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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 74 KB, 788x500, Science-Americans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10561283 No.10561283 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans so ignorant of Science?

>> No.10561286

Take the Quiz

>> No.10561297

median score is 7 of 11
0-to-5 : subhuman tier
6-to-8 : normie tier
9-to-10 : /sci/lon tier
11 : god tier

>> No.10561313

This one turned out to be different from a similar ten-part thing I took like two years ago. Honestly thought I'd do 8-9/11 but got perfect. my STEM degree at work.

>> No.10561320
File: 19 KB, 675x618, tfw not retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no excuse not to get 11.

>> No.10561337
File: 473 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190415-164753_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of this shit isn't even science, it's just knowing the terms and definitions. I'm supposedly get paid to do science and I had to think back on some of these to recall what my K-12 education told me science is (as opposed to what I actually do on a daily basis).
0/10, only further fuels the public's narrative that science is just obscure jargon and stamp collecting. Unfortunate, really.

>> No.10561341

because /sci/ wont help me damn it. i told you people my poo smelled of coffee and when i wiped it was orange but the log was brown. there you have all the data you need. unravel the mysteries of the universe

>> No.10561370

most of the answers can be deduced from the wording and grammar, not the science. Only one I had to think about was the definition between a hypothesis and an observation

>> No.10561384

Some interesting points to take from the data at the end, males answered all questions better than females, though it was usually close. Blacks scored massively less than hispanics or whites.

>> No.10561495

>11 : god tier
I got an 11 without even trying. How much of a brainlet do you have to be to not get that?

>> No.10561538

This is actually pretty alarming. Somehow the success rate for people who identify as post grads is less than 90% for all except two questions.

>> No.10561552

well what did you expect them to test you on? solving diff equations?

>> No.10561574

Only two questions were "science". The question about whether something was a hypothesis and the question about choosing a control. I do hear people say "I have a theory that blah blah blah" when they should be saying hypothesis instead. Anyway, a lot of that was basic trivia.

>> No.10561818

>Roughly half of whites (48%) are classified as having high science knowledge on the scale, answering at least nine questions correctly, compared with 23% of Hispanics and 9% of blacks.

That’s pretty worrying desu

>> No.10561902

test asked for Gender,Age,Education
in the end, not race, yet results show numbers for white/black/hispanic, hmmm...

>> No.10561979

And this.
And this.

To a lesser degree, I would consider interpreting a graph and basic math as science as well.

If you quizzed any top scientist from 150 years ago, they would probably get some of terminology/trivia wrong but that wouldn't mean they didn't understand science.

I think it is important do distinguish the doing of science from the fruits (results/terminology) of science.

>> No.10561982


Round and round the toilet bowl we go. This proportional disparity reveals itself in every single fucking metric

>> No.10562021

if you chose high school or below for education you were randomly selected for black/hispanic

>> No.10562041

their vote counts as much as yours does, think about that

>> No.10562046

>Less than half of women got the speed one right

>> No.10562065

>god-tier 11
This test is basic shit. Anyone who went through junior high and has a decent memory can pass this easily.

>> No.10562071
File: 144 KB, 589x1023, PS_2019.03.28_science-knowledge_0-02[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf why is pew racist?

>> No.10562098

I'm pretty sure they did research separate to and before this survey which inquired as to other demographics; the survey is just a front-end for self comparison. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.10562170
File: 246 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190416_011231_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine going to college for 8+ years and not knowing basic everyday ratios

>> No.10562202
File: 37 KB, 500x625, 76FuMwH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Postgrads average 9/11

>> No.10562208

Fuck. Scored 10/11. Brb I'm going to kill myself now for answering that seasons question incorrectly.

>> No.10562210

This bullshit is almost all trivia. Also the fact that people in this thread are happy to get 11 proves just how bad the situation is. Btw, if you get under 11 you are literally subhuman

>> No.10562211

Oh man, that was the easiest one

>> No.10562212

S-shut up!

>> No.10562222
File: 37 KB, 400x400, T20IbTuZ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You answered 10 of 11 questions correctly.

>> No.10562245

Seems most likely. A online test can be easily manipulated.

>> No.10562271
File: 17 KB, 283x351, Pandas_and_ppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because science is an affront to God. Repent, sinners.

>> No.10562287
File: 38 KB, 710x742, Annotation 2019-04-16 015350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even finish 10th grade

>> No.10562749

Race is subjective, not objective so it makes sense that they wouldn't include it

>> No.10562792

Well, I didn't expect 65+ years old to be the most educated Americans. Also, how the fuck did blacks score lower than Hispanics? Hispanics in the USA are people that couldn't get a job in their own country. They're literally selected for stupidity, wtf blacks, get your shit together.

>> No.10562805

>Differences by race and ethnicity on science knowledge could be tied to several factors such as educational attainment and access to science information. However, differences between the racial/ethnic groups on science knowledge hold even after controlling for education levels in a regression model.

>> No.10562871

>implying schools in poorer neighborhood are of the same quality as in richer neighborhoods

>> No.10562888
File: 152 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-04-16-09-13-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 16% of blacks got the question about antacids right
>it's a multiple choice question with four possible answers
This shit is gonna keep me up at night

>> No.10562895

IQ correlates with life expectancy, so a lot of the dumber old folks have died off already

Also, blacks are descendants of slaves, which were selected for stupidity

>> No.10562900

It's basic shit, if didn't get an 11/11 you are a hs larper.

>> No.10562903

it has acid in its name bro

>> No.10562919

hurrrr durrrrrrrrr
they did include it in the results, 'tis the mystery
>wtf is wrong with you

>> No.10562921

I got 10, chemistry was never my strong suit

>> No.10562945

So fucking what, the products of snowberry are mere abstractions, no need to understand them to use them

>> No.10562954

>only further fuels the public's narrative that science is just obscure jargon and stamp collecting

>> No.10562958

I got 12/11, math was never mine

>> No.10562970


>> No.10563168


>> No.10563348
File: 457 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190416-133241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. HS drop out

>> No.10563364

Whenever you get an "Americans are stupid study" always remember to control for race.

>> No.10563424

No one cared to read the article? It says americas do really well on the test but it's relationship to certain decisions making isn't really all that influenced by this raw knowledge.

>> No.10563447
File: 190 KB, 1924x1744, science knowledge results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm black and I got a perfect score, I have no goddamn idea why my people's "culture" doesn't value education. And they wonder why we get fucked over all the time. Growing up I was in elementary school that was 80% black and a handful of students caused all the problems. Like, bitch just because you have a shit childhood doesn't mean you torture other people by disrupting the class. Same thing with white mass shooters, there is no excuse for evil just because you were treated like shit.

>> No.10563470

Go back to /reddit/, filthy nigger

>> No.10563472


The percentage of correct responses also strongly correlates to education level. I wonder how education level correlates to the variables you mentioned?

>6/10 Obvious bait, but still got an honest response

>> No.10563563



This test is ridiculously easy.

>> No.10563613

I got 11/11, learned that antacid are bases (alkali bases to be specific) would have expected them to contain some form of pH buffer, turns out I'm borderline tarded after all.

>> No.10563776
File: 188 KB, 680x680, 1554406056161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and apparently 20% of post-graduates can't take 3/4 of 40. honk honk

>> No.10563785

more like Hispanics are smart enough to try and live in country that isn't dangerous, corrupt, and poor. Yeah, what retards, amiright?

>> No.10563809

That can't be true

>> No.10563825
File: 124 KB, 2032x734, Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 3.30.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had clicked off the page but sped through it again just to provide you the pic: postgrad col is 4th from the right.
Or 3rd if you index starting from 0... which is the smarter thing to do

>> No.10563826

You aren't alone my nigga
D-distance r-right?

>> No.10563846
File: 49 KB, 1162x777, science god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not a brainlet

>> No.10563861


>> No.10563880

>I wonder how education level correlates to the variables you mentioned?
i mean more women go to college than men so i guess you’re suggesting college makes you dumber?

>> No.10563959

>try and live in country that isn't dangerous, corrupt, and poor
The USA is all of that save from poor but hispanics living there sure are, so in the end nothing changed for them. Face it, Stephen Lopez, whether it be their corrupt government or the racist government of whichever country they try to infest, immigrants will always find someone to blame for their shitty lives so they don't have to own up to their mistakes.

>> No.10564165
File: 104 KB, 396x432, 1549498002775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The USA is all of that
you clearly don't know a goddamn thing if you think the USA is at all comparable to the shithole that is Mexico, outside of the vacation spots and Mexico City. Whatever black on black violence you're (not) subjected to, which inflates the piss out of violence in the US, that isn't even close to the living nightmare-tier shit people who have to fend with drug cartels have to go through. And the real origin of all that shit isn't Mexico, it's Central America. And you can thank the CIA for destabilizing that region decades ago so that they can siphon of the drug business to fuel their black-budget ops.
>immigrants will always find someone to blame for their shitty lives so they don't have to own up to their mistakes.
wow, an irrelevant and moreover unfounded strawman. Would expect nothing less from a T_D -> /pol/ -> /sci/ transplant. If you want to forward a claim, try bringing up a source next time dipshit.
You dumb fucking flyover state boomers already shit up /pol/ beyond repair since 2016, why don't you take care and piss off. I recommend you exercise your second amendment right as a god-fearing american and shoot yourself in the head.

>> No.10564217

Depending on what you study, probably

>> No.10564235

what the fuck could a 'pH buffer' possibly be except a substance on the other side of neutral?

>> No.10564246


Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all of your posts in this thread, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

>> No.10564258
File: 292 KB, 1125x1985, 39856686-9097-42F2-818C-1FF85A9ACF8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they get the data on correct answers by race? I’m black, but I don’t recall it asking me for my race, only my age and gender.

>> No.10564270

>I recommend you exercise your second amendment right as a god-fearing american and shoot yourself in the head
top kek anon, that was brutal
absolutely seething

>> No.10564356
File: 213 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190416-185318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but if you don't get 11/11 you're probably clinically retarded. Also, yes I know I need to charge my phone

>> No.10564365

Their racial and political data came from a different survey from the one that is active now.

>> No.10564557

>absurdly easy questions
>Literally no excuse not to get 11.

>> No.10564567

So why not control for socioeconomic status as well?

>> No.10564574

>Implying people in poorer neighborhoods are of the same quality as in richer neighborhoods

I'm sorry friend but giving blacks money doesn't make their "schools" any better.

>> No.10564603

Correct me if I'm wrong but don't you want a mixture of weak bases and acids for that?

>> No.10564664

Not American, buddy. I'm from Michoacan and I've never had to "fend off cartels", so you can take your whole "check your white American privilege" rant and shove it up your ass. I do have a VISA but I still live in Mexico. Immigrants are failures that couldn't cut it in their home country so they go shit up another one. That's a fact. Deal with it.

>> No.10564788

Based and beanpilled, I've never been, but my parents went down to Lake Chapala a while back, they tell me it's nice.

>> No.10564852

Why are black and Hispanic results so low?

>> No.10565265
File: 38 KB, 937x758, bla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was basic knowledge!?
Those stats are atrocious, furthermore, these are pop-sci tier questions...

>> No.10566829
File: 97 KB, 720x372, Screenshot_20190417-121035_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I answered 6 / 11
I am actually retarded, what am I even doing here
I still dont even understand this question. I want to die

>> No.10566876

got 11/11

range is the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature

>> No.10566967

What is the main cause of seasons on the Earth?

You answered: The distance between the Earth and the sun
The correct answer: The tilt of the Earth's axis in relation to the sun

Am I retard or something? It literally is the distance.... isn't it? It isn't? Is it it or isn't it not, that isn't it, is it?
>be really far away
>it's colder
>be really close
>it's warmer
Why is this wrong
Are you telling me there'd be no seasons with a zero tilt?

>> No.10566993

Think logically, why do the hemispheres have seasons flipped around?

>> No.10567004
File: 24 KB, 385x385, E2DE600B-B594-4061-ADA8-4EF346B038B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you have one without the other though? Are seasons possible with a tilt but a perfectly circular orbit?
Then there would be no change
With an elliptical orbit and no tilt you have a global season that changes
Question flawed I want my tuition back

>> No.10567013
File: 52 KB, 1053x412, 1530606849109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that races have different genetic for cognitive trait, we can assume blacks score lower because of their genetics, and the correlation with education level is a confounding variable because the actual cause is their genes. That's why men do better then women on this, despite the fact that women tend to be more likely to have higher education.

5/10 bait, you need to work on mimicking a leftist gene denier.

>> No.10567030
File: 199 KB, 750x1334, CC3C3DB0-CBE7-4AF8-89E2-FA37E5E2D13C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well. i am american

>> No.10567077
File: 405 KB, 567x649, 1555363634015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 80% of postgrads got hypothesis right
what the fuck do they even do in american postgrad degrees?

>> No.10567109

fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10567113

wew lad

>> No.10567846

This is basic ass shit. If you don't get an 11, please don't vote.

>> No.10567859

I almost fucked myself by reading the question too fast. I'm thankful that I learned from when I did it all the fucking time in HS.

>> No.10567862

Which one did you get wrong so I can laugh?

>> No.10567880

Did you not learn range in primary school math? Pretty sure I learned that shit in the 4th grade.

>> No.10567884

range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values*

>> No.10567982

Do you understand what "range of motion is"?
Keep your body still, put your arms out in a T pose.
Keep your arms straight, and move them so instead of facing away from you at your sides, they are facing forward, in front of you.
Range just describes how far you can go between one point and another. In this case your *range* of motion is how far you can move your arms from your side to your front.
In the screenshot, the range is looking at how cold each city gets at one point in the entire year, and comparing it to how warm that same city gets at one point in the entire year.

>> No.10568012

11 out of 11 get. Middle school tier questions.

>> No.10568014
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>> No.10568114
File: 257 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190417-220028_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, making me wish I got 11/11

>> No.10568122

>Are seasons possible with a tilt but a perfectly circular orbit

>> No.10568132

It says that about the same amount of D's and R's are into legitimate scientists. I won't argue that but in my experience, about 90% of pseuds are D's.

I used to say that the difference between D's and R's was this: When I argue with R's, I can eventually get them to acknowledge my point and then they'll respond with something like, "Yeah, whatever. Logic is stupid anyway." For the D's, however, I can't get them to admit I have a point in the first place.

>> No.10568328

>90% of psueds are D's
Doubt all the race-bating IQ obsessed NEET faggot losers on this board are D's.

>> No.10568334

I should also add that I recognize the genre of pop-sci pseud that you're talking about.

>> No.10568338
File: 36 KB, 640x400, 3r33rr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would the consequences of flattening planets be, in terms of flat planetary rotation and how would human being be modified in contrast with this new state of hyper-cubical form being?

>> No.10568340

10/11, i said bio fuel instead of fossil fuels since technically thats correct and i thought it was trying to trick me
>t.brainlet comp sci grad

>> No.10568348
File: 93 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything less and you're retarded

>> No.10568356


>> No.10568424

>tfw you realize there are postgrads in bullshit like womens studies

>> No.10568469

I got 9/11 and can confirm this anon as I am indeed mentally retarded and dropped out of school at 13 with no other official education, I can't believe those statistics at the end that say the average for fucking postgrads was 9/11

>> No.10568485

if it was distance every country would have a cold season at the same time. and the equator would have a cold season some of the time.

>> No.10568519
File: 48 KB, 1107x848, kdenkden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are just really ignorant

>> No.10568521

>technically thats correct
no it's not

>> No.10568751

sent my sides into orbit

>> No.10568915

Mental retardation doesn't prevent you from being knowledgeable Anon, even if it does limit your reasoning.

>> No.10569230

Broke spic here
Got 11/11
Literally no excuse

>> No.10569277
File: 40 KB, 600x392, 1317966059522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will admit I had to use the elimination-method on the erosion question in that I only have a vague idea that erosion is something about (water?) tearing away at landmass
antacids were obvious when it was about countering acid and the options were what they were
intuitively I would have said distance but that does not explain the hemispheres

some of the statistics are pretty sad though

>> No.10569314
File: 22 KB, 494x484, 1538032265805[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10569363


Meh, got acids and research group ones wrong since I just clicked randomly on those. Not worth wasting more than 5s per question on this.

Honestly this is baby tier test, anyone who got below 50% on this should be executed.

>> No.10569398
File: 1.83 MB, 500x639, premonified.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not worth wasting more than 5s per question on this
yet you spend your days on /sci/
>Honestly this is baby tier test, anyone who got below 50%
you sure seem intent on deflecting from your 9/11 score though c:

>> No.10569497
File: 30 KB, 718x645, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t math undergrad
have taken a single phys course at uni
this test is a fucking joke
but that only makes the fact that 84% of people didnt get 11 even more funny

>> No.10569676

9/11 got the erosion question and hypothesis question wrong

>> No.10569930

I like how the political "extremists" are more informed about science that normie moderates.

>> No.10569931

The angle of the sunlight is what counts here. It's why you get Burnt when the sun is highest in the sky, and often I'd youre on a place on earth where the sun is just at higher angle more often

>> No.10569950

>Not worth wasting more tan 5s per question on this

The cope is REAL

>> No.10569957
File: 119 KB, 640x1005, IMG_1288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thy Orbulon hast a perfect score.

>> No.10569966

I get that maybe you forgot the definition of a word since high school but anything less than 10 on something this easy is absolutely horrendous.

>> No.10569978
File: 265 KB, 320x578, 7514c130-cdf8-4189-87df-4e20383347b1.png._CB329688101_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 16-46% of people know how a fucking antacid works
They need to put a fucking trigger warning on this shit

>yet 48-86% know what an incubation period is
What the actual FUCK

>> No.10570004
File: 393 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190418-210937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, anyone who scores less than 11 should just revisit junior high...

>> No.10570285

Pew Research is somewhat niche, the results would be considerably worse if the mainstream ran a similar poll.

>> No.10570443
File: 91 KB, 1023x608, perihelion_aphelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it's winter in the northern hemisphere the Earth is actually closer to the Sun. Around the beginning of January.

>> No.10570469

The mainstream would skew the results by asking easier questions.

>> No.10571402


>> No.10571485
File: 49 KB, 640x582, IMG_2137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who gets less than a perfect score on this is retarded. A fucking third grader could get all these right.

>> No.10571503

I got a D in highschool chemistry, yet I had the mental capacity to understand that Bases neutralize Acids. It's not a very difficult concept to grasp.

>> No.10571510

They prefer Nature.

>> No.10571512

the difference between blacks and whites is more than the difference between post-grad and uneducated
Understanding what that suggests is the real brainlet test here

>> No.10571540

Same, except i have literally no fucking idea about medicine control groups / testing since i have zero interest in medicine, last time i used any was 5 years ago. And im not native english speaker and was not familiar with the term "bases" so i answered that wrong.

>> No.10571544


Wala. Behold. I got a perfect 11 out of 11.

This is the only IQ test I need.

>> No.10571631
File: 22 KB, 891x470, 2019-04-19 12_45_49-Science Knowledge Quiz _ Pew Research Center.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you literally fucking kidding me? It's complete pleb shit middle schoolers should be able to do flawlessly. There are actual living people that get anything below 10/11 on this- holy fucking shit.

If you get anything other than 11/11, you should leave /sci/ immediately.

>> No.10571639

Criticizing a great country and world-leader in almost every field of science over shit like this. Ridiculous.

(No burger; Canadian here.)

>> No.10571656

Conservatives did better than liberals. kek.

>> No.10571658

Good grief. I hope you're trying to be ironic.

>> No.10571668

Fucked up the ear infection study one because I misread the question(ESL). I really don't understand how a native speaker can get less than 8 no matter how dumb they are.

>> No.10572974

They were social science grads

>> No.10573058

Fugg I put distance instead of tilt. Completely forgot the land down under has winter when it's summer here.

>> No.10573122
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>11 : god tier

>> No.10573133

Because the earth is flat and the sun's distance is rotating

>> No.10573136

Crystallized and fluid intelligence strongly correlate

>> No.10573140

Also, boomers scored worse on Acids/Bases, Genetic Engineering, and Scientific Method (Hypothesis).

>> No.10573147

Seasons are caused by axial tilt we have a mostly circular orbit with closest range being 147 million km and furthest 152 million km.

Take a lined paper. Draw a line, call it L, that is say 10 cm long. How would you make L go through as many of the lines on the paper as possible? how would you minimize it?

The lines are sun rays and more of the hitting the line you drew would result in higher temperature.

>> No.10573148

You have 25% of getting it right if you guess.
Blacks scored WORSE than random guessing on: Antacids (Acid/Base) and Car traveling 40 mph.

>> No.10573391
File: 93 KB, 737x592, 1521211217267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have literally no fucking idea about medicine control groups / testing
you do not need any idea of it to think of which experiment design is the common sense one among the ones presented
jeeze anon, that question is like one of the worst ones to fail if you go to /sci/

>> No.10573519
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Breh test was a joke

>> No.10573604

Americans dont care what happens outside their flyover towns, do you think they care whst happens south of the equator?

>> No.10573607
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>yet another eurofag butthurt and jealousy thread

>> No.10573611

>finish quiz
>see results sorted by gender/age
>women score lower on every fucking question

Holy shit this test is sexist as fuck

>> No.10573612

Literally the technology that made traveling to the moon possible was German lmao.

>> No.10573623
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Brainlets ITT

>> No.10573628

>made me exhale in an amused manner while taking my poo

>> No.10573699

scientific method and how to properly perform experiments

There was one question where the answer was to make a control group. Stuff like that.

>> No.10573712

let me fix it for you
0-9: you are retarded tier
10 : misclicked tier
11 : normal tier

>> No.10574219

It's easy to laugh about murricans doing so poorly in such a test, but I'd like to see results from other countries.

>> No.10574251

Correct. With no tilt, there would be no seasons. The seasons are from the earth being tilted towards the sun in summer and tilted away in the winter. When the tilt is towards the sun, the sunlight is concentrated over a smaller area, providing more energy per square meter. When the tilt is away from the sun, sunlight is spread over a larger area, providing less energy per square meter.

>> No.10574633

Well fortunately it's asking middle School science level questions

>> No.10574729

but they did. question is: why? what is theri motivation for doing so?

>> No.10574734

they're not, but studies show that the biggest factor in different educational outcomes in rich versus poor neighbourhoods is parental involvement

>> No.10574736

fuck off back to /pol/, kiddo

>> No.10574739
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>When the tilt is towards the sun, the sunlight is concentrated over a smaller area

>> No.10574745


>> No.10574749

This can also be seen as a literacy test, tBh.

>> No.10575268
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>> No.10576808

Hmm, I thought it was just because the days were longer.
11/11, btw.

>> No.10576826

That's why it's so warm in Finland, right?

>> No.10576833

I see we got some Harvard graduates here

>> No.10576841

What percentage of post-grads do you think are even remotely related to STEM?

>> No.10576844

Also post grads outside of STEM should know this shit. Hell, I sent it to my 18 year old cousin who doesn't speak English as a native language and she got 11 points

>> No.10576851

>t. flat earther

>> No.10576854

Is this quiz expert knowledge in america?

>> No.10576862

Since when was the incubation period the period of not showing symptoms? It is the recovery period after being sick.

>> No.10576864

Are you mentally retarded?

>> No.10576869

No I am not a retarded man; I tested 158 IQ

>> No.10576926

Actually what I was trying to say was that I agree with the infographic, just hadn't realized it before.

>> No.10576938

So maybe there's an integer overflow that 158 is actually -98.
But that aside, it has always been that.

>> No.10577407

post grad reporting in (non white, and britfag)


Had to guess the bases neutralise anti acids

why would I know this?

I'm a STEM neuroscientist etc....

jesus christ the levels of black scientific ignorance are shocking...but so are the whites...

basically half of whites are walking retards?!?!

>> No.10577679

>be highschool dropout
>dropped out 19 years ago
>get 11/11
They need to make this harder because I should not be getting the same score as a STEM phd.

>> No.10577702

A pH buffer is a solution of a weak acid and it’s conjugate base. Any pH changes due to strong acids/bases being added are greatly reduced, because instead the acid/base shifts the equilibrium of the buffer.

Anon was stupid for thinking antacids were made from them, but at least he wasn’t as much of a brainlet as you.

>> No.10578021

>blacks don't value education

don't fall for the white man's meme, brother. Black culture suffers from one thing and that's low self esteem, it has nothing to do with education.

>> No.10578582


>summer in NH

>> No.10578584


The level of knowledge on /sci/ depresses me

>> No.10578600

>itt: brainlets showboating their lack of intellect by means of an elementary education level test

>> No.10578802

Is this reddit-spaced gibberish supposed to mean something?

>> No.10578815

art degrees should be counted seperately, maybe that would save the statistic

>> No.10578820

what are D's and R's

>> No.10578830

bro but the north pole is closer to the sun than egypt at night

>> No.10578833

how shitty this test is only makes it worse..

>> No.10578839

You should be able to answer all those questions if you passed undergrad GE and retained the knowledge

>> No.10578840


>> No.10578847

holy shit, didn't your mom teach you that lying is bad?

>> No.10578902


>> No.10579121

I got the "what is the cause of seasons" question wrong
wtf is this the mandela effect? I could have sworn the distance between earth and sun was closest during summer and farthest during winter.
If that's not season then what effect am I describing?

>> No.10579125

>all my life through my interaction with women i always thought they were slightly retarded
and then you met niggers

>> No.10579134


>> No.10579135

>you can do science without knowing the terms and definitions
having well-defined terms is the stepping stone of science, otherwise you'd be left with philosophy

>> No.10579139

If it's a Base then why the fuck call it antACID instead of a fucking Base?
Could it be possible Base is an absolutely retarded unaesthetic term?

>> No.10579143

Apoapsis and periapsis?

>> No.10579150

pol sucks i can't stand those loony retards

>> No.10579167
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>11 : god tier

>> No.10580226

I grew up in a special ed class of the same quality. Got tripped up by genetic engineering and temperature ranges tests necause i have 0 experiance in those fields and my school never taught them. 4.0 gpa in college btw.

>> No.10580276

Most people with PhDs aren't actually highly intelligent. They're average to above average but studious and dedicated. Most legitimately intelligent people quickly burn out of "the institution of higher learning", or find their calling long before getting a post-grad degree.

>> No.10580281

>Most people with PhDs aren't actually highly intelligent.
Highly disagree. From time to time, you have averagely intelligent people with phds, but compared to the rest, they seem mentally retarded.

>> No.10580282

If you got anything less than 11 you need to be barred from posting on /sci/

>> No.10580291

>but compared to the rest, they seem mentally retarded.
and how exactly are you making this comparison? PhD = intelligence is a myth and always has been.

>> No.10580293

distance between earth and sun doesn't even follow logically if you know that the entire world doesn't experience the same seasons at the same time. you did know that, right?

>> No.10580298

8/11 without cheating

>> No.10580442
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wrong thread, incel

>> No.10581233
