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10549935 No.10549935[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does she deserve all the attention she is getting? Watch her TED Talk here


>> No.10549941

>Bouman married Joe Leong

>> No.10549944

She will always deserve more than you're getting.

>> No.10550495

what a boring presentator

>> No.10550649

that ted talk is cringy as fuck. Can't watch it more than 15 seconds. She's a top scientist and a cutie tho

>> No.10550653

why do you care?

>> No.10550656

>another one of these
have sex ya incel

>> No.10550664

A better question is: why is /pol/ so OBSESSED with her?

>> No.10550665

are you on the team? are you from the funding agency? are you staff at one of the telescopes? are you from the journal where they published?

if you're not, you have no reason to give a single shit

>> No.10550700
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>> No.10550727
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>> No.10550765

Researchers design algorithms and usually don't implement them. That's a job for the codemonkeys. This is like complaining an architect hasn't touched a single brick of a house they designed.

If anything, you should be laughing at her for bothering with the code at all. Like, couldn't you find a masters' student to do your manual labor?

>> No.10550776
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Coming up with a funny name doesn't mean people who can't code themselves aren't brainlets. Here's a better analogy: Chefs are vastly more important than recipe-jotters.

>> No.10550874

>delusional code-monkey thinking they're more important than researchers
Lmao, back to >>>/g/ mate, this is a science board.

>> No.10550895

>Researchers design algorithms and usually don't implement them
yes we do you clown.

>> No.10550900

Maybe if you can't find a grad slave

>> No.10550914

for a project as big as this was, 22% isn't trivial. the project had over 200 people in it and the only way any of them can contribute anything is by writing code and analyzing data since it's astrophysics. if everyone was equally contributing you'd expect any one person to contribute half a percent of the code. writing almost a quarter of it yourself is a big feat

>> No.10550926

I feel bad for the project lead
He will forever be mistaken for Bouman

>> No.10550958
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all she did was make some color and shit

>> No.10550982

Why doesn't Bouman clarify to the public the contributions to the work? Has she?

>> No.10550983

I love it when /pol/ pretends to be sensitive to women when it works out for them. I must have seen this twitter screen cap a dozen times in the past two days. Why are you niggers so caught up on this? Who gives a SHIT?

>> No.10550989

why is it her responsibility?

>> No.10551004

How would she? The trolls don't care, they want to bash down on the media. The media don't care, they fabricated the story.

Is that what /pol/ told you huh? How about you go into github and find out yourself what she contributed with. Oh no, wait, you wouldn't even understand anything except for that "color and shit", which is in the vast minority of her contributions. Read her paper on the subject from 2016.

>> No.10551007

it says 0.22%, I don't know where this number is coming from though, and I don't think it tells us anything about her contribution.

Assigning credits and attention for big science projects like this to one person is pretty stupid, but this is how the media will do shit, they need a face to put on it. The same could be said in a lot of different examples though. Like how Apple and Tesla get credited Elon and Jobs, while its been repeatedly shown that the CEO's of big company's contribute very little too their success.

Interesting how this is suddenly an important injustice now that its a cute girl being used though, when there are so many other examples of this.

>> No.10551011

Because she's the one benefiting the most from the lies and has the most power to shut them down? How is that even a question?

>> No.10551016

lol no

>> No.10551022

If she did, the incels here still wouldn't rest with the knowledge that a woman accomplished more than they ever will.

>> No.10551023

>if everyone was equally contributing you'd expect any one person to contribute half a percent of the code. writing almost a quarter of it yourself is a big feat
She was instrumental in helping with one of the algorithms. One not all.

>> No.10551025

oh why don't you give me the link then explain to me then?if you claim to know

>> No.10551038

She deserves the attention, but so do a few other key contributors to the project.

She was head of the algorithm development team. Much of her graduate career was devoted to getting this idea off the ground.

However, much of the actual coding was not by her because during this time, she was a postdoc. Instead, a graduate student working for her named Andrew Chael takes the “most coding done” award.

This is not surprising though. In academia, the amount of work goes

grad student => postdoc > PI

While amount of credit for discover goes

PI >= postdoc >> grad student

This is not out of the ordinary. But even though Andrew won’t get much media attention, he is VERY well known in his field now and has incredible opportunities, as does Katie

It might be a bigger issue if Katie took all the credit for herself, but she doesn’t. She is still humble. I can’t find the image, but she made a post including all of her team members in a room saying something along he lines of “no one person deserves credit for this discovery, it was an enormous team effort”. This is highly respectable.

What annoys me is that the second a woman in STEM makes a meaningful contribution to a STEM field, she immediately becomes the poster child of women in STEM. As if she is ambassador to all women in STEM. That’s sexist. Additionally, many media outlets have wrongly suggested that she and she alone is responsible for the black hole image. This is just false, and both you, me, and even Katie knows this.

>> No.10551039

why is everyone saying how cute and photogenic she is?
4-5/10 imo

>> No.10551042

Wow she wrote nearly a quarter of an algorithm used in a big astronomical achievement? That's impressive!

>> No.10551043

You're certainly giving her attention.
What's happening is, she didn't ask for nothing and the ((media))) made a story of her.
And you're all baiting as hard as you can.

>> No.10551045

of course she's benefitting. or was. btw, her dad (a prof at Purdue) teased this whole/hole thing by say 'Katie is going to have a big announcement'

>its a cute girl being used though
Cute girl, yes. Being used? Idk.
You make a point, however she really started this with her Facebook post*:
>"Watching in disbelief as the first image I ever made of a black hole was in the process of being reconstructed."
>the first image I ever made of a black hole
>the first image
>I made

*or did her father contact the press, first?

>> No.10551050

I was waiting for your opinion on it, now it have it, great.

>> No.10551052

oh fug, i missed the period. woops.

also i think i figured out where they got that number. if you look at the code frequency graph there's a huge 500k spike around last november, someone shoved a big dump of code into the repo, and if you look at her contributions it's 90 commits 2,410 ++ 1,265 --. so divide about 1200 by about 500k and you get about 0.24%

it's dumb anyway and yeah, it says nothing about what she actually did.

>> No.10551055

nothing about being in the media for this is going to matter or help her a single bit for an academic career.

>> No.10551057

I don't know if that figure is accurate, all I did was point out that there was more than one algo used.
And no shit, of course it is impressive!

>> No.10551058


>> No.10551062

Okay. Why must we have ten of these threads a day?

>> No.10551077
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> write book (or have book ghost-written)
> every newspaper reviews it cuz she's the girl who discovered black holes
> she's on every talk show cuz she's the girl who discovered black holes
> those who can make it mandatory reading for high school kids interested STEM cuz she's the girl who discovered black holes
>every library orders copies cuz she's the girl who discovered black holes
>NY Times best-seller list for weeks cuz she's the girl who discovered black holes

see the benefit yet?

>> No.10551082

oh lol i found out where that 500k came from


here's the commit. it's two 15 mb files of machine-generated coefficients for some model.

>> No.10551090

It's not often that science stories dominate the news, and when there's a major science story in which the reality of the contribution of a group has been ignored in order to promote a single person to achieve an end that has been deemed desirable by the press, people take umbrage.
Especially people on a board where people can relate to how it would feel to be an ignore team member.

>> No.10551098

>So apparently some (I hope very few) people online are using the fact that I am the primary developer of the eht-imaging software library (https://github.com/achael/eht-imaging …) to launch awful and sexist attacks on my colleague and friend Katie Bouman. Stop. Our papers used three independent imaging software libraries (including one developed by my friend @sparse_k). While I wrote much of the code for one of these pipelines, Katie was a huge contributor to the software; it would have never worked without her contributions and the work of many others who wrote code, debugged, and figured out how to use the code on challenging EHT data. With a few others, Katie also developed the imaging framework that rigorously tested all three codes and shaped the entire paper ...; as a result, this is probably the most vetted image in the history of radio interferometry. I'm thrilled Katie is getting recognition for her work and that she's inspiring people as an example of women's leadership in STEM. I'm also thrilled she's pointing out that this was a team effort including contributions from many junior scientists, including many women junior scientists .... Together, we all make each other's work better; the number of commits doesn't tell the full story of who was indispensable. So while I appreciate the congratulations on a result that I worked hard on for years, if you are congratulating me because you have a sexist vendetta against Katie, please go away and reconsider your priorities in life. Otherwise, stick around -- I hope to start tweeting more about black holes and other subjects I am passionate about -- including space, being a gay astronomer, Ursula K. Le Guin, architecture, and musicals. Thanks for following me, and let me know if you have any questions about the EHT!

>> No.10551100

(Also I did not write "850,000 lines of code" -- many of those "lines" tracked by github are in model files. There are about 68,000 lines in the current software, and I don't care how many of those I personally authored)

>> No.10551113

Are you retarded? Her name is on every newspaper in the country.

>> No.10551115

yeah and? you dont get anything for having articles written about you.

>> No.10551116

So why must we have 3+ active threads at a time? Also, none of the content here is science or math related

>> No.10551117

I'll donate my cum

>> No.10551120


Anyone that works professionally has an innate disgust at seeing someone that is part of a team get credited for the teamwork required in a project.

And I'm not /pol/ but you keep being you and get me a latte with a double shot.

>> No.10551122

they used radio telescopes? really? wtf... shouldn't they be looking for gamma ray spectrum or atleast x-ray? pffff...

>> No.10551123

Thanks for the (You) brainlet.

>> No.10551134

>being a gay astronomer

HAHAHAHA I didn't expect that.

>> No.10551146
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>> No.10551157

Nice blog post

>> No.10551183

A human that has lost track of his innate call as a mammal is working towards the future of mankind, not for his children. Beings of this nature should be discussed.

>> No.10551190

as humble-brags go, it's a masterpiece

>> No.10551194

what does it matter if he's gay? if that's what you're on about. what could possibly matter less in his field?

>> No.10551195

For all humans is a child of knowledge. I just cant get over how someone wouldnt wanna spread their seed, a fruit in the vast tree of life.

>> No.10551218

If he ever asks for a music rec, the only right answer:


>> No.10551226

I never said his choice matter I merely question them. For someone to be smart quite frankly to not see something so basic. You simply are not gay you are just devoid of a purpose. Another way to put it, he’s working toward the betterment of the world but fail to see that his biological data is just as valuable.

>> No.10551232

you're a fucking retard, for real.
I think he's insufferable for pointing out the fact that he's gay in a post like that, but that's beside the point. Gays have been around for thousands of years, it's not something you choose.

>> No.10551241

In life you have to make sacrifice.

>> No.10551249

So you say, are you talking from experiance or care to share the psycological studies that has been carried out?

>> No.10551263

based and rainbowpilled

>> No.10551264

Probably not but it's funny to watch idiots get asshurt because a woman was significantly involved in groundbreaking science

>> No.10551266

Also with your logic, humans have over decades been racist, for over thousands of years, it’s not something you choose. Point is many different functions can be input in your sentence and is by no means something scientific, just your subjective view on the matter.

>> No.10551275

look her colleague is clearing up all the issues now see. he explained it was trolls and now we can all see the work for what it is and oh fuck now its a gay thing agenda. i guess if you want attention you gotta start screaming out your a guy that loves cock or be a woman doing a mans job. black hole singularities aren't real.

>> No.10551288


>> No.10551299

>people are being bigots
>claiming other guy did all the work
>other guys steps in to say I didn't do all the work, and the white guy you're championing is gay so jokes on the bigots
His response made sense

>> No.10551317


>> No.10551353

there's definitely evidence to support a genetic model of homosexuality. But the same can be said for sociopathy/low levels of empathy, so in that way racism might be genetically determined as well.
We should keep seeing people as incredibly complex biological systems that interact with their environment in ways that are influenced by both past experiences and their genome.
You can never completely rule out one or the other it seems. It definitely isn't just a "subjective view" though.

>> No.10551361

She developed the Algorithm that got us to the first black hole. Have you been reading the news?

>> No.10551363

Makes sense, thanks.

>> No.10551370
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Picture of Sara Issaoun with fellow researchers who all apparently did nothing of consequence in comparison to hand rubbing girl.

>> No.10551373

Crush on Bouman ended. Issaoun is my new waifu.

>> No.10551375

low quality bait

>> No.10551376


Shit analogy because that's not even true

>> No.10551388

You're the one who brought up cock sucking though. He just mentioned he was gay.

>> No.10551392

>calling bullshit is /pol/

Calling out the media for spewing lies like this women was the sole entity in this entire project is bullshit. If you can't see that your fucking blind.

>> No.10551414

So we still don't have a picture of a black hole? From my understanding of that talk, interefometry is based off reconstructing a non-unique image from a bunch of noise. By that I mean there are many possible images that can give the same noise pattern, and all she is saying is that one of the images that fits noise pattern is the one the media is showing.

>> No.10551427

Isn't it a single image averaged from lots of data?

>> No.10551440

The NPC meme is - and has always been - real.

>> No.10551445

love the asian qt on the left :3

>> No.10551449

you speak of people like you understand humans based on knowledge of dna. keep a open mind.

>> No.10551453

Women have so much encouragement to enter science already. There have already been tons of "inspring and motivating" women held up as examples. We all know that merely possessing the required genitalia and being sufficiently attractive is enough to be held up as the next female champion of whatever. Tech conferences have been cancelled after the anonymous selection process selected only men. Women are given special treatment, special places, special encouragement. They have special sources of funding. Hell, they even get paid more according to Google. All of this special treatment and they still don't want to do it.
Add to this the fact that every man in tech has done a woman's work for her at some point. The last 20% of work takes 80% of the time, always. As men are getting less and less sex they are now realising this more and more. That is why we can cut through this bullshit immediately now.

>> No.10551466

>Tech conferences have been cancelled after the anonymous selection process selected only men.
Which ones?
>Hell, they even get paid more according to Google.
I call bullshit
>Add to this the fact that every man in tech has done a woman's work for her at some point.
Citation pls

>> No.10551468
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>the knot

>> No.10551469 [DELETED] 

>Assigning credits and attention for big science projects like this to one person is pretty stupid, but this is how the media will do shit, they need a face to put on it
Totally disingenous. This kind of stuff doesn't just happen, no journalist crawled through github independently evaluating different team members' contributions. Somebody went to the media with this and fed them the line that she "designed the algorithm".

>> No.10551473

>Hell, they even get paid more according to Google.
>I call bullshit

>> No.10551486

>Add to this the fact that every man in tech has done a woman's work for her at some point.
I've done this and I'm ashamed. No sex, nothing... just charmed into doing work for some thot
never again

>> No.10551570

not true at all. I'm a very emotional person, and I definitely understand (and experience quite intensely) the more abstract, subjective human experience. However, I also believe the scientific method is the best observational/educational tool we have. We shouldn't get both sides mixed up, is all I'm saying.

>> No.10551653

>providing proof of your claims
Fuck off back to /pol/, logical, rational people are not welcome here.
Or maybe it's just a conveniant excuse for you to hate people?

>> No.10551721

You all still don't get it.
See how mad you are?
Rightly so.
Why, do you ask?
Because MSM's algorithm wants you to click on controversial headlines.
And it's working.

>> No.10551848

>Le wakeup sheeple man

>> No.10551880

It's ok for doctors, dentists, mechanics, etc to all directly benefit from charging you money for their services, but the moment an academic benefits from her work (which doesn't directly charge anyone money) suddenly everything she does must be questioned and assumed to be the product of an ulterior motive? What exactly is so sinister about an academic's career benefitting from a landmark achievement she was involved with?

>> No.10551896

Another hysterical anti-pol poster.

>> No.10551900

>ten millionth hysterical black hole thread

>> No.10551926


The joke about this entire situation is where were these mouth-breathing retards when the Physics Nobel was given to two guys for Higgs-Boson when the work to produce the evidence for it was built on the backs of +10,000 people at CERN?

>> No.10551947

They did not exist at that time.
In 2012 the alt-right made it's first appearance on /pol/ but at that point it had not yet incorporated the incel/mgtow movement within it.

>> No.10551963

>Add to this the fact that every man in tech has done a woman's work for her at some point.
>Add to this the fact that every man in tech has done a woman's work for her at some point.
Yep. Never by choice on my part, but because refusing would have cost me the job, or because wahmen on the team fucked up their work and men must scramble to fix it.

>> No.10551964

Because men never fix problems other men create too?

>> No.10551990

>using extremes (always, never, all, no) to shift goalposts
Try harder faggot.

The point is that
1) All women I have worked with in academia correspond in competence to the bottom quartile of men I have worked with.
2) Men who fuck up projects are usually made to disappear. Women who fuck up projects get credit and are promoted.

>> No.10551991

It's not even a debate. She did not "single-handedly" get this picture of a black hole, she very clearly and obviously had a team-- a team that is too sheepish and now even culturally pressured to not say anything.
Stepping in now while the internet is masturbating over "female power" would make him look sexist and petty.
Even the girl herself admitted that she was a part of a team. This is the work of the media pushing their "girl power" story. Whether it's because of an agenda, or just because "girl power" gets clicks/ad revenue, I don't know. All I know is the media is retarded, as usual.

>> No.10551995

The reason the media put her on a pedestal is because she was the spokeswoman of the project. She had previously done a TED talk on the story.

The media fucked up somewhat.
The incels though, they were clearly even more in the wrong.

>> No.10551996

>1) All women I have worked with in academia correspond in competence to the bottom quartile of men I have worked with.
>2) Men who fuck up projects are usually made to disappear. Women who fuck up projects get credit and are promoted.
So all of this is just your opinion/coming straight from your ass. Got it.

>I've worked with lots of brilliant women who have accomplished a great deal
See I can say unsubstantiated shit too

>> No.10552003

Fucking this, Hanlon's razor is right 99% of the time.
>never assume malice when incompetence will suffice
The media put her face on it because it's mostly right, its easy such that even idiots can understand, it gets clicks, and makes money. There is no conspiracy other than the drive to make money.

>> No.10552008

>>I've worked with lots of brilliant women who have accomplished a great deal
>See I can say unsubstantiated shit too
Now that came straight out of your arse

>> No.10552016

Japanese guy who is the co-leader of the American team is blaming MIT's twitter account for creating these misleading articles.


>A-1) Many articles implied that her algorithm from 2015 was specifically used to get the first reconstruction of a black hole when many of us generated the first images simultaneously with many different techniques; this was probably from misleading tweets by @MIT_CSAIL on 4/10
1 reply 1 retweet 4 likes
Kazu Akiyama
2h2 hours ago

>(A-2) She is not at fault for these tweets; she was not involved in these tweets and she has nothing to do with them. I believe no one in the imaging group (even me at MIT) got contacted by them for fact checks.
1 reply 1 retweet 5 likes

>> No.10552017

Of all the people in the corporate world I’ve met who got “promoted out”, virtually all of them were women. And this is in STEM where there aren’t many women to begin with. That dude has a point and don’t pretend for a second that their isn’t a double standard.

>> No.10552024

The difference there is that Higgs won the Nobel for predicting/discovering the Higgs boson in the 60s. The experiment that finally confirmed its existence is what prompted the Nobel Committee to award the prize to Higgs and Englert.

This is not the same at all.

>> No.10552031

>she was the spokeswoman of the project.
nope, wrong
>it's mostly right

>> No.10552036

It also fits the Great Men narrative that is still dominant.
People don't understand group efforts.
They want to know the hero that did it all by themselves.
It's part of the cancerous American culture, but the media is super aware of it and exploits it constantly.

>> No.10552043

Woke af post right here
Everyone loves a good hero, whether they have a penis or vagina

>> No.10552044
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>It's part of the cancerous American culture

>> No.10552049

You ok bro?

>> No.10552059
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>> No.10552067

It it was just the media there wouldn't be an issue, we all know the media lies.

The major issue is the legions of SJWs, leftists and redditors who attack anyone who disagree with their ridiculous opinions. Elon Musk was attacked the exact same way for working with great teams but getting the majority of the spotlight and they never uttered a word, now it's a "womyn strong" argument suddenly pointing out group effort is involved in group projects is somehow wrong.

>> No.10552075
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OP is just mad that he'll amount to nothing

>> No.10552085

>person with high level position/role gets a lot of credit
Why is anyone here surprised? That's how it has always been.

>> No.10552093

Entire List of the Top Members of Event Horizon Telescope Project:

A) Management

1) Director: Shep Doeleman
2) Project Scientist: Dimitrios Psaltis
3) Project Manager: Remo Tilanus

B) Science Council

1) Keiichi Asada (ASIAA)
2) Geoffrey Bower (ASIAA) - Vice Chair
3) Heino Falcke (Radboud) - Chair
4) Vincent Fish (MIT)
5) Charles Gammie (U. Illinois)
6) Ciriaco Goddi (Radboud) - Secretary
7) Thomas Krichbaum (MPIfR)
8) Sera Markoff (U. Amsterdam)
9) Dan Marrone (U. Arizona)
10) Jim Moran (SAO/CfA)
11) Feryal Ozel (U. Arizona)

C) Working Group Coordinators

1) Instrumentation

Development: Gopal Narayanan, Jonathan Weintroub
Integration and Testing: Alan Roy, Andre Young, Satoki Matsushita
Array Coordination & Readiness: Remo Tilanus, David James
Monitoring and Control: Daan van Rossum, Nimesh Patel

2) Data Collection and Processing

Proposal Coordination: Michael Johnson, Eduardo Ros, Keiichi Asada, Sera Markoff
Science Operations: Vincent Fish, Thomas Krichbaum
Correlations: Walter Alef, Geoff Crew
Synthetic Data Generation: Vincent Fish, Roger Deane
Calibration and Error Analysis: Lindy Blackburn, Ilse van Bemmel

3) Data Analysis

Imaging: Michael Johnson, Kazunori Akiyama
Scattering: Geoff Bower, Ramesh Narayan
Time Variability: Dan Marrone
Polarimetry: Monika Mościbrodzka, Ivan Martí-Vidal

4) Near Horizon Science Utilization

Parameter Definition: Heino Falcke, Keiichi Asada
Theoretical Models and Simulations: Charles Gammie, Hung-Yi Pu, Yosuke Mizuno
Model Comparison and Feature Extraction: Jason Dexter, Feryal Özel

5) Beyond Horizon Science Utilization

Multiwavelength Science: Sera Markoff, Kazuhiro Hada
Active Galactic Nuclei: Svetlana Jorstad, Thomas Krichbaum, Neil Nagar
Pulsars: Jim Cordes, Michael Kramer, Scott Ransom

6) Products and Publicatons

Software and Data Compatibility: Chi-kwan Chan, Ciriaco Goddi
Publications: Laurent Loinard, Huib van Langevelde
Outreach: Mislav Baloković, Eduardo Ros, Fumie Tazaki

>> No.10552110

This is a good response and infinitely less cucked than the one the other guy gave.

>> No.10552121

>Huib van Langevelde
Should have given this fucker credit, no one would be able to pronounce his name so the whole team would be summed up as "the black whole guys".

>> No.10552171


Except the necessary feats of engineering and computation needed to conduct said experiment and verify that prediction was not done by Peter Higgs and Francois Eglert. Nor would it ever have been pulled off without the +10k people of CERN.

They clearly did not do the bulk of the work necessary to get that Nobel. Yet despite that they clearly get most of the notoriety. This isn't even a abnormal case in science.

>This is not the same at all

Actually it is, Higgs and Eglert did not build nor lead the development of the Large Hadron Collider. Lyn Evans did, on top of this Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman are guys who provided the conceptual foundation for the Large Hadron Collider computing grid to hose the data. But despite being fundamental to the work of Higgs-Boson they were not included in the Nobel nor did they get the same notoriety in public. So why does this female researcher get bashed for not doing the """bulk""" of the work when there is clearly precedent for it. The fact is this is how shit works in science. If you retards have a problem with it take it up with the institution as a whole and not against some fucking individual woman who was doing her damn job.

>> No.10552349

But anon. Chefs dont cook shit either. They usually make recipes, decide what goes on the menu, supervise the kitchen staff, and plan menus for special events (e.g. if a restaurant is having an Easter buffet or something like that).

Also code monkeys are basically useless. None of them can every understand basic shit like sophmore level discrete math or formal languages, let alone would they have the ability to actually contrubute to computer science. Software "engineers" and other code monkeys are about as crucial to the world of computer science as Lady Gaga or Maroon 5 are to the history of music.

>> No.10552352

>and now even culturally pressured to not say anything. Stepping in now while the internet is masturbating over "female power" would make him look sexist and petty.
literally not true, see >>10551098

>> No.10552368

So I care absolutely 0% about this woman or who worked on what, but this looks like a good place to ask. What's so special about the black hole picture? I am clearly vastly underestimating this, because as far as I'm aware, this is a photo, so they should just be able to point and *snap*, right?

>> No.10552374

she's getting a huge bonus for being a whamen

>> No.10552378

it's not a photo. it's a reconstructed image taken from simultaneous radio telescope measurements from opposite sides of the planet.