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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 466x594, 234564321345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10541636 No.10541636 [Reply] [Original]

This is Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Say something nice about it!

>> No.10541650

you're a big hole

>> No.10541658

Extremely frightening

>> No.10541663

you’re bright

>> No.10541667

Figaro figaroooo

>> No.10541673

M87 central black hole, you mean

>> No.10541714
File: 2.19 MB, 498x278, tenor (7).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's OK, that you are not the biggest one on this universe. You are our supermassive black hole. That's what matters.

>> No.10541733

Just suck me in already

>> No.10541735
File: 543 KB, 7416x4320, 1554905510914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah this is me

>> No.10541740


Also, what happened to the rumors saying it was "directly pointing at us"?

>> No.10541743



>> No.10541744

Wasn't the picture of a black hole from a entirely different galaxy? Thought it was going to be from the center of our own galaxy but the guys at the reveal made it sound like it was in a different galaxy.

>> No.10541749


The big one is from a faraway galaxy. Ours is far smaller, despite being closer, and thus far more blurry.

>> No.10541754

This, lets end it all already. Hurry it up.

>> No.10541765

>Thought it was going to be from the center of our own galaxy
Yeah just try seeing anything through the thickest and most densely packed length of our galaxy.

>> No.10541776

How would they even know that's a black hole?

>> No.10541793

It looks like someone cut out an apple, blurred it out and pasted onto a picture of stars.

>> No.10541794

You're right, it's actually just a exoplanet blocking the light from its local star.

>> No.10541795

We've probably already been sucked in though

>> No.10541808

>even light can't escape
>tons of light around it

>> No.10541810

I'm a fucking genius.

>> No.10541815

I want to go inside it before I die

>> No.10541850

Not a black hole. Next.

>> No.10541859
File: 218 KB, 1269x1525, D30F-FdUYAEgSvR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Japs work fast

>> No.10541864

They took a second one of our black hole. No one published it because it doesn't look as aesthetic as M87 lmao. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnsZj9RvhFU

>> No.10541865

ok i'll say it. everyone's fucking thinking it.


there we go, can we move on with life now?

>> No.10541881
File: 435 KB, 1050x591, 1552822835862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10541885

it's so far away than it probably already here

>> No.10541913

If I cum the moment I cross the event horizon will I get spaghettified in an eternal loop of orgasm?

>> No.10541914


>> No.10541917

These are too large for spaghettification to occur.

>> No.10541937

Theres an even horizon, and then theres an accretion disc. Youre seeing matter as light in that picture. Theres is a distance where photons have stable orbit.

>> No.10541950

Is it real? I thought they only studied M87?

>> No.10541962

you arent. they use the transit method all the time and are quite familiar with the light spectrum from exoplanet passing in front of a star. Also, our telescopes arent powerful enough to see planets from a different galaxy.

>> No.10542003

>what is an event horizon
>entire galaxy orbits a seemingly empty point in space
Oh gee I wonder what could be there

>> No.10542015

I want to headpat that dragon loli. And then possibly h*ld h*nds.

>> No.10542030

But that's only a simulation and not the real image.

>> No.10542037

No, watch their other video about M87, it's the same process and they end up with the publicly released picture.

>> No.10542040
File: 65 KB, 425x419, 1554659119425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sagittarius A*, t
What is this meme all about?

Why is everyone talking about it?

Was there some discover about it?

>> No.10542045

I did and they did not end up with the same picture.

>> No.10542053

Because today was the date they were to release a picture of it. Did happen but M87 is much more beautiful. Hence it's being spammed instead here.

>> No.10542072


you'll be near instantly disintegrated into elementary particles, which will then be almost instantly time warped into the future at the point the black hole dissipates.

>> No.10542085

NO it isn't

>> No.10542096

something nice about it

>> No.10542105

>black hole
>is actually orange

ummm /sci/tards...?

>> No.10542110

You suck fuck! Next you’ll say you’ll want to be a responsible father for an orphan loli black hole.

>> No.10542113

I see.

>> No.10542116

You're white
Your shirt is black

>> No.10542123

I'm black and my shirt is white

>> No.10542125


>> No.10542129

Your clothes are red!

>> No.10542134

<s> look at that accretion disk </s>
Toddlers please get out.

>> No.10542138

How does that make any sense?
It doesn't 'point' anywhere.

>> No.10542143
File: 10 KB, 512x512, Black Hole Tux Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup saggy?

>> No.10542148

yes it does
accretion disk is a (roughly) 2d disk, and at the poles can be jets
if you can see the accretion disk you're staring down the barrel of a loaded gun

>> No.10542155

Do your homework before posting

>> No.10542164

This is not what they're observing.
Dear god, they did a shit job marketing this shit.

>> No.10542170

of course not, it's too far away to be dangerous to us

>> No.10542188

There was never any danger.
I'm hating on Interstellar now, because everyone thinks this is an accretion disk when it isn't.

>> No.10542205

That's not a black hole.




>> No.10542216

indian papers go in the trash, anon

>> No.10542224

I would say toilet but I realized they don't have any

>> No.10542225
File: 149 KB, 400x400, 1524617211740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10542244
File: 375 KB, 1060x768, BLACKED hole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10542265

>indian papers go in the trash, anon
>I would say toilet but I realized they don't have any

From https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0602453:

The Magnetospheric Eternally Collapsing Object (MECO) Model of Galactic Black Hole Candidates and Active Galactic Nuclei
Stanley L. Robertson, Darryl J. Leiter.

See, I linked a paper saying the same thing that the Indian scientist said that were written by white guys. Check mate /pol/tards.

>> No.10542266
File: 41 KB, 960x764, 1554907807862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10542271

you linked it wrong https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0602453

>> No.10542278

>Oh gee I wonder what could be there

>> No.10542280
File: 14 KB, 220x270, h.p.Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination."
--H. P. Lovecraft

>> No.10542287

>not knowing that black light gets dopplered in an orange shift at great distances.

>> No.10542291

thanks japan

>> No.10542292


>> No.10542293
File: 111 KB, 800x853, great magician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10542295


>> No.10542298

"black people smell funny"
~also H. P. Lovecraft, probably

>> No.10542299

I think he's talking about the one in our galaxy. If so, that image in OP would tend to make me think it's not aimed directly at us... but how close to exact is close enough to get you I don;t know.

>> No.10542318

I would think that the axis of rotation of a central black hole in a galaxy would have to be more or less the same as the axis of the galaxy. I'm not sure it would make any sense to suspect it might align closely with the lane of the galaxy.

>> No.10542348
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 02+Ramba+encounters+Gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty horrifying to think that one of these could swallow us like nothing and end everything just like that.

>> No.10542357

m87's hole is more or less pointed at us, but at 55 *10^6 ly that isn't really a thread
sagitarius a has a totation similar to the galactic disc, since that's what it originated from

>> No.10542363
File: 365 KB, 620x413, 1536890850939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be gorgeous, wouldnt it?

>> No.10542364

more likely to fry us with a gamma ray burst when it's created
this might even have happened one time already, the great dying after the cambrian might have been caused by a GRB

>> No.10542374


>> No.10542376

i kinda want a black hole to be my end, that or a nuke
mushroom clouds have a strange asthetic to them i am very attracted to
if i live into a time where we can travel to black holes (which i won't), i'd jump in one when i'm old just to see what it's like

>> No.10542382


>> No.10542387

At that close you would be dead

>> No.10542388

Is their colour dark red because of the redshift? Pls no bully I’m a brainlet.

>> No.10542394

it's red because the people who colored it liked it that way (looks like the dark sign from dark souls)
it has no perceivable color, the signal they received was in radio wavelengths

>> No.10542401


>> No.10542413

W-why is it so fucking scary? Is there any hope? Do black holes consume the universe?

Why is life like this, /sci/?

>> No.10542419 [DELETED] 

plebshit loses their mind over this because the deep state is pushing
"Fem in Stem" and diversity to the dumb sheeps
All those brainlets there are spamming
>Youngest Nobel Prize
like absolute shills and retards

>> No.10542426
File: 50 KB, 1696x860, 3cYYugn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whai hello thar.

>> No.10542435

Am I allowed to say the n-word, black hole ?

>> No.10542439 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 500x500, 1511094808422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to >>>/pol/

>> No.10542449 [DELETED] 

>t. 1 shekel has been deposited into your account

>> No.10542454 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 516x485, nigga can you not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is science, not /muhJewsGeneral/

>> No.10542457 [DELETED] 

Back to /pol/

>> No.10542467 [DELETED] 

>anyone I don't like is /pol/

>> No.10542470
File: 495 KB, 835x348, 1552964028937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine staring up into it, your body twisting wildly...

>> No.10542475

In the long running Perry Rhodan scifi series super advanced civilizations "ascend" further and become black holes.

>> No.10542476

you may call it a hole of colour
you may also want to pay reperashuns cus dat hole didnu nuffin

>> No.10542478
File: 124 KB, 484x510, 0316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that shit brehs im scared

>> No.10542479

Based schizo poster
>Politics are scary!
Autists united!

>> No.10542481

wouldn't it technically be down since im falling into it?
anyways, a glorious way to die, compared to alzheimers or a car accident

>> No.10542484

>being this new

>> No.10542488

>Politics are not the topic of a science board

>> No.10542491

Saturn, strangely enough.

>> No.10542495

Try again sweetie

>> No.10542496

Reparations for holes of color when?

>> No.10542499

They confirmed spin. Time travel is real! The end is near! Repent sinners!

>> No.10542506

even then, there is a difference between discussing actual political science and screeching "muh SJeWs!!1!"

>> No.10542528

You wouldn't die.
Well, you'd be dead to the outside observer, but from your perspective that final shutdown signal and DMT release would never get sent. You'd be stuck in time. At worst you see the lower half of your body get ripped apart before the freeze if you went in feet first. If you go in head first and you're looking back out, its definitely just frozen time. Also your legs would probably look like long spaghetti strands.

>> No.10542529

>Say something nice about it!
I liek Katie!

>> No.10542541

>it's love, TARS

>> No.10542544

i thought it was the reverse, from the outside observer's perspective i'd get frozen at the event horizon but in my view i'd just keep falling until i die from being ripped apart by tidal forces somewhere inside the hole
provided it's big enough i don't get spaghettified outside the horizon

>> No.10542548
File: 46 KB, 213x360, 20190405_151202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you shitting me how is that saturn?

>> No.10542550

You are correct

>> No.10542555

An interesting way of putting it i heard once is that a black hole is just a temporally fucked up implosion, is this true?

>> No.10542559
File: 666 KB, 719x632, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10542565

Well, there's only one way to find out!

>> No.10542574
File: 73 KB, 735x414, 735x414mv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't gonna let you suck me in

>> No.10542578

yeah, being born in a couple thousand (prolly way more) years when we can be fucked to explore this amazing universe instead of bickering between ourselves
if we haven't nuked ourselves out of existance by then, anyways

>> No.10542589

Imagine spending millions of dollars that could feed, clothe and house the poor, but instead using it to take a picture looking like some wonky donut. Not only is it completely useless, but some faggot could have just as easily created it with photoshop in 5 minutes and the general public would be unable to tell the difference.

>> No.10542592
File: 1.17 MB, 1237x353, team behind the first black hole image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the scientist behind the image. notice something?

>> No.10542594


>> No.10542596

ohhh nononono diversitybros this can't be happening

>> No.10542598

A very sensitive telescope/camera was conducting a survey of very dim stars. Saturn happened to be in the frame of one of the images, and way overexposed itself. For reasons either having to do with overlapping images for full coverage, or building up the image from multiple "exposures" (I can;t remember which) that area was imaged twice, and Saturn had moved slightly between images. Because the weird over-exposed blown-out section was not an accurate depiction of anything, it was blacked out in an image released somewhere, and /x/ or /pol/ or somebody noticed and decided that this proved THEY!!!!! were hiding something. Especially when the colors were tweaked to make it look more like a well-known cartoon frog...

So it became a sensation on some boards for a time -- until somebody went back, found the area of the sky that was being imaged and the time frame, and discovered that Saturn was right there at that time.

Loud shrieking about "Shills" and such, and then it mostly died out.

>> No.10542604

Wow cool. Now how much did this cost and what practical benefit did this provide? I’m guessing the former is “a lot” and the latter is “none”

>> No.10542606
File: 733 KB, 596x704, 1492890428775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending millions of dollars to feed, clothe, and house the poor so they can multiply and create even more poor.

>> No.10542612

based whites

>> No.10542615
File: 1.10 MB, 2125x2329, IfOnlyYouKnew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest entire life to figuring out how to take a picture of a black hole
>finally do it
>the whole team will be celebrated, surely
>we finally did it
>female interns take selfies and get credit from the media
>"That image of a black hole you saw everywhere today? Thank this woman grad student for making it possible"
>only your receding hairline and stress wrinkles make a cameo
>nobody will even ask for your name

>> No.10542618

yeah, they look pretty heccin proud of a job well done

>> No.10542623

>now that i took your picture just suck me in

>> No.10542630

how did you solve the captcha with that iq?

>> No.10542631

gg ez

>> No.10542633

Depends, I guess, on whether you think there is any practical benefit in continuing to understand the Universe we live in, and how it works.

That particular black hole will never impact our lives one way or anther -- understanding them and whether our theories that predict they will form, and behave in certain ways, are born out by watching how they actually do behave -- that probably will. We do a lot of physicsy things that impact our daily lives, and will want to do more in the future.

>> No.10542640

"Hey Newton, why the fuck are you spending your time looking at how planets move instead of doing something useful, this will never benefit anybody!"

>> No.10542644
File: 92 KB, 600x757, 20zUNBUTTONED-articleLarge-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice that this time nobody wore a shirt with buxom scantily-clad women on it, so there will not be a shit-storm about that at least.

>> No.10542646
File: 84 KB, 697x961, 1550002651898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if in reality that isn't the case, I would be familiar with such a feel.

>> No.10542652

Interesting, thanks

>> No.10542654

This is right.

>> No.10542656

Source on this image? Google image search finds nothing. Would like to share it in a congratulatory manner, but not if it is actually the annual meeting of the California Raisin Producers Association Board, or something.

>> No.10542657

So if this is Sag A* then it's an edge-on view of the black hole (relative to the accretion disc)?
While the image from m87 is close to directly from above/below the disc?

>> No.10542659

I've had enough of this terrible name. Everything pertaining to us personally should have the dignity of a proper name. Our planets/moons, our most visible stars, sun/Sol, moon/Luna, our Milky Way galaxy, etc. We are really going to have a lame code name for our galaxy's supermassive black hole?

It should be called the Milky Hole.

>> No.10542661


If there’s something whitey knows how to do, is abuse the system.

Some intern photoshopped a blurry circle, and everyone split the 100 million grant money in profits.

>> No.10542663

Following that logic to its natural conclusion there wouldn't even be a need to house and clothe millions of poor because they'd have all died of the plague long ago while we were busy not studying nature.

>> No.10542665
File: 91 KB, 854x770, anonymous delivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10542668
File: 99 KB, 960x959, shhy0jzoshr21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it... BE-AU-TI-FUL, anon? :0

>> No.10542670


>> No.10542671


*ahem* *ding ding*.. N-

>> No.10542678

Wouldn't that cause brand confusion with your mother?

>> No.10542683
File: 109 KB, 2048x1193, IMG_20190410_162130_694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*notices bulge in the space time continuum*

>> No.10542687

It's depressing to know, even though this black hole is much closer to us than the other one, we still couldn't take a sharper image due to it being smaller.

>> No.10542690


>> No.10542697

>brave source-checking anon saves the day again

I seriously hope you guys do do this.
It's this. Just because we can't see the threat yet doesn't mean we're not learning to prepare for it.

>INB4discovery of sentient black holes
>only weapon is full understanding of gravitons

>> No.10542710
File: 89 KB, 251x354, 1551349446645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's strange knowing she will have yuri sex with andromeda's black hole in the distant future.

>> No.10542712

>INB4discovery of sentient black holes
>only weapon is full understanding of gravitons
in other words, we should just give up, nuke ourselves away and leave it to the dolphins/octopi to solve?

>> No.10542714

>neat picture of a black hole
> still dont understand whats so amazing about it
im a brainlet who doesnt remember much of anything from highschool, yeah its a neat picture, and its the first actual one of a black hole, but what exactly does this do for us?
i still dont understand black holes are supposed to warp time.

>> No.10542716

Is he acid base?

>> No.10542726

what this picture does is put another file on the gigantic pile of proof for relativity
time warps essentially because, light always has a constant speed to all observers, so in order to ensure that space and time bend around it to accomodate

>> No.10542728

until now black holes were pretty a hypothetical result from Einstein's equations, and were theorised to be the cause of several observed phenomena such as gravitational waves and very fast orbits of stars around seemingly empty space
This is the first direct image and basically confirms our existing models to be correct, including Einstein's theory (which has a lot of useful applications to us, such as GPS)

>> No.10542749

any time i fly around in spaceengine i get genuinely unnerved by black holes. just coming close and having the sheer blackness envelop me and push all light away makes me start sweating in fear.
its like a black hole molested me as a child or something. which didnt happen. by the way.

>> No.10542753

Despite only making up 13% of the universe

>> No.10542757

That and half a fucking galaxy directly in the way.

>> No.10542759
File: 165 KB, 900x524, chupdawuup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10542771

wow, i experience the exact same thing
still though, there's something captivating about them, even if they are utterly horrific

>> No.10542774

more like a quarter
doesn't make it much better though

>> No.10542778


>> No.10542781

>It should be called the Milky Hole.
Makes me want to fuck it

>> No.10542795

it looks like goatse
won't they miss each other?

>> No.10542803

black holes are probably the only utterly alien and unknown thing that exists in this universe that we know of

>> No.10542806

>Time tra
How will we find Steins/gate, it's impossible.

>> No.10542810

man that's no fun, let the funposters have their fun please (as long as we all know and understand the truth, thank you for that)

>> No.10542811
File: 234 KB, 634x875, 1553936858837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man fuckin black holes n shit

>> No.10542819

I want to experience this feel, but I never get an emotional response from space engine.

>> No.10542823

I didn't know and am eternally grateful for that anon

>> No.10542828

>Time tra
But yeah, we now know some particles travel in the spinning horizon of black holes, which makes causality questionable.
Shouldn't be much,but it looks like it's a thing.

>> No.10542829

astronomy has become a massive fucking joke

>> No.10542831

Just need to let the quantum overmind drop a few more non-surviving realities and we should be good to do the science again.

>> No.10542833

something nice about it!

>> No.10542837

>Radius: 31.6 R
>Mass: ~4.1 million M

>> No.10542840

A quarter that isn't x-ray opaque. Still not the clearest shot though.

>> No.10542849

Oh fuck, it's Old Meme week up in here.
>Also, da woop

>> No.10542855
File: 8 KB, 247x204, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is not about having fun.

>> No.10542856

I'm laughing my ass off, because we just confirmed kerr black holes.
That's literally time travel confirmed, at least philologically.

>> No.10542864


>> No.10542867

It was fun until I realized it was never going anywhere.

>> No.10542868

>light has a constant speed to all observers
bear with me here if youd be so generous as the concept always confused me. why is it that time is dictated by how fast light travels? why does the distance/speed of light matter when placing events on a timeline? light to me was just how we observed it. an even that happened 50 million years ago 50 light years away, still happened at that said point, and time. regardless of when the light reaches us to observe it.

>> No.10542869


That makes my teeth itch. Maybe use "circumference" which can be measured externally -- using "radius" assumes things about conditions inside a black hole that are not knowable.

>> No.10542874

Despite making up 13% of the diversity quota, they take 100% of the photos of black holes

>> No.10542877

But maybe not if your own velocity must be taken into account, and how that impacts your perception of time.

>> No.10542913

Inb4 Cern takes over the world because they can time travel.
It's that much significant.
We literally proved kerr shit exists, and I'm pretty sure they know how to make them at the Large Hadron collider.
I hope someone gets it before them, because we're fucked otherwise.
Where were you when anime became real?

>> No.10542925

Whelp now that black holes have been proven without any doubts since theres physical proof beyond data since we have finally found a way to actually observe one, whats next?

>> No.10542948

Did they really get an image of Sgr A* as well but only released it later because M87* looked better?

>> No.10542955

If all they had to do to do this was coordinate existing equipment and not build any new shit, why the fuck did they not do this earlier?

>> No.10542982

>>10542753 Try flying a ship near it, I find it to be much more spooky when you can see how it acts on you. May have to slow time a bit if you try orbiting a stellar mass black hole.

>> No.10542995

Articles I read said they have data for an image of SgrA* but they are still trying to improve the algorithm to put the image together since it is more complicated

>> No.10543015

Yeah, because retards thought it was the accretion disk from Intertellar.

>> No.10543017

That's what I read too, and it's why I'm doubting the authenticity of OP's pic

>> No.10543040
File: 375 KB, 1241x1754, D3y9RKiXsAA0xGo-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the telescopes they draw are cute.

>> No.10543049
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>> No.10543051

She should have saved it as a jpg desu

>> No.10543057
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>> No.10543062

>left to right
but why
was the nip who made those a westaboo

>> No.10543065
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>> No.10543071
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>> No.10543077
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>> No.10543085
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>> No.10543092

Why is this such a big break through? The photo quality is shit, it literally just looks like a blur. It's not clear at all.

I just don't get the hype, sure it's the first time a black hole has been photographed but you cNt event distinguish anything from the photo

>> No.10543094
File: 440 KB, 1241x1754, D3y9hajUYAMKB38-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The End!

Now go out and buy some doughnuts.

>> No.10543095

jesus christ it's a lion, get in the car

>> No.10543104
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>> No.10543114
File: 141 KB, 627x599, hmmm!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting! ;^)

>> No.10543117

not shooped btw lads!


>> No.10543122
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>> No.10543129

Fuck the poor. I'd photograph a million sky donuts before giving a dime to charity.

>> No.10543147

You're right, it's not.

>> No.10543152

Who is the man in the background?

>> No.10543166

Spoken like a true poor fag.

>> No.10543173

ive thought of this too. bring some mescaline and some sort of opioid and then pass into a world that none have ever ventured to, and see sights that cannot possible be comprehended except by those who no longer exist in this known universe.

i really fucking wish i could see a singularity. dont know if the human mind could even comprehend what its looking at.

>> No.10543176

That's Slavek. He's the IT guy.

>> No.10543245

>tfw reading steiner is kicking in

>> No.10543266
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>> No.10543270


They look about 30% Asian and at least 50% Jew. This shouldn’t be too big a surprise though since wasps are generally pretty mediocre when it comes to science.

>> No.10543296

>she will never sit on your face and bully your low IQ
why live

>> No.10543300
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if she led the project in some capacity, doesn't she deserve a lion's share of the credit???

No one else deserves as much recognition as she does, and you know it.

>> No.10543304

>it's j-jews and pale asians!
seething nig

>> No.10543317

You foteurs are insufferable.

>> No.10543384
File: 300 KB, 1280x720, 1422053099668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we just need a microwave and start experimenting

>> No.10543406
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>No one else deserves as much recognition as she does, and you know it.
you know literally nothing about the actual project setup, stop talking

>> No.10543432

if you know so much then share some of the data, don't just shit on the SJW, lots of us don't know the project setup

>> No.10543441
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>> No.10543447

yea i've seen that picture like 4 times already but i don't know what it means

>> No.10543448

Based and redpilled, get the fuck out of our board brainlets.

>> No.10543470

K.L. Bouman is the womyn in question, and the picture shows the various contributors to similar previous projects. You can infer what it's supposed to show there.

The pic omits today's papers on the M87 study, which is silly considering that her contributions there are even less.

>> No.10543474

how did they take a picture of it if black holes absorb light?

>> No.10543478

Very very roughly, yes. A black hole is just a bunch of matter with infinite density, which thus occupies a single, mathematical point regardless of the mass it contains. This is where the implosion analogy comes from. And it is indeed fucked up temporally, but it is also fucked up in many other ways, such as spatially.

>> No.10543494


Okay we're seeing "above" the black hole and the actual black hole is sitting above the plain of the image so to speak?

>> No.10543496

>tfw you have a small hole

>> No.10543500

why are you repeating yourself?

>> No.10543501
File: 72 KB, 753x778, Screenshot_2019-04-10_19-12-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that the girl in the pic (klbouman) submitted only 90 commits to the github project

>> No.10543511
File: 2.04 MB, 480x480, 1551015837521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this aCHADel person?

>> No.10543513

Dark mother of destruction, lend me power to exact revenge upon humanity.

>> No.10543517

You're seeing a computer-generated image, my friend.

>> No.10543538
File: 42 KB, 276x318, 04CCE7A2-AF5A-4DE0-98B5-92302D822106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Chael (professional madlad at Harvard)

>> No.10543541

What noise would it made if there was a medium? From a distance where it wouldnt be deafening of course

>> No.10543543

shit's sad to because the poor dude isn't gonna get recognition.

>> No.10543544
File: 2.59 MB, 800x450, 154671587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Chad 2.4K lines of absolute peak efficiency commits vs the Virgin 850K lines of struggle code
Cope harder

>> No.10543557

Stop shitposting Katie.

>> No.10543559

posting frogs doesn't validate your position, incel

>> No.10543574
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>> No.10543579

White as fuck. Truly the superior race

>> No.10543580
File: 83 KB, 730x666, 040419_mt_eht-array_inline-map_730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, did you?


>Creating the EHT was a formidable challenge which required upgrading and connecting a worldwide network of eight pre-existing telescopes deployed at a variety of challenging high-altitude sites. These locations included volcanoes in Hawai`i and Mexico, mountains in Arizona and the Spanish Sierra Nevada, the Chilean Atacama Desert, and Antarctica.

This might explain why the team looks like it does. Apparently location does matter anon.

>> No.10543581

What an truly stupefying waste of money. Billions of dollars went in to assembling the hardware necessary to take this blurry, shitty image of fucking nothing. Truly retarded. I literally could turn off the lights in my office and leave a lamp on and I would achieve almost exactly the same image. Instead of wasting billions on this stupid nonsense, maybe try and solve the homeless problem? Build the border wall? Start stabilizing some of these shithole, 3rd world countries? Do literally anything else with the money instead of giving it to the retards at NASA. What a colossal waste of resources for everyone involved, your tax dollars go towards funding these blurry pieces of shit. Useless.

>> No.10543583

Time would be so slow

>> No.10543592


>> No.10543598

Great glorious and beautiful
I praise thee black hole

>> No.10543599

Ah shit, I just realized the problem.

Our optical simulations of what a black hole would look like are necessarily more accurate than any optical photograph would be, because the black hole ACTUALLY has a spacial size of zero. In other words, the lensing is literally such that we can't look at a black hole without seeing its ENTIRE surrounding environment. Literally the light rays are too overloaded to decode anything meaningful without an algorithm that can "see" around the black hole. In other words we have to calibrate the lens as if our math is correct, before it can produce an image that verifies that our math is indeed correct.

There's no "behind" or "other side" of the black hole, because it literally takes up no space at its singularity. It's not "there" to HAVE a "behind."

>> No.10543606
File: 343 KB, 1000x1000, 1541324225449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Cant do a one-liner like /ourgirl/ can
>t. Hardcodes variables and rewrites lines of code over and over again like a virgin instead of looping through arrays of dynamically created data structures and passing them to optimized functions which consider both time and space complexities like /ourgirl/ does
>t. 1/4 of your git commit lines are decompressed python modules you downloaded from the internet because your dumbass couldn't figure out how to use Anaconda. 1/2 of your lines come from a SQL dump you forgot to not share publicly like a retard. The remaining 1/4 is aformentioned struggle code. /ourgirl/ WOULD NEVER.


>> No.10543615


>> No.10543617

fuck off space nigger, we're full

>> No.10543621
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>chile again is represented by moais

>> No.10543668

Why I'm not fucking surprised?

>> No.10543670
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>> No.10543709

Why exactly would it be slow

>> No.10543729

Wouldn't it take a really long time for you to really have anything actually happen for a lot of the SM black holes? Even ignoring relativity, just personally?

Like you woud just be approaching it for a wle as you feel like you're being presed on slowly and your mind fgs up as you'r exed to a ysical environment thlution couldn'tave possiy prepd iteor befu t c't ist re. . .

Something like that

>> No.10543739

Can someone explain to a brainlet why is this significant?
I mean sure, we got a picture of black hole. Couldn't they already see black holes are there without taking pictures of them?
I don't get it. Black hole might be infinitely small point, but we aren't seeing black hole, we're seeing it's effects on it's surrounding, aren't we?

>> No.10543748

What else would they be represented by, copper, their dictator, some who nobody cares about?
Because they proved a theory.

>> No.10543760

no, all black holes are either too far away or too small or both to get good pictures of the actual discontinuity

>> No.10543769
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>> No.10543772

>Can someone explain to a brainlet why is this significant?
It's a milestone, so much has gone into this that it's amazing that we're here and on the other side of the ordeal with these new pictures in tow.

Now we can move forward past this and use the knowledge and the methods that were required to get to this point and figure out new problems and set new horizons. Mind you, that's how it was before, step we take is towards something new and different and exciting that tells us something we didn't know before or confirms what we already thought might be, but this is something that has a certain magnitude to it.

See this here? We found or made the math that lets us figure out that something like this might possibly exist. We made all of the gadgets and gizmos that let us figure out where this particular one might be. We made all of the systems that were able to take the final shots of it, and everything along the way.

We did this, not necessarily as individuals, but as a species. Not only that but we did it quickly, relatively. A hundred and four years ago we didn't even really have a perceive theory of what exactly this object would be. Every moment from then till now has lead up to this, and every moment from now on leads up to something even more spectacular that we might not even have imagined yet.

It's sounds cringe, but does that put it into perspective a bit?

>> No.10543773

you stupid or pretending? the team who ran the algorithms is one thing. location of telescopes is another.

>> No.10543779

>Because they proved a theory.
I believe you meant to say "failed to disprove."

>> No.10543785

Manslaughter is not failing to kee a man alive.

>> No.10543797

this show was fun up until about 5 seconds after that dumb bitch gets twerked

>> No.10543813

I want to put my peepee in there

>> No.10543828

Here's a picture of a zebra. How do we know it's a picture of a zebra? Because we know for a fact that zebras exist and this is what they look like. This is a picture of a black hole. How do we know it's a picture of a black hole? Uhhhhhhhh

>> No.10543834

that's M87, that galaxy was showing us her asshole directly. Sag A* is a little shy

>> No.10543846

Wtf it’s flat

>> No.10543868
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>> No.10543892

>I have a theory that light is fire
>If this is true, then adding water to this burning oil would cause a bigger flame
>Aha! It worked just like my theory said it would!
>That means my theory is proven!
>What do you mean other explanations or theories predict the same thing, get out of here!

>> No.10543899

*Water is fire

>> No.10543914

flatfags btfo eternally by the most sublime logical proof I have ever seen

>> No.10543915

Why is Sagittarius A* so smol? Is the Milky Way a dicklet galaxy?

>> No.10543926

Can someone explain to a semi-brainlet non STEM fag how observing rotation might fuck with causality and allow time travel?

>> No.10543956

if something fucks with causality and allows time travel it usually means we're interpreting something incorrectly

>> No.10543963

So did she actually do something 'crucial' as all the media purports?

>> No.10543980

No, they all should take a cold shower, wank if that doesn't calm them down, and then talk, fucking hets thinking with their dick.

>> No.10544013

>fucking hets thinking with their dick.


>> No.10544103
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I love you Sagittarius A*! Thank you for your existence!

>> No.10544123

Say something nice?

Fucking say something nice?

This thing swallowed thousands if not millions of galaxies.

What you’re looking at devoured lives, cultures, civilizations, entire systems. Into the void of the unknown, suffering a fate worse than death.

Horrifying, man.

>> No.10544139

Supermassive black holes are actually pretty chill and they only eat up brainlet stars that wander too close, which would be in an uninhabitable zone of the galaxy anyway.

>> No.10544151

Gravity. It would be normal time from our perspective, but near the end we'd start seeing the universe around us speed up.

>> No.10544159

all you have to do in this situation is use more than one source of fuel.

>> No.10544161

The torsions are REAL.

>> No.10544165
File: 124 KB, 382x491, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you’re looking at devoured lives, cultures, civilizations, entire systems

>> No.10544167

When you say our perspective you mean being near the black hole? Like a min would still feel like a min for us, but for someone that is not as close as we are, that minute could be 5 years?

If so then why does such strong gravitational forces have that affect?

Also, what do you mean by the end we would see everything speed up? Does the end mean the end of the black hole, or the end it's pull, or the end of our live, etc etc?

>> No.10544171

the closer you are to a black hole, the slower time flows
you don't notice this, you just see the rest of the universe speed up

>> No.10544183

Why does gravity/ things with very dense mass slow time?

>> No.10544197

why does going very fast slow down time?

>> No.10544214

Does going very fast slow down time? If so how come.

I genuinely don't know the answer, if you do know then I'd be happy to learn.

>> No.10544220

ask Einstein

>> No.10544229

Think of it this way. say you have the 4 dimensions. At rest, all of your "movement" is through time, and others around you will observe you as experiencing the proper time.
As soon as you start moving / walking etc, some of that "time" movement will be shifted to spatial movement and others will observe you slowing down.
There are some subtle differences, but it's easy to consider gravity as nothing but constant acceleration which makes it no different than >>10544197

>> No.10544230

What is the orientation relative to us? Shouldn't the accretion disk be bisecting the black hole with lensing causing a halo around the top and bottom? Shouldn't dust and gas within the galactic plane obscure it? What wavelength is the image in?

>> No.10544235

Einstein is the biggest shit talker, how can he prove his theory of relavity. It's all just talk, no proof to back it up, just his thoughts.

he claimed to know that time slows down because of a black hole, yet hes never been near a black hole, or sent something to one.

How do we know gravitational time dilation is a real thing? Just because clocks on GPS have to be corrected for the satelites, doesn't mean that gravity can slow time.

All of this shit is literally just shit posting. It's ppl saying something is a theory and fools eat it up

>> No.10544239

>What wavelength is the image in?
227.1 GHz and 229.1 GHz

>> No.10544242

>Just because clocks on GPS have to be corrected for the satelites, doesn't mean that gravity can slow time.
what does it mean then? genuinely wondering how you explain it.

>> No.10544243
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Well technically...

>> No.10544269

This is nonsense. Time doesn't flow, it's just a way for us to interpret change. So if a blackhole really does create a situation where a 1min for someone near is equivalent to 5 years for someone further away, then what's really happening is our entire reality is being slowed down, right down to the very particles/strings/whatever that makes up what we are. Otherwise, those things are still going to change at the same pace they always did, and we should experience said changes the same regardless of our position near the big hole.

>> No.10544275

reality is being slowed down for things close to black holes

>> No.10544316

But how? Does such a strong pull essentially stop the movement of base elementary particles/quarks/strings/fibers/whatever?

>> No.10544317

>our entire reality is being slowed down, right down to the very particles/strings/whatever that makes up what we are. Otherwise, those things are still going to change at the same pace they always did, and we should experience said changes the same regardless of our position near the big hole.
This is entirely right, unless I'm reading it a bit wrong.

>Time doesn't flow, it's just a way for us to interpret change.
This doesn't follow. Different physical processes occur at very precise ratios of rates (eg. precisely 3 billion oscillations of some particular wavelength of light per muon half life per tiny precise fraction of a pulsar's rotation).
Which idea is simpler: that these very different physical processes all conspire all around the universe to keep these ratios precisely fixed? Or the idea that there is some guiding standard (time) by which all the physical rates are defined?

>> No.10544326

it's called relativity and it just werks

>> No.10544331
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>> No.10544338

>Which idea is simpler
Technically neither, since we don't have a way to split out the variables composing time.

>> No.10544375
File: 102 KB, 193x309, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phhfft, big deal, I could have just looked up into space and taken a picture with my cellphone.

>> No.10544385

I see time as our way to bring understanding to things we otherwise can't possible comprehend. Our existence is too small within the greater cycle of change and we are only within a certain spectrum of the wave/particle reality (hard limits on what is too small and too large to detect as wave forms).

>> No.10544425

>only one result


>> No.10544427

I can't believe they cucked Sagittarius A* for this M87 bullshit. Fucking infuriating

>> No.10544437


>> No.10544438

Let me know how capturing the equivalent of an orange on the surface of the moon goes for ya.

>> No.10544452

>"hey lil donnie, I just took this black hole and stuffed it up my ass, now I've aged the entire lifetime of the universe. what have you got to say for yourself now, huh?"

>> No.10544454

It's called the zoom feature, you idiot.
I'm not wasting my storage space taking pictures of oranges on that desolate space rock.

>> No.10544718

It's not that they smell funny, it's that melanin makes them smell musky.
It's also true. I've interacted with whites most my life, and whenever I interact with black people they have a different and distinct musk scent about them.

>> No.10544738

Dude, Eisntein didn't believe in black holes. It's just that it was a side effect of his theory.

>> No.10545053


>> No.10545539


>> No.10545617

Wait, are you saying Einstein made black holes? How is that possible so far away? Or is it a lie and the sky is just a hologram on the skydome?

>> No.10545634

Counting the event horizon, is Sagittarius A* the lastest single object in our solar system?

>> No.10545638
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>> No.10545708

I am expecting to see this image a hole lot in the coming weeks

>> No.10545846

Man I haven't seen machine code in fucking ages.

>> No.10546135


She didn't lead the project, Avery Broderick did.

>> No.10546142

How much matter per second would need to accrete into a black hole to continually charge is graser /sci/?

>> No.10546411

No. This time its a bunch feminists complaining that the media didn't congratulate that single female for finding it all on her own

>> No.10546469
File: 22 KB, 1024x614, 1554912282105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it would, we would be destroyed by the arms of the galaxy way before it to "arrive" anywhere close.

Maybe you were thinking about the andromeda galaxy which is on collision course with the milky way?

>> No.10546517

>not able to read the first two comments
You have to go back where you came from, and please stay there.

>> No.10546860

>tfw no black hole gf