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10564140 No.10564140[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your personal favourite way to study where you absorb information at an efficient rate?

>> No.10564181

Derive the material myself to maximize retention and understanding

>> No.10564191

Abstain from masturbating/sexual thoughts when studying.

>> No.10564244

How do you do that?

>> No.10564245

Stay up really late in order to get that adrenaline fueled flow state

>> No.10564276

Does anyone really have this problem? I masturbate every morning and I’m cool for the rest of the day.

Literally the worst way to study

>> No.10564360
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1. Stop masturbating/Retain Semen [IMPORTANT]
2. Drink 2L Water with this blended in: Potassium chloride - 1 tsp | Sodium chloride - 1/2 tsp | Sodium Bicarbonate - 1 tsp | magnesium sulphate 1/2 tsp
3. Fast for 72 hours hours.
4. In that time study your material, do nothing else.
5. End of fast consume 4:1 ratio of meat and veggies in 1 giant meal. Drink your electrolyte water, its got what your body needs.
6. Day of exam have 2 tbsp of raw honey and green tea with some bacon for fat energy.
7. Maintain this regiment by doing 48 hours fast at least every other week so your body doesn't go into the gluttony mode where you have to stuff your face everyday with brain fog inducing carbs.

This method has worked for me really well so far and have maintained a GPA of around 3.8 since following it strictly - I was on the verge of dropping out before I gave the above a go.

>> No.10564364

I should mention, drink the water everyday and as much as you want. Helps with keeping your belly full during the fast.

>> No.10564367

Thanks, but I asked for revision techniques not life advice

>> No.10564377
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Be naturally smart. Cram in the last day. Pass and move on. Easy. Works 30% of the time 100% of the time!

>> No.10564381

>Works 30% of the time 100% of the time!
Sounds like you're so naturally smart.

>> No.10564405

To absorb information efficiently you have to be relaxed.
What I do is that I never actually study.
But also I am always studying.
So I might study for 1 hour, then take a short brake, shitpost on 4chan or play a game for 15 minutes.
Then back to studying. Then again take a break, masturbate, then back to studying.
Again after an hour or so I take a break, play a game or listen to some music, shitpost etc.
I do this all day every day.
Works pretty well for me.

>> No.10564409

1. Decide that I will forget that I hate myself for a bit and drink an energy drink.
2. Leave my phone in another room and put a door between myself and everything but my work.
3. Sleep at desk for a few days, but skip eating.
4. Get angry at some point and take some pleasure in chasing away loved ones.
5. Enter the zone and turn out 40k words and or a semester's worth of work in a day.
6. Return to blissful indolence.

I don't recommend this.

>> No.10564416

Fu bitch, bet Ur a virgin

>> No.10564431

Bet you study comp sci you brainlet

>> No.10564436

what is your major?

>> No.10564501

In bursts of insane obsession lasting years at a time followed by short periods of rest.

>> No.10564513

where did you receive this advice? It sounds interesting

>> No.10564587

What's so bad about that lovely euphoric flow?

>> No.10564631
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Get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated
Try self-quizzing on concepts you just went over after taking a 5-minute break so you're not just drifting off of what you just memorized and are testing what you have learned. If you can't answer your questions, try again. Sketching concepts also helps a lot, but it's not always applicable.

This paper by one of my professors who studies this stuff goes into a lot more detail on many many more techniques that you could starting doing immediately. A lot of techniques have helped people who I know that aren't just "just be smart lmao" people like me

"Effectiveness and Adoption of a Drawing-to-Learn Study Tool for Recall and Problem Solving: Minute Sketches with Folded Lists"

4chin wouldn't let me post a link, but here's the paper title. The whole thing is available online if you put this into google scholar

>> No.10564732

Do nothing for the whole semester and then, 3 days before deadline, when the despair comes, it feels like i'm on meth and can learn enough material to get perfect score.
My retention is shit though, but it's a good way to get scholarship money.

>> No.10564739

I have always had a 4.0 at a top university with scholarships and little stress. I'd explain my "routine" but it's so ridiculous, nobody would believe it and I've never told anyone.

>> No.10564756
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this was how richard feynman studied

>> No.10564844

>afraid of anons opinion
I call it bullshit, you dont have a routine and you are a NEET
this is the obvious method everyone uses i asume, although pretty retarded to use in math.

>> No.10564845

Because its like you’re high on adderal. You think you’re more focused and doing better, but its all an illusion and you actually produce worse quality work. At least that’s for me.

>> No.10564853

Studying for a course or studying a huge amount of material? For a course, I take notes and do the HW. Before the test, I read all the chapters covered on the test and I rewrite my notes.

For a huge amount of material, I would make topic specific decks of flashcards. As I go through each deck, I move the cards to back. I put them flush if I know them or sideways if I got them wrong. Then I count the wrong ones, write the number of errors and date on the cover card of the deck, and then go through the sideways ones until i get them all. This quickly tells you which decks you need to work on.

>> No.10564901
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What I learned from my own experience seems to be confirmed by the lives of others. Paul Erdos for example drank a ton of coffee and was supposedly always living out of his suitcase from one mathematics conference to the next.
In the past year I was enamoured by the syrian civil war and read probably 14,000 pages of books and news articles about it before I decided it no longer interested me. I could probably tell you a lot of things news presenters couldn't. I would sometimes sit for just 8 hours straight reading about Turkey or the 'free syrian' army.
So I imagine for any subject you must simply read about it all day everyday, high on coffee.

>> No.10565087

>although pretty retarded to use in math.
What?! Why?

>> No.10565167

imagine doing all this shit with flashcards instead of using anki

>> No.10565190

Based. SRS is trul amazing.

>> No.10565207

>paul erdos
I can't tell if you're serious. He might've drank coffee but i'm pretty sure his secret to good focus was the amphetamines he did every day, not the coffee

>> No.10565286
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Geospatial Stuff at the moment, but as far as subjects go I get around. This has been my process for at least 6 semesters.

The last time I did this I coded a vote apportionment calculator, built a spatial database of 2010 census and 10 years of election data for 56 States and Unincorporated Territories, built and tested a few voter (in)equity models, made about 20 maps and as many tables and wrote a white paper on the all of the above and more.

I didn't need to do 90% of this, but I was on a roll. I phoned it in for my other classes.

>> No.10565288
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>Have to keep relearning linear algebra because it just won't stick

>> No.10565293

stop giving away the secret

>> No.10565296

you have got to be shitting me and yet, I am going to try this. I wonder if it works for you becuase you have celiac disease or some special circumstance

>> No.10565701

What about linear algebra doesn't stick?

>> No.10565804

somebody recommended me the pomodoro technique, its pretty good, usually tho i study for an hour or hour and a half at a time and take like 20 minute breaks before each one, i could definitely do better though

>> No.10565811

>1. Stop masturbating/Retain Semen [IMPORTANT]
What if I fap but drink my cum afterwards?

>> No.10565819

Highly encouraged

>> No.10565828

i recommended this, gives you a real energy boost for some productive study

>> No.10565852

For math, I do hundreds and hundreds of problems. The ones I get wrong I find out why or where I'm fucking up. Everything else is just rote memorization. If I don't understand something I get down to rote first, and the understanding emerges as I apply the concept. Works perfect for an IQlet like me.

>> No.10565854

Every sleep deprived person I've talked to who thinks this comes off like they're on a stimulant filled binder, they sound like crazy people and they can't remember anything. Sleepless people are like drunks.

>> No.10565880

Write shit down.

>> No.10565881

agree, i cant study for shit or pay attention in lectures if i have even like one hour less sleep than usual

>> No.10565883


>> No.10565890

Learn then Recall then Questions

Notes are extremely inefficient and a waste of time

>> No.10565894

This is psychotic. Just eat your normal meals unless you already have a fasting schedule, you won't be able to focus if you just start starving yourself out of nowhere. This neo-wannabe-ascetic trend just reeks of young insecurity. Just work harder, no tricks needed.

>> No.10565897

to you they are

>> No.10565902

Pretty much. It doesn't hurt to throw a bit of exaggerated placebo in there. Or maybe it does.

>> No.10565947

it definitely helps to eat healthier and not go crazy with caffeine, specifically very sugary foods and drinks, fasting seems pretty retarded though

>> No.10565952

After 3 months of non-usage I regress to the point where all I remember is reduced row echelon form. Then I have to learn the subject from the ground up again.

>> No.10565958

This is how I aced high school.

Didn't work on Uni studying Math.

>> No.10565979

You sound like someone who found coffee only now.
After a while it does not affect you.

>> No.10565994

Sounds like you're the one with the problem.

>> No.10565998

Avoid porn and sexually stimulating materials and fill your mind up with nothing but studying.

>> No.10566266


>> No.10566416

Its basically all just memorizing formulas. Do you know how to matrix multiply?

>> No.10566778

i connect everything with numbers and pictures

>> No.10567052

Can confirm. The snake diet really works for everything!

>> No.10567121

So do you use multiple textbooks for more advanced subjects that don’t have as many practice problems?

What if you can’t figure out a problem after days of trying?

>> No.10567185

ooh ah up the RA!

>> No.10567189

Reading book, taking notes, growing mushroom on book, then eating all the information from book in spiritual realm writing realization on the free page of notebook.

>> No.10567192
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>The snake diet

>> No.10567260

This is the dumbest shit I've seen recently

>> No.10567276

electrolytes, it's what plants crave

>> No.10567865

So, how do you approach proof practice when you both don't have a solutions manual and you don't have someone there to check if the proof is even correct?

>> No.10568098


>> No.10568230


>> No.10568234

based snakedietposter

>> No.10568245
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>> No.10568263

I fucking tell people to do this when they're struggling with concepts in math.

>> No.10568701

>turns out google is of no help
will asking bing help?

>> No.10568709

lmao wtf people actually do this kind of shit in real life?

>> No.10569787

I just read the material once and as I'm reading I'm picturing how the process works in my head.