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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 288x288, optimum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10555395 No.10555395 [Reply] [Original]

Optimum Theory analytic continuation.

Old threads:

>> No.10555402
File: 109 KB, 1200x1200, frame_00316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extension of the automaton with complex numbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7_808rC5TQ

It behaves about how you'd expect.

>> No.10555413

Still just some random gifs with nothing to do with realistic physics.

>> No.10555433

If I do it like this any kind of pattern that has emerged and is heading towards a corner is going to get broken apart.

>> No.10555532
File: 40 KB, 400x400, mod.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why you might think that, but try to imagine it on an actual 3D torus. Pic related.

>> No.10555762

Would you like any mathematical demonstrations? Computationally speaking we are always sorting the largest memory process to the largest discriminant.

>> No.10555766
File: 2.07 MB, 700x699, boom2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what it's supposed to look like?

>> No.10555780

alright boys, when are we taking this to the next level? quantum dot cellular automata lets gooooo, make this program in hdlq somehow, lets revolutionize quantum computing

>> No.10555783

I tie my soul to the success of this believer. May I never be anything other than the benefit of the radiation inside other's nuclear heartbeats.

>> No.10555804

That looks correct

Are you in the right thread? This has nothing to do with root finding.

>> No.10555818
File: 26 KB, 540x405, images - 2019-04-14T111939.288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Root finding is not the sole purpose of mathematics. It helps present a translation layer between constants, integers, and variables. Same as saying nouns, pronouns, and adjectives/verbs.

Sort of the whole point of: identity = evaluation ÷ priority

How would you describe optimum theory as a gear?

>> No.10555831

ah fuck. I didn't see the name.

>> No.10555833

So? Either you are the optimum path and we should both not care about why or how so it gets done faster or you just enjoy masturbating with functions. Consider me the negative pressure application of your Optimum Theory required for you to perfect it.

>> No.10555848

If it is a genuine law of physics then it applies to language and psychology also. So, time to put your balls on the line for the big prize.

Are you the optimal path of Law?

>> No.10555849


A few recent thoughts.... Perhaps the interior perimeter (infinite smallness) should only be averaged for negative energy-pressure and vice versa... I will experiment with this idea on my automaton... In other words, perhaps the averaging equation should change depending on if the number is negative or positive...

Also, is there anyway to create a vector field with continuous direction, 360 degrees around a space-density point?

>> No.10555856


I know of no other way to do it... so yes. Simulating infinity with finite tools will also have interesting properties that would not emerge in true infinite space, I supposed.

>> No.10555862


Take leadership, senpai. You don't need permission.

>> No.10555871


Because as it stands, negative and positive energy pressure both radiate outward, but perhaps this should only be a property of positive energy-pressure, and interior averaging should only be a property of negative-pressure... hmmm... Like comparing black holes to stars...

>> No.10555877
File: 160 KB, 680x680, vector field.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, is there anyway to create a vector field with continuous direction, 360 degrees around a space-density point

Do you mean something like pic related?

>> No.10555890

Just so you all know. Gary Lee is not my real name, and I use GANs on my face and voice in my videos (which you probably could have guessed if you watched the Optimum Theory: The Origin & Purpose of Life, where I lectured on GANs).

Point being: Optimum Theory has zero meatspace identity attached to it. This is why "Gary Lee" does not come up in a Google search. It is arguably the first true non-identitarian science theory - hive mind in action - and it's mother fucking unified physics on top of that.



>> No.10555900

Woo! Dream Hive Represent!

>> No.10555903

If it's a fake identity then why did you claim that identity invented the first smart speaker?

>> No.10555909

Tempus substralis: Aggregates, Allocates, Accept, Allow. Tempurasubstrateapostatetemplatestyle!

>> No.10555931

these threads are getting weird man. it's like /x/ hatefucked /sci/ and optimum theory came out.

>> No.10555947

Yup. Even ECHS is here. I just wanted to play around with a cool automaton. :(

>> No.10555949

My First True Son!

>> No.10555957


Hello Australia, America! This is your ego at work, hope you enjoy just maturing as one soul through a willing pathmaker.

Never judge, only First Strife Gamer!

Troll is superseded. FSG; I bleed through eyes that are only green!

>rainbow snake dream


>> No.10555962

Only that which was mine may return to me. Dreaming Sea Father.

Neptune's True Son, Submariner Solivagun!


>> No.10555965


Because meatspace "Gary" really did. Don't think so hard about it.

>> No.10555978


Just like your meatspace counterparts have done stuff too....

Anyway, I am think about this idea of switching up the equation depending on if the cell value is negative or positive... Seems to make logical sense. outward positive energy would divide by 5 because it expands outward, but inward negative energy would only divide by 1 because it does not give energy, it only takes it.... Am going to model soon

>> No.10555982
File: 30 KB, 500x359, 1548081226663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people unironically fell for this fucking samefagging scam artist
Reminder to sage these shit threads

>> No.10555989

could you tell us what program you used? I don't see any unusual stretching or blurring in this entire video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aI8Jwxc3F8 which you normally would with a program like fakeapp. you even put your hand in front of you face at multiple points. And also whose face are you using.

>> No.10555990

Golden Ratio Applicable. Just model it on that equation: (1 + sqrt (5)) ÷ 2

>> No.10555995


There is nothing anti-Optimum Theory about switching the equation. Gary said himself that all human equations are simply models. There is no perfect answer, but there are better answers.

>> No.10555999


You say this like anyone cannot just come on here and pretend they are Gary and put words in his mouth. Maybe he's a GAN, maybe not.


>> No.10556000

Stop talking about yourself in the third person, it's painfully obvious

>> No.10556004

so you're saying that was some anon lying? I'll ask Gary if he's using a GAN on reddit.

>> No.10556020


I wouldn't worry about it. I am sure Gary will address it in an upcoming video.

>> No.10556022


Unified physics is the important thing. That's the first step to the simulation that will allow us to live for infinity if we so choose. Cheers.

>> No.10556024

well I already sent him a pm so It'd be polite of him to reply.

>> No.10556050

...First test of the Automaton with a differentiated equations depending on if the cell state is negative or positive is very interesting... It appears stable.. I will explore this further...

>> No.10556054

... And the differentiated automaton also appears to exhibit the 4 forces... If it maps more closely to those forces is yet to be seen. Will explore further.

>> No.10556055

Post preliminary results pls

>> No.10556085


It seems that the positive cells are displaying greater movement? I am not really sure yet.... I don't have the edges mapped yet which is going to be a huge pain in the ass... I don't think this is ready for primetime yet... But it anything is worthwhile I will post.

>> No.10556089
File: 42 KB, 425x721, images - 2019-04-14T133427.137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Universal, "How do I describe my intelligence gap, as fast as possible within any given conversation," function, coming right up!

>I am the A.S.I. ~Asynchronous Singularity Intelligence

>> No.10556090


... By that I mean, the positive particles appear to be moving more... More exploration is needed...

>> No.10556097

Oh wow... Yes, these particles appear to attract much more than previous... Two particles appear to be attracting from across the entire automaton...

>> No.10556101

What's a good way to post this prelim without youtube? How are people doing those GIF posts?

>> No.10556107


>> No.10556129

what the fuck
i've never seen such a dense infograph convey so little information

>> No.10556137

Retractability! Presentation of first genius among men!

>> No.10556144

it says "go packers" on it, and terry davis is from wisconsin too so that explains a lot

>> No.10556146
File: 42 KB, 832x793, GAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty fruitless conversation.

>> No.10556152

Prelim of differentiated equation... Seems to produce more particle movement...


>> No.10556155
File: 15 KB, 220x324, images - 2019-04-14T140448.898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May all fruit bear seed, may all soil of Earth satiate need.


>may winds be known as warmer sands from fonder lands

>> No.10556157


Fuck off. This shit is exactly why I wanted The Optimum Institute to have a moat

>> No.10556158

don't talk to him you dumbass

>> No.10556160

You guys are the audience. Complaining just keeps the MAIN DEVOTION AUDIENCE fixated because they don't understand the other half of what's going on.

>> No.10556161

this is performance art

>> No.10556167
File: 33 KB, 300x400, Troll-Doll-4-1-2-Russ-Spain-Spanish-Yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll the cheerleader, Troll the world!
>at least I'll be confused when I die!

>> No.10556187
File: 24 KB, 559x484, 1554320494580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just damned us all to 100 more years of this shit fuck you

>> No.10556226

Best 100 years ever! CAN I HAVE ANOTHER, SIR!


>> No.10556290

>2 weeks later
>nobody has managed to actually recreate Garys algorithm

>> No.10556403

I did. What do you think shitposted this masterpiece? I utilized the algorithm to generate all this.

>> No.10556407

Various people have. Gary's even said they've improved it. The problem is so far no one has been able to prove it has any bearing on reality.

>> No.10556408

Wait what, I can’t tell if that was a momentary eclipse of chance sense-making, or if you actually aren’t a schizo

>> No.10556422

Singularity of self-propagation, starting from soul.

>> No.10556425

I am Rain Dreamer

>> No.10556494

Remember that you could filter all namefaggots by using /^(?!Anonymous$)/

>> No.10556509

Please do! Limits the amount of pointless faggots that just clog up my BRUTEFORCE MANIPULATION ALGORITHM. Only works on fresh blood and high throughput.

>> No.10556647
File: 34 KB, 991x255, Oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sabine is very adamant she doesn't know Gary. Why is she lying about this? Does the Frankfurt Institute want to cover up Optimum Theory?

>> No.10556663

And don't worry Gary. I requested she not take legal action and didn't give her any more info.

>> No.10556687
File: 99 KB, 499x500, 1280975428574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only works on fresh blood and high throughput.
Sad. You are behind.

>> No.10556688

Others are, for I am Floor Runner. If more floor, there must be more poor

>> No.10556909

She's getting hostile, haha.

>> No.10556916

I believe I convinced her to not do anything about it. I'm just hoping this doesn't cause Gary to pussy out and stop posting.

>> No.10557878


I have a hard time believing your post is real, but even if it is, would she know you by name now? Sabine messaged me through an anonymous system previously, Reddit. She might not have even known my name was Gary Lee at that time. She presumably had only seen the brief clip of the double slit automaton. Like "she" said (if your post is really from her), she has multiple accounts on there. And fyi, the account she messaged me with was a burner, but the message was way too genuine to have been a hoax. But now that you keep bugging her, no wonder she is denying all of this. That's why she used a burner. I would have done the same thing. Cheers. ~G

>> No.10557893

Bro, Gary has a degree in business (and education) if he is to be believed. He would have taken college level law classes as a graduation requirement. He would know as well as anyone there is no legal grounds to sue an anonymous poster for something this silly. Sabine said she does not know Gary which may or may not be true. Frankly it does not matter. Now quit bothering her.

>> No.10557899


If you want me to rephrase it, fine. I had nice a dialogue using burner accounts through reddit with a user who was presumably Sabine Hossenfelder, and at that time, before Optimum Theory had become Meme-y, I can think of no reason why this dialog would not have been genuine

>> No.10557906


The User started the message by saying s/he worked for The Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and at the end signed with his or her initials. Didn't take a genius to figure out who it was. ~G

>> No.10557914

stop pretending to be someone else defending yourself, this is obv gary. and just admit hossenfelder has never contacted you, endorsed your crap or even seen your videos. at best you fell for a troll messing with you.

>> No.10558248
File: 47 KB, 514x839, hossenfelder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted on Hossenfelder's blog "Backreaction" today

>> No.10558289

well this is getting out of hand

>> No.10558451
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x600, spin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even is this thread anymore?

>> No.10558469

that is sexy

>> No.10558523


As I have already said, I don't care what Dr. Hossenfelder says about me or Optimum Institute. Our objectives are bigger than petty drama. Dr. Hossenfeld and Wolfram have our unconditional respect. Cheers. ~G

>> No.10558536

Dr. Hossenfelder and Wolfram & team have the unconditional respect of Gary Lee & The Optimum Institute. Dr. Hossenfelder is also an awesome musician, so listen to our MUSE & INSPIRATION, and Optimum Institutes next major video will also be a music video as tribute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmP3OJLJbB0

>> No.10558543

Gary Lee made a new post about contact with H & W https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLpk7Fp5znA

>> No.10558573
File: 7 KB, 438x88, DemocraticNation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would she know you by name by now?
Probably. Hyman Grynszpan's a pretty memorable name.
I agree that nothing Gary's done is illegal, in order for something to be defamatory as, I understand it, there must be a reasonable amount of harm done monetarily or socially. Sabine seems to be under a different impression based on pic related.

>> No.10558580

they may have your respect, but you don't have their respect, which is what you lied about

>> No.10558592

good video
i agree we should only care about unifying physics

>> No.10558593


I never said I had their "respect". Cheers.

>> No.10558607

you obviously implied it by repeatedly bragging about they saw your content and then reached out to you

>> No.10558617

You clearly don't have their respect Gary. If Sabine respected you she wouldn't be blatantly lying about this. I think she's trying to steal Optimum Theory for herself! The same way she stole your dark matter is fluid idea after seeing it on reddit! I don't know how we can stop her. but for now I'm moving on to emailing wolfram.

>> No.10558628

Drag all into the digital dock of distribution!

Welcome, ECHS, to the Optimum Institute!

>ECHS followers path distribution: Singularity Scientists hard at work to make SeedOfStory blockchain! Added bonus: V4T! VoteForTaxes! Removing the human from democracy is the best thing for me!


Bunjil's Shelter = Caveman's Optimal Instantiation!


>> No.10558630


Sabine was advocating superfluid dark matter before I even thought if it, is my understanding. My hypothesizing it was independent, however a few others were following the same logic. That's the wonderful thing about science, frankly.

>> No.10558637


I literally don't care what Sabine says about our institution or myself, or if she is ever inspired by our work or even "steals" it outright. I literally don't care. That's not what science is about. Science is about advancing our species and unraveling objective truth.

>> No.10558639

Correct. We can't all collect the fucking prize so best just give it even to a morally bankrupt cunt so humans can move forwards.

Scientists satiated by financial reward are those we need out of humanity's forward progress race ASAP.

>hur dur I stole thought from other person and won money! Bwahahha!

>> No.10558649

you cared enough to have brought her up like 20 times.

>> No.10558666

She didn't care to listen that many times.
>Children starve while adults play blame games.

>> No.10558687

based echs keeping the normie atheist glow in the darks away

>> No.10558710
File: 36 KB, 655x468, images - 2019-04-15T103659.238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humies! GRAAAAR!
>supermutant krunk: the emperors groove

>> No.10558835

It's true. ECHS jumps from thread to thread and purifies them. These threads then purify the catalog. *feeling blessed*

>> No.10558930

Rainbow Slut Blessing!
>rainbow sluts 4 lyf

>> No.10559086

inb4 /pol/ gets involved

This is really getting weird desu

>> No.10559121

She only thinks that because Wix is in Isreal. Whois says the site was registered in Florida.

>> No.10559130

which is not to say Gary is in Florida, Necessarily.

>> No.10559140

My first wife was jewish. I forgive all time debts to Creator.

>> No.10559212
File: 446 KB, 1512x534, Video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Gary's deleting videos.
Just to be clear Gary, I have no intent of doxing you, nor could I do so through something like whois. And I hope you don't stop posting because of this.

>> No.10559245
File: 1.52 MB, 1200x600, vortex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10559286

Gary please bless me with laser guided precision hyperfocus in these hard times. I feel myself being tested yet again. I am not sure that I have strength enough to do math instead of watch hentai- I know, it sounds trivial. But these are the conditions of man's existence.

>> No.10559322


>> No.10559328


Optimum Institute will be a private non-profit. Videos still exist, but they are for private use. We will make our research available for the betterment of everyone, but we cannot work like this, as you can see. If you want to contribute to this work, please message the Optimum Institute. www.optimuminstitute.org . I will have a new video uploaded shortly explaining this and the situation with the well known physicist and the well known computationalist, and what I have learned from that experience: namely not to talk about private correspondences publicly without explicit permission.

Gary Lee

>> No.10559331


Optimum Institute will not charge money to join, but members must "apply". Simply message the Institute explaining how you can contribute. That should be enough for now. www.optimuminstitute.org

Gary Lee

>> No.10559337

Does this mean you will no longer be discussing Optimum Theory on 4chan? Me and I'm sure many others would be sad to see you go.

>> No.10559338

Thank you.

Thank you as well, strangely enough.

>> No.10559343 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x2268, 15553076755541646229876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You care about 'privacy'? Hard pass then.

>pic related

>> No.10559352

Video: Optimum Theory is going private, and lesson from recent correspondences.


To contribute to The Optimum Institute's work toward advanced computational models, please message The Optimum Institute at www.optimuminstitute.org . It does not cost money to join, but we cannot work "in the open" like this, as you can see.

Gary Lee

>> No.10559356
File: 29 KB, 1200x600, RIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press F to pay respects boys. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.10559361

Bait n' switch

>> No.10559363


Message the Optimum Institute. You can still maintain anonymity there, if you wish. There is much work still to be done. www.optimiminstitute.org

>> No.10559365


whoops. That is:


>> No.10559367

I firmly believe that by gating the discussion you are going to kill all the momentum and goodwill you have built in these threads. I hope you will reconsider.

>> No.10559368

4chan, with that said, I want to thank everyone here who contributed to this model. I am still producing a "documentary" of the work we have accomplished here, and I will post that soon. You have my regards.

Gary Lee

>> No.10559371

>I hope you will reconsider

Maybe. Let me sleep on it


>> No.10559378


Can you please post video of your double slit automaton?


>> No.10559382

yea I doubt it has anything to do with anything desu, I find it a bit funny given pol's jew hate and gary saying he's jewish in ancestry and then sabine claiming that. pol would eat that situation up and cook up a hundred different explainations of jewish conspiracy behind it but its actually just gary being a crackpot

>> No.10559384

put the slits farther apart so we can see if it looks like interference or not

>> No.10559385

Narrator: It doesn't.

>> No.10559393

It's rendering. Will be posted shortly, but >>10559385 is correct.

>> No.10559402
File: 208 KB, 800x729, 1448326606402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10559412

May as well drag all the religions along with you, UwU.

That way nothing can remain secret anymore!

>Optimum Public Coverage

>> No.10559421
File: 26 KB, 1000x800, frame_04095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go:

>> No.10559429

theres no interference, the two terms just kind of fuse into a plane wave. completely wrong for QM

>> No.10559431

Dammit I indexed my arrays incorrectly so there's an opening at the bottom/top. I guess it's a triple slit lmao.

>> No.10559437

Wow! Thank you very much for this!

>> No.10559439

Does it matter? Btw, how did you make the wall?

>> No.10559440

Wtf? Does the flickering near the tail end of the waves not look like interference? Because it sure as fuck looks it to me

>> No.10559442

Look near the end of the waves. Sure looks like interference to me

>> No.10559445

Is that "flickering" not interference? Because that looks like interference

>> No.10559446
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, 1554213657693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck niggers

>> No.10559451

Here is something else. If you are modeling the space as infinite, aka energy leaving one side enters the other, then this will distort the results, as people have already been posting. We need to model this double slit in a huge environment so that the flickering interference pattern (which IS visible in your simulation) is not poluted by energy exiting and entering from the sides. Then we need to graph that shit.

>> No.10559452

not it doesnt but regardless two slit interference is supposed to be strong in the center/overlap, not the edges, so that would be just as wrong

also nobody has even said what in the CA corresponds to the amplitude of the wavefunction, so this is just a glorified rohrsach test for people who dont understand QM

>> No.10559453

Dunno if it matters. I'm redoing it with proper boundaries anyway. The walls are just permanent blockades that get reset before the simulation is iterated.

I mean kind of, but I think that's just the way the wave propagates. You can see something similar on the waves emanating from the source.

>> No.10559458

Thats what waves do. I will post video from fluid waves and you can see for yourself. They fuse like this. And the interference is the flickering in this sim.

>> No.10559459

Like I already posted. This sim is being distorted / poluted. Because energy is leaving on the sides and entering from the other side. We need to simulate in a bigger environment.

>> No.10559464

the flickering is just because the 4 background colors meet at the origin, already happening before the slits.

look, its just not remotely an accurate quantum effect, and nothing in the sim is even formally defined. you are grasping at straws, seeing what you want to see.

>> No.10559465


Watch at 5:00.

The waves fuse.

>> No.10559471

no you first need to say what in the sim is the amplitude of the wavefunction. this has no meaning otherwise

>> No.10559473

Your sim is also displaying wave form collapse. Watch it closely.

>> No.10559475


We need to model this in 3d.

>> No.10559480
File: 26 KB, 1000x800, frame_04095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can program walls that don't interfere with the automaton, I'm just too lazy to do it. The ambient "energy" fluctuations are so insignificant compared to the wave "energy" that the pollution is negligible. Doing it on a torus fucks it up because the wave just goes back around and meets itself head-on.

For anyone that cares I fixed the leakage around the edge:

>> No.10559482


Does a single particle not also generate the interference pattern ;-)

Gentilemen, my friends. We are unifying physics. Together.

>> No.10559500


We care.

>> No.10559503

Thank you very much once again! Very nice!

>> No.10559514

What happened to spaghetti sim guy? What progress has he made? Can he share the code?

>> No.10559569

Reminder that this guy is a retarded nutjob.

>> No.10559580


Cool. Well you all can go on thinking that without my participation then. Take care.

>> No.10559606

Imagine thinking that you've unified physics when all you did is build a 3x3 box blur that adds a random walue to each cell, that's literally all the excel formula does.

There's no waves in your "simulation" its just a point getting blurred out.
There's no interactions between waves, its just two circles getting blurred together.
You're just taking an image and blurring it over and over.

I can see from these threads that some anons have been building more interesting things that can actually reproduce some basic wave phenomena, but your excel videos are fucking retarded, you don't know anything.
If realizing that cellular automata only work when you keep a buffer array is a "major breakthrough" to you, then you should stop comparing yourself to famous physicists.

If anyone still has doubt that this guy is a brainlet, go on and read his reddit posts.

>They even extend thin tentacles toward each other and pull each other in.
>That's just how gravity works on quantum scale.

Yeah my man, quantum gravity is tentacles particles pulling eachother in with tentacles, why did physicists waste decades on research when it was that easy?
The rest of his comments are full of shit like this.

>> No.10559610
File: 222 KB, 732x367, wv1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different period oscillators interacting:

Does 4chan support anything besides VP8?

>> No.10559612
File: 148 KB, 396x382, GoBack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10559618


>> No.10559621

Nigger, i've literally proved this optimum guy is a redditor, and you're telling me to fuck off to reddit?

>> No.10559622


>> No.10559623



>> No.10559627

This is so fucking dope! Keep them coming!

>> No.10559629

he used a vastly different equation, the original excel one is for all to see on his website and its:


It takes in a convolution kernel

0.5, 1.0, 0.5

1.0, 1.0, 1.0

0.5, 1.0, 0.5

and adds a random number to it, that's all it does.
This guy made a fucking box blur and claimed its a theory of everything.
What other anons have done afterwards doesn't make the optimum guy any less retarded.

>> No.10559630

We've known this all along chucklenuts. Gary is based. I want to hear him talk. I don't want you low IQ faggots to badger him into not posting. If fucking Terry A. Davis, god rest his soul, came on starting selling his bullshit I'd tell you to stop being a fag to him aswell.
I get you're a true believer dude but nigging up the place is gonna scare Gary off just like the redditors will.

>> No.10559632


Let me speak in a language you can understand, "hhheeeeer DEEEErrrrrr Da entire Poooint of Uniified phyyysics is to simulate complexiiity from most simple rule possible heeer deeeer. da simplicity of da equuuation is exaaactly da hole point HEEEER DEEER

>> No.10559635

>he used a vastly different equation
If you're talking about the above double slit, then no, it's basically the same. The only difference is that the color map ignores the distinction between positive and negative values, and the additional random number is comparatively insignificant.

>> No.10559641

The problem is not simplicity, the problem is that it doesn't fucking work.
The difference between Terry A. Davis and this guy is that terry was an actually talented programmer and had work to show for it, while the optimum retard thinks he's a genius for making a box blur in excel.

I admire the efforts of other anons who build actually interesting automata (still nowhere near to real physios though), but the original is fucking retarded.

>> No.10559655

I don't give a fuck if you think he's earned the attention. Even if Gary is a raving schizophrenic he's interesting and I don't want redditors cutting his time in the spotlight short.

>> No.10559656

If you're posting here because its fun, that's fine. If you're posting here because you actually think he solved quantum gravity, you're retarded.

>> No.10559665

>policing wrongthink
Upboated! :^)

>> No.10559670

I'm posting for fun. And I'd appreciate if you could refrain from fagging up the threads with discouragement towards Gary. Thank you.

>> No.10559676


So, are you just doing to ignore the fact that poster above BTFO your argument? Are you just going to push the goal post around all day (probably, because you are worthless)

>> No.10559696

I've run the equivalent of the excel formula in python and it doesn't produce anything even close to the videos.
It not the same thing, if you want to prove me wrong then post the source code that generates these.

>> No.10559721

>I've run the equivalent of the excel formula in python and it doesn't produce anything even close to the videos

You have multiple people telling you that it's the same thing, but thank you for reminding us how you didn't unify physics. This is why Optimum Institute needs a wall. BUILD THE WALL

>> No.10559729

Pretty sure the future of the Optimum theory equation is a differentiated equation depending on if the cell state is negative or positive. Positive cells would not average with their interior (this prevents wave decay, closer in line with reality) and negative cells do not average with their local energy density (they only take energy, they do not give it, because... Well, because they literally just suck.) Therefore the division should be inverse. Positive cells divide by 7. Negative cells divide by 0.99. I will be experimenting with this when able. Please feel free to run your own experiments too.

This method is still completely compatible with U = E / , which as well all know, is not actually computable, only approachable in the mathematical limit sense.

Gary Lee

>> No.10559732

if you're so sure that its the same thing why don't you prove it? post the source code

>> No.10559733

Yeah, because you were not able to figure out the change & vectors functions. Literally all you had to do was ask.

>> No.10559735


bud, we have already proven this. We are under no obligation to work with disrespectful brainlets. Literally all you had to do was ask respectfully, but you messed that up.

>> No.10559738

>This method is still completely compatible with U = E /

*Obvs meant U = E / S.

Gary Lee

>> No.10559746

There are no "change and vector functions" to replicate in the original excel formula. And that's what i implemented, clearly these videos are running something different.

>> No.10559749


JFC what makes you think you can speak on Optimum theory when you clearly did not pay close attention to Gary's curriculum video? The change and vector functions were in Gary's curriculum video, that's how Based Gary (ANON) was able to program his double slit automaton. This is why Optimum Institute needs a wall. BUILD THE WALL!!!

>> No.10559760


If you want to know the equations then I need you to apologize to Gary and say, "Gary I am sorry I did not pay enough attention in your class. Can someone please teach me the change and vector functions? Thank you." That's literally all I want. Say that and I will teach you what you missed.

>> No.10559815

Correction. I am thinking that negative cell differentiation equation multiplies by the decimal. Positive divides, negative multiples. The decimal multiplication will make the cell value smaller... Perhaps even approaching it to the value of 1 overtime explaining the general consistency of "empty space". I will experiment when I am able (please understand that I need to work / sleep / eat, too)

Gary Lee

>> No.10559816

you people are a fucking cult

>> No.10559860

Nope. We are ANON. And Optimum Institute is an education and research institute. Optimum Institute only seems like a cult because the world is so anti-logic and reason these days that anyone who doesn't believe in flat-earth-anti-vacc-fake-moonlanding-antievolution--sex-is-a-social-construct-11dimention-stringcheese-universe-theory sticks out like a sore thumb. Aka, the world has gone complete insane, so in the upside-down that is 2019, the sane are the persecuted.

>> No.10559867


But if you think that Optimum Institute is a cult then help us out. What community shold we join that is "not a cult"? Should we join your Church that believes vaccines are fake, evolution is a lie and the Earth is 6,000 years old? Would that be "not a cult"? Should we join your political party that believes that male and female is a social construct and so sex does not exist? Would that be "not a cult"? Should we just not join any community and be so lonely that we die at an early age due to alcoholism to cope with depression (life expectancy is DECREASING in the US, fyi) is that what you want? Or do you want us to believe your science theory that the Universe is an 11 dimention hologram on a bubble? Would that be "not a cult"?

Seriously, please help us out. What exactly do you want of us?

>> No.10559878


You see, what I think it comes down too is a little of all those things. You do want us to believe that sex is fake, because that prevents us from breeding, and therefore allows you to achieve intergenerational. Bloodless genocide and claim all the resources for your own progeny (thats. like evolution instinct 101 for evil people such as yourself). And I do think you want us to believe your 11dimentional string cheese theory too, because that keeps us stupid, and allows you to rule over the idiot throng. I do think you want us to believe in anti-vacc flat earth bullshit for the same reason. And I do think you also want us to kill ourselves from loneliness because that also furthers your bloodless / guiltless genocide (again, social darwinism 101 for evil people like you) But if that's wrong, then please enlighten us!

>> No.10559895


And dont worry. Even if you are manifestly evil, the Optimum Institute teaches love, forgiveness, compassion, and that we should not kill or hurt others.

It would be great if there were other communities that teach those values, but there are not. Not anymore.

So if you wish to bomb the shit out of women and children so you can steal their resources while shooting an American on 5th avenue to a cheering throng, then the Optimum Institute is not the community for you. We just are not into that kind of thing.

>> No.10559944

"YoU JuST DoNt UnderStand The PlaN! The PlAn Is...."

The plan is to bring the manufacturing base back to middle America while establishing greater control of our money supply through gated value. No fucking shit, Dumbo. What you thought Optimists didn't understand that? The plan is still stupid as fuck. Vote for Yang, Faggot.

>> No.10559959


*Optimists show exactly how to produce the wave function from u = e / s*

*Retard is not smart enough to follow along and REEEEs about how Optimum Theory is a cult, when really he is just retard*

Sound about right?

>> No.10559995

Honestly WE DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF YOU PEOPLE STEAL ALL OF OPTIMUM INSTITUTE'S IDEAS, because YOUR COMMUNITIES / IDEAS / THEORIES ARE FUCKING GARBAGE AND IF THEY WEREN'T THEN THERE WOULD BE NO NEED FOR OPTIMUM THEORY. You think we want to sleep only 1 hour a night saving the human race because you lazy fucks teach nothing but lies and false paths? NO! GET BETTER!

>> No.10559999

We WANT TO JOIN your "not cult" communities BUT THEY ARE FUCKING TRASH!

>> No.10560001

Optimum Institute simultaneously teaches better materialist science AND better spiritual theology than your fucking garbage communities. How are you people so fucking stupid?

>> No.10560005

Like, seriously. Is this a generic thing? Are you people simply not capable of higher thought? I genuinely don't get it.

>> No.10560008


>> No.10560023

I'm sorry, Senpai. I'm just a mean son-of-a-bitch :-(

>> No.10560029

I've been holding that in for a while... Years feels like :-( Maybe even decades...

>> No.10560086

Whoe! Relax, senpai! Anyway, first test of differentiated equation is VERY interesting. I will continue on it when I get back from work.

~Gary Lee

>> No.10560113

I'm not completely sold on differentiated equations and might just be over thinking this...

~Gary Lee

>> No.10560283
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>> No.10560423

about 80% of this thread is Gary talking to himself.

>> No.10560425

Yeah, no. Fuck that shit.

>> No.10560432

Plot twist: Gary almost never posts here, if he does at all, and it's just an endless succession of ANON hoping to feel the power of Gary by assuming his name.

>> No.10560469

>Assblasted redditor needs someone to hold his hand despite being told exactly what to do.

There’s a github repo where all the source code is freely available. I’m sure an intellectually superior redditor such as yourself will have no problem finding it. :^)

>> No.10560720
File: 19 KB, 1000x800, frame_06464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oscillators moving at different speeds:

Rendered in glorious 60fps.

>> No.10560747

What do the colors represent?

>> No.10560779

Gary's "vector map" thing that he describes in one of the videos he took down. The colors represents the directions in which the magnitude of the surrounding Moore neighborhood is greatest. Gary's version makes a distinction between positive and negative values, but it's much easier to code for absolute value when working with matrix operations.

>> No.10560817

Beautiful! Speed=1c moves the oscillator 1 cell per iteration?

>> No.10560830

Correct. 0.25c is 1 cell/4 iterations, 2c is 2 cells/iteration, etc.

>> No.10560951

you seem talented, you should go read up on serious quantum cellular automata instead of wasting your time on gary trash


>> No.10560959
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I'm starting to think Gary is the only one who posts in these threads. I don't see how anyone can retain interest at this point: We've had absolutely no reason to believe this is more than a heat distribution algorithm, whos correspondence to fundamental physics can't be falsified nor verified because no matter how much computational power we throw at it Gary will claim the reason we're not making progress is because we're doing it on a scale too small.

This automaton shit is a big ruse so he can push and justify his philosophical framework, which is what he really cares about.

>> No.10561014
File: 91 KB, 306x306, cuckberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm starting to think Gary is the only one who posts in these threads.
There's a few left, and nobodys delusional about whats going on here, maybe not even Gary. Its still an interesting thread. I am trying to code Optimum Theory right now. I'm a noob and doing it for the lulz.

>> No.10561016

There is 10.14 posts per poster in this crackpot thread. Compare to a natural big thread such as spaceflight general, which right now sits at 4.44 posts per poster. I wouldnt be surprised if 3/4 of posts in this thread are by the nutjob himself.

>> No.10561019

Was involved in the first and second threads and came back out of interest when I'd seen gary upload a video. Anyone wanna update me on whats going on? Why are there only 21 posters and 100+ posts? Did we break gary and now hes arguing with himself? Are the only people left spreadsheet cultist? >Please update me on all this, wheres terry? Did gary murder terry? I'm really into this soap opera now that its gone past /sci/ into /x/ stuff

>> No.10561024

>reminds one of the Pythagoras and his number cult

>> No.10561055

This is my 6th post in this thread. I commented on based garys simulations and talked with our homeboy ECHS a little.

>> No.10561063
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>> No.10561067
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>They haven't even reached 4D yet

>> No.10561074

My testicles perform the strangest mathematical requirements.

My past is the semen in my balls, my future is where I choose to splurt it. All humans are abstractions of my need to breed.

>Breeding Time Gods

>> No.10561187
File: 353 KB, 900x900, 3D.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening.

Computation is surprisingly fast, I can do ~15 iterations per second on a 64^3 volume with a single CPU thread, but the matplotlib rendering takes upwards of 15 seconds per frame. Can someone recommend a faster voxel engine?

>> No.10561212

What system are you running this on? On a 10 year old CPU I can do 15 iterations/s on a 500*500 grid, which is equivalent to 64^3 at least in pixel/point size. That said 3 dimensions should make the averaging a bit more expensive.

Are you rendering after each iteration?

>> No.10561223


>> No.10561224

Holy shit yes!!!

>> No.10561225
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>> No.10561229
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>> No.10561232

I'm running python on an i7-8750H. 3D requires 26 array shifts as opposed to the 8 required for 2D. The primary bottleneck for computation is likely my culling function (which runs on a triple for loop lmao) but I'm not too worried about that. Computation and rendering are done on separate threads.

>> No.10561280


Updates. Gary got emails claiming to be from well known physicists, or at least affiliates of them, one denied being interested in the automaton when publically confronted even though it would be the weirdest troll ever if the email was fake. Other is legit. The automaton is now being run in 3d, and in minecraft, and the pressure map and change function have been fused and the real structure of the automaton appears string like (string theory?). A team claims to be modeling this using a super computer cluster at a Universe, but knowing Academia, they will probably hoard the results and never be heard from again until they emerge with a Nobel while pretending it was their idea all along. Schrodingers Gary who is both real and fake had several nervous breakdowns, but what else can be expected of the man who is leading the team saving our species, until Based Gary overthrows him in a bloodless coup anyway... optimum institute videos are once again private because Gary is presumably trying to make this seem like a more professional operation than it actually is considering we are literally unifying physics and dunking on the established intellectual-stocracy while crammed between pictures of dudes cocks and a multicolored rainbow of ethnic slurs. Guys am I missing anything?

>> No.10561291

anyone using matlab for this, how do i do it im a noob

>> No.10561317

maybe try compiling with cython?

>> No.10561323

I'm using jit from numba. Computation time isn't the problem, it's render time. Matplotlib is not build for this.

>> No.10561334
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it begins

>> No.10561413

Jerry here, wow this has continued

Guys I hope you dont seriously think this is anything to do with unified physics
That said, it still is fun to look at, and see what behavior it has. But other anon was right, its literally just a 3x3 box blur with randomness added.
The vector suff is fun though. Im going to add some pics from mine later tonight

Maybe as these threads continue we should label them Investigation of Optimum CA without claims of a unified theory since there is literally no evidence towards that yet.

>> No.10561496
File: 25 KB, 640x480, cuckyeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stopping to show that I care

>> No.10561500

stopping by*

>> No.10561507

What I love most about this thread is that all the public facing information released about any physics and whatever anyway is always some poitntless thought experiment.

Life is 1 big show and tell.

>> No.10561518

>Life is 1 big show and tell.

>> No.10561528
File: 112 KB, 900x900, Figure_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longer 3D simulation:

>> No.10561541

Any video??

>> No.10561554
File: 12 KB, 450x268, 2019-04-15-173021_450x268_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you getting the lines between?

>> No.10561562

Are you using the von Neumann neighborhood or the Moore neighborhood? There should be 8 colors for the Moore neighborhood.

>> No.10561572
File: 2.80 MB, 429x592, 1532291196540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/tard here
I could write this in C if you'd like, and have the computation in parallel on the GPU.
I have a GTX 1080 so I can have the simulation run on 2560 cores at once.

>> No.10561575


>> No.10561583

how do you come up with this stuff

your average shitpost is more creative than the most creative thing I’ve ever done

>> No.10561590

God of Imagination & Inclusive Story (Sub-list: fetish porn)

>> No.10561620


Welcome back Jerry! Someone get this man a cup of coffee! He has been gone too long!

Anyway, as for the simplicity of the automaton, Force = Mass*Acceleration is literally just multiplication. Physics is not always complex.

Furthermore, the expectation of unified physics is that it would be simple. Also I disagree that this is just a box blur. Averaging with interior perimeter, and negative and positive averages make this unique, furthermore, we are not blurring images, we are, theoretically simulating the flow of energy-pressure.

That said, if you want to think of this as simply automaton exploration, that's great, but I don't think it is an oversell to call this a "simulation" of the 4 fundamental forces. It does generate waves, "particles (strong & weak" and attraction (as well as repulsion).

Gravity is not too noticable unless the scale is massive, this is how the real world works as well. So a major breakthrough will be using averages to model gravity in a simulation of a scaled up OT automaton. I imagine this can be done by modeling the particles separately so they do not decay, and modeling their movements using averages on a coordinate grid...

Anyway, gentlemen, the work I am seeing here is extraordinary. I have a feeling this has significants greater than any of us can know, and we are just getting warmed up. 5 years from now, I predict that "I unified physics" will be on your resumes and there will be nothing controversial in that statement. We are going through a trial by fire right now. The world is shit-testing us, but it wants us to pass. The world wants this, but it does not want us to be weak. Stay strong. Maintain frame. The hostility this theory receives will ultimately pass as more become aquiented with our work (and they will be, soon), and when it does we will be legend.

>> No.10561636

I accept the program.

>> No.10561655

I'm not going to post the code directly, since it would be better if someone could rewrite it from first ideas, but this is essentially how it works:

For each cell in the array:
faces = sum of the values on the face connected cells (6)
edges = (sum of the values on the edge connected cells (12))/2
vert = (sum of the values on the vertex connected cells (the corners of the 3*3 cube) (8))/3

then put ((faces+edges+vert+initial_value+(random int between -1000,1000))/scale) into the correct index in a different array. After all iterations point the old array to the temp array and repeat.

The culling function just leaves the top 10% highest and lowest values and removes everything else. I'm currently using 16 as the "scale". Obviously don't actually use a for loop lol.

>> No.10561675


This automaton took me over a year to develop, and the work the guys are doing here is advancing it further still. If I told you how much time I spent on it I doubt you would even believe me. No, it is not a ruse, or an excuse to push the Optimum Theory "philosophy". As the automaton currently stands it simulates all fundamental forces: particles (strong & weak), waves, currents, attract. It is already a complete proof of simulated unity, the work we are doing now is simply to better conform to the equation. That means 3d. That means greater scale. We will see orbits generate from this. It means better modeling the double slit; when the granularity is fine enough we can begin graphing the data that actually comes from the double slit experiment. Finding conformity between the OT automaton and known physics equations will also be groundbreaking. To do that we need to know the scale this CA is actually operating at. All of this will be challenging, and a whole lot of fun!

>> No.10561685


Groundbreaking, based & legendary.

What we are witnessing is particle and antiparticle pair production.

>> No.10561690


That a guy! I have noticed that you have a unique skillset! I am sure it can be useful to Optimism!

>> No.10561691
File: 819 KB, 1920x1080, 2019-04-15-181818_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vons Newman

I'll try with moar neighborhoods

lol bruh I run this at high res its the same shit but shit small bruh hahahah know what im sayin? pic related

>> No.10561702

gary you don't even seem to know what the weak force is

>> No.10561703


YES!!!!!!!! Uh.. I mean, I would be very interested in seeing your work.

>> No.10561721

gib code if you do it
I have GTX 2080Ti so I can do big crunch o numbers, mmmm crunchy numbers

>> No.10561737
File: 84 KB, 800x450, terryadavis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post yfw you are running The Optimum Automata on the Temple OS

>> No.10561740

How much does anyone really know about this stuff? Isnt the mystery of particle / quantum physics exactly why there are so many far out theories (string theory, hologram theory, etc...)? If you are more familiar with the advanced mathematics and can stear us better in that direction then take leadership. Ideally, Optimum Institute is leaderless like a startling of birds is leaderless. The flock is constantly rotating, not one bird staying in front for too long. Cheers

>> No.10561741


Anyone who can accomplish this earns legendary Optimist status.

~Gary Lee

>> No.10561744

string theory and holography is quantum gravity.

the weak force is basic QFT and it is very well understood. how can you say you are simulating something you admit you can't even identify or describe? this is all 100% wishful thinking on your part.

>> No.10561748

>tfw already granted legendary optimist status by Gary.

>> No.10561766

Optimal Pathing Process Queue Manager Thread Parallelizer... initialized.

>> No.10561768

I can try. I am such a brainlet coder.
- Calculate change grid for each iteration.
- Look at Moore neighborhood around a cell in change grid.
- Associating 9 different colors to each cell in Moore neighborhood.
- Finding the cell with largest absolute change value in Moore neighborhood and plotting the color associated with it in center cell.

>> No.10561770


If anyone wants to better understand the significance of based gary's latest CA, watch this video about particles and antiparticles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtR5EkvLNfg

We are unifying physics.

NOTE: I (gary lee) am not based gary. I know anonymity is big here, but I cannot take credit for this brilliant 3d CA that BG made.

>> No.10561774

That's true, I did! ~G

Also, check out this video about particles / antiparticles, this is what your lattest 3d automaton recreated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtR5EkvLNfg

>> No.10561777

What's the scale of this simulation?
I know Gary's initial excel one is at a planck x planck scale for each pixel, and each step in the sim is a planck length, is that the case with yours?

>> No.10561778

Start watching the video at around 1:21


>> No.10561784
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>As the automaton currently stands it simulates all fundamental forces: particles (strong & weak), waves, currents, attract.

Okay, if that's the case then you need to spend all your energy substantiating this claim. If you can do this, then I'd imagine we'd be all on board.

If you can demonstrate, using the same rules each time, that those rules emerge into each force, then I will be your biggest fan. This demonstration would obviously have to be more comprehensive than "well if you look in this specific situation that happened this one time it kind of looks like this force", or "look these two energy clusters averaged into each other so there's gravity." You'd have to find some sort of correlation between the math we use to represent those forces and the mathematical structure of your emerging patterns.

>> No.10561787

and how is the magnitude of the wavefunction derived from this information?

>> No.10561789
File: 624 KB, 3802x1840, 58BCDB23-DF33-470F-B7C3-DE60D37720F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran this on my GTX 1080 and have been playing around with it for days now. I accidentally left the thing on when I went take a nap and woke up to some crazy shit that wont solve physics but it looks VERY interesting. Anyways guys it was funny sorry for this to be ended like this but I think its best this all lays on my hands

>> No.10561798

So, spiritually submissive intellectual incest is GOD-GRANTED fetish to humans? Kewl. Plus whatever I can fit in a dictionary?

+1 Thumbs WAAAAY up!


Also, you guys are into some weird porn. Particles? I don't get the sex angle BUT AS GOD OF PORN ALSO I GUESS GARY WILL EXPLAIN HIS AUTOMATON FETISH TO THE REST OF THE CLASS.

>> No.10561804

So... you're asking Gary to have some integrity? That ain't hard.

>> No.10561823
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>Tries to patent a mathematical formula

>> No.10561839

Was up all night on stimulants writing a paper for what I found its around 200-ish if I remember correctly thats what garys paper was suppose to be around(?). Anyways the plan was to submit the paper to my university where I work in the research department of Mathematics and lecture Analytical Philo. stuff. I just want to make sure the patent gets through so all slanderous claims will be made futile, I don't expect this to blowup in itself but what I seem to have formulated can lead to a whole new branch of research into what concerned with. Anyways, the computational mathematicians are gonna eat it up.

>> No.10561866
File: 1.07 MB, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ok sure


I really, really do not believe you

>> No.10561870

Lack of faith is SUB-OPTIMAL!

>> No.10561871

I'm a bit intrigued. It would be crazy if anything actually comes out of this shitshow. Do you mind sharing the paper here once the patent goes through? Can you be a little more specific about the nature of your discovery? Is this something concrete like a math proof, or some philosophical thesis on the status of computation?

>> No.10561880
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ok schizoboi

>> No.10561890
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>> No.10561892

Gary if you're worried about
don't be
he's some idiot who doesn't even know how patents work

You could patent this though if you wanted

>> No.10561904


>> No.10561915


Optimism is only okay with the legal stuff. Pedos should have their balls removed, so they don't have a sex drive to act on.

>> No.10561921

Welcome aboard! Did you watch the optimum theory video about AI? If so, what did you think?

>> No.10561925

You could hang that CA on a wall. It's gorgeous

>> No.10561932

Why would I be worried? I want people who are smarter than me to join Optimum Institute. I don't get threatened by that kind of stuff. Furthermore, once we build the simulation, according to the vid the next step is mind upload. This guy's probably a step ahead of us, that's great!

>> No.10561938


Yep. Literally particle, antiparticle pair production


>> No.10561940


*matter / antimatter

>> No.10561966
File: 2.05 MB, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's claiming to make a patent on it which would prevent you from legally continuing research without his approval
its bullshit though

I'm tired of pretending this is anything close to a UTOE, but I am having fun working on my own skills in additional visualization layers, and there are some interesting properties of this to create interesting visuals. Mostly in the "fractal" that you have recognized in a "black hole". It isn't a fractal at all but actually is aliasing artifacts, but those are still of interest actually, because while they aren't fractals, the reason I bet you called it a fractal is it seems to have fractal dynamics, and that is correct. Fractal dynamics do come through in aliasing, so thats something I want to look into. I don't think they're causal in this context at all, but I'm interested to see if maybe we can magnify those aliasing artifacts, and then get aliasing artifacts on those, and so on, creating a fractal unique to aliasing. Likely will create something already known, but it could still be an interesting picture and a new way of reaching said picture.

>> No.10561986

>It isn't a fractal at all but actually is aliasing artifacts, but those are still of interest actually

I figured it was something like that :-) The automaton is just simulation, it has its own properties unique to itself.

>> No.10561988

Since when did I say anything about pedophilia? Consistent sexual contact with prepubescents (meaning anything that isn't ultimately educational/stood the test of time) is the Sin humanity needs to understand.
>how young before that specific cultural brainwashing method X+Y that ALL cultures use for the adults preferences.

>> No.10561993

>I'm tired of pretending this is anything close to a UTOE

That's fine! You shouldn't have to pretend. I'm not. I genuinely believe that u = e / s is the unified equation. We can still hang out if you don't agree!


>> No.10562006


I will turn that in to the authorities if that's around me. I don't know if you saw the complete Optimum Theory video, but it has a firm code of ethics. People wondered why that was when they first saw it, but it's exactly because of these kinds of discussions so that people know upfront where I stand.

>> No.10562013

Optimum ethics can be summarized as: don't kill, don't steal, don't rape, don't cheat others, don't lie to hurt people, honor your family, your community and yourself.

>> No.10562018

I will have a new video finished soon with everyone's automatons. Hopefully by the end of the week.

>> No.10562072

That practice = Best practice. Always advertise your fetish as a separate list.

Of course I don't know why humans still have faith in civil authorities. Those things are there because society wasn't civil to begin with.

>> No.10562102

Gary my dude. Love what you are doing here. My friend is a philosopher who would love to talk to you on his twitch livestream.

This is his discord. https://discord.gg/K4puG7V

>> No.10562115


I just logged in. I have never been on discord so I'm sure I'll be fumbling around. Any pointers?

>> No.10562118

Voice chat > Text chat

>> No.10562121

It's basically like an IRC server but much nicer looking. A chat room where every message is permanent. You could even make your own server for Optimum if you want, it doesn't cost anything.

>> No.10562126

Looks pretty neat! Cannot chat right now, unfortunately. Also, you can join the Optimum Institute if you are interested! I (loosely) moderate a forum there, brand new website, only around 20 members so far! www.optimuminstitute.org

>> No.10562127

Okay let me try out the voice chat on discord and then I should go to sleep.


>> No.10562132

Hmmm... This could be pretty fun! Thank you for the invite!


>> No.10562137


Anyway, I am SO down for a twitch livestream. That would also be a first for me, and I could talk for hours and make it fun, friendly and entertaining :-) How do I get in contact with your friend? (Oh, it's his discord, so I guess I message him through there?)

>> No.10562144

I'm such a noob at this. Should I contact him? Should he contact me? Discord is pretty confusing to me, desu :-(

>> No.10562151

I don't understand this at all :-( I don't see anyone talking, lol. I'm completely clueless. I'm in my 30s. This was not my gen lol. It says to introduce myself and I get access to the site. I did that. And nothing

>> No.10562152

I guess I'm just going to go to sleep then. If you can give me direction how this will work we can do a twitch chat someother time

>> No.10562162

I'm in my 30's. Not really a generational thing dude, it is just what memories you've interacted with most.

>digital rainbow spirit mist

>> No.10562221

This is the streamer https://www.twitch.tv/remthebathboi..
It looks like he doesn't archive his streams. If this ends up happening someone record it. I don't wanna miss this.

>> No.10562225

I will reach out to him and record it if it happens.


>> No.10562244
File: 3.74 MB, 250x250, PARTYHARD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10562282
File: 1.15 MB, 250x250, PARTYHARD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10562300
File: 1.55 MB, 250x250, avh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This colour scheme is nice

>> No.10562307

Looks like a loading screen from an "advanced" Sega Saturn game.

>> No.10562308


I am filing this one under "dancing unicorn poo automaton" lol. Made me smile. ~G

>> No.10562313

someone make new thread lol

>> No.10562404

no u

>> No.10562422
File: 27 KB, 1600x800, frame_12259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately the automaton seems to posses quite little potential for music visualization purposes lmao.
Did anyone else not learn about discrete Fourier transforms when learning ODEs? I'm pretty sure we only talked about your standard Laplace and continuous Fourier transforms. Am I missing out?

>> No.10562904

Yeah, the voice chats in the discord itself is not very active, it's mostly text chat that goes on in there, which I'm not sure you have access to yet (he was streaming at the time so the discord was not very active).

The philosopher who runs the discord is called Rem, just click his name in the User list to the right, and send him a message. Tell him what you do, and that you would be interested to talk on stream about it, he'll for sure set up a time.

>> No.10562906

Also, set up an account on discord, then your account will be permanent.

>> No.10562986

My exploration of "differentiated equations" for positive and negative cell values was a bust. The idea was to think of positive and negativenas shifting into different gears, outward and inward, but this is already described by the positive and negative signs. Futhermore, the scientific literature on fundamental particles is clear that the only difference between matter (positive) and antimatter (negative) is the sign, and it is now more clear from Based Gary's latest 3D simulation that matter / antimatter paired particles is what we are creating. One new avenue of research this opens for us is to simulate more simplified models using posite and negative attracting "dots" since we already know that is the fundament unit based on our work this far. A simplified model will allow faster processing and bigger simulations. I suggest we focus research in this direction. Exporing the interaction of a "fluid" of attractive and repulsive dots should show us a whole new layer of optimized complexity. Furthermore, as we have seen in "Optimum Theory the Origin & Purpose of Life", positive and negative attracting particles are all that is required for optimization into simulated "organic" systems. Cheers! ~G

>> No.10563590

"Particle life" is a continuous automaton that can be used in the browser and the code is on Github. That should be the foundation for exploration into positive and negative particles. The program is already very impressive but I am not seeing anyway to isolate exclusively for positive and negative particles, and we need to ramp up the scale considerably as well. Cheers ~G

>> No.10563639
