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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1057252 No.1057252 [Reply] [Original]

hey sci, lets collaborate and do something useful?


>> No.1057259

no because my major is better

>> No.1057271

useful is a relative term and gets torn apart in semantics.

your choices are trying to find aliens or doing free (you wont see a dime) protein research for colleges / pharmaceutical companies

>> No.1057277


>> No.1057295

op here. you guyse are fucking dull...

>> No.1057300

Anyone have any ideas?

I put forth: the best anarchist guide possible, and give it to /b/

>> No.1057307

we did this then realized sci is shit so we dont colaborate no more

>> No.1057309
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1) Create near-human AI
2) Robots
3) Wireless electricity
4) ??????????
5) Post scarcity, no money needed, anything you want you have.

>> No.1057310

i haz an ideas:

lets solve some global issue, than get 4chan a Nobel peace prize.

then hell shall freeze over and pigs will fly

>> No.1057315

no because all non-science nobels are worthless.

>> No.1057316


lets make our own site but password it, and to get in you have to pass some kind of test.

>> No.1057320


wireless electricity


and name it the tesslatricity!

>> No.1057321

also get /g/ to make it a changing password or some shit, so some fucktard can't just post it and everyone invited

>> No.1057327

It already exists lol. In like 20 years it'l be mainstream

>> No.1057330


like u413 except useful and haz a gui!

>> No.1057334

us, /g/, and /o/(?) should ally and do something
also if this actually works we can get /k/ to guard our secret facilities

>> No.1057340


that site is crap

>> No.1057351

but what to do, what to do...

>> No.1057363

I can make us a website with password... but what should the URL be?

>> No.1057372

a series of random numbers and letters

>> No.1057455


if your serious i will love you forever.

and can i put money in a paypal account directly from my bank account, or do i need to use a card of some sort?

>> No.1057471


the purpose of this site should not be philosophical discussion, but rather planning of projects. a place to organize and report our findings

>> No.1057473

We could get sciduckscib.org

>> No.1057486

No idea to be honest. Either way, I can get everything set up if needed.

>> No.1057489

DO NOT put it on an american server please

>> No.1057507

well fuck it guys, lets just get the damn thing set up, and figure out the details from there.

>> No.1057526

why not?
it makes sense from a scientific standpoint, as it takes less time to type .com than .co.uk or similar

>> No.1057529

:( i would do this except i don't have anything to run a web server on other than my comp :(

>> No.1057531

/sci/ tried to do this a long time ago, but the project never took off. It's because:

a) Some people are too busy.
b) The majority of the people involved didn't know SHIT about any subject and just wanted to be apart of it.
c) Couldn't decide on a project.

People didn't even know circuitry. I think it's possible to develop something, but it's not plausible.

>> No.1057538

>all of america=texas
i thought europe discourages propaganda

>> No.1057542

We should get all of /sci/ involved in an @home project, or a distributed computing project elsewhere..

>> No.1057544

Why not?

Also, and this is
by the way (I'm gonna use a trip for now...), the best way to do this shit would probably be by installing some type of wiki software on the site, and then converting it into more of a projects-and-getting-shit-done type of thing than a collaborative information collection thing.

>> No.1057554


We tried to do that last time. It turned to absolute shit. I'm not discouraging you, or anyone else within this thread, but you guys need to be reasonable and have expectations. The first thing you need to do is take off those /sci/glasses and think realistically. First, setup a chain of command and find out where everyone is, academically. Furthermore, you have to find out their level and their major.

There's much more to this than you can possibly dream of. We even started a Google group, and no one responded to shit.

>> No.1057560

we could have a what to do/notifications site and a wiki of our findings and related things attached to it

>> No.1057590

so, a wiki format or a standard forum format

>> No.1057591

Actually, and in response to
what the fuck are we going to do? Any of you have ideas?

>> No.1057601


so far, just a private site, with some kind of application so tards dont invade it

>> No.1057613

Well yes. But that sounds like a 4chan private forum... I honestly wouldn't want to dedicate my time to that unless we actually had a purpose other than dicking around.

>> No.1057620


>> No.1057627


it wont be like 4chan at all

it should have no link to 4chan other than this initial planning stage

>> No.1057631

what about research of the internet itself?
ways to make it better, social experiments of it's users, stuff like that

>> No.1057633

sharing information somehow

>> No.1057647

I like that plan a lot.
I like that plan a lot also.

>> No.1057650


Everyone from that project I was referring to disbanded. We had one PhD student in Physics and one Mathematics Undergrad student who has only a year left to graduate(me). We were both the only semi-qualified people, because everyone else came from /a/ or other boards without any knowledge except writing stories and doing nothing. I'm not even joking, either. I don't hate on those guys, but we weren't equipped at all. The guy with a PhD in Physics was extremely busy, I was busy and the rest didn't know what to do. I think we had one mechanical engineer Undergrad, but he was doing introductory everything -- Calc 1, Circuits 1, Design 1, etc. Didn't even know about Kirchoff's rules, much less Ohm's Laws.

First thing you need to do is weed out those who are serious, and those who aren't. Secondly, the majority has to be qualified people. If you really want this to be successful, get people who are at least higher-end Sophomores who have experience or Juniors/Seniors ON BREAK. You may get a serious Masters student if you're lucky; PhD students are way too busy, even on their break.

Third, setup a schedule and timezone format for people. The project I was on had people from everywhere, which isn't a problem, but no one could configure a schedule where we could all work together.

>> No.1057683

well, being a mechanic, im not uni level but do enjoy a fair bit of dealing with /sci/ related things, maybe we do ask /g/ if they have any ideas? colabaration in something we can both work on/enjoy. but seriously, dont invite /o/ unless we have a go at building a car...

>> No.1057684


lol carbon copy of the last project.

>> No.1057701

we should invite /k/

>> No.1057709


not asying we couldnt, but why?

>> No.1057711


>> No.1057713

best boards to be invited

>> No.1057717
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mission abort

>> No.1057722

lots of military engineers

>> No.1057726

building a car would be pretty sweet.

>> No.1057728


LOL good while it lasted. take it easy, guys.


>my face when..nevermind.

>> No.1057729

lets get /sp/
they probably know a lot about parabolas

>> No.1057735


build an AI car.

that is our project.

>> No.1057737

yeah, but masive headfuck...

>> No.1057738
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/k/ here, so just wanted to ask you cock inhalers, how useful is set theory when SHTF.

>> No.1057740
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what's going on in here /sci/

>> No.1057748


thats why we askin you mob for your input

>> No.1057755

Almost anything we could attempt to do has already been done in some way or other.

We need something original and mind-blowing in its simplicity.

>> No.1057760

/o/ for mechanics
/g/ for AI
/k/ for nightrider's guns
/sci/ for ?????

good plan

>> No.1057762

hi /k/

>> No.1057763



start the site

2nd, im not the leader of the project, becasue there is spobibly somone more expericaned than me who could do it


think of some shit to do

>> No.1057764

Lets construct an artificial anus.

>> No.1057771

alright, whos gunna be running this show?

>> No.1057772

OK... lets get this straight. There's a few things we have to figure out so far:

1. What will we do?
2. Who is good enough to do shit (knowledge as well as time and serious effort)?

As for the timezone/schedule situation mentioned in
, if it's a wiki I don't think it would be too much of a problem as long as we write down all our findings on the site so others can find them. In certain situations that may be different, but when the time comes we can always implement that, shouldn't be too hard.

Now my partial solutions to these problems:
1. So far, we have AI (but a bit more elaborate: would we do AI with robots or computer programs or what?), maybe genetically engineer some super-bacterium (I've actually thought about doing that for a while) or try to sequence parts of its genome or something, we may be able to do some mathematical shit, maybe circuit design (and possibly make money off it too), ... I don't know.
2. I stick to the original idea of the test. I guess it'll be a whatever you do helps type of thing for now.

>> No.1057773

Build nightrider

>> No.1057783




>> No.1057784

You obviously have no experience in this.

Before you can hope to garner momentum, you must have a direction laid out already. The details could be filled in later, the learning curve could be overcome over time, but without something to stand behind people are just here sitting around sharing their feelings about wanting to be cool and useful and known in some way.

>> No.1057787
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>> No.1057789
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we should make biodegradable, caseless bullets that can penetrate armor

>> No.1057790

Oo! Just had a great idea! How about trying to get some alternative energy shit going (and I'm not talking about a windmill or some shit like that)?

>> No.1057797

The Question Of The Hour: What needs to be done, that hasn't already been done satisfactorily already, that we have the capacity and motivation to do?

>> No.1057800

a gun that shoots condoms

>> No.1057806


(renewable*)energy sources

* as long at its more efficient than oil

>> No.1057807

like ya thinkin, maybe AI of somesort, but would we really get that far? need something a bit more reachable, something that we could develop and use maybe,

>> No.1057808

fleshlights have already been invented

>> No.1057813

Build a fleet of KITTS

>> No.1057817
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>lets collaborate and do something useful

>> No.1057820

we could start an international drug dealing ring.

>> No.1057824

how about a "renewable energy station" with lots of different types of natural energy production, and it also has a basic ai, that does things like align solar panels with the sun, or change facing of windmills

>> No.1057829

prepetual motion? anyways, anyone working on getting the site up?

>> No.1057830

free energy,
anti aging treatments immortality

the latter is not only important but practical, people will start to take the preservation of resources government systems and the like seriously if they will live to see it.

>> No.1057832


happy i live in the bay area

>> No.1057834

You don't need AI for solar panel direction. Thats achieved easily by a light sensor

>> No.1057840

Sure, why not. But that seems a bit too fucking complex.

>> No.1057846

that was just an example

>> No.1057852

OK, what are we gonna call this project?

>> No.1057859


project wdsfc

>> No.1057861

The Glorious Dawn Project

>> No.1057867

I fucking like it.

>> No.1057870
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The Day The Earth Stood Still

>> No.1057871

my vote, sounds alright

>> No.1057872

G for technology

Fill in the blanks, faggots

>> No.1057874

Project never-going-to-happen.

>> No.1057882

For now I am nothing but a boy. But when I have learned what you have learned /sci/, I will join..... I will join.

>> No.1057883

Distributed computing trpcode cracking software

>> No.1057892

brb, taking a shit

>> No.1057894

Build the worlds most advanced sex doll/robot.

>> No.1057898

automated intelligence
natural rescources

>> No.1057903

thats something i'd expect 4chan to be able to do

>> No.1057904

thats more /g/'s thing though... how many programmers we got here?

>> No.1057911

Its suppsto be sagan ;_;

>> No.1057920


We need to know what we're doing first, transient-thrill-wankers.

That's meaningless.

>> No.1057928

Got the name, and yes i know its stupid, but this is also /sci/ so its fitting

Project SAGAN:

Automated intelligence
G technology
Natural resources

>> No.1057940

youre not going to do it all at once stupid, thats the beauty part though, as long as you continue being successful above a certain margin you will effectively be immortal.

>> No.1057946

/sci/light (skylight)

It has a touch of astronomy and renewable energy in it.

>> No.1057954
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>if this actually works we can get /k/ to guard our secret facilities

/k/ here, you have our protection.

>> No.1057958

Wow, thats really good

pronounced SKYLIGHT

>> No.1057983



>> No.1057986

In during the whole thing falls apart when we can't agree on a name

>> No.1057991

alright, can somone here sort us out with a url/page? i would say this is one of teh first things that needs to be done, voluenters?

>> No.1057996

thats exactly what happened

>> No.1058001

Let's go get /g/.... /k/ can protect it, but we sure as hell can't build it. Demolitions is a one way path.

>> No.1058016

alreday tried, no replies, so somone needs to have a better go

>> No.1058022

Overgrow large areas with kudzu?

>> No.1058028
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I'm afraid this out of my league at the moment. If you need a rifle, I'll be waiting. But URL's, servers, HTML and that fun stuff... I can make a website on my own, but it won't be able to meet your expectations. I guarantee that you won't be satisfied, basically.

>> No.1058031


Someone go give them the lowdown

>> No.1058040

oh yeah, THAT's hard to do.

>> No.1058046

OK, just made this. It'll be our meeting spot in the meantime.
We'll discuss shit at
I guess. To talk, just write what you want to write on a new line and add four ~s to the end of your post.

>> No.1058047

"theres a fucking 16 underage faggot here who would set up a webpage, but it would take him at least a week"

>if you see that the project is doomed

>> No.1058050

Once again, science only REALLY gets moving once weapons are involved...

>> No.1058056
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Well, you know what they say... Science only truly prospers when the end goal is to kill.

>> No.1058080

How bout we figure out what we're going to do first?


>> No.1058087

Do we even have an actual tangible idea written down for what we're doing other than the project name?

>> No.1058092

From what I've read, no.

>> No.1058098

/g/ here

fuck you, we aint doing shit.

>> No.1058104
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I'm a fair man, you know. I will give you 1 minute to change your mind.

>> No.1058105

By the way, my Wiki username is Asfastasdark.

>> No.1058115
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>> No.1058122
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But that makes no sense, mathematically/physically speaking... Darkness has no speed... You're stuck in an infinite vortex of frozen time. Fuck, I've met snails that could outrun you. While they're asleep.

>> No.1058128

>starting a circlejerk

>> No.1058131

thats the point

>> No.1058132
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>> No.1058137

/g/fag reportan in

>> No.1058140
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That's sad that that's all it takes on /sci/.

>> No.1058147

Tripcode Rainbowtables

>> No.1058155

Actually, usually takes less than that.

>> No.1058163

>Vladimir Putin

But that makes no sense, logically/grammatically speaking... a lad from /v/ who's name is "Imir"... and put what in what?... you're an illiterate idiot... Fuck, I've met niggers who could outsmart you. While they're dead.

>> No.1058165

>tripcode rainbowtables

>> No.1058168
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Eh, I suppose all boards have their Achilles' heel. On /k/ it's a bullet called the "Five-seveN." Merely mention it and you'll start a clusterfuck.

>> No.1058178

back to /k/ with you, friend.

>> No.1058182

We should find a way to travel faster than the speed of light.

>> No.1058183
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Well, I suppose it's appropriate that my grammatical skills are sub-par, considering that English isn't my first language.

>> No.1058185

/g/ here.
You guys are STILL trying to actually think of something to do?
Honestly, the day that 4chan users are productive and contribute to the world is the day that Poland into space.

God, I miss 888...

>> No.1058186
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See, this is why /sci/ will never accomplish anything.

>> No.1058188

/g/ user here.
tl;dr this crap thread
give me a low down of what is going down.
I will input my expertise.

Just because you are incapable of measuring something does not been it does not exist.

>> No.1058191
File: 24 KB, 320x480, me being skeptical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blame me, I'm just a tourist. Here on business.

>> No.1058194

how bout we just decide on how to blow the damn earth up

fix this issue and all other issues

>> No.1058195

Seems like a cool idea, I'd love to join in once we actually think of something.

>> No.1058199

>Just because you are incapable of measuring something does not been it does not exist.
inb4 something

>> No.1058201
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Darkness has no speed, it has no mass. You can't be as fast as nothing unless you remove time from the equation. Or unless you guys build a calculator that knows what happens when you divide by zero... Oh my... DO IT!

>> No.1058202

Well basically we have "/sci/ and /g/ combine to change the world in some profound way, /k/ kills people" as our gameplan, we haven't been able to get anything past that.

>> No.1058203

find a way to concretely disprove the existance of god

>> No.1058207

I can host it, if someone makes it.

>> No.1058210

You can't disprove that which does not exist.

...or something.

>> No.1058212
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Inb4...Oh wait.. /sci/ ... Huh... Well then.

>> No.1058217

Or in other words, you have no plan.
Thanks for sucking us into the thread, fags. However, it looks like we'll probably help you with... Whatever the fuck it is you're going to do.

>> No.1058219

As much fun as that would be, it would also prove to be impossible as even the most concrete and inescapable evidence against God that anyone might be able to find would be defeated by anyone with enough faith to believe that their god is not of this universe and thus is beyond its laws.

>> No.1058220

i think whole mass of people is stupid thats the problem.
all you need is to find way to make people smart.
people is very stupid. so stupid - fuck them all.

>> No.1058222

>Find a cheap, efficient, and violently effective way to teach others how to spell.

>> No.1058225


>> No.1058226
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Someone already thought of how to fix that

>> No.1058229
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>> No.1058230
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Which is the generally accepted belief in modern Christianity, especially now that Christians are looking at the book of Genesis and then comparing it to the Big Bang Theory with striking similarities. All it takes then is say God was outside of the little super atom and he provoked it into the Big Bang externally. That would be hell for the Atheist community.

>> No.1058234

>doesn't know about youtube atheists

>> No.1058237

Raise them properly.

>> No.1058241

Light couldn't be measured in 1200 AD, it must not have existed.
I for one am always bored enough to participate in failing 4chan projects (non-raid/trolling related only).

>> No.1058245

That's a terrible way to format that data. Why is it not presented in some manner relative to or adjusted for overall population density?

>> No.1058248
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That doesn't prove anything. It's been proven darkness is simply the absence of light. I thought you /sci/entists understood science.

Also 4/10.

>> No.1058257

We could always come up with a way to stop the oil leak, eh? :D

>> No.1058259

If we really want to do something useful, we should find some sort of alternative to oil, not just as a fuel but as an item used in the creation of items. Pretty much everything uses oil now-a-days, when it runs out; we're fucked.

>> No.1058261
File: 29 KB, 296x598, 1274853320753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia already tried helping you guys with that, you know. Those types of oil leaks happened a few times back in the day. Russia simply lowered a small nuclear device into the leak, and detonated it. Problem solved.

Pic related.

>> No.1058262

The only thing proven is that modern instruments are not capable of measuring it.

>> No.1058264

Good idea.
Well, /sci/?

>> No.1058268

Do you just have a googol pics of that guy?

>> No.1058281
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>implying he's not the real Putin

>> No.1058282

heres a good idea: find a way to stop all that shitty rap from getting popular

>> No.1058284
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Then as far as I'm currently concerned darkness does not exist as an independent entity. By your logic there are obviously vikings on the moon right now, because we haven't scoured every atom of the moon, and it's possible for some forms of bacteria to survive in a vacuum, so we can only assume it's anatomically possible for a humanoid to adapt over time, as well.

>> No.1058293


>> No.1058299

World leaders don't go on 4chan lol

>> No.1058301

create a device than can effectively create something out of nothing

>> No.1058304

I like this Idea, but what about a way to clean up the oil so we can sell it for the $$$.

this sounds reasonable.

>> No.1058308
File: 31 KB, 450x591, me wut-ing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the sons of US Senators don't hack potential Vice President's personal email accounts after browsing 4chan-- Oh wait...

>> No.1058310

<implying elected officials are leaders.

>> No.1058312

Well russia doesn't internet, so there.

>> No.1058314
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Obviously you've never been in Mother Russia...

>> No.1058316

>implying incorrectly

>> No.1058323

Separating the oil from the water sounds good in principle, but it would be very hard to accomplish and almost doubtlessly cost more to do than you would make in profit for the oil itself.

>> No.1058326
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If profit is your goal then ignore the oil. If the environment is worth anything to you then spare no expense.

>> No.1058328

Well, how do people take skin off of milk?
We need a gigantic butter knife.

>> No.1058330

Lets come up with an actual idea, instead of circlejerking. 'kay /sci/?

>> No.1058333

/k/ + /sci/ + /g/ = space lasers


>> No.1058335
File: 21 KB, 395x515, putin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been on /sci/ for exactly 50 minutes now and I already know that's not going to happen.

>> No.1058350
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Why would anyone WANT to prove you wrong?

Well gentlemen, I have things to do. Need to get back to work. Good night for those of you in North America. For those of you in Europe, good morning, for those in Moscow get back to fucking work, and good evening for those in Japan.

>> No.1058352

Algae that feeds on oil.
what think you?

>> No.1058357

Fuck this shit, im making a new topic in /g/ where shit might actually get done.... oh wait.

>> No.1058360

Well I would be in it for the environment but the guy I was responding to mentioned that the oil would be for profit.

>> No.1058361

Wouldn't we need... Funding? And YEARS to engineer it?

>> No.1058369

Virtual Reality Sex.

>> No.1058370

Yes, isn't that why we needed the wiki page? so we can start research?

>> No.1058371

I'm goin inna woods with my space laser, fuck that SKS bullshit.

>> No.1058378

Seriously, stop replying to this faggot

>> No.1058381

The Hole will still be pumping out oil then.
Funding we don't need, time we do.

>> No.1058388


>> No.1058392

That would be a fantastic idea, if we could do it. That would take a lot more than a gang of people on the internet, we'd need an actual lab and shit.

>> No.1058413

In the spirit of the internet hate machine, and the parties involved:

Some sort of radiation that travels thru tech and kills people

>> No.1058416

All together now! (All together now!)
All together now! (all together now!)
All together now! (all together now!)
All together now! (we should choose a feasable idea now!)

>> No.1058427

I would agree with you if you didnt say it in such a faggy way.

>> No.1058433

Metreon radiation?

>> No.1058437

I am designing an optical computer.
is this feasible ?

>> No.1058439


>> No.1058615

Let's terraform mars, guyz!

>> No.1058918

Sex robot. Its the only idea that's remotely feasible.

>> No.1058953


dozen others

>> No.1058965

How am I to look at the computer screen while using it?

>> No.1059558

This is /sci/. Start with simple experiments and work your ways up. Don't make the first project about solving all of the worlds problems. The first objective can be creating a simple experiment and recording the results. From that, we can move forward to greater projects. Just start small.

>> No.1059620

How about we try to find out how fucking magnets work?

>> No.1061183

the computer is the screen.


>> No.1061376


Seconding this with THE POWER OF A THOUSAND SUNS!!!

>> No.1061396

solving our worlds problems is small, solving problems for other worlds is big.

>> No.1061502
