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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10503886 No.10503886 [Reply] [Original]

>solve one problem
>reward yourself with 8 hours of videogames

>> No.10503902

>and 3 times fap

>> No.10503915

>avoid solving problem
>ignore homework
>play video games for 16 hours every day
>fake being sick to stay home and play video games
>fail all classes
>drop out of high school at the age of 17 to git gud at video games
>13 years later
>have yet to git gud at video games

>> No.10503927

Which game

>> No.10503949

Which problem?

>> No.10503950

How can you even see videogames as a reward? It's boring as fuck. Like.. what's so fun about videogames? The improvement? The success? Videogames are designed to let you win, and every time you don't win you're basically fucking up. Every time you win, you're doing what's intended. What's the point? The story? No. Just watch a movie or read a book with better story. The gameplay? That's just your brain doing work for you to figure stuff out, much like studying or working in general, so why not just do work instead? Online gameplay? No. That's just a metric of people wasting the most amount of time into something pointless, especially since 99% of the player base wont be able to become anything valuable, it's just like learning a trade noone will ever have use for.

The only acceptable way of playing videogames is to do so to socialize with friends. That's it.

The partisans way of wasting time is clearly scrolling through the internet and getting into discussions which matters even less than whatever the discussion is about.

>> No.10503955

Good at which games?

>> No.10503956


StarCraft, Counter-Strike, and Quake 3

>> No.10503957

>t. coping addict

>> No.10503962

I used to be. Now I've lost it. I can't even enjoy games anymore. Everything is pointless.

>> No.10503972
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>> No.10503978

>solve one problem
>reward yourself with a harder problem

>> No.10504021

At least I have 5 figures in prize money to show for. Makes it feel like I actually was right in not doubting my potential!

>> No.10504049


I’ve actually ended up this way too. The post just sounded like a cope.

>> No.10504059

Nah, video games, like film, are enjoyable to consume. The genre / title of the game gives you some insight into what they specialize in (mechanics, narrative, audiovisual presentation, etc). They are interesting pieces to consume because they’re so diverse.

Sometimes I spend a month reading The Count of Monte Cristo, The Republic, or even some more modern novel in my free time. Sometimes (like this month), I play devil may cry if I want to experience system mastery in a tightly designed action game. Sometimes I want to watch a single director’s line of films. Sometimes I want a very relaxing, hypnotic experience from a game like Katamari Damacy. People can have multiple hobbies. Everyone should explore what sort of art they enjoy across all mediums. I love math and science, and have dedicated my life to it, but that doesn’t mean I should maximize my time doing it; as research, it is something that I do willingly with the majority of my time anyway

>> No.10504063

*reading classics (either antiquity or modern)

>> No.10504068
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>want to study subject I like
>but have to study shit boring subject
>end up not studying both

>> No.10504070
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>books and movies have better storylines than vidya
Maybe if you play pleb-tier western games.

>> No.10504082

Lol, no nip has ever written a good story in their lives. Certainly not in videogames or ``videogames''.

>> No.10504086

I enjoy all three, but let’s not pretend that the average weeb game has an amazing plot. Most of them are basic bitch rehashes of the same escapist fantasy with a mix of iconography from western canon for flavor and candy colored girls genki girls doing cringey shit. It’s by in large uninspired kitsch

>> No.10504090

The best game story made is from the game Inside, or possibly the half life series and/or Bioshock 1.

>> No.10504092

There are some amazing plots in Japanese games. Xenogears immediately comes to mind. The Silver Case / killer7 are two good ones from suda51. There are more examples, but even an over the top action game like devil may cry 3 has a surprising amount of thematic depth to it

>> No.10504096

>Videogames are designed to let you win
*Dark souls blocks your path*

>> No.10504098
File: 474 KB, 659x609, anime_hitler_by_rebelofgod-dajd932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No youre doing it wrong, you're supposed to imagine Adolf Hitler is your imaginary friend and father figure who tells you how many questions and work you have to finish before you can play videogames.

Hitler: Ah, have you been studying well in order to save the world ?

You: Yes, Hitler, I think I get this part now !

Hitler: Ah, very gud ! Okay, maybe you can play a bit of Grand Theft Auto 5, maybe a few missions, remember to be productive !

You: All right !

>> No.10504102

Eh, I didn’t think Inside was all that. Bioshock was good, but I think System Shock 1 (as in the original; play with all the update mods) and 2 had way better pacing, and the latter had a better story (but only marginally).

From Japan, Deadly Premonition had absolutely fantastic writing. I also really love Yakuza’s writing in character development; they tend to nail fleshing out complicated, series long characters without going into incredibly long exposition dumps. I also personally love Yoko Taro’s work (Nier, and automata, though I loved the original a little more, and of course drakengard). The original demons souls and dark souls had some amazing writing, if minimal by its nature

>> No.10504104

>half life
>amazing story
This has to be bait. It is alright at best

>> No.10504109

Lmao it's always the same shit. You ask vidya tard for examples of great vidya storytelling and it's some garbage that's supposedly great because it makes references to Western literature from 100 years ago. Maybe try reading that shit, fag?

>> No.10504113 [DELETED] 
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Tell me, what is the story of half life? You clearly haven't understood it. The world building and universe of half life is absolutely amazing. The particular story of freeman is simply a side quest of the larger story, which is largely unknown (while yet being believable from it's own perspective, nothing "too unexpected happends"). That's that makes it so good.

>> No.10504121

..I do read classic literature. Neither of suda’s games make any literary homages, and I still love them. Deadly premonition is more about taking a twin peaks aesthetic and applying it to a video game.

Dmc3 does take from western canon, but it actually uses it to characterize their original cast. It might be cheesy, but writing a character who goes to goofy extremes for power because of trauma he cannot overcome, rationalized in that he wasn’t powerful enough to stop the tragedy in his early childhood (and given his background, he could have actually stopped it), makes for a pretty compelling character. I like dmc’s Vergil because I think he’s a nice, modern realization of how stupid it looks when you’re legitimately blinded by power despite also being a tragic character

>> No.10504126
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There's nothing inherently wrong with video games as a medium, it just hasn't found its mozart yet. People play games looking for artistic value in the story, or composition of art assets that make up the game, but the fact of the matter is games are really about rulesets and choices, and in some sense those abstract structures are given meaning by art assets that communicate symbolic, qualitative meaning. Imagine if Dark Souls played the credits every time you died and jumped you to NG+ and every time you actually completed the game, it displayed the "YOU DIED" and then, I don't know, maybe it sent you to a random bonfire? It's the symbols of games that give the abstract structure of its rules meaning, and the placement of symbols in structures that communicate it as a piece of art. Dying in Dark Souls is "bad," beating bosses is "good," and I don't say that lightly or to demean Dark Souls in some relativistic way. But the fact of the matter is games don't have anybody working on problems of communicating messages via rulesets: instead we have preachy art pieces in between structures that promote system mastery. Again, there's nothing wrong with system mastery: video games that undergo that are beautiful, like symphonies, in their own right. But until video games develop rulesets outside of system mastery, you simply won't get them validated as art. Only once you understand evil can you contrast it with good, only once you see a wrong answer can you in some sense find the right answer.

>> No.10504127

it's about a scientist fighting the response of an experiment going bad, and also the military trying to shut it down. As far as video game story quality goes, that's as good as it gets.

>> No.10504128
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The point of rewarding yourself by playing videogames is to condition a sense of progress in your life. Think about it. You want this. You want to make progress in your work, in whatever you do. Therefore why not psychologically "trick" or condition your mind into a state of always expecting, fixating your mind towards a state of constructive progress.

The idea is this: In real life you have a sense of accomplishment and progress with your work, and you condition yourself with enjoyable recreational pursuits to expect desirable goals such as accomplishment and progress. This way you actually fully utilize the value of recreational hobbies to also bring value into the work that you do, whatever that may be.

>> No.10504132

I dunno if this is copy pasta but jesus christ man use paragraphs or formulate your point more concentrically

>> No.10504133

To all of you message-faggots:

>> No.10504138

>brainlet can't parse more than one sentence at a time

LMAO'ing at your life

>> No.10504141

my poo smells like coffee and when i wipe its orange but the log is brown. help me /sci/ your my only hope


>> No.10504142

>as good as it gets
...you mean it appeals to your specific interests as a person? It sounds like you’re putting down Japanese wish fulfillment and propping up your own. I like half life, but it’s not much more other than a by the numbers alien invasion / humanity’s efforts against alien oppression.

Pick any system shock game, and you’ll at least see a systemic realization about struggles between organic life and inorganic technology, between calculated plans and blind faith (I mean, your blind faith to trust the disembodied voice in ANY shock game is always revealed to be the calculated decision of someone puppeteering some part of the plot)

>> No.10504145

Fuck you man, you fucking fuck

>> No.10504150

>create problems
>masturbate for 16 gours straight
life's hard

>> No.10505062

If you're still in this thread, do you know of any other games that come to mind?

>> No.10505099

That's how it's done

>> No.10505112

Literature hasn't been good for 100yrs so there's no point to readng fiction.

>> No.10505131

Is this supposed to make sense? Write your thesis in one sentence.

>> No.10505147

10,000 over 16 years is incredibly impressive, yep.