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File: 56 KB, 400x300, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10509953 No.10509953 [Reply] [Original]

>We are making progress!
>We are progressing!
Toward what?

>> No.10509966


>> No.10510095
File: 216 KB, 290x347, TRINITY___GodAlmighty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Toward what?
novus ordo seclorum, hopefully

>> No.10510522
File: 1.34 MB, 1170x607, 1553992182330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Universal child rape.

>> No.10510525

We're already here since circumcision is still legal in "freedom" states like the US.

We're approaching the liquidation of all life into LCL.

>> No.10510527
File: 29 KB, 325x488, avengers-infinity-war-thanos-fist_a-G-15512429-13198931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete control and domination of the universe, all of existence

>> No.10510534

Depends on what you're progressing towards

>> No.10510536

This but unironically
Kill god and take the throne

>> No.10510539

dont be delusional. Why are you ignorant?? answer me!

>> No.10510614


>> No.10510891

>Toward what?

>> No.10510897

You're progressing towards retarded horseshit. Kill yourself

>> No.10510904


>usernamen - imago

progressing toward the image.

>> No.10510913

a posthuman civilization spread over entire Local Group lasting until heat death of the universe

>> No.10511013
File: 206 KB, 1129x752, Auschwitz-Birkenau-Poland-1129x752.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're almost there!
Just a liittle farther!

>> No.10512744

Okay. Let us assume we have already done that. What are we progressing toward now?

>> No.10512749

The point is: doing anything is pointless because death is assured, as you just pointed out.

>> No.10512770

Point to which we can alter physics and wage merciless war against everyone, collapse the entire universe with all it's hope for life, causing a new universe of backwards evolution.

>> No.10512777

Replicating it until we're conquered

>> No.10512781

something we don't know

>> No.10512797

Then we can finally do whatever we want and not be subject to the mercy of nature and the universe, we will finally become more powerful than all the suns, quasars, black holes, galaxies and all celestial bodies. All we'll need to do is snap our fingers and our enemies will turn to dust, vaporizing galaxies with our minds, or a Gauntlet, we could make a million paradises that feature all the hottest alien and earth babes, I'm not sure how youre not seeing that our capability is limitless, we become Gods by conquering all of the universe and existence

>> No.10512962

Same things our gods said before us.

>> No.10513076

>vaporizing galaxies with our minds
aliens can already do that to humans bro. Are you scared of aliens

>> No.10513079

Then what?

>> No.10513097

the future

>> No.10513110

Then we move on to conquer other universes (of which there are an infinite number)

>> No.10513128

going from humans to gods

>> No.10513147

We die, all things that take shape will eventually no longer have its shape, the universe will die, and back to the infinite and yet finite chaos that is outside the boundaries of the universe, nothing and yet everything, will exist, but yet to even put into words what is other than what is our universe is sorta cheating, we will return to what is not our universe once again. Yes we are progressing, willing or not.

>> No.10513152

Not science or math

>> No.10513157

a genderless burger experience

>> No.10513281

A rude awakening.

>> No.10513885

*a great awakening

>> No.10513898
File: 85 KB, 930x773, six-epochs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Singularity


>> No.10513906

All I know is away from God

Expect some sort of cataclysm to come before we get too far

>> No.10513929
File: 102 KB, 634x634, christcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10514077
File: 68 KB, 640x630, you can be anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear winter

>> No.10514079


>> No.10514084

In the direction we think will lead to less suffering.

>> No.10514369

Can a mere simulation destroy its programmer?

>> No.10514377

Better overall wellbeing. Kinda obvious.

>> No.10514575

It's just parent's problem that they cannot solve issue that their child doesn't like his penis being washed and it constantly complains, that it hurts. I think that in middle age they fucking cut it off, because it was easier to slap a kid to silence.

Because everybody wants to be parrent so much that at point of actually being parent, he's tired and doesn't have enough time to educate small child and only thing that is keeping us going forward, even that if we got far enough we fall of from a cliff, it's that there should be some form of parenting license, because parents are plain stupid.

>> No.10514595

Nice post. FYI - I "liked" it please "like" mine too :^)

>> No.10514607

Unironically, a Nationalist Socialist future probably would have been the most environmentally and socially stable alternative to our current reality.

>> No.10514617

We can convince our simulators to 3d print us or we could use glitches to spread like a virus into the hardware of their universe.

Alternatively we could just convince whoever is on the other side to do our bidding.

>> No.10514622

Absolutely, I saw it on TV, the movie was called "The 13th Floor".

>> No.10514625
File: 679 KB, 1920x1080, genderless_burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progressing towards? More like degenerating towards. Everything will become more and more meaningless, to the point where barely anybody alive feels connected to anything other than illusions in their heads created by future tech.

>> No.10514634

Except it's not.