there's no stopping them once they get rolling.

>> No.10578746

The bees are dying out though, the "bees recovering" you're referring to is honey bees. Wild bees are what really do our pollinating, bumble bees, and nobody's helping them, thus they continue to decline.

>> No.10578788


>> No.10578909

False. A few rare species have become more rare. Bees in general are doing pretty well.

>> No.10578918

National IQs across the western world are dropping.

>> No.10578923

The Future is good.

I already know that there are some people who think they have predicted it or seen it already, but they are wrong unless they agree with me of course.

>> No.10578933


>> No.10578957


>> No.10578958

all of that is climate change

>> No.10578960

A bit of a meme problem but automation.
People aren't considering the implications of 10s of millions of people losing their jobs with no real way of adapting back into the economy.

>> No.10578969

Widespread losses of pollinating insects in Britain (Nature, 2019)

please stop posting stupid things and pretending to understand ecology if you don't care about it aside from things like this

>> No.10578991

top soil/fertilizer runoff causing desertification and ocean dead zones.
ecosystem fragmentation due to development (destroys migratory routes for large mammals)
poaching trophy hunting (causes local extinction by removing the fittest individuals from the gene pool)

The people who make excuses for these things are sick. In fact they are literally cancer eating away at humanity's chances for long term survival.

>> No.10578997

Notice how I said bumble bees. Worrying about honey bees is like worrying about feral pigs.

>> No.10579004

also all climate change
big game hunting is bad buuuut money is good, think about it
duck hunting is the best thing to happen to the wetlands, there's no money in simply giving a shit

>> No.10579005

the end of cheap energy
the end of cheap metals

>> No.10579009

Really? Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

>> No.10579014



Actually, it is the earth's only problem. Everything else is just a symptom...

>> No.10579016

Pussy inflation

>> No.10579033

Poaching is the problem, not big game hunting. Jamal and his tribe blow away a whole herd of elephants and sell their tusks to Chang for 100$ a pop. Richard the dentist pays 100k to hunt one lion and that money is used directly to fund anti-poaching, conservation and breeding more big game.

>> No.10579048

I dont think you'er any better than Chang, in fact you are probably worse, because you contribute to the economy much more than Chang, which allows the people there employ many more poachers than otherwise would have been the case.

>> No.10579050

Let's talk about robots for sex, if you had the choice between a machine with a soft outer layer that looked like a woman and treated you well and a real woman you need to date and talk to in order to gain insight to their personality which would you choose? Do you think accidental and unplanned children will cease when you can copulate with a mechanical doll instead of needed real women or will PC culture politics ban them before we can enter this stage?

tl;dr sextbots might hurt the population

>> No.10579055

What the fuck is this gibberish. Learn English mate.

>> No.10579058

The outbreeding of thoses who can't carry the torch of civilization or surpass to a higher one. The return of some kind of global dark ages.

>> No.10579064

>believing in climate change

>> No.10579068

no you're fucking stupid buddy
on what wavelength am i wrong?

>> No.10579132

Youre pumping tonnes of cash into the economy of a people who do not value their wildlife, and you think you're better than Chang for giving less money to said culture.

Market worshippers are fucking trash

>> No.10579140

>on what wavelength am i wrong?
you said
>top soil/fertilizer runoff causing desertification and ocean dead zones.
>ecosystem fragmentation due to development (destroys migratory routes for large mammals)

are "also all climate change"

therefore you are retarded.

>> No.10579151

They money literally goes directly towards their conservation and breeding more you fucking moron. The national parks aren't hiring poachers, what the fuck are you smoking.

>> No.10579161

>They money literally goes directly towards their conservation and breeding
Ya I bet thinking that helps you to get to sleep at night... keep giving your money to some of the most corrupt and impoverished people on the planet and tell yourself youre "saving the wildlife" while you literally shoot it dead.

Piss off deluded moron

>> No.10579162

Women would probably just make their own big black sexbots

>> No.10579165

None of these are science, snowflake.

>> No.10579170

well all environmental issues are related to climate change, or rather the root cause which is unsustainable practices
climate is just the biggest most overarching issue
if you can solve climate change pretty much all other environmental issues become easy

>> No.10579174

How does solving climate change solve any of:
>top soil/fertilizer runoff causing desertification and ocean dead zones.
>ecosystem fragmentation due to development (destroys migratory routes for large mammals)

>> No.10579177


>> No.10579181

that's all unsustainable development/practice which is pretty much synonymous with anthropogenic climate change
don't you see, it's not alarmism

>> No.10579186

true but currently the only "solutions" that are being talked about are the ones that don't affect development

>> No.10579189

>tfw ChadBot3.4001 flopped hard, super disappointing
>the iTyrone 6 won't be out until October
What the fuck am I going to do in the mean time?

>> No.10579194

muh economy
it's a game theory,/prisoner's dilemma type thing
nobody wants to put in the extra effort to become sustainable because that would put them at an economic disadvantage
it really comes down to everyone being garbage all at the same time

>> No.10579198

ya... hard to argue with that.

>> No.10579202

I can think of a few. Climate change is just the icing on the cake, we were fucked long before we even suspected it was a thing.

Soil degradation
Diminishing water quality
Over fishing
Habitat destruction
Loss of biodiversity
Atmospheric pollution

All these can be solved though through lowering the human population and standards of living.

Which will be done for us since we are obviously incapable of regulating ourselves.

>> No.10579204

is that because you think I'm right or because you think I'm ignorant?
climate change exacerbates pretty much all other environmental issues and not by a little bit either
I mean was generous to say "everything is climate change" but that's really the right mentality to have if you care about the environment

>> No.10579214

no I think youre right, but climate change does not exacerbate the other issues by much.
and its not the right mentality.

>> No.10579219

>no I think youre right, but climate change does not exacerbate the other issues by much.
>and its not the right mentality.
ok well I tried, gg bro

>> No.10579225

haha gg

>> No.10579240

The earth has been much hotter and much colder in human history than it is now. Historical periods of warmth are accompanied by growth of civilization. Climate change is inevitable and we should prefer a warming to a global cooling.

>> No.10579244

Your post is completely irrelevant to OP's question

>> No.10579250

>only like two insects: honeybees and monarch butterflies
>they're fucked
>hate just about everything else
>cockroaches party forever

>> No.10579258

>the attempted incel misdirection.
Nice try

>> No.10579262

Are you a bot? Are you programmed to produce the same drivel whenever the word climate change appears?

>> No.10579288

This one is huge. There's not enough decent jobs to go around as it is now. It'll be good in the long term since bullshit jobs should be done by robots, but in the short to medium term it can be chaotic.

>> No.10579309

We should modify roaches to replace bees.

>> No.10579311
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You bumbling fucking retard

>> No.10579420

Remember 2007? Big Bang Theory? Bazinga

>> No.10579430

The Earth is in a glacial period at the moment and should be cooling off for about 20-50,000 more years at least; while periods of higher atmospheric CO2 and global temperatures are strongly associated with higher biomass and biodiversity it is not the case that this event is really much like the others at all. The rate of temperature increase, and its accompaniment by severe habitat loss and population collapse of keystone species in some of the most productive ecosystems on Earth (the one's that produce the vast majority of oxygen for instance) are not precedent ed in any time since mammals have existed or really any time at all since the Cretaceous extinction event. So, it is not a good thing and we would not be doing ourselves a service by betting on a positive outcome from it.

>> No.10579434


>> No.10579437

At the same time they've been receiving tons of immigration from the third world. Really makes me go hmm.

>> No.10579439

Based. If people really cared about anthropomorphic climate change this would be the first initiative.

>> No.10579441

iq is dropping among whites, the studies he's referencing were on homogenous white european populations. The global iq is dropping because of muds but white euro iq is dropping because of dysgenics and limits to the flynn effect.

>> No.10579445

I was just exaggerating/joking, I can think of numerous ways that the introduction of tech would negatively affect intelligence.