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10496866 No.10496866 [Reply] [Original]

What is going on with the concept of gender right now in our society? I think it’s great that it’s being talked about more and people (hopefully) aren’t as discriminatory as in the past. At the same time, there is a weird phenomenon where science and biology are sort of being attacked or ignored.

For example, I’ve had people tell me that gender is completely a social concept, that it isn’t driven by biology, which is an absurd statement. I’ve also had people tell me there are no differences between male and female brains, which is of course not accurate.

Why is it so popular right now to downplay any biological differences between men and women, and attribute them to society? Is it because if you can find a biological basis between genders, then people are afraid that it gives power to stereotypes? Because it’s not the biological differences that reinforce stereotypes, it’s sexism itself.

>> No.10496909
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Gender is completely a social concept, it isn’t driven by biology.
There is very little difference in function between a fully individuated male and female brain.
i have a womb. I menstruate. My physical body does not need to to mirror these facts of psychic function for them to be true.

>and attribute them to society?
No one is attributing having a penis or vagina to society.

>Is it because if you can find a biological basis between genders
You can't.

>> No.10496916

Not science or math >>>/his/

>> No.10496951
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>I’ve had people tell me

>> No.10496960

Shit bait, but I'll bite.
A womb and menstruation aren't what define your sex, they're but symptoms. Your chromosomes define everything about you and control what your body and brain develop into. Naturally, this means controlling sex characteristics and gender differences. Now this doesn't imply that the X and Y chromosomes are what define differences like "higher probability to want to enter into a nursing field" or "higher probability to want to enter into a trade", but there's some correlation there that can't be explained by social factors. Women have been evolving for millions of years to look after their children, and men have been evolving to hunt food for them, and to pretend that this evolution hasn't made a difference in how we behave to this day would be a long shot.

>> No.10496963

>Your chromosomes define everything about you and control what your body and brain develop into.
Maybe if you're a reductionist retard

>> No.10496964

this thread is not science or math

a zoologist or botanist would simply look at the sex organs. basta. the rest is psychology/philosophy/emotions shit, which is worthless

>> No.10496967

This is a low iq thread

>> No.10496968

I was trying to include epigenetics with that statement. Anything else I'm missing?

>> No.10497002


Women are completely physically and psychologically different to men. What are you smoking whore? Brains are wired very differently. Keep coping though, just remember that you'll never be as smart or as strong as a man

>> No.10497029
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>> No.10497140

post menstruating womb

>> No.10497172
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I didn't imply they were aspects of sex, I implied they were aspects of me, who's sex is male and gender is undifferentiated.

That's why their sex is female. Where as their gender has infinite potentials.

Wired differently? There are wires? There are differences in gray matter size, hormones, and average areas of activation. Where exactly does one have wires the other doesn't, or in a different formation? They don't. They're capable of the identical functions through individuation.

>> No.10497218


"Wired differently" is a figure of speech, you know you're wrong so you're desperately clinging to trivialities as I'd expect a dumb woman to do, just like my gf does. Let me explain it to your slower brain; what I mean by wired differently is that it has been proven that women are better suited for tedious tasks and multitasking whereas men are better at focusing on one task and challenging problems. It has also been proven that in the female mind there is a biological imperative to nurture, be submissive, and be more socially active.

> capable of identical functions
Men have contributed to 99%+ of all inventions and discoveries in the history of mankind. Fact

Men are superior in warfare, and are the best at every sport and athletic trait on the planet. Fact.

Men are more naturally predisposed to be dominant and be leaders, which is why literally every successful civilization ever has been patriarchal. Fact.

Men and women are nowhere near capable of identical functions. Women are just as important as men for humanity, as they are essential for nurturing and socialization but don't think that you can do a man's job. It's scientifically incorrect for you to think so as all the evidence and history proves otherwise. Just stop deluding yourself roastie, you came to the wrong site to spew your leftist bullshit, and any woman who would come on here is probably ugly and weird as shit. You should be out with your friends and starting a family with a man, get on it roastie. The biological clock of your fertility is tick tick ticking

>> No.10497221

How do I hack the female brain to make them like the idea of being a giantess?
If you're a woman reading this I would like your input, thank you! :)

>> No.10497226
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None of that implied they have different functions. Not a single word. Those variations of functions, which both sexes have. You know you're wrong and ranting.

>> No.10497229

youre a woman? how do you think of being a giantess and what would it require to like it? basically >>10497221

>> No.10497250


>> No.10497269

The differences do not arise so much from biology, but are spiritual.
Women get fucked, so this has a result that they diminish in strength and IQ.
Men fuck, so this has a result that they diminish in beauty and EQ.
In a pure celibate enlightened state, women and men would have similar attributes.
Of course today with all these lgbt stuff, the roles have become mixed and are harder to distinguish.
For example faggots share manly female traits, and lesbians many male. And trannies have made stuff even more complex.

>> No.10498051

I think there’s a trend to confuse sex and gender, and I’m probably guilty of it at times. Sex is the biological male or female. What is gender? The psychological subjective experience that you identify as male or female-like in nature? Is it a mindset or an outlook on life? Is it truly a choice? If you can choose your gender at the drop of a hat, it seems to me like the concept isn’t really useful. Science is about classifying things based on properties they have. A fish swims and has fins (in general). If gender isn’t based on anything and you can change whenever you want, why are we even discussing gender? Just call it “everyone’s unique sexual consciousness,” and be done with it.

>> No.10498067

What's wrong with reductionism, you turbo faggot?

>> No.10498089

> it has been proven that women are better suited for tedious tasks and multitasking whereas men are better at focusing on one task and challenging problems.

Sources, bitch.

>> No.10498122

>Where as their gender has infinite potentials.
>infinite potentials
can this be used as a fuel source?

>> No.10498131

Real life is becoming a parody of itself
Soon identifying as cis male or female will be seen as weird

>> No.10498145

can we start identifying as a different word than “cis-male”? i don’t like that word. i want to identify as the same concept, semantically, but that word triggers me because “cis” sounds like “sissy”. so from now on i want to be identified as a “regular male” or a “manly male” ok? if you call me “cis” from now on i will be super offended you’re calling me by my dead gender

>> No.10498151

There’s no meaningful definition of gender beyond biological sex, and “man” and “woman” should only refer to the latter. There are gender stereotypes created by very generalized patterns of behavior and whatever society feels like supporting or imposing at the time. However, the combination of an individual’s genetics and upbringing are unique, and they may feel more or less inclined to follow those stereotypes or the opposite ones. Defining whether someone is male or female, man or woman based on fluctuating stereotypes rather than biology makes the terms useless. It would have made more sense to make that distinction and then challenge the stereotypes saying that an individual should be free to choose how they want to live their life. Instead, the current narrative aims to bind the words referring to sexual dimorphism to those stereotypes, implicitly reinforcing them.

>> No.10498163
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>What is gender?
Genre. Type. Kind. We're born with genitals, male or female. We become a girl or boy only through interactions with environment. This may or may not be the type one would prefer to exist as in relation to society.

>concept isn’t really useful
This is an aspect of identity we're talking about. Are they who they are, or are they their penis/vagina? A person or an object?

My body is male, but I'm her as well. As an Undifferentiated, I'd prefer not to be understood as a man, woman or any other individual type, but as simultaneously every type. How I relate to others is not dependent upon my penis. However because my body appears as male, i'm often limited to the experiences and treatment of that gender.in my interactions with others. It is stifling.

Why do you think other people's genitals are your business at all?

>> No.10498665

How about your gender isn’t decided by what you claim to be but by how you interact with the world? Or is that concept frowned upon because it assigns genders to behaviors? Is it wrong to say playing with trucks, being very curious with mechanical things and not interested in people is a masculine trait?

>> No.10498688 [DELETED] 

Ask yourself who is promoting what ideas, and then ask yourself why they promote those ideas or attack other ones. It isn’t something i’ve investigated too deeply, but when i’ve interacted with the activists who push for awareness of gender being a spectrum/social construct or whatever, there’s a lot of phenomenon that I am always wary of. Red flags. They always take on such an intensely dogmatic tone, always hostile as if they are anticipating disagreement and are already prepared to aggressively pounce on anyone who dares to question it. Intolerance of skepticism, using derogatory terms to silence or devalue dissenting voices (If you don’t agree with x, you are a bigot/sexist/intolerant, and therefore not worthy of consideration). I have also noticed an increase in the drive to indoctrinate young children with gender confusion and even sexualize them (what 7yr old really “identifies” as a different gender than their sex they were born with? come on). In my opinion it has all the markings of any religious group, so i’d be very skeptical of anything they try to pedal. I think it’s very telling that they are so resistant to the very idea of objective facts.

>> No.10498755

>Muh equality
If facts are against equality, then facts are wrong.

>> No.10498763

>What is going on with the concept of gender right now in our society?
Not Science or Math

>> No.10498883

When do sexual differences end and gender begins. Yes, feed me historical 3'd genders that were at most minorities on a historical and global scale, and the 1 or 2 matriarchal societies. Something is not adding up, if gender is arbitrary for the most part. Then why do cross culturally soceities seemingly develop a certain way. Even between native americans and agricultural soceities, you had more commonilatities, so it wasn't just the division of labour.

>> No.10498959

People that question their gender after two seconds of looking between their legs are psychological cases and should be diagnosed with madness and placed in institutions that would prevent them from making laws and posting on social media.
We're slowly but surely letting mad people express themselves. You have to realize it leads to nothing good, right?

>> No.10499330

Stereotypes aren't prescriptive, gender is. If you see a black man eating a watermelon, you might think, gosh, that's stereotypical. If you see one NOT eating a watermelon, you wouldn't think less of him though. Stereotypes are generalisations, gender is categorisation.

>> No.10499341

I think it's generally accepted in academia that gender has a performative component, so yes, how you dress and act plays a part.

>> No.10499408

Gender denial, like race denial are a form of biological gene denial of genetics being the focal point of all human behavioral and cognitive traits.

This type of pseudoscience is promoted by leftism, because the political ideology is incompatible with genetics, which requires complete magical environmental determinism to work. For example, you're already preaching environmental determinism. You say "Because it’s not the biological differences that reinforce stereotypes, it’s sexism itself." Sexism doesn't exists, its a word leftists use to attack society. You are also wrong, because biological differences DO reinforce stereotypes, because stereotypes are just generalization of inherent genetic behavior. It is questionable why you think its wrong why society SHOULDN'T premit these generalizations.

Another sign that this is pseudosceince. Despite the fact that the methodology could be used to discredit any biological terms, its proponents mysteriously, do not seem to get upset at the concept of "species". despite the fact that denying gender carries the implications that species is itself a false construct. This is obvious when you realize that discrediting and denying species does not push any leftists agenda.

>> No.10499422

Gender and race are social constructs and as such do not quite (or at all) overlap with genetic categorisations. That is what science tells us. You're the one in denial.

>> No.10499517


Man you are one delusional tranny scum. Gender does not exist, only sex does. Deal with it. And remember that people are waking up, and this whole tranny thing is going to be stomped out with no mercy.

Kill yourself.

>> No.10499578

>i have a womb. I menstruate
opinion discarded

>> No.10499595

Why are dresses and long nails feminine, Anon?

>> No.10499716

Don’t be a jerk.

>> No.10499746
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>At the same time, there is a weird phenomenon where science and biology are sort of being attacked or ignored.
Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

>> No.10499756

Yeah, I think you're projecting heavily here and attacking left-wing philosophy for your own psychological needs.

>> No.10500136


I'm not even that guy, and you're retarded. He made a good post with valid arguments, and all your 80 iq emotional leftist brain could come up with is "m-muh projecting!".

>> No.10500232
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>How about your gender isn’t decided by what you claim to be but by how you interact with the world?
That is how gender is determined. Humans desire to identify and catalog people as quickly as possible. Of course, simply stating the gender you identify as to another is interacting with the world thus an aspect of how gender is determined.

I love you and God loves you.

Whatever keeps you OK. I'm aware some depths of understanding are very cathexing.

Do you often feel under attack? I mean, consider my contributions here. It's pure parrhesia, absolute honesty. Yet I'm quite easily criticized and dismissed by scientific discourse, which I'm as receptive to as everything else. Nothing is to be ignored, but neither physical nor psychic reality need cancel each other out. Cartesian knowledge can exist ambivalently along with spirit and soul.

>More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., successful, superior)
This is.. very hypocritical, in consideration of the opinions often stated on this board about spirituality and religion. But yes, the arrogance of man thinking something like truth is available to them is fairly laughable in both cases.

>> No.10500264

>I’ve had people tell me that gender is completely a social concept, that it isn’t driven by biology, which is an absurd statement.
You are wrong, gender is a social construct. you are getting Gender confused with Sex.
>I’ve also had people tell me there are no differences between male and female brains, which is of course not accurate.
you are correct, studies have found physical differences

Gender is masculine and feminine, Sex is male and female. People use the two words interchangeably but they are wrong, this is why it confuses people. If someone said there Sex was female when they have male genitals THEN they are wrong

>> No.10500275
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satanists view it as a system of control and rebel against it by trying to manufacture the belief gender is a choice

>> No.10500284
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>Is it wrong to say playing with trucks, being very curious with mechanical things and not interested in people is a masculine trait?
Yang structures. Males, men and masculinity are sublimations of this. In human behavior I'd best describe this as instrumentality and assertiveness. Aspects of the land on which we walk and food which we eat.

Yin flows. Females, women and femininity are sublimations of this. In human behavior I'd best describe it as nurturing and emotional-understanding/warmth. Aspects of the sea in which we swim and water which we drink.

Instrumentality without nurturing is something like objectification, assertiveness without emotional-understanding is something like abuse. But what is it to nurture instrumentality? To be curious, to learn, to think before acting. Assertiveness with emotional-understanding? To be respectful, to communicate effectively, to know and address the things which affects us.

Every human is him and her. It's fine to understand there are trends and relations, but people are far more than the unchosen circumstances dictated at their conception and should not be repressed into that role.

>> No.10500315

you will never be a real girl

>> No.10500333

Individual existence is a misconception and illusion. I'm already every real girl, so are you.

>> No.10500337
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well shit I'm not gonna argue against those trips. you won this time, schizo tranny.

>> No.10500349

wow, you blew my mind son!!!

>> No.10500432

Yall so willing to use evolutionary psychology to justify gender roles, but let's not forget that there is zero historical evidence of this being true (well in general evolutionary psychology is unproven, at best it's merely speculation).

Also sex is not that simple, even from a purely biological point of view.

>> No.10500498

How would psychology come into being without evolution in the first place? We didn't suddenly start thinking because god flicked the whiz switch.

>> No.10500553

I wasn't denying that evolution shaped our psychology, I m saying that we don't know yet how. Evolutionary psychology has no methodological and epistemological validity as of yet, it mostly deals with post-experimental speculations that more often than not are just a posteriori explanations and not actual theories.

>> No.10500558

for claiming to be so tolerant, leftists sure do love labeling people.

>> No.10500568

Observational studies aren't completely invalid in the face of experimental ones, you just have to be more careful in establishing correlations. But we've all the data in the world to work with, so eliminating those other variables shouldn't be too problematic. I envision a complete database of human genetics, with genetic and epigenetic data and a large selection of mental and physical data for each person. Then it's just a matter of switching on the computer to find patterns, and then putting your algorithm in reverse in order to figure out the ideal genes for a designer baby.

>> No.10500577

“For example, I’ve had people tell me that gender is completely a social concept, that it isn’t driven by biology, which is an absurd statement. I’ve also had people tell me there are no differences between male and female brains, which is of course not accurate. “

That’s silly. In reality, one’s gender is influenced by neuroanatomy. The brains of transgender individuals more closely resemble those of their identified gender than that assigned to them.

>> No.10500585

Oh I wasn't trying to denigrate observational studies, believe me. I actually consider them on par with experimental studies as far as validity is concerned (or better, they comolement each other).
I was talking from a strictly psychological perspective, we still haven't solved the duality problem, it's way too soon to start studies on possible effects of evolutionary paths on human psychology.

>> No.10500592

Which if anything is proof that genetics do not determine the psychology of a person (and that neuroscience reductionists are full of shit.

>> No.10500689


Ah, a mentally ill schizophrenic tranny. What a surprise. Nice trips tho

>> No.10500694

Gender is most definitely hardwired in utero but it's not actually determined by sex which is why "trans" people exist. The only thing socially conditioned about gender is our classification of it like colors and political identity.

>> No.10500701

There as some substantial differences between the average male and female brain but brain structure itself isn't the primary source of the cause of differences, it's hormones.

>> No.10500702
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Humans are sexually dimorphic, both morphologically an behaviorally.
Stop posting in this retarded fucking thread.

>> No.10500707

Wrong, that's proof genetics do determine psychology, because genes made your brain.

>> No.10500737

Those that claim that gender is a social construct (which it is) don't necessarily claim other things like sexual dimorphism isn't real, there's a distinction between gender and biological sex

>> No.10500739
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I may be schizophrenic, but I'm not mentally ill.

I acknowledge hormonal difference somewhere above, they play a role in behavior (though not necessarily identity).

Influenced, not dictated.

How do genes determine what we phantasize and experience?

Sexually dimorphic, but only cognitively dimorphic pre-individuation. While that's the state of the vast majority of humanity, making this nearly irrelevant, a fully formed self(Brahman) will be undifferentiated cognitively.

>> No.10500743

Hope you're in the 40%.
You do not decide your identity, child.

>> No.10500751

What about those that claim that sex is a social construct?

>> No.10500754
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I am all things, as there is only one thing, which is light/love. All else is identity and distinction of that limitless light, merely illusion. You have the free will to see things as they are or how you'd like. It's still false distinction, seeing things as they are implies one could see how they are nor, already creating a function of duality which distorts truth.

>> No.10500759

>Literal proof that the brain physically modifies itself following purely psychological changes is proof that genes determine everything.
Go back to /pol/ with your brainlet friends

>> No.10500762

Gender exist in the same way political identity does.

Anti-LGBT types are an old dying breed, on the verge of extinction. You're like the equivalent of dial-up.

>> No.10500765

Then neither are females

>> No.10500767

>And remember that people are waking up, and this whole tranny thing is going to be stomped out with no mercy.
>wahh, mommy these weird people exist (in tiny numbers) and annoy me so I want to gas them please mommy let me kill them please!
You're a sad, wretched little man. Stop caring about irrelevant bullshit that doesn't affect you and maybe save yourself before you're too far gone. How many trans people do you see daily? And when you do, how does their existence ruin your life? Just fucking ignore them, they're so rare it doesn't matter.

Jesus christ, people like you WANT to be angry, you seek out this sort of thing to stoke your hatred. Stop doing that and just live your life

>> No.10500772

You have a womb, but you are male?

Are you intersex? What condition do you have?

>> No.10501043


don't ever use vedic teachings to justify your bullshit again you nasty little slime. You are completely misinterpreting a religion in order to try and fit your sick world view. This is a vile demonic seed that you and your twisted degenerate western brain try to instill into something that you don't understand. You got so many things wrong in your post about what Brahman is and what it's about its almost laughable.

>> No.10501064

>I may be mentally ill, but I'm not mentally ill.

>> No.10501083
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Physically male. My physical body does not define my features, which includes my physical body, the infinite void.and the cosmos itself.

Brahman is light /love itself, intelligent infinity, the core of all creation, undifferentiated and limitless. If you think otherwise, you are mistaken. Your discontent and objection is not laughable, it's a tragic display. I will pray for you.

>> No.10501084
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Schizophrenia is a function of production which produces, it has nothing to do with illness and can be observed in many aspects of nature and society.

>> No.10501085

trannyfags confirmed newage cunts

>> No.10501169


Please, realize that these moron trannies and leftist söyboys know nothing about Buddhism or Hinduism and their opinions don't represent the reality of the religions at all.

You're a fucking moron.
> While that's the state of the vast majority of humanity, making this nearly irrelevant, a fully formed self(Brahman) will be undifferentiated cognitively.
You argument is that Brahman is asexual, which it is cause it isn't a person. However a person cannot ever be in that state until after death cause they are limited by their bodies. You're trying to pretend you're some ascended being "above" everyone else by twisting the words of a religion you don't understand. If you lived in the times of the men who wrote the vedic texts they would chop your filthy heretic head off for insinuating that a holy text in any way supports someone being a disgusting pervert transexual.

I sincerely hope you try to go into a female bathroom as the fake woman you are, and you get arrested and shot by the cops when they catch your pedophile ass creeping around. The thought of your fake intellectual facade dissipating as you scream in pain bleeding to death, realizing that you lived your life as a demonic schizo is just so satisfying.

>> No.10501220

>You argument is that Brahman is asexual
Undifferentiated, not asexual.

>a person cannot ever be in that state until after death cause they are limited by their bodies
A person can never be in that state as they define themselves as a person. It is not the person who is Brahman, it is the self. You speak with the Ego Individuality, not the self. You speak as the Ego Personality, which must be mastered and slain.

>"above" everyone
I'm as low as the lowest, as they are me and their suffering mine.

The rest of your attempt at cruelty and coping is not of value to address. I suggest you find God, compassion and love somewhere in your life.

>> No.10501236

how is this science or math

>> No.10501248

yo this is some revolutionary shit
turn the snowflakes into fuel with the power of the infinite potential of their gender confusions

>> No.10501253

i mean youre not wrong but why are you so angry?

>> No.10501253,2 [INTERNAL] 

I agree, I have seen a lot of crazy stuff especially in Asian countries - like parents don't even look like their children because of plastic surgery. Gender stuff could be aided with supplements I get it, but genetic modification is too freaky

>> No.10501253,3 [INTERNAL] 

No I don't think that its that expensive. It's beyond expensive it's like giving up your soul or something. This reference is crazy my friend