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10546838 No.10546838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hear me out. If they truly did, why the fuck would they care at all about their family and friends dying when they're gonna get infinite time in heaven together?

>> No.10547003

The majority of modern Christians aren't truly "Christian" anymore. Many just continue on being Christian due to cultural reasons or out of habit. To adress your second question, loving others and compassion are central Christian values, if you don't give a fuck about anyone in live, you won't go to heaven.

>> No.10547015

A little addition, if a Christian doesn't have the "I don't give a fuck, I'll see them again attitude" in live, he shouldn't be too sad about a passing lovedone, and see it more as a temporary farewell than a permanent loss.

>> No.10547017

I know right. This story about heaven is so ridiculous it makes me doubt their sanity.

>> No.10547021

>when they're gonna get infinite time in heaven together?
Well, maybe when you go to heaven you don't recognize anyone. Also, who can guarantee any of you'll go to heaven? Also, you're human, not perfect so you can know something and still do the opposite

>> No.10547024

Turns out religion is a lot more than just beliefs in the supernatural. The rituals, customs, and ethics that go along with it are just as, if not more important.

>> No.10547041

Because death is still a terrifying unknown and no one has such perfect faith that they can overcome that fear. The beatific is so far beyond anything we can imagine. Also, when someone dies, you have to spend the rest of your mortal life without them. There is a sadness in that because of our attachment to the material world.

Really, you just seem to think Christians are aliens or something. Try actually talking to one. Read a book or two. IDK, just stop being an uneducated Atheist who thinks you can pwn Christians with sophomoric questions.

>> No.10547049

My point is if my mum died and I knew with certainty she was still alive in paradise I wouldn't be upset in the slightest. I'd be a bit annoyed I couldn't ring her for a few weeks then that would be it

>> No.10547054

I don't know what they think to be honest. My catechists always responded in retarded ways to those kinds of questions and that's what made realize it was a scam

>> No.10547058

>actually, we're brainlets because of reasons x y and z
>so don't call us brainlets

>> No.10547062

If your wife went on a year long business trip, would you be lonely without her even though you know she's coming back? It is different comparing finite time to eternity, but struggling with petty earthly desires versus the eternal is kind of the point of religion.

>> No.10547065
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>If they truly did
The ones that truly do don't prioritize what Paul said over what Jesus and God said.
Fuck Paul. You know in the Bible it says that Paul an Jesus never met?

>> No.10547067

Or maybe your catechist was bad at his job? Do bad physics instructors disprove physics?

>> No.10547073

Typical brainlet behavior, misrepresenting an argument and deflection.

>> No.10547076

Crazy how Christ's designated successor seemed to think Paul was just fine...

>> No.10547079

You made a fair point but I meant that was the first "clue" to look in that direction. Obviously, there are many things that don't work

>> No.10547081

We care because we miss them. We are happy for them because they are in a better place. What’s so difficult to understand?

>> No.10547086

What does it mean to believe? How can you observe belief in a scientific way?

tl;dr - read philosophy

>> No.10547087

But if your friend went away and you knew it is probably a long time until you see them again you would still be sad.

>> No.10547116

>What’s so difficult to understand?
Did you not see OP's portrait he uploaded?

>> No.10547117
File: 45 KB, 500x333, 6LIRN219q1yqHyPYp22AhFCvm0izBWq7e3z7hBi-qVs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the UK about 75 percent don't properly believe in it but use it as a vague coping strategy, the others are just flat out delusional. I almost got stabbed and ended up going to a Jehovah's witness meeting, whenever you asked them how they knew they were right they said "it's the truth" or "I just know it". I brought up some basic questions (if soul is separate from body how does Alzheimer's/brain damage exist, why the fuck doesn't good just reveal himself, whyb didn't he give the prophets something which would prove his existence without doubt such as numbers of pi they couldn't of possibly calculated), and they just said "god works in mysterious ways", "just trust the book and you'll get the answer". I wasn't trying to debate them, I truly wanted to believe them but it was so clearly cope and pure delusion

>> No.10547124

Without wanting to sound like an edge lord I certainly wouldn't shed a tear or be anything more than a tiny bit upset

>> No.10547151

Your post wasn't an argument. You just said Christians care about their family's death because their faith isn't perfect (i.e. they don't really believe in heaven). So you were my agreeing with OP about Christians not ACTUALLY believing in heaven.