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10504866 No.10504866 [Reply] [Original]

how do i safe my little sister from angiosarcoma?

>> No.10505249

Immunotherapy. If the rich won't offer it, destroy them.

>> No.10505256

How advanced is it?

>> No.10505280

you find a radical edgy doctor to perform experimental stuff on her

>> No.10505281
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>> No.10505304


>> No.10505319
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>> No.10505325

don’t listen to the “Pray” guy

>> No.10505329
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>> No.10505330

>actually posting a solution to multiple problems

>> No.10506201

>99% mortality within 5 years
My condolences anon

>> No.10506212

This. Everything is possible with enough faith.
Even if you don't believe, at this point you have nothing to lose by trying.

>> No.10506217

Sacrifice your personal goals to spend more time with her

>> No.10506222

>Everything is possible with enough faith.
excuse me

>> No.10506226

>tfw it turns out satan is actually in charge and he was gonna save your sister with a miracle but decides not to when you abandon atheism in favor of doing pro-god rituals

>> No.10506230

Yes I'm sorry. My mistake.
Everything is possible with enough faith, except you not being a faggot.
That's a miracle not even God can perform.

>> No.10506239

lel salty godfag starts calling people gay. reminder: catholic priests....

>> No.10506244

go push your retarded agenda elsewhere faggot. this is a thread about someone's dying sister.
people are tyring to offer solutions and comfort to an unsolvable problem and all you do is try to attention whore.
grow the fuck up.

>> No.10506249
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>> No.10506255
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>> No.10506259

>go push your retarded agenda elsewhere faggot

says you, pushing your faggot religion

>> No.10506262
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KEK u guize r so 2011, le dawkinsfags so last season
>ebin_fedora_maymay.png (2.94 MB)
jesus god best god, that's kewl again guise only chads go to church and bang no-premaritalsex-stacies all day kek 6000 years old fossils are cgi, fuck science kek praise Jesus

>> No.10506308

sorry about the dying sister man. spend more time with her, it's your best option.

>> No.10506386

I tried it. I'm still gay.
I don't endorse this

>> No.10506402

Just make sure you dont regret not spending time with her , play games with her , tell her about your day , make her feel a part of your life

>> No.10506433
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OP pls be meeming for (you)s tell me it isn't so

>> No.10506466

Guve her da d

>> No.10506722


>> No.10507759

I could introduce her to my intensive therapy program.

>> No.10508348

I thought of something:

Extract the cells from your sister's veins and do a full genome sequence of them. Try to compare and identify the mutations between the cancer line and the regular cell line.

Then, if the biochemistry works, try to design an RNA virus, wherein the translation of the viral genome is blocked by a hairpin loop. (A hairpin loop is an artificial RNA structure that can be unraveled by a complimentary RNA sequence. Any proteins appearing after this loop are only translated after the loop is unravelled).

This hairpin loop should be complementary to any mutation in the cancerous cell line, so that it only opens in the presence of cancerous DNA or RNA. Therefore, if it infects the cancerous cells, it should activate and kill them. Otherwise, it should stay dormant.

Test this biologic on multiple stem cell assays and perhaps some animal studies before attempting it on your sister.

>> No.10508448

Make a new sister.

>> No.10508472

Sorry Anon... I wonder what's going through her head right now...

Spend time with her

>> No.10509567

Me no have money = money bad

>> No.10509803

This sounds like a truly herculean task, or is it within reach of a turbo powered 4chan poster?

>> No.10510108

I'm sorry anon. Make sure she doesn't die a virgin, or she'll end up with some Arab creep

>> No.10510315


>> No.10510319

sad kek

>> No.10510606

I'm sorry anon. Just spend time with her and keep her happy.

>> No.10511126

Depends on if you manage to find a ptofessor with a stem cell lab who is willing to work with you. The idea is well based in the literature, and I came up with it, so it is unique. Drug development is always a herculean task with a low success rate though.

I think maybe I will start looking for professors that could collaborate with me on such an idea.

>> No.10511132

It would probably cost somewhere around 50k if you trked to do it alone, illegally, as cheaply as possible, without errors.

>> No.10511168
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Don't let her die as an atheist(if she is one). Let the neurochemicals flow in her. And higher chance of going to heaven. I recommend islam

>> No.10513315

Speak to Cole Robinson and have him set up a dry fasting regime for your sister.

He consults for free and his technique is free. The anecdotal evidence is pretty amazing, so it's worth giving it an attempt.

>> No.10513475
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Atheism is cool again because cringy retards like you exist again.

>> No.10513477

100 likes and OP's sister survives

>> No.10513743

Guys how do I do this no one is liking my posts

>> No.10513764

More like, they're just spilling over from leddit

>> No.10513776

Pray. Pray 24 hours a day. Seven days a week. Non stop. Your heart and mind filled only with God. Join a monastery and do nothing other than will this outcome.

>> No.10513781

This, but unironically

>> No.10514208

This, but ironically

>> No.10514253

I am sorry man . Spend as much time as you can with her. She needs you more than ever

>> No.10514265
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enter a yuguoh tournament to win the prize money. IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-DDDDD-DUUUUEL

>> No.10514276
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Quick anon! make her wish come true.

>> No.10514283

fuck i meant Op

>> No.10514899

This is how you become an atheist you fool. After spending day and night praying with your entire heart and still having god take her away, you become utterly crushed and realize that there is no god and you could have spent that time with your sister.

>> No.10514949

Look also into sv3rige and rotting meat.

>> No.10514966

>Being poor is shit
>Let's kill all the rich
Probably just need to alienate some of the rich, and kill the worst poor people

>> No.10515013

You can't. I'm sorry anon, I've lost my dad to cancer recently, so I'd like to think I know your pain.<div class="like-perk-cnt"><img alt="" src="//s.4cdn.org/image/skeletons/22.gif"></div>

>> No.10516111

Every One Piece fan that I know of is Muslim either practicing or culturally. I wonder why

>> No.10516248

I'm sorry anon<span class="fortune" style="color:#43fd3b">

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail[/spoiler]