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File: 669 KB, 1147x1462, dont_believe_garrys_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10534146 No.10534146 [Reply] [Original]

Don't believe the lies edition.

>old threads:

>> No.10534201

A few questions I'd like to put out there:
>How can we start to get extract known physical laws from these simulations? Perhaps the best place to start would be with the principle of least action bc that seems to hold even at quantum length scales
>What are the units we are working in? I see unit energies and unit lengths, we shold figure out how to put these into meters and joules/eV/ergs

>> No.10534260

Some of mine as well:
>Are there any plans to test more phenomena, other than the double slit? How about some stuff we know is correct, verifying that it doesn't violate our previous observations in physics
>Does this model make any predictions of new physics which can be inexpensively tested? Maybe something at home like simple plasma physics experiments?

>> No.10534263
File: 98 KB, 1745x814, breakthrough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just figured out why there is something rather than nothing. Negative energy starts leaking from the corners because there are no neighboring cells to take averages from there.

Where is my nobel price?

>> No.10534269

real space is infinite
simulations loop the area (with modulo usually) to simulate infinity

>> No.10534307
File: 451 KB, 1092x831, maze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10534358

No, thats the labrynth it is not meant to be known

Turn it off NOW

>> No.10534387

Can optimum theory explain why I'm so attracted to half-japanese girls??

>> No.10534433

can i get a tldr

>> No.10534464

They have perfect fluids

>> No.10534532

You can use a very simple cellular automata to simulate the universe on plank scale by viewing cells as energy-pressure boundaries around smaller universes which infinitely recurse downwards. The cells in this universe simulation acts like a representation of a perfect fluid and supposedly the four fundamental forces emerge from the fluid dynamics.

Our Lord and Savior, Gary (who has a 144+ IQ), invented this theory and programmed it in an Excel spreadsheet which subsequent threads have been trying to reverse engineer.
He is able to replicate the double slit experiment and show us what happens inside a black hole

>> No.10534543

Im currently simulating all posters in this thread in immense pain

Is their pain real?

>> No.10534546

But who was press "run"

>> No.10534548

Woah stop you're making it harder to suspend disbelief since the CA shows absolutely no physical characteristics at all.

>> No.10534556

don't forget the website

>> No.10534558

if you haven't donated to gary yet you are a monster

>> No.10534570

Thank you Gary. It's like the Bible for physics

>> No.10534609
File: 502 KB, 1216x438, 167_filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scale: 7.0001
iterations: 167
started with random noise

left is e/s
middle is change in e/s
right is cells that are bigger than all 8 adjacent (my basic attempt at identifying particles)

i force the e/s average to be 0, and the visuals scale to the variance of the values

actual c++ simulation code:

for(unsigned int i = 0; i < wArea; i++)
en[i] =
(e[i] +
e[(i - 1) % wArea] +
e[(i + 1) % wArea] +
e[(i - wSize) % wArea] +
e[(i + wSize) % wArea] +
(e[(i - wSize - 1) % wArea] +
e[(i + wSize - 1) % wArea] +
e[(i - wSize + 1) % wArea] +
e[(i + wSize + 1) % wArea]) * 0.5f +
(float)(rand() - RAND_MAX / 2 - 1) * noiseScale)
/ 7.0001f;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < wArea; i++)
e[i] = en[i];

wSize is the width of the simulation, wArea is the total number of cells. it doesn't perfectly wrap around the edges, but it's fine. I would recomend using a 2d array though, my tests dont show a big performance boost with this 1d array implementation.

>> No.10534611

See, here's the one part I'm somewhat hung up on, I understand that to check each cell in a grid or 3 dimensional array you can loop through the matrix like in your code. However, I'm not sure if that truly mimics the way the world truly works, shouldn't all the forces acting on a particular cell be happening simultaneously?

I'm by no means an experienced programmer but wouldn't it be more accurate to have each cell running on it's own thread? Such that it could check the surrounding values and run in parallel? Or is this simply a limit of modern computing and programming and even if each thread ran it's own simulation you'd still in effect be looping through the arrays.

Gary is running his in excel, which doesn't exactly loop through an array of arrays, as described here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/client-developer/excel/excel-recalculation

I currently wonder if one reason Gary has so many layers or at least if i was going to build something like this, if you can't get away from loops then you would do four loops instead (two 'forward', with one iterating along rows and another pass starting with columns, followed by two passes in 'reverse') and averaging them out per step.

>> No.10534616
File: 488 KB, 1216x438, 10353_filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10,000 iterations, or about 20 seconds later

>> No.10534622

he alternates between 2 different layers
say on iteration 1 layer A calculates off layer B,
then on iteration 2 layer B calculates off layer A

even if you used a GPU for massive parallel processing you would still get your data from one buffer and put the results on a different buffer

>> No.10534626
File: 15 KB, 474x139, GareBear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was this video? It's gone now.

>> No.10534631

The forces are being applied at the same time in my code. I have two arrays, one I read from and one I write the changes to.

>> No.10534713


Gary why didn't you tell us that you had these videos made 6 months ago??

>> No.10534718
File: 202 KB, 1000x1402, 1543926919700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


donate to gary you fags

>> No.10534725
File: 2.11 MB, 921x811, monkaS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are starting to emerge.

>> No.10534767

Okay then, that makes sense to me, thanks!

My only other thought about this kind of modeling is what are the real world dimensions of each pixel? And how long is the time step in each iteration through the entire array in simulation time (does one full step represent one second/ millisecond/ nanosecond etc.)?

>> No.10534776

c++ / sfml implementation

>> No.10534824

Ok so we made an averaging thing that is driven by random noise
how exactly does this have anything at all to do with reality?
I'm losing hope now desu

>> No.10534831

its up
guys I'm worried though

I hope gary posts again, he hasn't in a bit...

>> No.10534834
File: 2.64 MB, 697x692, HELLO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10534876

worried about both of these things.

>> No.10534879
File: 45 KB, 870x201, Gary&#039;s_getting_vanned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's been arguing on reddit all day. He thinks the FBI's after him now.

>> No.10534883
File: 52 KB, 925x790, 2019-04-08-213320_925x790_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that idea with the identification of peak pixels, pic related

I get mostly same behavior as the python version now but with different numbers, not sure why

>> No.10534900

what in the everloving fuck is going on

>> No.10534903

oh no gary .-.

>> No.10534911
File: 151 KB, 420x420, 1539235306808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a scam lol

yea...I kinda knew it would probably go something like this

I hoped maybe he had more planned out, but I think now he's scrambling for a somewhat reasonable sounding explanation for why this thing isn't remotely physics like. The only thing I'm still wondering is just where the fractal forms come from in the black hole thing. I don't think it has anything to do with real black hole, but it is not just normal averaging there, there are peaks in unique spots...unless that is just aliasing...shit maybe thats all it is...fuck..Gary I'm hoping you can prove me wrong man

>> No.10534919

I have not given Gary any money btw, and nobody else should either. At this point this looks a lot like a scam so...consider that.

Mods pls don't delete tho just in case somehow gary is just an idiot and doesn't know how to sound credible

>> No.10534923

well we had a deal that if he releases it we'll donate idk how many others have even donated. he should have at least made that $99. dude set up a website and made a bunch of videos just cuz 4chan kept heckling him. that's not how scams work

>> No.10534931

Uh, yes its exactly how they work. The CA is just a basic rule with some woo-woo reasoning as to why you should expect it to have to do with reality. He has no concrete explanation of any of it. Most of his whole optimum thing is just his own brand of philosophy, with a charge.

The alternative is that he actually believes he's on to something, and he's simply wrong and doesn't have the self-awareness to realize it.

I don't mean to be harsh, but I'm just saying what the reality is, at least how it looks from my perspective.

>> No.10534933

Amazing work, gentlemen,


>> No.10534940

Just got off work. Am going to look closer through all this. I'm very impressed so far from what little I have seen.

>> No.10534942

yeah being objective is good. but regardless of the validity of his model its still a product and he gave us a product for FREE that we agreed to pay for beforehand. just seems underhanded if he doesn't get any compensation for it. plus look at all the content and speculation its generating. he deserves something for his time

>> No.10534954

The videos were made 6 months ago

>> No.10534955

I agree. Its hard to tell exactly whats going on, but still it is interesting. Gary has been working hard the last days, he deserves some donations.

>> No.10534957
File: 43 KB, 900x644, jeremy_irons_margin_call1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now Mr. Anon, why don't you explain what this thread is all about
>Explain as if you were talking to a small child, or a dog.

>> No.10534958

i'm not sure which ones you're talking about, i know the intro videos were made earlier. this week he has been making videos exclusively as responses to us though. and i'm pretty sure the one where he actually explains the automata was also made in response to us, cuz you know, we wanted the rule and the proofs.

>> No.10534965

He's been pulling this shit for a while now. He shows up on reddit with his newest iteration, feuds with people who actually understand physics, then departs in a huff. He is the Tommy Wiseau of physics, fed up with this world.


And he is incredibly thin-skinned. Check out the most recent videos on his YT channel.


>> No.10534977

Boy is Gary (whose real name is Garrett, btw) going to be disappointed when he realizes...

>> No.10534980

>literally getting btfo by reddit
wtf gary...

>> No.10534995

Oh fuck we're converting him boys

>> No.10534996

Please help man
Im losing hope
Has anyone replicated double slit experiment yet?

>> No.10535000

Also welcome to 4chan Gary

>> No.10535002


Lol at the newfag from r/physics who thinks he has any place in this conversation

>> No.10535003

Oh boy Im having a spicy poo

>> No.10535004

I'm a girl btw

>> No.10535006

Not joining the conversation, just adding a little background info.

You gentlemen are doing fine work so far. Nobel Prize-winning, you might say.

>> No.10535008


ah, look at the newfag from r/physics. Gary already posted a video confirming that one of your butt buddies got trigger like a little bitch and wants to narc to the FBI over a mother fucking spreadsheet. How flimsy and fake is your worldview when you get triggered by a spreadsheet?


>> No.10535009

Oh many the fundamental forces of heat are strong on my asshole right now
I should not have had so much salsa ouch my asshole guys really its so hot

>> No.10535012


You are so fucking triggered!!! Lol!!! We have already been through this loop, fag. The fags like you lost

>> No.10535014

I'm on Gary's side nigger. This is the most interesting thing to happen on here since the Grinch leak.

>> No.10535016

To all the new faggots come here from from r./physics. You had your chance to take part in unified physics. Gary already proved that you were given your chance. Unified physics belongs to 4chan and Anon now, faggots.

>> No.10535018

Gary are you here?

>> No.10535044
File: 8 KB, 199x254, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10535085

Incorrect. It models all 4 fundamental forces.Apply a vector layer and you will see the force lines.

>> No.10535086

>shouldn't all the forces acting on a particular cell be happening simultaneously?

Yes, and they are.

>> No.10535087

Had to reupload. It was poorly formatted.

>> No.10535089


I mean, like i said, I've been working on this for 20 years.

>> No.10535101
File: 631 KB, 816x867, cleverintegral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that some are recreating the automaton faithfully, how does one go about recreating your double slit experiment, Gary? I would love to see that in real time at a larger scale.

>> No.10535112


No, you made an automaton that forms particles from "random noise" which attract through (quantum) gravity, decay, and have lines of force when a vector layer is applied showing change over time. Those are the 4 fundamental forces. You have to think about what it would optimize into when scaled to 100^100^100^100 cells, etc... You did amazing work, Jerry!

>> No.10535119


WTF are you talking about? It's entirely physics like. Watch this vid from Veritasium where they show a quantum foam simulation. You have to think about the sim when scaled up to massive scale. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3xLuZNKhlY

>> No.10535120


I'm disappointed in you Jerry. Thought you were smarter than this. Seems you don't understand why the automaton actually works. It's quantum foam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3xLuZNKhlY

>> No.10535122


What's your point? I've been working on Optimum Theory for 20 years. I have loads of media related to it.

>> No.10535128


The cell space around the walls does not include the walls in it's space-density division. But I don't know if you can replicate the double slit since no one has reproduced the vector layer yet.

>> No.10535140


AMAZING! How about the vector layer?

>> No.10535143


You have to think about what this would look like on infinite scales. That's not even a picture of a quark, it's that small.

>> No.10535149


Um. A "physicist" on Reddit got triggered by his own low IQ, and inability to comprehend Gary's genius, and literally threatened to call the FBI on Gary out of feelings of his own inadequacy, so this isn't some schizo hallucination Gary was having. Gary even made a video proving it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62T2OjzupV4

>> No.10535153

And no, this isn't a scam. Gary doesn't even have a donate button on his site anymore. Everything is all free. Because he is just based like that and a legendary mother fucker

>> No.10535156

its obviously u gary

>> No.10535165

whats garrys reddit account?

>> No.10535166


>> No.10535172
File: 71 KB, 383x670, 1548361185859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10535176

but wouldn't it do it anyways? like you can see the waves, why no interference patterns? just joining

>> No.10535260

>gary stopped posting

>> No.10535264

he probably went to sleep unlike those of us who have absolute no life and can afford to shitpost 24/7

>> No.10535631

How do you guys decide the color of each pixel/cell?

>> No.10535673


You can only see waves when the computation calculates change over time. You must subtract one time step from the next. Then to create a vector layer You tell each cell to point with an arrow in the direction of greatest change in its local energy density. .

>> No.10535675

Furthermore, the vector layer must have two components, a positive and negative vector layer. Let me know if you have questions.

>> No.10535678
File: 2.87 MB, 640x480, optimum3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your stupid vector layer

>> No.10535680

It is not enough to simply point an arrow toward greatest change because it will make negative change invisible. The calculation must distinguish between negative and positive change.

>> No.10535690 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 500x500, optimum1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also made this btw
are you proud of me Gary?

>> No.10535693

Gary has been documenting and supporting our work


>> No.10535698

oh nvm, just saw the vid, so obviously you saw it :)

>> No.10535699

Also Gary made comments on the previous thread that I don't think anyone else has seen

>> No.10535704

Also Gary made comments on the previous thread that I don't think anyone else has seen

>> No.10535734

On a previous thread you made it appear as though you had just started making these videos. Maybe I am mistaken though

>> No.10535749

Shouldn't it be possible to represent this automata as a differential equation and then use analytic techniques to see if aspects of QFT emerge from it?

>> No.10535970

So what exactly is the rule?

>> No.10536008
File: 166 KB, 1180x842, therule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10536009

(self + sum(direct neighbours) + sum(diagonal neighbours)/2 + randbetween(self-1000, self+1000)) / 7.125

>> No.10536016
File: 44 KB, 1200x500, optimum_theory_cellular_automata_corners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but you are still modeling it wrong.
The boundary of a cell as a box is still closer to a sphere than what you are doing. When you divide by 8 instead of 5, then you are actually over-representing the corners drastically.

I demonstrate it in my image, where the green area can be thought of the infinitesimal pressure-energy pressure boundaries.
The number in each cell represents the pressure inside the cell walls themselves if I understand optimum theory correctly.
Therefore we should imagine an infinitesimal square area of pressure approximating that cell wall boundary, thus we get a negligible energy pressure when looking at corners.
See my image for what I mean.

>> No.10536055

Good point, basically a 1 dimensional part of this model shouldn't affect the two dimensional behavior if I understand correctly.

To extend into 3 dimensions we should only be counting adjacent surfaces, not edges or corners since those are 1 and 2 dimensional, respectively. In 4d we wouldn't count surfaces either, but only the 4 dimensional equivalent

>> No.10536197

Another interesting option to consider is that in two dimensions a hexagon is possible for the regular tiling polygon of the grid, which approximates a circle better. Unfortunately the only regular tiling polytope in 3 dimensions is a cube.

>> No.10536248

That’s sounds hard to code.

>> No.10536283

Hexagonal cellular automata are pretty well studied. Not too difficult from what I can find.

>> No.10536289

We could use pyramids in 4 dimensions to approximate a hypersphere maybe? And then project into 3. We'd get some frustration but hopefully it would be minimal. Only proposing 4 dimensions since Gary says his theory is 4 dimensional

>> No.10536340

So is there anything important here?

>> No.10536427
File: 2.13 MB, 256x512, optimum_theory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for releasing everything for free Gary, it makes you appear much more credible and you'll probably still get a decent amount of money in donations.

I wrote up your CA in MATLAB and it has some interesting behavior but I'm still confused about the specifics of the formula and how you create your filters. I was wondering if you could elaborate on the change map and the vector map a bit more, possibly in video format if possible. Also, I think this CA could be optimized massively using frequency domain calculations, since the rule itself is expressible as a 2D convolution (except the random part but again, I'm still not sure about specific parts of the rule).

I'll look at it again later after I finish a class project.

Here's 64 iterations on noise.

>> No.10536587

He mentions in the video that he only displays the greatest 10% of change for a clearer visualization.

>> No.10536663
File: 2.07 MB, 640x480, gve4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is hard, but its worth trying to optimize what we can. We shouldn'ẗ give up yet.

>> No.10536717

I'm erring on the side of disbelief on this one.

>> No.10536731
File: 2.68 MB, 640x480, gve5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things don't attract, they only disappear. Where's gravity, Gary?

>> No.10536751
File: 1.46 MB, 640x480, gve8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really (quantum) gravity?

>> No.10536765

up ur ass an around the corner

>> No.10536766
File: 3.50 MB, 4048x3036, IMG_20180413_145359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wants GPU power hmu on wickr @jakeroff

>> No.10536785

Not on this one, but on the first one :)

>> No.10536788
File: 772 KB, 640x480, gve9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.10536823

Did you guys notice that in one of his early videos, where he demonstrates gravity, he uses a variant of the rule? Take a look at 10 s in

c1 c2 c3
c4 c5 c6
c7 c8 c9

c5 = sum(cell1+cell2+...+cell9)/10

And if we only had studied this video we hadn't needed to pester Gary so much for the rule. It was visible in this video all along.

>> No.10536825
File: 1.35 MB, 1479x681, otg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10536853

is there a git repository for this code? i think it would be beneficial if we could work together on a single program to run these sort of simulations. i have access to a powerful computer cluster at my university.
and because of the nature of CA, we can get exponentially faster computations from parallelization. does anyone else want to work on this sort of thing?

>> No.10536866

He's actually adding the middle cell twice and taking the average of the total 10 cells.

>> No.10536870

Oh shit, you're probably right. Didn't understand how RANDBETWEEN works. Cool!

>> No.10536930

Very nice!
Haven't seen one in this thread yet, but a couple of people have posted their code. I agree, and I would like to contribute.

>> No.10536970

Gary, please take a look at these two essays and tell me if they are compatible with your theory.


>> No.10537019

bro don't steal my name, I'm Barry

>> No.10537020

BASED Scaruffi poster. He's the king of mu and now he'll be the king of sci

>> No.10537045


>> No.10537271

Yeah, that's dope! Major improvement to the model will come when it is mapped in 3 dimensions, when the vector layer is merged with the heat map so showing change direction and intensity, and when the sim breaks free from grid calculations and is based on distances from each point (Smoothlife automaton is doing great work in that area).


>> No.10537279


Maybe! If you can make a unified physics sim that makes mine look old fashioned and obsolete then that would be awesome!

>> No.10537300


I really appreciate this! I was having issue with the donate button so took it down for the time being.

>> No.10537319

you deserve it man i don't care what those reddit faggots say

>> No.10537330


You can think of each timestep as 1 planck time, and each square as 1 planck length. The scale is insanely small. We are going to require super computers to model even a single atom. Approximately 6250000000000000000000000 grid cells squared, and that's just for a 2d simulation.

Although it seems that the '"scale" can be changed by fiddling with the decimal in the space-density division. The bigger the decimal the smaller the scale ...

>> No.10537346


Furthermore, it seems where this researcher in Veritasium went wrong was not to model positive AND negative energy density. Fluid does not operate on an absolute value scale and the Universe is the perfect fluid!

>> No.10537360


All I know is that the wave patterns are invisible in my spreadsheet unless I I find the change function. I'm going to be perfectly frank, my subconscious figures this shit out on a level that I don't even understand myself. If you watch the Optimum Theory video "The Origin & Purpose of Life" I talk at length about how the subconscious operates at a quantifiable and algorithmic level. After I had those insights around a year ago, I began trusting my subconscious a lot more and following where it would lead me and many of the innovations of Optimum Theory I don't fully understand myself, just that my subconscious told me to build it because it would work, and it does. The wave pattern was one of those things. I have no idea why the wave pattern comes out of a change function. I could probably figure it out if I spent a few hours thinking about it, but I just got off work and am tired af.

>> No.10537367


Seriously, all anyone talks about is the automaton, but "The Origin & Purpose of Life" is far more useful in day to day life, and it's the aspect of Optimum Theory I am most proud of. It's really something special. The whole video is here: https://www.optimuminstitute.org/the-complete-optimum-theory

>> No.10537372


You are probably right! I will probably be revising the model. It's interesting, because your version was one of my earlier versions, and for whatever reason, I rejected it... But I think you are right when I see it explained like this! -G

>> No.10537375

>Seriously, all anyone talks about is the automaton
That's because you're on the science and math board. We have a separate board for discussing philosophy:

>> No.10537380


Tetrahedral I believe is possible in 3d. It would make the base unit a triangle. I messed with that last year by hand using print offs, but I don't have the coding ability to implement computationally. You are absolutely right, and if I could have used hexagons I would have, and I would use tetrahedrals in 3d. However I might be moving away from geometric patterns entirely and thinking of this more in terms of distances from each point, which is circular...

>> No.10537391

Yep. Tetrahedrals.


>> No.10537409

>You can think of each timestep as 1 planck time, and each square as 1 planck length.
Hi Gary. In your videos you talk about the universe being infinitely big and infinitely small. Assuming this is true, then it seems we would need an automaton with infinitely many cells to simulate the universe perfectly. But when we choose a finite number of cells in our automation, why is it that each cells naturally represents a square or cube with sides of length 1 planck? Why not length 1/2 planck, or length 1/n planck for any n? A similar question can be asked for timesteps? Furthermore, it seems as you hold the belief that timesteps and cell sizes are related 1:1, i.e. assuming each cell has sides of length x planck, then each timestep is x planck time. Why is that? Why do not 1 timestep mean 1/2 planck time in a automaton with cells with sides of length 1 planck?

>> No.10537414

>frequency domain calculations, since the rule itself is expressible as a 2D convolution

Yeah! I don't understand what this means but okay! One of the coolest parts of this whole process has been watching people way smarter than me take the theory in new directions! If you think it'll be an improvement, go for it! -G

>> No.10537422


It looks like you have not applied a "wrap" so that energy leaves one side and comes out the other, and so the energy is averaging with nothing and diluting the layer.

>> No.10537460


They are attracting! It's happening so fast you cannot see it in your particular sim! That's why the red and blue are clumping together. Notice how they start as small particles? The disappearance is essentially particle decay. Something to remember about gravity is that it is incredibly weak and slow. Your sim is operating at essentially light speed as measured by time-steps, and so it is not running long enough to see massive attraction. Example, light is 10,000 times faster than the speed that Earth rotates the Sun, so to see Earth move even a single cell would require 10,000 iterations at that scale. JUST TO MOVE A SINGLE CELL! Furthermore, to even get a sim with enough mass to maintain integrity over that many time steps will require supercomputer scale calculation. These sims we are running are so much smaller than even an atom that I get tired just thinking of typing out all the zeros, approx 6.25e+24

>> No.10537462

I think so, yeah! Awesome work!

>> No.10537465
File: 12 KB, 299x374, 54364758_593060231199303_3591048565939503104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that moment u realize gary actually just revolutionized physics

>> No.10537466

Gravity propagates at the speed of light though.

>> No.10537467
File: 116 KB, 144x133, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fucking wish all schizo fucks to die. Mentifex, the guy posting those Happy Tree Friends pics all over 4chan, and now Gary. Just fuck off already.

>> No.10537469


Not sure! You created two mini black holes, right? Maybe they sucked in all the energy before decaying, leaving only all the positive energy they sucked in to fill the void, before that decayed too?

>> No.10537474
File: 639 KB, 512x512, NOBULLY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our boi here is literally single-handedly unifying physics. Give the guy a break.

>> No.10537501

>is there a git repository for this code? i think it would be beneficial if we could work together on a single program to run these sort of simulations. i have access to a powerful computer cluster at my university.
>and because of the nature of CA, we can get exponentially faster computations from parallelization. does anyone else want to work on this sort of thing?

It is unreal the rate this is taking off! The most amazing part of this entire process has been watching people much smarter than myself take this theory higher then I could alone. Cheers! -G

>> No.10537506

*than.. You see what I mean! Lol!!


>> No.10537510


Excellent question! These are limitations of my processing method. If I could simulate true continuous time and distances I would. Cheers!


>> No.10537549

>is there a git repository for this code? i think it would be beneficial if we could work together on a single program to run these sort of simulations. i have access to a powerful computer cluster at my university.
>and because of the nature of CA, we can get exponentially faster computations from parallelization. does anyone else want to work on this sort of thing?

I'm a terrible programmer (for now) and will mostly just sit back in awe that I inspired all this while trying to figure out the new directions you take it in, but count me in! It's the least you can do since I took down the paywall at Optimum Institute.org. Send me an email at the site with the details so I can follow along.

Gary Lee


>> No.10537608


DAMN STRAIGHT!!! I cannot even believe it myself! We live in the upside down!! The US president is a reality show host, and physics was unified by 4Channers and some outsider nobody (me) whose main outstanding quality was that he just didn't give af anymore! What timeline is this?!??

And you want to know the real tipping point, the moment when I truly stopped giving af? It was when I was turned down for a teaching job because, quote from the interviewer: "we are not looking for great teachers, because greatness is comparative, and so if one teacher is great than another teacher must not be great. The worst thing a student can say after leaving a classroom is, that teacher was great".

Something changed inside of me that day. I decided that if education did not want to elevate to my standards then I would finalize Optimum Theory, something I had been (mostly) privately working on for 20 years, and I would produce a curriculum so radical in its efficiency of thought that education would have no choice but to optimize its models.

I REFUSE to settle for anything less than GREATNESS, and so should you. And one last thing:


>> No.10537621
File: 155 KB, 1148x917, t250205025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based gary, godspeed

>> No.10537626

That video seems really suitable for a youtube audience. With a bit of luck, it could accumulate a lot of views and draw attention to your ideas.

Though some of the earlier parts needs to be looked over; there is a section where you can barely hear what you're saying because the music is too loud.

>> No.10537701

That dog has lymphoma. It probably has that expression on its face because it is in pain.

>> No.10537784
File: 2.15 MB, 1700x512, vid.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, (If you remove the noise element) your formula is expressible as a 3x3 kernel which can be convolved with a 2D matrix. This is how a lot of image processing filters are implemented, gaussian blur for example. Some kernel-convolutions can be computed by taking the FFT of the impulse response of the kernel and the FFT of the image and performing point-wise multiplication in frequency domain, and then taking the IFFT of the result to get the output of the convolution. This is extremely efficient compared to the direct convolution because the FFT and pointwise multiplication is significantly faster than looping through each cell and performing a convolution on each cell.

I'm pretty sure this is doable with yours since it's just an average of 3x3 cells and the 1D equivalent can be done using the 1D FFT, and the only special step would be embedding the initial image in a 3x3 grid with mirrored copies of itself around it to simulate the wrap-around of the simulation space. I'll look into it more when I have some spare time.

In the meantime, here's a webm of a 1024x1024 grid of cells over 500 iterations.
The left plot is the pressure of each cell, the middle plot is the normalized time derivative (essentially the change function), and the right plot is the gradient of the pressure of each cell (magnitude of the combined vector layer). The video compression kind of ruins it but the original GIF was like 300 MB.

>> No.10537828

>"we are not looking for great teachers, because greatness is comparative, and so if one teacher is great than another teacher must not be great. The worst thing a student can say after leaving a classroom is, that teacher was great".
thats some true establishment bullshit right there

>> No.10537873


The video is not as philosophical as you might think. I approached the subjects of abiogenesis, consciousness and AGI from a strictly "materialist" perspective, while remaining respectful of non-materialism / religion, etc...

>> No.10537893
File: 52 KB, 1502x223, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop inviting redditors to the site you fucking newfag.

>> No.10537936


WOW!!!! Look at the pressure-gradient map! If it turns out the string theory guys were right then I have a lot of apologizing to do! Looks like spaghetti! This is brilliant work! Thank you!

>> No.10537957



>> No.10538135


>> No.10538144


Zeno is in the Optimum Theory video! This is an idea I have thought about since I was a little kid! Optimum Theory's explanation for Zeno's Time Paradox is that the universe is based on ratios. How long does it take the turtle to walk the path? It takes him twice the time as walking a path half as long! Optimum Theory actually does not have a variable for time, only distances, and those distances are ratios. As I say in the video, "time is a human construct" like color or taste or sound... Optimum theory is not particularly against Einstein, but it does not theorize a "warped" spacetime like a trampoline, only varying pressure densities HOWEVER those densities can cave into singularity like black holes or expand like stars. Gravity is essentially a fluid pressure system - the math is a little bit more abstract than that, but frankly so is the math driving macro fluids... Light is all that exists, correct, but deeper than that, the perfect fluid is all that exists, and deeper than that, the equation is all that exists: Universe = energy / space; the universe is singular, indivisible and of one substance.... Optimum Theory does not agree with uncertainty principle or a discrete universe. The Optimum Theory model is truly infinite in largeness and smallness, it's all ratio based.... Optimum Theory does not agree that observation creates the Universe, but rather that the Universe is "the perfect turing machine" aka the only thing capable of creating anything, or nothing, up to and including itself - all possible realities are happening simultaneously. Optimum Theory DOES agree that the Universe is like an ocean and that even space is a particle, also that we cannot create even a square-inch of this universe, only simulate it imperfectly, because the Universe is infinite at all points, and our tools are finite.

Thank you for sharing!


>> No.10538157


Optimum Theory agrees that the Universe is infinite in time. Big Bang was simply the emergence of our galactic cluster from infinite smallness

>> No.10538214


>> No.10538222

Could we run a simulation to see if the gravity behavior of the particles adheres to a=GM/r^2?

>> No.10538234


I have been working on this :-) How fucking wild would it be if the true Optimum Theory space-density decimal ended up being the equivalent of the gravitational constant??

>> No.10538236

The universal gravitational constant includes units of m^3 though. Could there be problems with using a 2d sim?

>> No.10538237

Yep. Sim should be in 3d.

>> No.10538239

Oooh I wonder if you could do something with Minecraft command blocks as a quick mock up.

>> No.10538242

Now that I think about it this would probably take longer than just coding it up lol

>> No.10538249


The Universe simulated in Minecraft... Amazeballz

>> No.10538261

quick rundown till now?

>> No.10538518

fuck off reddit

>> No.10538586


>> No.10539708

Yep ;-) did this intentionally. Wanted to see if anyone would notice.

>> No.10539713

Brainlet, mental midget Redditards must vanish

>> No.10540308

Meh. After enough iterations, it just fills up with either positive or negative values, whichever one is largest at the start. So much for your new science, Shitfram.

>> No.10540919


right this rule just make a brief & sort of pretty color pattern that has nothing to do with physics

>> No.10541878


Literally so does our Universe. Furthernore, you are discounting the fact that our sims are not infinite and therefore lack true "granularity"

>> No.10541896


I mean, you're wrong. And I'm not going to explain to every single person who comments here, so feel free to checkout the resources at optimuminstitute.net if you are interested in understanding why this simulation is unified physics. Take care.

>> No.10541924

I literally don't care if anyone believes this theory or not. Frankly, I never expected the greater public to understand it. It was only developed for an elite subset. Eventually common knowedge will be so pasturized that the average person will have almost no understanding of material reality. The average person will be a dumb consumer milked by AI powered super corporations until even they dont want to deal with it any longer. The future is fractional and diversified & the truth is not measured by who is in power or what nonsense they feed down the publics throats. Public knowedge always tends toward honey, rather than bitter truth. Take care senpai.

>> No.10541968
File: 320 KB, 1469x1102, 3xfto2jnb1g21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god gary is so fucking based. reddit is cancerous because everyone has an identity even though its unnecessary; you just get upboats and downboats and consequently a whole other level of circlejerking that, by design, doesnt exist here. every thread on sci has massive arguments with no consensus. reddit has consensus due to the upboat mechanism and the subreddit design. the people that enjoy identity are cancerous and the less redditeers here the better

>> No.10541982

can you fuck off i didnt want to know that

>> No.10542021

There are no resources, just youtube videos of excel squares changing color and you cackling like a bipolar lunatic about how censored you are or how you could have swung the 2016 election for hillary.

Your double slit simulation is garbage. The only vague similarity is your CA is vaguely diffusive, kind of like the Schrodinger equation. But you don't even pretend to try to model the complex phase of the wavefunction. And the results look nothing like what they are supposed to.

You haven't unified physics, you are just a runaway case of dunning kruger.

>> No.10542109
File: 285 KB, 1000x800, 1494718705239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some madlad used excel to discover a unifying model of physics, and he needs our help verifying it with computational power. Evil redditors and academia are after him for his secrets.

>> No.10542198

So did he post the paper yet or what. Some give me a run down

>> No.10542204

what do you think about niggerS?

>> No.10542209

His paper was 3 hour long videos. To his credit, one of them actually goes through how his model works, though as of yet we haven't been able to establish that it's more than a simple temperature distribution algorithm with some randomness thrown in.

>> No.10542223

anon said in one of his videos that "when objects attract each other they co-orbit because they're each attracted to where the other body was in the past."

What are we supposed to do with the theories of a man who doesn't know what momentum is?

>> No.10542248

Thanks mate

>> No.10542252

>Don't believe the lies edition
I fucking kek.

>> No.10542262

>sets up organization to care
>doesn't actually care

>> No.10542332

The black hole announcement and the candida auras or whatever it is are just to distract from the real science happening right here

>> No.10542847

I don't believe you've done what you think you've done, but I think these are some interesting ideas and results

>> No.10542957


No, those experiments are dope, but not enough emphasis is put on computational modeling, and thats where we come in. Cheers. -G

>> No.10542970

Only the Gary posts you like are real Gary. If you dont like it then it must be fake Gary even if its signed by real Gary.

-Real Gary

>> No.10542973

The absolute state. I find this board nicer than others I typically browse but there are a few resident schizophrens. Furthermore imagine larping about a 144 iq. My friend, even if it was relevant, the average Harvard physics grad is +5/+6 SD in iq (iq is not static anyway).

>> No.10542985
File: 2.60 MB, 1875x1779, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true. Reality is the real business.

>> No.10542989

(they)control the memes
(they)control the planet
fascisim is back
and the left can't stand it

The real creator of optimum theory here. I wish to keep everything I have invented secret from reddit and its users, so try to take cover. In order for you to understand optimum theory you must understand alchemy. It is Paracelsus vs Luther.

Cern has already turned against me.

>> No.10543002

forgot pic

>> No.10543008
File: 208 KB, 671x271, cf75dd455ba5c1cbf193c0601064e074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10543020
File: 46 KB, 164x284, bc9395f6edaf9847b813467a23497c8f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the equation for physics

>> No.10543031

I meant 4sd, wtf.

>> No.10543035

>turns self into a genetic algorithm rather than using ToE to explain the complex trolling gradient of overbrain human gestalt dynamisms

Nice try, but only a truly honest individual would avoid sociopathic methods of iterating his next state.

>> No.10543038

Keep shitposting as if nothing happened so that reddit does not notice because you cannot even realize anything about the true answer. So keep things as hidden as possible while being as obvious as possible. There exists a higher 4chan culture where the spirit realises itself truly as a whole and the past is united with the present and the dead with the alive.

>> No.10543717


Holy shit. Optimum theory seems to be a conformal field theory
What is the renormalization group of the this CA

>> No.10543767
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the gravity gary?

>> No.10543808

So this wasn't pioneered by Stephen Wolfram?

>> No.10543840

Ah shit, that video made me realize that it's entirely computationally feasible to append physics infinitely.

>> No.10544006

so what if to pretend the universe is infinitely large and infinitely small in your simulation, you made it self-similar, akin to how the edges wrap over? (although, i support you would be greatly troubled to implement that in excel)

>> No.10544048

Very interesting!

Found an article on
>The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
by Gerard ’t Hooft

>> No.10544079

The Complete Optimum Theory. Part 1 of 2. The Foundation of the Universe is now available on Youtube, niggercuckfags.



>> No.10544083


It's literally what is holding your particles together you stupid faggot

>> No.10544090

>My friend, even if it was relevant, the average Harvard physics grad is +5/+6 SD in iq (iq is not static anyway).
That sounds like bullshit. Even +4 sounds like bullshit. Where is your source?

>> No.10544097


Because you optimized your particles from randomness they are already optimized to their ideal gravitational configuration. The particles are perfectly balanced. This is the same tending toward order that results in all complex structure in our Universe including biological systems, you silly fuck. Furthermore, gravity is very slow, approx 10,000 times slower than optimization cycles which are operating on planck time.

>> No.10544104


If you want to see orbits and you need to scale up the simulation to supercomputer scale,and even that is not guaranteed to be large enough. Go research Planck scale to get an idea of how small the scales of your sim are.

>> No.10544112


That is pretty much exactly what it is doing. It is essentially wrapping front to back when you double up the interior cell-density you silly JewCrackerNiggerFaggot

>> No.10544119


Real Gay-re speaks at length about how inspired he was by Stephen Wolfram in the Complete Optimum Theory, Part 1 of 2: The Foundation of the Universe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9EFDZkDxDU

>> No.10544127

and by anon I mean Gary

>> No.10544132

You're trying to fit in way too hard dude.

>> No.10544157


Fake Gary spotted

>> No.10544158

So basically some guy who read a bunch of popsci played around with excel until he made cool patterns. Now a bunch of compsci nerds with no real understanding of physics are fascinated by the cool patterns and try to optimize it.
Am I seeing this correctly?

>> No.10544166

I'm not trolling, but our friend has narcissistic personality disorder :/
It's also why he doesn't really post math, the secrecy protects his work from criticism that might tear it apart.

>> No.10544174

>you cackling like a bipolar lunatic about how censored you are or how you could have swung the 2016 election for hillary.

Yeah, well it's true! My mom & liberal friends wanted Hillary to win, so I told them to raise $10,000 for targeted ads in swing states, and they didn't listen because they didn't know what targeted ads were, and now the Dems blame everything on Facebook and "straight white men" because they were too stupid to understand technology, and because they were too proud to listen to advice from... you guessed it, straight white men.

>> No.10544175
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, 1544215900281.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding

>> No.10544184


Gary posted the the entire equation for free a few days ago, and a new video explaining the equation in context earlier tonight, you stupid fuck!


>> No.10544192

Beautiful webm

>> No.10544194

1. People who play with cellular automata as a hobby are a special breed.
2. One of them claims to have been working on explicitly this problem.
3. Excel is easy to write recursive equations in.

>> No.10544207


Also, this isn't even true you stupid, stupid low iq dumb fuck. The sim splits between positive and negative. This results in a "granular" space -density approaching infinite scales, and this granularity results in fluid-like motion, with the energy-pressure particle grains taking place of fluid molecules. Get enough of these energy pressure particles together and they swirl into electromagnetic fields.

>> No.10544226


Um, no, it's not just a simple temperature distribution. It also simulates waves, particles, decay, particle attraction, particle boundaries, and field lines, all from a single equation you stupid Buddhahead-Anglo-Nig-Cuck-wetback-spic-Anchor Baby-Americunt- Nazi fuckface.

You can see all the forces in action, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9EFDZkDxDU

>> No.10544246

I have no relation to any of these fake garys, but yes, I uploaded the entire first half of Optimum Theory to Youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9EFDZkDxDU

Also, I am producing a documentary with all the cool unified physics automatons that have been produced, so if anyone wants their unified physics automaton to make the video, please upload them in the comments.

>> No.10544285


Well at least you are an equal opportunity offender!

Real Fake Gary (Schrödinger's Gary)

>> No.10544304

Lmao @ the beginning of that video
>Gary lee
>Computational scientist
>tfw he doesn't even know how to code

>> No.10544315


Please keep that on /b/ and represent Optimum Theory well. Thanks


>> No.10544346

Oh my sweet summer child...

>> No.10544374

Sooo... Are we all just going to act like this video is not the most brilliant thing ever produced, or...?

Has anyone seen part 2?

>> No.10544379


>> No.10544382


Video link

>> No.10544391

part 2 seems to be "Optimum Theory: The Origin & Purpose of Life" up on his website https://www.optimuminstitute.org

>> No.10544410

Jesus is inside of a singularity, I cannot be the only one seeing this... 51:31 in the video

>> No.10544416


>> No.10544428
File: 32 KB, 500x417, 1310440451257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucksake, how did you not realize that Gary Fieri is more Optimal than that?

>> No.10544430

direct link to timestamp of Jesus inside of a singularity, wtf?? Can anyone confirm that this actually comes out of the program?


>> No.10544435

Like that's straight up a Christian cross, right? https://youtu.be/z9EFDZkDxDU?t=3099

>> No.10544447

Ding ding ding

>> No.10544458


Physics... Is that the study where space is an 11 dimensional hologram bubble made out of string cheese growing on a time traveling multiverse alien's taint?

>> No.10544493

Sup Gary.
Nah, string theory and the 11 dimensional stuff are pretty speculative. Physics is the thing that says, "when two bodies experience mutual attraction, they begin to co-orbit because momentum is conserved"

>> No.10544496
File: 2.79 MB, 6228x3364, Jesus-ary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit it's real.
I apologize anon. I'll try harder in the future.

>> No.10544503


Pretty much...the masses prefer it that way. Look at Taoism. Founding philosophy of Asia and India. It's a work of stone cold logic and reason, but it didn't gain massive popularity until Buddhism and Hinduism stole the founding ideas of Taoism and twisted them into retarded, anti-materialist, flashy, pseudo-mysticism garbage. That's modern physics.

And that's why Gary will never gain much traction with his Optimum Theory, it's logical and materialist to the point of boredom. The masses don't want to hear that time-dilation is just a misinterpretation of light's doppler effect while traveling through a universal fluid, they would rather hear about interdepartmental, time travel multiverse wormholes to parallel squid-alien dimensions. The masses don't want to hear that the Universe is perfectly deterministic, and see the computations proving it, they will deny their own senses to take them away from the mundaness of daily life, so they can imagine that they are spiritual beings living in a universe that is fundamentally unpredictable and governed by "free will".

Optimum Theory says that humans are just animals that optimized through the Universal equivalent of a computational algorithm which even governs their conscious thoughts, and it explains how and why in bland, boring detail. No one wants to hear that!

>> No.10544515

>momentum is conserved

Optimum Theory says that energy is conserved too. You just have not been paying attention.

>> No.10544536

In one of your videos, you gave an alternative explanation for why two mutually attracting bodies co-orbit. You said it was a result of the propagation speed of gravity. That's not why, dude.

>> No.10544538

>are just animals
You have such a poetic and beautiful way of presenting these concepts so that they feel relatable to normies.

>> No.10544582

does gary remind anyone else of oldirtybtard? i would love to have some drinks with this guy.

>> No.10544607


Have you considered any other approaches or alternate scaled models much like >>10537409

If the current methods and calculations work on a planck x planck size per planck time step, do the physics break down if you were to scale it up to for example electron x electron size and each step being electron diameter divided by planck length (just as a hypothetical)?

Also, could we double check that single atom sized model calculation? 6250000000000000000000000 grid cells squared is physically impossible with today's materials to render at once at 1:1 scale.

The most common pixels per inch resolution I could find average out to around 150-160 ppi.

( (6.25*10^24) / 160 ) ^ 2 = ~1.526*10^45 cell pixel square inches.

That's still somewhere around 3.802 * 10^ 35 square miles of display, and for a single atom?

>> No.10544714

You god damn better.

>> No.10544750


Everything I know about Optimum Theory is publicly available now. So how do you think I would answer your question?

In the future I might produce Optimum Theory videos related to sociology, economics, relationships, politics, health & fitness... But Optimum Theory Physics is largely in the hive mind's hands now...

>> No.10544837

Well memed!

>> No.10544895
File: 766 KB, 996x882, phuket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone is revealing the secrets of the universe live on youtube? Fuck it I'm shaving my head.

>> No.10545444

>Look at Taoism
are you girardfag by chance?

>> No.10545555

Needs a lesson in philosophy.... The definition of life is arbitrary, it doesn't matter what conclusions you come to from purely definition-based thinking because the world is one way regardless of buman concepts.

>> No.10545568

It dhould have stopped at the physics path... He says the universe is deterministic and defends free will in the same minute.

>> No.10545573

And then he goes on a motivation-porn segment.... A little bit of McKenna-like thinking mixed with videos of happy people, come on man..

>> No.10545611



No he doesn't. He says that the future is inherently unknowable, and can only be calculated in terms of future probabilities because we can only have incomplete information (which is true) so that even though determinism is true, consciousness gives the appearance of free will and can therefore be thought of as being indistinguishable from it. Furthermore, the definition of free will is partly semantic.

>> No.10545631


I don't see what's wrong with this. It's actually refreshing to see a video made by a "free-thinker" (and clearly an atheist even if he doesn't say so explicitly), who still is interested in maintaining an ethical framework. One of the biggest criticisms of atheism is that they "don't believe in anything". And it's not like Lee's ethics are that unusually, they basically boil down to "don't kill, steal, rape, cheat each other or lie to hurt each other" and then he explains why these are logical ethics from an evolutionary perspective.

>> No.10545639


Have you see the expanding video(The Origin & Purpose of Life) that Lee made more recently?


He goes into greater depth of how computation generates abiogenesis and the simulations he shows are impressive and convincing.

>> No.10545871

Okay, cool. Thanks!

>> No.10547626


I love you Gary

>> No.10547900
File: 108 KB, 1024x679, 4head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending billions on particle accelerators when all you need to model fundamental reality is excel and minecraft.

>> No.10549473


Holy! Shit! My son is going to think I am an absolute legend when he sees this! THANK YOU!! People are simulating Optimum Theory in super computer clusters now, and this is still one of my favorites!! The cycle is complete! This is some mobius strip fuckery AND I LOVE IT!!! This is the first small step toward THE TRUE MATRIX!

>> No.10549476

^^^^^ Gary

>> No.10549477




>> No.10549660
File: 539 KB, 1528x1520, 51IJZX9WQeL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10549873

>Imagine spending billions on particle accelerators when all you need to model fundamental reality is excel and minecraft.

I've suspected for a while now that physics might be bankrupt. The issue is just that all of the theories they come up with dictate such expensive experiments that they're done infrequently enough that the theorists can just run wild.

>> No.10550016



>> No.10552062


>> No.10552353

Yikes. Gary has pretty much given up on his own theories >>10544750 and the true believer cult has taken their "development" into private venues.

The takeaway from this flash in the pan movement is that since a simulation of the universe requires infinite computational power, a unified physics is both impractical and unnecessary.

>> No.10552386

shut up you dumb athiest glow in the dark

>> No.10552392
File: 59 KB, 768x768, dxl2ui5v2r611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on

>> No.10552405

>if you don't believe Gary you are an atheist
lmfao this shit really is a cult

>> No.10552411

So the mind upload phase will require us to invent a world worth uploading to instead of just trying to resimulate the entire past rationalist-resurrection style?

And they still fear Basilisks instead?

>> No.10552426

Gary has discovered the meaning to life the universe and everything and coded it into excel. Redditors are trying to discredit him because of their inferiority complex. The establishment refuse to acknowledge him because if the truth gets out they won't get funding for new hadron colliders. Anons have been making their own versions of his automaton and we are now waiting for Gary's documentary on them.

>> No.10552489

I hope people who rep Optimum Theory realize that as a philosophy it is the least identity politics / racial superiority driven ideology ever. See Gary's video The Ethics of Optimum Theory. I think that was "Fake Gary'" (Anons) point in using every racial slur, and therefore nullifying all of them, but just a heads up:


>> No.10552510

There are two Garys.

The perfect Gary, who already understand Optimum theory as well as how to apply it in every context.

And the realistic Gary, that makes mistakes and is inconsistent, and therefore not trying to start a cult because he could be wrong (and therefore inconsistent).

>> No.10552513


Shut the fuck up

Gary will never give up on us because he was inside us all along (eww)

>> No.10552556

I'd love to be proven wrong desu

>> No.10552769


I havent given up on my theories. A lasting movement cannot be built on one person. People need to take ownership of these ideas. Also it's so stupid when people call Optimists a cult. It only seems like a cult because of how debased society has become.

"Omg, you mean you believe in logic, reason, and the brotherhood of humankind because its a scientific proven fact that humanity is a family? That sounds like a cult!"

It's ridiculous!

What people really mean when they say something like that is, "HOW dare you try and find your tribe! I want you to be lonely, miserable and ignorant your whole life because your loss is my gain!"


>> No.10552792


I would 110% like to start a community around the Optimum Theory ideas, but calling it a cult is ridiculous. Community is human nature. Without community we are lonely and depressed; it's written into our DNA. Those who try and prevent the forming of wholesome communities have evil intentions; their goal is to debase & dehumanize their fellow men and women.


>> No.10552811

Your Judeo-Christian values state that sexuality is a disease.

>> No.10553068

have sex

>> No.10553514


lol, way? You're not one of those people who thinks that just because I have Jewish ancestors that I follow the Talmud, etc... do you?

I am an Optimist. I am a new breed. How could you watch my videos and not conclude that?


>> No.10553522

*wat? ^^^

>> No.10553526

~G ^^^

>> No.10553530


... I am trying to parse this. Are you thinking I am hostile to LGBQ+..., etc...? I cover this in the optimum theory video and even explain how homosexuality could have an evolutionary basis. Lots of research into the matter.

>> No.10553535

... I say in the video that many species have members that do not engage in sex activities for reproduction. Most bees don't have sex at all. My dogs are gay af, etc... Why would I give af about this? Optimum Theory is very clear that our purpose is survival.We have 7 billion humans. Be aren't in danger of running out anytime soon. And frankly the less guys in the field, then the more options for the rest of us.

>> No.10553542

But if you are talking about some sick pedo shit... then yeah I think that's a "disease" and that they should willingly get neutered to eliminate their sex drive. I think this should be a government service for this dysfunction, actually. People like that might be born that way, and thats sad, but then they should get snipped just like a person with any other medical issue can get cared for by medical professionals.

>> No.10553545

I have no problem with that, I just don't feel that it is in any way sane or supportive of forward survival to cling to a heritage known for its anti human nature bigotry.

>> No.10553546

Hi Gary. How soon can we expect the documentary? and will it feature just the automatons posted in these threads or will there be more to it? You've also mentioned being contacted by both the Wolfram team and Sabine Hossenfelder. Can you elaborate on their interest in your theory? Also 4chan isn't capitilized.

>> No.10553552


I am not clinging to any heritage. I only have one direction. Forward. But I'm not going to pretend that my past, or that my ancestors, didn't exist. And neither should you.

>> No.10553562
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>> No.10553566


Thank you for the correction, 4chan it is. I work full-time and I will finished the documentary asap. Maybe a week? I am thinking of producing a weekly video in general related to Optimum Theory., just whatever happens to come up in relation to it, even if it's just me ranting about whatever is on my mind. You can Youtube search "The Optimum Institute" and they will be posted there. I am also thinking of finally getting a twitter and an Instagram as "Gary Lee - Optimum Institute".

My contacts with Dr. Hossenfelder and Wolfram team have been private and brief. Dr. Hossenfelder in particular wrote me a very nice message, asked me a few questions about the automaton, and recommended a few books that might interest me. Wolfram team basically just asked if there was anything I would like to relay to Stephen. I said they can let him know about my pending patent for a "3D Spreadsheet" and how it would be a more natural programming language for a lot of people, and I can present it to him if interested. We'll see what comes of it. Maybe nothing, and that's okay.

>> No.10553570

"Persue" I'm such a goober

>> No.10553577
File: 49 KB, 1021x487, Sabine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for answering my questions Gary. I'm very much looking forward to your videos.

>> No.10553580


I am not at all surprise that she would reply to you like this. It was a private message, No matter.

>> No.10553584


Furthermore, I'm a "nobody" who spends his time commenting on 4chan boards that have language better suited for a bathroom stall, rather than The New York Times like Sabine has published in. But I'm also not going to act like it didn't happen. Cheers.

>> No.10553587

Sabine can say whatever she wants about me publicly or privately. I respect her.


>> No.10553591


So who's the one using burner accounts now, StarkEffect? Furthermore, if Sabine didn't know who I was before (protip: she did because we talked) SHE DOES NOW you goober.

>> No.10553594

oh no I'm not a redditnigger. I just thought these threads were slowing down too much.

>> No.10553598


StarkEffect, there is a 99% chance this is you since you are the only one who erroneously calls me "garret", I know you work close to Sabine, and I also know that you would deny knowing me publicly too in meatspace, even though you obsess over me using your anonymous accounts and make posts about me all the time which a search of your Reddit account reveals. So you should know better than anyone about these things. But here is the difference, I actually respect Sabine, even when she denies having spoken with me ;-)

>> No.10553601

I referred to you as garret because some reddittor popped in the thread a few days ago and claimed it was your real name >>10534977
I apologize if I shouldn't have taken his word for it.

>> No.10553801

what are you on about? that was a terry davis reference you dumb fucking glow in the dark newfag

go back to r9k or wherever you hail

>> No.10555007

Guys what happened to the cool automatons people were posting? Why isn't someone rendering a super large one or sending it so someone(like Gary) who would be willing to render a large one for several hours?

>> No.10555054


Something else that occurred to me after I slept on it. It's entirely possible that she did not know my name / institution when she messaged it. All I had at that point was the brief double slit video. Cheers.


>> No.10555156

I'm currently rendering the first 512 iterations of the theory extended into the complex domain. My implementation of complex numbers is slow as shit though, so it might be a while.

>> No.10555185
File: 2.66 MB, 699x700, boom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finally managed to get it to model "infinity" with my spaghetti code.

From my experience of fucking around with this, nothing interesting emerges if you keep ruinning it, it's going to be more or less uniform unless you arbitrarily put energy into the system like in this gif. For interesting stuff to emerge, you need to introduce some other force to counter the averaging without changing the total energy state of the system, otherwise it's just going to reach equilibrium (or as close as you can get to it with randomness involved).

Also, how exactly is Gary modeling "infinite smallness" by changing the number he divides the total with?

>> No.10555200

That doesn't look like it's expanding correctly when it "overlaps". Are you modelling it on a torus?

Also someone needs to make a new thread.

>> No.10555276
File: 21 KB, 617x598, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean how the down&right sides of the explosion come out before the corner? I'm not sure how to get around that unless I model space that's not displayed in the image in some weird way.

The way I've programmed it every corner pixel is next to one in the opposite corner.

>> No.10555328

Yes, it seems like you're trying to model an infinite plane rather than a torus. Pic related is how it should behave. This is easily accomplished using modular arithmetic to "remap" vales that fall outside the square matrix.

>> No.10555332
File: 157 KB, 698x699, torus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10555400

New thread >>10555395