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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10509601 No.10509601 [Reply] [Original]

I'm literally 100% sure i've lost like 15% of my iq and crativity because i've picked up a dumbass habit of interviewing myself and explaining concepts i've learned in my head.

How do i stop this?

>> No.10509615

I also do this out loud when explaining my minecraft computer to myself

>> No.10509624

I guess doing it with stuff you've recently learned has some retention benefits. I'll often explain how stuff i've learned as if i wanted to explain it to some intelligent friend, to make sure i understand it.

The problem is that ill usually just automatically start talking about nonsense and narccisism, like pretending to be interviewed after my future invention btfo'd everyone, or ill explain my political views to some imaginary thot and btfo them idk.

I've read that to retain and understand stuff you have to spend time not doing stuff, just in a clear state of mind, and im pretty sure this is inhibiting that as i probably do it an hour or so every day. Especially when im in the shower or falling asleep which is when i'd normally think about other stuff.

>> No.10509643

why do you think you've lost IQ because of it?

>> No.10509648

I think its established that memory is consolidated when the mind is idle ect.

>> No.10509656

damn, i started doing this not long ago, i get how you feel OP

>> No.10509658
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Can some help me find the name of the application before snip.

>> No.10509678

At least for me, when explaining things to myself i not only solidify the memory of the content, but i also process the information. What i mean by this is i do a general analysis, allowing me to see gaps in my knowledge of the content and understand the content better.

>> No.10509691

>Not using both
Do brainlets really do this?

>> No.10509704

When i first understood i was aphantasic, i was butthurt over the fact that i wasn't able to make movies in my head. Sounded pretty cool.

Then i learned that what i think of thinking is actually alien to the average cattle, that for them "thinking" is literally "talking in your head" and i have never lost my overwhelming complex of superiority since then.

>> No.10509723


Autism/Asperger's Master Race

And in the good sense and form

>> No.10509729

Is this what cause it or you don't get it?

>> No.10509732

one plus one, equals two ones. two plus zero equals one two. Nigga

>> No.10509745

Isn't this basically just a form of the feynman method?

>> No.10509755

I often come to correct conclusions with this sort exercise. No matter how you play the interviewee, you'll either reach a dead end or reach what you were looking for.

>> No.10509761

Feynman's IQ was 129

>> No.10509772

Well he won the Nobel Prize. So the method must work.

>> No.10509930

>for them "thinking" is literally "talking in your head"
What else is it supposed to be?

>> No.10509993

Actually I find that explaining a concept to someone is one of the best ways of learning it yourself, since you actively have to understand it to be able to explain it in an understandable manner, even if you're jsut doing it to yourself in your head. I used this technique a lot for studying, because it gets me to properly comprehend an idea. I agree that it does get annoying to do this when you already perfectly fathom it and don't need to further increase your understanding though.

>> No.10509997

Not that anon but you can think in concepts, and rapidly too, understanding what you are thinking about without needing to speak the language of your thoughts in your head, no inner voice necessary.

Thats not aphantasia, aphantasia is inability to see mental images, you can still have non-verbal thinking with mental imagery, but for me mental images are most often so vague and dim and fleeting that most of my thinking is just purely non-verbal and non-visual which I assume is same for you.

>> No.10510024

This thread is a rehash of >>10505471
Stop rehashing threads that didn't go the way you wanted. And this time the original thread is doing fine, really. 60 replies.

>> No.10510030


>> No.10510119

Nope, you're phantasic filth.
The only things i can see is photon impacting my photoreceptive cells, the only things i can hear are soundwave impacting my eardrum, and so on for all senses.

My brain is to yours, cattle, what a quantum computer is to a conventional one.

>> No.10510157

So you're pattern thinker predominantly, good at math etc. Sounds like aspergers with a solid dash of narcissism.

>> No.10510165

This, I do this too.

I pretend I'm explaining the concept to a class or person unfamiliar with said topic. Sometimes this keeps me up at night for hours

However, unlike OP, this doesn't make me feel summer but rather reinforce what I already know nor just learned. I guess op just has a disability or something

>> No.10510166

By doing something useful with your time instead of whining about it on sci.
It’s easy to stop worrying about stupid crap once you get your mind on a problem.

>> No.10510200

If you can not explain a concept, then you do not understand it.

Some thoughts have no words. When I play chess there is no internal conversation.

>> No.10510201

I am not a narcissist, i am genuinely superior to the vast majority of the average cattle.
You have no idea how happy i am when i meet someone more capable than me, which is very rare.

>> No.10510223

Alright. You probably don't have this attitude IRL, but if you do it might make highly intelligent people put on a mask for you.

>> No.10510297

did you achieve something with that brain of your?

>> No.10510301

stop using the internet so much, it encourages this behavior. Also use your imagination more and learn how to associate/memorize better. Tesla said he could imagine his inventions and take them apart in full detail before drafting any schematics.

>> No.10510488

Like when Im solving a sudoku and I have a few squares left I instantly know where each is supposed to be when l look at them without saying in my head one goes here then nine can go there etc? How does that work with reading? When l'm reading it's like saying the text I see in my head.

>> No.10510708

>Like when Im solving a sudoku and I have a few squares left I instantly know where each is supposed to be when l look at them without saying in my head one goes here then nine can go there etc?

Thats something like:
- Pattern thinking
- System 1
- Right hemisphere

>> No.10510812


Mate I guarantee you're a fucking brainlet

>> No.10510963

I often use mental images to escape reality or to create mind palace for my exam or shit I want to remember.

But my images need to be spread out, clear as fuck and not to complex so that I can remember them easily later. So I'm not some kind of autistic asperger genius.

Any books about mental images ? I want to improve.

>> No.10510999

>My brain is to yours, cattle, what a quantum computer is to a conventional one.
I dare you to elaborate on this.

>> No.10511002

He can masturbate to the concept of tits without visualizing them

>> No.10511021
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Fiji is just imageJ
Hand image processing program. Used it before to count cells on a hemocytometer before. Bit finicky with settings though

>> No.10511372

He's trying to explain that his brain is underdeveloped and unusable in major simple areas, unlike a conventional computer.

>> No.10511396

this is actually good for you

>> No.10512557

Where you cattle have to think one step at a time, attacking a problem from only one side at a time, i do them all at the same time.The conceptual cloud.
This enables me to assimilate a given concept near-instantly.
I never understood why lessons were basically the same information repeated again, and again, and again, from different angles, slowly, with lots of explanations and metaphors and bloated, useless shit.

Now i know : it's cathered to you cattle.
I have a shit memory though, and since all techniques for helping with that involve "visualisation"(>>10510963 "mind palace"), i guess i'm shit out of luck on that front.

>> No.10512604

Sometimes I don't even process anything in my head still come up with an answer

Like my brain is silent but somehow I figure it out

>> No.10512683
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>> No.10512973

Sounds more like parallel architecture than quantum.

>> No.10512988
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I'm aphantasic and I was butthurt over it for a while but realized I traded that for the ability to speak in music so whatever

>> No.10513000

This, brain doesn't work like how OP describes it, at all. The brain is much more efficient but I can't explain how.

>> No.10513447

>Not that anon but you can think in concepts, and rapidly too, understanding what you are thinking about without needing to speak the language of your thoughts in your head, no inner voice necessary.

I would assume most of us do that. Well, all of us. How would we form the words to describe our thoughts if the concepts weren't there first? Isn't the verbal component just the method of translating the concept into a communicable form?

>> No.10513747

This is not really related to my op. I think without words or even concepts most of the time. The interviewing thing is very much a conscious process, i just have it ingrained.

>> No.10513811

sounds like you're doing it right buddy

>> No.10513814

>Don't understand anything
>Wake up with all the solutions

The brain is heavily underrated

>> No.10514088

Sometimes when you're about to think in words, stop yourself and trust your mind has absorbed the information. After a while try to recall it, you will be able to. Do this often as it will train your brain.

>> No.10515182

>Sometimes when you're about to think in words, stop yourself and trust your mind has absorbed the information.

Fucking this thats exactly what I do when I have a thought and immediately start to sub-vocalize it needlessly in the next second after the thought is already "absorbed".

What I noticed when I tried to think more verbally is after a while this weird habit or quirk develops where you don't feel the thought has been properly "absorbed" as you describe without sub-vocalizing it, like you absolutely need to sub-vocalize or the thought won't be absorbed or processed but that is ridiculous and I've been working on breaking out of that habit and it has been working a bit, what you said about "trusting that it has been absorbed" is very helpful.

>> No.10515224

Take acid

>> No.10515325

Get off /sci/ it's taking its toll on you.

>> No.10515369
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That is your mind's way of dealing with the fact you don't have any children, to whom you'd normally be teaching your knowledge.

>> No.10515371
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, Huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think in words

>> No.10515433

As a filmmaker, it's incredibly hard for me to write. I get the whole thing at once, how the music should sound, how the emotions should feel, the mindsets of the characters, their movements, but finding context within words and within a frame is incredibly difficult for me. If anyone has any tips for this one especially please let me know, it is having the most drastic effect on my life out of the brain processes I've described.

>> No.10515434

>out of the brain processes I've described.
This was a much longer post before I chopped it down to what's there, forgot to take this part out

>> No.10515505

>So tell me a little bit about myself...

>> No.10515647

How so

>> No.10515648

Sub-vocalizing, inner monologue, internal dialog...

>> No.10515693
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>people that have a voice in their head telling them what to do think _theyre_ the ones with free will
cracks me up every time

>> No.10516558

It doesnt work like that..

>> No.10516935

You aren't losing anything through interviewing yourself, hey, it might be useful every once in a while to get a better understanding of a topic.
Every once in a while I'll just think to myself as sort of a "conversation" about the logic of something, it usually helps out.

>> No.10517202
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>> No.10517477

Thats called OCD op
I live with it, you can't stop it

>> No.10517655

If you want to stop thinking with words just do things faster.
When I attempt to solve problems quicker i think more things abstractly. You can test this out for yourself by simply trying to talk faster, or improvising.
You’ll notice you starting thinking more abstractly because you brain is trying to stay ahead of its mouth.