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10502621 No.10502621 [Reply] [Original]

When does life begin?

>> No.10502626

there is no clear-cut point in time

>> No.10502628


>> No.10502632


>> No.10502636

this if you're talking about when its a human being

>> No.10502663

at 40

>> No.10502668

Most people under 30 can't really be considered alive. Second decade abortion when?

>> No.10502672

aren’t sperms and eggs alive before they join up? what makes conception special?

>> No.10502673


>> No.10502693

neither can develop until a human being given any amount of time or resources

>> No.10502695

into* not until

>> No.10502697

I’ve got a primal feeling in my mind when seeing that image, like I want to ravage that stretched pregnant body.

Why do I feel like this?

>> No.10502699

After your first real analysis course

>> No.10502711

except for jesus

that was a joke. anyhow if exposed to the opposite sex cell, then they could. egg cells are actually bought and sold for high price tags for this reason

>> No.10502787


>> No.10502846

15 billion years ago.

>> No.10502879

Conception!!! All abortionist should be themselves late late term aborted of this life! They're murderers!

>> No.10502883

We were created.

>> No.10502904

She is very fine breeding material

>> No.10502943

Why is she posing beside a stylized "merchant nose"?

>> No.10502964

fucking christfags in this thread. do you all realize your “conception” crap is not only scientifically stupid (not only is a single cell definitely not a “human”, but also, “conception” does not occur at a discrete point in time. after the sperm merges with the egg, it takes a while after that for the DNA to join up) but also against common sense? women with common sense don’t worry about miscarriages that happen in the first month or two; it’s a different story for miscarriages at 8 months. your sacred book was obviously written by incels

>> No.10502988
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when you come to realization you gonna die someday so at age 4-5, or if you are Brazilian never

>> No.10503026

I know /pol/ posters are all idiots but even you shit eaters should realize how badly you need at help at this level of derangement

>> No.10503037
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t. settled-science denier

>> No.10503039

that's when the dna combine and forms something new that does not exist in either mother or father, it is a separate unique living organism. and if you don't consider it human than you don't consider the mental retard, handicapped or otherwise deformed to be human either. which some people actually don't
>think of it like a person on life support

>> No.10503043


>> No.10503052

you caught me. i believe in profalactic euthanasia/abortion for retards, downies, and anyone else whose life can only detract from humanity. i guess i just really don’t give a fuck about worthless humans

>> No.10503058

>pro-lifers on a science board
it's funny at this point how badly this place fell

>> No.10503082

quite obviously when the woman gets pregnant. Rest is BS and whatever agenda you're trying to push. That's like asking when is a seed planted in the ground a tree? Well the naswer is pretty fucking obviously that is a "potential tree" from the second its planted, and is a "tree-in-motion" from the moment it starts growing. Whether you want to kill it and say it wasn't a tree in the first place is your problem, all trees were that stage once and you saying it wasn't a tree yet doesn't detract from the fact that it was fucking destined to be a tree before your will decided to kill it

>> No.10503086

This place has never been lelddit/atheism

>> No.10503088

well those people have families too, so please keep this to yourself

>> No.10503092

Only /pol/ likes abortion because it kills niggers

>> No.10503093

Spotted the pro-lifer.

>> No.10503100

and that's bad how?

>> No.10503102

You couldn't find anyone here dumb enough to believe in something like a soul until relatively recently

>> No.10503123

When you leave 4chan forever.

>> No.10503124

bullshit, why you think religion vs science is a reporting option, that stuff's been around for as long as i remember

>> No.10503129

>offsite backup of the brain is somehow illogical
Nobody is making you go to church anymore. You don't need to go full retard to be contrarian.

>> No.10503154

yeah that's pretty fucking illogical you monkey

>> No.10503159

Not an argument

>> No.10503162

After you move out of your parents' home.

>> No.10503167

>>offsite backup of the brain is somehow illogical
Uh yeah, it is.

>> No.10503169

how the fuck would evolution create an offsite backup when creating minds? what the fuck?

>> No.10503172

3.8 billion years ago

>> No.10503256
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If a given process will lead to a certain result with a sufficient degree of consistency, is the termination of the process equivalent to the termination of the result?

>> No.10503270


Science has proven that there is no debate and abortion is moral.

>> No.10503272

further back than that if panspermia is possible.

>> No.10503276

is for

>> No.10503280
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AD 2101

>> No.10503302


Science has proven that life begins at conception. Life in the womb is simply a stage of rapid development in our lives. Saying abortion is moral is exactly like saying we can kill children before they become adults because they haven't gone through the second phase of rapid development in our lives, puberty.

>> No.10503333

that kids life ended the second he was born to that bitch

>> No.10503340

>anything I don't like is illogical

>> No.10503401

Before my stance was at brain development, but then I saw a debate and they were arguing when life starts.

Life ends when your hearbeat ends, therefore Life starts when your heartbeat starts

Life doesn't end when your brain ends (i.e braindead)
Therefore life doesn't start when your brain starts

>> No.10503417

It isn't logical because your inference is coming from what we do with computer files. This means you're assuming a creator made us, which means your argument is based on faith. Faith isn't logical.

>> No.10503432

Wrong question.
Even a blade of grass is alive.

>> No.10503475

Pro lifers are exactly like creationists
so stupid you can’t tell if the arguments are jokes or not

>> No.10503492

This tbqh

>> No.10503587

Yeah but since you're for killing born human failures too you're self-consistent, I can respect that

>> No.10503588
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>your post
Pick one

>> No.10503593

Meaningless. Fungus is alive.

When does a human begin to exist? At conception. Abortion should be banned.

>> No.10503726

The problem with that is that your heart can be kept going with life support even if your brain was completely dead, but they couldn't start your brain again so for all purposes you (your consciousness/personality) would be dead even though your heart was going.

>> No.10503730

Life begins when you never die.

>> No.10503855

>t. Boomer

>> No.10504561

When you finally pay back your student loan.
So around 65.

>> No.10504575

>Life doesn't end when your brain ends (i.e braindead)

It does, brain death is the legal criterion of death of a person in modern medicine.

It makes sense that "brain birth" is the beginning of a person. Brain waves in higher brain appear somewhere in 6th month in utero.

>> No.10504589

>your argument is based on faith. Faith isn't logical.
Are you 12? The argument is based on conjecture and their nothing inherently illogical about it.

>> No.10504616


>> No.10504669

An off-site backup system for a biological organism is exactly illogical.

Can all the /pol/tards and christfags just leave this board and never come back?

>> No.10504754

True but someday we will be able to change that, you can`t have everything.
this, we look like sea urchins but some people hate invertebrates and totipotential cells and this cells are more valuable than any living human being, are we jelous? maybe

>> No.10504776

>An off-site backup system for a biological organism is exactly illogical.
You're not making an argument, just stating your opinion as fact.
>Can all the /pol/tards and christfags just leave this board and never come back?
Stop projecting bogeymen

>> No.10504791

>doesn't know what the word faith means
>doesn't know what the word illogical means


>> No.10504810

>You're not making an argument, just stating your opinion as fact.
The irony

>Souls are logical

Can all of you please leave?

>> No.10504812

There is. You are either ignorant or very stupid or both.

>> No.10504826
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>> No.10504836

>When does life begin?
Who cares?
When does it fucking end?

>> No.10504844

Life is, when life can sustain itself. We went from 11 month of pregnancies down to 9 within a couple of million years and thats probably the reason the other side (neanderthals) failed. It was assumed that had 14 month of pregnancie s and would mean that you hit two winters.
Today, we can save kid 22 weeks into, which is insane achievement from 10 years ago where 30 was the maximum.
Within 50 years, we will have artificials wombs and the discussion will shift to the fact, who would like to have kids without a "real" mother for any reason

>> No.10504888


>> No.10504895

>If you can't accept my opinion then you're close minded!
>What? This is such a sexist misogynistic bigot argument, how dare you mansplain to me?
This is your average prochoice libshit Reddit faggot mentality. Btw, your parents should've aborted you lmao

>> No.10504905
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>until relatively recently
+2500 years isn't exactly "recent". What is recent is the concept of *multiple souls*.

The only correct answer

I guess you aren't alive

>i just really don’t give a fuck about worthless humans
It would be more proper if instead:
>I just really don't give a fuck about non self-sufficient humans.

When exactly was the "falling point" in that redditor head of yours? Probably when you realized you're here forever.


>do you all realize your “conception” crap is not only scientifically stupid
It was a scientist that discovered this you massive brainlet.

>but also against common sense?
Last time I checked it was "common sense" to take care of your offspring and to leave what is self-sufficient to itself. You are literally saying that it's okay to be more stupid than all the plants and animals in nature. Not an argument, more like a psychopathy.

>women with common sense don’t worry about miscarriages that happen in the first month or two; it’s a different story for miscarriages at 8 months. your sacred book was obviously written by incels
Which has nothing to do with the argument. You're killing the potential for a human which is more or less killing a human.

>but no it's not "killing" because it may have not lived!
>I am a retard who thinks fallacy of reification is justification for killing things.

You're a dumb cunt and you have no at

>> No.10505079

it never started and will never end
it always was

>> No.10505092

>Well the naswer is pretty fucking obviously that is a "potential tree" from the second its planted, and is a "tree-in-motion" from the moment it starts growing.
Can you make a violin out of this potential tree?

>> No.10505095

true, at the point the subconscious has conceived of a desire to have unprotected sex, a life as been created, although some unfortunate things may happen along the way as we all know

>> No.10505100

Life begins pre-shape; the earliiest possible time is shaping ~of something, so there is pre-shape/post-shape and shaping process, that in-between.

Life begins as the consequence and subsequent further consequence that supports it. Mother / Father = Child. Child carries' forth mother father specimen.

In the beginning was the Mother/Father of the universe, it was probably some early kind of energy; this universe probably came after other lifes, nothing is not a straight transition to a big bang.

There was the energy which came about as we need not ask for something to exist if there is nothing to stop us and we know how; something knew how to make an atomic universe; the problem is we, where did primal intelligence arise, how?

Probably out of harmony of energy as primal levels unknowingly adapting until an optimal state was reached - and taking a more godly approach.

>> No.10505120

damn bro I want what you're smoking

>> No.10505225

>it's not faith, it's a conjecture

>> No.10505231
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Life mere is. It has no beginning or end.

>> No.10505243

You already know it's a runaway feedback process, so the real question becomes: "When does life end?"

>> No.10505643

When the foreskin is removed

>> No.10505649

Not an argument

>> No.10505762

Is this b8?

>> No.10505882

You haven't made one either.
Tell me, what deduction or preliminary data is this conjecture being based off? Because it isn't a conjecture.

>> No.10505972
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>Brain waves
Care to be the first human being in history to at least explain what this pseudoscientific term actually means?

>> No.10506031

Life doesn't exist. It's just atoms rearranged in silly ways, doing silly shit.

>> No.10506096

Some billion years ago, DUH

>> No.10506135

Research on people with those mental conditions you listed has helped humanity.

>> No.10506139
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>> No.10506181
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>retards are only good as lab rats
Based as fuck anon

>> No.10506182
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I'm gonna rape your mom, make you watch and then penetrate your anus with a cactus, okay? It's not "wrong", it's just some atoms wobbling between other atoms

>> No.10506760


> Illiterate, can't spell prophylactic
> Supports killing dumb people

>> No.10506777


>> No.10506784

why not 13.75B?

>> No.10506787

what is the most primiative desc for something? It's 'shape'. When there was nothing, all it takes can be the smallest image or impulse of an img for there to be something; likely big bang came later in timeline.

so round about the time of nothing was the shaping of something; whether this be the intellectual persuit or a physical feat like an atomic universe.

>> No.10506988

This whole argument would be cleared up pretty quick if any of you idiots could read a dictionary.

>> No.10507009

>doesn't know what the word conjecture means

The memes about leldit were right

>> No.10507604

Not an argument and not a conjecture
>only makes meme-replies
Are you 12?

>> No.10508830

>When does life begin?
Life began once, about 3.5 billion years ago.