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10561591 No.10561591 [Reply] [Original]

Is the universe a fractal hologram?

>> No.10561600



>> No.10561613

Key to understanding the worldview that cosmometry is founded upon is the idea that the Universe is both fractal (the same pattern of wholeness is found at every scale) and holographic (the wholeness is present everywhere and within every entity), as well as synergetic (the whole is greater than and unpredictable from the sum of the parts).

>> No.10561618

Leibniz: Conceptually the universe is a hologram, but physically it is a fractal
(and they're both proven true)
There are two conflicting theories of the 砥niverse・ one being that it is structured like a hologram, the other that it is structured like a fractal. Here we suggest that both theories are true, and we can resolve the issue by adopting the dual aspect viewpoint of Plato-Leibniz that there are two simultaneous universes that correspond to each other, like the two side of a coin. One is the universe of Plato's Mind (the One), the other is Leibniz's universe of Monads (the Many), where the One creates, perceives and controls the Many. According to these two aspects, conceptually the universe is a hologram, but physically it is a fractal. Both theories envision an infinity in a speck. This can be so if the speck is Leibniz's monad, in which the infinity on the mental side is a hologram, and in which the infinity of the physical side is a fractal.
There is much experimental evidence, eg the experiments of Pribam, and the text by Talbot, that Mind has a holographic structure, but little that it has a fractal structure, so it is reasonable to adopt the viewpoint that Mind is structured holographically. Talbot's remarkable book is decades old, so he cannot be blamed for the lack of cosmological evidence. At the same time, his classic book, “The Holographic Universe” might be more accurately titled these days as “The Holographic Mind.”

>> No.10561621

Nice word salad with no predictive capability
>implying the universe is self similar at every scale


>> No.10561626

Shut up berserk nigger. You aren't good at philosophy or physics.

>> No.10561632
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In the other camp, there is a fair amount of evidence that the universe is structured like a fractal, but little that it is structured holographically, other than some thought experiments with black holes. There is some conflcting comment that the fractal stucture begins to disappear at very large scales, but that may be due to the effect of fitting a large fractal into a finite universe, and also perhaps due to Hubble's “red shift”.
1) Leibniz's fractal aspect of the outside or physical universe (the Many, Monads).
No matter what scale you look at it, one finds, as Leibniz said in his Monadaology

Leibniz, The Monadology., http://oregonstate.edu/inst......

"67. Each portion of matter may be conceived as like a garden full of plants and like a pond full of fishes. But each branch of every plant, each member of every animal, each drop of its liquid parts is also some such garden or pond."'
There is some evidence from black hole thought experiments and the Northern Lights, that the physical world of spacetime is holographic, but the bulk of the evidence comes Pribram's studies of the brain, as explicated by Michael Talbot's book “The Holographic Universe”, which seems to have been better titled as “The Holographic Mind”; Leibniz envisioned such a scheme in his Monadology: So it would appear that the universe is conceptually like a hologram but physically like a fractal.

>> No.10561635

2) Leibniz's simultaneous holographic aspect of the inside or mental universe (the One, Mind).
This idea goes back to Leibniz's uncanny insight into the nature of holography, given in his monadology:
Leibniz, The Monadology., http://oregonstate.edu/inst......
“57. And as the same town, looked at from various sides, appears quite different and becomes as it were numerous in aspects [perspectivement]; even so, as a result of the infinite number of simple substances, it is as if there were so many different universes, which, nevertheless are nothing but aspects [perspectives] of a single universe, according to the special point of view of each Monad. (Theod. 147.)”
“61. And compounds are in this respect analogous with [symbolisent avec] simple substances. For all is a plenum (and thus all matter is connected together) and in the plenum every motion has an effect upon distant bodies in proportion to their distance, so that each body not only is affected by those which are in contact with it and in some way feels the effect of everything that happens to them, but also is mediately affected by bodies adjoining those with which it itself is in immediate contact. Wherefore it follows that this inter-communication of things extends to any distance, however great. And consequently every body feels the effect of all that takes place in the universe, so that he who sees
all might read in each what is happening everywhere, and even what has happened or shall happen, observing in the present that which is far off as well in time as in place: sympnoia panta, as Hippocrates said. But a soul can read in itself only that which is there represented distinctly; it cannot all at once unroll everything that is enfolded in it, for its complexity is infinite.”

>> No.10561637


According to Hawkings, it may well be. The best understanding of quantum gravity is through the understanding of holographic universe. In this holographic universe, the fields theory operate like fractals.

>> No.10561640

Thus the mental or inside is a hologram while the outside or physical is fractal in nature.
Each physical body is represented by a monad, which are created at the beginning of the universe, and since monads are non-interacting individuals, each monad is a separate fractal.
Both structural theories view an infinity in a speck. Which is reconciled if the speck is Leibniz's monad, in which the infinity on the mental side is a hologram, and in which the infinity of the physical side is a fractal.
I am just going to let this rest as an hypothesis, but it does point out the urgent need for physicists to study the world of Plato-Leibniz (see my site below), where Mind appears to see the world differently than the eye.
Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (retired, 2000).
See my Leibniz site: https://rclough@verizon.aca..."
For personal messages use rclough@verizon.net

>> No.10561641

If the the universe was a fractal, it would be self similar at every scale. It is not self similar at all scales. Thus it is not a fractal. Your whole shitty theory proven lmao retard
>typing ALL of that shit that NOBODY will read

>> No.10561646

No you

>> No.10561649
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t. redditfag

>> No.10561686

It ultimately depends on the topology of the minds that read this post.

If the origin point of the reincarnation cycle is some kind of hypothetical torture device that forces someone to relive all the experiences of humanity despite the fact that a self-simulating simulant can necessarily regenerate any form of causality they have memories of, then I just release my friend's name to the public and let history decide whether or not his time loops are just a concealed form of selling off their nature as human beings.

So, really, either reality isn't a time loop and the people that read this will not have their timeline change, or humanity is on a course to discarding its humanity through betrayal rather than mutually agreed upon terms.

And no, I would never release his name unless he tried to cause a bug in my self-simulation.

>> No.10561936
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This entire thread is just bait for schizophrenics.

>> No.10561954

Stop following me

>> No.10561964
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Not me, but it's nice to know I live rent free in your mind. I personally would like to know what a "fractal" is and how it pertains to reality, if at all.
Fractal of what?

>> No.10561973


>> No.10561975

Self awareness is not a disqualifying factor in diagnosis of schizophrenia, and lack of insight is a relative term.

>> No.10561980
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Schizophrenics are seers. They are the only ones among us who see the universe for what it truly is: a fractal hologram.

>> No.10561983
File: 246 KB, 1024x1010, 39A31C4F-EEF6-4133-BB19-99D844FC0ED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what it really feels like. Not that I am, I’m not, but how did you know? I was genuinely thinking to myself earlier that my self-awareness is a schizo dreamcatcher

Like how did you know? Who are you? Enjoy the pic related

>> No.10562133

I'm a test subject in an ongoing clandestine experiment involving intellectual modification. I tested in the top 1% in logic and reasoning in public school, as part of the GATE program. Soon after, a non-reversible enzyme intended to roughly double synaptic activity was administered to my person. A few years later, I was diagnosed as bipolar. The drug worked, to an extent, but I have been informed that my experience is in no way remarkable, and that the drug has since been discontinued from use due to nasty side effects dominating the majority of cases. My years of chronic marijuana use greatly mitigated the issue of an overactive CNS, and after a few years of antipsychotics my brain has adapted to the changes made to it as a child. The final result of this experimental study was in my case marked inconclusive due to a number of factors, but I maintain residual effects. Now 23 years old, I struggle to participate in life, mainly due to manic symptoms. I have experienced acute paranoia, anxiety and depression symptoms, and I have struggled with mental illness since early childhood. I am conclusively not schizophrenic, as my story might lead you to believe, but I have been offered the diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome and Bipolar Disorder 1. It's a really sad situation, and I have created a story that makes me feel less like a loser. Sometimes I think about it, but most of the time I'm well aware of the facts. I'm a college dropout with behavioral problems, who is gullible and fearful of everyone and everything. Even if my IQ is 150+ I am basically retarded.

>> No.10562798

WIth different koeficients on each iteration that is multidimensional waveform, yes.

>> No.10562813

woah lads, wouldn't that like, mean WE'RE a fractal hologram? farout

>> No.10562816

Yah. The univers is a fractal hologram. Trippy. Deal with it.

>> No.10562827

>not reading what he actually said


>> No.10562896

everything's a fractal nigga, stay woke

>> No.10562987

According to Juan Maldecena, not Hawking. Maldecena proposed the AdS/CFT correspondence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AdS/CFT_correspondence)) (what this guy might be talking about). Hawking just published a paper linking the correspondence and the black hole information paradox.

>> No.10562996

According to Juan Maldecena, not Hawking. What this guy is (probably) talking about, the AdS/CFT correspondence, was proposed by Maldecena in 1997. Hawking just linked it and the black hole information paradox in a paper he published in 2005.

>> No.10564379

Is my dick a fractal hologram? Maybe that would explain why your mom is so fascinated by it