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10533560 No.10533560 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no one alive today who has the same level of intelligence as Albert Einstein?

>> No.10533766

There are, theyre just not as famous.

>> No.10533769

I'm right here bro

>> No.10533800

Oh, that era when negroes didn't use to be niggers and didn't do gang shit and when the whites bullying niggas was actually a thing.
Miss those times bros

>> No.10533814

I'm the manlet in the back

>> No.10533826

>Racist boomer

>> No.10533858

Better question: why aren't there smart blacks being taught by Einsteins anymore like in pic related

>> No.10533865

There are. You just haven't heard of them because the news has no need to idolize Albert Einsteins anymore. Wars are not on the front page of newspapers in the same way as they were ages ago. We have entered a day and age when intelligence is as much a weapon as the size of one's army and the more intelligent people a state can rope into their program, the better chance they have of being better off. Government's use intelligent people to do their most important work, it's reasonable. But because of the clandestine nature of a lot of this work, you won't know of much of it until it's all said and done, and their arbiters dead or declassified.

>> No.10533953

I don't know. There are people out there. You just have to look.

>> No.10533977

Plastics in the water

>> No.10533991
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>Und az you can zee, mein neegers, zhat E=MC^2, proving vonce und fur all zat Einstein iz better den ANY-OZER bitch-ass MC

>> No.10534006

>Witten attended the University of Wisconsin–Madison for one semester as an economics graduate student before dropping out.[2] He spent time volunteering as a paralegal for a civil rights attorney, helping him win cases defending the rights of David Duke and other prominent white nationalists in their marches expressing support for the white minority apartheid government of South Africa. He returned to academia feeling a career in law was not sufficiently intellectually challenging, noting "The entire god damned jewdicial system [sic] is controlled by Zionist kikes"[2a], enrolling in applied mathematics at Princeton University in 1973, then shifting departments and receiving a Ph.D. in physics in 1976 under David Gross,[3] the 2004 Nobel laureate in Physics. He held a fellowship at Harvard University (1976–77), visited Oxford University (1977–78),[3][8] was a junior fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows (1977–1980), and held a MacArthur Foundation fellowship (1982). Witten was a known patron of and donator to the National Alliance[9], a white nationalist and white supremacist organization headed by fellow physicist William Luther Pierce[9a], that advocated for global apocalyptic race war and "total aryan victory."[10][11][12] Witten has gone on record claiming he has access to "the ASHKENAZAIC accords" [sic] which he uses to "aid his physics research and predict the future"[13].

>> No.10534019

There are thousands of smart, courageous people being side-lined by wealthy bankers and their pet politicians for calling them out on their absurd world-destroying lies.

Eg. galileo vs. the catholic church

>> No.10534036

Not the most flattering pic of hillary tbqh

>> No.10534050
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>implying Boomers are racist

>> No.10535170

Because no one cares about them

>> No.10535175
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>> No.10535186

There are plenty of people who are as clever, or more clever, than Einstein. The difference is that Physics has become so nuanced and advanced, that the intellectual achievements of these people are not as directly communicable to the public as Einstein's work was. I'm not detracting from Einstein's brilliance, but the modern-day equivalents are just not as visible. But I have been just as astonished by some recent work as I was when I first read Einstein's.

>> No.10535206

I think OP's pic is Howard University, where 90% of the students are black

>> No.10535482

Can you give some examples of such recent works?

>> No.10535964

I'll put it this way- everyone knows the Wright brothers, but no one gives a fuck about the guys making fighter jets

>> No.10536341

Who is Dr. Randal L. Mills

>> No.10536417

go to Howard and you'll find the same type of blacks Anon

>> No.10536461

>you can only be outright racist or a basedboy
Normal people still exist you know

>> No.10536478 [DELETED] 

because there are 7 billion people and only the qualified ones are making inventions that make it to the news. also most geniuses tend to be middle class because of how stressful the world has become that eventually make them mentally ill or hopeless, in the sea of normie scum(where they shouldnt obviously be)... also, albert wasnt the biggest genius there ever was, newton contributed more and many others maybe

>> No.10536487 [DELETED] 

>>10533560 (OP)
because there are 7 billion people and only the qualified ones are making inventions that make it to the news. also most geniuses tend to be middle class, in the sea of normie scum(where they shouldnt obviously be), because of how stressful the world has become that eventually make them mentally ill or hopeless and not worthy of respect or attention... I dont know if im a genius, but I used to be exactly like that. also, albert wasnt the biggest genius there ever was, newton contributed more and many others maybe

>> No.10536494

>>10533560 (OP) (OP)
because there are 7 billion people and only the qualified ones(in official, public laborotories for example) are making inventions that make it to the news. also most geniuses tend to be middle class, in the sea of normie scum(where they shouldnt obviously be), because of how stressful the world has become that eventually make them mentally ill or hopeless and not worthy of respect or attention... I dont know if im a genius, but I used to be exactly like that. also, albert wasnt the biggest genius there ever was, newton contributed more and many others maybe

>> No.10536519

stale meme

>> No.10537887

He was famous because he was both intelligent and right. There is plenty of as intelligent people but they are basically nobodies. The most intelligent person on earth is a bouncer in a club.
Elon musk is the closest we have to Albert these days, but he is more of a engineer rather than scientist.

>> No.10542539

There are tons of people as smart as Einstein today, they're all in the IQ threads bruh.

>> No.10542566

Pretty much, if you're not the first you're a nobody. In the same sense why women always remember the one who tears their hymen but not the ones after that.

>> No.10542575

um... i have a grand unified theory and was correct on how black holes actually work. im just not a public figure.

>> No.10542613

There is, he's just too busy playing Super Mario 64.

>> No.10542666

>Elon musk is the closest we have to Albert these days
i hope you're fucking trolling

>> No.10542680

Einstein claimed to not be smart but rather just spent a lot of effort and time on it.

Unlike you lazy sacks of shit he would be reading a textbook while you're browsing /sci/ and wasting time.

That's the answer ok.

Einstein is considered smart because the US government promoted him heavily because they liked him because he helped them make them weapons.

>> No.10544136


>> No.10544145

He was probably narcissistic to the point where he feared that his image would be diminished if it was seen simply as a product of birth rather than effort. You hear the same thing from athletes, celebrities, etc..

>> No.10544190

There are plenty of people. There just is no low hanging fruit.

>> No.10544490

They all left Germany for mediocre universities in the US to avoid being gassed.

>> No.10545130
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>blocks your path

>> No.10545147

Multiple people out there

>> No.10545265

There's 7 billion people. Circumstance determines success not intelligence or hardwork

>> No.10545304


There are. Most of them are employed by world superpowers (USA, Russia, China) and they keep a low profile because they work on classified projects and don't want unwanted attention brought to them. Top minds work for DARPA, NSA, The US Department of Energy, etc.

>> No.10545408

At least read Feyerabend before talking bullshit about science.

>> No.10545586

>Einstein is considered smart because the US government promoted him heavily because they liked him because he helped them make them weapons.
No. That was Enrico Fermi and Oppenheimer. Einstein literally did nothing.

>> No.10545599
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brain drain because of instagram thots

>> No.10545654

You think they would let you know to what extent Einstein contributed to the bomb? If anything they kept it a secret to improve his image. It was Einstein sent the letter to the president telling him the Germans were working on a bomb and America should get started before it's too late
It's probably kept secret for PR reasons... After all Einstein is the most beloved "person of the century" - they don't want people thinking he has blood on his hands

>> No.10545666
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>implying a high iq individual would visit a vietnamese basket weaving forum

>> No.10545674

Give me your other derogatory names for 4chan.. the best I've heard are:

>Vietnamese tapestry board
>Illicit Burmese opium den
>Chinese cartoon forums

>> No.10545685
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? what do you mea nop

>> No.10546057
File: 235 KB, 980x1472, 1554916256880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most intelligent person on earth is a bouncer in a club.
Imagine unironically believing this.

>> No.10546106

paleolithic art cave

>> No.10546112

This is probably the dumbest thread on /sci/.

>> No.10546119

>Canadian furry breeding club

>> No.10546156

you have your answer op

>> No.10546424

>It's probably kept secret for PR reasons... After all Einstein is the most beloved "person of the century" - they don't want people thinking he has blood on his hands
If you ask average person and their mother who invented Nuclear bomb, they will always said Einstein. US government never hide anything about Einstein involvement in Manhattan project. If anything he was face of the project. Fermi? Oppenheimer? Who is that?

>> No.10546433

Well, the liberals ensured the continued existence of the plantation by jailing Bill Cosby and destroying his image.

>> No.10547919

>In October 1999 Witten, representing the Jewish delegation at an American Renaissance meeting, said: "In all honesty, American jewry deserves a pogrom strictly due its involvement in the pornographic industry, let alone the large scale improprieties they are responsible for in the world of finance and the Zionist lobby as a whole"[38][39], going on to note that "[the] goyim are far more clever than you give them credit for, if the jews provoke them to mass antisemitism ever again, then American jewry surely would have deserved it"[40], garnering a mostly lukewarm and muted response from the attendees.
wtf is his problem?
wtf witty say it ain't so

>> No.10547934

>Pannen could have already solved the RH if he wasn't playing super mario 64
It kills me.

>> No.10548018

Schools suck. That's why.