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File: 217 KB, 900x1600, C8FB8FB9-D946-4B73-8996-2127A88C069E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10522721 No.10522721 [Reply] [Original]

My family is remodeling a home in Germany.

They discovered a hall they didn’t know existed in the basement. It linked the neighbors basement to ours through a rotten wooden door, likely built during the war. They discovered this on the ceiling.

Anyone able to identify what the fuck it is?

>> No.10522724

Looks like an alien spore to me.

>> No.10522725

Anne Frank's true form (she slumbers)

>> No.10522726

cursed image pls delet

>> No.10522733

Looks like mold, couldn't tell you which one. Probably feeding off the sediment above. Poke it with a stick

>> No.10522750


...it can hear you...

>> No.10522757

i believe that is a spider egg sack

>> No.10522761


It has a root system. Molds don’t establish root systems.

>> No.10522762

it's an alien egg. Take it down then sell it to the government for millions and become rich.

>> No.10522763

stab it with a pen and post results, please

>> No.10522801


I live in the US. I’ll text pops to pierce it tomorrow. He said he poked it with a screwdriver and it felt like a balloon but didn’t burst. He didn’t have any masks on him so he dipped.

He’s gonna blow torch it tomorrow. Said hundreds of fruit flies were swarming around it.

>> No.10522809
File: 1.35 MB, 1272x858, plasmodium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this is called "plasmodium"

>> No.10522812


Yeah, piss it off and scatter several flaming fragments in an interior, great idea.

>> No.10522815

this, some kind of slime mold

>> No.10522822
File: 245 KB, 640x427, IMG_2868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ectoplasm, morelike

>> No.10523019

Either this: >>10522757
Or this: >>10522733

>> No.10523177

Feed him something OP.

>> No.10523185

Looks like the evolution of that mold spider pic I've seen around here.

>> No.10523198

i'm going to add a third option and say its a mold that grew from a spider egg sack

>> No.10523205


>> No.10523218

it’s me, op. Poke me and let me out.

>> No.10523266

If you look close those offshoots are covered in spores

>> No.10523307

Looks like dinner

>> No.10523755

There are several things it can be, but i can say this much its not a sack of spider eggs, those slimy looking things comming off it kinda shows that,

generally there are two things i can guess it to be, most likely from how it looks i'll guess its a fungus of some sort tho i cannot identify it, it could also be a slime mold or another type of several different amoeba, these single celled organisms some times comes together to form a fruit where they reproduce, such as with Dictyostelium discoideum (its not this one but it could be another one)

there is a good chance its toxic tho, so i'll be carefull, its sort of rare that fungus or amoeba give off any toxic particles or spores but the thing it self might produce toxins which can pass through the skin so idk call some service or something to remove it, just to be on the safe side

>> No.10523801

Don't tell me it has something to do with jews?

>> No.10523825

Bioluminescent bulb. Nazi tech meant to illuminate homes of the poor at low cost. Unfortunately most specimens were destroyed in the firebombing or died of starvation during the grain shortages late in the war.

>> No.10523831

Just looks like fungus or a spider egg

>> No.10523834

But fungus do, and molds are fungus.

>> No.10523838

Ask a nearby university what it is

>> No.10524425

That's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.10524451

That's the wall where I throw my cum (sorry)

>> No.10524461

It's disgusting, that's what it is. But i'd bet on fungus too.

>> No.10524729

Don't pop it, it's going to grow until it's the size of a small room. When it's done a person with angel wings will pop out. Also how is living in purgatory?

>> No.10524738

no they don't
fungi have mycelium, somewhat analogous-- but not the same

>> No.10524740

He's american what do you expect?

>> No.10524753

Roots look shopped. Can we get a second pic from another angle?

>> No.10524761

i think that's a symbiotic fungus that helps the plant grow. not 100% though.

>> No.10524767 [DELETED] 

I'm betting on this too. It matches with Myxomycetes: plasmodium (the root system) and fruit body (white glob) seem a perfect match.

Protip: Don't poke the fruit body, it'll release spores.

>> No.10524771

Leave it alone, shithead. If you poke it it will kill your pops and make your basement unihabitable for generations.

>> No.10524790

I'm betting on this too. It matches with Myxomycetes: mycelium (the root system) and fruit body (white glob) seem a perfect match.

Protip: Don't poke the fruit body, it'll release spores.

>> No.10525531

these are both accurate

>> No.10525675


it is probably a slime mold. cool!


>> No.10525678
File: 12 KB, 225x300, slime mold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slime mold sporangia

White Slime Mould, False Puffball, Enteridium lycoperdon, Reticulariaceae, Mycetozoa, Myxogastria, Amoebozoa

>> No.10525680

i’m going to add that it’s a spider egg sack that a mother spider placed on top of a slime mold

>> No.10525689

It's an elusive brick jelly. Better burn it before it stings you.

>> No.10525756
File: 51 KB, 623x207, Hausschwamm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen similar things growing on old masonry in my parents cellar. Slime molds are mostly harmless, the dangerous (unhealthy) fungi grow in old wood (pic related).

>> No.10525825

Tell me more about this, anon. If I pull it off will it die?

>> No.10525847

you'll probably release spores so i wouldn't do it

>> No.10525860

It's just the "fruit", the mycelium is deep inside the wood, the visible stuff would just grow back after some time. Also this:>>10525847

>> No.10525861

it will be very painful

>> No.10525868
File: 236 KB, 898x962, ex-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen anything like it. Image processing reveals additional details

>> No.10525972


>> No.10525976

It's getting smarter...

>> No.10527375


>> No.10527464
File: 361 KB, 1600x803, yes relayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever start an electronic prog-rock band that's my fucking album cover.

>> No.10527694

free hacky sack

>> No.10527709

I watched old movie like this it was called the blob or something don't touch it.

>> No.10528462

OP dont keep us hanging

>> No.10528765

I think OP is hanging from his basement ceiling by now. RIP in peace.

>> No.10528776

Poke it with a knife and breath in deeply.

>> No.10529212

>RIP in peace.
But that statement is redundant REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10529249

Tell your dad to put his benis in it

>> No.10529283

It's normal. All german houses have those. Don't think about it or report it to anyone.

>> No.10529295

freeze it by spraying w/ upside-down extinguisher

>> No.10529299


>> No.10529308

It's obviously a gateway into the upside down.

>> No.10529721


>> No.10531483
File: 1.05 MB, 890x590, request_permission_to_fire_captain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10531488

Eat it and tell us what happens.

>> No.10532803

Slime bump.

>> No.10532907
File: 82 KB, 640x640, 1549748363743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10533894

Slime mold is so fucking cool.
4chan needs a /myc/ board.

>> No.10533908

Best thread since dick ants.

>> No.10533914

Slime molds are offtopic on /myc/ get rekt you fucking newfag

>> No.10534417

>slime mold

>> No.10535245
File: 1.17 MB, 500x500, spooky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10535282

Oh sh-

>> No.10535620

nice haibane reference cunt

>> No.10535914

The consequences of a nanny state safely holding your hand through life.

It's brick, not tinder..

>> No.10535924

Get a sample of it and try to see if a local college would be willing DNA sequence it, because that thing is cool

>> No.10535925

It would be extremely painful

>> No.10536750

This and bullet holes.