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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10532834 No.10532834 [Reply] [Original]

if you could select one thing to have a full blown understanding of what would it be?
>black holes, cancer, dreams, etc...
it can't be something as broad as "Math" or "Life"

>> No.10532841


>> No.10532844

Quantum physics

>> No.10532875

Building muscle.

>> No.10533085


>> No.10533097

Psychological manipulation

>> No.10533101
File: 44 KB, 800x450, magnets_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magnets, and I don't even kidding my nigga.

>> No.10533102

protein sequence-structure-function relationships

>> No.10533107

The formation of the Universe. I seriously want to know how (or why) the fuck everything exists

>> No.10533110


>> No.10533123


>> No.10533126

Social Psychology

>> No.10533128

It's not useful if your body can't...

>> No.10533129



>> No.10533134


>> No.10533142

Turbulent flows.

>> No.10533176


>> No.10533182

gravity for sure

>> No.10533191

This negro gets it. Gravity.

>> No.10533241


>> No.10533522

fire, or just microscopic movement to macroscopic movement.
I can't comprehend what the hell is fire in a microscopic view
Not just fire but everything, how can something look as solid as a rock but be just a fuckton of small things all interconnected

>> No.10533537
File: 105 KB, 555x508, boomer roote beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rootes beer

>> No.10533552

This, but I hope my meditation will pay off eventually

>> No.10533582


>> No.10533586

This guy gets it.

>> No.10533682

This guy gets it

>> No.10533694

Here's another fun one: contact forces are really electrical repulsion

>> No.10533699

repeating digits

>> No.10533700

This guy gets it.

>> No.10533701

Group representation theory and algebraic geometry.

>> No.10533706
File: 1.79 MB, 334x357, popular.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow nigga. You got it!

>> No.10533710

The complete and total knowledge of the nature of wishes and their execution, such as what OP posted.

>> No.10533729

The Human Genome

>> No.10534079

How to create a useful, safe, and ethical superintelligent AI.

>> No.10534094 [DELETED] 

>if you could select one thing to have a full blown understanding of what would it be?
I would want to know what the answer to this question would be. cheeky innit

>> No.10534097

>>10532834 (OP)
>if you could select one thing to have a full blown understanding of what would it be?
I would want to know what the answer to this question should be. cheeky innit

>> No.10534230


>> No.10534247


>> No.10534276
File: 416 KB, 700x750, 4fb88d451b0923450c4b43de2bc1c803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is "time" too cliche?

perhaps "higher dimensions"

>> No.10534328

Optimum Theory

>> No.10534345
File: 468 KB, 1242x1231, E37F1283-5FCE-4FDA-A285-DD965BA4BBD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The complete anthology of global intelligence regarding all powers public or private

>> No.10534503

then i could leverage that to learn anything else

>> No.10534524

The solution set to every Millennium Prize Problem

>> No.10534966

Matter manipulation, alchemy type shit

>> No.10535011


>> No.10536067

Elementary particle physics. I want to know what the fuck we're dealing with here.

Or maybe p-p-interactions.

>> No.10536071


>> No.10536075


Babies can't into simple EE things.

>> No.10536076


>> No.10536218

>this guy gets it

>> No.10536250

Actual physics

>> No.10536253
File: 90 KB, 536x536, minds in general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to build a friendly superintelligent AI that doesn't kill/torture us all

>> No.10536255


>> No.10536260
File: 369 KB, 1700x850, deathism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10536266


>> No.10536269

How to be intelligent

>> No.10536273


>> No.10536276

How to live a happy life

>> No.10536326


why my mom died

>> No.10536793

this guy gets it

>> No.10537938

I have an awsner

>> No.10537951



>> No.10538023


>> No.10538096


i'd want to find out about hitler's porn interests

>> No.10538147


>> No.10538252

Social engineering

>> No.10538312

Is "drugs" too broad of a category?
>Synth MDMA and LSD from shit I buy at Walmart
>Create new drug to repair my newly-fried serotonin receptors
>Repeat daily until I get bored


>> No.10538320

this guy gets it

>> No.10538383


>> No.10540935

Space and how to travel it

>> No.10540950

>10% cooldown reduction after 10 minutes

>> No.10540959

social interaction

>> No.10541059
File: 2.50 MB, 1257x1240, 2017-09-26 19.39.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucid dreams. They fascinate me to no end

>> No.10541093

Applied Mathematics

>> No.10541112

Astronomy and/or how to traverse space quickly and efficiently

>> No.10541119

Not that hard to learn, could do it before but you get really tired

>> No.10541145

The way to understand all sciences perfectly, even things we haven't thought of yet.

basically just omniscience without the boredom

>> No.10541149


>> No.10541168

>this guy gets it

>> No.10541191
File: 593 KB, 800x2541, 1529899105736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't just mean how to do it and do it consistently, but also how it all "works", the underlying principles, I know they are few because its mostly a matter of belief affecting dream reality/logic but to get a full and total understanding of all of that so that I can manipulate everything about them effortlessly would be nice.

Alternatively just gaining total knowledge and understanding how to have the longest and most stable/vivid lucid dreams effortlessly so I can skip the process of just hoping to have one at random DILD like I have been having - or the hit-or-miss aspects of WILD and just be able to have them every night effortlessly so I can begin exploring the nature of lucid dreaming itself and not be stuck on the beginner phase of just trying to induce them with little success.

Maybe then I would prefer to have less understanding of everything so I can explore and discover things myself.

>> No.10541227

how to become a kardeshev 3 civ in the shortest amount of time with minimal energy use.

>> No.10542639

and what would you do with that knowledge

>> No.10542655


>> No.10542681
File: 1.31 MB, 260x209, don'ttakechecks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stock market

>> No.10542708

Let's find out.
Compress it all into a perfect unpacking algorithm that delivers information at exactly the right moments to prevent anyone from opposing exactly that trajectory.

>> No.10542711

How to manipulate/warp space time. What you would need to do it etc...

>> No.10542797

This guy gets it.

>> No.10543074

this guy get is

>> No.10543183

The entire body of mathematics both pure and applied. I mean every publication and every ounce of knowledge.

>> No.10543212

economics. about to finish my bsc and still have so so much to learn

>> No.10543230


>inb4 incel

>> No.10543525

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10543795

>cancer, dreams, etc...
We do have a complete understanding of these, absolute retard.

>> No.10543800

Most intelligent response, knowing the true nature of gravity would help figure out the true nature of the universe itself and create a theory of everything.

>> No.10543812

The vagueness relation between epistemology and ontology

Fight me

>> No.10543837

Why do we dream?

>> No.10545879


>> No.10547546


>> No.10547613

Came here to say this

>> No.10547647

Life-extending drugs and enzymes.