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10516249 No.10516249 [Reply] [Original]

Do Psychedelics cause Genetic damage or does it make us smarter?

>> No.10516250
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>> No.10516260

What does this all mean you retarded shitposter

>> No.10516262
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<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" width="32" height="32" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/trash@2x.gif"></div>

>> No.10516268
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VEH - control (no drugs)
Dendrites, synapses, spines, VGLUT1, PSD-95 - important parts of neuronal tissue. Higher values indicate neuronal growth, i.e. increase in neuroplasticity and IQ

>> No.10516280

If i take 500ug of 1P-LSD it will in crease
neuroplasticity and IQ?

>> No.10516287

Probably. The problem is that you might create too many connections between disparate parts of your brain, which might manifest itself as "psychotic" type symptoms. For example, large doses of LSD have enabled me to communicate with trees and plants. If I share this with NPCs/normies they will think I'm completely insane.

>> No.10516290

What do the trees say to you anon?

>> No.10516302

You are not insane, just dumb

>> No.10516350

Bump for interest

>> No.10516368

How do they take pictures so accurate to see neurons while still intact?

>> No.10516373

>cause Genetic damage or does it make us smarter
Those are some very specific and not directly related outcomes anon. Obviously drugs have not done much for you. It is my opinion that people who are already smart and have already achieved a degree of mastery over a field can benefit from some experimentation for creative reasons. As for the general populace, what does it matter if they fuck their brains up.

>> No.10516375

kys<div style="position:absolute" class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" style="position:absolute;margin-left:-25px;margin-top:-80px;pointer-events:none;" width="80" height="80" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/partyhat.gif"></div>

>> No.10516610

What do they say?

>> No.10516837

Talking at trees and plants does not mean the same as communicating with

>> No.10516901

Another way to say it is, LSD makes your brain wire in odd ways, things and thoughts connecting when they shouldn't, which makes you really odd (that's what a weird crazy person is, just a brain that works differently) or if you're autistic/schizophrenic you dont even need lsd for that

>> No.10516908

If you aren't already quite biologically superior, atleast a bit better than average in terms of brains, then doing drugs probably won't do much for you.

>> No.10516909

since it's on topic I'm schizophrenic and taking LSD helped me made me more stable and able to dissect my delusions, but it also made me start eating healthy and exercising so I think that's what helped the schizophrenia anyone got more info on this?

>> No.10517294

SEM I think

>> No.10517338

are you a full blown schizophrenic?

>> No.10517378

There were some studies in the 50s that used LSD in schizophrenic and OCD children and claimed to improve their symptoms

>> No.10517616

You can't really trust the Tim Leary era of psychedelic psychology

>> No.10517632

a very interesting idea... mainly i would say most literally induce temp physios or insanity of some sort but thats the desired effect and it is under a controlled environment. we have always used mind fucking chemicals its been apart of human culture since day one either thru religion or modern recreation use still dope

>> No.10518338

An example from about 15 minutes ago.

Around my college I noticed a beautiful tree all by itself. It didn't have any other trees next to it that it could talk to. I got the impression that it felt very lonely and lost.

I came up to the tree and began petting its bark and its leaves, telling it "you're such a good tree, I love you and I care about you". After about 20 seconds, I felt an unmistakable feeling of intense relief and gratitude emanating from my new friend. I honestly think I was the only person who ever showed this tree love and caring.

This was such an intense experience that I'm literally crying 20 minutes after.

>> No.10518343 [DELETED] 

Lmfao miss you're making me miss doing lsd

>> No.10518348

Lmfao you're making me miss doing lsd.

>> No.10518351

>Do Psychedelics cause Genetic damage or does it make us smarter?
Why don't you try them and find out?

>> No.10518352

false dichotomy.

>> No.10518356

So smart
Such high IQ

>> No.10518359

Is there a correlation to actual higher intelligence?
Just as other people said, it will probably just make you wired as a crazy person.

>> No.10518363

Only low IQ people feel the need to constantly mention IQ

>> No.10518384


I will believe you and not think you're crazy if you can provide simple evidence supporting this. For example, ask the trees where truffles are, or grow a difficult and valuable plant, etc.

>> No.10518542

Hey anon just some questions for you. Just a genuine interest, no hidden trolling agenda. Iam considering doing these drugs so my interest lies there too.
1) Since the dendrite logic makes sense and I have heard similar stories from Dmt and other Lsd users, How would you try and describe the difference (in experiencing) between these two.
2) Since you feel a connection to plants how do you feel about eating their parts. Do you eat plant parts?
3) How do you feel about animals?
4) Since these chemicals have a very heavy evolutionary cost attached to them do you feel these are plants trying to communicate to animals on a very deep level? In other words why would they develop this, not looking for a paper just your views. Clearly plants have been around for way longer than animals and are far more successful just in sheer biomass even today. To assume they are not much more than simple transformers would be very "basic" of us, the self assumed gods of the Earth. I could be wrongest person alive but I think its worth discussing.
Consider answering these.

>> No.10518648

I heard lsd causes psychosis. Is this true? If so what if a person already has psychosis. What would happen to them if they took it?

>> No.10518687

1) I love LSD but am honestly scared shitless of DMT. Did it once and it was the most terrifying experience of my life. Within seconds, you are transported to an entirely different dimension. You encounter beings that are impossible to describe with language. The weirdest part was that it felt like "I was here before" - not just once, but many times, maybe centuries or even millenia. Definitely the most intense experience you can have as a human being.

2) I feel bad about it, but the only alternative is to kill myself. Since I think I can help trees and plants more effectively while alive, I think the sacrifice of some plants for food is better than the alternative (suicide).

3) I love animals, but I love plants even more.

4) Great question. On a heroic dose of psilocybin mushrooms, I achieved the realization that plants are literally God - they directed the evolution of animal life to obtain reliable supply of carbon dioxide. Plant-based entheogens are just another way for God (plants) to direct human evolution. It makes sense when you consider how common it is for first-time users of psychedelics to develop intense appreciation and respect for plants, trees, etc.

>> No.10518701

How come I just get waking dreams of confronting my problems, re-realizing reality, being forced through tests and being killed in my mind repeatedly until I see a white light and start being given visions?

>> No.10518727

I'm not saying that some of this might be true some anons here sound completely fucking insane.
However i have to admit that i have changed myself.
I don't stutter anymore and my social anxiety is mostly gone

>> No.10518730

To study psychedelics, should I become a chemist, biochemist, pharmacologist, or something else?

>> No.10518731

You've to first defeat Z̵͍͔͓͕̹͠Ę̷̻̠͍̩͕̻̻͖̹̫̯̓̔͌̔͊͋̄̎͗̾͊̃͗̒̔͜T̷̜͎̖̻̣̫̞͔̐F̸̢̗͚̯͑̉̔̈́̽̍̌Ö̶̢̥̭̼̙̖́͝R̷͎̪̼̖͓̎̉̄̒͌̉͘ before you gain the power to speak with trees.
Common fact weird you didn't knew that anon

>> No.10518737


>> No.10518772

Biochemist. Its chemists with way more of a focus towards biological molecules and their analogues. And pharmacology is just applied biochemistry (and how drugs get assimilated, circulated and react with physiological biochemical reactions happening everyday) for humans.

>> No.10518781

It is an intelligence-enhancing drug, but the catch is that you're gonna reprogram yourself in random ways which can cause noise from various complications resulting in psychotic afflictions.

>> No.10518789

Thanks for answering anon. As a rookie "hippie" it will certainly help.
Do you mean dmt>lsd or is it just a personal preference or is it that you really cant separate or compare these ineffable trips? In other words if you could re do all of this on your former self would you change anything, perhaps would you change the order of experiencing these drugs? or have more of dmt/lsd/psilocybin? I might come across as a brainlet but quite frankly I am one so bear with me.

>> No.10518843

Does a biochemist have a good knowledge of molecular chem and the actual synthesis of molecules?
Would pharmacology be good in that it provides a medical context to the study of molecules or does it not matter?
I’m also assuming going for actual medicine (psych) is useless?

>> No.10518880

Look Im a premed. So I have studied pharmacology. Its what I described it as. If you look at psychedelics from a pharma pov its just bad news, they induce psychosis, are addictive, induce schizo in pre disposed individuals blah blah. So from a medical perspective youll never hear good/unbiased things.
My friend is a chemistry major. He deals with a lot of shit. And its certainly not focussed on biological aspects.
I studied biochem too, but not in great detail, just the way the course is. This subject will allow you to deal with the psychedelics property without any prejudice what so ever. Your research will only be limited by what you know and can know more. You'll have a solid base to develop your knowledge about these drugs, pharmacology constricts you since it deals with medicine. Plus a biochemist can develop a way more profound understanding of pharma compared to a doctor so there you go.

>> No.10518907

>my social anxiety is mostly gone
What did you take for it to go away?

>> No.10518925
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Mostly by courage and try and error loops
I tried using drugs but most of intoxicants are super addictive if used for challenging social anxiety problems
I'm the one who mostly leads the conversations now.
I needed to realize that most people are dumber than me and they want to listen to me.
So stay away from GABA intoxicants and go just go out and talk.
That's my advice, I hope it helps somehow

>> No.10518946

Oh I thought you were saying that psychedelics helped you overcome anxiety.

>> No.10518961

Maybe not directly but there was sure some LSD involved in the whole process
I changed a lot last year.
The same year I first started experimenting with all kinds of psychedelics

>> No.10518967

>are addictive
What? I thought psychs were neither physically nor psychologically addictive (except ketamine)
Is medicine as close minded as ever concerning psychs? I thought serious research about LSD had resumed for things like treating depression or cluster headaches (instead of it being a taboo that no medical researcher wanted to touch with a ten foot pole).
I’m asking all those questions because there is a lot of conflicting info on psychedelic research so I’m trying to figure things out. It also seems to depend on the type of research you want to do (more centered around the mental/psychological aspect, the neuro aspect or just the chemistry and synthesis) and I’m not sure what I want to do yet.

>> No.10519001
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Not him, but yes some can be addictive.
But those are or psychedelic phenethylamines or psychedelic dissociatives like ketamine or PCP

>> No.10519015

>nor psychologically addictive
Not trying to be a cunt but you dont get psychological addiction yet. Thats fine you'll get it. For the time being get this, yes they can be highly addictive.
>Is medicine as close minded as ever concerning psychs?
Depends. The newer generation is obviously more open minded and ready to do drugs. The old fags in institutions dont wanna budge though. muh traditional values and shieet.
Research is legit and being done more and more and nothing can stop it now. But a research being good has little to do with it being accepted into curriculum if it pertains to psychs.
You can do what ever you want to. I just told you about how I see things. Im the premed anon.

>> No.10519091

>you don’t get psychological addiction yet
What do you mean?
>I just told you about how I see things
I hear you.
My uni doesn’t offer a biochem undergrad; should I do bio or chem for BSc before specializing in mol bio + biochem in grad school?
Am I fucked if I end up deciding I want to study the effects on psyche and not on neurons, or is it easy to switch (I know you’re in premed, not a drug researcher but maybe you know)

>> No.10519094
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>> No.10519121

Considering I'm already psychotic where I blurt out my thoughts when stressed where smoking marijuana in my current day rather than my old days makes time literally loop for me, how much worse would LSD and that crap would make me? I suspect it will make me just as crazy as Terry Davis. Note: I'm not actually shizo outside of smoking, i.e. having hallucinations and such.

>> No.10519858

The only thing I would do differently is not be such a coward and take more DMT. The abject terror of blasting off into DMT world could be neutralized with a benzo or a couple beers, from what I imagine.

>> No.10519884

Not him but I communicated with trees while in shrooms too. Didn't talk to them or anything but understood, and still understand while I'm sober, that they are sentient

>> No.10519952

Before you take the first trip, ask yourself if you've consumed enough perspectives, hard information, and garnered enough introspection before you go running into just about anything including demons and God. The average dumb ass is incapable of using it the way we autists can.

>> No.10520031

it has the capacity to induce psychosis in suceptible people (history of schizophrenia, psychosis)
those who fall outside this spectrum are not likely to suffer from one, but the setting plays an essential part of the experience, so its likely that you can induce psychosis in a healthy subject if you place them in a sufficiently stressful enviconment

>> No.10520612

The neurogenesis aspects are legit.
Differentiation of synaptic connections to a pattern which is generalizably beneficial is difficult as fuck though.
I'm pretty sure regimented microdosing in a specific order in well-defined settings is the key to optimum gains.

idk tho, I've done a lot of heroic doses and those are what I'm drawn to-- they just take a lot to integrate.

>> No.10520660

>"I was here before"
This is such an unexpected sensation once you notice it.

>> No.10520664

That sounds like youre trippin senpai.

>> No.10520929

Just got my hands on some ETH-LAD and 4-HO-DET.
Let's see how much those differ from LSD-25 and 4-AcO-DMT

>> No.10521103


>> No.10521427

Any links to this research?

To make sure they didn't fuck up with the control group and other technical shit.

>> No.10521504

Friendly bump as I'm not gonna go anywhere unless I get my links to the paper present at the top of this thread. (maybe I'll find it myself but probably somebody has them right before their eyes).

>> No.10521608

Once your body has matured, and the wonders of the world no longer excite you, then Psychedelics are likely to help. See, your brain needs to explore the unexplored. People stop thinking at a certain point and start grinding away each day doing the same routines. Their brain activity slows down and it basically becomes "harder" and less malleable because of it. Take some Psychedelics and all of a sudden you awaken areas that weren't being used often enough. Your brain comes to life again and wants to explore the unexplored, question those things you don't normally question. Obviously this is good for your brain, much better than working your 9-5 grunt job then consuming some dull entertainment and depressants to relax.

BUT, much better to get the same effects without the Psychedelics. Don't stop wondering lads. When others think your crazy for questioning something, don't be put off so easy. Keep searching new areas that keep you thinking.

>> No.10521739

Very inspiring, but I'm not sure that this effect, if it exists, is merely psychological.

>> No.10522262

There is something to be said for a bit of soft-reset in this fashion, but like you apparently do, I also have a high enough regard for personal memory to have passed on psychedelics for the purpose, and distrust intensity that leads to mysticism, as opposed to the extravagantly imagined that is understood as such. These >>10518687 excesses of projection, however anthropomorphic one takes them to be, are clearly past the breaking-point of irony, which is a pill far too blue for my needs.

>> No.10522348


>> No.10522414

epigenetic changes and dna methalation and yes it will make everybody more intelligent. its not like you become more intelligent rather you clear the blockages of that very powerful intelligence and let it shine through.

>> No.10522738

What do you mean by the blockages? I thought the base for what we call the intelligence stops forming at around 20-25 years, as the frontal lobe completes development.

So, as I've read here, the substance helps to create unusual connections between different areas of the brain; are the epigenetic changes you mentioned only because of the psychological effect of the drug?

I don't get what this dna methylation thing has to do with both the drug in question and the intelligence. Is there something to read it?

>> No.10522767

>Look Im a premed

asking for a beatdown desu