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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 150x232, 9DC1B3A5-FE18-42D0-90DA-D4570FB96E6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10535284 No.10535284[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hurt durr i believe in supernatural stuff
>i either believe in centuries old superstitions, or newage appropriations of foreign old superstitions
why can’t people just take the /sci/pill and admit we’re just animals fighting for survival in a physical world? magic doesn’t real, /x/, and /lit/, and /pol/, and /his/. you lose, fatality. game over.

>> No.10535307

Speak for yourself

>> No.10535312

if everyone just minded their business none of this would be an issue

>> No.10535388


Not science or math.

>> No.10535575

I thought everyone got bored of positivism a hundred years ago.

>> No.10535881

yeah it’s because philosophers needed to insist they still deserved to get jobs after Wittgenstein showed they were all basically just poets

>> No.10535916

What do you mean?

>> No.10535920

>magic isn't real
Only because your culturally limited perception won't allow it to be real. Consider that the entire world is one big magical playground. What is it about the universe that should make ultimate sense, anyway? There isn't really anything. Everything that happens is an expression of magic. no less amazing than anything you actually consider to be magic.

>> No.10535921

>dude lets make an off topic thread to complain about off topic threads.
Metathreads belong on /qa/

>> No.10535931
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>tfw no Santa

>> No.10535937
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wrong, spirits and ghosts are a scientific reality. The problem is that we only live in a particular vibrational reality. Ghosts and spirits cross over into this dimension because some areas of the earth have different vibrational-wave qualities, such as in so called locations that are "haunted"

>> No.10535938

I used to be a full on fedora tipping atheist, but while I was in college my parents moved & bought a new house. That turned out to be actually fucking haunted. Had a ghost that would move stuff around when no one was home, you would hear voice that were just a little to quiet to understand the words at night, and destroyed several video cameras my parents set up to try and record the stuff moving around when no one was home. I personally witnessed a fair bit of this while home on breaks, and other stuff was from my parents. After that, my parents brought in a priest and he blessed the place; the ghost went away after that. So after that first hand evidence, I now believe that at least some "supernatural" things exist.

>> No.10535947

What's / Where is the Vibrational-wave qualties/ideas come from?

>> No.10535954

When even the great master Wittgenstein realized that positivism was a flop, it became kind of awkward to hang around there.

>> No.10535956

doesn't mean it's not the sanest position to take

>> No.10535962

>vibrational-wave qualities
Be specific. What "qualities" are you talking about?

>> No.10535969
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>> No.10535981

it flopped because it told philosophers "game over", not because it was debunked at all. late-Wittgenstein's "spiel" philosophy is exactly the idea that philosophy is just poetry imho, so he basically said "there is some human value in la-la land philosophizing even though it's just a game" which is precisely the cope philosophers needed to hear to think their jobs were still better than arts department stuff

>> No.10536021
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I invented it. Well I was partially inspired by my math professor, The Matrix, and the Sixth sense. Think about it. Ghosts and spirits are just rouge programs. But its also that you could be like someone with special abilities to see another vibrational reality, in the same way theres "colors human beings cant see", but some animals can

What I mean is that the way the human being is set up physically, we dont have the ability to see or perceive certain things, think about special abilities of some animals.

I think its supposed to be that way because this is "the matrix" in a sense that this is all a simulation of human being and reality is far more complex and different then even whats popularly portrayed because they dont want you to see whats behind the scenes.

>> No.10536042

my theory is that it has something to do with lowering or raising vibration of atoms

>> No.10536063

>lowering or raising vibration of atoms
Be more specific. "Raising" vibrations? You mean the frequency? So... ghosts are heat? And that makes sense... how?

Your ideas are horribly imprecise and confused. They hold no actual meaning, just word and thought salad.

>> No.10536081


>> No.10536084
File: 55 KB, 736x458, 548e2b8bdfe4139f1fbc4f7108a7d3ebe86d6aef_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raising, AND lowering. I did not state which atoms. You just made an assumption. Try again brainlet CIA nigger.

>> No.10536090
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>when irony turns to cringe

>> No.10536099
File: 131 KB, 1024x1024, 1520600914536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the discussion is over, you know what the fuck you are, you'll get yours on the very day you fear, and on that day youre going to get brutally murdered, killed, and i will be there to look over your dead corpse

>> No.10536106
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>dabs all over your face

>> No.10536112
File: 2.93 MB, 1716x1710, nobel prizes vs bigotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10536114
File: 302 KB, 412x425, 1548782427405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY EVERYONE LETS ALL CALL ATTENTION TO SOMETHING WE DONT WANT EVERYONE TO FIND OUT ABOUT AND DISMISS IT IN THE MOST NOTICABLE FASHION ! Holy shit you fucking glow in the dark niggers are so fucking stupid this is why you guys are losing the information war and your days are coming to an end. Run and hide while you still can bitch

>> No.10536120
File: 1.86 MB, 540x960, hitormiss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha look at schizo coping that magic doesn't real

>> No.10536122

You have schizophrenia.

>> No.10536123
File: 118 KB, 1024x847, 1545469993452m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1800 century: we know everything there is to know

>> No.10536124

They said similar things! MAGUC PROVEN

>> No.10536125

I am starting to think he is right and you are deliberately spreading misinformation.

>> No.10536127
File: 93 KB, 817x663, 6c916cbb6a1f78b7c57b8541d5c5355047a8babd_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classical response by the alphabet agencies. Keep on digging your graves.

>> No.10536130
File: 6 KB, 300x168, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I got the opportunity to troll the shit out of you fucking dumb CIA niggers

>> No.10536133

You have schizophrenia.

You have schizophrenia.

>> No.10536136


Ok, this is trolling. You are intentionally dismissing arguments with NO arguments.

>> No.10536139

you have aids

>> No.10536140

>Actually Believing the CIA tells people that magic isn’t real on /sci/.


>> No.10536142
File: 695 KB, 2000x2400, 1552326078350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

folks in this thread ive successfully trolled and triggered the CIA to "shut it down" HAHA I WIN FAGGOTS

>> No.10536145

>Ok, this is trolling. You are intentionally dismissing arguments with NO arguments.

Uh-huh. What argument do you even have that magic exists? Let’s see the peer-reviewed research. Impact factors above four please.


>> No.10536147

The CIA and various interests would certainly have an interest in dismissing competitive ideas and things that would harm things they value

>> No.10536150
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>> No.10536151

You have schizophrenia, or are being ironic. There’s no CIA here.

>> No.10536152
File: 25 KB, 272x204, npcalien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, i'll come clean, i'm not working for the CIA, i'm working for the reptilians. so do all the other grays who post on here. /thread

>> No.10536153

Spoken like your average zealot.

>> No.10536154
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, 1523900577811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious bait. Whatever I throw at you is not enough.

>> No.10536155



>> No.10536156

That’s nice. Prove magic exists.

>> No.10536161

Anyone who believes anything is a retard. I swear to God if you can't prove it with a repeatable experiment, I am going to bend over and eat my own ass

>> No.10536162

magic is just whatever you dont want people to understand, and we both know this

>> No.10536164
File: 106 KB, 500x332, top-text-ayy-lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice way to dismiss arguments by bringing aliens and reptilians with no previous mention of them whatsoever.

>> No.10536165

Does it have an Y chromosome or not ?
I can't tell.

>> No.10536166
File: 13 KB, 402x402, 1552261019732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what i mean. hey everyone, we cant let the discourse go certain directions, can we

>> No.10536168

Throw some peer-reviewed research from a journal with an impact factor above four.

>> No.10536169

This, the moon landings were obviously faked.

>> No.10536170

Nope. Understanding doesn’t matter, only evidence it exists. I’m waiting for that research.

>> No.10536171
File: 114 KB, 1557x1036, 2db218d9959ad2dd24a967eac1d729cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it yourself bitch, I am not feeding bait. You are already ruining the conversation >>10536169

>> No.10536173

Satellites orbiting the moon observe the landing site regularly.

>> No.10536175

why does OP trigger conspiracy theorists so hard? literally this has become an shitshow, when OP was merely noting that magic doesn't real. doesn't believing in magic kind of make the whole conspiracy theory moot? just one wizard could control the universe without needing to involve the CIA

>> No.10536177

At least the conspiracy theorists are not shitposters.

>> No.10536178

Why? You’re the one claiming that magic exists, not me, so the burden of proof is yours.

Anyway, meet the burden of proof for your claim I’m “CIA” too.

>> No.10536180

I am not claiming shit, you are talking of different anons here. Fuck off.

>> No.10536181

Oh, then what do you even claim, or do you have none?

>> No.10536186


>> No.10536187

They don't.

>> No.10536191

before we go further, please state what shape you believe the earth to be.

>> No.10536195

>at least the shitposters are not shitposters

>> No.10536196

Oblate spheroid.

>> No.10536201




^This is Japanese, so now you have to enlarge your retarded conspiracy theory to encompass multiple countries. Good luck ducking beneath Occam’s Razor.

>> No.10536207
File: 159 KB, 670x447, 584659main1_M168319885_LR.25cm_ap14_area-670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay fine, then what is your explanation for this?

>> No.10536223

Only enable the possibility of a rocket having reached the surface.

NASA destroyed all telemetric data due to budget constraint, that 500k worth of tapes.
27 millions/day is not enough to buy tapes for Friends marathon ?

>> No.10536234

Let me know when we can talk about rational skepticism and metaphysics like civilized people.

>> No.10536238

sigh. okay, so russia and the japanese were in on the conspiracy? elaborate more about who was behind the conspiracy and why

>> No.10536249

>Only enable the possibility of a rocket having reached the surface.

One that contained lunar rovers, ones that weren’t equipped for remote control, which then moved around on the surface, leaving visible tracks? It’s comfirmed. NASA employs ghosts.

>NASA destroyed all telemetric data due to budget constraint, that 500k worth of tapes.

And? Only the Apollo 11 tapes were lost. We went on multiple other occasions.

>27 millions/day is not enough to buy tapes for Friends marathon ?

NASA’s budget used to be much higher.

>> No.10536257


One minute of research tells me that the tapes were LOST, not destroyed. You’re a lying moron.

>> No.10536261


>> No.10536285

Taped over. The man was very specific on that fact.

The USA was caught with their pants down due to the soviet's advances, and had to save face.
They were controlled by trotskyists, and Jews have no quarrel about lying since they are rejecting the Logos. Incidentally, the reproducibility crisis is directly due to jewish control of grant money.

There are no tracks.

>> No.10536287

>Taped over. The man was very specific on that fact.

Who was? When? If they knew that, they wouldn’t have metaphorically looked under the couch for over five years. Please cite a source.


Back to your containment board.

>There are no tracks.


>> No.10536296

aside from your retard /pol/ shit, wouldn’t it have benefitted the USSR to debunk the moon landing themselves instead of confirming it?

>> No.10536297

Why are you cherry picking lost telemetry from one mission when there were multiple other missions that didn’t lose their telemetry? Something tells me you’re nothing but a troll.

>> No.10536305

yeah, probably a troll, but at least it goes to show you that people who believe in magic can't actually defend magic but instead point to irrelevant conspiracies like the moonlanding conspiracy (just try to envision that mental leap -- magic is real! evidence: the moon landing was hoaxed by Jews controlling NASA to save face in the cold war. QED, magik reel, me no schizo)