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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 525 KB, 1920x1080, Programming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10523860 No.10523860 [Reply] [Original]

You can ask any question about programming.
>Any programming language

>> No.10523880

thanks for making this
>any question
Python 3
why won't my shit run right? I've tweaked everything I can find but just make new problems. It just repeats the same randomly generated float infinitely

import random
import math

#x= random.randint(1,100)

g_old = random.randint(0,100)
g_new = 0

while abs(g_new *g_new - x)>.01:
g_new = (g_new) /2,
print (g_new)
print('square root found, program finished)')

>> No.10523952

never mind, I guess rubber ducky technique does work,, this did the jo>>10523880

import random
import math


g_new = random.randint(0,100)

while abs(g_new *g_new - x)>1:
g_new = (g_new+x/g_new) /2
print (g_new)

print('square root found, program finished)')

>> No.10523980

g_new is 0, and being divided by two, staying 0

Even if you use g_new = 100, dividing by two won't work. It will take this route

Basically, it will skip 10 entirely

I'm assuming what you tried was to do a binary search for the square root. Here's some pseudo code to represent how it actually works

function midpoint(a, b) {

function sqrt(n) {
left = 0
right = n
approximation = midpoint(left, right)

while approximation is not good enough {
if approximation is less than actual {
left = approximation
} else {
right = approximation

approximation = midpoint (left, right)

return approximation

>> No.10523993

yeah I messed up a bunch of things. Thanks. babbys first python

>> No.10524050

Let's combine all the knowledge:

>> No.10525102

Is possible to use OpenGL commands with Pygame?

>> No.10525121

i wish this board had more serious programming discussion, the technology board is disgustingly anti intellectual

>> No.10525202

what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.10525214

Is Project Euler the best place to start?

>> No.10525224

fuck /g/.
There are only corporate shills, trannies and trolls. In that order.

/sci/ is the new CS board. It's the only science that is relevant any more anyway.

>> No.10525226

forgot about CIA niggers.

>> No.10525238

If you like computation, yes.
But I like to make 'practical' shit more when I learn a language.

>> No.10525240

CS is not science
leave, >>>/g/

>> No.10525244

Like what?

>> No.10525601

Basically everything I use daily, file manager, photo viewer, web scapping, auto backup, etc.
I also use this book https://www.amazon.com/Exercises-Programmers-Challenges-Develop-Coding/dp/1680501224 when I run out of idea.

>> No.10525676


>> No.10525920

what's the deal with all the trannies on there anyway, i don't remember it being like that a few years back

>> No.10525941

Depends. If you like hard math, I think you'll enjoy many later project Euler problems. I started with pe, but eventually transitioned into contest programming. I still wish I started using websites like codeforces, usaco, and topcoder earlier. If you live in the USA, start with usaco. Otherwise, I prefer code forces. I personally am not a fan of the open ended process in PE, where a single answer to check your solution can lead to hacky and suboptimal solutions. However, with real contests that's not the case, as they will check your solution against many test cases. Being good at contest programming is a very useful skill to have for colleges and jobs.

>> No.10526086

For general problem solving
For interview prep

>> No.10526096

where can i learn arduino coding, this shit is so hermetic.

>> No.10526101
File: 1.31 MB, 500x500, 1541874228588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the future for graphics programming?

I want to master in it.

>> No.10526106

Graphics or visualization? Vulkan for the former, some JS framework for the latter.

>> No.10526111

graphics. I know visualization has a lot of potential in the future but I'm worried about graphics.

also http://www.anyonsys.com these guys look cool and they are looking for a vulkan dev in my location. I wish I was gud enough to apply

>> No.10526729

>1976 Matrix Singular Value Decomposition Film

>> No.10526738

>arduino coding
oh my fucking god

>> No.10526773

>Billionaire Mathematician - Numberphile

>James Harris Simons has been described as "the world's smartest billionaire", amassing a fortune through the clever use of mathematics and computers. He is now a renowned philanthropist.

>> No.10526776

if post==bait then kek=11
else this:>>10526738

>> No.10526931


>> No.10526946

As someone who interviewed at Google.. the problem is it isn't a meme. It's a genuine element of fitting in in a FAANG, and certain communities are really big on that as a goal.

>> No.10526948

What's a faang?

>> No.10526952



>> No.10526972

I have two 5000x5000 matrices A and B that contain values up to 10^9+7. I'd like to compute A*B mod 10^9+7 but any software that I use is either too slow (integer python libraries) or too inaccurate (matlab, numpy). Does someone have an idea what else I could use?

>> No.10527053


>> No.10527068
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A C program you write yourself

>> No.10527074

Either C or Fortran (easier). I would see if PDL can interface C and Fortran for that though.

>> No.10527150
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bumping my question with cute

>> No.10527163



>> No.10527190

but at least /g/ lets you format your code correctly

>> No.10527209

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10527278

if you use a modular multiplication algorithm designed not to overflow you can probably do this in whatever language. 250 billion multiplications won't happen quickly but should finish in a reasonable amount of time. If you need to do this repeatedly or really need it to be as fast as possible I would look into GPU computing (CUDA, OpenCL)

>> No.10527865

I'd suggest vulkan instead if you just want to compute one simple thing extremely fast. OpenCL and CUDA have a lot of overhead compared to vulkan.

>> No.10527918

isn't that for 3d things? I'm a new random anon btw

>> No.10528018

It's a general API for not just graphics cards, but all general purpose gpus, the spec doesn't even require them to have the capability to draw anything to a screen. So consumer GPUs, mobile GPUs, enterprise GPUs without any display outputs for machine learning or whatever the latest meme is, it's a low level API for all of those, just barely above the mostly proprietary drivers of those GPUs.

It allows you to do manual memory management on the device, write to processing queues from multiple threads, and use compute shaders for general purpose programs that need a lot of brute force.

>> No.10528059
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I work in AR. It's pretty cool.


It's mostly embedded systems work (units API's, C++, Yocto and deeper linux/sensors/logic/fpga programming) but it's a good niche.
I work in the Bayesian inference end, though, not graphics.

>> No.10528204

That sounds very cool. Do you think AR is viable or will be viable in the future? From an outsider's perspective it looks like a entertaining meme but surely it's more than that.

>> No.10528239
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It will surely come, although I don't know how prevalent.

Your mom will definitely want to check out if her Ikea furniture fits her living room before she goes and buys it, and stuff like that.
You can also trivially do stuff like facial recognition and query facebook and have peoples names and other information hover over peoples heads. Or tell you how fast everything is moving (cars on the street, say).

Or, if you wear the AR goggles, do volumetric reconstruction of the places you walked by.

>> No.10528273
File: 423 KB, 900x601, 1529728309320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Well, you gave me an interest for AR, thanks AR anon.

>> No.10528311

dude just try to post anything remotely making fun of trannies or sjws. you will get instabanned.
happened to me twice already. It's why I left that shitty board.
I was only joking anyway. and its fucking 4chan ffs.

>> No.10528481

>volumetric reconstruction of the places you walked by.
that's cool, like uncovering fog of war in an RTS

>> No.10528486


>> No.10528492
File: 13 KB, 500x259, 1521001925942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into c++, c# or Java but have literally no idea of any of these languages. Any good books suggestions for beginners?

>> No.10528507
File: 38 KB, 650x793, 1544721746035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The C Programming Language (Second Edition)

>> No.10528578

They are extensions on C.

>> No.10528586

Just watched the Coding the Matrix lectures.
What should I study next to continue learning about linear algebra for computation?
interested in basically all the things

>> No.10528613

>Coding the Matrix
redpill me on this, anon plz

>> No.10528621

oh it's the best. applied linear algebra with a heavy focus on applications and implementation

lectures https://cs.brown.edu/video/channels/coding-matrix-fall-2014/
class site with links to slide decks https://codingthematrix.com/
course textbook https://www.amazon.com/Coding-Matrix-Algebra-Applications-Computer/dp/0615880991

>> No.10528643

Deep Learning is mostly about deep systems of linear equations. Stanford has a good class videos for both CV and NLP.

>> No.10528696

You could try Julia. I'm surprised that numpy would give you inaccurate results for integers though, are you sure you are using the right data type?
If your data is actually floats, then you might be running into numerical stability issues.

>> No.10528702

thanks for that!! Looks very useful

>> No.10529246

C++ Primer Plus (5th Edition)

C# 3.0 - The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt

Introduction to Programming Using Java 8.0

>> No.10529268

Transsexuality is the new trendy way of describing mental illness. It's the 'catch all' psychiatric solution to everything. It's honestly on the rise, in sweden it's increased by like 1000% or something among kids (from maybe 20, to 500, so it sounds worse than it is)

>> No.10529269

Why JS? It's slow as hell. Web assembly maybe, in that case (but i suppose the framework would be built on wasm)

>> No.10529270

Given a linked list, how would you add a new node to the front of said list.
In c++

>> No.10529273

Append the previous front node as the child of the new front node?

>> No.10529279

allocate new node whos next points to current head and then define list as that new node

>> No.10529547

newNode.next = startNode;
startNode = newNode;

>> No.10529564

Will SICP help me be a better programmer than CS monkeys?

>> No.10529576

>someone sends a message to me
>i click on their chat box
>my browser sends a POST request to the server
>after it I can see the message and the person now know I've seen because when I received the POST response, the server detected I saw the chat and marked it as read
my question is: how to see the message without the server knowing I did so? Can I receive the POST response without server knowing it?

>> No.10529734

probably not, but it's still a good exercise

>> No.10529748

Possible if there is a security hole on that server, and you are a hacker.

>> No.10529752

depends if the data is pre-loaded in your browser

>> No.10529853

fucking leave, faggots

>> No.10530276

How do I make a probability density estimator using neural nets?

>> No.10530300

> dot .
No! NO!!!

>> No.10530301

You make a label a fuckton of data

>> No.10530311

I'm making a program that can dove Newtonian physics problems. Cool huh?

>> No.10530434

Ray tracing.

>> No.10530443

The BLAS library has the fastest implementation of matrix multiplication

>> No.10530463

SICP is a foundation for becoming a better computer scientist, it's an entry-level text. although I believe HtDP does a better job. both good books though.

>> No.10530472

Because viruses?
HTML5 is the way.

>> No.10530490

Why would you want to do something with neural nets that doesn't require neural nets?

>> No.10530491

Isn't programming nowadays more a craft than art?

You don't need calculus, algorithms, graph theory etc. You just need practise and knowledge of your tools (hello shitton of JS frameworks).

Why is it such a well-paid job?

>> No.10530530

>Why is it such a well paid job
It sure as hell isn't. It's a bloated field that has too many wannabe professionals in it.

>> No.10530533

Because it's often hard and soul crushing. Hard in the sense that you are expected to be capable a huge range of topics and technologies, soul crushing in that a majority of that knowledge becomes invalidated within a decade. It would be like learning a new notation for Physics every few years because some suit thought this new one looks better on a whiteboard.

In reality, most programmers are not professionals. They aren't given the time to master all of their tools or the mentorship to learn proper technique and discipline from an expert. Instead you have an entire industry of novices routinely repeating the same mistakes over and over because the needs of industry outweigh all other factors.

>> No.10531321

programming is a tool what you do with said tool is what matters. This is why you need calculus, linear algebra, etc.

>> No.10531435
File: 582 KB, 939x1163, microwavetime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it stupid to write a doubly linked list where four lists are attached to a sort of "hub" in the center? Like a wheel with spokes (and the spokes are doubly linked lists, connected to the central hub). Wouldn't this be more efficient ?

>> No.10531754

It’s the simplest way to represent a graph. Whether it’s the best depends on the application, how much memory do you have, what assumptions can you make about the data. Without those, a linked structure is usually the best choice.

>> No.10531778

I’m planning to major in computer science. I’m pretty nervous whether I’m too brainlet for it. How fucked am I if I work hard and try to study for hours everyday?

>> No.10531785

you might not enjoy CS if you think it's just programming.

>> No.10531804

It’s the math I’m scared of. I’m willing to put in work to learn it but I’m worried about getting btfo. I’m trying to learn some Calculus 1 from Khan Academy now and over the summer to get a head start but it is a struggle to wrap my head around it sometimes, like reading another language. And people here say Calculus is the easy part.

>> No.10532157

Should I do both then?

>> No.10532167

Math is a notorius subject of being really confusing until its not, then what you learned is the easiest thing in the world. You're not behind or anything, just keep at it and youll get it.

>> No.10532169

Code monkeys aren't that well payed. 5g developers are.

>> No.10532617
File: 97 KB, 500x333, a90d0ff4a64e6f648829c00df0fc63f7740f0ee70b6804510a7e01ae40bc96a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most cs programs in the united states don't have multivariable calculus or an advanced course on linear algebra

these US universities are the reason why many people see CS as a joke.

>> No.10532666

What should I call a function that takes in a collection of sets and two optional parameters N and M, and returns a set of all elements that appear in each of the input sets between N and M times?

Currently I just call it "intersection" (and describe it as an "arbitrary intersection" in a comment), but strictly speaking it's only an (arbitrary) intersection when N == M == length(collection_of_sets), which is the default. On the other extreme when N == 1 and M == length(collection_of_sets) the result is an (arbitrary) union. I'm not really sure what the call the cases for other values of N and M / the general operation represented by the function.

>> No.10532672

no way

>> No.10532676

How are you doing it?
How are the sets implemented?

>> No.10532690

The implementation is through bitmap indexing but that shouldn't really leak out to the function name.

As I've said, N and M are optional (and equal to the length of the input collection) by default, which means the result is essentially a set theoretical (arbitrary) intersection. But due to sampling/sensitivity errors I'm usually interested in elements that appear in say 95% of sets rather than in 100% sets like in a proper intersection.

>> No.10532718

I'd call it countRange, decorate it with doc comments

>> No.10532742
File: 6 KB, 251x189, 1454176097453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on AR smart phone apps. The technology is already cool for basic applications and it's a fun thing to work on.
The real problem with AR that prevents people from doing anything really revolutionary though is accurate positioning.
All the cool Aftereffects promo videos you see on Youtube, of people running through a shop or a street and it's all showing you exactly where to go and pops up information right where it should, all that.
That's all a complete fantasy if you don't know where the user actually is within about a square meter and where he's facing.

GPS is absolute garbage for AR applications. Maybe the military one is better. But the public one is way too imprecise. And you can't use it indoors. Same goes for the compass in your phone. Stuff like beacons is even worse.

Apple has a feature called AR world mapping which does basically this out of the box: >>10528239
And it's really impressive and it repositions everything where you set it up.
But this visual approach all starts breaking down when you take it out of the lab and into the real world where you have different weather, different light conditions, different times of day, lights off or on, stuff getting reflected, objects getting moved and in general people or objects moving in your way. And on top of stuff not getting detected, you'll have to worry about the wrong stuff getting detected as well.

Sure, you could bypass all this, by telling the user at one point: "Put the phone down in this frame that is perfectly aligned and press this button when you're ready." But that's just unsexy.
Even if you would then show fantastical dragons that guide you all the way through the store to your cornflakes, nobody would ever actually use it. People hate these sort of set-ups. Also they'd see pretty quickly that it's not a proper solution. Turn around and press the button and your corn flakes are in the parking lot.

Also you look like a dork looking through your phone all day.

>> No.10533084

Trying to catalog various methods and alternatives to estimating probability densities. I don't care if it spits out shit results i just need a way to pull it off.

>> No.10533100
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so we all agree C is the best language right and you should do everything in it

>yfw u realize C is also the most environmentally friendly progarmming language as well


>> No.10533465

it's true. They take up calc 1 and 2 (single variable calculus) with one course on linear algebra.

>> No.10534330

bump brehs

>> No.10534333

Recommend more websites like this.
Also, what's the To-go resource to learn algorithms?

>> No.10534346
File: 76 KB, 638x718, CLRS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10534567

I remember that thread.

>> No.10534581

>It’s the simplest way to represent a graph.
Fuck that. Representing a graph by linking nodes with pointers is fucking stupid. Store the edges and nodes separately.

>> No.10534596

Do you know anything about RSA encryption in JAVA....more particularly android?

>> No.10534665

So you have an edge object for every connected pair? How is that an improvement? Seems like it would take more memory with no benefit.
Unless you plan to store everything in flat arrays, but that adds complexity to the implementation.

>> No.10534726

Does it make me a lil bitch if I have to whiteboard out what I'm doing? I'm going through one of those online learn coding things and at first I could do them in my head and go straight to typing but now I can't, is this normal or abnormal for professional software engineers?

>> No.10534734

Whiteboarding is an essential interviewing skill.

>> No.10534772
File: 32 KB, 716x717, 1548901149087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up adjacency matrices and adjacency lists. Every time someone represents a graph with a bunch of cyclical pointer usage I die a little. I don't even care that it's more efficient. The clarity is what matters.

>> No.10534799

ok. is it just for interviewing tho? outside of interviews will it make me look like a mouthbreathing code monkey rather than a 100x god of programming

and when I say whiteboarding I mean planning things out on paper, not necessarily on a board

>> No.10534816

no, it's normal and professional to do so fot complex tasks. (if you work in a specialised CS field notably)

>> No.10534842

An adjacency matrix is inefficient in a sparse graph and scales terribly.
An adjacency list can still have the issue of cyclical pointers once you start following them through the graph.

>> No.10534847

How similar to math is programming?

>> No.10534862

In theory it's math. In practice it's often closer to plumbing.

>> No.10534863
File: 212 KB, 744x838, 1554743912392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like math but hate plumbing will I enjoy programming?

>> No.10534865

you may enjoy the more theoretical parts of it.

>> No.10535067

Set theory and ordered bears?

>> No.10535108

People who code without think the problem through are worthless. Imagine being given a math problem and then immediate just writing numbers in the hope it gives the solution. Whiteboard any complex problem and think before you code.

>> No.10535110

adjacency matrices are better for weoghted graphs, and since its a matrix you can do linear algebraic operations on it, like find the transpose of the graph (all edges reversed) which is useful for things like finding strongly connected components

>> No.10535117

will i ever actually use discrete structures in life

>> No.10535238

No, but you will use them practically everyday on the job.

>> No.10536044
File: 95 KB, 798x490, 780FE67C-C732-437A-83F9-91FA349B0FC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you solve your first problem on Project Euler

>> No.10536061

not worth it

>> No.10536095

>full of trannies
It makes sense. If you wanna work at one of these companies then obviously you have some issues.
Your main issue being that you are morally bankrupt and the second issues is that you care too much about other people's opinion.
It's just life's way of showing you what happens to people who care too much about others opinion and are morally bankrupt(Hint: they become trannies).
God works in mysterious ways indeed.
I hope you learned your lesson anon.

>> No.10536532
File: 14 KB, 300x300, sb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked at the standard library, but it doesn't have any easy way to implement the sorts of ring buffers I use in OpenAL.

>> No.10536969

in the browser?
look at web audio api on MDN.
there's an example there too. It's confusing, though

>> No.10537100

Node * newNode = new Node();
newNode->next = head;
head = newNode;

>> No.10537844

I know this feel deeply

>> No.10537921
File: 360 KB, 1000x562, Pepe96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leetcodes are so much harder. Growing up sucks.

>> No.10540500

Oh I didn't know there was a programming general
(Are algorithms questions supposed to go here?)

>> No.10541261

Can I see code for this?

>> No.10543233
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>> No.10543761
File: 12 KB, 225x225, gnu octave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current FPGA class I'm attending is working with Matlab to show filter design. One of the functions used is "sfi"; however I'm using GNU octave; and looking for a Fixed-point toolbox; I stumbled upon the "Fixed" toolbox, but it looks like is no longer mantained, as it is not available in Octave Forge. I approached this thread to ask, if you knew of any other alternative.

>> No.10545429

Did they used a super-computer to process all those data?

>> No.10545466

Just passing by to agree that /prog/, or literal applied math with abstract words representing operations, is far more /sci/-related topic while "technology" as in actual physical technology is more /g/ related. Also it would be good to separate CS from the shill-containment shithole that /g/ is and have it come here instead as this board is dead anyway and anything that breathes some life back into it is welcome

>> No.10545482

No, just a few macbooks. Such is the power of Apple.

>> No.10545495


>> No.10545525

Guys ive got 3 houses, each with fixed and variable loads. each with solar generation on the roof and 1 wind turbine, how would you schedule the variable loads?

>> No.10545533

to specify, i need to find at least 3 different approaches used in the decision making process (e.g., one deterministic hierarchical, one Monte Carlo simulation, one optimisation)

>> No.10545541

is there anything more soulless than spending your waking hours staring at a screen of syntax all day?

>> No.10545829

solved like 20 eulers until the math got too complex years ago, dont have the sources anymore but would it have any merit in CV?

>> No.10545844

>tfw programmer's block

>> No.10547074

how many fucking method names and functions do I have to memorize. I'm going through a tutorial and I keep needing another obscure one I learned 5 or 6 lessons ago. I keep thinking I should just put them on anki but if no one else actually memorizes these and just googles them when they need them I wouldn't bother

>> No.10547141

I guess it wouldn't hurt to make a portfolio of them and have it on your Github.

>> No.10547807

just practice enough until you remember them