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10513697 No.10513697 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe doctors themselves do drugs. This is something else. My reality is either falling apart or i'm see how the world really is.

Why would doctors themselves be alcoholics or drug addicts? Is every STEM student on some kind of drug??

>> No.10513703

Doing drugs is cool. Fuck off, nerd.

>> No.10513772

Because they are still sociable animals, whatever makes society will theh donas well

>> No.10513793

Facebook typing
The fuck is going on?

>> No.10513804

Well most medics understand better than most that we all get sick, infirm and die. We really don't have that much of our lives healthy. They also know most drugs aren't that bad in moderation.

>> No.10513813

Yes, especially DMT

>> No.10513818

I've never done drugs nor have many of my colleagues. I know 1 guy that smokes.

This is typical projection to make doctors seem more similar to you, so you can cope. We're just better than you.

>> No.10513823

Which nation are you from?

>> No.10513849

Engineering student here, I'm an alcoholic and I suck dicks lmao

>> No.10513864

I went into surgery and the doctor and the anaesthetist were addicted to the stuff they sedated me on. They intentionally took longer to do the surgery so they could get a second vial and I was conscious enough to remember the event so they could have even more sedative.

I don't remember what it was called but they said it was the stuff Michael Jackson got hooked on.

Degenerates are the majority at all levels of society.

>> No.10513883

Nation of israel

>> No.10513890

>Is every STEM student on some kind of drug??
Mostly yes, anything from coffee, ciggarettes, all adhd medicines of your choice, cocaine
my personal vice is niccorette.
The fields are insanely demanding and unless u find a way to sleep less and work more then u aint gonna make it
what trash uni are u at

>> No.10513894

Wtf I've never felt the need to take medication to cope with work. Are people just brainlets?

Caffeine I guess but I was never necessary

>> No.10513905

>Are people just brainlets?
r u even an engineer
being smart in STEM isnt enough
if u enter STEM as a brainlet you'll leave within the 1st year guaranteed, tryharding cant and wont work

>> No.10513907

I have an undergraduate degree in maths and currently in med school

>> No.10513922
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>doing drugs means you're an addict
Drugs like LSD and shrooms aren't addictive m8

>> No.10513931

The alcoholism is unrelated to my studies.

>> No.10514190
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>marijuana is addictive
spotted the conservatard

>> No.10514291

> This is typical projection to make doctors seem more similar to you, so you can cope. We're just better than you.

Mathfag here. It's true guys. Its one of the most important jobs in society. Hard job in many ways and requires a fair amount of intelligence, both to train and perform. These are people that could have succeded in nearly any other field. Its one of the most obvious pro-social jobs. Its paid good, and its pretty darn worth it.

What I wrote above is what most of us are inclined to believe from a young age. This makes a certain crowd being drawn to it.

This whole description is largely true, and its one of the wonders of modern society.

God bless.

>> No.10514631

Addiction to marijuana is more psychological than physical.

>> No.10514639


>> No.10514651

based merchant
engineering is work you moron. lots of high functioning alcoholics in the trade.

>> No.10514680

>Getting high while giving someone else anaesthetics for a surgery

>> No.10514759

False. Most doctors are the spawn of affluent fucked up upper class parasites who think they are better than everyone else.

I am smarter than every doctor I have seen but I com from the bottom of society so no degree for me. They BUY their degrees. Their parents pay. They are no more competent or intelligent than a layman.

The worst part is people like you feeding their overinflated egos and unjustified sense of superiority.

You are just cattle and a paycheck to them. They honestly couldn't care less. Doing it because mummy and daddy were doctors or because their parents forced them to become doctors or because they are desperate to feel like they are something important.

They are societies trash. I'm sure there are good ones out there but good luck finding one.

My health has never been better since I started doing my own research and treating myself. Their only use is in giving me ultrasounds, xrays etc.

I don't have that hardware.

>> No.10514803

> Why would doctors themselves be alcoholics or drug addicts?
Nigga why do you even think someone would go through the endless years of torment required to become a doctor, if not for the free high quality drugs?

>> No.10514810

Lmao I met an anesthesiologist like this at an addiction group. He was constantly getting high on his own supply.
There is no way for him to quit, because he is around the stuff all the time.
He's been coming in and out for year but always relapses.

>> No.10514813

OP here, Thank you very much for posting this. How do you know so much anyways?

>> No.10514822

>I am smarter than every doctor I have seen

>> No.10514830

I've had a rough life and I have watched it unfold through unfiltered eyes.

If you mean more specifically on medicine I am just lucky health concerns at my age are usually fairly simple. I do still visit doctors for stuff I don't know how to deal with like shingles one time.

Otherwise I just use books, herbs and over the counter medicines.

>> No.10514834

>be me
>dental student
>high demand profession
>directly help patients using hands-on or surgical interventions
>rarely write scripts for anything except painkillers or antibiotics so no cucking for big pharma
>field combines artistry with esthetics and science
>Ancient science, amalgam and gold are still used and have been in use for over 150 years
>Schedule isn't shit, see patients for 8-9 hours a day after lifting in the morning
>don't even have classes anymore after 2 1/2 years
>Come out of school with full body of knowledge, no need for residency if you don't want it
>get paid as much more than MDs do
>military is paying for my education in full, after which I'll just chill in Japan or something
>foreigners are banned from your practice by law unless they redo a residency program

How can virgin medtards even compete with the Chad DMD/DDS?
Based, MDs are retards desu

>> No.10514835

>Why would doctors themselves be alcoholics or drug addicts? Is every STEM student on some kind of drug??
in all my support groups i never saw someone else with a STEM background. they were always hillbillies, niggers, spics, trashy people... except for one guy who was a professor in an elite university. Maybe some other people whose backround I didn't know. But seriously, mostly losers. Not me though. I'm better than them because I'm in STEM.

>> No.10514841

Because even though they understand it, they are still slaves to human desires and ignorance in the moment.

>> No.10515000

Doing drugs =/= Being addicted to drugs

>> No.10515091
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Hello. We are proud to inform you that you have been selected for this year's annual Schizo Globe awards under the category of Best Delusional Rant. Nomination for this coveted prize is an achievement and is only offered to a few contestants from a large pool of thousands of other 4chan competitors. We wish you good luck as we make our final selection.

>> No.10515100

I don't begrudge you for swallowing the blue pill. The truth is a bitter and unpleasant feast at a table with a very uncomfortable chair.

Just stay out of my way out there in real life. People like me actually get things done.

>> No.10515135
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What are you doing for a living, if I may ask?

Well, why should it sound so strange to you? Most of society grudge towards drugs and narcotic substances comes from uneducated plebeians who have no self control and kill themselves or bystanders by overdosing on trashy substances. People knowledgeable about medicine and anatomy are able to diffirentate shitty poisons like heroin or metaamphetamines from fairly tame ones, like LSD or psylocybin. If you take care about right setting, dosage and purity of your material, then doing drugs from time to time is a nice and often interesting experience.

t. materials engineer who is tripping on moderate doses of LSD once per 3 months

>> No.10515155
File: 9 KB, 198x255, Pssshhht_nothing_personalle_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue pill
>Just stay out of my way out there in real life.
>People like me actually get things done.

>> No.10515189

You are right.

Lies can console you, you have to understand it. In fact lies are sweeter than the truth.

Gautam Buddha is reported to have said: Truth is bitter in the beginning, sweet in the end, and lies are sweet in the beginning, bitter in the end - when they are exposed. Then comes a tremendous bitterness, that you have been deceived by all your parents, by all your teachers, by all your priests, by all your so-called leaders. You have been continuously deceived. That frustration brings up a great distrust in everybody. Nobody is worthy of trust... It creates a vacuum.

>> No.10515197

What's the highest dose of LSD did you do?

>> No.10515203

200 micrograms, and there were moments that really made me doubt the very fabric of universe. It's a really strange substance. Might go for slightly higher doses in coming years.

>> No.10515236

A single high functioning schitzo is annihilating you and your flock in the art of written debate again and again.

No wonder you try to medicate us.

Fucking shitters.

Thanks man. There are a lot of meaningful truths in some religions which are incompatible with modern capitalism.

I'm just posting for the lurkers. Nobody taking me on has anything.

>> No.10515260

>What are you doing for a living, if I may ask?

I have done a lot of different things over time. I'm antisocial so I was able to save a bit. I'm enjoying some time off now while I try to work out how to get from where I am to where I can make a difference. I travel a lot and pick up temporary jobs here and there. Could be on a pension but anyone who is foolish enough to trust the brain butchers will end up with mashed potato for brains.

I've done hospitality, military service, picked up a technical trade, ran my own company and at each step I was just enslaved by a negligent system which stalled my every attemot to get anywhere.

I could make it. I could fail. I don't much care. All I know is I am the best person to take care of me.

>> No.10515279
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Well, there is no harm in being a jack of all trades, but isn't doing "a little bit of everything" nothing short of dilluting your focus? If you want to "make a difference", then you should divert your attention into a single "branch" of society and make your way. Starting from scratch all the time, while being interesting, won't avail you much besides self-satisfaction.

>> No.10515333

But it's easy to quit when you really want to, and most users take long tolerance breaks. It easily falls under the category of relatively harmless drugs like speed and molly and LSD addition-wise, as opposed to say alcohol and cigarettes.

>> No.10515341


I like your style! Its frisky! Made me laugh out loud. I am the guy you were responding to.

> Most doctors are the spawn of affluent fucked up upper class parasites who think they are better than everyone else.
I didn't say they weren't.

> I am smarter than every doctor I have seen but I com from the bottom of society so no degree for me.
Then you're probably just pretty darn smart. Most doctors are kinda smart.

> They BUY their degrees.
Who doesn't?

> Their parents pay.
Citation needed. Also, so what?

> They are no more competent or intelligent than a layman.
Nope. Laymen is the masses. You are not a layman if you are who you say you are.

> The worst part is people like you feeding their overinflated egos and unjustified sense of superiority.
Why worst part? Overinflated probably is true, but I think they need it. I don't mind. Why do you?

> You are just cattle and a paycheck to them. Doing it because mummy and daddy were doctors or because their parents forced them to become doctors or because they are desperate to feel like they are something important.
This is a part of my point, but you are missing the corollar that this works out just fine.

> My health has never been better since I started doing my own research and treating myself. Their only use is in giving me ultrasounds, xrays etc.
Says the layman.

God bless.

>> No.10515348

humans lose their faculty to think like rational beings when they are exposed to the influence of the masses, like Gustave Le Bon suggested

>> No.10515420

Now thats a better antithesis.

God bless.

>> No.10515441

Many doctors believe everything can be solved with drugs (usually prescribed). But also, doctors are just human beings and human beings do drugs.

>> No.10515454

No. It's a lie and a trap designed to bog you down. As soon as you commit to a career that is your chosen career. There is nothing wrong with this unless you are like me and actually wqnt to stand up for the downtrodden and enforce positive change toward a brighter future.

The people holding that back need to be exposed.

>frisky lifestyle

It is and I like it that way. The lack of routine keeps my mind sharp.

Some people do have to rely on these incompetent medical practitioners. I'm glad I do not.

Then you highlighted the flaws in our system of higher education. Well done.

I mind because they don't need a giant ego. They need to bow their head and do the job they are paid to do and they need to do it properly.

They are no better than anyone else. Doctors and everyone else are just pieces of a machine. They are not functioning as intended when they place their personal gain above the wellbeing of those they are supposed to assist.

Unjustified arrogance is extremely unattractive. Doctors clean up your act, you're a damn disgrace.

>> No.10515500

Go for 500ug. You need that experience.

>> No.10515535
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I am well aware that what I'm going to ask is quite absurd, taking into consideration the nature of LSD trip, but is there any piece of advice you could offer me?

Okay, then how are you going to break the mold? How are you going to reach towards the people and persuade them that your way of life is correct, if at every step of your journey you will encounter people who are better, smarter or just simply more prepared to counter your arguments? I am beginning to suspect that you are ignorant to the fact that there are people out the that are fairly intelligent, and you aren't "the only woke person among the foolish sheeple".

Also, this might be a difference in awareness, but in my opinion the surgeon who after 20 years of service is not a sociopath smartass with giant ego, then something should be wrong with him. Think about it for a while. Imagine what kind of events is a everyday occurence for them, and how it impacts your psyche after repetition?

>> No.10515555

>but is there any piece of advice you could offer me?

Stay in your room, lock it, don't do anything too stupid. Set and setting are important. It's best if you don't talk to anyone.

>> No.10515558

Drugs are really popular among so-called "regular" people for decades now. You sound sheltered.

>> No.10515564

You mean without breaking the system currently in place? Tough question. Now you know why I wander the desert. I'm not there yet.

There is no excuse for parasitic hedonism no matter the profession.

>> No.10515566

To be fair, "human beings" in this country have not been doing as much and as hard of drugs in the past than in the past two decades or so. Even statistically this is borne out by data. Hence why there is an "opioid epidemic". These things go hand in glove.

>> No.10515619


The schitzo monologue an art you truly master. I praise where praise is deserved.

I believe the doctors tend to be the kind people you will never get to bow. Medicals practice is like a semi-functional sanctuary for narcissists and the like. Sometimes its good to praise where praise is needed. Its better to just let them be. At least for now. Robots will replace doctors pretty soon.

God bless.

>> No.10515620

>You sound sheltered.
I was really sheltered for 16 years. I'm 19 now and these past 3 years have been crazy for me.

>> No.10515660
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My first trip went just like that, it was on 200 ug 1,5 years ago, over the course of the long winter night. Two peak hours I've spent in complete darkness of my room were otherwordly to say the least. I had one freakout then, when in the middle of my psychedelic meditation I saw vision/image/thought of myself flying, and the second later I jumped out of my bed, grabbed the roll of wide and strong duct tape and taped handles to every window in my room, since I live in a flat on 8th floor. For the whole duration of this process, I was explaining to my flatmate why I was doing it and that he should not worry whatsoever, and after I finished only then I noticed I was completely alone in my room all the time. Rest of the night went smoothly, I still remember the feeling when at T 4:30 I started reading, for the first time in my live (I left it on hold for this very moment) "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov.

>> No.10515681
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No excuse for hedonism?
That might be your opinion, but reflect upon it for a second. Remember where the fuck we are. This discussion is taking place on fucking mongolian throat singing fanclub website, which for the past 15 years had reputation of being the worst cesspool on the internet, drawing in the most disgusting degenerates. Sexual deviants of all sorts, pathetic losers, weeaboos, script kiddies, wannabe rampage killers and so on. And even though, among it all exists a board on which people are discussing high-end math and physics, sharing cutting edge ideas from the fields of chemistry and biology, deeply analyzing the phenomena of human consciousness.

Why is it so hard for you to imagine, that someone could feverishly discuss the complicated Godel theoirems on /sci/ (being knowledgeable about this subject), and 10 minutes later wank to hyper-dick futa incest rape hentai, and hour later chill on a moderate dose of 2C-B, only to wake up the next morning and do his best as a laboratory sciencist?

See your own ignorance and cease to grade people around you by some sort of ancient archetypes.

>> No.10515696

>Most doctors are the spawn of affluent fucked up upper class parasites who think they are better than everyone else
>I am smarter than every doctor I have seen
>They are societies trash
So tl;dr you're saying "because they were born into a higher society-economic status than I was they will forever be lower than me as a person regardless of their own traits as an individual or their own accomplishments"?

Sound about right?

Fentanyl I think

That doesn't change the fact that the most common vector is still fucking shit. Smoking that shit still isn't good for your respiratory system, and if you have a study that undeniably disproves that then please gib link now so I can correct my retardation on this subject.

That said, pretty much all the other vectors (sprays, edibles, whatever) are fine.

>> No.10515714

t. fucked up spawn low class parasite that thinks he's morally superior for being poor.

>> No.10515813

okay man. Just take 500ug.

>> No.10516237

Dude are you hurting anyone? I don't care if your hentai is child scat rape porn as long as nobody actually got or gets hurt...

I will enunciate. Being born into higher society does not make you more competent or valuable than anyone else. Chances are their parents got rich by destroying other peoples lives.

Like this guy.

I want incompetent people born into status removed. Exclamation mark.

>> No.10516241

smonk 420

>> No.10516273
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t. neuroscientists who grows weed and shrooms

>> No.10516370

this. doctors are the absolute WORST of normalfags, all spoiled cunts who never did a day of work in their lives.

>> No.10516393

>doctors are all spoiled cunts who never did a day of work in their lives
Darn, thats wrong. Medical practice is for the most part cognitive work of the most dirty kind. Its highly unsatisfying. The hours are long, and the responsibility and stress is constant.

God bless.

>> No.10516456

Scientists are still people. It's only natural for us as humans to want to feel good. Drugs are a guaranteed way to achieve good mood.

>> No.10516866

>I will enunciate. Being born into higher society does not make you more competent or valuable than anyone else. Chances are their parents got rich by destroying other peoples lives.
You're not disagreeing with my interpretation there dude. If anything you're doubling down.

>> No.10516870

>I can't believe doctors themselves do drugs
Because you are a retard, observe:
1) Humans impulse driven animals with a dash of higher thinking that they actively chose to ignore
2) Doctors are humans
3) Therefore doctors are also impulse driven animals that actively ignore or abuse their higher faculties.

I have to be honest, it doest bode well that you didnt work this out when you were 6.

>> No.10517207

Faggots drug. At least it makes you brain dead.