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File: 36 KB, 245x283, Protón-Estructura_de_Quarks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10578210 No.10578210 [Reply] [Original]

Will the Proton decay.

>> No.10578217

Only if you put in the gyro upside down

>> No.10578251

I'm 90% confident that it won't happen within the next 2.1 x 10^29 years.

>> No.10578260

I'm 10% confident that it will happen within the next 2.1 x 10^29 years.

>> No.10578265

which one, though?

>> No.10578266

im 90% confident that it's the first one

>> No.10578289

What will it decay into?

>> No.10578290


>> No.10578525

Two protons

>> No.10578842

Are you 81% sure that one of the 2 protons won't decay again?

>> No.10578846

I meant both sorry lol

>> No.10578888

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.10578895

Ponte a estudiar latinoide de mierda.

>> No.10579192
File: 58 KB, 365x422, TIMESAND___BigBang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not. Even if you examined the behavior for time in the neighborhood of infinity, its actually t - t_0 which contributes to physics rather than t by itself. For any physical amount of time, proton probably won't decay. It might for an unphysically long amount of time, but that is unphysical.

>> No.10579787

If the union inhibits real actions for state in it the whole is a case that wont decay with it and the vacuum will cause a vacuum in it to be repaired on contact to the houses that suggest it is arrival on the deem of a real weight of its conpound into it. If that is exact a union will inhibit the use of ions as the use of two as proton and ion and not the ise of ions to suggest native balances into like quarks and the decay will hold into a set for production where the law that contends for an ion in distribution, the margin of a set into distribution, that eill be a quo, the set is a faction of guild like, like using a set thats describes more words than another can for the use of fewer letters or fewer specific protons to allow a derived function to exist in one that it cant in another. that will make it essentially a whole seem into a fact of knowledge and all work for it or to it will be guild on distribution and not in for the cases of radical distribution into states for the pair as composite rather than the faction of states for real maths as prodigy on it as the versus of it for physical connotation into the realms of physics for philosophy to arrange a set away from a whole for distribution in patterns and thatwill allow only sets as prodigy that it can inform us the useof it by all oatterns in it and not just the norms into normal...cy. That c guy. Not the one with code for free.

>> No.10579804

Don't think so.
That strong force is very strong.

>> No.10580686

Even Atlas needed a break.

>> No.10580894

Most hadrons (that is, all but the proton) are unstable, and I'm 75% certain that's unstable too.
The strength of the strong force means things decay very quickly.

>> No.10581142
File: 17 KB, 241x230, 1384431779969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
