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10570601 No.10570601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am scared to death about Hell. Eternal conscious torment. Avoiding Hell is the entire point of life. It’s all anyone should ever think about. Wtf??? How do more people not acknowledge this simple fact?

I guess they did in the heyday of Catholicism. Protestant invented the notion of assuming you are not going to Hell because you have been predestined not to. I guess that’s how more people operate these days... FOOLISH!

>> No.10570623
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Is there any indication that there is a hell? Sure, we can't be certain there isn't one, but that applies to any kind of afterlife. Why are you afraid of hell and not, for example, spending the afterlife in a dentist's poorly decorated waiting room? There is also no indication that even if there are multiple afterlifes, the conditions that determine where you go is how good of a person you were or what deity you believe in. The determining factor may aswell be your hair color, your favorite food, if you failed math in high school, if you were born on a rainy day and so on. There is an infinite amount of potential afterlifes with an infinite amount of possible requirements for getting there and none of them are any more reasonable to assume to be true than any other. Worrying about hell is like worrying that a meteor hits you when you go outside.

>> No.10570634

Why aren't you scared to death of heat death? Heat death has more evidence than Hell.

>> No.10570637

>Why are you afraid of hell and not, for example, spending the afterlife in a dentist's poorly decorated waiting room?
Because a dentist's poorly decorated waiting room is much better than hell.
>There is an infinite amount of potential afterlifes with an infinite amount of possible requirements for getting there and none of them are any more reasonable to assume to be true than any other.
I've only got 1 chance, what do I bet on?
>Worrying about hell is like worrying that a meteor hits you when you go outside.
Why would I worry about a meteor hitting me? I'm worried about what happens after

>> No.10570638

No matter what happens, my body stays here in earth. That can be easily seen for every single person that has died. My body has all my sensory organs and my brain, which makes sense of those signals as pain. Without both, "eternal conscious torment" means nothing to me. You can say whatever you want, but an afterlife, assuming one exists, will be an entirely inhuman experience that we won't be able to relate to.

Avoid hell all you want, but you only have one life. Don't waste it fearing the unknown.

>> No.10570639

God confronts you and says that one of the following religions is true:
1) Christianity
2) Worshipping anon’s poop
3) Eating pancakes every November 12th

Which do you pick? Do you seriously think the infinite religions have the same probability of being true?

>> No.10570640

most religions that claim hell exists also make objectively false claims. much more likely that once you’re dead, your consciousness ends forever. if that makes you feel any better

>> No.10570641

Because true death would be heaven, compared to hell.

>> No.10570652

You're right, they don't. Worshipping poop and eating pancakes on a special day are neither internally inconsistent nor inconsistent with facts we know about reality, meanwhile Christianity is. Of the options you proposed, Christianity in its most common form is the only one that is, and has been, falsified. You only think Christianity is any less ludicrous than anything you could pull out of your ass because you grew up in a society where it's a common religion.
That being said, i never claimed all possible religions are equally likely to be true, I'm pointing out we have no method of determining either the truthfulness or likelihood of any supernatural, unfalsifiable claim.

>> No.10570659

>facts we know about reality
Name one

>> No.10570670

Look, even in the specific scenario you propose, in which there is an extremely unpleasant afterlife, such as hell, and at least one not so unpleasant alternative, such as heaven, we have absolutely no method of determining how you get send to either place. If i told you i will stab you tomorrow unless you fulfill a criteria that i won't tell you, then you can't do shit besides hoping for the best. Mulling over the conditions of hell is pointless, because even if it's real, no amount of thinking about it is going to give you any information about the crucial details.

>> No.10570677

>no amount of thinking about it is going to give you any information about the crucial details.
What a dumb comment.

>> No.10570683

How has Christianity been falsified?

>> No.10570687

Evolution, the age of the universe, microbial life being the cause for diseases, the flood, different languages arising the way the bible claims, etc.
There is plenty of obvious billshit in the bible that you requires you to dismiss well established facts about reality. Not to mention that even if you do that, the bible still contradicts itself numerous times.
>B-but you shouldn't take the bible so seriously
I said most common forms of christianity. If your version of it is so heavily altered that it's not contradictory in any way, fine, I'm not talking about that.

>> No.10570688

How so?


>> No.10570693

We don't know any of that.

>> No.10570705
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>We don't known diseases are commonly caused by microbial life
>We don't know there wasn't a flood that wiped out all but 7 humans and 2 of each animal, which somehow repopulated the earth with a genepool that size
>We don't know how languages are formed over centuries rather than people got zapped and suddenly spoke differently
>We don't know earth and the universe are older than 6000-10000 years
You're either trolling or the quintessential brainlet.

>> No.10570707

Hell isnt even real. What?

>> No.10570710

How do you know we're not in a simulation?

>> No.10570714


>> No.10570717

Is this bait?

>> No.10570718


>> No.10570720

Explain how this is paranormal, political, or anime?

>> No.10570726





>> No.10570727

Explain how it's Science & Math related you dull shitposting schizo.

>> No.10570728

Simulation hypothesis was disproven years ago.

>> No.10570730

>How do you know [unfalsifiable theory] isn't true? See, facts don't matter, because as long as we can't REALLY know something, all believes are equally justified.
Appealing to the limits of epistomology to justify irrational beliefes because "you cant kno nuffin" is ridiculous. Your justification implicitly states that literally every belief is equally credible just because we cannot truly be 100% certain about anything. It's a pathetic diversion.

>> No.10570731

The simulation hypothesis is unfalsifiable. It cannot be disproven

>> No.10570739

>not knowing what the word paranormal means

4chan is 18+, >>>/reddit/middleschool is that way

>> No.10570747

self-righteous ass OP
you would go to hell, but first they need to build the tenth circle dedicated to your inflated ego

>> No.10570748

“denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.”

Afterlife falls under that. Sorry.

It can be, actually. It’s been discovered that aome phenomena would require infinite processing power to simulate.

>> No.10570752

>Avoiding Hell is the entire point of life
No, doing God's will is the entire point of life.

>> No.10570758

>It can be, actually.
You are so dumb
>It’s been discovered that aome phenomena would require infinite processing power to simulate.
And we can verify that such phenomena are not simulated to our expectations how? Also, anything we know about "processing power" and infinity could be wrong. Can you falsefy any of that?

>> No.10570760

Why are you so *hell*-bent on shitting up this board?

>> No.10570762

>hell falls under telekinesis or clairvoyance
>afterlife falls under telekinesis or clairvoyance

Stop using words you don't know to appear smart. It's cringey.

>> No.10570768

How am I shitting up the board? Would you rather this be another IQ thread or what?

>> No.10570769
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>what does "such as" mean?
Retarded troll, your posts are a waste of server capacity. Sage.

>> No.10570771

I would rather see no /x/, no religion, and no iq. By shitting all over the catalog you kill legit /sci/ threads. I don't care if the board is slower, I just want it to be on topic and usable.

>> No.10570772

That's not a definition of paranormal. That's just an example of 2 things that are paranormal

>> No.10570773

>unfalsifiable theory

Kill yourself lelditer and take your meme philosophy with you. Nobody actually in science follows popper's shit.

>> No.10570775

What kind of threads would you like to see?

>> No.10570776

If eternal torment was a thing, the odds would be astronomically high that that's where you'd be right now. Reincarnation is far more likely.

>> No.10570778

The kinds you don't make.

>> No.10570780

There is a lot that has been morphed in translation.
It's like a thousand year old game of telephone.

>> No.10570785

>"hurr durr same shit, i r smratz"

>> No.10570792

>Eternal conscious torment
Wrong, in the earliest form of the word, "Hell" simply meant God's absence. Evangelicals and popular notions of hell were influenced by Dante's Inferno and if you've been around any group of people who have below 100 IQ you know how even within the course of a year their word of mouth stories can spiral out of control and correctness in favor of embellishment. Imagine thousands of years of that, especially when most people couldn't understand Latin mass.

>> No.10570793

>citing "da vinci code" as evidence

Seriously, you don't belong on this website. Return to tumblr/reddit/youtube/facebook at once.

>> No.10570800
File: 508 KB, 729x1152, 9E04D4BD-4DDF-400F-A45E-39A446CABB3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you want non of pic related to happen to you? Be a proper catholic:Read Aquinas,Read penses Read Augustines confessions and most importantly read the bible and kant. You can live a life of sin an repent anon;your good.

>> No.10570806

>believing everything negative you read about the side you don't like

Literally the cancer killing society. Reform yourself.

>> No.10570809

>Whipped by demons while marching
Sounds hot, are the demons cute?

>> No.10570912

“Such as”

You can’t read, or intentionally misread it to lie.

>> No.10570916

Wrong. It’s a definition of paranormal that defines the paranormal as “events or phenomena beyond the scope of scientific understanding.”, and gives examples of this as telekinesis and clairvoyance.

>> No.10570919

Please demonstrate God to exist so we can obey his arbitrary tyrannical rules.

>> No.10571267

>worrying about hell is like worrying that a meteor hits you when you go outside
Maybe I'm missing the point of your post because I'm retarded, but wouldn't the difference be that currently, there is a 100% probability of you dying at some point whereas getting hit by a meteor is quite rare? Death is inevitable, therefor it would be more reasonable to be concerned about the potential afterlife.