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1050650 No.1050650 [Reply] [Original]

>when he asked a UC administrator what was wrong with the school being dominated by Asians, he was told that they are "too dull--they study, study, study."


>> No.1050660
File: 17 KB, 507x594, obamadrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why America is #1. Everyone loves a cowboy, be it in business or science!

>> No.1050668

Isn't that the point of going to school?
what the fuck

>> No.1050682

>implying there's real schooling in Americuntia.

>> No.1050686

I'm asian and I agree 99% of asians are fucking boring as fuck.

But not to worry, most Asians are now going into either business, accounting or nursing now that they figured out that science ≠ easy $$$.

>> No.1050737

Asians study, study, and study for the sole purpose of getting into the best school so they can study, study, and study some more, so they can get a shit-paying office job and spurt out a few more dull asians whom they beat into studying, studying, and studying some more, until they die. Repeat.

>> No.1050738
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I agree guys, we asians are really underpaid, both internationally and individually. We are so stupid.

Poor us. Especially in the computer science branch..oh wow. It's so sad!

>> No.1050739

>implying America doesn't have a majority of the best universities in the world

>> No.1050746

That quote doesn't say that they are ruining science.

>> No.1050749

>implying your metrics of "best" aren't set by the ivy league universities.

>> No.1050754

>implying they are

>> No.1050760

Fucking asians man. As soon as white men set the standards, asians do everything. Studying all day, and if they fail they kill themselves.

>> No.1050763

US has the absolute best post-HS education in the planet. Eat shit, faggot eurocunt.

>> No.1050768



I thought USA! had "colleges" ?

Let's face it faggot, you don't even have an academic record. You don't know what you are talking about. Your country is as ordinary as others and is hyped by the nationalist media.

Enjoy mediocrity like everybody else faggot.

>> No.1050772

except what you call post-hs other countries teach already in school. american colleges are easy as shit.

>> No.1050776

>related poll
>How would you describe this proposal to lower admissions standards?

>further dumbing of america
>punishment for exellence
>a stupid idea

i wonder if the author has a bias?
>check author
>Charlie Butts
at least hes not asian, but...

>> No.1050786

>except what you call post-hs other countries teach already in school. american colleges are easy as shit.
Then getting into any MITs or Harvard should be easy as a pie for Euro's, hell, you Euros can probly enter Yale after graduating middle school!
oh wait.....

>> No.1050794
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>> No.1050797

>MassMedia-hyped juveniles.

>> No.1050799

Why would we go to a 2nd rate uni?

>> No.1050802

Eurofags don't like paying ten times as much for the same shit with a different brand, unlike americunts.

>> No.1050806

Universites not in the US are fucking jokes. Try to get a job over here with a degree from oxford or some other 3rd rate shit tier university and you will get laughed at.

You can go ANYWHERE in the world with a US degree from a good school and you will be hired on the spot.

>> No.1050810

>This is what americunts really believe

>> No.1050813

and these Euro uni discovered || found how many scientific/mathematical achievements recently?
oh come now I can't here you!
don't be shy, say it out loud!!

>> No.1050834

>Doesn't know our unis are older than their country and each done more than the entirety of amerikkka

>> No.1050846

Do you have any metrics other than "AMERICA FUCK YEAH"?

Because this says your are full of shit.

>> No.1050852

>oxford or some other 3rd rate shit tier university

What the devil am I reading.tga

>> No.1050848

>Doesn't know our unis are older than their country and each done more than the entirety of amerikkka
I have almost no clue what the fuck you're saying but I can guess that you couldn't comprehend the
Euro University sure is great! Why, you're the living proof of its entirety!!

>> No.1050868

>Patents granted (per capita) (most recent) by country
Hey mom! I just made potato dildo!! Wow!! this gonna revolutionize the world!!

you're yet, another living proof of how great the Euro Universities truly are!

>> No.1050870
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>Can't comprehend simple sentences

>> No.1050875
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>Got proved wrong
>Defensive child

>> No.1050879

I would like you to show a better metric.

>> No.1050886

>Implying, I can post lots of reaction pics and say stuff unrelated to the post and provide no argument countering it, therefore, I admit my humble and utter defeat to you sir.

Why thank you good sir! I'm fluttered indeed!

>> No.1050889
File: 78 KB, 343x256, 1271514937119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignoring the proof that they are wrong
>Desperately trying to justify their $100,000 debt for a 2nd rate education

>> No.1050892

>America the New Dark-Age Debt-hole.

They have to do this, it's their way of coping with the economical debt they have. They have to delude themselves to get past the day with fiction of how the outer world looks like. They like to think that if they are hurt, everybody is hurt. This is the main reason why they go so hard with the copyright policies and patents. They know they can't invent knew stuff, so they are desperately trying to juice out as much as possible from previous inventions. Defending old patents has always de facto been a sign of weakness for all inventors trough history. (The re-innovating and adaptable companies always wins over the rigid and conservative.)

>> No.1050897

Notice how it's always the euros starting shit?

It's because they are insecure, limped dick angry faggots who take out all their supressed rage on the internet.

>> No.1050894

Why, my good sir! You may use your CPU (American invention) and your internet (American creation) at your disposal and perhaps use the google search engine (American corporation) to search about American inventions that's shaping our world!

>> No.1050903
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>> No.1050908

>Ignoring the proof that they are wrong
yet another feeble attempt at derailing the argument!!
>>Desperately trying to justify their $100,000 debt for a 2nd rate education
And why you Euro gentle man must be doing quite tremendously! After all, you must be independent from our American dollars and economy!!

>More reaction pics and derailing, admitting defeat
Oh, you're making me blush!!

>> No.1050909

Tesla (the european-educated) invented internet.

Sounds like projection to me.

>> No.1050920

Americans education and the derivates of thereof?

One name: Kansas.


>> No.1050925

>Sounds like projection to me.
Nope. Just observing. You should try it sometime. You'll realize how big of a faggot you and all your people are.

>> No.1050928
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>yet another feeble attempt at derailing the argument!!

>Been proved wrong but refusing to yield
>Creationist thinking

>And why you Euro gentle man must be doing quite tremendously! After all, you must be independent from our American dollars and economy!!

>Pointless tangent that makes his butthurt show
>Doesn't know that virtually every country subsidises their students

>> No.1050930

Hey guys!! I've just thought of Time machine !! I've invented it after finally being discovered 500 years later !!
>Tesla: coming to Murica even though he could've stayed at superior Euro-versity.
Oh you!!

>> No.1050932

Everyone in this thread is a retard.

American universities really are the best in the world, followed by UK unis, then Japan, Canada, and the rest.

Nobody cares if you go to a shithole semi-community-college in Norway (which, admittedly, have the highest HDI in the world), America has the upper hand in post-secondary education.

>> No.1050934

Yup that's projection of an inferiority complex alright

>> No.1050939
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>> No.1050946

>Europe: full of people that are educated and frugal that want to know they wont lose their money

>Amerikkka: full of gulible retards that will throw their money at anyone who sounds convincing no matter how stupid their product e.g. scientology, homeopathy

Which would you go to to get funding?

>> No.1050950

>Been proved wrong but refusing to yield
Oh would you please point out where my flaw was?
My imprudent American education cannot discover the flaw!!

>Pointless tangent that makes his butthurt show
>Doesn't know that virtually every country subsidises their students
A great contradiction sir!! couldn't have done it better!!
And to top it off,
>Reaction pic!!

>> No.1050953

>Top 5
>3 are British


>> No.1050958

Why European of course!! European investments sure is going like a bull, unlike does American market that's been dominating for the past decades even after the recession, it's utter insanity that all these investors around the globe including European banks invests in America!!

>> No.1050959
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We lead in what matters.

Medicine. Science. Business.

We make the fucking world go round.

The eurofag tears in this thread are fucking DELICIOUS!

>> No.1050961

I'd just call it good ol' rationalizing. But sure, napoleon complex does fine too, realizing ones flaws is pretty hard for some, if not impossible.

>> No.1050962

>Oh would you please point out where my flaw was?
>My imprudent American education cannot discover the flaw!!

Why should I help the stupid?

>A great contradiction sir!! couldn't have done it better!!
>And to top it off,

>Doesn't understand what a contradiction is
>Can't find a reaction image

>> No.1050963

You fellas have such appalling grammar.

>> No.1050964


>> No.1050966

yea, obviously, but it's so much fun trolling each other!! especially when I'm natural high from not sleeping for few days!!
or at least i hope that's what's happening...

>> No.1050968

>191: Reading university

It's a joke in Britain

>> No.1050971

Don't forget art.

Eurofags are a joke.

>> No.1050979

Then why does Europe produce more? Why is European GDP higher?

Sorry bro, you lose.

>> No.1051000

>Why should I help the stupid?
Because it's the duty of the wise to educate the unwise is it now !?

>Doesn't understand what a contradiction is
Why, I'll explain it for you!! You have attempted to derail the subject by attacking the American economy not the scientific and mathematical achievement! Though there is a relation between education and higher education, that is not the precise point we're at it here. Not only that, let's see whose really doing well in the economy!!

>Pointless tangent that makes his butthurt show
But I have just made a counter argument to your claim in economy by pointing out the fact from economy! Showing that American economy affects European economy gravely, in fact, in a worse condition counter to your claim that European economy in superior to the American economy!!

As you see, I can wipe my own ass unlike somebody else wining and crying out loud for somebody to change their diaper!!

>Reaction pic
My humble apologies sir!! As you can see, I can admit my own flaws when making one unlike somebody else!!

>> No.1051011

According to the international GDP and with three significant numbers.

Europe is Exactly 13.3 points richer than USA.

>> No.1051016

If this world had more Asians (I am an Asian and agree we're boring as fuck) it would be a better place.

>> No.1051028

Why my good sir!! there is this rather advanced and perplexing concept entitled "Population"!!
As you can see, EU has a "Total Population" of 830,364,178 whereas American "Total Population" of 307,006,550, EU having more than twice that of America!! Population is closely related to a Gross Domestic Production and if you compare it's ratio...
Oh I shouldn't go any further, this is such a liberal and inferior and demonic study on America...
You would never learn such a study in superior Eur University!!

>> No.1051038


This means you will make 13.3 more money in europe than in usa. Or that you pay 13.3% less taxes.

You decide how to interpret it. Either way it pays off by 13.3% to not live in usa, but in europe:The new center of the world.

>> No.1051059

Where has this thread gone? Stay on topic or make your own thread, or even better GTFO.

>> No.1051062

Oh come on Eurofags, Keep up your pace!!
or did I hit you all too hard?
I'll keep the punches more softer next time, I promise!!

>> No.1051067

You can't have a thread with racist overtones without it devolving into tribalism.

Shows how /sci/ is just as shit as anything else.

>> No.1051072

>implying Europe is the new center of the world.

>> No.1051069

And future estimations is getting higher by each day.

Europe is now building up the infrastructure within UN and only the gods knows the true potential when this has been built up.

>> No.1051077

>implying blindly that race isn't a factor in anything.

>> No.1051081

>implying there is a God or multiple Gods

>> No.1051093

>And future estimations is getting higher by each day.
I can estimate potato!! Why look!! China, ME, Africa, Russia, and of course EU has been saying this for.... how many year???

>Europe is now building up the infrastructure within UN and only the gods knows the true potential when this has been built up.


>> No.1051099

Yer well my country is earth and earth owns USA.


>> No.1051110

I agree with this fellow world citizen here. We should forget all our differences and finally work together to unreveal the mysteries of our universe.

>> No.1051116


>> No.1051127

okay, I'm seriously getting tired of this shit, you guys keep it on if you want.

But let me tell you, no hard feeling on Euros if there are guys taking it for real, it's just troll for fun!!

Honestly, both America and Europe got it flaws but own goods too and I love parts of Europe and hate some part as you guys might love part of us and hate some of us. Truth is, as of right now, America has the most money and techno stuff but that's because many of great both American and European scientists come to America a lot right now because we have money to spend, but that may change very well as you say and in that case, many great American scientists maybe headed to Europe all the same!

Anyway, don't turn things into real hate threads,
and good night to you all!!

>> No.1051133

Yes, one country at the time, is getting higher gdp per capita than USA.

One country at atime.. It's just a matter of time now. Before usa hits the new alltime low of life standards.

>> No.1051140
File: 57 KB, 175x175, grant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you talkin' 'bout, Willis?

>> No.1051142

sup Grant.

>> No.1051153


I'd agree to this too, but only when we get a common leader. That cares about us all, and not just a single nation. When I hear obama say "America will not accept being #2 ! " I feel obliged to contradict and rivilize. Yes, maybe earth is the best country, but only with a real leader.

>> No.1051164
File: 121 KB, 378x512, trolled hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

successful obvious troll was successful and obvious

>> No.1051184

what does successful mean in relation to trolling?

>> No.1051212


>Because it's the duty of the wise to educate the unwise is it now !?

Is what now? I help those who would benefit from my help.

>Why, I'll explain it for you!! You have attempted to derail the subject by attacking the American economy not the scientific and mathematical achievement! Though there is a relation between education and higher education, that is not the precise point we're at it here. Not only that, let's see whose really doing well in the economy!!

>Didn't get the patently obvious point that by subsidising students we allow the best students to get educated rather than those who can afford it

>But I have just made a counter argument to your claim in economy by pointing out the fact from economy! Showing that American economy affects European economy gravely, in fact, in a worse condition counter to your claim that European economy in superior to the American economy!!

>Hasn't seen economy figures from the last 3 years

>As you see, I can wipe my own ass unlike somebody else wining and crying out loud for somebody to change their diaper!!

>U mad?

>My humble apologies sir!! As you can see, I can admit my own flaws when making one unlike somebody else!!

>Tries to be intelligent but just proves his own ignorance. Typical americunt

>> No.1051221

People respond and start a flame war. other trolls join in goad people on e.g. the person saying america has the best universities

>> No.1051225

Usually, in the scientific community, we share so we could experience each-others responses.

Not sure how else society is built up..

>> No.1051243

So you would teach a downy about relativity?

>> No.1051279

I'm a downy but could you teach me about the lorentz-transformation?
You better not google it or look it up on wikipedia.

>> No.1051312

I'm not sure I even know a downie, and, if I did: I'm not sure I would ever get a question related to theoretical physics.

But If if a real scientist asked me a scientific question, I only see profit in giving him my input. Maybe I know something wrong? And If I know something, the chances are extremely low I am the only one knowing it. Imagine how many neurons there is? There is equally many integrating responses, the unpredictability is staggering if you really think about it.

But sure, if you are so paranoid that "your glorious" ideas may be spilled, keep everything to yourself and good luck.

>> No.1051324

Wait - isn't this thread supposed to be about Asians studying too much?

>> No.1052977

>The various school campuses around the Golden State show representation of Asians ranging between 40 and 54 percent of the total number of students while only representing 13 to 14 percent of California's population. So the question is whether standards for admissions ought to be lowered in favor of non-Asians to create more of a balance in the schools' student makeup.


>> No.1053122

yeah, but euro fags remembered they are still butthurt from when we stole all their best scientists after wwii and continue to do so with better salary offers in the states.

sage for old thread