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File: 21 KB, 1298x621, le float earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10525066 No.10525066 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is what my elementary teacher told me continents where like...
I hope not this bad, but.. Can you tell me some examples that happened to you?

>> No.10525126

a teacher (well, I was around 10 at that time) told me that atoms were bigger than molecules

>> No.10525127

my middle-school history teacher was one of those "the Civil War wasn't about slavery, it was about states' rights" paleos

>> No.10525154

The wings work because air flows faster over the top. Abstinence is the only way to prevent STDs. Condoms don't work.

>> No.10525155

not a teacher but I've read that planes fly because of coanda effect in a textbook. I don't remember the nigger who wrote it but there are many text books contains that wrong information.

>> No.10525192

I loved old adventure stories when i was a child and from reading them I thought Negro was an inoffensive scientific name.

Got me in trouble in school. Pretty funny my oblivious reaction.

>> No.10525195

maybe she just meant islands like Australia not all continents

>> No.10525479

well that was dumb of her but the biggest atoms are actually bigger than the smallest molecules

>> No.10525482

lel, I've had a few of these from reading too much rather than first learning stuff IRL

>> No.10525486

this would be pretty sick though, we could engineer some macrosails or other propulsion and move to more agriculturally, culturally, or economically more desirable area. Oil in the north sea? That's now 12 miles inside our coastline. Wait, more discovered in the Gulf of Mexico? Power up the reactors

>> No.10525487

That's at least partially true.
Reading old books is important. In fact, Negro has never officially been offensive, to my knowledge: it just went out of style.

>> No.10525511

did he/she also say where=were
teacher was part right
teacher was also part right
>Abstinence is the only way to prevent STDs
this is better than saying otherwise, however you can get std/sti's without sex as well, but condom are 'usually' safe
it is scientific atleast

>> No.10525521

> My third grade teacher said that the reason that we are held down on earth is because the earth is spinning.
> I had an introductory to biology evolution instructor who said electrons where held to the nucleus of an atom by gravitational attraction.

>> No.10525559


>> No.10525752

yeah, basically all of the kiddie textbooks or magazines are 30% wrong.

>> No.10525759

jesus christ please be a bait
>My third grade teacher said that the reason that we are held down on earth is because the earth is spinning.

>> No.10525768

My teacher taught me that macroevolution was a valid scientific theory.

>> No.10525831

>My third grade teacher said that the reason that we are held down on earth is because the earth is spinning.
You cannot disprove this. Every explanation begs more answers.

>> No.10526003

teacher told me that all I's must be capital no matter what, this wasent too big of an issue in elementary school as my I's looked like my i's easily but this shit actually stuck with me up into highschool where somebody told me that 'I' does not need capitalization every word.

>Also my spanish teacher told me all basketball players are illiterate and don't deserve to get paid millions for shooting a ball into a hoop when she is teaching the next generation and making pennies

>> No.10526218
File: 47 KB, 640x447, 1554203371967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alaska wasn't the biggest State. New York State and New York City aren't different things.

These types of experiences in school cemented my disdain for public education. The system could be so powerful, yet there seems to be hidden faults that no one is willing or capable of facing.

>> No.10526227

Circumference of a circle is three times the diameter.

>> No.10526334


>> No.10526339

>be me (boomerfag) but much younger
>be fascinated by comet Hale-Bopp that is giantly visible in the night sky
>eagerly fetch any snippet of information about it
>in school, teacher initiates a discussion about what a comet is
>3nd grade children throwing fragments of truth and half-truths around, but don't really get the whole picture
>don't get chance to give the correct answer
>Teacher ends the discussion
>"A comet is a star falling from the sky" she says
>An aura of authority emanates from her
>the discussion is over
>First time I felt I wanted to die

>> No.10526594

"Mars is red because there's fire on it"
I swear to God I'm not making this up

>> No.10526611

>Spinning earth causes gravity
Where you from? I also was told this.

a comment my science teacher made was
>Something something god is real because scientifically the sun is impossible. How does it burn forever? There's no one there shoveling coal into the sun constantly.

>> No.10526612

the fucking food pyramid

>> No.10526615

>begs more answers
You mean questions.

>> No.10526616

>no evidence against
>plenty of evidence for

>> No.10526622

Not science, but basically all of my countries history (South Africa) was completely false. Only started learning the real history recently.

>> No.10527203

>hidden faults that no one is willing or capable of facing.
you got it my nibba

>> No.10527217

well... that happened several times to me.
Once i was discussing the egg is not a milk derivate and the teacher said it was....
Or once, the senior higscholl chemistry techer told me the 95.6% ethanol sold in pharmas is poisonous and should buy liquors if i wanted it not to be poisonous.

>> No.10527224
File: 87 KB, 800x985, taste-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bullshit

>> No.10527237

classic. i wonder what brainlet invented this...

>> No.10527258

> jesus christ please be a bait
lolwut. Australia is an island you moron. Fucking tard go look at a map you brainlet.

>> No.10527264

I had abstinence only sex ed.

>> No.10527308

-All native Americans were peace loving environmentalists who didn't value currency. All of them. The whole fuckin 2 continents were all the same.

-Also some jew teacher tried teaching us whites and blacks always got along and then one day the whites came and took child MLK jr away from his white friends and put his family in a poor neighborhood.
-Same jew teacher stared stone cold serious at the class and told all the black kids to stop trying because whitey will never hire you anyway.

-Hitler was evil and wrong and attacked without cause or provocation

>> No.10527314

>Alaska wasn't the biggest State.
As a Texan I can confirm this statement to be 100% factual.

>> No.10527317
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Greatest nation on earth

>> No.10527342

How so?

>> No.10527544

The entire timescale of when the Zulus moved down into south Africa was changed to make it seem like theyve been here far longer than they have, the genocide of the original civilisation of eastern south Africa by the Zulus wasn't even mentioned, the motivations and actions of Shaka Zulu was rewritten to make him out as a hero, instead of a genocidal maniac worry of a bond vilain. The anglo-boere war was covered in about 1 class, and most if it was wrong, the early history of the cape was entirely skipped, we went from the initial explorers finding it, straight to 250 years later when the great trek happened, the San people (the original people of south africa) and their interactions with Anglos were skipped, we went into a lot of detail about Zulu culture, but having grown up amoung Zulus I could tell a lot of it is wrong, it was like a romanticised version of their culture, I doubt the teacher even knew a single traditional Zulu. Other Bantu tribes were mentioned, but even those that had major Influince in shaping early south Africa were skipped, or made out to be bad guys. I think my teacher had a massive girl boner for Zulus or something.

>> No.10527554

O, and we were told how in tune with nature the Zulus were, (imagine the American Indian stereotype), completely ignoring the fact they spent most of their time here burning and turning anything they could conquer into desert to prevent other tribes from being able to grow and chalange them.

>> No.10527573

On a related note, why is coffee typically called a "bitter" taste? It's not bitter at all, especially compared to really bitter tastes like hoppy beer or green tea that has soaked too long.

>> No.10527602

Most of these sound like you being retards and not remembering/understanding them correctly. Bottles of 95% alcohol that you buy at a pharmacy ARE poisoned with methanol.

>> No.10527634
File: 473 KB, 880x792, Sasha_grins_at_the_instructor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole lot of stuff about drugs (made us watch requiem for a dream in primary school)

>> No.10527644

History teacher in 7th or 8th grade taught the whole class that compasses point south in the southern hemisphere. I was reprimanded for disagreeing with her. Then doubled down and they had to bring my parents to school.

>> No.10527670

Nigga learn what centripedal force actually is.

>> No.10527752

yes. and you are implying islands like australia float. fucking retard

>> No.10527760

>Bottles of 95% alcohol that you buy at a pharmacy ARE poisoned with methanol.
no?? they say clearly "edible and good taste". At least in my country.

>> No.10527764

lmao. all time classic. Arguing with brailet teachers and get sent to the principal's

>> No.10527771

I was told global warming was caused by the ozone hole

>> No.10527781

it is. specially if bad quality

>> No.10527786

In many countries it's extremely hit and miss if you get ethanol that is fit for human consumption, and the ones that are won't advertise it so as not to be subjected to an incredible amount of tax. It's not usually methanol in it tho, but heavy metals and more rarely benzene as it makes the ethanol easier to distill at high percents.

>> No.10527789

Not really. I liked coffee from the first time I tried it when I was 13, and it never tasted particularly bitter. Other foods and drinks commonly known as bitter do taste like that to me, so it's not as if my sense of taste is generally different.

>> No.10527796

I'd like to take a moment to correct you. You probably believe now that the Civil War happened because of slavery.
It didn't, it happened because Southern States sperged out over slavery and loss of independence while Lincoln would rather keep the country united than abolish.

>> No.10527804

I got taught this too. What's the modern literature on the matter?

>> No.10527832

I wondered how after exposure to radiation, other things would be radioactive as well. She said that the emmited radioactivity just bounced around in the walls for years.

I also wish I could have had a single competent adult in my life in my formative years, now that's an upper class privilege.

>> No.10527876

Engineering professors don't count

>> No.10527902

Only thing that I can think of is phenomena that were simplified to the point that one didn't really understand the driving force behind them like osmosis or oil-water separation

>> No.10528009

Inside a chicken egg there is only one cell.

>> No.10528071

Life happened thanks to a mix of lava, X-Rays, thunders, minerals and so on.

>> No.10528090

To be fair in my country many alcoholic substances include bad tasting chemicals to stop people from buying them as cheap drinks. Not straight up poison, but still makes it harder to drink

>> No.10528099
File: 10 KB, 500x490, attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your (You) and fuck off

>> No.10528128

A geography teacher once told us that green house gases don't go up the atmosphere because they are heavier than air.
Same teacher would also say that cars create a vacuum zone behind them when moving at high speed (he said that because he was a cyclist and apparently cyclists ride behind cars for training or some shit).

In university an engineering professor once told me that permuting the rows of a matrix doesn't change it's eigenvalues.

>> No.10528181

My science teacher told me that men had fewer ribs because god used some of Adam's to create Eve. She also told me that forensics experts use that to identify the gender of skeletons.

>> No.10528285

Back in school days teacher was talking about mafia, I was 7 years old.
"You search for a job and Mafiosi find it for you then they ask you to kill people".
Thinking about it now, it has no fucking sense.

>> No.10528323

Absolutely right. The state's rights to own slaves.Many of the declarations of succession mentioned slavery.

>> No.10528384

The Germans. From the same people who brought you mapping out the shapes of the skull.

>> No.10528418 [DELETED] 

One teacher told me niggers were just as smart as humans. The intellectual differences were due to "socioeconomic" factors

>> No.10528420

And he also told we only use 10% of our brains.

>> No.10528467

this. the vast majority of the South African black population settled in South Africa more recently than the Afrikaners.

>> No.10528516

I keep a very bad taste of History/Geography/Civical Education classes
>cry for shoah every year
>muh middle age muh globalization
>muh république lumières blabla révolution de 1789
I've never heard of la commune de Paris at school, never heard of anything that could induce a criticism of capitalism
Not very shocking though obviously the system in place won't produce critical individuals
That's not science related though I could talk about how I didn't learn how french borders could stop radioactive Tchernobyl clouds
or that you should maybe avoid taking pills produced by a company who created zyklon b and bought prisoners for their experiments
or that ressources on earth are not infinite and you can't run a current XXI century farm without oil

>> No.10528531

I wonder how true this is. I was told thus a lot

>> No.10528535

I had a high school health class teacher say that the smallest unit of life is a virus.

And that saturated fats are fats that don't melt at room temperature. He then cited ice cream as an example.

>> No.10528546

just shovel carbs in your face guys i promise youll be healthy

>> No.10528557

very much not at all true

>> No.10528587

>the smallest unit of life is a virus
If you consider viruses to be alive, and " smallest unit of life" to be the smallest living being, he would be kinda right, wouldn't he?

>saturated fats are fats that don't melt at room temperature
They tend to be, and I guess (but I may be completly wrong) that this was once accepted as an early definition.
>He then cited ice cream as an example
That's retard though.

>> No.10528606
File: 397 KB, 720x480, oof.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except still no because A. viruses are non living and B. even if you were to extend the question to smallest thing that can affect life, prions are MUCH smaller than viruses. The answer is a cell.

>> No.10528633
File: 375 KB, 1600x1200, image_219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly a vaccuum, but there is an area of much reduced air resistance right behind a car/truck. Taking advantage of that is called drafting.

>> No.10528640

One of the weird things you learn when you put numbers to things.

A bunch of H2O molecules can fit inside a gold atom.

>> No.10528650

It's like saying you only use ten percent of a car because you don't constantly brake and use the horn.

>> No.10528660

That there are only 5 senses

>> No.10528670

Do American schools even believe in quality control of their teachers?

>> No.10528675

of course islands float? all land floats, that why you find water when you dig down. some people baka

>> No.10528693

But the air pressure is still 1 atm, isn't it? I wouldn't call it vacuum.

>> No.10528734

> Where you from? I also was told this.
I'm from Illinois, USA. It's actually a very common thing among brainlets to assume that the reason why we are held down to earth is because of it's spinning. I don't know why people think this though.

>> No.10528750

My 5th grade teacher told me light bulbs absorb darkness

>> No.10528840

there's no such thing as light, only lack of darkness

>> No.10528859

I asked a chemistry teacher in HS (who was a doctor by the way) the reason behind why we have an ozone layer above everything, since O3 is clearly heavier than O2.

The fucking bitch then told me and the whole class that O2 is denser than O3.

>> No.10528874

The teacher clearly meant that all i's as in the word "I" need capitalization, not _ALL_ i's.

>> No.10528878

>global warming is real

>> No.10528883

>In university an engineering professor once told me that permuting the rows of a matrix doesn't change it's eigenvalues.

That's how airplanes fall.

>> No.10528887

If you only used 10% of your brain, the other 90% would be just a big parasitic waster of energy, and evolution would have weeded this characteristic out ages ago.

>> No.10528894

>the earth is a sphere

>> No.10528895

I got told Pluto was a planet.
>Spinning earth causes gravity
I also got told this but in Australia.

>> No.10528915

>tfw fighting with teacher about her argument that a light year is a unit of time
>study history lessons about how medieval times were "light years ago"

>> No.10528918

Got told I was spelling a word wrong and it was i before e except after C.
Made all the corrections in my workbook, cheif, ieght, thier, nieghbor, then had to uncorrect them all.

>> No.10528988

Two professors of mine believe that water spins in different directions in each hemisphere due to the coriolis effect.

>> No.10529008

This drove me insane. I had this teacher in elementary school who used to say this. One day she organized an experiment (after telling us about the supposed flavour zones) with us kids. We would havr to taste different flavours and confirm wtf she was saying. Basicly 3/4 of the class was agreeing while the rest was arguing it was false. I hope it was an experiment on authority.

>> No.10529015

I find it to be very bitter and dislike it.

>> No.10529016

You only use 10% of your muscles at one time.

>> No.10529024

Is this why I can't build muscle?

>> No.10529032


>> No.10529043

David P. Hänig original graph were about general sensitive zones Edwin G. Boring mistranslated it a map for taste types.

>> No.10529088

The self fullfulling prophecy here is we did all this shit in primary school too, and you basically didn't "learn" unless you agreed. Next day, all anyone took away is that a whole class of kids ran an experiment that proved it to be true .

>> No.10529120

>the chad drive

>> No.10529138

When my family settled in eastern south Africa in the mid 1800s whites outnumbered blacks 10:1. After the industrial revolution we needed more workers and blacks came here from the north for work, and in early 1900 we hit 60% black population. Now 100 years later we are 8% white and shrinking. It's such a perfect example of how populations get replaced, and history then gets rewriten, and you can see it in a sped up state in America and Europe right now. If I believed in conspiracies, I'd think we were a test, and since it was such a massive success it's now being done faster in other places, of not, then in 150 years, or just 5 generations, with organic growth the manual-labourer: civilisation-builder ratio can go from 1:10 to 10:1.

>> No.10529178

All the chemical energy that is released during the burning of a candle is from the candlewick.
The candlewax is just there to slow down the reaction, but it doesn't burn itself.

Same (chemistry) teacher:
What exactly the "octane number" for fuels is, we just don't know. It's a well-kept secret of the oil industry.

Also this gem:
"I am now going to write down a word. It's "ATOM". I know you don't have any idea what that means, but please don't ask any questions about what it yet.

>> No.10529789

No one knows what it exactly is ya fuck fuck

>> No.10529827

I just want to run them down
Sticking their spandexed ass up at me
>look at muh sanic speeds

>> No.10529897

Define atom...and that's not possible.

>> No.10529901

The teacher is right here though because Australia is upside down

>> No.10529955

An atom is just a strange olive.

>> No.10529962


I did Jewish studies from grade 1-8

>> No.10529972

Australia isn't even an island, it's a continent.

>> No.10529982

Your Tongue has thousands of independent sensors and they all measure the same thing.

>> No.10529987
File: 981 KB, 1377x884, Total_Fertility_Rate,_1950_-_2100,_World_Population_Prospects_2015,_United_Nations[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thought a lot of bullshit especially during history and economics lessons.

A history teacher told us we'd run out of oil within a couple of decades in the early 2000s and that we'd tell our grandchildren about the oil age where we still had oil while the world runs on coal power, absolute bullshit about a year after he said that we found 400 years worth of oil in Venezuela.

The second retarded thing was a teacher talking about overpopulation in economics. Telling about how humanity will have 20 billion people in the 2010s.

Wish I could show him this to disprove overpopulation.

>> No.10530225
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My five grade history teacher told us how the egyptian built the pyramids:
- They built a road up way to the top of the pyramid.
- They pulled the rocks by hand.
- They pulled the rocks on wood cylinders.
- They built 1 pyramid more then 100 years.
- They build the pyramids to serve as a grave.
- They started to build a pyramid to bury there that person who wasn't even born yet.

>> No.10530234

My grade 2 teacher reprimanded me in front of the class for believing negative numbers existed, 'cause how can you count negative numbers with apples on a table?

>> No.10530321

>A history teacher told us we'd run out of oil within a couple of decades in the early 2000s
Most people actually believed this years ago. The thing is that we keep finding more oil. We should stop burning it though.

>> No.10530360

If the musicians of a symphony orchestra don't start to play at EXACTLY the same moment, the sound waves from their instruments will cancel each other out due to destructive interference.
That's why orchestras have conductors.

>> No.10530382

So? He was not wrong. What would be -2 two apples on a table? The least amount you can have is 0 apples.
>but what if I have a debt of two apples
Then you have a fucking debt of TWO apples, a natural number. "Negative" numbers are just a linguistic construct, they don't actually exist.

>> No.10530401

>What would be -2 apples on a table?
Rotting decomposing apples that nobody wants to touch

>> No.10530419

"water doesn't conduct electricity"
I mean, I guess they are right, but they never told that's only if it's pure water, so in a later year science class when presented with a question to classify conductors and insulators I got it wrong

>> No.10530426

>linguistic construct
I thought this didn't happen on /sci

>> No.10530435

i remember talking with a bunch of other kids about what to call black people and i also thought negro was the official term.

>> No.10530453

>That's at least partially true.
No it's not

>> No.10530514

>you should maybe avoid taking pills produced by a company who created zyklon b and bought prisoners for their experiments
that sounds like an opinion, anon

>> No.10530531
File: 24 KB, 271x400, 1471776399336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The white people used nukes on the poor japanese.
>The kind, graceful japanese people suffered because of our bloodlust

Imagine my shock later in life...

>> No.10530570

>what is antimatter

>> No.10530723

>>what is antimatter

>> No.10530821

That's not true. The real reason we don't "run out" is that as the price increases it becomes economically viable to get the deeper oil we already discovered. Recently fracking has expanded our energy reserves enough to last another hundred years or so with the current rates of growth

>> No.10530852
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1453535704141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What exactly the "octane number" for fuels is, we just don't know. It's a well-kept secret of the oil industry.

>> No.10530866
File: 384 KB, 885x516, obama-finger-gun_c0-0-640-373_s885x516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Middle East has 260 more years of proven reserves.
You didn't hear this from me.

>> No.10530874

>The wings work because air flows faster over the top
That's not completely wrong. This also creates lift and I can at least conceive of a plane that barely flies and would not without this additional force. It's wrong in the sense that it's not a complete explanation nor is it even the strongest force and you can design a plane only depending on newton's third law.

>> No.10530897

because you can simulate gravity, like in the space station, by creating a constant acceleration to your "ground". Spinning does this.

>> No.10530898

A grad student explained this to us once in process design (ChemE) in the context of turbines and how they generate power
He wrote a bunch of differential equations spent the entire 50 minutes trying to explain.. we just looked at him silent

>> No.10531213

>Then you have a fucking debt of TWO apples, a natural number
"Two apples" is not a number.
>"Negative" numbers are just a linguistic construct
So are natural numbers (see peano axioms).
Look around you, and see if you can find the number "two" anywhere in your surroundings. No, not "two of a certain object" this would just be a mental crutch to conceptualize "Two".
"Two" simply doesn't exist outside the abstract realm, in that regard there is no fundamental difference between 2 and -2 or i.

Also "What is negative/positive charge".

>> No.10531228

And yet that teacher carried a debt.

>> No.10531257

You french faggot lefties dont relize all along the world, the educational system has 90% of lefty teachers? Specially in YOUR country. Fucking pussy, I will piss on your grave.

>> No.10531266

Hitler is a fairly stable veteran of the great war.
The lightbulb is a charming theory.
The periodic table has three elements.
Stonehenge is currently under construction.
Fire doesn't serve man, it simply terrorizes him with horrifying randomness.
The dinosaurs are our deadliest foes.

>> No.10531270

based teach
it is
that shit was also true with my cringe physics classes at highschool. The teacher taught us quantum mechanics and she didnt even make any sense in the "muh you cant know sepeed AND possition". Fuck these people honestly.

>> No.10531273

chemistry teachers are pathetic even at college

>> No.10531276

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you were the one who misunderstood shit and your teachers didn't tell you that continents floated on water?

>> No.10531280

>A history teacher told us we'd run out of oil within a couple of decades in the early 2000s and that we'd tell our grandchildren about the oil age where we still had oil while the world runs on coal power, absolute bullshit about a year after he said that we found 400 years worth of oil in Venezuela.
wow. you are fucking old for 4chan arent you?

>> No.10531285

based. define "existence"

>> No.10531288

are you indian?

>> No.10531292

I remeber the fucking drawing, lad. she said jacques cousteau used to navigate under the ground.

>> No.10531298

>you're a smart kid

>> No.10531306

My parents told me when I was in first grade or something my teacher was giving some parents a tour and she said something wrong so I corrected and embarrassed her.

>> No.10531315

My dads old boss loved Shaka Zulu for the true villain he was. He told me so many stories of his wrath I grew up liking him like ghengis instead of Sitting bull. Based insane murder-brotha.

>> No.10531348

>it's another "delusional conservative that didn't stay in his containment board" episode

>> No.10531353

>"Two apples" is not a number.
But "two" is, retard.
>"Two" simply doesn't exist outside the abstract realm
Yes, but given the concept of "two", the concept of -2 is superfluous. It's just a way to say you have debt or that something is moving backwards. Yet another useless construct that only makes math more convoluted without adding anything of value.
>"What is negative/positive charge"
A retard nomenclature. You could call it anything else.

>> No.10531377
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>> No.10531422

>realizes he's wrong but still in denial
>proceeds to post a retard (you)

>> No.10531439

> island
> a piece of land surrounded by water.
Open a dictionary you brainlet. It's surrounded by water. Do you even know what surrounded means? In every direction.

>> No.10531505

Down is a direction. Does it float?

>> No.10531515

Indian? No, I am not from that Island that is never going to collide with the main continent, what a ridiculous notion.

>> No.10531520


>> No.10531627

I think it is you who didnt stay in your fucking normie websites such as youtube of twitter or reddit. On 4chan nobody is a fucking comiie, retard.

>> No.10531631

An elementary school teacher told us that gravity was caused by the rotation of the Earth. If Earth ever stopped rotating, we'd float away.

>> No.10531638

that makes no sense at all. if you spin something, tha shit goes away, not to the center. Fucking brainlets.

>> No.10531654

>he thinks the surface of the earth we're standing on is the exterior and not the interior
fucking retard.

and before you ask more dumbass questions we can't see across the sphere because the interior is really foggy.

>> No.10531718

>-2 is just 2 in the opposite direction
>signed charge is useless nomenclature
It's literally the exact same concept you goddamn retard.

>> No.10531757

My guess is she watched a movie like 2001 and someone explained to her that it rotated to create gravity. She misunderstood the physics behind the whole thing and spread her stupidity to her students. This was in rural Alabama in the late 1970s in a school that was mostly black not that long after the end of segregation. Looking back I'm surprised she didn't try to teach us witchcraft or astrology.

>> No.10531768

No. The ones capable of teaching science worth learning are busy doing research and/or working for billionaire companies. The average teacher literally can't comprehend how large our solar system is or how small an atom is, they are just taught the patience it takes to teach 150 imbecile children every day and to tell them dinosaurs existed a long time ago.

>> No.10531888

>in my country there are legitimately smart people who want to spend their lives telling average retards to memorize shit
i don't believe you

>> No.10531935

Succession was about slavery

The Civil War was about preserving the Union, decided by the North when they started the war.

The South fought for independence because that's what you do when you're invaded and you can wipe your own ass.

>> No.10531943

If that were true there would be no gravity at the axis points and the equator would have the strongest gravity

I've been to neither so you're right

>> No.10531948

>Define atom

I don't know shit about anything but I know that's not a subjective definition

>> No.10531953

I think it was 1st grade, when we had the paper coins that I could barely fucking handle with fat child hands, the teacher got uppity because I disputed that my result of negative money was possible. I wish I was a child prodigy so I could tell her to shut up and pay her mortgage.

>> No.10531958

I'll trade you a debt of two apples for two apples since it's just a construct

>> No.10531965

You should've raised shit about it

Say "define water" and they're fucked. The answer is not H2O with impurities.

>> No.10531969

The common conception of the toilet flushes in the opposite direction is wrong only because toilets over here (Australia) have a different flushing mechanism that doesn't swirl the water around.

>> No.10532139

define electron cloud

>> No.10532196

A chicken egg is one cell though

>> No.10532210

Something something dipole moment

>> No.10532236

Don't confuse your retardation for insight.

>> No.10532245

The problem was that at the time I didn't know why water was like that. I was under the impression that it wasn't a conductor for years and then all of a sudden I'm told it is. I just left it and had to assume I was mistaken. It was only years later I actually learned why it's both.

>> No.10532249

now I wonder what other cells would taste like if we blew them up to chicken-egg size and cook them

>> No.10532259

Go get a slime mold, it's essentially one giant cell:
Also called plasmodium, you can find it innawoods.

>> No.10532318

They taught that shit to me too
Funny thing is they never even showed us the Confederate states Constitution.
Of course if they had we would have seen that Negro slavery was protected by article 1. Blows my mind thinking about how blatantly dishonest they were

>> No.10532580

Thats true
Both sides didnt give a fuck about slaves

>> No.10532599

Egg being a milk derivate, is apparently huge in Canada. My girlfriend is lactose intolerant, and when asking if there is any dairy, we have to convince then that eggs have nothing do to with milk, but cheese actually does. But maybe Canadians are just retarded...

>> No.10532604

i was taught about individuals doing things "for the good of the species"

>> No.10532787

My geography teacher, in grade school, told me that Hawaii was not an US state and that it was an Island close to Cuba.
I'm not american, though.

>> No.10532810

Pythagoras's theorem was discovered by Pythagoras.

>> No.10532918
File: 1.08 MB, 964x912, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me in 3rd grade
>look at map
>country in africa called Niger
>say nigger out loud
>teacher lady says don't say that word again
>have no clue what she's talking about

>> No.10532999

maybe she was thinking of Puerto Rico

>> No.10533051

Fun fact: Hawaii is part of the United States of America but is not part of America.

>> No.10533119

Lol a butterfly changing colors a bunch of times will never lead to it developing new organs. You stupid “we’ve observed microevolution so it’s settled!” are losers stifling progress, we could actually be put looking for evidence of how major changes begin but instead you dumbshit just decide to shout “it just takes a very long time lmao just give it enough time and anything can who needs a mechanism anyway?”

>> No.10533136

Why would you lie on the internet

>> No.10533141

Macroevolution is considered a valid theory because there is no other explanation for why all the species that ever existed on earth didn’t exist at the same time. As the oil, gas, and mineral industry have shown, relative dating works and until some other theory that’s equally as useful comes along, evolution is the status quo.

Absolute truth is the domain of philosophy and religion, science just has to have an application to be valid. We still use theories we know to be “untrue” just because they are good enough approximations of reality.

>> No.10533143

define faggot

>> No.10533147

someone who want to compare the size of atoms without being capable of defining what an electron cloud is

>> No.10533156 [DELETED] 

Niggers and humans are the same species

>> No.10533226

Hitler was the spawn of Satan and the Allies were the good guys.

>> No.10533259

our teacher when i was 7/8 told us when they were building the twin towers they had a race to see which they could build the highers & the smaller one was about to lose to they stuck a pole on top of it & that's why one of the twin towers has a pole

>> No.10533287
File: 7 KB, 273x185, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The probability density of the electrons' position drops off exponentially beyond a point. We can define the size of an atom as the radius which contains 99% of the probability density. The odds beyond that point quickly drop to 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, etc. exponentially

>> No.10533329

In 5th grade, we were learning about WWII and the holocaust. Our teaching assistant was Jewish. She taught us the holocaust happened because the Jews owned all the banks and businesses.

Every other class I had on WWII and the holocaust never brought that up.

>> No.10533334

remember, Delaware was a slave state for the north.

>> No.10533349

In Georgia, we learned about the war of northern aggression.

>> No.10533373
File: 74 KB, 280x513, 52E04065-A3C8-478D-9353-810344187AEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this retarded geography teacher in middle school who said that it is impossible for a river to originate from a lake.

>> No.10533416

Did your parents back you up?

>> No.10533532

fuck off pol, please

>> No.10533544

This is bait

>> No.10533547

My history teacher told us that after Japan launched the Pearl Harbor attack against the United States, Admiral Yamamoto expressed regret and said "I think we have awoken a sleeping giant". This was from a fucking movie and he never actually said that.

>> No.10533567

>teacher teaching about reproduction
>brings a sample of her boyfriends semen in to show class
>reporters show up
>promptly fired
Lady what did you think would happen
Funny thing is I didn’t know how sex worked cause I hadn’t gotten that talk yet so I didn’t know what was going on at the time

>> No.10533579

it is true!

>> No.10533584

a highschool teacher told me that brushing my teeth was bad for them

>> No.10533589

She put in the extra mile and got punished for it.

>> No.10533605

>>promptly fired
I can see why...how was someone not dedicated enough to get a fresh sample in class even hired in the first place?

>> No.10533677

I have a good one, my uni physics teacher said that a ball thrown perfectly upwards would never reach zero speed.(with gravity)
For some reason, the whole class started argueing, and the teacher realized her mistake too late.

>> No.10533703

it was in until the hippies.

>> No.10533713

hahha yes people who say that is just fuckin retarded nah i am from argentina and she was the englsih teacher, i think that was on the textbook.

>> No.10533719

>close to Cuba
well. Some murimutt once told me "yes, i know where is argentina, it is close to australia"

>> No.10533739

based moishe teacher
why not brin her bf to perform sex in frnt of the class?
kek. My junior highschool teacher said the meme "density has nothingto do with the speed something falls". I was angry at that meme bullshit but she would keep repeating it until i said: "what about parachutes?" She was rekt and said "there is another fenomena goin on".

>> No.10533751

One time in the 8th grade we were learning about Pearl Harbor. At the end of class, she asked us to raise our hand if we thought dropping the nukes were justified, I was the only one with my hand raised.
She told me I was a horrible person and that I should be ashamed of myself, never even gave me a chance to explain my reasoning.

>> No.10533760

Of course it floats or it wouldn't be an island.

>> No.10533921

that one always makes me lol.
>lets declare the sovereign land of USA to be our territory.
>hey see that USA military instillation? Lets fuck it up and take it.
>Woah those the USA is attacking us for no reason! What aggressors.

>> No.10534025


>> No.10534047

It was clearly about slavery, which is why Lincoln said "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it"

>> No.10534181

keyword "if"