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File: 6 KB, 299x168, изтеглен файл (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10503227 No.10503227 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain 4th and 5th dimension to me???

>> No.10503231

4th is time
5th, fuck i don't know

>> No.10503240

Just consider four dimensions and take one more perpendicular to all the rest, bro.

>> No.10503287
File: 2.81 MB, 320x240, tinted hypercube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for four dimensions
When what looks like a cube appears in this image, keep your eye on one of its corners and follow it. Assume that when it looks like a cube, it is in normal 3D space. We can't perceive how it actually looks in four spacial dimensions, but you can see when the distortion occurs that it distorts in and out to make room for an "extra" cube in the rotation sequence that would not fit in 3D space.

>> No.10503290

VERY IMPORTANT: This is a 4D object represented in 2D rotating on just one axis. Try to avoid thinking of it as a cube entering itself, you can spot the "extra" cube appearing when the weirdest part of the distortion occurs

>> No.10503296


No way... I've seen this animation 100 times and never understood it. Thanks to your hints I finally get it

>> No.10503321

<x, y, z, t>
<x, y, z, w, t>

>> No.10503802

Anything above the 4th dimension is a meme.

>> No.10503844
File: 274 KB, 760x1344, 8C2E3C2C-8D0A-4317-B071-A5AF907EFD19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10503874

R^n with n=4 and n=5

>> No.10503881

minkowskian spacetime has a metric that is different from R^4’s typical euclidean metric

>> No.10503885

4th dimension = time
5th dimension = feels

>> No.10504073


>> No.10504103

4th dimension is vibration

>> No.10504202

Imagine a cube becoming a tesseract; you would need an agent at each possible angle of the cube.

>Any image of a tesseract you've seen isn't a real tesseract, it's a tesseract that's not rotatable.

The 5th dimension, is like the guide of the routes required to take to form a cube or square into a TRUE tesseract from the 4th dimension. Peforms a slopped metatrons cube.

1. Mouth of the Void.
2. Feathered Linear Time; originating spark.
3. The Lost Eye.
4. Lord of Torment.
>5. Agent of a Quartet.
6. Arrowheads
7. Governments of Smiles
8. The Big Key

1. Quarter
2. Line.
3. Triangle.
4. Square/Cube
5. Tesseract
6. Tesseract-kin
7. Perfect Quarters
8. Sphere.

>> No.10504608

>1. Mouth of the Void.2. Feathered Linear Time; originating spark.3. The Lost Eye.4. Lord of Torment.>5. Agent of a Quartet.6. Arrowheads7. Governments of Smiles8. The Big Key1. Quarter2. Line.3. Triangle.4. Square/Cube5. Tesseract6. Tesseract-kin7. Perfect Quarters8. Sphere.
>>10504202 this

>> No.10504648

It's easy, anon.
It's a theory on how to explain the behavior of things we observe.
Except they don't behave like they should on cosmologic levels.
Whatever, it's wrong.
The more we know the less we understand.
The fact that we were successful applying math to the physical world so far doesn't mean it obeys those rules.
It's just that it looks like it.

>> No.10504746

If you want to get some geometric intuition of higher dimensions.. maybe you could find this link useful:

>> No.10504807
File: 19 KB, 528x359, timecubeflierimg[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're all shit at explaining reality.

>> No.10504832
File: 353 KB, 938x672, 2d organism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th dimension is most frequently used as a means to represent time when calculating for time dilation and can be represented as a function of c * t. The 4th spatial dimension is another axis perpendicular to the three that we're used to, and the 5th dimension is just another one. Picture this: a lifeform which has existed exclusively on a 2d plane, it can only see anything that exists along that plane. We are like those lifeforms, but we exist in a 3d environment, thus we can only observe things that exist along our 3d "plane" (even though when in the context of a 4d environment a 3d generalization is known as a hyperplane). It's hard for us to imagine 4d, so just imagine what 3d looks like to the 2d world for now.

>> No.10504838

The 5th Dimension lets the sunshine in.

>> No.10504880
File: 2.16 MB, 1578x1921, flatland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can someone explain 4th and 5th dimension to me???
Anon a 4th spatial dimension would be an axis perpendicular to all the other axes. A 5th would be perpendicular to that one.
You can down project a shadow of a 4 dimensional object into 3 dimensions (just like you can draw a cube on a sheet of paper).
Honestly, the best tool kit for conceptualizing higher dimensions is to read the novella Flatland.
A 3D sphere visits a 2D world and blows the mind of a 2D square-man. The two of them go an visit the lower dimensions (lineland and pointland). It describes the perception of the lower dimensional beings, the flatlanders, and the sphere so you get into that mode of just adding another spatial degree of freedom to go "up." The end of the book is Mr. A. Square pissing off the sphere when he asks him what the 4th dimension is like, and the sphere gets salty as fuck at the implication that 3 dimensions wasn't the ultimate masterrace.
There's a sequel that expands on it, with the flatlanders discovering that their 2d space is actually curved into a higher dimension, and again the down-projected analogies really helps you to conceptualize how 3 dimensional space can be curved in a higher dimension.
But, lets say I'm a dude with a 4th spatial dimensional, and I am in the middle of a packed stadium, like doing a half time show for the superb owl. If in this situation, with independent observers all around me, if I moved ONLY in the Z axis "away" then everyone would see me shrinking towards a vanishing point in the distance opposite of the observers view. Everyone would agree on me shrinking away, but no one would agree on the direction I traveled (it's just "away" from you).
If I moved in the other direction you would see me increasing in size like I was coming towards you, until I was so fucking big all you could see was me in every direction.

>> No.10504938

Continuing from here.
The Universe will just always find ways to invalidate your math.
I've stopped trying.
I accepted there's a higher power doing the unexpected pull/push.
For whatever reason other than get us wondering about extra dimensions.
It doesn't set me free from questioning the fuck out of the Universe.
It just prevents me from going full math retard.

>> No.10504973

>t. pseud

>> No.10504999

I know how it sounds.
I'm just 36 years old, and I just give up.
There are too many theories and all of them are wrong.