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10498794 No.10498794 [Reply] [Original]

Best grad schools (PhD) for bioinformatics/computational biology in the world?

>> No.10498835

if you were actually a candidate for one of those programs you would already know who is doing the groundbreaking research in the field..

>> No.10498852

I'm a sophomore. It's called preliminary research.

>> No.10498887

>asking here instead of somewhere reputable

Never gonna make it desu

>> No.10498907

you call asking /sci/ preliminary research? Yea I wouldnt worry too much about getting in m8. Cant even research the institutions that do good research!

>> No.10498955

Hurrr durrr your so stupid doing research on 4chan

I've already researched elsewhere brainlet, I want to hear what you cucks have to say. So answer the question mutt

>> No.10498958

also you're talking to someone who is in their 4th year of a biophysics PhD.
try reading primary literature and determining for yourself which program sounds most suited to your interests perhaps? But what do i know, im just a dude who has already been through this process.

>> No.10498974

I'm not even going to respond to that first part, since you're obviously autistic. I already know the obvious ones. I'd like to see if there is a suggestion for a lesser known school.

Lol good luck with that anon, what a meme field you've chosen for yourself. Have fun sucking cock to get tenure

>> No.10498988

> I already know the obvious ones. I'd like to see if there is a suggestion for a lesser known school.
>Best grad schools (PhD) for bioinformatics/computational biology in the world?
you think biophysics is a meme field? good lord you're far dumber about the field of biology beyond undergrad than i thought.

>> No.10498989

Remember to sage when commenting in troll threads boyos

>> No.10498996

How am I dumb about the field of biology? I'm not the one studying Biophysics

Since you can't interpret obvious implicit clues, you probably won't even be able to make tenure. Maybe a permanent research assistant?

>> No.10499000

Pretty much in the same search. I've been doing computation biochem for a couple years and want to continue with a PhD. Here's how I've been searching for schools and research groups of interest:

1. Read the literature. Find journals related to what you're interested in, for example JCIM or JCTC. Also find important papers in the field published in leading journals, Nature Comms, PNAS, etc.

2. Get on twitter and start following schools, research groups, companies, and individuals who are involved in interesting work. It's surprisingly easy to connect with distinguished people on twitter.

3. Make a list of schools you are interested in attending. Visit each school website and browse through their department pages and look for interesting research groups.

Compile all this information in a spreadsheet as you go along to organize it outside of your mind. That being said, if you're just looking for school names alone: Stanford, UCSD, UCSF, UCLA, UWash, MIT, Harvard are all at the top of this field imo

>> No.10499004

well for one you think biophysics is a meme. secondly you assume everyone wants to make tenure for some reason. Third you're asking on this site. Fourth you already dont know from a lack of reading primary literature. Fifth you're an undergrad, which makes you an idiot. In fair defense the last point isnt your fault.

>> No.10499005

Bro, if you're seriously looking to go into grad school for bioinformatics/computational biology, you may want to refrain from insulting the biophysics guy. He could be your PI someday lmao

>> No.10499008

Thanks trips, first non retarded reply in this thread.

I'm already quite familiar with Ivy's, UC Berkeley/UCSF and Stanford, so I'm looking for more that fly under the radar.

I've heard UW is actually pretty good, but I haven't seen much research output from them. Any thoughts?

Also how are European and Canadian schools?

>> No.10499012

Lmao it's just a fucking joke. Dude is being a fuck for no reason. Also he can't seem to understand sarcasm, which is probably because of the autism

>> No.10499014

Yeah with that writing style maybe you'll get an RA position at Clemson or something. Maybe.

It's just funny that you're doing fucking biophysics of all things, and calling me an idiot. Hahahaha

>> No.10499026

phoneposting m8. also keep shitting on biophysics, it just shows you really dont have any idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10499033

You're literally getting a PhD that says: "hey, I'm a fucking idiot, look at me!"

I'm also phoneposting dipshit. It's not an excuse for you to be so dim. But I guess doing a biophysics PhD is an excuse

>> No.10499035

Jesus, you two gotta calm down. Both ur dicks are small okay..

European schools are generally easier to get your PhD. It is unusual in Europe to have to work weekends and a typical PhD program is only like 3-4 years. That being said there's plenty of drawbacks to European schools too. Limited funding, can be very competitive, and not as many distinguished researchers.

UW has a protein design institute which is very interesting for computational bio. David Case is the biggest name there and has published numerous breakthrough articles in the past few years. Very difficult to work with him though, not sure he's accepting PhD's at the moment

>> No.10499043

Ahaha tell me more about my career darling undergrad

>> No.10499047

What career? You're doing a biophysics PhD aren't you?

>> No.10499049

I don't get why you have to much hate for biophysics when you want to get your PhD in such a closely related field... I study computational bio and my PI has a biophysics background from Heidelberg and worked at Max Planck Institutes for most of his career. You really got to hop off your high horse mate.

>> No.10499051

I don't I'm pushing they guy's buttons. He's being a fuck for no reason

>> No.10499056

im being a fuck because you want to be a researcher and yet are doing your "research" on 4chan. I highly doubt you've looked into actual program PIs because you're just listing off prestigious schools which may or may not have good bioinformatics programs. You want us to do your research because you're lazy. I have enough lazy people I have to deal with, fuck you for wanting to be one of those.

>> No.10499058

Lol I'm just fucking with him.

Yeah the protein design institute seems pretty interesting. I'll definitely give UW a closer look.

Tbh I probably won't end up going to Europe. Do you know anything about Canadian schools like U of T or UBC?

>> No.10499061

Not much other than they are run by liberal scum lol

>> No.10499063

What do you actually do and study in computational biology?

>> No.10499069

I'm 100% sure you have autism. What makes you think I have done 0 research prior? I'm just shooting the shit with some guys online. If I was discussing this with my friend at lunch you'd probably barge in and tell me I'll never get in to grad school because I haven't demonstrated an ability to "research".

>> No.10499070

Because you're listing schools and not PIs.

>> No.10499073

It's a pretty rapidly growing field so there are many ways to go with it. In general, it is solving biology problems through the use of computers. For example, someone may come up with a machine learning model that's able to accurately predict binding affinities so we can determine these things computationally rather than experimentally. Another researcher may be interested in long-scale MD simulations where we can elucidate biological processes that are impossible using experimental methods.

>> No.10499076

I'm not even at the stage to look at PIs yet pal. A lot of schools don't even have comp bio departments

>> No.10499081

Yes you are. Who cares about the school if they dont have a good PI? A PhD from a lab at a no-name school which discovers something novel speaks way more than a PhD from an ivy from an unknown PI. Look at PIs, not schools.

>> No.10499085

Hell a lot of the schools you listed dont even have good bioinformatics programs. That's how i know you havnt done shit for research.

>> No.10499090

That's right, most research groups in comp. bio you will find under chemistry, molecular biology, pharmacy, or medicine departments. So the classes you take will likely not be directly related to comp bio, your research is where most of the knowledge will be built. So I agree with the other anon, looking at PIs is more important than looking at schools alone

>> No.10499092

>bioinformatics calling biophysics a meme field
This is why I come to /sci/

>> No.10499127

Georgia Institute of Technology
University of California, Berkeley
Carnegie Mellon University

>> No.10499691

Realizing that slaving away for 10 citations in subjects that nobody cares about (and even the guys who cite you just read your conclusion and cite it) is slavery tier and opting out of academia.

What even means good research? Groundbreaking research in bioinformatics is done by private business not academic institutions.

>> No.10500106
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