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10511084 No.10511084 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, why are so few scientists ripped?

>> No.10511110

Because mostly they are just normal IQ hardworkers who look ugly and overcompensate.

>> No.10511128

Some people can't build muscle

>> No.10511137

Experimentalist PhD students are adviced to spend 12-16h/day in the lab. Research science is the epitome of autistic crapwork: Low pay, extreme competition/oversaturation, catty/mentally ill bosses, pressure. You need to be an ultraautist to succeed. No time or energy for lifting, at least at the levels of dedication required for most normies to get ripped.

>> No.10511143

Time is limited.

Both mental and physical abilities have upkeep to be maintained.

You need to spend an hour in the gym to stay buff while you also need to be intellectually engaged to stay intelligent.

Most scientists make the conscious decision that spending those extra hours intellectually will give them a bigger return than spending it on physical upkeep. Basically meaning that it's due to opportunity cost. Maintaining a ripped body is too expensive for a scientist as the value of that hour spend on intellectual task is worth a lot more than simply maintaining or building a ripped body.

>> No.10511148

>You need to be an ultraautist to succeed.
looks like its my time to shine boys

>> No.10511213

Because you don't understand a scientist.
Every academic is a scientist, a chefcook is also scientist, just like a Orchestra conductor.

And to get a hot girl, you need money and a likeable future. Not a body that Looks photoshopped. Good education can get you the money.

>> No.10511222

Because they don't care much for low IQ activities such as getting 'ripped'.

>> No.10511889

Because they fell for the overspecialization meme. Overspecialization only works in an artificial society. If society collapsed, millions of people who are only good at one thing would die or have to rely on people who can actually do different things that are useful for survival.


>> No.10511919

>or have to rely on people who can actually do different things that are useful for survival.

wew thank god humans are social animals and your garbage post says nothing new nor interesting.

>> No.10511926

That's true actually. But I think scientists could still have time to work out. I don't think they work 24/7

>> No.10511933

Collapse is coming sooner than you think. And no, while humans are social animals, overspecialization is not normal (in an eusocial species it might be).

>> No.10511935
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Because they don't study the langlands program

>> No.10511969

Isn't he a mathematician though?
Btw, why would he take such a picture, if he intends on being taken seriously?

>> No.10511988

You don't need to get ripped for aesthetics if you are super smart. In fact that would be a deterrent. The way to go when you are super smart is to practice some sport that builds muscle. That way you can look good without seeming vain.
If you are smart and also wants to lift just for aesthetical puposes, then you should not pursue a career in science. You should go for something like finance, where vanity is associated with doucheness, rather than stupidity.

>> No.10511998

Because he also a model

What's wrong with combining the two things you are passionate about? I do it all the time with chemistry and cooking.

>> No.10512031

Because of this >>10511988
Unless you are a girl or a fag, or have nothing else more significant in your life, modeling is a deterrent.

>> No.10512042

At least for me as an engineering student the hard part isn’t putting in time at the gym, it’s consistently getting 8 hours of sleep a night. With a part time job as well I end up having to stay up at least once or twice a week, which kills my gains.

>> No.10512059

You shouldn't need more than 6 hours of sleep.
Try swapping some gym sesssions for yoga.

>> No.10512086

I only work out three times a week. If I don’t get 8 hours of sleep then I don’t have the energy to lift heavier than I did the week before and therefore induce muscle growth. Sure I could just keep working out with only 6 hours of sleep a night and I’d still be in decent shape but to get big you need the recovery time that sleep provides.

>> No.10512104

Don't be jealous.

>> No.10512115

60% truth 40% cope

>> No.10512132

ok retard

>> No.10512141

I'm too lazy to exercise ok? Stop bothering me

>> No.10512152

It's not that. Imagine if his modeling gained more traction than his math? Imagine being a mathematician better known for modeling. It would be career suicide, unless you are not exceptional as a mathematician.

>> No.10512163

I don't want to get ripped because:
1. for most of my life I was underweight and now I prefer to have a bit of belly
2. it's better for swimming if you have a bit of fat; swimming is my thing
3. I love food
4. being ripped is an artificial modern idea of physical attraction that makes no sense and I don't like to follow norms that make no sense to me, just because of peer pressure
5. 95% of men look better with dad bod than ripped; girls love it better too

>> No.10512168

He's never going to be a great mathematician nor a great model, but he can be >that guy who is a model mathematician

>> No.10512173
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>Most scientists make the conscious decision that spending those extra hours intellectually will give them a bigger return than spending it on physical upkeep
implying there's a choice made. in most cases it's probably a lack of interest, not weighing pros and cons.

>> No.10512182

This. They're not oncologists or surgeons or CEO's of huge corporations. You don't need an hour/day, 3 hours a week is plenty, scientists have that for sure.

>> No.10512187

That too.
What's the point of body vanity?
It's not even healthy.

>> No.10512192

>ok, me too
>lifting for girls (and also cope)

>> No.10512197

I already get girls easily though.

>> No.10512624

I know many ripped sergeons

>> No.10512644

lol nope

most surgeons are overweight, sickly looking betas

>> No.10512668

>Sickly looking betas

What country you in? Where I'm from they're typically chads who excelled in university and school. It's very difficult to become one. Although some are pot bellied, they're still not beta looking

>> No.10512670

Alcoholism. This is the only true answer, you people need help.

>> No.10512677

are they really significantly less ripped scientists than ripped normal guys in the rest of the population?
I'd like to see the data behind your assumptions, OP

>> No.10512680

hungover rn, can confirm

>> No.10512701

Yeah, gymcels are cringey and braindead.
You should make an effort to keep your body in good shape though, above everything keeping your joints, spine, and the like properly aligned with correct posture and yoga-style exercises, 'fixing your body'. As long as you do recreational exercise, you should be healthy. Don't sit in the corner of a room lifting heavy things and staring at another man's rear, go for a hike, bike ride, wall climb, or just a walk.

>> No.10512732

some people cant eat enough food and spend enough time exercising. if you eat loads and do loads of exercise youre going to be strong as fuck whether you appear fat or not

>> No.10513088

jeez is he underage, where's his hair at?

>> No.10513109

brain consumes too many calories.

>> No.10513127
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Its time consuming. Most people that are actually going somewhere as a scientist work 50+ hours a week. Grad students at good universities work 60-70 hours a week.

Its understandably hard to find the energy to go lift after doing that. All you want is just some low energy activity that rewards some dopamine to hide the pain, like drinking. Drinking is a favorite past time of many grad students because it helps them deal with the fact that they hate every second of their life more than lifting every could.

Exactly why I switch to engineering instead of planning to go get my phd. I never met a grad student who didn't hate their life atleast a little bit, most hated their life ALOT.

>> No.10513138

I barely have time for me and i would rather spend it on better actual hobbies like cinema.
But still, its not just about going to gym, getting ripped and thats it.
Gymretards are glorified NEETs who do little to no work nor even go to college (and dont give me that part-time job bullshit). Most of the uber ripped total killer guys you see at gym are fags who still leech off their parents 21+. Its an extremely costly life where most of your money goes to food alone and parties as these are the only thing ooga boogas know.
Also am I the only one who gets really tired after gym, not feeling to do anything else? I always ended sleeping and not studying a shit when I went to gym to be a little more 'healthy'
To become a Glorified Gym NEET you need a lot of money and free time. Thats possible only if you have rich parents.

>> No.10513346

Why are a lot of professors so catty?

>> No.10513350

>Not excercising while you collect data
Biology master race

>> No.10513422

Hit, /fit/ + /g/ brainlet reporting in. Where do I go in this place to get a legit math roadmap starting at babytown and ending at beastmode?

by the way if you're new to lifting and want to get jacked just buy a copy of the starting strength memebook and its sister book "Practical Programming for Strength Training."
You guys will probably be good at it. Anyway, help a brother out?

>> No.10513499

I've done this already. Since I can't build muscle it only led to a strength increase of about 30-50% but nothing beyond that.

>> No.10513512

high iq has literally nothing to do with physical robustness or appearance, its probably negatively correlated with both past a certain threshold

>> No.10513523

>>10511084<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F603;</div>

>> No.10513526

Math is not science but lot of guys from department of analysis are ripped. Maybe from lifting epsilons and deltas you build muscles easier.

>> No.10513537

what the fuck

>> No.10513538

>dad bod
I hate how this meme gas been corrupted. "Dad bod" was originally strongfat, like someone who was very active when they were younger (like the used to play football meme) but had to focus on more important, professional and family related pursuits as they got older. The meme was that women were into these men because they were strong, solid, and had their lives together (like how they viewed their fathers (calling back to classic "daddy issues" meme))
Then numales saw that people were praising a "non-conventional type it attractiveness and health" and through malice or sheer ignorance/incompetence made the phrase mean the same as skinnyfat.
it sort of sounds like you might actually fit into the original meaning though as you claim to stay active and express distaste toward being too light.

>> No.10513540


>> No.10513545

This, none of my professors have appeared especially unhealthy

>> No.10513562

haha get some likes fag<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F44C;</div>

>> No.10513565

get emojis out of here

>> No.10513566


>> No.10513567

this emoji is your mom if you dont upvote this post<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F428;</div>

>> No.10513570

[math]4y + 4 = 2y + 8 [/math]

>> No.10513578

>Collapse is coming sooner than you think.

great sentence that expertly avoids making any real prediction

>> No.10513608

stop mememing fren, it takes time.
Keep doing it, months to see the slightest visual change.

>> No.10513612


>> No.10513627

you can work full time (+50 hours) and still do a 6 day ppl split (1 hour per day). You just have to cut out interaction with normies outside of work, meal prep and avoid any normie and degenerate activities like sex, vidya, anime, netflix, drinking...etc

Honestly the most important things in life is:
>wealth (which is acquired through intelligence)

Literally everything else is a meme. Why bother even having friends in the current year where everyone is a vain asshole? Just use them for your personal gain lmao. Don't act kind or do favors out of the "kindness of your heart" unless it's your parents.

Also all you faggots complaining about "muh no gf". Fuck having a gf. Also fuck having sex. Ejaculation lowers test which in turn lowers your drive. Spending time with a roastie is literally worse than playing vidya because at least with vidya you can stop whenever you want while with a roastie you have to care about her apparent feelings.

>> No.10513633
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>> No.10513639

Didn't know levels of cope this high were even possible.

You guys will make IQ and phenotype threads all day, but even attempt to improve your fitness, something you can actually change.

>> No.10513654

>actual hobbies like cinema
So what constitutes as an "actual" hobby for you is consuming media? LOL just LOL. Imagine thinking working on your health is less important than watching capeshit like a /tv/ tard

I can tell you're never gonna make it

>> No.10513680

I can't believe there are people over the age of 16 with this kind of mindset. It's like you didn't get over that adolescent hump, likely because actual experiences are important for growth and development.

>> No.10513682

>spends hours upon hours per day on 4chan
>HAHA your hobby is consuming media!!!

>> No.10513712

Part of 4chan is also creating media in the form of creating shitposts and responses. It's unironically better than just passively watching movies
>like actual experiences
You can have experiences in work or during your commute to work. Relationships besides family are a meme

>> No.10513745
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if you looked closely you'd see their brains are ripped

>> No.10513757

Lifting is a marketing driven fad.
I'm not falling for that consumerist shit.
It is not even healthy for you.

>> No.10514153

Thanks a lot bro

>> No.10514166

Everyone hates their life secretly in academia. It's literally a field dominated by depressed shutins that only have their intellectualism left as their only redeeming feature.

>> No.10514193

Thank you for this. However is this an elitist meme? There are lots of similar pictures made for different boards and usually they have some degree of memes or elitism in it instead of being genuinely the best method.

Also how long am I expected to take to go through these books? I'm a physics student with an intuitive understanding for physics but a very shaky grasp on mathematics and I want to fix that.

Thank you again.

>> No.10514273

What were they being trained in?

>> No.10514292

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.

>> No.10514295

i know a lot of grad students who lift, they're no rare at all

also this >>10512670 grad school murders you and most people turn to booze to cope. makes you fat right quick

>> No.10514299

God I hate that movie

>> No.10514362

It's been years now with no change at all

>> No.10514393

> last being optional

is the last in this case the Method of Coordinates or Basic Mathematics? Basic Mathematics seems superfluous after Gelfand. Somebody weigh in?

>> No.10514436
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because the high school meme tells chads that being a nerd isnt cool and they should go to buisness school instead. meanwhile the outcasts and weaklings study real hard to compensate for being fags.

basically the jews destroyed society and made it so that people only think in terms of tv stereotypes and have no creativity at all anymore.

tldnr chads dont choose to become math nerds anymore

inb4 pol wahhh wahhh

>> No.10514438
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>Relationships besides family are a meme
Keep trying bud, you'll make friends eventually.

>> No.10514443

cope harder

>> No.10514449

> jews
> chads
> nerds
> fags
> think he's made some kind of point

If you want to say something insightful you could at least start by being responsible with your use of language. Right now it looks like you just want attention. So here have a (You), little guy.

>> No.10514473

>culture of critique
>healthy fit men
>studious and organised ppl
>social underachievers and weaklings

jesus, you must be a nerd jew fag

>> No.10514474

Surgeons are psycopathic, so they usually have the impetus and follow-through for a little physical upkeep

>> No.10514496

so? the elitism is usually appreciated since other whys you wouldn't be reading an autistic guide on "how to git gud" and just go to school like the rest of the plebs.

>> No.10514530
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It's not really elitist. It's just the standard high school + undergrad curriculum (except for the last section).

>> No.10514543

That's much better man, nice work.

>> No.10514561

were all fat, ugly and lonely.

>> No.10514633

It's douche as fuck dude. Both guys and girls do this. We get it, your good looking and smart

>> No.10514857


You would post a picture too if you had his physique. But you don't because you're too lazy, have bad genetics and spend all yourtime shitposting on a Bangladesh shoe shining forum

>> No.10514915

Because when you spend all day every day on research and maths, you won't have much time for exercise.

>> No.10514997
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Getting strong takes too much mental strength, and intelligence builds up sense of self.

Whites evolved from Arabs who are 85 IQ

White IQ = 100
Arab IQ = 85

There is evolutionary wiring for mental strength. The weak ones that gave-up in times of famine died out. Whites were progressively feminized as were East Asians.

White male digit ratio = .980
Arab male digit ratio = .960

White IQ = 90-110
Arab IQ = 75-95

The prenatal estrogen increased to compensate for the intelligence (which heightens awareness). You can't have a mental weakling in a world this dangerous. The smartest members of the white race (scientists) are not mentally strong due to their intelligence, so they can not easily build the muscle it takes to be ripped.

>> No.10515009

A small percentage of the population are scoentists. A small percentage of the population is ripped. Combine them and you get the answer.

>> No.10515030

Maybe if you don't have the discipline to eat and lift enough

>> No.10515032

Explains all the women dating broke niggas who don't even have a car but do have a six pack

>> No.10515034

>Thinking a great understanding of physics, anatomy and physiology, and nutrition is low IQ

>> No.10515065


Simple answer is because they don't need to be
I mean most people don't need to be
People who get ripped are essentially doing it as a hobby

>> No.10515079

>I don't need to be ripped

Wrong answer.
Everyone would like to be.

>> No.10515129

Getting ripped is obsolete in the age where a red button devastes any city of your choice in the world in few minute.

>> No.10515469

because most scientists are either jews, chinks or otherwise poos who aren't historically known for their muscle-building genetics.

>> No.10516335

The same reason why everywhere you go in the Western schools you see stick figures everywhere.

>> No.10516367

Height > Handsome Face > Broad Shoulders > Dark Features > ........ > random fetishes including six pack
It's an over hyped feature.
It's used in movies to convey the idea of a guy that has maximized physical fitness but that does not really translate into the maximum attractive guy.
This guy is 9/10 with a six pack .... and 9/10 without a six pack.

From what I can see, currently the most attractive guys are tall and slender.

>> No.10516503

I am 6'3 have a very handsome face, have broad shoulders and dark features. But I'm bald so it's all ruined.

>> No.10516548

I'm white and I can't build muscle

>> No.10516561

the high iq ripped people go into finance

>> No.10516571
File: 120 KB, 1242x808, 99F99CB0-1D71-470C-A187-B1967D7F047F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being physically active is the human body’s natural state, that is why it’s so attractive. Women will find your skinny fat body repulsive. After I took up lifting for a few months people start treating me differently; they start being way nicer to me because I actually had some muscular definition on my arms. As my body fat % went down, my jawline became sharper and women started to approach me more. And the whole “dad bod” meme is the saddest cope I’ve ever seen. Excercise has been shown to increase IQ. So come on man, do 10 push-ups, give it a try.

>> No.10517167

Working out takes time, studying and learning about niche topics takes time, going to work takes time. Only pic two for the time you have.

HINT: if you work out and study, no one will care about your discovery because you do not work with anyone.

>> No.10517390

>Some people can't build muscle
lol lazy people can't

>> No.10517427

My undergrad was set up like this:
Calculus -> Linear Alg + Proofs (basics) + ODE's -> Seq & Series -> Probability + PDE's + Numerical Analysis -> Niche Mathematics, I took Combinatorics, Stochastic Calculus, and further Num Analysis

Is there anything major I missed out on?

>> No.10517452

t. Schitzo

>> No.10517472

That is complete bullshit, it’s scientifically impossible to not be able to gain any muscle at all.

EDIT: FWIW, I’m not a working scientists; I am just a nerdy science enthusiast, and a skeptical activist. I owe my “BS detector” to the likes of Carl Sagan, the SGU, Brian Dunning, Skepchick, and other such luminaries in both the skeptical movement and the scientific world at large. If you like science, and you care about “believing true things, disbelieving false things, and how to tell the difference” then you might already be a skeptic.

>> No.10517695

What required so much math? Seems light for a math degree but heavy for cs/eng/phys

>> No.10517707

this is why you go to a pure engineering school with a 80/20 m:f ratio. all there is to do is lift, eat, and study. swole nerd meme is real m8.

>> No.10517770

IT ba

>> No.10517773


>> No.10517821

>If society collapsed

>> No.10517873

B.S. in Mathematics with an applied emphasis
Do you think it's light for a math degree? I was able to double major in Statistics so I don't doubt it.

>> No.10517878

Opportunity costs. The disheveled tropes doesn't confer with adequate rest, food or training.

>> No.10517917

Cope you just described Jeremy Meeks. You obviously are just ugly.

>> No.10517934

I suppose applied math would make sense.

>> No.10517940

he probably means getting past the "Noob Gains".
Its true, very few people can keep developing muscles after reaching The Wall because they still retain Ooga-Booga era genes; you'll see everywhere Glorified Gym NEETs raging hard because they look the same after 4+ years of lifting.
The only way to overcome this is through the supervised use of steroids under a trained specialist.
You can still lower your body fat to trick people though.

>> No.10517945

Meeks still has a hairline, he just shaves due to afro genetics.

>> No.10518069

based muscle poster

>> No.10518071

wow....this says a lot about our society

>> No.10518081


This, but also alcoholism.

>> No.10518618

extremely intelligent post

>> No.10518622

for some reason i thought the red button was Tinder

>> No.10518627

only whites have a hard time shaving their head

>> No.10518644

There's no such thing as "scientifically speaking" unless you're talking about methodology. Please kill this meme.

>> No.10519900

I fucking love this shit

>> No.10519943

I spent most of my undergrad fairly fit. As soon as I had serious lab commitments that became steadily more difficult to the point where now I consider myself lucky to have the time and energy to do regular calisthenics with the ability to go to the gym and do free weights once every week or two. Though I'm an engineer (EE) so maybe I don't get to be in the cool kids scientists club.

>> No.10519950

>he way to go when you are super smart is to practice some sport that builds muscle. That way you can look good without seeming vain.
Or just not waste time on sports, build muscle directly, and have more time for your career. Imagine giving a shit about others thinking you're vain. As long as you don't shove it into their faces, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.10520030

Time is limited, but unless you’re working two jobs with kids while you’re in school, you likely have more than enough time to be both sharp and fit but just choose to spend the extra hours on neither.

>> No.10520566

That guy isn't ripped, he is shredded there is a difference. That faggot has basically no muscle and anyone could look like him if they worked out for 6 months and then got a very low body fat %.

>> No.10520627


>> No.10520641

>If society collapsed
By that logic everyone should be a farmer and just that

>> No.10520658

What was already said. To sum up:

1. Time is limited
2. Scientists/people nearing 30 are engaged in a lot of things + have families and can't spend unlimited time at the gym like some 20-year-old NEETs - who also have younger and more adaptable bodies.

>> No.10520693

And fat runs in your genes

>> No.10520698

Not him, but i like my free time

>> No.10520705

How is your average bro a great physicist

>> No.10520738

It bothers me that the glasses are filled top to bottom

>> No.10520787


>> No.10520797

let me guess, you're smart but lazy

>> No.10520846

I've got better things to do than than spend 15-20 hours/week bodybuilding.

168 hours in a week
~56 of that is sleeping
~60 hours of that is work/research
~5-7 hours getting ready for the day (I have beautiful long hair)
~5-7 hours cooking
~variable commuting times (0.5-1hr/day to be conservative) = 2.5-5 hours
~eating: I take 30 minutes to eat, I only eat twice a day: 7 hours.

Roughly 20 hours of free time a week...Let's see do I want to spend it all in a gym...or doing something else?

Calisthenics is the way to go for /sci/entists.

>> No.10520901

It's like an hour a day for exercise

>> No.10520905

>scientists too dumb to realise that physical health is just as important as mental brain power

Guess they're not so smart after all lol

>> No.10520909



>> No.10520915

>according to this post, even on a 6 day split, working out takes 2.5 hours per day MINIMUM

...and the cope just keeps coming

>> No.10520918

6*2.5 = 15 hours, just as I said. 15-20 hours/week. Let's be real, fitness/body building is more than time in the gym.

>> No.10520959
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You're gonna go far kid.

>> No.10521121

>missing the point by that much

This has to be bait

>> No.10521153

>you need to be an ultraautist to succeed
They succeeded, being catty is the next level of autism

>> No.10521603

Why do you want swimming to be easier? Do you swim for fun and not for exercise?

>> No.10521782

how did you know?!

>> No.10521799

>Scientifically speaking
Kill yourself.

>> No.10521804

I literally cant afford 2g of protein per kg.

>> No.10521813

Good thing it's a meme, I couldn't build any muscle despite going past this stage. It's all genetics and almost 0% diet

>> No.10522357

No it's pretty vile.
And yeah girls do this a lot, if you have Tinder you'll see a lot of them taking selfies at the gym, including fat girls who look like they don't do anything there besides gulp down Gatorade but that's mostly because nigbitchs have no self awareness.

>> No.10522362
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I don't know a single fucking person that spends this long doing lab work

>> No.10522383
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>real analysis
>standard high school curriculum

>> No.10522426

True intellect and beauty rarely intersect, and the rare few with both usually forsake intellectual pursuits for the much more lucrative social rewards beauty bestows upon them. Do note I'm talking about real intelligence here, not what most people equate to intelligence in this case, which is success/results. A lot of people equate success with intelligence, and while it's true there's more than a single type of intelligence, beautiful people almost always have one type of intelligence, social intelligence. You'd be hard pressed to find a single woman alive who'd call any of the greats hot or cute in earnest.

>> No.10522481
File: 3.12 MB, 2038x1540, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, at least we're not like /fa/, pic related
we're all gonna make it

>> No.10522496


>> No.10523137

dad bod is just stronk with like ~20% body fat

>> No.10523217

unnatractive scientists are the worst. They’re always so disgusting, awkwardly mumbling to themselves, they have no social skills, and their work is always so uninpressive. And don’t evenget me started on Indians.

Attractive scientists get all the big grants.

>> No.10523222

Holy shit the guy with the crutch bahahahaha. What are these people thinking

>> No.10523249

Fuck off, I need that extra time to train my brain by playing World of Warcraft.

>> No.10523599

exercising to the point of exhaustion on becomes enjoyable after doing it for a while theres a few reason people don't exercise
>'time' by time however it just means they refuse to prioritize exercise above things they already spend time on, most people watch a couple hours of tv a day and don't want to cut one out to exercise which is understandable, but it's not that they don't have the time it's that they don't want to make the time

>> No.10523605

This so much. I speak from experience.

>> No.10523675

Because he probably got paid more for that photo shoot than most PhD students make in a year

>> No.10523676

>Lifting has absolutely no utility other than looking good

>> No.10523677
File: 44 KB, 450x595, swim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better for swimming
Hahaha fuck. One of the biggest copes I've seen
Number 5 is also a funny cope

>> No.10523678

As someone that lifts he is right. The only other things are a small endorphin boost and maintaining a routine but both of these things can be attained more efficiently another way. lifting is mainly about physical appearance which has other benefit of course but that is his statement and is correct.

>> No.10523695

I'm white but with dark features (Think Italian) Bald looks like shit.

>> No.10523698

>Muscular strength, in contrast, showed little relationship to intelligence.

>> No.10523716

I go to the gym 5 times a week. Sometimes 6. I spend 2 hours there.
Who spends 2 hours at the gym.

Fuck you, each meal should take no more than 10 mins to prepare. And for my average can of salmon, poached eggs and packets of brown rice it takes like 5.

Excuses excuses.

And I do half "traditional bodybuilding" half calisthenics.

>> No.10523739

>0% diet
lmao'ing at your life mate

>> No.10523782

never gonna make it

>> No.10524054

God, I wish he'd fuck me

>> No.10524091

Maintaining your health through exercise will increase your life expectancy though.

Maybe intelligent people are just as vulnerable to vices as everyone else. "Time" is just a way to justify being a fat fuck. I remember geeks in middle school said the same thing.

>> No.10525168


>> No.10525184

t. retard

>> No.10525188

Yeah I'm sure there's not a single extra hour every 1-2 days where intelligent people are watching Netflix or playing vidya. They must be pursuing intellectual activities 100% of their waking hours. This is some serious cope.