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10533179 No.10533179 [Reply] [Original]

DC or AC?

>> No.10533186
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>> No.10533190


>> No.10533195
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>> No.10533201

fuck off Westinghouse shill. Edison was a much much much much much better inventor and that business of AC vs. DC was Pigeon Boy's one lucky break.

>> No.10533202

dc cos ac analysis is cancerous

>> No.10533211

>believing in "electrons"
Ok bub

>> No.10533213


>> No.10533216

AC is less efficient, and dirtier for the environment, but its dirt cheap to maintain compared to DC.

>> No.10533221

DC, cuz it's easier to work with when doing circuits

>> No.10533227

AC is only good for long distance movement of electricity, and some motors

>> No.10533230

neither is a panacea, use each where most appropriate

>> No.10533240
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AC for transmission, transformers allow you to scale up AC voltage much higher to reduce losses.

>> No.10533337

>what are dc-dc converters?

>> No.10533446

What would happen if you used ac power on a digital logic circuit? Would it run forwards and backwards over time? Sorry if this is a retarded question

>> No.10533461

it would make the big boom

>> No.10533474

>houses littered with DC converters because AC is provided at every outlet and every device runs on DC
Each house should have a master converter with all the outlets basically USB plugs. Heavy duty appliances would have AC outlets

>> No.10533491

Kinda depends I mean all digital logic can be made with nands and nands require 2 transistors and the same transistors can be used in analogue circuits where you would use ac just fine

You just wouldn’t get the circuit functioning like you intended because you would constantly be in the indeterminate voltage between 0 and 1

Just my guess

>> No.10533845

>dirtier for the environment
u fuking wot
Are you talking about delicious transformer juice or the electricity itself?

>> No.10533846

AIDS that's what

>> No.10533901

I don't know much about current, but I sure do like me some AC/DC son. Now that's what I call music.

>> No.10534051

Why do they use AC for power transmission over land, but DC for power transmission over water (e.g. from island to island)?

>> No.10534081

Thinking like this will put us on the road to carbon hell.

>> No.10534095

idk let me electrocute an elephant to death and I'll holler to you with the answer

>> No.10534098

>What are dc-dc converters
Relatively new that's what

>> No.10534116

DC is actually more efficient over long distances. Had to do a calculation in E&M physics about it once. On land you can have more power stations, so you don't need the lines to carry as far.

>> No.10535054

Patrician-tier fpbp

>> No.10535079

Friendly reminder that that faggot Edison killed all those innocent Elephants to discredit Tesla.

>> No.10535082

Would AC electronics provide any advantages to DC based transistors and chips?

>> No.10535090
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The whole reason to use AC is the fact that AC transformers are cheap, easy, and efficient. Which also allows for you to transmit high voltage / low amp electricity. More amps = more line loss, so keeping the amps low is more efficient and allows for less metal used in the line. With modern transistors, it's much cheaper to have DC transformers but they are still way more expensive than an iron core with some wires wrapped around it (AC transformer).

>> No.10535094



>> No.10535096
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Yeah AC doesn't use the core of a wire, but DC does. But currently it's seemingly only efficient for transmission lines over long distances, but probably isn't economical for delivery to individual customers.

>> No.10536991


>> No.10537159

AC generation with HVDC transmission. Then we get AC for distribution circuits.
>But house uses more DC than AC
Tell that to the motors, compressors and electrical ovens.

>> No.10537166

You can make the case of using transmission bars instead of conductors or cables, but money dictates the production. Even so, many electrical instalations uses bars as the means to distribute power through the building.

>> No.10537248
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this, the tesla crowd has made tesla insufferable. long live edison.

>> No.10537297

>Complex impedance

>> No.10537538

Oh yeah that's right, we're going to turn into Venus in the next 12 days, all the cow farts will boil off the ice caps and magically carbon dioxide and water vapor will alter their behavior from what is observed to an imaginary delusional state where they generate a runaway greenhouse effect and somehow even though we're further from the sun and have only a fraction of the greenhouse gas Earth will somehow end up as a boiling hellhole.

>> No.10537649

aren't motors and heating coils better off using DC?

>> No.10537696

DC for controls, AC for power.